3 minute read


Givoni Welfare Climogram


Iquitos has a warm climate most of the year, with an average minimum temperatureof21Candamaximumof31C o o

Comfort is not achieved in any month of the year, so natural ventilation and air conditioningmustbeused

Rainfall in Iquitos is frequent; therefore, a rainwater drainage system should be consideredtopreventpossibleflooding






Sun Hours And Solar Projections Chart

The critical months range from July to October, with a number of hours of sunshinefrom47,amaximumpeakof50,to48

Regarding the critical hours, it could be marked from 9hrs, where the azimuth begins to reduce notoriously, for example in the month of August, where at this hour it would be 6954°, and decreases drastically at 12hrs withadegreeof-332°,until15hrs,wheretheazimuthwouldbe-7024°

In the month of October, the critical hours would be from 10hrs with an azimuthof10790°,until16hrs,withadegreeof-9993°

Thanks to the equidistant solar projection graph we can know the trajectory of the sun for which we can see that the path is close to the north which meansthatitisinthesouthernhemisphere

As it is a warm and humid place, constant natural ventilation isrequired

It is advisable to use mechanical cooling systems due to excessiveheat

The sunshine hours graph shows the variations in sunshine hours depending on the months, which indicates that August with almost 5 hours of sunshine is the month with the most sunshine, whileMarchwith33hoursisthemonthwiththeleastsunshine


The ombrothermal graph shows that the month with the highest rainfall is March and November is the month with the highest temperature compared to the others Similarly, it can be seen that in Iquitos rainy months predominate because rainfall is higher than the average temperatureofthearea,soitmaybeessentialtotrytoraisetheproject

March is the month with the highest rainfall

Rainy months predominate because rainfall is higher than the average temperature of the area

It may be essential to try to elevate the project

As for the wind direction in most months the direction is the same, which comes from the northeast and travels to the southwest, that is why it would be recommended to make the openings in the side facade and the main facade for the wind to go through the project.

With respect to the sun, the month with the greatest amount of sunshine is August, so thanks to this date and the critical hours analyzed (9hrs/15hrs), the azimuth and height angle for solar protection was obtained, due to the fact that the location of the land has a warm climate

Ligter Colors

Light colors on the facade to prevent high heat absorption inside the project.


Considering that the climate is hot and humid, the space will require constant indoor airflow

Lower Wall Weight For Lower Thermal Inertia

Lighter walls due to the fact that the warm climate does not vary drastically throughout the year


The project will have to be less settled in order to prevent flooding due to constant rainfall.


Greater transparency to generate natural lighting in the interior of the project, protecting these spaces is key to avoid solar radiation

More Vegetation

Take advantage of the vegetation for greater radiation protection, these at a prudent distance to avoid humidity in the project

Less Compartmentalization

To ensure maximum air circulation inside the project, it should be considered to have little compartmentalization

Double Roof

The project will incorporate a double roof in order to allow greater ventilation without exposing the project to solar radiation

Lower Compactness

As it is a warm climate, the project should be as compact as possible, so there will be more contact in this case with the winds

The project will have to be well insulated to avoid heating inside the project

The project should have a larger volume for better ventilation inside the project

The site is located in a warm-humid region It was placed in such a way that the north and east facades receive the least amount of sunlight, so that the wind can flow through the project

First Floor Second Floor




More height for better ventilationinsidetheproject

Double Ceiling

Increased isolation in order to prevent temperature elevation inside the project


Due to the warm climate, it was necessary to take advantage of the constant inflow of air through perforations


Vegetation was strategically added in order to protect the boreholes from solar radiation


Greater transparency in order to provide natural lighting to the interior of the project, avoiding as much as possible direct lighting


Less compartmentalization, greater air circulation within the project.

The double roof provides natural ventilation without exposing the project to solar radiation.

Light Walls

Lightweight walls were added to achieve lower thermal inertia, which would help since the warm climate does not vary drastically throughout the year

Lighter Colors

Use of light colors on the facade to avoid solar gain and thus prevent the interior from raising its temperature

Isolation Settlement

Less contact with the ground to avoid flooding


Reduced compactness to avoid heat accumulation

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