What about the plans....
Places to Visit: O O tori O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Mondadori Editorial Banca Popolare di Lodi y AudiBarrio Gallaratesse Bosco Verticale Castelo Sforzesco City life Milano Duomo di Milano Bergognone 53 Il sole 24 ore Feltrinelli Porta Volta Feria di Milano Fondazione Prada Galleria Vittorio Enmanuele Giorgio Armani Store Metropol BMW offices HQ Dolce Gabbana central offices Pirelli Real State HQ Santa Maria Presso San Satiro Santa Maria delle Grazie Giorgio Armani Theatre Arcimboldi Theatre Della Scala Theatre Pirelli Tower Luigi Bocconi University
Google street view has become my best travel partner this year..... Also I found the Nomada app, that’s an architectural travel guide who helped me a lot to discover buildings from amazing architects I listed in my travel plan.
Mondadori Editorial’s Headquarters
Architect: Oscar Niemeyer Location: Milano, Lombardía, It alia
Year of construction: 1968-1975
I can’t deny the similarity with the Justice Palace in Brasilia, also from Niemeyer in Brasilia. I visited it in 2011 and the atmospheric feeling the water creates is amazing. Also how he makes the buildings “f loat in the water”. Bus
As seen on the world wide web
Next to a lake of 20,000 square mete rs, the main building of the editorial headquarte rs stands out, a prism atic body that hang s from the porticoed stru cture with arches of different lights that cr eate an irregular rhythm on the facades.
Inside, two vertica l circulation nect the four open -plan levels building surface is divided, plus and the roof. The use of colors gives identity to ea ch area.
cores coninto which the the pilotis in the offiices
In the lowest volum e, at one end, the re is the dining room, the bar and the shops , and at the other the wr iting room, with a fre er shape is divided int o two fflloors that suggest the emptyness of an Italian “piazza ”.
Banco BPM Bipielle City and Auditorium
tails!!! e d e iv struct out the This Con e r u ig er f * I’ll nev e this! ik l e r e wh details
Architect: Renzo Piano
Location: Via Polenghi Lombardo, 13, Lodi Year of construction: 1991 - 2001
web orld wide on the w n e se s A
the factory, r e m r o odi a f re di L site of la o e p h o t P n o nca ce for Located rs for the Ba nd a pla a e t r e a r u t q n head ss ce a busine is both . xchange bank, social e or the f s e ic fi off local ies for sists of it n o n c e m e a em us The sch e, vario ail spac itorium. t e r e som aud and an ed piaz people ss-cover ides new la g r e prov s inn , with it ce and h to the The site ublic open spa r e th oug r p t n a e c is n za, tow rom the routes f ilway station. ra nearby cylindrind the a g f the in d clad l silos o a a t ic t p o c y t a r The ter voke the tures e c u r t s l ca region.
Gallaratese Complex
ork n art w
la some f I found
dria with mon shbacks
Architect: Aldo Rossi and Carlo Aymonino
Location: Via Cilea y via Enrico Falck Year of construction: 1967 - 1974
web ld wide the wor n o n e As se
in the 5: ial unit 7 t 9 n 1 e i, id s s s there is g Aldo Ro roject for a re f Milan, p o y d eerin o m o h n r “I ighbo in engin h the a e t n r e e c s e h it Gallarat relationship wit fused w t I ely con g ha id lo t w a n g e a n r li a an fee that e s m n a s io t e c ilaneth constru gy and e old M f life h lo t o p y y b t d corridor a way o erience , ays exp the Corridor is lw a timacies e v ha hich estic in w m o f in d o s s in t e se hous stories, omponen Fabio in minor of the c by d e e n h o t a t b s, bu d to me did, to ip ie h s if n r io t la in rela been c e often ject has , by car, as w o r p us from is h t o move eling t v a o r pen t in d t n r erna in the o Reinha B n n e a e s S as t of and inhart h the por project, e rich; Re h u t d Z f o o t ion derstoo Ticino repetit have un e h re, I t a w s d a n ie een rix a b t galler a e m v a e h h uld rucre t s, I sho is particular st therefo e im t r hout th the sage wit ally, of s how, in o a m r p o f d e ly on over and not e gallery or c k.� h t in a wor f o ture ssing it e r p x e of thinking
Bosco Verticale
Architect: Boeri Studio
Location: 20124 Milano MI Year of construction: 2014
As seen on the world wide web
The Vertical Forest is the prototype building for a new format of arc hitectural biodiversity which focuses not only on human beings but als o on the relationship be tween humans and oth er living species. The f irs t example, built in Mil an in the Porta Nuova are a, consists of two tower s that are respectively 80 and 112 metres hig h, housing a total of 800 trees (480fif irst and second stage trees, 30 0 smaller ones, 15,000 perennials and/or gro und covering plants an d 5,000 shrubs, providing an amount of vegetat ion equivalent to 30,000 squ are metres of woodland and undergrowth, conce ntrated on 3,000 square metres of urban surfac e.
Castelo Sforzesco
As seen on the world wide web
The original construction was ordered by local lord Galeazzo II Vis conti in 1358–c. 1370; this castle was known as Ca stello di Porta Giova (or Porta Zubia), from the name of a gate in wa lls located nearby. His suc cessors Gian Galeazz o, Giovanni Maria and Fili ppo Maria Visconti en lar ged it, until it became a square-plan castle wit h 200 m-long sides, four tower s at the corners and up to 7-metre-thick walls. The castle was the ma in residence in the city of its Visconti lords, an d was destroyed by the short-lived Golden Am brosian Republic which hou sted them in 1447.
Builder: Francesco Sforza, Du ke of
Location: Piazza Castello Year of construction: 1368 General Ticket: 10 â‚Ź
In 1450, Francesco Sf orza, once he shattere d the republicans, began reconstruction of the castle to turn it into his princely residence . In 1452 he hired sculptor and architect Filarete to design and decorate the central tower, whi ch is still known as Torre de l Filarete.
Duomo di Milano
Builder: Antonio da Saluzzo Location: Piazza del Duomo
Year of construction: 1386 General Ticket: 8 €
omo u D l I about s t c a f 10 As seen on the world wide web
1. The Duomo is the lar gest Gothic Church in the world and the largest church in Italy 2. What makes the Du omo not only a church but also a cathedral, is the fact that it is home to the archbishop of Milan, currently Ar chbishop Mario Delpini. 3. Besides being the official home to the arc hdiocese of Milan, the Duomo hosts an astonishing number of statues and gargoyles. The offi cial Duomo website sta tes that 3,400 statues, plus ove r 700 marble figures, sta nd all over the cathedral. 4. Among the thousand s of statues, some are naturally images of saints and figu res from the history of Christianity, but some others are rather peculiar: sire ns with double-ended fishtails, the portrait of boxer ath let e Primo Carnera, and the face of Benito Mussolini are just a few worth search ing around. 5. But among all 3,400 statues, the Duomo’s and arguably the city’s - mo st revered figure is the golden representation of Ma ry, endearingly called the Madonnina (Little Madonna) .
of t point e highes h t rs , t c in fa yscrape irelli sk ina was, P n n e o h d t a M few hen 6. The 1960s, w y just a height b until the r y e h it c d the surpasse ilt and rt from were bu omo apa u D e h . t of visiets metres g that s the lack in h t is t r ld e r h ible, bu he wo 7. Anot ren’t vis round t a a s s ll e e h c b ur mo’s most ch The Duo towers. ll almost e b ble s lasted a h s s e ist. proc 1386 su they ex truction rted in a o’s cons t s m at o u n n D io a Mil truct 8. The ruler of he cons i, T t ! n s o c ie t r is u o V rojec six cent Galeazz g this p y Gian f turnin b o s d n e io t t r ppo d aspira , who ha h. sistence st churc the time ’s large arte’s in p ld a r n o o w B e ed in leon into th complet to Napo y e u ll a d n fi s a apoe was 9. It w irth of N b o’s façad e m h o t u D te that the celebra time to in t s ju 1811, hysically style. o has p m in o u n D o s e caof the leon’s walls. Th ruction s t s it n o d c n beyo le that 10. The ity way ish marb c k in e p h t e d whit pproxiaffecte with the cated a lo t il , u s b ie r s wa uar thedral doglia Q ilan. the Can m o est of M fr w h s t r o n come e o th 90 km t mately
Il Sole 24 ore HQ
Architect: Renzo Piano
Location: Via Monte Rosa, 91 Year of construction: 2004
As seen on the world wide web
A pre-existing industria l building was restored and converted to be the new headquarters of the Italian ffiinancial daily newspaper “Il So le 24 Ore�.
By demolishing the str eet facade of the ori ginal square building, a south-facing opening wa s created. The new build ing is U-shaped, with a vast central garden, a green hill hiding sub terranean parking under neath. Bright-green sun-shading blinds on the outside of the glass facade an imate the exterior. Lotto Fieramilanocity
Feltrinelli porta volta
Architect: Herzog & de Meuron
Year of construction: 2016
5 years ago I visited this building to acreditate
myself to Expo Milano 2015, and I had no clue
about this amazing project from H&M Garibaldi FS
y simplicit by the d e ir c p e s it arch are in ilanese uildings M b w ic r e n o n a hist Bes a, “The scale of a della d s n u o o t r o e R n are also giore, and ge ale Mag o. They d c s e e p s z O r f Sfo ture as ildings o astello scina bu , and C o a t C t h e r r a ic a h e w Laz , lin dy, the long Lombar y in b e d r o e u t Ald inspir architec ence in al rural t refer n a t r ilding in o u tradition p an im ntial b e e id r s e e w r his already stance, k, for in r o w i’s s Ros ese. w Gallarat d narro ated an g n lo e , an way ropose urative hy we p uely ffiig g a v es. The d a a This is w he fac hich, in t w o t e r in u t melts ions of architec l condit of which a o r ic r a t e s e nces geom introduc and bala es the s s s r e r e p b x m e e e of its m ition. Fa structur rotation l deffiin ia a t a in p s e t e d egra d y an the sit g an int sparenc in n m a r r t fo n ace betwee , and sp tructure s , e d a cç whole.”
Location: Via Monte Rosa, 91
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e web world wid he t n o n As see
Fondazione Prada
ot ist, is n protagon s a t y t li , ria njoy bu d mate hat I e t t c Color an je o im of pr al life, the kind ct in re exacly je o r p ly the complet to see would be i’ll love g n li e fe sure the pretty t. differen
Architect: OMA Location: Largo Isarco, 2 Year of construction: 2015 Ticket: 10 €
Lodi Tibb
web ld wide the wor n o n e As se
om ating fr tillery d is d he in g lex on t mer in a for ial comp r t d s e u t d a in c Lo azioarco of Fond argo Is e L m o h e h w t ne 1910 in nerailan, the nd rege ge of M a d w e e n n r f o nd southe xistence tories a is a coe , labora s a e d s a u r o P h g a are ne luding w rroundin ings inc dings su d il il u u b b w d e n te well as silos, as brewing . ourtyard large c ire of reperto e h t d pan . s to ex xhibited plex aim an be e m c o c t r a e h h T , s in whic buildings typologie existing n e v e s spatial e for ists of , a spac ct cons m je iu o d r o p P s: itoThe dia aud tructure multime e new s e a r , h t a m d e an ibition ; Cin ent exh hibitions n x a e m r y r e a p ry tempor n and nine-sto collectio ower, a ’s T n io d t n a a d un rium; g the fo displayin r fo e c spa s. activitie
Carlos Cruz-Diez 1991 Fisicromía double faced for Madrid used as a reference in the facade. French-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, 1923 - Paris,
2019) lived and worked in Paris since 1960. A major protagonist in the ffiield of Kinetic and Optical Art, a
movement that encourages “an awareness of the instability of reality”*,
his body of work established him as one of the key 20th century thinkers
in the realm of color.
As seen on the world wide web
Architect: Piuarch Location: Viale Piave, 22 Year of construction: 2005
Dolce&Gabbana’s multifunctional space in the heart of Milan occupies the former Metropol movie theatre. The ori ginal building, which da tes from the 1940s, has be en completely restructured and expanded by about 1,000 square metres in order to ac commodate an event hall and several confe rence rooms which, tog ether with the existing building, cover an are a of 3.500 square metres. The large illuminated sign of the Metropol cinema has been conse rved, while the façcade itself was substantially rebuilt, endowing the new building with a pa rticularly striking aspec t. The facing, realized wit h steel strips that twi st along the vertical axis, gives a kinetic effect to the building, in that the façcbvade change s appearance depending on the viewer’s position
BMW Italia Headquarters Building
e web world wid he t n o n As see
March 3 - 22 1 9 1 r e emb ner of (4 Sept and win , e t g c n a e T it e was arch Kenzo cture. H panese a e J it h a c r s a a 0th for 2005) w of the 2 r Prize hitects Pritzke c r 7 with a 8 9 s t 1 n le the se sty significa e t n s a o p m a l J the on five one of raditiona bining t uildings b m o r c d jo , a y r m e secon ned centu d desig e entir h n t a , d m e s n is u pan ero modern ing num areer s s. His c , produc t y n r e u cities t in n t e e n co ieth c apanes t J n e r w e t h t , o the s half of in Tokyo ambitiou well as buildings s e a iv , t c ld distin the wor virons. s around d its en n a o y and citie k r To plans fo physical the Me atron of p , l ia v t e n beli e influe was, I also an t s I “ a at w : t id e e sa Tang ixties h ment. H of the s e v g o in m n ll in t ca beg tabolis ter to at the I was la 1959 or t a d h rdam), n w u e o t t r s u a k abo 2, Am in 8 h 9 t 1 o / t 2 n known Plan I bega ement ited in v o c ( m , l ” a m r s tu ali architec structur to the e c n e r . a refe turalism h Struc as Dutc
Architect: Kengo Tange
Location: San Donato Milanese Year of construction: 1996 - 1998
As seen on the world wide web
It is an excellent ex ample of symbiotic re lationship between gla ss technology and research and developme nt demonstrated in the construction where the stringent specification required the building to reflect the company ’s corporate characteris tics, state of the art technology and aesthetic appeal.
This meant that no sup port structure could be visible below a height of 3.5 m, with the glass unimpaired by tinting to allow uninterrupted and clear views of the cars inside.
Pirelli Real Estate Headquarters
My favorite discovery!!! Look at the night pictures... It’s really amazing!!!
e web world wid on the n e se As
Architect: Gregotti Associati In ternational Location: Via Bicocca degli Arcim boldi, 3 Year of construction: 2007
s on the g stand in d il u a b office cca are i Group he Bico t ll e f o ir P d . h en The new re feet he nort 73 squa lot at t ,4 3 y gli 3 n a ,5 d p 7 com occa e ea of oric “Bic s an ar t r h is e h v o a e c h e Res rc to t and o home elli Tire ls ir a P is w g t e din he n The lo ce “Buil ilding, t and offi oldi” bu e b ic d to v im e r c k e r n s li A new sely lo e h c t is d n e a sit ntually Center t of the will eve n e t m lo p lo e h the eve as t 143.” D nked to losure” gs all li of “enc in d e il m u e b h t the t differen several . contain group dustrial d which same in s, aroun r e t r a u the eadq ges, is re of H ding hin il al featu u r b t n e e h c of t The ed from conserv nd body a n e n k e ig s b e has visual lin the d r, which t as a e n w o e t s m g p n lo eve ion to it old cooli ustrial d n addit d I in i. s ll u e a io v Pir visu l the pre and new of great ld is o e e r h u n t ted feat betwee e, this construc ding is tive valu il u a r b o w m c e e he s ulp he n comm pact. T me to t a im fr l ic a t s r u t and pla architec , like an it er. d w n o u t o ar f the cture o u r t s l a tur love this i really y h w w big size kno I dint me to a s d in m e it r project, a k matrios
Giorgio Armani Theatre
Architect: Tadao Ando
Location: Via Bergognone, 59 Year of construction: 2001 Ticket: Free!!!!! :D As seen on the world wide web
“The liaison between fashion and architecture seems to hav e become one of the most fertile fields of international critical debate, despi te the disconcertment of a number of critics, including future Venice Biennial director Deyan Sudjic, who holds that “fashion is not art... but the perfect cultur al expression of the limited attention span of our age” P.TA Genova FS
Unknown author
Pirelli Tower
Gio Ponti, the creator of “made in Italy”
As seen on the world wide web
Ponti’s slim, 33-story structure appears to shoot up from the gro und like a missile, towering over its low-rise context. Centrally locate d on the project site, the tower is pushed away from the streets. He consid ered this to be advantageous from an urban planning perspective: a high de nsity building with a small footprint provid ed additional space for traffic and par king while bringing more ventilation, dayligh t, and space to the surrounding streets. Architect: Gio Ponti, Pier Luigi Ne rvi
Location: Via Fabio Filzi, 22
Year of construction: 1958
He has a couple of projects in my hometown (Caracas), two houses very impressive with amazing views of the main mountain, and with an impressive design. Centrale FS
low grade levels be o w t d e 00-seat r includ cars, a 6 0 The towe 0 8 r fo nference g parking , and co ia r e containin t fe a c ffice , a staff d open o auditorium ve hoste o b a s r m o u o m The fl r maxi spaces. titions fo r a p le b n for the h mova applicatio e space wit iv t a v o n ith ity; an in time. W adaptabil gy at the lo o p es, y ic t v r g ildin and se office bu culation ir c d r e e t loca tly tap centrally ridor sub r o c in a r towe ; an and m s of the d the plan n e e m g flow of he extre diminishin towards t he t o t ender response ilding a sl u b efficient he t ives structure ch also g users whi ges of the d e w o r r while the The na r slabs, o profile. o fl n e e the coed betw h side of are glaz c a e n o and spaces al ducts triangular mechanic e t a d o m com rridor ac tion. cy circula n emerge
UNIVERSITY LUIGI BOCCONI I feel very impressed by this project, how the archite cts played with forms and ligh ts and the concrete in every detail.
It reminds me a litt le bit what used to be my “Alma mater�, the Central University of Venezuela.
As seen on the world wide web
Location: Via Roberto Sarfatti, 25
Year of construction: 2008
Via Bocconi Via Sarfatti
The idea was to make two worlds, one hovering over the other, wit h the space of the city flowing between. We took the public space of the through the building bringing with it the stone floor of Milan.This opens the university to the life of the city. The building feels like a cit y in miniature. At the most public cor ner we made a ‘window’ to Mila. The aula magna occupies this corner asserting a sym bolic presence and a register of the pre stigious status of the University. The widened pavement forms a new urban space, whic h reaches out to the city and beckons the visitor into the heart of the interior.
a ‘place signed as e d is y rsit he meThe unive roletto, t B l I d n re of ge’ a the cent of exchan in g in d il u arket b t. dieval m nce poin a refere s a w , n a Mil ace we grand sp a ke a m r to es as In orde arch offic the rese a t u o b a d to form thought suspende , e c ll a a sp o ht t beams of filters lig y, which p o n a c habited d in gran rm an fo s e c ffi is he o und world levels. T undergro he T . e p roofsca carved. nse and e d , d li so
With the present work, I’m pretending to elaborate a digital sketchbook of what would ideally be my trip to Milan. Exactly 5 years ago it was my first and last visit to the city, coinciding with the EXPO Milan 2015, but I really didn’t have the time to visit all the spaces I wanted in the city since the Expo consumed me every day of the week. As I always do every time I organize a trip (which I really enjoy), I did a little research in tourist guides of the interesting buildings and spaces to visit, and after that I made the selection of buildings that I found most interesting. I was really surprised a lot by the number of buildings of highly recognized architects that exist in Milan and that I had no idea that they existed. So this little trip through google street view has opened my eyes a lot. Doing a little research on each building and its architects, I discovered construction details, spatial solutions, or finishes that have been very interesting to me. Coincidentally
I found an app within my research, which is like a “tourist” guide for architects, which has really come in handy for discovering buildings that are not normally listed in online tourist guides. Definitely, my favorite project is the Pirelli Real State HQ. The way the architect resolved to adapt the old factory as a key element of the project and incorporate it in an architectural way has seemed extraordinary to me, especially from what I’ve been able to see in photos, how he incorporates it, and is visible 24 hours a day it’s really beautiful and amazing. Hopefully, soon I will be able to visit the city and live the experience of viewing in person all these great works unknown to me so far.
I hope i’ll be there very soon...