Bruno Cipriano MCP 15, 16 AIESEC in Bolivia
Dear MCVP Candidate, Thank you very much for making the decision to apply to be part of AIESEC in Bolivia’s Member Committee Executive Board 15.16. By its own, it’s a decision that will change your life.
AIESEC in Bolivia lives a promising moment, coming from a great growth in exchange results. It has shown the will of the National Committee to respond in the time of need, it has shown that its membership are willing to give it all for the organization, what it represents and its importance in the Bolivian society. We (you and me) have the opportunity, right now, to own this momentum and transform it into the sustainable and constant growth AIESEC in Bolivia needs and deserves. We have the opportunity to be part of the turning point of the organization history, making it deliver the leadership that’ll make Bolivia thrive in the Latin America’s community. We have the opportunity to deliver the demand IGN so desperately needs to grow like never before. What AIESEC in Bolivia needs, to make it happen, are people who are ready to take this responsibility. We need the people who are ready to embrace the promise, to grasp the unique moment we live in and fully commit to make all the possibilities into reality. We need a team that will grow together, supporting each other, driven by purpose, activating the latent leadership potential of Bolivia and ready to make the needed sacrifices for the sake of all the people who will be impacted. Are you ready to be one of these people? Are you ready to be part of this TEAM that will change lives and impact like never before? Are you ready to make this dream reality? Welcome to the best and stronger experience of your life! It will be a pleasure knowing you better :) LET’S DO IT!
MC Legend, MCPe and BoP contact list – We’re anxious for your contact! MCP and OGX responsible - Juan Pablo Vargas – MCPe – Bruno Cipriano – MCVP ICX - Oscar Solano – MCVP TM – Henry Gomez – MCVP F&L – Viviana Oporto – MCVP MKT for Youth – Marcela Pozo – MCVP MKT for Organizations – Adriana Velásquez – LCP 2015 Cochabamba – Rafael Navarro – LCP 2015 La Paz – Marcos Sandoval – LCP 2015 Santa Cruz – Rene Casanova - LCP 2015 Sucre – Edson Michel – LCP 2015 Oruro - Shirley Lima - LCP 2015 Tarija – Miguel Arroyo -
AIESEC EN BOLIVIA AIESEC en Bolivia was funded in 1994, in Cochabamba. Now it counts with 6 Local Committees. •
LC La Paz
LC Cochabamba
LC Santa Cruz
LC Oruro
LC Sucre
LC Tarija
All the current membership includes around 300 members.
Bolivia understanding
It is very important to understand about the Bolivian society, how are the behaviors and the culture. Intellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC Bolivia. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness. Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead an entity. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, self-organizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, MCP position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and excellent understanding of English.
AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an MCVP position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.
Orientation to results It is really important to make things happen not just to be words but actually strong steps to achieve a greater impact. Availability To be MCVP you need to be completely available and AIESEC Bolivia should be your first and only priority.
All the candidates for MCP in AIESEC in Bolivia at the moment of their
application have to fill the next requirements:
Be at least 21 years old for the role of MCVP F&L
Have experience as an MC or LC executive board, CEEDer and/or
NST. •
Have at least Excellent English level and Spanish
Do not have any current directive position in the organization.
Do not have any debts with AIESEC in Bolivia
All the MC members need to participate in common activities (team – days, meetings, national conferences, etc.) MC full time members selected will be working 8 hours a day, part time
members will be working 4 hours a day, weekends are mostly free except when AIESEC in Bolivia has national conferences or LCs organize events. After those meetings is allowed day –off for MC members. The starting date of the MC is the 1st of July 2015. The preparation and empowering phase of the MCP elected will begin on February and will end on June. The MC flat is in Cochabamba, where currently 5 members of the MC are living. Other cities where the Part – Time functions are living currently are La Paz and Santa Cruz. Currently we have our office provided by La Escuela Europea de Negocios in Av, Pando, Cochabamba. 1. GENERAL FINANCIAL CONDITIONS •
Benefits for all: MC Flat with internet, fee for national conferences, Travel costs for LC Visits/Coachs
MCs Full time: ICX, OGX and TM&OD – Salary of USD150 per month (which is enough for basic living costs), for a minimum period of 3 months, depending on the financial situation of the national entity. It is required for these roles to live in Cochabamba.
MC part time: F&L – It is very important that this person lives in Cochabamba, nonetheless it is not required. This person must have total availability in the morning or in the afternoon (best if it’s in the afternoon).
It is recommended that all international MCs arrive at least 1 month prior to the term start, by June 1st, to get used to the new environment. It is required that all MCVPs full time have to be present by June 15th in Cochabamba, for a two weeks preparation for the term, which will start July 1st. The housing costs for this period are not covered by AIESEC Bolivia.
2. LIFE IN BOLIVIA In general the life cost in Bolivia is really cheap. Public Transport cost 0,21 USD one way, and Taxi in the day up to 1,14 USD in the center or close neighborhoods to the city center. Food is great and not expensive, you should find always something for every kind of taste and the principal meal of a day is lunch. A normal breakfast costs 2 USD, a normal lunch costs 3 USD and normal dinner 3 USD.
Election Process and Timeline
Application Launch: January 29th Application Deadline: February 18th, 23:59 -4GMT Official Applicants announcement: February 19th Review Board with Elections Subcommittee and Virtual Forum/Q&A: from February 19th until February 24th Confidence process with National Plenary: February 25th
The review board with the Elections Subcommittee will consist of an evaluation of organizational, functional and external sector knowledge and application. The results of this evaluation will be shared with the national Plenary. The Elections Subcommittee can turn down an application depending on the review board results.
All applicants have to include these documents in the Application Package, and all should be in
Application Package
English if not stated otherwise and in desired format. The application package have to be sent to (MCPe), (MCP) and (MCVP ICX and MC responsible for the election process)
Motivation Letter (PDF)
Certificate of English or a personal letter explaining your qualities in the language (PDF).
Certificate of Spanish or a personal letter explaining your qualities in the language. (if not native from a Spanish speaking country) (PDF)
Presentation video of the candidate (TXT file with YouTube link of the video) –
It must have LESS than 5 minutes
It is expected for you to express yourself and orally talk at least in some moment of the video
Answer the following questions: •
Who are you and why should you be elected MCVP for AIESEC in Bolivia?
What do you envision for AIESEC in Bolivia 15.16?
What Leadership do you offer and why does AIESEC in Bolivia needs it in 15.16?
Biography (PDF). –
It should have only one page
As examples, you can look at AI and PAI applications or see the example of David Pollay, CEO of the Momentum Project: •
At least 3 Endorsement Letters. These must be signed and have the contact information of the person sending it. These letters may be in English or Spanish. These people may be contacted. •
From a member of a team you have leaded
From a person that has been your team leader
From a Local Committee, written by the LCP on behalf of the EB (official expansions and expansion initiatives not accepted)
• •
From a MC member, from any country.
Answered General and Specific Questionnaire. Feel free to change the layout and delete the specific questions of the roles you’re not applying to.
Full fill the BELBIN TEST. Send print screen of “Results” and “Chart” (PDF)
Full fill Enneagram Test. Send results (copy all result page) (PDF)
Elections Subcommittee
This Subcommittee will be in charge of performing the review board
interviews. It will be comprised of these people: •
MCP of AIESEC in Bolivia
MCPe of AIESEC in Bolivia
MCVP(s) of AIESEC in Bolivia of the functional area the applicant is applying to
An actual LCP of AIESEC in Bolivia
AIESEC in Bolivia’s Supervisory group member