10,000 Toes Newsletter
I’m so excited to welcome you to our first ever e-Newsletter. This will be a quarterly publication where updates will be provided on all the different health initiative programs that are being rolled out in the South Pacific. If you would like to keep receiving up-dates then I invite you to register on our webpage for future editions. Click HERE to register now. You are receiving this email because you have donated to our Cause in the past and we have valued that and want to keep you informed on how funds have been used. Hope you enjoy coming on this journey with us. Pamela Townend 10,000 Toes Co-ordinator
What is 10,000 Toes? The South Pacific nations have the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world. As a result of this, the United Nations reports that diabetes and other non-communicable diseases are one of the greatest threats to the regions development. In fact statistics tell us that every 20 minutes an amputation occurs. Learn what regions across the South Pacific are interested in 10,000 Toes Campaign
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3 STAGES of the Campaign are: 1. 10,000 Toes Power 2. 10,000 Toes Power Up 3. 10,000 Toes Power Up PLUS During 2018 work was mainly in the Power phase as we engaged with groups that were interested in the concepts of the 10,000 Toes Campaign. In 2019 we saw Fiji and the Solomon Islands moving into the Power-up phase and the Zoning concept adopted. Both the Western Solomons and Suva & Ba in Fiji, have now been zoned into manageable regions with health teams assigned to each zone. Roll out of Screening kits under Strategy 1 and training in community-based programs, like CHIP and Live More Abundantly Programs, under Strategy 2 will commence shortly. Power Up Plus is when we partner with Governments or other funding agencies.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
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Featured News On December 10, 2019 the Solomon Island Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Churches to roll out the 10,000 Toes strategies. This is very exciting news as this kick starts the Power Up PLUS phase of our Campaign within the Solomon Islands and will see all Church entities engaged in rolling the three strategies out. ‘Turning the Tide on NCS’s - It Starts with Me’ was the theme for the first inaugural Conference of the South Pacific Society of Lifestyle Medicine (SPSLM) held at Pacific Harbour, Fiji during March 10-13, 2020 with seed funding provided by the Campaign. Dr Paul Wood, newly elected Secretary for the SPSLM, shares some of the exciting events that occurred during the conference.
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Stir Fry Udon Noodles Udon Noodle Stir Fry is a great way to get lots of healthy and seasonal vegetables into your diet, while enjoying a delicious meal. Snow peas are good source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and K (important for helping your blood clot). They are also an excellent source of dietary fibre and folate. Ginger not only adds a warm zing to our stir fry, but it also has many possible health benefits that include relieving nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. The root or underground stem (rhizonme) of the ginger plant can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, oil form or as a juice. Ginger has long been used for culinary and medicinal purposes. This Udon Noodle Stir Fry recipe will not disappoint!
Recipe Here
Fundraising 2020
Did you know, that you can help 15+ people to be tested for diabetes and given the opportunity to make lifestyle changes when you purchase a pair of socks from us?
Shop NOW
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The campaign so far has raised an impressive $467,000 and on behalf of ADRA and 10,000 Toes Campaign we want to say a big THANK YOU! Working with ADRA has enabled tax deductibility so please keep this in mind as the end of the financial year draws near. Funds raised during 2019 has enabled the purchased of another 800 screening kits and these will be distributed after the Corona Virus is under control.
Our mailing address is: 10,0000 Toes 148 Fox Valley Road (Locked Bag 2014) Wahroonga NSW 2076 AUSTRALIA Contact Us: info@10000toes.com
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