resilient årstafältet food as a (social) flagship
exploded isometric no scale
green biodiverse buffer areas
These areas contain different types of trees, which increase biodiversity and regulate microclimate. The trees can be considered a source of food as well, as they can provide fruits, nuts, edible flowers. The use of different trees is important to improve the pollination.
smart buildinds
This is where the housing and the social floor are located. In order to improve the food production during winter, there are greenhouses in the upper floors.
community garden
This happens between the buildings, where the residents can grow crops together with their neighbours, increasing the sense of community.
public garden
future picture
The conceptual picture of Årstafältet’s future can be see in two different ways. In one interpretation, if people’s behaviour stay the same, it will be necessary to create very extreme environments to produce food. On the other hand, the image could be see as Årstafältet as a food production core, where through food production the social life and sustainability come up, spreading this lifestyle at the neighbouring areas.
This projects aims to create a neighbourhood where food is the flagship issue. The social activities that take place in the field should be connected through the food, by food production, consumption and disposal, creating a circular system. This projects aims to create a neighbourhood where food is the flagship issue. The social activities that take place in the field should be connected through the food, by food production, consumption and disposal, creating a circular system. The existing industrial area has a food distribution centre, and this could support the future local food production, as a consumer and distributer of the goods produced in Årstafältet. The activities related with food were indendified since the first Task. The main food production axis was designed at the area where family activities, gardening and picnics are social activities, so the project intend to enhance the social relations related with food not only at this specific area, but in the whole field.
The zoning of the field and the position of the buildings is a result of the previous tasks (developed in part 1, in the group work). In the image below (Task 4 - The ants), it is possible to identify the activities related with food, the intensity of social activies and the combination of both, that generated the map with the location of the future housing and the food production axis.
To ensure that the food consumption will occur in a circular system, it is important to provide the opportunity to the local residents to develop all the activities related with food. For this reason, the project suggests the introduction of specific areas to food production, consumption and composting.
The public garden are the pedestrian paths that brings the neighbouring residents and other neighbourhoods’ residents to the field.
food production axis
The green axis, is the biggest food production area, which will develop flora and fauna, bringing different species and enhancing the social activities as gardening, picnics, gathering.
axonometric no scale
food layers social area
The social network can be seen as a consequence of the activities generated by the food production, which will improve the social encounters - not only casual meetings - with gathering areas and knowledge exchange.
The food production, consumption and composting occurs in different levels: 1. Private: at the residents houses 2. Community: at the greenhouse floor and food corridors 3. Public: at the food axis This is important to ensure that many different kind of people and users will have the opportunity to grow food, and increase the possibility of this circular system to work, because different levels can support each other.
master plan
smart buildings
AD2862 SUPD Studio 1.2 - Situations
Johanna Jarméus, Ramia Mazé, Anna Maria Orru, Meike Schalk, Maria Ärlemo
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Adriana de Lima Sampaio
no scale
indoor food production
In order to enable food production in different periods of the year - including winter - it was located a indoor food production area, located in the top floor of the building, which can be accessed by residents. The apartments have an open floor plane, in order to be more flexible to different kind of users and families, where people can shape their houses according to their lifestyle and preferences.
social floor
Food production axis Food production corridors Smart buildings Pedestrian paths
1. flexible areas
This is the open area between the food production and the housing corridors. At this free space, people can have different options of outdoor activities - picnic, walk with the dog, lay at the sun, play with kids, sports, organize music festivals, openair parties, etc.
3. food production axis
The food production axis is connecting the north to the south, in a big allotment garden, enhancing the existing gardening area. The field is open and can be used by everybody, creating a democratic space, where the social activities happen around food production, consumption and composting.
2. housing typology
The buildings are located perpendicularly to the street in order to enhance the visual connection between the existing neighbourhood with the park - food production land inviting people to enter the field. At the same time, in order to develop the pedestrian connection into the field and do not create a building barrier, paths at the ground floor were located, facilitating the flows of people (see at axonometric view).
The social floor is where the social and educational activities happen indoor. They are located in the ground floor of the buildings, and they will provide different opportunities for the local residents and neighbours. At the social floor we can find: Shared kitchens: where cooking knowledge can be exchanged; Maker spaces: where people can teach each other how to build things, produce their own goods and repair it. The farming material and tools should be kept in these rooms, and it is possible to borrow all kind of tools as well; Multiuse rooms: where the residents can have parties, social interaction, film screenings, meetings, indoor games; Local food markets: where the food produced can be sell to the local residents, visitors and neighbours. Composting area: where the composting bins will be located, and can be used by the residents and users.
food production corridor
These locations were chosen in order to introduce the food production activity in all the main pedestrian ways, making this activity the most important and the sparking of social connection and creating a continuous food production landscape.
section A-B
Stockholm, 28th May, 2014