Adrenal fatigue, a very discreet epidemic

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Adrenal fatigue, a very discreet epidemic If you feel tired for no reason, that you need liters of coffee to hold throughout the day if you feel overwhelmed and stressed and you are struggling desperately against the demands of everyday life, if some exercises of Gymnastics are enough to exhaust you for several days and if the slightest incident irritates you, depresses you or exhausts you, you may suffer from adrenal fatigue. A number of plants and nutritional supplements can help overcome this fatigue. Adrenal fatigue solution 5/22/2018

The adrenals are two small crescent-shaped glands that comb the upper pole of each kidney. Each of them consists of internal layers that produce different substances. The inner part or medulla secretes the adrenaline and noradrenaline. The release of these hormones increases the heart rate and blood pressure and diverts more blood to the brain, heart, skeletal muscles. The adrenocortical, located outside the medulla, respond to different types of stress. Many of these hormones are also made in other parts of the body, but aldosterone, cortisone, and hydrocortisone are only secreted by the adrenal fatigue. The hormone aldosterone, in conjunction with the kidneys, regulates the balance of sodium and potassium in the body. This regulation is very important for many physiological functions including the ability to respond to stress and the maintenance of water balance. It even contributes to the maintenance of blood pressure.

It all starts with stress‌ In the Face of stress, the organism activates an alert reaction and releases adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortical. These hormones send the blood from the center of the body to the muscles and












Complementary physiological responses ensure a rapid reaction to the threat: the pupils expand, the consciousness intensifies, and the pulse accelerates. When the perception of the threat disappears, the body returns to its physiological homeostasis, interrupting the release of hormones until the next threat appears. This mechanism was perfect for our ancestors and their survival depended on it. But in our modern world, our Organism reacts by this response as well to the irritation caused by the fact that someone took our parking space than in the face of a real danger putting our life at stake. It is actually just the first step in coping with stress. The second is the resistance where we learn, at our own expense, to deal effectively with our stress. It can last for months. During this step, corticalhypothalamic receptors become less susceptible to reactive inhibition, resulting in an increase in cortical production. Excessive cortical production is associated with a large number of metabolic







including insulin resistance, obesity, increased blood pressure, immunesuppression, or Disturbance of wound healing. In fact, prolonged excessive elevation of cortical can lead to signs and symptoms resembling Cushing's disease. The third and the final stage of the response to stress is adrenal fatigue, which involves depletion of energy reserves and loss of physical resistance leading to fatigue, suffocation of the immune system, and a cohort of other Systemic symptoms including neurological pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease or depression.

What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is defined by any decrease in the ability of the adrenal fatigue to function normally. This happens when the organism is overwhelmed when the stress overincreases its ability to compensate and recover. The adrenals get tired then and become unable to continue to respond appropriately to new stresses. At this point, most people go into a vicious circle and rely on coffee, CocaCola, and other exciting things to fight the sensation of fatigue and keep up all day long. They eventually find a second breath and end up working very late at night. It becomes more and more difficult for them to start in the morning and they drink more caffeine, thus perpetuating the cycle. But this is only the beginning. Adrenal fatigue is manifested by a whole battery of signs and symptoms, the most important of which is fatigue. Other pathologies may appear including respiratory ailments, asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or other immune disorders.

The treatment of adrenal fatigue For the adrenal fatigue to be able to work efficiently, they must be supported nutritionally. Lifestyle changes accompanied by nutritional supplements greatly facilitate recovery. The rules are simple and similar to the general principles to stay healthy. A moderate lifestyle with high-quality foods, regular exercise of physical exercises, a lot of rest combined with a healthy mental attitude must compete to conserve strong and resistant adrenal fatigue. However, the stress of modern life makes certain nutritional supplements may also be necessary to keep the adrenal fatigue healthy just like to help depleted adrenal fatigue to regain normal functioning. In the case of adrenal fatigue, one of the objectives given to nutritional supplements is to help restore a diurnal release of normal levels of cortical. The theory is that if small amounts of cortical-like substances are brought to the organism, the adrenal fatigue take rest and have the opportunity to regenerate. Then a normal production of cortical will be restored.

Liquorices Extract (Glycyrrhizin glare) mimics the effects of cortical It has long been known that moderate licorice consumption can have a positive effect in a large number of diseases including allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, inflammatory pathologies and other symptoms that can be found in patients with adrenal fatigue. The Glycyrrhizin glare, extracted from licorice, allows benefiting from the healing properties of ulcers without worrying about the dangers of excess cortisone. It is also an active ingredient that mimics the effects of cortisone. At moderate doses, it may have many beneficial effects, but excessive or prolonged consumption may result in some side effects including a headache, lethargy, salt and water retention, excessive potassium loss and High blood pressure.

25 to 100 mg per day of Glycyrrhizin seems to make a significant improvement in symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other diseases related to adrenal fatigue. It should not be used for more than six to eight weeks in a row. To mimic the normal cortical rhythm of the organism, the Glycyrrhizin should be taken in the morning, about half an hour before breakfast and before lunch (usually at a lower dose than in the morning).

The Phosphatidylserine (PS) Phosphatidylserine








membranes and in the tissues of the brain. An Italian study controlled against Placebo for 8 healthy men showed that supplementation with 800 mg daily of Phosphatidylserine was opposed to the production of stress-induced cortical. In another placebo-controlled trial, 300 mg per day of PS have improved the depressive state, memory, and sensation of the well-being of older women. Several studies have shown that PS decreases the stress-induced cortical production caused by intensive physical exercise.

The Adapt Gens EleuthĂŠroccocus or Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra or Tibullus terrestris help restore the sensitivity of hypothalamic and peripheral receptors to the effects of cortical and other adrenal hormones. In this way, adapt gens help the organism build a stress-responsive response with lower cortical levels than would be needed without their use. They make it easier for the adrenals to return to normal faster. Clinicians have shown that these adapt gens can act synergistically.

Eleutherococcus or Siberian Ginseng, Studies conducted by Soviet researchers have shown that EleuthĂŠrococcus has even more effective anti-fatigue properties than Pan Ax ginseng. Their work was carried out as part of a massive testing programmed with clinical studies carried out throughout the former USSR on factory workers, truck drivers, long-term seamen and military personnel subject to Very important stress. These stress studies have revealed that Eleutherococcus improves resistance, increases







performance, and reduces blood pressure. In 1962, the Eleutherococcus was declared by the Minister of Health of the USSR official Medicine of Herbal medicine and included in the National Medicines Guide, the Soviet Pharmacopoeia. The Eleutherococcus was quickly widely available and patients, athletes, cosmonauts, and soldiers regularly used it as a fortifying.

The Schisandra Schisandra is an herb widely used in ancient and contemporary China to treat a large number of diseases. It's a potent antioxidant and an anabolic agent. Schisandra also promotes glycogen.

glycogen is,







Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles until it is used and converted to glucose. This process helps to generate the energy needed to revitalize "stressed" cells. Research indicates that Schisandra stimulates the central nervous system, probably by increasing dopamine and its metabolites in the striatum and hypothalamus. Dopamine, a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal fatigue, is an immediate precursor in the synthesis of noradrenaline that plays a pivotal role in helping the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to adapt to stress.

The Tibullus Terrestris In one study, healthy men received 750 mg of Tibullus Terrestris daily for 5 days. Their luteinizing hormone (LH) levels increased by 72% and those of testosterone by 40%. Produced by the adrenal fatigue in both men and women, testosterone is an important anabolic anti-stress hormone. It accelerates growth in tissues, stimulates blood flow and affects a large metabolic numbered activates.

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is a plant native to India especially useful in the treatment of adrenal fatigue. It is also considered an adaptive substance that normalizes the functions of the organism and helps it adapt to a variety of stressful situations. Studies have shown that Ashwagandha is capable of normalizing cortical levels. Its anti-inflammatory properties allow treating the inflammation of the joints or the rheumatic pains commonly seen in subjects suffering from adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal fatigue solution Address: 100 Fillmore Street Fifth Floor Denver, CO 80206 Email: Shop now:

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