Chester County Press 04-19-2023 Edition

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Avon Grove welcomes friends and stakeholders at dedication for new high school


The dedication event at the new Avon Grove High School last Thursday brought out expressions of delight and satisfaction among the guests—reminiscent of an encore at a Broadway musical.

The ceremony gave stakeholders a chance to see the fruits of their labors that began with a 35-member planning committee in 2014 and moved on to the building’s opening for students

last September.

So agreeable and warm was the weather under the early evening skies that Superintendent Christopher Marchese, in his keynote, said if they had anticipated such pleasant conditions, they could have held the event outside.

Throughout his speech in the new auditorium, he spoke often on how important he felt the building was for the students to achieve their goals and dreams.

“This school was built for

you, the students, with you in mind,” he said Architect Michael Strohecker had a story to tell. He said the construction of the building, originally estimated at $81,001,789, presented challenges he had never encountered before because of the COVID19 pandemic. He said the whole labor force had masks on throughout and that that labor and material were difficult to obtain during that time as well.

New Garden board grants approval to Purolite, LLC to occupy Starr Road facility

By a vote of 5-0 at an April 17 hearing, the New Garden Township Board of Supervisors gave conditional use approval to Purolite, LLC to open a resin-based, purification and extraction manufacturing facility at the currently vacant building at 380 Starr Road in the township.

The hearing, which was continued from a two-hour conditional use hearing held at the Township Building on March 20, served to provide testimony from Purolite Senior Project Manager Michael Murphy and David Citro, the director of civil engineering for the Mainstay Engineering Group, who is serving as the project manager for

Fair housing for everyone

Purolite’s new building.

Following a two-year redevelopment process – in accordance with the township’s zoning ordinance -- the 12-acre, 107,000 square-foot Starr Road facility will serve as a manufacturing and distribution center for Purolite in the making of Agarose resin beads, a material extracted from certain types of seaweed that is frequently used in molecular biology for separation of large molecules and protein purification.

Headquartered in King of Prussia, Purolite is a world leader in resin-based separation, purification and extraction technology, and produces more than 1,000 active commercial products that serve the environmental, business and healthcare

Continued on page 3A

Pedestrians recovering from S. Third Street accident in Oxford

Contributing Writer

Oxford Borough Council held a lengthy discussion at their recent meeting about a recent pedestrian accident involving a mother and child on S. Third

Street. They were crossing the street to the bank side when they were struck by a vehicle.

Police Chief Sam Iacono said, “Thankfully the mother and child just received minor injuries. They are recovering, but it could have been much worse. The driv-

er was traveling within the speed limit, but due to traffic being backed up, the driver had difficulty seeing the pedestrians coming out into traffic. All were shaken.”

The accident did bring up some concerns about pedestrian safety during high-traffic times on S.

Third Street. Iacono explained that pedestrian and vehicle conflicts are a concern that must be handled. Options could include flashing lights, although that would be costly. Another option could be to configure the crosswalk differently.

Oxford Borough Council unanimously approved a five-year contract extension for Iacono. He has been focused on training, grant funding, and creating a more efficient police department with an eye on community policing.

Continued on page 4A

Kennett School Board aims to raise academic achievement for Hispanic students

Members of the Kennett School Board voiced support for addressing gaps in math and English learning between Anglo and Hispanic students, at their April 10 meeting. The Kennett Consolidated School District student body is variously reported as serving between 41 and 45 percent Hispanic/Latino demographic.

“This is a clear priority for the district to address. Our schools fall at or below the standards, primarily our

English language learners, who make up a relatively large portion of our students, and students with disabilities,” said Ann Parry, the board’s Curriculum Committee chairperson, during her report at the meeting.

Schools designated as having specific subgroups that are falling behind are required to develop building level school improvement plans.

Parry reported that her committee reviewed “MAP” or measures of academic progress that identified these gaps. MAP is reported as a three-part test that mea-

sures student knowledge in reading, language usage and mathematics.

She added that as these specific students move through the grades in Kennett, their gaps in MAPS-measured achievement grow even greater.

Parry reported that they also reviewed the ELLevation program platform, which will allow building leaders and teachers to have access to and understand student language proficiency levels.

This will initially be rolled out to English language teachers and building

leaders, and subsequently to classroom teachers, she said.

Board Communications

Committee chairman Mark Bowden proposed actions that could help improve the learning disparity. He said his committee members discussed how to increase the number of Hispanic teachers on the staff as well as the number who actually speak Spanish. Bowden suggested three actions. The first is to expand the district’s Pathways program which enrolls some of the bilingual graduates in West Chester University

and returns them to the district as teachers.

The second is making Spanish language skills a requirement for many new positions. “It is hard enough just to find qualified teachers of any kind right now,” Bowden said. “We discussed increasing efforts to recruit from our own large Hispanic community, putting them to work as teaching aides or translators and steering them toward certification.”

The third is working with the teachers’ union to create incentives for the current

$1.50 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 ChesterCountyPRESS Covering Avon Grove, Chadds Ford, Kennett Square, Oxford, & Unionville Areas To Subscribe Call 610.869.5553 © 2007 The Chester County Press Volume 157, No. 16 INSIDE
track park...1B Community grows with the 2023 KSQ Farmers Market...1B Continued on page 3A Continued on page 2A FROM OUR LENS
Bike Kennett gets green light
of Kennett
their children to books provided by Arts Holding Hands and Hearts at a fair housing celebration on April 11 that invited 15 area agencies to provide housing-related information to guests. The event, held at the Mary D. Lang Elementary School and sponsored by Kennett Area Community Service and State Rep. Christina Sappey, recognized April as National Fair Housing Month and the 55th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act that prohibits housing discrimination.
Photo by Richard L. Gaw
Pacitto and Janelle Benson
Square introduce
Photo by Chris Barber Visitors were welcomed at the dedication of the new Avon Grove High School on April 13.

Avon Grove...

Continued from Page 1A

Later, the architects showed a video depicting the building process of the school.

Included among the visitors to the event were township officials and other elected officials, construction crew and architects, performing students, school administrators and school board members. The cafeteria stuff was on hand to provide refreshments in the first half hour.

School Board President Bonnie Wolff recounted the process that brought them to the completed building.

She said a committee weighed options – one that even included renovating the old high school and building a new middle school. The committee finally recommended, however, to move ahead with the new high school. The building itself is massive and gray with a slanted entrance roof.

Avon Grove High School student newspaper editor Jackson Morris was on hand surveying the goings-

Local News Chester County Press

on. He said he and his fellow students are happy in the new building. It has much wider halls, and it’s easy to move around.

One of the things he said they are still getting used to is the third floor. The former high school had only two floors.

“The school is much more open. The other was kind of dark,” he said.

Among the presenters in the auditorium were High School Principal Christie Snead and Student Body President Carlos Ochoa.

They held up a time capsule that will be sealed and re-opened at a date in the future. Snead said the students contributed to the contents with objects that reflect the current time and place.

The presentations concluded with the cutting of a ribbon with Wolff, her board colleagues and local dignitaries standing beside her.

Students guided guests on tours around the school.

Several unique features of the new school are two outdoor enclosed courtyards – apparently for gatherings and outdoor study -- and a landing of stairs outside

the auditorium called “The Learning Steps,” where students can sit and watch

Two women injured in shooting at Lincoln University

An investigation is underway following a shooting on the campus of Lincoln University on April 15.

Two women were injured during the incident and the

suspect remains unidentified and was still at large as of Tuesday morning.

According to the Chester County District Attorney’s Office, one of the victims

was seated on a bench seat on the second floor of the LLC Building. Another victim was standing in the hallway nearby. Neither victim knew the other.

The second-floor hallway of the LLC Building was crowded with hundreds of people. Both victims recalled hearing a single gunshot, and then the crowd in the hallway area began running.

One of the victims told police that she felt pain in her left thigh and observed that she had been shot there. She had brushed a copper jacket from a bullet off of her leg.

The other victim suffered

a gunshot wound to her left ankle and at this time, doctors believe the round is still lodged in her ankle.

Neither of the victims saw who had fired the weapon.

Detectives arrived at the location and quickly began processing the scene. They believe that one gunshot was fired and struck both victims.

The shooting occurred during the school’s annual Spring Fling event and there were several thousand people in attendance on the campus in Lower Oxford Township.

District Attorney Deb Ryan said, “Thousands of people were terrified during this unexpected shooting, and it is very fortunate that there were no fatalities. Two young women and the people who were present deserve justice for this alarming incident. We need the public’s help to solve this case. If anyone has any information about this incident, please contact the Chester Detectives at 610-344-6866 or 911 immediately.”

The front hall, all dressed with balloons, invites in guests at the dedication. All photos by Chris Barber Avon Grove High School Principal Christie Snead, left, and Student Body President Carlos Ochoa display the time capsule that was filled by students and will be opened at a date in the future. Avon Grove School Board President Bonnie Wolff, surrounded by her colleagues in the school district, cuts the ribbon on the new school at the dedication ceremony. At left is Superintendent Christopher Marchese. Student musicians entertain guests at the dedication. videos that are shown in front of them there. The street on which the school sits is named for Lawrence Waltman, who operated Sunset Park well into his old age and is a legend in southern Chester County.

New Garden...

Continued from Page 1A

industries. It employs over 1,000 staff around the world across 40 sales centers, five research and development centers and five manufacturing sites.

‘White elephant in the township’

From a usage standpoint, the reopening of the facility will bring new life to a location that has served as a white elephant in the township since it was vacated by W.L. Gore in 2018 after having served as a branch facility for the company beginning in 2008. As Murphy spelled out at the March 20 hearing, the site will provide high-skill jobs for over 100 employees, and operate on a seven-day, 24-hour basis.

Conducted by attorney Winifred Sebastian and Michael Gill, Esq. an attorney with the law firm of Buckley Brio in West Chester, the hearing discussed the land development plan for the project that was submitted to the township on April 12. Citro and Murphy each provided a broad overview of the building’s upgrades and use of the facility once its land development site plan is put into motion.

The improvements to the facility, Citro said, will include a 7,280 square-foot utility shed, a 500 squarefoot raw materials storage shed, an underground fire water containment tank that will be held in concrete vault, an above-ground fire suppression water tank, an

underground stormwater management system and a 7,125-square-foot tank farm and adjacent pump house.

Referring to several exhibits introduced by Gill into the hearing, Citro said that the facility will maintain a screen buffer along Starr Road in accordance with the township’s zoning ordinance and include several bushes and plantings; that the township’s traffic engineer has agreed that no traffic study will be required for the Purolite facility; that the company is proposing no changes to site access or the current parking configuration, which will provide for 222 vehicles; and that Purolite will use the two existing loading areas at the building and not construct any additional docks.

Referring to issues raised by a township resident during the hearing, Murphy said with certain exceptions, Purolite will make truck deliveries and wastewater export during “normal business hours,” which he estimated to be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. While the site will be in operation 24 hours a day, Murphy said that outdoor lighting will be reduced during evening hours, and that construction work at the site will mostly occur inside the building.

The hearing also heard testimony from Gregory Landis, a program project director with the engineering firm of Integrated Project Services, LLC –the engineer of record for the Purolite development project -- who attended a meeting between the project’s developers and residents whose homes are

in the vicinity of the Starr Road facility. He said that the meeting included a tour of the property and addressing neighbors’ concerns for the development plan.

In his closing remarks, Gill said that the development of 380 Starr Road “presents an opportunity to return to productive use a significant property in the township that is zoned for light and limited industrial use and which is proposed for exactly that type of use.

“The nature of the use as described in testimony and the nature of improvements and the nature of those improvements are entirely consistent with the [township] ordinance,” Gill said.

“As it has been flushed out by testimony and exhibits, this proposal falls squarely within the conditional use allowance for light and limited industrial use in the unified development district.

“On top of that, Purolite is a world-class operator and a responsible operator. The product that is to be produced is benign but highly valuable. Purolite’s use of the property will bring a significant number of highly skilled jobs, not only to this site which has sat unused for far too long, but to the township in general.”

Murphy, Citro and Landis agreed to the conditions of the approval that were shared by Sebastian at the conclusion of the hearing.

In other township business

The supervisors approved a preliminary land development plan – and three

of four waiver requests –for the Rouse Chamberlin townhomes development on 156-162 Bancroft Road in the township. The 26-acre project is planning to construct 98 single-family attached townhomes that are sized between 1,800 and 2,100 square feet. The board’s approval followed a March 22 Planning Commission meeting, when members unanimously recommended that the board approve the development plan and waiver requests.

The board gave unanimous approval to Jon Martin, the aviation director of the New Garden Flying Field, to send out a request for a proposal bid in order to transfer the assets from the New Garden Flight Connection to the Flying Field in the amount of $270,000. The assets include: a RedBird Desktop Flight Simulator ($2,000); Piper Cherokee 140 ($65,000); Cessna 150 ($45,000); Cessna 150 ($45,000); Cessna 172L ($108,000); as well as computers, and office furniture and equipment. Following the completion of the trans-

Kennett school board...

Continued from Page 1A teachers to learn Spanish, ideally in intensive immersion programs that help them more rapidly achieve fluency.

Last year, the board adopted this goal statement: Kennett Consolidated School District’s strength is its bilingual and multicultural community. In alignment

action, the New Garden Flight Connection will continue under the management of the New Garden Flying Field.

The board also recognized through a resolution the upcoming retirement of Lewis Gay, the township’s director of finance and treasurer after a 17-year career with the township.

Prior to joining the township in 2006, Gay served as a financial administrator for six local governments that included the Borough of Pottstown, Lancaster

with the district’s vision and mission, the Board charges our administration to build on that strength with an educational system that enables all of our students to succeed, no matter their origin or primary language.

In other business:

School district CFO

Mark Tracy presented the proposed final 2023-24 operating budget. The proposal lowered the required real estate tax increase from .93 percent to .76 percent.

Parking Authority, the City of Reading, the City of Coatesville, Whitemarsh Township and West Goshen Township.

“I would like to thank all of the supervisors through the years, all of the employees and staff I have worked with, and various boards, commissions and authorities for all of your support and devotion to this township,” Gay said.

To contact Staff Writer Richard L. Gaw, email

The major expenditure adjustments include a director of instructional innovation, increases in contracted transportation and workers’ compensation, safety and security enhancements, and an additional allocation for SROs. The offsets in revenue were derived from increases in state subsidies as proposed in the Governor’s Commonwealth Budget, according to the board financial report.

Chester County Press
Local News
Photo by Richard L. Gaw The New Garden Township Board of Supervisors gave conditional use approval at their April 17 meeting to Purolite, LLC that permits the company to operate the former W.L. Gore building at 380 Starr Road as a manufacturing facility.

New Jersey man charged with arson in connection to fire at Kennett Square business

Giuesppe DeAngelis, 45, of Ventnor City, N.J., was recently arrested in connection to a fire that occurred at J&G Automotive in Kennett Square on May 3, 2021. DeAngelis has been charged with arson, insurance fraud, recklessly endangering another person, and related offenses. The preliminary hearing is scheduled for May 24.

The Chester County District Attorney’s Office, the Chester County Fire Marshal, and the Kennett Square Police Department all conducted investigations that resulted in the arrest.

“DeAngelis believed that the only way to get out of a large financial debt was to set fire to his business and cash in a payout,” District Attorney Deb Ryan said. “He not only put the life of another person at the location in jeopardy, but he


Continued from Page 1A

Borough Manager Pauline Garcia-Allen updated council on the progress of the subdivision and land development and zoning ordinance revisions. The next meeting with Bergman Associates, the firm tasked with the project, will be held on Tuesday, April 25 at 4 p.m. at the Borough Hall. Council President Kathryn Cloyd gave an update from the Advisory

risked the lives of all who came to assist, and risked setting fire to a business next door. We thank all first responders who helped including Kennett Square Police Department and the Fire Marshal’s Office for conducting a thorough investigation and uncovering the truth behind this fraud.”

Kennett Square Police Chief William Holdsworth said, “This was an incredible example of collaborative investigative efforts brought forward by the Kennett Square Police Departments Criminal Investigations Division, the Chester County Fire Marshal’s Office, and the Chester County District Attorney’s Office. We thank all involved who worked diligently to bring this investigation to a close and the defendant, subsequently to justice.”

According to the District

Commission on Latino Affairs (ACOLA) Working Group. The group met with the Kennett ACOLA group. The group educates the council, the community, fire department, police and workplaces on issues of concern to the Latino community. They are a problem solving group helping the Latino population.

In other business, borough council approved a resolution reaffirming the position of the Oxford Borough Council that the

Attorney’s Office, on May 3, 2021, a fire was reported at approximately 1:09 a.m. to 911 by Elizabeth Cadwalader, the wife of Giuseppe DeAngelis. She stated that there was a fire at J&G Automotive, located at 340 Cream Street, Kennett Square Borough, Chester County. At approximately 1:11 a.m., Giuseppe DeAngelis, the business owner, reported to 911 that there were smoke and large flames coming from the location.

Police officers from the Kennett Square Police Department and firefighters from the Kennett Fire Company were dispatched to the scene where they observed heavy fire and smoke. As a result of the fire, there was a total loss of property. Investigators spoke with DeAngelis, who told them

Chester Water Authority should not be sold to a private entity.

Council also approved a request from the Oxford Library to install a bilingual book walk installation at Oxford Memorial Park.

Carey Bresler, the library director, explained that she worked with Public Works to find an appropriate location for the installation. In the event of vandalism, the vendor and the library will handle that, including providing a certificate of

that he was the lone occupant of J&G Automotive at the time of the fire and that prior to noticing the fire he had been inside doing paperwork and then went to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, he heard the alarm system go off and subsequently called his wife to inform her about it. He reported that he began seeing smoke enter the bathroom and exited the shop through the garage door.

Chief County Fire Marshal

John Weer conducted a full examination and investigation of the scene and determined that the fire had been started in multiple areas inside the business –near a desk where records were kept, and in a back storage room approximately 20 feet away. The cause of the fire was determined not to be electrical in nature, and a melted gas can was locat-

insurance to the Borough. A site plan will be developed illustrating the location as well.

Council also approved the following new business items:

• A special event application from Oxford Mainstreet Inc for First Fridays for May, June, July, October, November and December in 2023;

• A letter of engagement from Siana Law to provide legal representation to the Oxford Borough UCC

ed inside the office area, in close proximity to where the fire was started.

Investigators attempted to obtain surveillance footage from inside J&G Automotive but discovered that three of the five cameras were disabled shortly prior to the fire. The only operational camera did not capture the area where the fire was started but showed the defendant walking towards the bathroom around 1 a.m., with flames visible on camera five minutes later.

Investigators later determined that J&G Automotive’s PennDOT inspection and emissions records were not in compliance, and that DeAngelis was being audited at the time of the fire. The defendant had previously been suspended from conducting inspections and was anticipating further review

Board of Appeals;

• A resolution appointing the Oxford Borough UCC Board of Appeals and its solicitor;

• A Spotts, Stevens and McCoy proposal to complete a concept plan design and related project documentation for the Niblock Alley improvements in the amount of $23,300. GarciaAllen said that this project will be funded by property owners;

• A Spotts, Stevens and McCoy proposal to com-

of his records. Investigators found that at the time of the incident the defendant was also experiencing numerous financial difficulties including mortgage forbearance, a civil suit, substantial debt to creditors, and a negative business banking balance. Insurance company records indicate that a claim was made on a policy held by J&G Automotive the same day of the fire. This policy covered the contents of the building up to $342,000 and resulted in a payout of over $278,000 to the defendant. The defendant was arraigned by Magisterial District Judge Al Iacocca, with a $250,000 unsecured bail.

Kennett Square Police Department and the Chester County Fire Marshal investigated. Assistant District Attorney Jessica Acito is the assigned prosecutor.

plete concept plan design related to repairs and improvements to the Broad Street Bridge and an adjacent retaining wall; and

• A letter of support for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay for its Riparian, Upland, and Urban Forest Expansion proposal to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) for a Community Conservation Partnership Program (C2P2) grant award.

4A CHESTER COUNTY PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 Local News Chester County Press Valley View Perennial Growers 2068 Limestone Rd (Rt 10), Cochranville Pa 19330 484-883-0303 Beautiful Selection of Plants that are Native and Deer Resistant, Attract Butterflies, Hummingbirds & Bees 25% OFF Perennial of the Week

‘The most important indicator of a civilized society’

On April 3, in honor of April being designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month, State Rep. Christina Sappey committed an act of pure selflessness and grace, not only for the people of the 158th District that she represents but for all children in Pennsylvania.

Sappey introduced HB 813 in the House to codify the Pennsylvania Office of Child Advocate as a permanent agency and create a permanent Office of the Child Advocate in Pennsylvania, and enable it to remain throughout changes in administrations.

It is a progressive measure that not only brings the safety of our children into better focus, but shines a light on the staunch reluctance of the commonwealth to create this office sooner.

Although the establishment of this office has been recommended by

grand juries, advocates, task forces and supported by study after study for the last 20 years -Pennsylvania has not yet created an independent office to advocate on behalf of its children.

Colliding with the push for this legislation are these indisputable facts:

• 34 other states have created their own Office of the Child Advocate.

• The bill has received the support of 20 Democrats in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, as well as the Joint State Government Commission Advisory Committee on Services to Children and Youth and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force.

• Not one Republican has registered support of HB 813.

• In 2021, Pennsylvania found over 5,000 cases of child abuse including nearly 60 children who died as a result.

The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) was created, and continues to operate, through an executive order to protect our children from abuse and exploitation. OCA provides a direct line to assistance for our most vulnerable children, serving a critical role in our government to ensure that vulnerable children have a voice.

“One thing that’s done within these offices in other states is there’s a direct phone line, a direct email line, a way for youth to get in touch with an advocate that is not working within the system that they are feeling they need to speak out against,” said Maryann McEvoy, Commonwealth Child Advocate.

“When we understand what adverse childhood experiences are, the lasting trauma they create and how the impacts of trauma are passed from

one generation to the next, we can indeed break the cycle and change the trajectory of a life,” said Sappey. “There is nothing more important than ensuring a safe, healthy and stable environment for our children to grow up in.

“I believe we have a moral responsibility to not only raise awareness of but to take action to ensure that comprehensive mental health resources are available to our children and youth. The most important indicator of a civilized society is what we do for those who cannot protect themselves.”

We applaud State Sen. Sappey on the work she is doing -- not in the name of furthering her own career or advancing her party's agenda -- but for the children of Pennsylvania whose safety and lives will be protected by the passage of this bill, now and for generations to come.

Ancient triggers came to pass birds ratchet up as the morning became electra with a heightened sense of awareness as if a church in the wild wood once held in the balance is pealing out of any doubt this Easter tide as russet, gold, and green buds brighten in the bushes and trees.

No longer at ease

an eagle nests on the pinnacle arresting the vigilance of all.

Not the calendar date of newly arrived April, but the sun’s blasting rays, the awakening heat, the defining cries of Spring Peepers while a curtain of fog rolling off the pond, water stirring, frog spawn purring in ever-widening circles of delight.

Even the lily pads have made a leap from the muddied end to the other still fortified by water when a golden globe pops up.

Gleaming fresh water clams dispatched by the Great Blue Heron, but without any stunning pearls attached.

Marvelous marks the seasonal outbreak, but in its wake, Monarch butterflies are diminished, the Karner Blue chrysalis will no longer awaken to the blue lupine for sustenance.

The Farmer’s Almanac for planting in various regions, no longer a tried and true tested of when to seed and when to plant in the well spring of deliverance so advanced. Can Nature wake up to the rearrangement of the seasonal foray?

Hundreds attend Chester County Job Fair

Nearly 100 employers from a variety of industries across the region met with more than 200 job seekers at a job fair held at West Chester University’s Hollinger Fieldhouse on April 4.

The event was a partnership between Chester County’s Workforce Development Board, West Chester University, and PA CareerLink - Chester County.

Butch Urban, an administrator with PA CareerLink - Chester County, said, “It’s not often that close to 100 companies looking to hire are under one roof, talking with prospective employees. It was an exciting afternoon, seeing the conversations and interactions between hiring employers and those seeking jobs.”

Dr. Julie L. Dietrich, executive director for external relations at West Chester University, noted, “The idea to offer a joint WCU and Chester County job fair stemmed from a conversation with County leader Pat Bokovitz, and with my

office of external relations and our Twardowski Career Development Center in partnership with the county, I am elated that we have brought this opportunity for our campus and regional community to fruition.”

Chester County’s Workforce Development Board focuses on the planning and promotion of an effective workforce throughout the county, and partners with organizations that benefit the needs of both employers and employees.

“For those who couldn’t attend this week’s job fair, the PA CareerLink – Chester County office is a “one-stop” shop where job seekers and businesses can share access to job training, education and employment services, and receive personalized help for recruiting employees, and finding jobs,” added Jeannette Roman, director of the Chester County Workforce Development Board.

For more information go to

The Kennett Underground Railroad Center receives Mushroom Festival grant

The Kennett Underground Railroad Center (KURC) was awarded $2,000 by the Kennett Square Mushroom Festival to assist with the

organization's Underground Railroad Heritage tours the organization announced today. The grant comes from proceeds from the

Chester County Press

Publisher - Randall S. Lieberman

Steve Hoffman...............................Managing Editor

Richard L. Gaw...............................Associate Editor

Chris Barber.............................Contributing Writer

Betsy Brewer Brantner...........Contributing Writer

Marcella Peyre-Ferry..............Contributing Writer

Gene Pisasale...........................Contributing Writer

Monica Thompson Fragale....Contributing Writer

Brenda Butt......................................Office Manager

Tricia Hoadley........................................Art Director

Sherry Hutchinson......................Graphic Designer

Alan E. Turns...........................Advertising Director

Teri Turns...............................Advertising Executive

Helen E. Warren....................Advertising Executive

Amy Lieberman...........Marketing/Public Relations

2022 Mushroom Festival.

While the Mushroom Festival is a weekend event, its impacts last all year long in Kennett Square and surrounding communities. Each year, proceeds from the famous Kennett Square Mushroom Festival are awarded to local community organizations and non-profit organizations.

Over the past 20 years, the Mushroom Festival has donated more than $1 million in funds to local organizations for things like books, playground equipment, food, transportation, and healthcare services, among other projects.

“We are delighted to receive this grant,” said Terence Maguire, president of KURC. "The money will help in defraying the greatly increased costs of these tours, which have been offered by KURC Board members

Avon Grove Leos donate to Oxford Neighborhood Services

and volunteers for several decades. In most cases we need to hire buses in order to conduct these 2-2 1/2 hors tours, and since 2019 the cost of the rentals has essentially doubled. This grant will allow us to reduce the price for each passenger by about one-third and make the experience more affordable."

The 2023 Mushroom Festival will be held September 9 and 10, on State Street. For information and updates on the upcoming Festival, visit

The mission of the Kennett Underground Railroad Center (KURC) is to preserve and celebrate the heritage and engage the public about the historic abolitionists, Underground Railroad agents, and freedom seekers of this area and beyond. This year, the organization is celebrating its first quarter century of fulfilling this mission.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 CHESTER COUNTY PRESS 5A Chester County Press Opinion Editorial Chester County Press Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The Quickening
Courtesy photo Chester County Commissioners Josh Maxwell and Michelle Kichline, West Chester University president Chris Fiorentino, and County Commissioners Chair Marian Moskowitz stopped by the Chester County job fair, held at West Chester University’s Hollinger Fieldhouse.
second of
Courtesy photo The Avon Grove High School Leos shopped at the Giant on April 5 for 171 items to supplement the Oxford Area Neighborhood Services Center’s food cupboard, which also serves the West Grove area. This is
funded by the
Grove Lions Club. Pictured are Leos Maddie Butler, Helike Milestone, Lexa Earley and Eva McGrath.
NO REFUNDS AFTER RECEIPT OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT Current and previous week's issues are $1.50 each. Older issues are $2.50 each. Periodicals postage paid at Oxford, PA 19363. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chester County Press, P.O. Box 150, Kelton, PA 19346.
6A CHESTER COUNTY PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 Enjoy profitable, part-time morning and afternoon employment with nights, weekends, and holidays off. HIRING ALL POSITIONS WITH INCENTIVES: START TRAINING TODAY! WE’RE HIRING IMMEDIATELY! 610-869-2881 DUVALLBUSSERVICE.COM AIDES VAN DRIVERS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Health insurance is 50% paid for by employer 401K | Hiring Bonus Retention Bonus

Bike Kennett gets green light for pump track park in Kennett Square Borough

Bike Kennett received Borough Council’s approval to begin work on a pump track bicycle park located in the old “Parish Property” on West South Street with completion expected by the end of 2023. The Kennett Bike Park will feature a loop track with natural surfaces for mountain, BMX and hybrid-style bikes. It will be accessible via a short trail from Pennock Park, where parking will be available.

“The idea of a pump track is that the starting point is higher than the rest, and once you get started you can pump your body and get through the whole track without pedaling,” said Josie Marsh, the chairperson for Bike Kennett.

Inspired by the pump track at White Clay and the Parish Trail from Pennock Park, Marsh created the plan for the Kennett Bike Park.

The new park will be of no cost to the borough for construction, as most of the construction and labor has been generously donated by Green Roots Landscaping, a Kennett Square small business. Additional funds will be raised as needed by Bike Kennett and the Kennett Trails Alliance, who acts as their fiscal sponsor. A kickoff event will take place on April 27 at The Creamery.

The Kennett Bike Park’s logo will be released at that event. T-shirts will be available for sale, and 20 percent of the proceeds from The Creamery’s sales from 4 to 10 p.m. that eve-

ning will be donated to the project.

The park itself will feature a looped course of unpaved dirt track with small hills, circling a pollinator garden in the center to help accommodate runoff.

“We not only want to provide something for people to do, but help improve the environment as well,” Marsh said.

Plans to build a pavilion and picnic tables are on a list for future updates. It will also be included as part of the Kennett Greenway, a 14-mile, multipurpose trail loop with a goal to “connect the Kennett community and nature to each other.” The Greenway is an ongoing project based on grant funding; a map is available on their website showing completed and inprogress sections.

Kennett Bike Park will be available for free to all who would like to use it, including children of all ages, area biking teams and clubs.

Mountain bikes, BMX or hybrid bikes are suggested for the track. If you’re in need of a bike, Bike Kennett can help you at the annual Bike Fest Event, located at Pennock Park this year on Sept. 23. Last year’s event gave away 120 refurbished bikes donated by Trek Newark.

“We have seen a big need for bikes in this community, not only for recreation, but for transportation,” Marsh said. “We don’t have a bike shop in Kennett Square, so this event has become very important for people in Kennett to get bikes. And

we’re giving out helmets, lights, locks, and (safety) vests. So we’re providing people in Kennett what they need to ride a bike.” Follow along with updates on Bike Kennett and their events on their FaceBook page

Community grows with the 2023 KSQ Farmers Market

The 23rd season of the KSQ Farmers Market is now underway and everyone in the community is invited to stop by and discover what’s new this season.

KSQ Farmers Market customers glean the benefits of the freshest, healthiest, and most flavorful food with the fewest food miles. They also support the livelihood of local farmers and producers, make a positive and important environmental impact by supporting growers who are restoring the land and preserving biodiversity, and connect more deeply with this place local residents call home.

Just as not all food labeled “natural” actually is, many “farmers markets” feature merchandise that’s brought in from elsewhere alongside locally grown items.

The KSQ Farmers Market, by contrast, is a producersonly market. Customers know where their food comes from because they buy directly from the people who grow and make what they sell.

“Something many people don’t realize is that a true farmers market like ours is the ‘storefront’ for most of the small, family-run businesses who are at market week to week. And for most, these businesses are their livelihood—not just side gigs,” said Market Manager Ros Fenton.

“When you make the KSQ Farmers Market part of your grocery shopping routine, you are truly supporting your local community and our local economy. Your hard-earned food dollars go directly into sustaining the businesses of these hardworking local people.”

Part of the joy of frequenting a local farmers market is exploring new foods and rediscovering how “real food” tastes, in addition to finding accompaniments that complete meals and menus and make staple ingredients sing. With favorite vendors returning for the season

in addition to some fresh faces, the 2023 season is full of promise.

2023 season overview

More and more weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly growers and producers will gradually return to the market over the coming weeks. Fenton, who has managed the market for over six seasons now, carefully vets vendors for quality and pieces together a weekly jig-saw puzzle so that each week’s market features all the staples as well as a great variety of vendors and products.

Though each week is slightly different, shoppers can count on finding a wide selection of in-season fruit and vegetables in addition to meat, dairy products, baked goods, prepared foods, and more, every Friday.

Beginning in May, abundant produce will be supplied throughout the season by a number of different farms, including long-time market favorites Douglas and Elizabeth Randolph of Swallow Hill. Several new local farms will be joining the market lineup this season, replacing Flying Plow. These include bi-weekly vendors Bright Spot Farm, which trains and supports youth in Wilmington and Newark, and Full Table Farm. Full Table is a relatively new farm in Kennett Square run by experienced farmers and long-time market

customers Liam Miller and Timothy Colman. Market customers will also be delighted to see Rachel Brewer bringing produce grown on her own farm, Brewer’s Hideaway Farm.

“Rachel has been the face of Flying Plow at the Kennett market for years and is such a part of the community already,” Fenton said. “She’s also been farming herself for many years and has plans to grow through the winter months as well.”

Rex Farm Orchards will be at the market every Friday as soon as the berries start to ripen, and King’s Sweet Corn & Produce will return when their delicious corn comes into season. Family Tree and Walnut Hill Flower Farm will also bring plants and flowers, respectively, every week. Other weekly vendors for the season will include Honeymoon Farm (mushrooms), Lindenhof Farm (meat and eggs), Taste of Puebla, and Green Lion Breads, Heart Stone Pastry, and Tat’s Yummies with baked goods.

The market will also welcome newcomers Kombucha Bliss as well as Aaji’s, a women-led family venture bringing Coastal Indian products including their Tomato Lonsa. Another familiar face from Flying Plow, Amber Henderson, will be bringing her Tree of Life natural soaps to the market on alternate weeks from Botanical Bubbles so there

will be a range of handcrafted body care products every week.

Market goers will find local cheeses and dairy products from a variety of longtime favorite vendors every week, and honey, yogurt, nut butters, pastas, pickles, hot sauces, brittle, and maple products every other week. Makers bringing artisan spice blends and cocktail mixers, dog treats, local grains and granola, herbal teas, hand-turned wooden bowls, hand-sewn reusable bags and more, and gluten-free baked goods will all be at the market on a monthly basis.

While the serendipity of seeing what’s in season is often part of the fun of shopping at a farmers market, Fenton also makes it easy for those who are making a commitment to eating local to plan ahead. Subscribers to the KSQ Farmers Market newsletter receive a clear, user-friendly email each week listing not only the vendors who will be there on Friday but also what they will be bringing as well as links and any relevant pre-ordering information.

A community hub

Part of what makes Kennett Square unique and special are the events that happen in every season— from Third Thursdays to parades, the Mushroom Festival, Brewfest, and the

Holiday Village Market. The KSQ Farmers Market, with its unique weekly mix of vendors and community partners and its location at The Creamery—a perfect place to enjoy post-market al fresco food and drinks— is like a mini Third Thursday experience or a smaller, summertime version of the popular Holiday Village Market with a culinary focus.

“Our farmers market is more than just a place to buy fresh, locally grown produce. It’s a vibrant community hub that brings together farmers, producers, and consumers, fostering relationships and supporting local economies,” said Kennett Collaborative Executive Director Daniel Embree.

The market is a program of Kennett Collaborative and reflects the organization’s mission to create programs and events that help Kennett become a more beautiful and welcoming community where all can belong and prosper.

“Through Kennett Collaborative’s commitment to the market, we’re not only promoting healthy eating and sustainable agriculture, but also building a stronger and more connected community,” Embree said.

Planting and nurturing seeds of community through partnerships has always been central to the mission of the KSQ

Farmers Market. “The market brings community members together to feed each other, share knowledge, and grow together as a community,” Fenton said.

She continues to work on expanding food access opportunities through partnerships with KACS, Chester County Foo d Bank, and Mighty Writers and through Pennsylvania’s Farmers Market Nutrition Program available to WIC participants and lowincome seniors.

Sharing resources for learning is another key component of the market ethos. The Kennett Library will be at the market every Friday in May with their Seed Library, and guest speakers will explore the theme of seeds on the last Friday of each month through the season. An Earth Day celebration on April 21 will feature free seeds from the library as well as free tree seedlings from the Spade and Trowel Garden Club.

With so much variety and guaranteed quality, as well as free and convenient parking and a friendly welcome, shopping at the KSQ Farmers Market outside The Creamery on Birch Street every Friday is a sustainable, enjoyable way to do your grocery shopping and enjoy the abundance of the 2023 season in Southern Chester County.

Chester County Press WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 Section B In the Spotlight
Photo by HaLeigh Abbott A kick-off event for the pump track bicycle park project will take place on April 27. Courtesy photos More and more weekly, bi-weekly and monthly growers and producers will gradually return to the market over the coming weeks. First taste of summer: long-time market vendor and community favorite Rex Farm Orchards will be at the market every Friday as soon as the strawberries are ripe. King’s Sweet Corn & Produce will return to the KSQ Farmers Market when their delicious corn comes into season.


Melissa Lauren Iaquinto, of Oxford, passed away on April 8, 2023 with her family by her side. She was 49. She fought a hard, three-year battle with lymphoma. She was the wife of Tony Iaquinto.

Born in York, Pa., she was the daughter of Bruce Smith of Murrells Inlet, S.C. and the late Joyce Daugherty.

Melissa was employed with the Child and Career Development Center in Coatesville as a teacher assistant and she worked with special need students. She enjoyed working with the children, often referring to it as her calling in life.

Melissa went back to school, attending Liberty University in Virginia while pursuing her bachelor’s degree in special education.

She was an avid runner, completing seven half-marathons, and numerous trail runs. She enjoyed reading, and the outdoors, her family, and especially her grandson.

Melissa is survived by her husband, Tony; her daughters, Taylor Dietrich (Nathaniel) of Fleetwood Pa. and Emma Iaquinto of Oxford; and her grandson, Bryce.

A memorial service was held on April 15 at Waterway Church in Oxford.

In lieu of flowers, donations made be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Arrangements are being handled by the Edward L. Collins, Jr. Funeral Home, Inc. in Oxford.

Online condolences may be made at


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For more information or to place an ad, contact Brenda Butt at 610-869-5553 ext. 10


Dallett G. Tice, 89, of Nottingham, passed away at home on April 5, 2023. He was the husband of the late Sadie Mae Hall Tice, with whom he shared 58 years of marriage. Born in West Grove, he was the son of the late Norman and Emma Alexander Tice.

He was employed with NVF in Kennett Square as a machine operator for 45 years. He was an avid gardener who enjoyed the outdoors and listening to classic county music.

He is survived by his four sons, Robert Tice of North East, Md., Roger Tice of Elkton, Md., Victor Tice of Oxford and Dale Tice of Havre de Grace, Md. and two daughters, Elaine Keen (and companion, Robin Grammer) of Havre de Grace, Md. and Penny Weiss (and companion, William Raither) of Rehoboth, Del.

He is also survived by 7 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by a son, George Tice. Funeral services were held on April 11 at the Edward L. Collins Funeral Home, Inc. in Oxford. Interment will be private.

Online condolences may be made at


Frederick O. Maxwell, Jr., of Kennett Square, departed this life at the age of 53 on April 9, 2023.

Born in Wilmington, Del. in 1969, he was the son of Frederick and Sonia Maxwell.

Fred was a 1987 graduate of Kennett High School. He went on to attend Drexel University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in business. While working full-time, he earned two master’s degrees and obtained a Six Sigma certification in project management.

Fred loved sports. He played baseball, beginning with Little League, and went on to play in high school, as well as into his adult years. In addition to baseball, Fred played basketball and enjoyed sharing his love for the game with his nephews. He believed that if they were going to play ball with him, they had to learn the right way, so he taught them the art of sportsmanship by dominating over them, even though they were under 12 years old at the time. Not only did Fred enjoy playing sports, he enjoyed watching sports. He was a true Philadelphia “Phanatic.” When it came to the Eagles vs. the Cowboys, get out of the room and leave him alone, or you’ll get hit with his rally towel.

In addition to being passionate about sports, he was passionate about family and had a wonderful sense of humor. He was a loving son to his father and mother, had a close relationship with his sister, Kim, and enjoyed partnering with his brother-in-law, Hallie, to have fun at Kim’s expense. Fred was a loving uncle to his three nephews, Stanton, Cedric, and Kolton. Just like any great uncle, he was their “big brother” by giving them that ear they needed to listen and gave them advice in a way only a true big brother/uncle could give. Fred embodied the word love, and showed it in his own special way. His infectious smile and his little sayings, like “No wayyyy!” will be forever missed.

Fred is survived by his parents, Frederick, Sr. and Sonia of Kennett Square; his sister, Kimberly Jones (Hallice) of Kennett Square; three nephews, Stanton, Cedric, and Kolton Jones; a godson, Aristotle Miguel; as well as a host of other relatives and friends.

Services and burial will be held privately.

To view Fred’s online tribute and to share a memory with his family, please visit

2B CHESTER COUNTY PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 Chester County Press Obituaries
Meets First and Third Thursday at 6:30p.m. Nottingham Inn, Nottingham, PA Compliments of Lions Club of Oxford P.O. Box 270 Oxford, PA19363 HERR FOODS, INC. NOTTHINGHAM, PA 932-9330 ENCOURAGES YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Landenberg Church United Methodist AllAre Welcome 205 Penn Green Rd. InHistoricDowntownLandenberg Landenberg, PA 19350 610-274-8384 Services Every Sunday9:00 am 484-734-8100 | 405 W. State St. Kennett Square, PA 19348 Matthew J. Grieco, Supervisor, Funeral Director / Certified Celebrant Cremation, Burial, Pre-Planning Our Family Serving Your Family Specializing in Personalized Life Celebration Events at Venues of all kinds Our funeral professionals offer a combination of ingenuity and have over 100 years of combined experience. As we guide you through the decision making process, we will explain options while ensuring your family’s needs are being met. We feel our service to the families of Southern Chester County is more than a business; it’s a tradition of comfort and trust. Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories. NC F KUZO FUNERAL HOME, INC. KENNETT SQUARE, PA Keely W. Griffin, Supervisor 250 W. State Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348 610-444-4116 FOULK FUNERAL HOME OF WEST GROVE, INC. Curtis S. Greer, Supervisor 200 Rosehill Road, West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-2685 Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10


On July 18, 1932, Hungarian and Ukrainian immigrants Steve and Mary Nagy welcomed their baby girl Irene into their farming family in Sandy Hill where they provided much of their own sustenance. Irene grew up tending chores with the goats, cows, horses – and her favorite – the Bantam roosters. She loved the family’s player piano, and anything outdoors, although her brothers forbade her from shooting with them because she turned out to be a better shot! Irene’s elementary education was in a one-room school house to which she and her brothers walked, whatever the weather. After skipping a grade, she went on to graduate from S. Horace Scott Senior High School, and was subsequently one of a dozen nurses to graduate from the Coatesville Hospital School of Nursing.

She began her nursing career at Embreeville State Hospital at a time when mental health was transitioning to more humane patient treatment. By the time she met her husband of 60 years, she was working in Philadelphia. Taking time off to raise her three boys, she finally returned to nursing at Ward 34B in the Coatesville VA Hospital. From there she would go to several other rehabilitation facilities, often working two jobs at a time, then ultimately retiring in her early seventies.

Irene was a woman of many talents and passions that would be put to use raising her three boys – Paul, Dean, and Glen. She always had a new craft project to keep them from fighting on rainy days. When Paul became a Cub Scout, the pack needed a new den, and Irene became the den mother for Den 7, a position she held for seven years as Dean and Glen also went through scouting. Her cooking was legendary to anyone that had the pleasure of enjoying her home-cooked meals. In fact, as her young men went off and served overseas, many of their closest friends also got care packages with their favorite homemade treats. She loved their time on “the farm” in Unionville, and was happiest taking care of the yard, especially the rock garden. After the boys were done picking fruits and vegetables, she would go canning and freezing and baking and cleaning and cooking. Another passion of hers was the seashore, so there were plenty of trips to the Chesapeake or Ocean City with the vintage Skotch Cooler chock full of sandwiches and drinks.

After they downsized to Marshallton, Irene had more time to enjoy flora and fauna. Feeding the birds became a daily ritual regardless of the weather or her work schedule, and she always had immaculate flower beds with complementary annuals and perennials. Eventually, planting those annuals became a Mother’s Day tradition where all three boys and their families would plant and transplant under Mom’s guidance.

COPD eventually prevented her from performing her favorite chores, yet it never interfered with the joy she felt when loved ones visited.

Irene was predeceased by her husband Paul, and brothers John and Bob. She is survived by her three boys, five grandchildren, and a great grandson.

Donations may be made in her memory to Chester County Council, BSA.

Services will be announced at a later date.

Arrangements are being handled by DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home, 410 N. Church St. in West Chester (


On Christmas Eve, 1934, in the midst of the Great Depression, Harry and Anna Barr welcomed their youngest child Paul into their Upper Darby home. While he was a wee lad, Paul’s family moved to Marshallton where horses quickly became a way of life, as well as a transportation means in the rural village. As an early teen, Paul saved all his earnings one summer to buy a Western-style rifle. With his earnings in his pocket, he walked all the way into West Chester, bought a Marlin .22 at a hardware store, then proudly carried it back to the farm in Marshallton. Times were very different indeed!

While a student at West Chester State Teachers College, he managed the family’s Dairy Queen on Gay Street.

After graduation, Paul became a U.S. Marine, serving with 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton. He left active service to help with his father’s decades-old cosmetic business, and continued drilling with the 16th Rifle Company in Wilmington.

Paul bought his first house on Main Street, Unionville, and married Irene. He volunteered at Po-Mar-Lin, and his young boys quickly learned that when the siren went off, they could climb out on the porch roof and wait for the fire trucks to rush by! (With Mom’s supervision, of course...) With their third child on the way, Paul resigned from the reserves, and they moved barely a block away to a 12-acre property on what was then known as Baltimore St. Young’uns need activity, so Paul sponsored and coached in URA baseball, and spent some time as Cubmaster, Pack 22. He also became involved with Unionville Presbyterian Church as a Sunday School teacher, trustee, and deacon. Sadly, the days of fox hunting and riding were drifting into the rear-view mirror, supplanted by three active boys. Paul was also one of the original boosters that brought a football program to Unionville High School.

In 1971, Paul built the Dairy Queen in Longwood, and this is the business for which he is most readily known. In fact, he remained active as the franchisor for Dairy Queen in Chester County until illness sidelined him well into his 80s. In the business world, he was always active in chambers and associations, having been a president of the Pennsylvania Restaurant Association. He was a staunch supporter of local business throughout his life.

Paul enjoyed spending time with friends and family, always ready to have the grandkids over. Out of town cousins, friends, and Marines, always had a place to stay. He took pride in his yard work, which he meticulously maintained until he was around 80.

In the end, it was a battle with Parkinson’s Disease that took him to the Lord, with Paul making a great impression on all the medical staff and physical therapy staff that watched him fight against numerous setbacks. His motivation never left him throughout.

Paul was predeceased by sister Nancy Herrmann, and brothers Harry and Charles. He is survived by his wife Irene, brother Doug, and children Paul, Dean, and Glen, and five grandchildren.

Services will be announced at a later date.

Arrangements are being handled by DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home, 410 N. Church St. in West Chester (

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 CHESTER COUNTY PRESS 3B Chester County Press Obituaries TO ADVERTISE CALL 610-869-5553 Additional obituaries on Page 5B Discover the R&D Difference Call Today. 610-444-6421 |

Two employees arrested for stealing over $450,000 from doctor

The Chester County District Attorney’s Office recently announced the arrest of Mikayla Zeigler, 22, of West Chester, and Danielle King, 25, of Chadds Ford, in connection to thefts exceeding $450,000 from a doctor in West Chester between October 2020 and August 2021.

King and Zeigler are also charged with attempting to sell property belonging to the doctor that was valued at over $1 million without his permission. The co-defendants are charged with theft by unlawful taking, conspiracy, dealing in unlawful proceeds, forgery, identity theft, and related charges.

Zeigler is also charged with stealing money from another co-worker at the doctor’s practice totaling over $7,000 from April 9, 2021 to August 4, 2021.

District Attorney Deb Ryan said, “These women engaged in a cunning scheme to steal from their boss and spent it lavishly on themselves. They used the money to pay their rent, student loans, and credit card debt, as well as to purchase cars, cosmetics, tattoos, and vacations. They had the audacity to forge the doctor’s signature and


ESTATE OF LAURA L. STOUT, DECEASED. Late of East Nottingham Township, Chester County, PA LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to TAMMY L. SCHIED, EXECUTRIX, c/o Dawn Getty Sutphin, Esq., 852 Eleventh Ave., Prospect Park, PA 19076, Or to her Attorney: DAWN GETTY SUTPHIN, 852 Eleventh Ave., Prospect Park, PA 19076



Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Michael T. Denney and Ashley Stevens, Co-Executor/ Executrix for the Estate of Rita M. Denney, whose last address was Nottingham, West Nottingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Any person having a claim to this Estate is asked to make same c/o R. Samuel McMichael,

try to sell over $1 million in real estate and change his will. Their greed is a cautionary tale to remind the community to put financial safeguards in place to prevent fraud and theft.”

Law enforcement officials outlined the findings of the investigation. On Sept. 23, 2021, the doctor reported to Chester County Detectives that he discovered a large amount of money stolen from multiple bank and credit card accounts in his name and in the name of his two businesses, Global Doctors and JVM Associates.

Zeigler and King, two of his employees, were identified as possible suspects.

Both were employed by the victim from October 2020 to August 2021. During the course of their employment, Zeigler and King were trusted with responsibilities of daily business operations and convinced the victim to begin using an electronic banking system to streamline operations. This allowed them access to the financial accounts of the victim and his businesses.

Both Zeigler and King worked in positions that allowed them to maintain control over banking and other information including access to checks, debit

Esquire, P.O. Box 296, Oxford, PA 19363.



Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Dawn Poole. Executrix for the Estate of Lillian M. Ankney, whose last address was Oxford, East Nottingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Any person having a claim to this Estate is asked to make same c/o R. Samuel McMichael, Esquire, P.O. Box 296, Oxford, PA 19363.



Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Patti A. Farmer and Perry A. Fraver, Co- Executors for the Estate of Mary Jane Fraver, whose last address was Cochranville, Upper Oxford Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Any person having a claim to this Estate is asked to make same c/o R. Samuel McMichael, Esquire, P.O. Box 296, Oxford, PA 19363.



Notice is hereby given that Let-

cards, account numbers, credit cards. Zeigler and King also oversaw and collected any incoming bank statements and subsequent records of purchases. On Aug. 25, 2021, both codefendants abruptly left their employment under the victim.

During the course of the investigation, detectives discovered that a total of $451,431.11 was stolen from four bank accounts and six credit card accounts belonging to the victim.

Between January 22, 2021, to September 16, 2021, the defendants allegedly stole $256,950.88 through 80 unauthorized payments from four of his bank accounts. These funds went to both Zeigler and King’s personal banks accounts, PayPal accounts, Applecard accounts, and car and student loan payment accounts.

Between January 11, 2021, and August 23, 2021, Zeigler used various credit cards to steal $108,302.00 and would send money to their boyfriends and family. They also spent $68,517.59 on tanning salons, health care, vet bills, hair care and tattoos, trips to Wildwood and Avalon, N.J., cash advances, furniture, travel purchases, Amazon items,

PayPal purchases, and miscellaneous purchases, officials said.

Detectives identified a pattern where Ziegler would send money from her PayPal account to her boyfriend as well as King’s account to launder the money. Ziegler took money from the doctor’s American Express account and put it in her own PayPal account and then forward it on to her boyfriend’s PayPal account. Her boyfriend then returned money back to Zeigler’s account immediately in the same amount. Over $19,000 was laundered back from his account.

Detectives noted that King engaged in a pattern that involved Zeigler sending King large sums of money from the victim’s credit card accounts to her personal PayPal account and then subsequently sent the funds to King’s personal PayPal account. Over $11,800.00 in stolen funds were taken by Zeigler to pay her rent at Ashbridge Apartments in Exton.

Detectives also discovered that both defendants made plans with a real estate agent to sell land that belonged to the doctor. In June 2021, both defendants contacted She Moves Philly/Keller Williams Philadelphia,


ters Testamentary have been granted to Scott J. Hurst, Executor for the Estate of Donald J. Hurst, whose last address was Penn Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Any person having a claim to this Estate is asked to make same c/o R. Samuel McMichael, Esquire, P.O. Box 296, Oxford, PA 19363.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oxford Borough Council will conduct a public hearing at a special meeting to be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., prevailing time, at Borough Hall, 1 Octoraro Alley, Oxford, Pennsylvania, to hear the following:

THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION OF ENOX LAND, LP. The property is UPI No. 6-75, which totals approximately 63 acres, located at 451 West Locust Street. The subject parcel is owned by the Applicant and is located in the PD-1 Planned Development District of the Borough. The Applicant seeks conditional use approval pursuant to proposed §27-1333 (Age-Restricted Residential Community) and §27-2009 (Conditional Use Procedures

and General Standards) of the Oxford Borough Zoning Ordinance to permit the proposed development of the subject parcel as 101 age-restricted residential dwellings and associated improvements, and any other such relief deemed necessary by Borough Council.

If you wish to participate in this meeting and are a person with a disability requiring an auxiliary aide, service or other accommodation to participate, please contact the Borough secretary at (610) 932-2500 to discuss how your needs may best be accommodated, OXFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL, GAWTHROP GREENWOOD, P.C., Stacey L. Fuller, Solicitor 4p-19-2t



Realtor Company on multiple occasions to arrange for the sale of two lots located on the doctor’s property in East Bradford Township, Chester County. The values of the lots were assessed but the realtor never spoke with the victim, and all significant documents were signed and sent through a DocuSign program by the defendants. The properties were listed for a total of 29 days, with one lot listed for sale at $535,000 and the second lot listed for sale at $500,000. The properties were removed from the listings shortly after the realtor received a call from the victim’s family. The victim would have suffered a financial loss of $1,035,000.00 from the property sale.

Police also discovered an email purporting to be from the victim was sent to his attorneys to change

Borough will continue to hold its regular meetings on the third Monday of the month at 5:45 PM, before the scheduled Council Meeting at 7:00. This is a time change from the original 6:00 pm start time for the Committee. There will still be no meetings of the Working Group in June, July or August, unless advertised separately. All meetings will be held at Borough Hall, 1 Octoraro Alley, Oxford, PA.

If you are a person with a disability wishing to attend the aforementioned meeting and require auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodations to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the Borough Manager at 610-9322500 to discuss how your needs may be best accommodated.

By: Pauline Garcia-Alien Borough Manager 4p-19-1t

his will on May 27, 2021. The request made was to adjust his estate plan which would reduce the amount given to his family upon his death but would provide Zeigler 85 percent control of the remaining portion of his estate. The victim told investigators that the estate plan changes in the email were not accurate and Zeigler was not listed as a beneficiary. The defendants were arraigned by Magisterial District Judge Mark Lieberman and bail was set at $100,000 cash unsecured. A preliminary hearing is set for June 2. Chester County Detectives are still investigating the case. Deputy District Attorney William Judge is the assigned prosecutor. If you have information about this case, call Chester County Detectives at 610- 344-6866.

Respondent FROM: Clerk of Family Court


The Task Force working to update the Borough’s Subdivision and Land Development and Zoning Ordinances will meet again on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:00 pm. The Working Group to explore an Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (ACOLA) for the See


The Family Court of the State of Delaware, New Castle County

Notice of Termination of Parental Rights Action

TO: Eduardo Garcia-Villegas ,

The Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, Petitioner, has brought a civil action (Petition # 22-16242) against you to terminate your parental rights of your child(ren): Minor Female, DOB: 10/29/21. A hearing has been scheduled at the Family Court, 500 N. King Street, Wilmington, Delaware, on 05/11/2023 at 9:30 am. If you do not participate in the hearing, the Court may terminate your parental rights without your participation. With any questions about participating in person or for help with participating by phone or virtually, please email FC_CDN_TPR_Adoption@ or call 302-2550300, option 6. IF YOU WISH TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER BUT CANNOT AFFORD ONE, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO HAVE THE COURT APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU FOR FREE. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK AT FAMILY COURT, (302) 255-2507. 4p-19-3t

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Danielle King Mikayla Zeigler

The Milburn Stone Theatre presents ‘She Loves Me’

Courtesy photo

Love is in the air in Cecil County as the Milburn Stone Theatre presents the musical theatre classic “She Loves Me.” This charming and romantic musical comedy follows the story of two coworkers who can’t stand each other but are unknowingly writing love letters to each other as anonymous pen pals. Performances run April 21, 22, and 23, and April 28, 29 and 30. Show times on Fridays and Saturdays are at 8 p.m., and matinees on Sundays start at 2 p.m. Tickets are now available for purchase online at or by calling the box office at 410- 287-1037.

Donald James Cornelius, of Malvern Pa. and formerly of Unionville, died peacefully on March 11, 2023, one month prior to his 90th birthday.

He was the husband of the late Olivene (Dodie) Cornelius.

He was born in 1933 in Chester, Pa. to the late Margaret Maxwell (McMonegle) Cornelius and the late William Emmett Cornelius.

He was preceded in death by his siblings, William Emmett Cornelius and Margaret Jane Cornelius.

Don grew up in Glenolden Pa., and attended the First Presbyterian Church of Glenolden, where he earned perfect attendance awards from Sunday School. He was involved in Scouts, his first job was at a local ice cream store, and he excelled at school, even skipping a grade in elementary school.

Don attended Lafayette College, was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, and graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. He joined the U.S. Navy and trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station as a naval aviator, serving at the tail end of the Korean war on the USS Hornet, having been trained in Close Ground Support and nuclear armament delivery.

The often told story of how he met his wife, Olivene (“Dodie”) of 67 years on the beach in Pensacola was with the opening line of, “I’ve been swimming all


around the world and I’ve never seen a woman swimming with her glasses on.”

Don attended University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business MBA program and worked at Bethlehem Steel in Johnstown, Pa. The family, which included four children now, returned to Glenolden Pa. to live with their grandfather while Don returned to naval service during the Cuban Missile Crisis, eventually moving to Yorktown Heights, N.Y. while Don worked at IBM. These were the years that the family hiked, often on Bear Mountain, and tent camped frequently with a triple-decker cot for three of the now five daughters. Five years later the family moved to Northbrook, Ill. in a station wagon with five girls, a dachshund and a fish tank full of gerbils due to a litter that had just been born and could not be left behind.

The years in Northbrook were highlighted by weekend trips to the Chain of Lakes where Don taught the girls to waterski off the family boat, which he named the “Seven Cs.” Don and Dodie eventually returned to Pennsylvania, settling into Unionville with three of their five daughters where he was sole proprietor of a custom manufacturing business. He was active in the Unionville Presbyterian Church, a Past Master of Kennett Square Masonic Lodge, and a leader of the newly formed “History Club” of which he was the primary presenter of all things Civil War, one of his favorite and best known topics. He was proud and generous with his vast collection of Civil War books. Following retirement, he became a school bus driver for the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District which may


Howard Lee Furches entered into rest at home on April 4, 2023 at the age of 89. He was the husband of Mildred D. McIntire Furches, with whom he shared 58 years of marriage before her death.

Born in Lancaster, Pa. on Jan. 14, 1934, he was the only son of the late Felty A. and Lula Belle Miller Furches.

After graduating from Solanco High School in 1951, he attended Mars Hill College for the fall semester before returning home to help his father with the dairy farm during the Korean War. He married his wife in 1954 and together they farmed their own farm for eight years. At that time he sold the farm and returned to finish his education with his wife, beginning with the spring semester. After completing his time at the junior college he transferred to Wake Forest University where he earned his bachelors of science degree in biology and eventually a master’s degree from West Chester University while he taught.

He taught science and math the first year at Solanco, in the “new” high school, before moving to teach science at Oxford Area High School for 30 years. He retired in 1993. He also was an adjunct professor at Cecil College for one year after he retired.

A member of Wrightsdale Baptist Church, he was licensed by the church when he felt called to be a lay minister. This led him to interim minister positions at


New Bethel Baptist in York County, New Providence Baptist (formerly Beaver Valley), Strasburg Baptist and Willow Street Baptist. He also led revival services throughout the East Coast.

A man of many trades, in the 1970s he bought back the farm he had sold and was a crop farmer while he taught, ministered, and worked construction. He farmed until he was nearly 80 when he became a gentleman farmer. He also was licensed to sell life insurance and mutual funds.

In addition to his parents and wife, he was preceded in death by a sister Doris Brown, and a younger sister who died at child birth.

He is survived by his children, a son, Samuel L. Furches, the husband of Carla Martin, and daughters, Delena A. Swisher, wife of Randolph W. and Joleen D. Furches, all of Peach Bottom, Pa.; and four grandchildren, Jordan W. Swisher (Kelsey) of N.J., Keri A. Kupinger (Jeremy) of MO, Alexander L. Furches (Becca), and Logan J. Furches, both of Pennsylvania.

Funeral services were held at Nottingham Missionary Baptist Church in Nottingham on April 8.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the building fund at Nottingham Missionary Baptist Church; Hospice and Community Care, 685 Good Drive, P.O. Box 4125, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 or Family Forever Home Healthcare, LLC, 243 Friends Road, Nottingham, Pa., 19362.

Online condolences may be made to

have been the most enjoyed occupation of his life, other than being a pilot. He loved Chester County, referring to it as “paradise.” During these years in Unionville he was an ardent supporter of Congressman Joseph Pitts and served as his campaign manager.

Don and Olivene are survived by five daughters, Nancy Carol (Clyde Trego) of Napa, Calif., Mary Elizabeth (Thomas Keating) of Hockessin, Del., Claire Louise (Frank Gangware) of Traverse City, Michigan, Margaret Jane (Edward Whitworth) of Malvern, Pa., and Jennifer Ruth (John Sintic) of Franklin, Tenn.

There are also 15 surviving grandchildren, Anna Trego, Maxwell (Jillian) Trego, Liesa (Ian) Burdeshaw, Donald Keating, Caroline (Ryan) Hyland, William (Veronique) Gangware, Louise (Chase) Janson, Amie (Jason) Lester, Andrew (Dana) Whitworth, Geoffrey (Nicole) Whitworth, Matthew Whitworth, Hadley (Andrew) Brown, McKenzie Sintic, Jack Sintic, and Guinneth Sintic, along with nine great-grandchildren.

A graveside service was held on March 16 at Unionville Cemetery and was attended by family, friends from History Club, and the Bus garage. The Masonic Lodge and the American Legion participated in the memorial service and two of Don’s favorites, “The Naval Hymn” and “Onward Christian Soldiers” were sung. He was interred next to his wife, the love of his life, who had died three short months prior.

To view his online tribute and share a message with Don’s family, visit


Carol J. Profeto, a one-year resident of Conowingo, Md. and a lifetime resident of Chester County, passed away on April 6, 2023 at the University of Maryland Harford Memorial Hospital in Havre de Grace, Md. She was 72.

Born in Coatesville, Pa., she was the daughter of the late Lewis R. and Janet Proudfoot Moore.

Carol was employed with Devereux Foundation, in Malvern, as a residential counselor for 35 years. She was a devoted Christian and attended Impact Church in Parkesburg.

Carol enjoyed reading, evening coffee, music, family and especially her grandchildren.

She is survived by one daughter, Lori Profeto-Moore (Bill) of Conowingo, Md.; three grandchildren, Katelyn Brooks (Phillip) of Elkton, Md., Jasmyne Moore of New York, N.Y. and Dawson Moore of Rising Sun, Md.; five great-grandchildren, Kelli, Georgia, Weston, Penelope and Theo; one brother, Robert L. Moore of Downingtown; four sisters, Kay Walton Collegeville, Ellen Bernard (Ron) of Coatesville, Nancy Coates of Coatesville, Rose Borrell (Bill) of Douglas, Ga.; and her cat and best friend, Mallie.

Funeral services were held on April 14 at the Edward L. Collins, Jr. Funeral Home, Inc. in Oxford.

Interment will be in Oxford Cemetery.

Arrangements are being handled by the Edward L. Collins Funeral Home, Inc. in Oxford.

Online condolences may be made at


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