While the members of AIESEC in Bolivia’s EBs come from diverse backgrounds and environments, several general characteristics, skills and knowledge are expected of everyone. Intellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC in Bolivia. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Bolivia you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously. Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, selforganizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English. AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates. Other Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance - within the individuals and within the team of individuals!
SUGGESTED 2015 LOCAL EXECUTIVE BOARDS STRUCTURES: The first message you need to take into account is that you are applying to be part of the Local Executive Board of your LC, and not just for a Vice-presidency. This implicates that although you apply for a specific position, you may be selected to perform another position. The final decision about this depends on the LCP elected. The basic structure for an LC in AIESEC in is:
Application The application process is divided into 3 parts: 1. Your Profile: Please fill your personal data in the profile template in the application (1 page) 2. General Questionnaire: These must be answered by all candidates. The General Questionnaire is in the application as well. 3. Specific Questionnaire: You should answer the specific questionnaire of the position and of the Local Committee you are applying for. 4. Video with a least 3 min, explaining your plan. Video must be uploaded to Youtube.com, and you must add the link to the video into the application.
The application (profile, both general & specific questionary, video) should be maximum 6 pages in font size 10 points. Make sure you create 1 file for your profile and all your answers. We expect 1 PDF file only. Late applications won’t be received, no exceptions. Please submit your application in following format
“EB2015_application_AIESEC_Bolivia_LCVP _positionYouAreApplyingFor_Committee_ name surname.pdf´ ej: EB2015_application_AIESEC_Bolivia_LCVP_TM_Sucre_ Pepito_Perez.pdf) Deadline: January 15th, 2015 23:59 – GMT-4 The application must be sent through https://podio.com/webforms/8976488/663223
If you have any questions concerning the application process or the general questionnaire please contact the MC Legend of AIESEC in Bolivia
NOMINATION For any EB member the nomination results will be result of evaluation of the following points by the elections subcommittee:
The elections subcommittee will be composed by: 1. External (Alumni or BoA member preferred) 2. Member of Local General Assembly selected by the local Executive Board 3. The LCP elected. 4. The current LCP 5. Current LCVP (Functional) 6. Member Committee Vice President
About some procedures during the LC EBs Elections process: Regarding the communication with the LCs: the LC elections subcommittee will promote the forums and the virtual spaces (with the candidates that get nominated) to assure that all the applicants can have meetings to answer the questions and doubts from the LCs, if you want to have extra meetings with all the LCs please contact in advance the LC elections subcommittee. Regarding the usage of Social Media: The MC will be monitoring the usage of social media spaces, and the transparency of the process in order to offer to all candidates the same opportunities to promote the application. If problems are encountered in the process, the team will intervene by taking action.
- TIMELINE Launching of applications: January 9th Application DDL: January 15th 23:59 GMT -4 Nomination Interviews: From 16th to 17th of January Nomination Announcement: From 17th to 18th of January Confidence and Elections Announcement: 18th or 19th of January
AIESEC IN BOLIVIA EB 2015 APPLICATION AIESEC [LC] PROFILE Name: __________________________________ (1 page only)
Contact Details E-mail Skype Gtalk Mobile
AIESEC Experience: Positions: Position
Main achievements
National and international meetings: Conference
Academic, practical and professional Experience Studies: Career
Graduation date
Favorite Subjects
Work experience: Position
Key Learning
General Questionnaire for VPs: 1. State 3 reasons why you decided to apply for your LC Executive Board. 2. How your area strategy will make your LC grow in operations and results? 3. Describe how your role can contribute to achievement of AIESEC in Bolivia strategy.
Specific questionnaire for VPs: Note: You must answer only the questions for the position/positions you are applying for.
ICX 1. What are the four fundamental implement it in your Term?
pillares for iGCDP?
and how you will
2. What are the three strengths and weaknesses of your LC in ICX. How improve this strengths ? How delete this Weaknesses? 3. In your Term as a VP ICX your team got 3200 USD by sales with a NGO, with this money you must do Exchanges, how many exchanges you going to do? and explain how you will distribute this money. 4. You have 20 TNs Available, but only in 15 days is the end of the Match Time, how you going to match all the TNs?
5. You as VP ICX is responsible for External relations in your LC, specified how work these processes understanding that the focus of AIESEC in Bolivia is oGCDP.
OGX 1. Describe the importance of social and professional exchanges to develop Bolivia as country and your role as LC VP to make it happen. 2. Describe the importance of OGX to the financial sustainability of your LC and how to boost the number of TNs of ICX through OGX exchanges. 3. Evaluate the OGX strategies of the last year in your LC and describe how they worked. Looking at this panorama, describe which strategies would continue and which need to be modificated or excluded. 4. Describe, in details, the market of students to go on Exchange in your city and region. Key points: number of students, universities and which careers are offered in each one, student organizations present in the universities, number of EPs coming from each university, interests and countries that the students would like to go. You can use more key points to get richer your market research. 5. Describe your strategy of promotion according the new flow for EP and Sending Entity. How would you work with marketing to attract the right exchange participants to the program? How would you increase the conversion of interested people in interviewed and contracts signed? 6. STUDY CASE #1: John is an EP of your LC and is going to the project X in the country Y. Already in the country, the EP decides to go to an event in another city and an accident happens to him. John dies. What would you do as Vice President of OGX of your LC? How would you handle with the family, host entity, the LC and the press? What would you do to avoid this situation? 7. STUDY CASE #2: Mary is an EP of your LC and is going to the project X in the country Y. When she arrives to the country, discovers that there is no project, the organization does not know anything about her and that the LC is about to close by the MC of the country. Mary also does not have host. How would you handle with the family, host entity, the LC and the press? What would you do to avoid this situation?
TM 1. Make a SWOT analysis of the area in your and propose 3 focus points for your term as VP. 2. Why is it important to have a proper Talent Planning and Talent Pipeline management in AIESEC, and suggest 3 ideas that you would implement in your LC in order to manage people properly during the changes period (EB’s transitions, LC Operations in vacation, exams periods, etc). 3. Appreciate the leadership in your LC (EB, TLs, OCPs) according to: knowledge, skills, attitude. Describe their strong and weak points. Propose 2 solutions for each weakness. 4. What is your proposal to implement the LEC in your LC? And how will you ensure that your membership will have the functional and organizational knowledge at the end of your term as VP? 5. Describe how will you ensure the implementation of the Team Minimus inr your LC. What are the challenges in your LC for its proper implementation? 6. For you, what is the main purpose of TM in AIESEC Bolivia? And what will be your Legacy as LCVP TM in your LC at the end of your experience?
Finance 1. Can you explain what is the process to be followed by any LC when AIESEC Bolivia starts to invoice? 2. How do you aim to ensure transparency and credibility of financial management in the LC? 3. Assuming that your LC economically has only an operacional resources of Bs. 1600. Your LC must do the following urgent or necessary payments as soon as possible. Which of these options would you pay options and why? a. Payment in advance of Bs. 1500 for the rental of the place where the Local Introduction Meeting will be.
b. MC Administrative Fee Payment Bs. 1600. c. Payment of posters and banners Bs. 1200
4. In your opinión, what are the indicators of success from Finance and Legal? 5.
There is an ICX Project of 16 TN`s GCDP that must be self-sustainable. Each TN has a cost of USD $50 USD. Currently the LC does not have enough money to cover the full cost for the project. Furthermore, OGX has 8 GCDP signed contracts; each contract has a cost of USD$ 200 in status Realize and Match. In addition to this, the LC has just 300 Bs. available. How will you finance the project of 16 TN`s?
Marketing 1. How does marketing help the exchange areas? 2. What’s your opinion about the marketing role with the new customer flow? 3. What kind of content do you will use in your social channels for oGCDP and iGCDP, and why? 4. With the new GIS, how are you going to ensure a good conversation rate between the Visitors and the number of raises and matches? 5. How will you use PR to increase the brand awareness of our brand? Be as specific as possible. 6. How do you envision the marketing activities for the next term to achieve your goals? 7. Elaborate a Marketing plan, with the next points: a. Segmentation Market b. Sales strategies c. Advertising strategies (Message) d. Communication Media Plan e. Budget f. Implementation
Good luck, enjoy this amazing trip and be sure that we are going to make history through an amazing legacy!