Rules & Regulations
Exhibitors agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Unionville Community Fair, Inc. The Executive Board reserves the right to amend or add to these rules and regulation as its judgment may determine. Rules conform to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture guidelines. Reasonable care will be taken to protect all exhibits on display from all injury and damage, but the Fair is not, in any way, to be held responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft or otherwise, whatever may be cause or extent of damage or loss. Read all rules and regulations carefully! Exhibitors may be disqualified if entries are not in compliance. Entries will be accepted only in listed categories. All products must have been made or grown by the exhibitor unless otherwise stated. Only one entry per class, per exhibitor will be accepted in all departments. Apple Pie, Angel Food Cake, PA Preferred Junior Baking Contest (Cookies, Brownies & Bars) and Homemade Chocolate Cake Contests are open to any Pennsylvania resident. Winners may compete at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in January 2022. General Exhibit Entries Wednesday, September 29, 2021 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm Fair is opened to the public Friday 9:00 am -- 9:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am -- 9:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am -- 5:30 pm Optional 2nd Chance Entry for Commercial Exhibits and General Baked Goods Entries.* Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:00 am-10 am *Not for PA State Sponsored Baking Contests, which are held on Saturday, see previous pages.
FAIR THEME Making Memories One Fair at a Time
HOW TO ENTER THE FAIR Please refer to complete Rules and Regulations on this and the next page for a more detailed explanation of the following. What to Enter? Look in this book. You can enter everything from your art projects, to photographs, to vegetables, to eggs, to baked goods and much more! Only rule is that you can't have ever entered it into the Fair before. How to Enter? First you will need to fill out an entry form. It is on page 22 in this book. Each person needs his/her own entry form. If you need more, make copies or print one from our website Fill out your entry form listing all of the items (exhibits) that you want to enter in the Fair. Before bringing your entries to the Fair on entry day, please do your best to figure out which department, Section and Class your item fits into, using this catalog, making sure you put that on the form as well. This will expedite the process. If you have any questions, there will be people at the Fair during Entry time that can help. You will receive a separate entry tag for each item you enter. When to Enter? Most things must be entered on Wednesday, September 29, 2019 from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm. But be sure to check on this page and the next because there are a few things like Baked Goods, Adult Group Exhibits and Special PA State Baking Contests that should come at a different time. Where to Enter? Exhibit Barn closest to Route 82 entrance. Please enter off Route 82 and follow parking directions. Note: When you come to enter your items on Entry Day the computer will assign an Exhibitor number to you. That number will change each year. Fall 2021 • Unionville Community Fair