Introduction 5
The Authentic, the Mass-Produced, and the In-Between 6
Exploring the Book as a Product 6
Book Form: A Brief History 9
Origins 9
Gutenberg’s Movable Type 10
The Contemporary Book 13
Digital vs Traditional 15
The Book as a Sculpture 16
The Book Cover 18
What is Reading? 23
Traditional Reading 24
Writing 26
Feed 28
Pop-up & Sculptural 30
Reading for different age groups and social positions
Destruction 32
Attracting the Unattracted 42
The Language Question 44
Book on a Budget 46
Children’s Books 48
Conclusion 50
Sources, Imprint 52
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus.
Integer porta, magna sit amet porttitor cursus, lectus tortor lacinia diam, ultricies cursus magna risus ut sapien. Aenean eget justo a turpis adipiscing tempor. Phasellus ut leo sapien. Pellentesque eu diam id augue commodo euismod. Aliquam molestie ipsum eu neque euismod imperdiet. Nunc ultrices accumsan arcu sit amet mattis. Quisque rutrum diam vitae dolor tempus ac hendrerit tellus tempus. Nam vestibulum, felis ut luctus mollis, enim nulla rutrum justo, et dapibus tortor lectus nec dolor. Nullam at leo metus, dignissim condimentum risus. Proin augue mauris, accumsan vel sagittis id, vestibulum sit amet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque facilisis viverra magna, a varius augue hendrerit ac. Suspendisse magna felis, elementum eu luctus nec, venenatis et libero. Sed scelerisque lacinia ligula, eget suscipit nulla vulputate sit amet. Aenean viverra semper ligula, ac ultricies urna placerat quis. Fusce adipiscing, erat vitae luctus mattis, nisi nibh accumsan libero, a rhoncus turpis metus ut velit. In enim augue, lobortis id fermentum ac, feugiat eget nibh. Integer posuere facilisis lectus, ut tempus lorem tincidunt at. Proin libero lacus, facilisis eget interdum et, luctus in velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vitae ipsum arcu, et placerat erat. Vestibulum tempus mattis quam, ut accumsan metus fringilla in. Fusce viverra convallis nulla, non dapibus mauris tempus et. Etiam vel orci eget odio aliquet fringilla sed non erat. Aliquam vitae cursus tellus. Vestibulum id eros vitae ligula vestibulum condimentum. Morbi molestie dapibus nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam aliquet nisl in quam congue vitae sodales arcu facilisis. Nam fringilla pellentesque nulla eu blandit. Maecenas adipiscing magna vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam tristique magna quis augue hendrerit vitae dapibus risus hendrerit. In sagittis volutpat velit, vel feugiat lorem placerat a. Fusce cursus risus interdum eros bibendum sed lobortis mi interdum. Proin lobortis rutrum dictum. Phasellus aliquet eleifend nisi, ut hendrerit sapien pretium eget. Donec egestas augue eu augue imperdiet a pellentesque sem accumsan. Aliquam arcu est, vulputate sit amet porta vel, condimentum consectetur mauris. Donec vel sem est, sed tristique nisi. Praesent lacinia dapibus tristique. Phasellus porttitor eros ac arcu sagittis cursus. In sit amet ipsum nibh. Praesent posuere mauris eget nisi mattis congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas non sem at mauris ultrices blandit. Mauris diam massa, sagittis sit amet egestas ac, rutrum vel nibh. Proin volutpat leo ac nisl luctus ut rhoncus ligula pharetra. Pellentesque eu velit sed justo iaculis vehicula ut in diam. Morbi tempus, velit sit amet vestibulum porta, sapien libero mattis leo, in rutrum libero odio sed enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam cursus ante ullamcorper nisi luctus cursus sollicitudin enim scelerisque. Donec suscipit lacus vel velit accumsan in pharetra diam accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam dolor nulla, fringilla at sagittis non,
Introduction The idea of a book evolved through the need for information
two main communication methods in book design that are being utilised
communication, and this usually involved the important role of the
for this purpose, these being digital and traditional media. This study
reader. An important consideration that continues to be made by a book
will explore both forms in some depth in order to address contemporary
designer therefore is the reading manner, which can take many forms,
issues in book design and to seek to fulfil the reader’s needs.
and is intended to enhance the reader’s experience of a text. There are
The Authentic, the Mass-Produced, and the In-Between There are mainly two distinct types of books: on one side there is the
On the other extreme side, there is the single conceptual one-off piece.
book that is objectively made for mass-distribution; and on the other the
These books are the pinnacles of book design. They often step in the art
book that is made as a conceptual one-off piece.
section because of the way they are done, and since design follows art it tends to show us where the bookmaking industry is heading. These
The mass-produced book’s main aim is to be sold or delivered to
books are mainly made for conceptual reasons, ranging from prototypes
the greatest number of people possible. To do this it needs to have
to artists’ books. They are unique in their own right and tend to be more
a specific audience and a good marketing strategy. The marketing
liberal, adventurous, and playful, in both their design and content. This
strategy might affect how the book will be designed. A mass-produced
shift in content and design creates a visually stimulating engagement
book should be cheap, hence lower production costs are a necessity. To
with the reader, which makes it far more effective in projecting its
keep this production cost to a minimum, designers opt for existing and
content from other traditional print media.
low-cost technology. These one-off prints tend to be of a much higher production cost than These types of books are the most common you can find on a bookshelf,
their mass-produced counterparts, but their value in research and new
and if placed on a bookstore shelf, they need to compete with other
outlooks on book design may change the whole idea of a book and
similar titles. Thus, a focus on the main selling point of a book – the
how it is made.
book cover – is prominent. Paperbacks are the main type of books that fall in this region. These books usually contain writings and literature.
There is no right or wrong way of dealing with the design of a book. Most
These books are considered some of the simplest books to physically
books find a balance between these two extremes. For example, a book
produce, not because they are of lower quality, but because their
needs to go into mass production, but to sell out it needs to have that
content – or text for reading – made them so.
extra something that sets it apart from its competition.
Exploring the Book as a Product A book can be seen and appreciated in many ways. Living books do not exist in a vacuum, they have a life of their own. With contact, they can affect a reader with their form and content. A book can be studied and evaluated in 3 main aspects: the material, form, and process in which it was constructed; the organisational elements of the content; and most importantly, the impact it has on the time and society in which it exists.
the mass-produced
the in-between
the authentic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi.
clay tablet
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque.
Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus,
computer tablet
Book Form: A Brief History Origins Writings and stories in ancient times required to be preserved for future
Illuminated manuscripts emerged in the 4th century. Manuscripts, from
generations. The very first portable material used to hold text were clay
Latin, means “hand-written�. It was speculated that the manuscript
tablets, found in Mesopotamia. Text (or images) was marked on moist
form derived from the Codex, and happened as a means of separating
clay which was then fired to get dried. Clay is an everlasting material but
Hebrew scrolls from Christian text. Although the illuminated manuscripts
takes too much space, is brittle, and is heavy to carry around.
were made for spiritual meaning and a meditational process for monks, by 1423 the first known printed cover was produced.
Papyrus was the next major invention. Made out of marrow from stems, it was a flexible material which could be rolled up. Because it was a very precious material, it was used only by the rich and elite people of the Egyptian society. Papyrus scrolls were usually made up using numerous sheets pasted together forming a long sheet. Papyrus was eventually replaced by parchment, a material made out of animal skin.
The form of the scroll eventually evolved into the Codex. The Codex introduced page numbers, contents pages, and the ability to bookmark the pages. Also, the new format helps the medium stay flat on a table. The Codex originated from an unrolled version of the scroll. Eventually scrolls were folded into an accordion format, making it look like a traditional book.
Gutenberg’s Movable Type What made books mainstream? What was needed for the book to
The book cover became a regular feature with the help of new typefaces.
become an object for the citizen? Books in those times were made
Books started to become commercial and the book cover started to be
especially by crafted people; usually having specific groups of people
given more importance because of its position on the bookshelf.
just for the craft of binding the pages together for example. One of the most time consuming elements of the book production though is the
The introduction of packaging, advertising, and publishing industries
printing of the pages. Books before used to either be filled by hand
fuelled the need for typefaces and graphic design as a job. The book
(manuscripts), or printed using woodblocks. Although woodblock printing
became a carrier for new typefaces during that time and the book cover,
is similar to today’s offset printing, it was very difficult to produce. For
being a package design for the book, flourished.
each page, a specific woodblock was needed. Each woodblock would be made entirely by hand, engraved word by word. Also, woodblocks were
Note that Sans-Serif typefaces were also introduced in about this
not very robust for a high number of printed elements.
time which gave a fresh breath to book design. These typefaces were being promoted by the Futurists and Constructivists because of their
The modern era of book making and printing was established with the
futuristic and bold look, and were becoming increasingly popular by
invention of movable type by Johann Gutenberg in 1450. The invention
finding themselves on the book cover itself. Propaganda and manifestos
consisted in the combination of three inventions, namely the printer’s
fuelled the typeface industry, together with the book design itself.
ink, the type, and the press. The production of books was still expensive but the time taken to produce was drastically reduced.
Jan Tschichold’s collection of essays written between 1941 and 1975, “The Form of the Book - Essays on the morality of good design”,
The movable type’s secret was the introduction of separate characters
condemned and criticized the bad use of page design during that
for each letter of the alphabet. Each of the characters was then collected
time. Typography was taken for granted. He produced various options
and arranged as though one were building a woodblock for print. The
for designers to create what he called perfect page ratios. In fact, Jan
characters could be used again without a lot of wasted material such as
Tschichold was noted for the introduction of asymmetric page layouts
the woodblock. This introduced the craft of typeface design. Typefaces
and the prominent use of white space.
removed the individuality of the book since it became a standard. During that time there were not many typefaces to choose from, but these created a platform where the standardization of the type became helpful for those who could not read handwriting.
During the 18th century, less expensive titles were being printed to meet the demands of a growing, literate middle class. The introduction of the steam powered printers greatly helped reach these numbers and cheaper production costs. Also, the Fourdrinier machine helped by producing paper in rolls rather than as separate sheets. The Fourdrinier was invented by Henry Fourdrinier.
Moveable Type
d Futurists’ layout and typography
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque
non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus. Integer porta, magna sit amet porttitor cursus, lectus tortor lacinia diam, ultricies cursus magna risus ut sapien. Aenean eget justo a turpis adipiscing tempor. Phasellus ut leo sapien. Pellentesque eu diam id augue commodo euismod. Aliquam molestie ipsum eu neque euismod imperdiet. Nunc ultrices accumsan arcu sit amet mattis. Quisque rutrum diam vitae dolor tempus ac hendrerit tellus tempus. Nam vestibulum, felis ut luctus mollis, enim nulla rutrum justo, et
Jan Tschichold’s layout and typography
The Contemporary Book Today, books are not dead. They have become an art form. Limited in
The question about where the designer should stop, or better, what the
their forms, book designs are still evolving in both form and function.
relation between content and decoration should be. As said before, the
Although the book may have lessened its importance through time
book’s aim is to deliver its content, thus the book becomes a functional
because of other technologies, it still is a very well respected format and
object. There should be an awareness of the subjectivity in the content
constantly challenges its nature.
and decoration, which gives the book its individuality. Decoration should be made because it is needed, and if done, it should derive from the
Nowadays, the book has become a multidisciplinary way of doing things.
content itself (unless the purpose of the book is about decoration). The two should be evaluated attentively, in a balanced manner, and the
All of these books have to be designed. The designers need to decide
result can be a greater book than ever.
which paper, typography, and cover to use. There are many things to do, and no one way of doing them. It is like an adventure: sometimes you might get lost, sometimes you might get a good job; sometimes a book design will succeed, and sometimes fail. One must keep in mind, however, that the more elaborate the design, the less economically feasible it becomes.
Books should not be merely presented as themselves. The content is what will define them and the book should define the content. The book will form a question and you as a designer will have to find what the question is. Without this question, the book will not deliver its full potential. The book should communicate the content in a sympathetic way, but not attempt to be the content nor reinterpret it.
Digital vs Traditional The constant race between digital publishing and traditional publishing
The demise of traditional media on the other hand has been rumoured
helps both mediums to evolve constantly. Digital Publishing, with all of
since the introduction of the digital age. Despite the constant conflict
its advantages, easily gets distracted or diverted to newer media.
between the two, the book still lives, and the e-book is still looking for its natural form.
The Book as a Sculpture Books, being physical objects, are sculptural objects too. Readers tend to show off their collection on a dedicated section in their house or study. A library may boast its size with the books it provides. The interior design business itself promotes the use of books as part of a room. A room shows signs of life just by a collection. That collection may be a collection of music, paintings, photos, or books.
Jonathan Safran Foer takes his favourite book and shapes it to his liking, creating something completely new from a masterpiece. The book is sculptural, and continually changes as you read it. The book would not work on digital media.
A notable inspiration for this book could have been Brian Dettmer’s book sculptures, where he studies how a book, with its layers of information, can give you a general overview of what it contains when sculpted to reveal the underlying pictures. (This is an example of how art – book art, a very experimental form of art – predefines design.)
◄ To create Tree of Codes each page featured a different die-cut. Worked with Die Keure to produce the book, the designers have been turned down by every other printer they approached – frequently with claims of “this book can’t be made” ringing.
▲ Like music, fashion, and architecture, so much has already be done that you could be copying what someone else has already done. Brian Dettmer takes something someone else has already done, and gives his own intervention to make it his own.
The Book Cover Books are traditionally stored, sold, or displayed on their side on
E-books still need most of the same processes of traditional book
shelves. In a book shop, only a few lucky ones are prominently displayed
publishing. The e-book still needs to be proofread, adjusted, edited, and
with their cover viewing the prospective buyer. David Pearson, a graphic
produced as a finished product. The e-book facilitates a writer to self-
designer who works on book design, decided to focus on the spine
publish without depending on a publisher. While this may mean more
of the book because of its functionality. His work mostly consists of
freedom of expression through books, its quality may not be as good.
series designs, making the spine even more important than the cover
When an author chooses a publisher to deliver his book or e-book, his
because of its constant layout. Despite the boastfulness of e-books as a
work gets sieved out to eliminate mistakes, and he produces a complete
superior medium, they still mimic the traditional form from the sales and
form of work without having the trouble of promoting his work, printing,
displaying point of view, for example, a wooden shelf displaying books
delivering and all the things needed for a successful publication.
side by side rather than stacked.
Publishing your work in the traditional form though makes the book less prone to errors because of the rigorous testing procedures carried out
The e-book is still in its infancy but it is already showing numerous
by different kinds of people, namely designers, writers, and printers.
advantages over traditional book design. The main advantages of the e-book are the production and distribution of the content. Because it
Digital publishing is looking promising but what about the current e-book
takes its form as digital space, e-books cost much less because of no
reading experience? In order to read an e-book you need a form of digital
printing. Distribution is instant and free thanks to the internet. Mistakes
device – a computer or an e-book reader like the Amazon Kindle or the
can be corrected easily and instantly by re-releasing another version of
Apple iPad. Although numerous technological improvements are making
the book, for free. In comparison to the traditional book, it takes space,
it easier for one to read off a screen, many still prefer the physical book
weighs, and needs to be designed and printed. Also, if there is an error
for its form, texture, and clarity. â–ş
in the book, it needs to be re-collected and republished.
Books stored on their side need to be distinguishable from their competition. A ‘front cover’ approach was used on their spine in this series by White’s Books.
► E-books for now are most popular for text based books, mostly the
Both media have their own strengths. Digital media and traditional
re-release of popular traditional paperback releases. Picture based
books can coexist without affecting each other. Just like when they said
e-books are still in their infancy, but are gaining popularity especially on
the internet will kill books, it just helped change its form.
the Apple iPad. What the e-book devices are doing today is the mimicry of a traditional book. Some experiments though demonstrate that the iPad has more potential than simply copying what is already out there.
Atomic Antelope Ltd. released a form of e-book which they think better suits the iPad. “Alice in Wonderland” for the iPad is targeted for children. It has a storytelling aspect to it where the reader can read the story and interact with the illustrations, but it does not share any features with a traditional book. This type of storytelling has been around since the introduction of the computer, but it has never been put on a portable level such as an iPad. Other publishers still have to tinker with the iPad’s interactive power but numerous companies are already seeing a new way to interact with information differently from the form of the book.
What the book does with form and paper, the e-book can do with graphics, sound, and code. The final form may be something completely different from what we were used to with traditional books.
Because of its different features from a normal e-books, Atomic Antelope Ltd.’s “Alice in Wonderland” is not sold through Apple’s iBook Store. Instead, it is sold as a normal iOS app through the App Store.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus.
Integer porta, magna sit amet porttitor cursus, lectus tortor lacinia diam, ultricies cursus magna risus ut sapien. Aenean eget justo a turpis adipiscing tempor. Phasellus ut leo sapien. Pellentesque eu diam id augue commodo euismod. Aliquam molestie ipsum eu neque euismod imperdiet. Nunc ultrices accumsan arcu sit amet mattis. Quisque rutrum diam vitae dolor tempus ac hendrerit tellus tempus. Nam vestibulum, felis ut luctus mollis, enim nulla rutrum justo, et dapibus tortor lectus nec dolor. Nullam at leo metus, dignissim condimentum risus. Proin augue mauris, accumsan vel sagittis id, vestibulum sit amet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque facilisis viverra magna, a varius augue hendrerit ac. Suspendisse magna felis, elementum eu luctus nec, venenatis et libero. Sed scelerisque lacinia ligula, eget suscipit nulla vulputate sit amet. Aenean viverra semper ligula, ac ultricies urna placerat quis. Fusce adipiscing, erat vitae luctus mattis, nisi nibh accumsan libero, a rhoncus turpis metus ut velit. In enim augue, lobortis id fermentum ac, feugiat eget nibh. Integer posuere facilisis lectus, ut tempus lorem tincidunt at. Proin libero lacus, facilisis eget interdum et, luctus in velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vitae ipsum arcu, et placerat erat. Vestibulum tempus mattis quam, ut accumsan metus fringilla in. Fusce viverra convallis nulla, non dapibus mauris tempus et. Etiam vel orci eget odio aliquet fringilla sed non erat. Aliquam vitae cursus tellus. Vestibulum id eros vitae ligula vestibulum condimentum. Morbi molestie dapibus nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam aliquet nisl in quam congue vitae sodales arcu facilisis. Nam fringilla pellentesque nulla eu blandit. Maecenas adipiscing magna vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam tristique magna quis augue hendrerit vitae dapibus risus hendrerit. In sagittis volutpat velit, vel feugiat lorem placerat a. Fusce cursus risus interdum eros bibendum sed lobortis mi interdum. Proin lobortis rutrum dictum. Phasellus aliquet eleifend nisi, ut hendrerit sapien pretium eget. Donec egestas augue eu augue imperdiet a pellentesque sem accumsan. Aliquam arcu est, vulputate sit amet porta vel, condimentum consectetur mauris. Donec vel sem est, sed tristique nisi. Praesent lacinia dapibus tristique. Phasellus porttitor eros ac arcu sagittis cursus. In sit amet ipsum nibh. Praesent posuere mauris eget nisi mattis congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas non sem at mauris ultrices blandit. Mauris diam massa, sagittis sit amet egestas ac, rutrum vel nibh. Proin volutpat leo ac nisl luctus ut rhoncus ligula pharetra. Pellentesque eu velit sed justo iaculis vehicula ut in diam. Morbi tempus, velit sit amet vestibulum porta, sapien libero mattis leo, in rutrum libero odio sed enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam cursus ante ullamcorper nisi luctus cursus sollicitudin enim scelerisque. Donec suscipit lacus vel velit accumsan in pharetra diam accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam dolor nulla, fringilla at sagittis non,
What is Reading? How do you read a book? Reading a book is the sole reason for having
Reading a book requires you to interact with it. From the very first time
a book. Each book entails different forms of reading manners. Reading
that you look at a book, pick it from a bookshelf, open the cover, and flip
text is not the only way of reading. Reading a book means to decipher,
the pages, you have already absorbed a lot of information from it. The
absorb, and understand what the book is all about.
size, the texture, the form and the title of the book already set you in a mood relating to what the book is about.
Traditional Reading 24
Writing 26
Feed 28
Pop-up & Sculptural 30
Destruction 32
Quest 34
Time 36
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi.
Traditional Reading The most common known action of reading is the reading of a text. The
This focused system makes the book work more like a machine. It
invention of the book in West Asia originated as a scroll. The form of the
should be fast and easy to use; and standard enough to familiarise
scroll, having a long continuous rolled sheet of paper was made that
oneself with the book.
way probably by pure coincidence. Paper was a very precious material, making multiple copies impossible that time. Thus, scrolls were read
Today’s sequential access type of reading is most commonly found
aloud by a person to a group of people. The interesting thing about a
in mass-text applications of books, which are usually distributed in
scroll is that the information written on a scroll is read in a sequential
paperback format due to its low cost. Paperbacks would have worked
manner, making it easier for the reader to read without interruption,
very well as scrolls, but they would have cost much more to produce and
such as when turning a page. During the Roman Empire scrolls faded
store. Paperbacks are notable for their relatively compact design that is
away, giving way to a newer form of book that was more similar to what
easy to carry around. Their counterparts – hardbacks – work basically in
we have today – the Codex.
the same format but have a more robust binding design, often popular with serious book collectors who want an everlasting book.
The Codex, having pages that could be turned around and written on both sides, gave rise to a more economic built to the book. Although it
Also, novels are usually divided into chapters. Chapters are helpful for
sacrificed the sequential access to reading, it introduced the “random
two main reasons: they provide a sequenced storytelling experience as
access” to information. The random access to information helped the
well as a more visually organised structure. The latter aspect refers to
reader to find specific information on the Codex faster and in a more
the designer’s point of view that chapters allow a text to breathe and
organised manner. Through time it became a tradition to offer a ribbon
separate ideas for a better visual reception of the book.
bookmark as part of the book. In these ways chapters place such books in between the original “scroll” The purest form of this random access type of reading element is usually found in registries and directories. Rapid and focused information is the most important aspect of this type of book. Through time, the alphanumerical hierarchy and layout design of these books became natural to all forms of data, ranging from phone books to computerised databases.
reading experience and the “random access” of the Codex form.
Random access through books is transitioning on computers. No longer do you need to search by name. A quick word and a search button will now do the trick.
i say
Writing In certain cases the writing element is more important than the reading part. Back in ancient times when the monks used to make manuscripts, apart from having different copies of the manuscripts, the process was a contemplating act – meditation through writing. For the monks the book becomes a symbol of faith. It is of common knowledge that when a person writes down he remembers more. Not because he has a hard copy of the thing he wrote, but because the mind subconsciously remembers more through writing. This way, the book as a meditation process is not lost. It has merely changed strength to a physical object.
Now that the book has become a mainstream object, what is its position in writing? As a writing process, the book has little to do. The writing is a journey for the writer to “find” himself inside society or to change society. Writing is sometimes used for therapeutic reasons as well.
Scholars and artists consider their first published book as a milestone for their profession. The book as a “statement” of their studies is considered to be of such importance because of the work required to produce it. Publishing a book is no simple matter. The writing process involves backup references, studies, and the writer’s intellect to produce.
▲ Marian Bantjes, tackles many design debates in her book one of which is the use of ornament against minimalism.
► The “Book of Kells” is still a mystery when many pages are missing. Yet, it still inspire many with its intricate patterns.
Feed Another form of writing action is the insertion of information. This action differs from “writing” because here the book is prepared and laid out in a manner that the user is restricted by some rules. This form of books ranges from puzzle books, school work books, colouring books, to others.
Because of the high production value, students sometimes are advised to copy all the text word by word so that they learn more and have the benefit of giving the book away to future generations to use it again. In fact some of these books are not made to support hand written text because of their small spaces to enter the answers required. As mentioned in the previous point (“writing action”), you remember more when you write than when you listen.
Other uses of these kinds of books are puzzle books and colouring books. These require directly insertion of information like numbers, words, or simply colour. These books are usually cheaply produced and sold because of their lack of reusability.
Colouring Books invite the user to fill the book with colour. Nothing will stop you though from using something different from colour itself.
Pop-up & Sculptural The book, being a physical object compared to virtual media, has the
Although it may be as detailed as the featured object (or model), good
possibility of having tactile qualities. The textured paper, the creases,
design can show the essence of the idea involved, using paper (or other
the folds, and other three-dimensional features make the book a
material) in its simple form and stripping down the object involved to its
sculpture in its own right. Its content though is usually flattened to fit on
fundamental shapes.
the page, and therefore the content is not sculptural as the book itself. A perfect example is found in the design concept by Olof Bruce et al. Numerous examples are found in children’s toy books, where the child
of Calvino’s “Invisible Cities.” What makes this example perfect in this
needs to train its senses. Pop-ups, different paper and materials,
situation is not the detail of the modelling involved, but rather, the
holes, thicknesses, and forms make the book perfect for this kind
portrayal of a typical cityscape.
of interaction.
It is limiting though to think that these books are just for children. Adults alike still inherit childlike qualities when viewing these elements. Pop-up elements and origami are still inspiring space scientists in their effective use of space. The book, usually designed to be a portable object, can eventually help display a new dimension emerging from an originally two-dimensional plan.
Olof Bruce et al. of Calvino’s “Invisible Cities” concept for illustrating the book can be classified as a sculptural piece in itself. Paper is manipulated to the extremety of size and folds. This interpretation utilizes paper instead of the original words to describe the cityscapes.
What leads to the actual destruction of a book? When a book has lost its
person during the filling up of the book. Diaries change from helping a
fundamental use, that is, fulfilling its sole purpose, the book becomes
person keep track of his appointments to showing other people how the
something else. The destruction of a book does not mean that the book
user passed his year. Journals and sketchbooks change from inducing
has been physically destroyed, but it may change its purpose.
reason, knowledge and creativity, to teaching others what that person has learned.
What does it mean when a book has lost its purpose? Books are made for a reason.
In other situations, the book is merely disposed of and recycled into another form.
When a book has to be filled out or “fed� information, the book is progressively being used. Unless the fed information can be rubbed
Can the destruction of a book become the reading element? Ripping
off, the book will eventually be used up. When it is used up there will
pages off, scribbling, adding pages, adding notes and doodles,
be nothing else to do about it. Assuming that the book has fulfilled its
and changing the form of a book, alters its use. Another level of this
use, like, for example, entertaining or teaching a person, the book has
destruction involves destroying pages to obtain information. This
finished its task. The book dies in its form.
destruction usually only happens once because a book can only be destroyed once; but this asks the readers for his full attention by
Can a book have further use after it has been used up? Each book has
engaging the reader directly with the formation of the book.
to be considered on its own. Different books have different uses albeit having the same use. One book may entertain, teach, induce boredom,
These types of books are not very cost effective because of their
induce emotion, induce creativity, and much more. The progress of all
production costs and the disposability of the books being a luxury,
these can be shown on the book. Therefore, a book may change its use
but they can be committed to low cost paper and binding, and on
from actual teaching and entertaining, to featuring the progression of a
smaller scales.
Notable sketchbooks, journals and sketchbooks have found themselves as pieces of art by themselves. They sometimes reflect the true nature and secret life like this example from Frida Kahlo’s diary.
Quest Some of the books ask the reader to do certain things. Instructional books are usually divided into steps. Each step asks you to do one specific thing. Without fulfilling what each step asks you to do, you cannot continue to the next step. Some basic forms of instructional books range from recipe books to assembly guides and maps.
Quest books can be compared to a journey. In order to arrive from point A to point D you have to pass through points B and C (assuming that there are no shortcuts).
“Holes, Huts, and Hiding” is a series of books found only at the Stockholm Public Library amongst 500,000 other books. These books are hollow and each contains keys and maps to their designed locks. These keys provide a public adventure to various parts of the city’s underworld and infrastructure instead of simply giving out tour guides. These books provide a real sense of adventure, usually only found in fictional adventure stories.
A form of treasure map but in a book format, “Holes, Huts, and Hiding� reignites the adventure from childhood by guiding you through Stockholm without the need of explorers and tour guides.
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Time Time in book design involves the reader waiting to obtain his knowledge from the book. Certain actions carried out during one’s interaction with a book may take time. Using time as an element helps the reader pace himself in his interaction with the book. In the same way as a couple take time to prepare themselves for the arrival of a child during the 9 months of pregnancy, time can also give a totally different perspective to the reading experience.
“Well done” is a side-book created as part of an annual report for a food company. The book contains recipes and secrets to various meals. In order to not reveal the secret directly, the reader has to literally wrap the book in aluminium foil and bake it at 100ºC for 25 minutes. This was made possible with special invisible thermo-reactive ink. If done right, the empty pages will become filled with text, and the illustrations with empty plates filled with food. If done wrong, the booklet will burn.
Each book is a different scenario. There is no one exact way of developing a book because each book has different content to transmit.
“Well Done”, a side-book created as part of an annual report boasts its success by creating this book that need to be cooked to be read. Without the sufficient time to cook properly, the ink in the book will not show up or the book would get burned - just like any other meal.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec
sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus. Integer porta, magna sit amet porttitor cursus, lectus tortor lacinia diam, ultricies cursus magna risus ut sapien. Aenean eget justo a turpis adipiscing tempor. Phasellus ut leo sapien. Pellentesque eu diam id augue commodo euismod. Aliquam molestie ipsum eu neque euismod imperdiet. Nunc ultrices accumsan arcu sit amet mattis. Quisque rutrum diam vitae dolor tempus ac hendrerit tellus tempus. Nam vestibulum, felis ut luctus mollis, enim nulla rutrum justo, et dapibus tortor lectus nec dolor. Nullam at leo metus, dignissim condimentum risus. Proin augue mauris, accumsan vel sagittis id, vestibulum sit amet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque facilisis viverra magna, a varius augue hendrerit ac. Suspendisse magna felis, elementum eu luctus nec, venenatis et libero. Sed scelerisque lacinia ligula, eget suscipit nulla vulputate sit amet. Aenean viverra semper ligula, ac ultricies urna placerat quis. Fusce adipiscing, erat vitae luctus mattis, nisi nibh accumsan libero, a rhoncus turpis metus ut velit. In enim augue, lobortis id fermentum ac, feugiat eget nibh. Integer posuere facilisis lectus, ut tempus lorem tincidunt at. Proin libero lacus, facilisis eget interdum et, luctus in velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vitae ipsum arcu, et placerat erat. Vestibulum tempus mattis quam, ut accumsan metus fringilla in. Fusce viverra convallis nulla, non dapibus mauris tempus et.
libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus. Integer porta, magna sit amet porttitor cursus, lectus tortor lacinia diam, ultricies cursus magna risus ut sapien. Aenean eget justo a turpis adipiscing tempor. Phasellus ut leo sapien. Pellentesque eu diam id augue commodo euismod. Aliquam molestie ipsum eu neque euismod imperdiet. Nunc ultrices
sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam suscipit adipiscing dui non adipiscing. Praesent neque magna, malesuada id imperdiet at, ullamcorper sit amet sapien. Praesent at tellus diam, auctor porttitor sem. In id odio in justo hendrerit ultrices in sed elit. Duis porttitor est fringilla turpis elementum laoreet ornare lectus congue. Nulla facilisi. Integer placerat aliquam mi, ut sodales mauris aliquam sit amet. Cras consequat, tortor ut condimentum pharetra, neque quam fermentum nisl, quis porttitor massa risus in magna. Mauris suscipit sodales lorem, vel ornare nibh accumsan ut. Curabitur ut lacinia ante. Fusce at nibh vel nulla auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt, felis a pulvinar gravida, elit dui suscipit diam, ut facilisis magna lacus malesuada tellus. Nam vulputate lobortis tortor, in tincidunt ante faucibus at. Aliquam nulla neque, volutpat vitae feugiat quis, dignissim dignissim mauris. Ut a leo nisi. Duis et dolor eu orci tincidunt scelerisque. Aliquam velit sapien, gravida non mollis nec, pretium non purus. Suspendisse mi turpis, ultrices a laoreet eu, mollis tincidunt metus. Suspendisse condimentum consectetur iaculis. Donec semper mi eu mauris eleifend hendrerit. Sed libero magna, semper eget tincidunt vel, laoreet eu eros. Aliquam pharetra justo eget velit lacinia nec tincidunt nisi malesuada. Aliquam nec sem magna. Suspendisse justo felis, consectetur et pellentesque sit amet, iaculis nec ligula. Nullam vulputate, eros non congue rhoncus, leo justo venenatis odio, id auctor nisi turpis non sapien. Nullam sit amet magna vel dolor malesuada condimentum sit amet et massa. Vivamus quis erat et nisl
convallis elementum id non odio. Nulla egestas mattis ante, pharetra consequat orci mollis sed. Donec imperdiet est vitae purus pretium fermentum adipiscing libero luctus. Integer imperdiet, purus vel dictum facilisis, justo lectus cursus metus, vel hendrerit justo lectus sit amet nulla. Pellentesque non diam et mauris rutrum hendrerit. Aliquam nisi ipsum, mollis vel pulvinar eu, hendrerit at dui. Nulla eros ligula, tincidunt iaculis placerat ut, laoreet eget purus. Fusce vestibulum porta lorem sed malesuada. Nam sed quam ut elit malesuada lobortis. Cras justo eros, auctor non sagittis id, consequat eu augue. Maecenas at felis arcu. Etiam eget sapien et mi aliquet placerat. Sed rhoncus orci odio. Nullam erat sapien, cursus id fringilla vestibulum, lobortis vitae tellus. Vivamus ultrices magna a ante egestas vulputate auctor massa imperdiet. Mauris tristique mattis ligula, vitae sodales lacus egestas vitae. Donec scelerisque feugiat leo, in fermentum eros accumsan non. Nullam molestie luctus ante nec faucibus. Donec id hendrerit velit. Ut congue consequat eros at consectetur. Curabitur vel elit arcu, in posuere urna. Curabitur volutpat placerat sapien sed sagittis. Maecenas porta nisi id augue accumsan et gravida quam dictum. Pellentesque elementum adipiscing mi, non lobortis dolor interdum sed. Sed magna elit, aliquam sit amet fermentum sit amet, rhoncus in enim. Ut lacinia augue a sapien scelerisque vel porta nulla posuere. Proin vel venenatis libero. Duis et commodo risus. Nulla facilisis metus sed tellus ornare iaculis. Sed eget turpis eros, a eleifend erat. Quisque in nibh risus.
Reading for different age groups and social positions Through time, the design of books evolved mainly in 2 different aspects:
What is powerful about a book though is that it can change a society with
technology and society. The former, technology, provides the means for
the information it carries. The book started to be of great importance
a book to be produced in its form, content, and price; and the latter,
during times when printing became feasible to produce in large numbers.
society, provides the theme, subject, and content for the book.
With an emerging middle class during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, printing became a major pillar in the development of society.
These 2 aspects move hand in hand together to form the book, usually creating a definition of society itself. The cultural aspect of a book defines a society by means of the book’s method of collecting and keeping track of everything happening around it.
Volume 12
Volume 17 Volume 4
Volume 10
Volume 18
Volume 16
Volume 21
Volume 13
Volume 11 J-K
Volume 9 BOOK LUNG
Volume 20 U-V
Class The ground breaking introduction of “Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire
In today’s society, though, things have changed. Lower class people are
raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers” (1751-65) (or, “Complete
usually uninterested in reading and are left uneducated by books. What
encyclopedia or dictionary of science, arts, and crafts) described and
if you provide them with books that are easy and interesting for them
illustrated most of the trades and their secrets of that time. The art
to read? Different people have different needs, and no single book can
critic and philosopher Denis Diderot’s aim was to produce an account
fulfil their various requirements.
of trade processes for future generations. Although only 15% of the population in that era could read, the book became a bestseller.
With the introduction of such books, many publishers started to republish old works mostly from manuscripts for the amateur part of the society who needed manuals on certain materials, manufacturing processes, or skills. Cheaper printing and hand-coloured engravings could teach the middle class to easily make bread, hats, wine, sugar, cloth, glass, and other numerous objects with the help of illustrated diagrams. The book stopped being a novelty, and became a major source of education for the society.
Volume 2
Volume 15
Volume 6 B
Volume 5
Volume 8
Volume 1
Volume 7
Volume 22
Volume 14 BOOK LUNG
Volume 3 C1
Volume 19 T
The effects of the Industrial age introduced cheaper book production. “Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers” listed, described, and illustrated trades and their secret of that time. Craftsmen were enraged with this publication because their skills were at risk. This further shifted crafted objects towards the machines rather than specialised individuals.
Attracting the Unattracted The culture of reading books should be nurtured from childhood.
Visually impaired people already have Braille as their language. This is
Creating books for those who can’t read, or better, don’t want to read,
possible only because of their sense of touch. What if you use textures
creates a challenge for book design. Knowing how to read nowadays has
other than Braille? What if these books would engage these people with
become a compulsory thing, yet the appetite for reading can be lacking.
the rest of their senses? Sound and smell can already enhance the
With good design one can be urged on to reading a book. Being a child
possibilities of a more interesting book. (Taste was neglected because it
or an adult, reading should be fun, easy, and instructive.
is not hygienic to taste your book).
For all those who don’t want to read, books should be designed in a way to help them read. Enlarging the font sizes for visually impaired people, or simply using an interactive approach are a few of the endless possibilities.
The Language Question Different societies have different needs. Malta, for example, is having
“The Best of Wim T. Schippers” is a book that can easily be an inspiration
trouble solving problems with bilingualism. Bilingualism in Malta is not
for solving this phenomenon. Having Dutch origins, the author, Harry
just a matter of having Maltese and English as languages; in Malta it has
Ruhé, decided to overlay his text in 2 languages, Dutch and English.
become a way to divide the country between those who use Maltese as
Using an optical illusion with the help of Schnippers panache, the text
their main language and those who use English. Eliminating the Maltese
could be read accordingly with the help of coloured transparent sheets.
language because of its limitations is not the best of options. Malta is
While it may not be the best possible solution for long reading texts,
not living in a vacuum. What language should be used in a bilingual
the overlay effect gives the text a distinctive look, makes efficient use
country? What language should be given prominence and priority on
of space of the page, solves the bilingual problem, and renders the
the displayed page? Should Maltese be the first language to show up or
reading experience a creative and playful one.
should it be English?
“The Best of Wim T. Schippers� is a bilingual book utilizing the same technique used in stereoscopic 3-dimensional imagery to generate text in both English and Dutch. This technique can save up precious space in printed media while still mantaining an interesting and mysterious way to read the words in different languages.
Book on a Budget Creating the perfect book for every situation requires a lot of money to
The artist by the name of Heuberger produced this rudimentary book
invest in research and production. But what happens when the cost of
out of 1 folded sheet of A2 paper. This was possible with the use of
the book becomes one of the main factors in deciding whether the book
silk-screen printing in which he printed all of the pages at once and then
should be produced or not? People usually opt for leaflets and brochures
folding it by hand.
to promote their thing. What if they use a book? The book should cost little to produce to reach a wider audience with lower expenses.
Although these kinds of simple book designs are very handmade friendly, producing this book by machine is even faster but will reduce its
Many independent artists and writers often tend to opt for the DIY
value. The same principle of handmade goods that happened during the
approach. Printing and binding your own book is not easy but you have
Industrial age by William Morris applies here. Handmade objects can
full creative control over how the object will look and feel. It would also
have an edge on other industrialized goods; for example, a handbound
come cheaper, has a distinctive look, and it gives you pride in having
book is usually of better quality as well as being authentic.
produced something yourself from start to finish.
Made from 1 folded A2 sheet of paper, artist Heuberger may not be the first to produce something simple of this kind. The zine culture promotes self-publishing, representing freedom of expression done at home with limited supplies.
Children’s Books One of the most challenging aspects of book design is the creation
Who does actually use the book then? It is called the “children’s book”
of a book for children. As Bruno Munari says: “Knowing children is
because it is aimed at the children but parents are a substantial part
like knowing cats. Anyone who doesn’t like cats will not like children
of the book as well. The parents are the people who buy and read the
or understand them.” Understanding a child’s psychology is the most
book to their children. Therefore, the main aspects of the book – such
important aspect of creating the book.
as visuals and storyline – should be first targeted towards the parents, and then the children.
Age alone plays an important factor in creating the book. Children make dramatic changes in little to no time. A good book needs to cater for
This form of target audience for creating books can be seen with many
this change. A 2-year-old will start showing interest in the pictures of a
children’s animation films, where many aspects and dialogues of the
storybook. A little later, the child will start noticing the story itself.
story are usually aimed at the parents because of their presence while taking their children to the cinema.
Children will notice things like the colours of the pictures, the smell of the book, and other little details. They will not understand certain aspects of the story like love and hate until they are grown up. Also, they will not understand certain marketing and production concepts such as special editions, elegant printing, expensive books, and messy drawings. On the other hand, though, children want detailed illustrations, a very simple story, and visual surprises (Easter eggs) that engage the child due to their high observation skills.
Conclusion As outlined in this study, book design has come a long way. We have also seen that despite the heavy dependence on digitalization in contemporary communication, the role of the traditional book cannot be underestimated. Books have different functions in relation to the demands of the consumer or reader. They are able to fulfil educational and entertainment roles within society. We also acknowledge that books are being shaped by the various social requirements while they themselves shape the thoughts of those who create them. Being under constant development, books can, and will, never settle on one form. The fact that they continue to evolve reflects an important aspect of the nature of book design – that it is, ultimately, an art form with unlimited potential.
Sources (accessed October 15th 2010) (accessed October 15th 2010) (accessed October 15th 2010) (accessed October 15th 2010) (accessed November 15th 2010) (accessed November 15th 2010) (accessed December 15th 2010) (accessed December 15th 2010) (accessed December 17th 2010)
Matthias HĂźbner, R. Klanten, (2008), Fully Booked, Die Gestalten Verlag: Berlin
Sara De Bondt, Fraser Muggeridge, (2009),The Form of the Book Book, Occasional Papers: London
Philip B. and Alston W. Purvis, (2006c), Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, New Jersey : Hoboken
Bruno Munari, (1966), Design as Art, Penguin: London
Rare Books, London : Sala; New York : Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum; Washington : Smithsonian Institution Libraries, 2001
Imprint This book has been written and fully designed by Adrian Gauci.
To stay informed about any other work visit and his blog on
For a free online version of the words visit
First printed in 2012.
Copyright Š 2012 Book Lung: The Living Book by Adrian Gauci All Rights Reserved. Any part of this publication can be transmitted in any form, electronically or mechanically, including photocopy, but with permission and credit.
Š 2012 Adrian Gauci
Printed and bound by