Architecture Portfolio 2022

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2 Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignine Épinette Pinus Banksiana Pin gris Populus Tremuloide Peuplier faux-tremble Betula Papyrifera Bouleau à papier HO HO HO OH OH OH OH O HO OH O O OO O HO OH OH OH O O HO HO HO OH OH OH OH O HO OH OH O O O O OH C O CH CH HO ProfessionalAcademic La Halte Milieu,MatièreMédium, Academic - M.Arch ThesisAcademic Professional Flowing Water Earth Gallery Ojo Norte 18 2410124 CONTENTS OORO Girl’s home Professional 8

3 Professional Fabrication prototyping&TransmobilityRome OtherUrbanismLandscape ALL DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS IN THIS PORTFOLIO ARE MY OWN WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Cammino BellavistaBaroniadellaridingclub 36343211


Ojo Norte is a Passive House featuring an in novative yet low-tech construction system. The walls are made up of Structural Insulated Panels with a straw bale insulation. These can be pre-assembled and built much faster than a regu lar stick frame while re ducing the amount of wood and its thermal bridging. The embodied carbon and energy of the project are very low,

children.hisandowner,theBryan,top:Right site.itsandhousetheofviewaerialbottom:Right road.thefromsurroundingsitsandhousetheofView

5 compounding with the energy savings offered by the insulation. Finally, straw bale and the lime and clay plaster we em ployed regulate humid ity to maintain optimal comfort levels. This project was de signed and built in a col laborative way through a group I helped form, the Future-Living Lab, a joint effort between archi tecture students from Ryerson University and the University of Toron to as well as engineering students from the Uni versity of Toronto. This approach allowed me to particiate in the engin eering, permit application, and building of the project as well as meet ing and consulting vari ous professional firms such as SustainableTO, Blackwell Engineering, and Russel Richman Consulting. DesignRoles:(allphases)TeamLeadershipResearchPermitingBuildingPhotography OJO NORTE Straw bale passive house in North Bay house.theofdiagramconstructiontop:LeftSIP.oneofcompositionbottom:Left

6 Level 1 0' 0.000"mT.O.Fnd. Wall Roof Top 13' - 7" 4.15 m PLASTER FINISH COAT FINISHPLASTERCOAT 2X4"FLASHINGHEADER 1' 0" 1' 4 1/2" STRAWBALE -0.15-0'Grade-6"m 1' 4 1/2" WO1 TOP SIP 12' - 0" 3.66 m 6"4' RO1 7"0' SIGA FENTRIM 20 TAPE AROUND ALL WOOD/PLASTEREXT.JUNCTIONS LOW SIP 8' 2.492"m SIP WALL SECTION0001Bryan Elsey 1/2" = TYPICAL1'-0" SIP WALL DETAIL 1 A1041 A1042 FDCB 2341 A 11' - 4" 11' - 3 1/2" 7' - 9" 11' - 2" 1/2"810'1/2"04'1/2"8-10' 2' - 6" 11' - 2 1/2" 2' - 11" 11"-2'9"-3'11"-2'9"-3'11"-2' 2' - 11" 8' - 8 1/2" 2' - 11" 8' - 0 1/2" 2' - 11" 1' - 0"2' - 11" 1' - 0" 2' - 11" 11' - 1 1/2"11"-9' 10' - 11" 11"-9' MECH LIVING ROOM KITCHEN13'-2" 1/2"310' 18' - 8" 9"-13' BED 2 BEDBATH3 2 BATH 1 MASTER BEDROOM m][7.331/2"0-24' S1051 44' - 3 1/2" 1/2"7-5'0"-5' S10815' - 5" [1.65 m] 2' - 11" [0.89 m] 13' - 11" [4.24 m] DatenumberProjectPLANGF 0001 ElseyBryan A10120178thMay 1/8" = GROUND1'-0" FLOOR PLAN 1 N NOTESAllinterior dimensions made to 1st finish coat. All window dimensions indicate to the rough opening theandwindowstheofintegrationwithSIPofsectionWall roof.andslabwithassemblySIP’s wasthatsetdrawingtheonfeaturedashousetheofPlan permit.buildingtheforapproved

7 maximisetoceilingshighandplanopenwithspaceLivingdays.winterdarkonlightnatural dog.theStellawithspacelivingInteriorLeft:door.frontthetohallwaythefromviewRight:

andhousetheinatmospheredesiredtheofdrawingEarly space.ofdivisionits



My second project with the Future-Living Lab is this home for girls at risk in Guyana, commis sioned by the Oaks Of Righteousness Organiz Ouration.intention to design with passive systems using easily maintained materials lead to in teresting discussions about balancing our ideas with conventional colonial western archi tecture which is seen as a status symbol in rural Guyana. This, combined with the sensitive users’ demographic, lead the architecture to resem ble a family home rather than an orphanage. The site is also challen ging, so we had started careful landscape work to improve drainage and safety, and clear health hazards, as well as mak ing the home


A home for orphaned and at-risk girls in Guyana

Roles: Design (preliminary and intermediate phases) TeamResearchLeadership

WINDOW PLACEMENT THERMAL MASS RAISED FLOOR SHADING DEVICESDEEP OVERHANG VENTILATION limits unwanted solar hair gain through direct providessunlight shade when the sun it at its highest blocks windows and openings from heavy rainfall decorative screen to provide shade while allowing for partial enlosessunlightthe stairwell, privacy screen shade and openings make for a cooler ventilated space hot air may escape from the roof openings allows for indirect light, maximizing light but minimizing heat gain optimal placement of windows to maximize light but minimize heat shuttersgain for personal control over lighting conditions thick surfaces absorb, store, and release heat in cooler evenings can absorb excess internal humidity reduces indoor temperature + humidity fluctuation raised above ground level incase of seasonal rains flatlands prone to flooding in wet winter months spaces,livingwithfloorgroundtheofplanright:toLeftbedrooms.withfloorsecondtheofplan design.theinusedprinciplesBioclimatic land.theofphotoandlocationsiteRight:


ficient drainage system for rain and flash floods, which Toronto experien ces regularly. I participated in the research and advised the team on Toronto’s specific site condi tions, as well as work ing on the visualisation of the design during my internship at Elas ticoFarm in Turin under the architect Stefano Pujatti. The project is a collaboration with KFA Architects.



The house maximises the views and privacy, on the client’s request with a fully-glazed south fa cade while its rooms and look inward to the court yard, shielded from view by the channel-like land scaping on the west side, which doubles as an ef

Flowing Water is a pri vate residence in mid town Toronto over looking a green ravine, one of Toronto’s most precious geological and ecological features.

technicalModificationvisitingofdrawings3DModelingPhysicalModelingVisualisation BELLAVISTARIDINGCLUBHorseridingandtrainingfacilities

The building’s profile integrates with the gentle slope of the site so as to be hidden in the landscape, while the angular forms of its roof are inspired by the mountains.surrounding



Bellavista is an equestrian training centre in northern Italy. The clerestory window running along the centre of the building provides an inviting atmosphere.


This community centre is located on the site of an old stone quarry in Montreal. This history along with the building’s water-focused program, inspired the materials, tectonics, and formal concept of the project.

The building’s art exhib ition space continues into a central gallery which links together all the spaces, and is com posed of monumental rammed earth walls. With its deep recessed entrances, the space feels like a canyon, eroded by water or dug by humans. In the cen tral gallery space, a long series of skylights and glass edges on the floor bathe the wall in light, highlighting its texture and visually increasing its height. The rammed earth material serves as an internal thermal mass, to regulate the humidity caused by the swimming pool, and to acoustically insulate the theatre, creating a cavelike performance space. This project was com pleted in the context of the Master’s comprehensive studio under the supervision of Ser gio Morales.


Ecole Nesbitt (anc. Rosemont school 2007)


ROSEMONT -LA- PETITE- PATRIE Atelier d’architecture - MAITRISE EN ARCHITECTURE \ AUTUMNE 2019 Adriana Menghi || Bordignon 9e Avenue

9e Avenue

-LA- PETITE- PATRIE Atelier d’architecture - MAITRISE EN ARCHITECTURE \ AUTUMNE 2019 Adriana Menghi || Silvia Bordignonlibrary.existingtoupsitetheoftimelineright:toLeft fabric.urbansurroundingofAnalysis form.screen’sfacadetheofdiagramtop:Leftelevation.south-easternbottom:Left






In the early eighteenth century, in 1707, the lordsSulpiciansofthe island of Montreal since 1663, trace the coast of the Visitation.Theterritory is marked by agriculture and quarrying, which began around 1780 and continues until the first half of the twentieth Thecentury.village of Rosemont is entirely annexed to the city of Montrèal.

Ecole sans Frontières (anc. saint Brendan, 2016) Cathedrale orthodoxe (ukrainne Saint-Sophia) 1707 1780 1910

Ecole Nesbitt (anc. Rosemont school 2007) Eglise trinity united church (anc. Rosemont First United, 2009)

Ecole Nesbitt (anc. Rosemont school 2007)

CHRONOLOGICAL TIME LINE SITE OF PROJECT View of the existent library View of the existent swimming pool

9e Avenue


Ecole sans Frontières (anc. saint Brendan, 2016) Cathedrale orthodoxe (ukrainne Saint-Sophia) 1707 1780 1910 In the early eighteenth century, in 1707, the lordsSulpiciansofthe island of Montreal since 1663, trace the coast of the Visitation.Theterritory is marked by agriculture and quarrying, which began around 1780 and continues until the first half of the twentieth Thecentury.village of Rosemont is entirely annexed to the city of Montrèal.

Ecole sans Frontières (anc. saint Brendan, 2016) Cathedrale orthodoxe (ukrainne Saint-Sophia) 1707 1780 1910 1949


In the early eighteenth century, in 1707, the lordsSulpiciansofthe island of Montreal since 1663, trace the coast of the Visitation.Theterritory is marked quarrying, which began continues until the first half of the twentieth Thecentury.village of Rosemont is entirely annexed to the CHRONOLOGICAL TIME LINE SITE OF PROJECT View of the existent library ROSEMONT -LA- PETITE- PATRIE Atelier d’architecture - MAITRISE EN ARCHITECTURE \ AUTUMNE 2019 Adriana Menghi || Silvia Bordignon

La forme creusée se remplit et devient un élément en soi du Lebâtimentsolide se décompose pour augmenter la perméabilité du site et inviter à la découverte du Labâtiment.galerie devient une combinaison d’espaces négatifs, qui invitent à l’introspection, et d’espaces positifs, qui eux invitent à la contemplation du paysage.

Nous partons du solide le plus commun dans notre contexte, long et rectangulaire. Le solide s’érode sous l’effet métaphorique de l’eau, élément es sentiel du projet, qui rappelle le passage des humains et du temps

SCHEMA CONCEPTUEL Eglise trinity united church (anc. Rosemont First United, 2009) gallery The gallery takes form adding the main entrances Central hall as the centre point of the gallery PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE CIRCULATION Bixi point SITE IMPLANTATION SCALE 1:500 SCHEMA CONCEPTUEL

CONCEPTUAL IDEA 1.1. GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:250 4. Temporary storage 8. Entrance GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:250 1. Swimming pool 2. Emergency stairs 3. Supervisory room 4. Temporary storage 5. Changing room 6. Surveillance office 7. Cafè 8. Entrance foyer 1.,theofdiagramconceptualbottom:toTop building.theintodugconnection

15 2. 3. 4. 6.5. 7.foyer2. 12. Administrative office office 9. Theatre 10. Rehearsal studio 11. Cultural mediation room 12. Administrative office 13. Library 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5. 11. 13. 12. betweenconnectiontheshowingfloors,firstandsecondtheoffloorplansbottom:toTopgallery.earthcentraltheviabuildingnewtheandlibraryexistingthe

16 entrances.recessedandprofilefacadetheshowingmodelphysicalmid:andTop effects.ambianceandtectonicdesiredtheofdrawingsBottom:

17 1. Stabilised rammed earth wall 2.60cmReinforced concrete bond beam, variable dimension 3. L-steel, 10 x 10 x 5mm 4. Vapor membrane, 2mm 5. Cleated flashing 6. Insulated double-glazed window, 5cm 7. Internal finish, 2cm 8. Rock fibre insulation, 6 cm 9. Roof: bituminous sheating, matched board 3cm, insulation 15cm, vapor membrane 2mm 10. Wood decking, 5cm 11. Secondary beam, 10 x 20 x 300 cm 12. Primary beam, 20 x 50 x 650 cm 13. Steel connectors, 30 x 50 x 20 cm 14. Spacing member, 3cm 15. Structural tempered glass, 3cm 16. Steel support member 17. Floor slab with radiant heating, underneath: insulation, wood decking 1.1. 2. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 7.8. 2. 3. 4. 5. 14. 15. 16. 17. ambiance.andlightitswithwallearthrammedtheofdetailLeft:side.theatretheonrolestructuralwall’stheshowingdiagramRight:

LA spaceStudentHALTEresidenceandcommunityattheShopsAngus itswithbuildingstheandatrium,theofambianceinteriortheshowingdrawingshandbottom:toTop square.centralblock’scitythetodownsteppingterracesgarden

Situated on the site of an old train factory, La Halte was inspired by the sense of optimism and adventure associat ed with train travel. As a student residence, it is a transitory place that facilitates encounters, yet must also be effi cient enough to make small semblewhilewithblecommoncomfortable.accomodationsThus,theareasresemagrandstationhallitsfilteringlight,theresidencesresleepercabins, exposing the warm CLT wood structure used to maximise ceiling height. The project also fea tures other programs in a complex mix, and together they respond to the needs of this new neighbourhood to bring together art, technology, and ecological innov ation while retaining a sense of heritage. This project was completed through an integrated design process with students from the Poly technique; this allowed me to learn about and participate in decisions regarding mechanical, structural, and environmental systems.


19 andhistorysite’stheaboutcollageconceptualTop:legacy.

1 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 11 12 710streetthebothtorelationshipbuildings’theillustratinglandscaping,withfloorgroundtheofplanRight: block.citytheofmiddletheinsquarepublictheand

21 1. Reception, office for students 2. Student lounge 3. Gym 4. Outdoor extension of gym space 5. Public café 6. Study/free space for students 7. Restaurant facing the street 8. Restaurant patio 9. 10.KitchenProtected outdoor seating 11. Fablab with private working 12.roomsCovered outdoor extension for the fablab 13. Channel landscaping collecting runoff water from roofs 14. Community vegetable garden (supplemented by two private terrace gardens for the artists) 15. Fruit trees with public furniture landscaping The complex mix of pro grams includes the need to house and integrate artists in residence; we opted for culinary art ists who direct the res taurant and community gardens, and artisans who use the fablab, con necting with the tech nology-focused startups in the neighbourhood, yet also continuing the site’s tradition of manu facturing in a new way. 13 14 15

22 inheightsceilingmaximizesstructuresteel-CLThybridtheLeft:ambiance.cabin-likeacreatingwhilestudios,smallthe

23 ÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturale ÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturale ÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturaleÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturaleÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturale ÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturaleÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturale ÉNERGIE MÉCANIQUE Intégration architecturale The project brief re quired extremely tight spaces for the student residences. We com pensated for this by including small un programmed spaces for the students, as well as designing a balcony for each unit. We also maximised ceiling height in bed rooms and living rooms through a careful in tegration of the mech anical systems, as well as a hybrid steel-Cross Laminated Timber struc ture that eliminates the need for secondary steel beams. Control (exiting)VentilationLossnav(entering)VentilationDuct(exiting)Refrigerant(entering)Refrigerantcentrepipingpipingunitductventilatorduct block.thewithinspacesprivateandpublicbetweenrelationshiptheillustratingsectiontop:Leftspaces.livingstudiotheinsystemsmechanicaltheofintegrationbottom:Left

Boues de désencrage Liqueur noire Eaux usées Boues papetières primaires et secondaires MILIEU, MÉDIUM, MATIÈRE L’extraction de la fibre cellulosique Le papier et les nouveaux nano-matériaux Adriana Menghi Endoglucanases (cellulase)

25 OH C C O O O O CH CH HO HO H CO OCH MétauxLigninelourds Nutrients non-organiques Sulfites, sulfates, et autres ions Matière organique ARC6801 - Architecture/Territoire/Information 4.0 Alessandra Ponte - Gabriel Payant - Alessia Zarzani MILIEU, MÉDIUM, MATIÈRE Rejets liquides de l’industrie Rémédiation et filtration biologique des eaux usées Adriana Menghi 6 S O O O S O O O O CarboneC 615PhosphorePNAzote 7 56BaBarium Cr 2433As 80HgMercure 4882PbPlombCd R C[H]2 R 10 μm 15 μm 15 μm 5 μm 2 μm1 μm 50 μm 1 mm 1. 7. 11. 15. 19. 20. 21. 17.16. 18. 12. 13. 14. 8.9.10. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. (4.) 2 μm 2 μm Boues de désencrage Polyhydroxyalkalonates (PHAs) : bioplastiques fibre de cellulose renforce une micro-fissure dans le béton a. fibre de cellulose, b. bactéries, c. champignon Bacillus Subtilis ARC6801 - Architecture/Territoire/Information 4.0 Alessandra Ponte - Gabriel Payant - Alessia Zarzani MILIEU, MÉDIUM, MATIÈRE Rejets solides de l’industrie Les possibilités des boues papetières Adriana Menghi 5 Boues papetières primaires et secondaires Boues papetières primaires et secondaires O O CH3 H3C m O O O O CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C m n 15PhosphoreP 30.974 20CaCalcium 40.078 19PotassiumK 39.098 12MgMagnesium 24.305 CarboneC 6 12.011 CarboneC 6 12.011 NAzote 7 14.007 a. a. b. c. 500 μm 0.5 μm 250 μm200 μm ThesisMÉDIUM,MILIEU,MATIÈREresearchonPulp&PaperinQuébec In the course ratherrichhavewastematerialagent.alsoallyculturallyandandresearchedismlicationcreatedAlessandrationture/Territoire/InformaArchitec4.0taughtbyDr.Ponte,wearesearchpubonextractioninQuébec.Ifirsttheforestrythenthepulp,paper,celluloseindustry,andhistoricimportant,yetalsoamajorpollutingIfocusedontheecologyofitsproductswhichthepotentialtoentheirenvironmentthandegradeit.,pulp,ofproductionpage:Leftindustry.paperthefrompollutantsdegradetoableorganismslivingbottom:


in architecture

theinflowersator-supportingpollinofhighwaysbecomecorridorshydrobottom:Leftwildlife.nativesupportthatmushroomsandplantsremediativetop:Left industries.andsystemshydrologicaltheirwithsurroundingsandsiteofmappage:Rightspring.


The research from the previous spread as well as the choice of my thesis’ site brought me to imagine architecture as an agent of bio-re mediation not through a particular technol ogy but through a pro cess of growing, trans forming, maintaining and care from human and non-human actors alike. The site of this re mediative landscape is near the town of Amos, Qc, in between the paper factory, the plywood fac tory, and the other indus tries specialized in wood products and construc

tion. This area is highly polluted and used as a dumping ground for the waste from these indus tries and its landscape is also marked by train tracks and electrical infrastructure. Through this area runs a stream whose water becomes very polluted as it ends up in the Harricana river. This pollution is espe cially concerning as the pride of Amos is its ex ceptionally pure water, filtered by a nearby es ker. A guest critic, resi dent of the town, told me that he spent his sum mers playing with water and mud with his kids. This project is thus an ode to mud, to the molds, bacteria, and microoor ganisms that digest our pollution. Through the smart reuse of our waste, and seasonal in volvment from the com munity, we can achieve a cleaner environment for human and non-human beings.

27 CheminRoutes de Infrastructurefer électrique BâtimentsBâtiments industriels: 1. Bois de sciage/placages 2. Démolition, recyclage de matériaux secs 3. Pâte et Papier 4. Caoutchou, Polyeuréthane 5. Construction 6. Béton 7. Machinerie de construction 8. Contreplaqués Zones industrielles Cours d’eau Lacs, étangs, réservoirs Milieux humides Zones de décharge et pollution des sols Courbes de niveau Traitement des eaux 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Structure remplie de boues papetières et copeaux

Substrat de boues papetières inoculées avec le mycelium

Bois rejeté utilisé à l’horizontale, contreplaqué standard coupé en trois

The project imagines trails that run along the waterways as a con structed network of mycelia that acts as a biological piece of infr structure filtering runoff water before it arrives at the river. This is sup plemented by phytore meditive plants to cre ate a real wetland park. These wetlands can be accessed with a mod ular walkway to which filtering pavilions can be easily attached. These have a metal structure of perforaded columns get filled with substrate inoculated with whiterot fungi; for ideal grow ing conditions, these are surrounded by a screen made from rejected wood from the nearby sawmill. The inoculat ed mycelium being all genetically identical, it will link as it grows, col onizing the whole struc ture down to the water. Its mushrooms will bio accumulate heavy met als and it will release enzymes breaking down ligning and pollution into the water. These pa vilions become a piece of living architecture that visually show the health of the wetland.





Désassemblage du pavillon mycofiltrant Sechage des blocs de mycélium

showingpavilion,saunatopavilionmyco-filtrationofcycleTop: sauna.ofsectionBottom:process.biologicalaasarchitecture

Construction du sauna Utilisation du sauna


This pavilion is easily disassembled is the late fall when the mycelium loses its filtering abil ities due to age. Its now hollow structure is used to dry the resulting my celium blocks, turning them into a construc tion material that is lightweight, fireproof and water-resistant. A new pavilion can then be built in its place, a sauna for the citizens to enjoy. The strange velvety tex ture of the mycelium is an invitation to recon sider how we interact with microorganisms, that usually remain un seen. In the spring, the sauna is disassembled, the blocks composted to enrich the soil, the filtra tion pavilion built again, and the cycle restarts.




32 season.toaccordingtrailthealongactivitiesbottom:Right valley.itsandprojectlandscapetheofviewensemblespread:Right musicandfoodliketrail,thealongactivitiesseasonaltop:Right activities.agriculturaltosidebysidefestivals,


This project, directed by Dr. Massimo Angrilli dur ing a summer research program in Italy, propos es the revolorization of four roman ruins as well as traditional cultivation techniques (dry-stone terracing) and products (saffran, cicerchia, al monds). Along with sea sonal events, this would ensure a sustainable economic activity for two towns that are near ly abandoned, integrat ing them into a network based on the Strategia per le Aree Interne. Dur ing this two-week studio I participated in digit al surveying with laser scanner, photography and photogrammetry, I interviewed residents and met local people who are rebuilding Abruzzo; I still hold contacts with the organizers through the freelance work I do for them.


planritorialcars.munityatouristcentreTheCommissionSustainabilityforsupport.planreimaginestheofRomenotasamuseumbutaslivingchangingcomtotallyfreeofItalsoincludesterstrategiesandafortheriverTiber. again.livearchaeologythemakingcollage,conceptualtop:Left cars.from(orange)spacereclaimingofbenefitsandactivitiesspread:Bottom

34 paradigmMOBILITYTRANS-ROMENewmobilityforthecityofRome

Transmobility Rome is a proposition to ush er in a new era of sus tainable, on-demand, universally accessible public transport for the eternal city. The project was approved but never received the funds to be implemented; this is an updated version to be presented to the European

35 radialRome’ssystems,transportcircularcreatingbytop;Rightnet.centralizedlessandefficientanintotransformsplan

Axonométrie de l’ensemble. Détail des systèmes de plantation et de drainage _échelle 1:10

Maxime Balthazard Emma Girard Adriana Menghi Clara Tardif


The second project, Nocturne Elemental , (top right) was a playing structure based on a digital abstraction of scenes from cinema and the nighttime. We were guided by the designers of plusFARM as we parametrically mapped movie scenes and constellations; we then turned the design into a real structure in a week onsite. This form has an intimate interior, a surface to project onto and one to lie down and watch the stars, as well as climbable parts. The challenge lay in going very rapidly from total abstraction to a structural logic and to figure out the patterning of the flexible plywood. Finally, the third project (bottom left) is a 1:1 mock-up for a green facade system that incorporates a passive irrigation system and earth reservoirs into its structure. The amount of light the panels let through depends on the perforations on the thin side, while on the thick side they host the mosses that will grow in time to create a multitude of patterns.

Schéma 02. Processus géomorphologique _Représentaiton de l’érositon naturelle et de l’appropriation de la surface rocheuse par végétaux.les Plan du système. Assemblage à entaille avec systèmes de plantation et de drainage _échelle 1:5


These projects are examples of full-scale structures that initiated me to woodworking and digital fabrication techniques. The first project (top left) is a modular parklet that I volunteered to build designed by Ryerson University students. I participated in the building and shaping of the accoya wood modules and their assembly on site.


Processus typologique _Analogie d’un rideau de scène et d’une stratification paramétrique qui résulte en une façade modulaire



Hiver 2020 ARC2012 | Atelier d’architecture 4 Maxime Balthazard | Emma Girard Adriana Menghi Clara Tardif Schéma 01. Processus typologique _Analogie d’un rideau de scène et d’une stratification paramétrique qui résulte en une façade modulaire _Représentaiton de l’érositon naturelle et de l’appropriation de la surface rocheuse par les Plan du système. Assemblage à entaille avec systèmes de plantation et de drainage _échelle 1:5 Axonométrie de l’ensemble. Détail des systèmes de plantation et



Hiver 2020 ARC2012 | Atelier d’architecture 4 Maxime Balthazard Emma Girard | Adriana Menghi Clara Tardif Schéma 01. Processus typologique _Analogie d’un rideau de scène et d’une stratification paramétrique qui résulte en une façade modulaire Schéma 02. Processus géomorphologique _Représentaiton de l’érositon naturelle et de l’appropriation de la surface rocheuse par végétaux.les Plan du système. Assemblage à entaille avec systèmes de plantation et de drainage _échelle 1:5 Axonométrie de l’ensemble. Détail des systèmes de plantation et de drainage _échelle 1:10forperforationreducedwithmock-upprototype1:1simplcity.

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