CLIL PROGRAM MODEL GAP ANALYSIS Colegio Provinma Intensity: Primary: 4 hours per week. Secondary: 5 hours per week A Current
How to Get There (from A to B)
B Future
(Describe the current model used for English instruction in your context. Refer to models in your reading to describe what exists, to what degree, etc.)
(Describe suggestions for how your context can get from A to B. What might be needed in terms of resources, teacher training, etc. Again, refer to the information in your reading.)
(Describe where you would like to be in your context. What model would you like to see used for English instruction in your context? Refer to models in your reading to describe the model.)
Currently at the school there is a Language- Driven program.
The hours of English Classes should be increased.
Taking into account students needs and policies of the school the approach that the school will implement will be the proposed by McCloskey (1988) and others in elementary school contexts (e.g., Manning, Manning, & Long, 1994; Meinbach, Rothlein, & Fredericks, 1995; Roberts, 1993), combining language and content instruction. (as cited in Stoller and Grabe, 1997)
Since content is used to teach and learn L2 English Language learning is priority of the English classes. Content learning may be incidental. Language objectives are determined by L2 curriculum. Students are evaluated on language skills and proficiency.
The focus of the classes should not be only grammar and vocabulary but also communication. Meaningful environments should be set up. Others subjects could be taught in English. It could start from pre- school, teaching science in English. Taking into account not only the language but also the content. According to Genesee (1994,p.2) “second language instruction that is integrated with instruction in academic or other content matter is a more effective
This approach focuses on units which integrates language skills and content information, it could be from science. It main purpose is to use language to communicate and motivating content.
This also corresponds to Mohan’s model (1986) where l earning centers around the use of discoursal knowledge structures to convey content information ( as Mentined in Stoller and Grabe, 1997). In primary, English Classes focuses on learning vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
approach to teaching second languages than methods that teach the second language in isolation�
The Science class will be taught in English but paying attention to the use of the language to communicate.
It is necessary more material to motivate students. Videos, Cds, internet, computers, video beam.
In secondary, English classes are focused on learning grammar rules and vocabulary. The main aim of the classes are to get the knowledge necessary to pass the ICFES exam successfully.
References CARLA. ( 2009). Characteristics of CBI. Retrieved on October de 2010, from Genesee, f. (1994). Integrating language and content:lessons from immersion. Retrieved on octubre 2010, from
Grabe, W. & Stoller, F. (1997) Content-Based Instruction: Research Foundations. Longman. Retrieved from the CoBalTT website: pdf