Contact Fall/Winter 2014-15

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The Chronicle of Higher Education: TOP 20 FASTEST-GROWING COLLEGES

The Florida Four:



A Gentleman and a Scholar: HONORING BOB HUSBAND

Hollie Smith

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I’ve been thinking a lot, recently, about “grit” and the role it plays in success — especially college success. My interest started when my colleague and friend, Frank Hribar, dropped an article about grit on my desk. A few days later Vice President Caldwell encouraged me to invite “grit expert” and University of Pennsylvania psychology professor, Dr. Angela Duckworth, to speak on campus. It appears that grit is rather fashionable these days. Maybe it’s time for a good, honest conversation about the importance of grit. The longer I work in higher education, the more I realize that it may be the single greatest predictor of student success. Grit is the invisible force that often precedes intelligence giving students the fortitude, perseverance and discipline to prepare for the tests and challenges that await them. This is not to undermine intelligence which certainly still counts for a lot. It gives students the ability to choose the right answer on a test, to know why “you and I” is preferable to “you and me” and to know why the framers of our Constitution divided the powers of the federal government. Grit is the foundation of intelligence; without grit, intelligence is unprepared. Gritty people have “toughness and tenacity to see a goal through…to overcome setbacks.” 1 Gritty people get the job done. They perform. They achieve. To understand grit it may be helpful to understand what it is not. Grit is not talent. “Grit is what you’re left with when you don’t have talent… it’s the great equalizer.” 2 Unlike natural intelligence, economic privilege and other advantages handed to us at birth, grit is acquired and is 100 percent in our control. When we want to be gritty we can be gritty, we can persevere, we can overcome, we can win. When we are soft (my word for the opposite of grit), we choose to be soft. We blame others, we play the victim, we point fingers and we imagine hundreds of other excuses why we failed to reach the finish line. These excuses make us feel better, but they belie the painful truth that many of our failures are



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Letter from the President a function of not being gritty enough. Hard work is a close cousin of grit; the two are inseparable. I often tell students that one of their goals should be to outwork everyone in their chosen field. Gritty people work so darn hard that success and accomplishment are inevitable. Students may wish it were different, they may wish that simply by earning a college degree and showing up to work each day on time, they will find success in their dream job, but this simply isn’t true. When they reflect back on their lives, I tell them, they will probably realize that their greatest professional achievements were won when they worked longer and harder than everyone else, when they refused to see hurdles as walls, when they remained optimistic and hopeful when others saw only pessimism and defeat. In other words, when they were gritty. Academic researchers and scholars have not developed a test to measure grit yet although Dr. Angela Duckworth recently created her own self-report measure to assess grit. (If you are interested, you can take the test at This lack of sound scholarship and research makes it difficult to intelligently measure grit or predict which students will be successful in a rigorous academic environment like Adrian College. Likewise, it is difficult to teach grit when it can’t be measured in a pre-test or posttest. Maybe this is something that the Adrian College community should focus on in the years ahead, maybe we can be known as the school that values, measures and teaches grit in our students.

grit stands at the foundation of individual and collective accomplishments and it is our duty as educators to voice this often and passionately to today’s college students. It may well be the most important classroom and life lesson they learn.

Jeffrey R. Docking, Ph.D. | President


Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking

“In 2005, Adrian College was home to 840 enrolled students and had a tuition income of $8.54 million. By fall of 2011, enrollment had soared to 1,688 and tuition income had increased to $20.45 million. For the first time in years, the small liberal arts college was financially viable. Adrian College experienced this remarkable growth during the worst American economy in 70 years and in a state ravaged by the decline of the big three auto companies. ‘Crisis in Higher Education: A Plan to Save Small Liberal Arts Colleges in America’ was written to facilitate replication and generalization of Adrian College’s tremendous enrollment growth and retention success since 2005. This book directly addresses the economic competitiveness of small four-year institutions of higher education and presents an evidencebased solution to the enrollment and economic crises faced by many small liberal arts colleges throughout the country.”

Notwithstanding this dearth of research, we know that grit is real and important and essential to a successful life. Every adult intuitively knows through experience that

Early Praise “The miracle that Docking and his colleagues have worked is not about fairy dust but an all-too-rare blend of crafting strategic priorities based on a deep understanding of contemporary college student interests, persuading the entire campus community to buy into the vision and staying the course with uncommon courage and wisdom.”

1 Stains, Laurence Roy. (Sept. 29, 2014). The Secret Ingredient to Success. Men’s Health. Retrieved from

—GEORGE D. KUH, Chancellor’s Professor of Higher Education Emeritus, Indiana University and Director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, University of Illinois

2 Ibid. 3 Ibid.

Available for order via Arrington Book Store: 517.264.3185 or




Recruiting Champions

Kyle Bell, freshman class of 2014, was among the first students impacted by the addition of the AdrianPlus program. A native of Lake Orion, Mich., he is part of the football team and is an active writer for the Bulldog Project, a student-led Adrian College blog. Photos by Hollie Smith

6 Around the Mall 1 6 Cover Story 1 8 Development 2 2 Faculty Spotlight 2 6 Sports Round-up 3 4 Young Alumni 4 0 Class Notes

Hollie Smith


fe a t u r e s


A First-in-the-Nation Promise to Students



Honoring Bob Husband

5 4 Accents



Ryan Dorow’s Standout Season


Bruce and Linda Emerson Celebrate 50 Years



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58 Legacy of a Bulldog 5 9 Parting Paws


Follow the Leader In the fall of 2013, Adrian College made national headlines with the implementation of a unique new program. AdrianPlus, as it would be called, addressed a very real issue facing graduates throughout the country. The article written by David Jesse, an education reporter for the Detroit Free Press, was a first look at how student debt is affecting graduates — particularly in Michigan. The story would hit USA Today, Inside Higher Education, University Business and The Chronicle of Higher Education, among other national publications. It was the first time a college of this size would offer this level of assistance to an entire incoming class. It was big news; Adrian College was a pioneer in the student debt load crisis. Yet, the media buzz would fade and business would continue as usual — with a plan in place. Until Senator Carl Levin made a statement on the senate floor in June: “follow Adrian College’s lead.” Once again, Adrian was at the center of a national conversation. It came as no surprise on Dec. 26, 2014, that AdrianPlus had become headline news. It was a new twist on the same story — not only was the College offering a program to help students to pay back their student loans, they were also betting that the average AC alum would secure well-paying positions post-graduation. AP Reporter Jeff Karoub’s story quickly launched the College to the forefront of trending news. From Crain’s Detroit Business, the Lansing State Journal, the Huffington Post to Fox & Friends, a televised news program on Fox News Channel, a small liberal arts college in Michigan was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. It’s more than national news; it’s the assurance that Adrian College is offering a wellrounded education. While it doesn’t absolve the struggles of current graduates, it brings to light a new era of hope and conversations about a greater impact. This is the AdrianPlus promise. This is what we, as an institution of higher education, hope is the beginning of a more responsible approach to the student loan crisis facing our country — and our alumni.

Jennifer Compton

contact A d r i a n C o l l e g e A lu m n i M ag a z i n e

Vo l . 1 1 9 , N o. 2

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EDITOR Jennifer Compton | Director of Public Relations

ART DIRECTOR Hollie Smith | Media Designer

CONTRIBUTORS Christina Butler ’14, Photography Ryann Eff ’10 Marsha Fielder ’00 Ryan Hornack

Jim Mahony ’00 Mike Neal ’12 , Photography Ryan Thompson Connie Williams

LETTERS POLICY Unless noted as “not for publication,” communications to the editor are considered for print (often in a condensed version) when space is available. Include your name, address, phone number and limit your comments to CONTACT or topics mentioned in the magazine.

MAIL MAIL 110 S. Madison St. Adrian, MI 49221 EMAIL FAX 517.264.3810 ONLINE AC SWITCHBOARD 517.265.5161

CHANGE OF ADDRESS MAIL Alumni Relations | Adrian College 110 S. Madison St. Adrian, MI 49221 EMAIL FAX 517.264.3331


To learn more about the AdrianPlus program, please visit:

CONTACT strives to keep alumni and friends up-to-date about the lives of their friends and classmates and the evolution of Adrian College. This full-color magazine is an illustrative link between alumni and their alma mater, therefore serving an informational purpose and is not intended for direct solicitation. Stories focus on the alumni, faculty and students that make Adrian College a dynamic campus community while examining current issues. The editor makes the final determination of suitability of published content in this magazine. Letters, articles and pictures which are questionable in content will not be accepted for publication. Wedding announcements will be published as long as it is recognized under the governing laws of the State of Michigan and is consistent with the policies of the United Methodist Church. Announcements that do not conform to these guidelines will not be considered. Please note, the views expressed in the publication are not necessarily the views of the staff, or that of Adrian College.


Andrew Potter For Olympia Entertainment

around the



Live in Concert with Andrea Bocelli

Choir Performs with Toledo Symphony Orchestra Over 80 singers of the Adrian College Choir joined the Toledo Symphony in an unprecedented community musical event, ODE TO JOY: A Community’s Celebration of Music, on April 6, 2014. These students joined the 1,000-voice choir during the TSO 70th Anniversary Concert.

On Dec. 14, the Adrian College Choir performed live in concert with renowned tenor Andrea Bocelli at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. “This kind of opportunity only comes along once in a lifetime,” Thomas Hodgman, director of the Adrian College Choir remarked. “I am absolutely thrilled that our students had the rare opportunity to perform in concert with a world-renowned performer like Andrea Bocelli.” Bocelli’s management team reached out to Adrian as a result of the University of Michigan’s referral — a testament to the caliber and reputation of the program. Hodgman acknowledged that he was both honored and humbled by the recommendation. “The conductor was very pleased with the preparation of our choir — he said our tone was clean and clear and that our diction was excellent,” Hodgman said of the performance. “An amazing concert experience was had by all, truly once in a lifetime.” “Thanks to all who made it possible for us to share in this experience.”

AC Choir Takes New York

The choir was awarded the invitation after undergoing a rigorous audition process.

The Adrian College Choir joined 10 other choirs from around the country to perform as a large ensemble under the direction of Eric Whitacre in a live performance on March 30 at Lincoln Center in New York City.

“This [was] an amazing opportunity for our students. [They] not only worked with one of today’s biggest choral music talents, but also had the opportunity to sing in the worldfamous Avery Fischer Hall at Lincoln Center



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(home of the New York Philharmonic),” said Adrian College choral director, Thomas Hodgman. “I am very proud of the students’ accomplishments. It was a big moment for the Adrian College Choir.”

COMMENCEMENT On Sunday, May 4, over

260 graduates received their diplomas during Spring Commencement.

At Spring Commencement, the College recognized Richard A. Gurdjian ‘68, alumnus and College trustee with the honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. Dr. John E. Harnish, Adrian College trustee and retired senior pastor of First United Methodist Church of Birmingham, gave this year’s commencement address.

wePhoto On Friday, Dec. 12,


graduates received their diplomas during Winter Commencement.

“I know enough about commencement speeches to know that the longer they are, the quicker they are forgotten,” he quipped at the beginning of his speech. He began by telling the graduates to live in gratitude. “You were born, one way or another you came to this time and place,” Harnish reflected. “Here you are. Live in gratitude for those who made a way for you so you could be here today.” His second piece of wisdom: live with conviction. He offered the ideal that motivation can be received through steadfast convictions that anchor life with strong values and beliefs. Finally, his third piece of advice: live in awe and wonder. “I hope along the way, you will lift your eyes long enough to see the wonder of the world and the mystery of creation. I hope you will find space in your life for moments of awe and moments of wonder.” “It is the sacred moments of awe that will make a life. And if you miss out on the wonder that is all around, you will have nothing to live for,” he said. “We live our lives facing the past — you can see the past, you know what has taken place there, but you can’t really see the future. What’s ahead is unknown, so we are literally backing into the future,” he reflected. “We send you out, not boldly marching into the future, but rather backing into the unknown in confidence and in trust.”

Betty Dancey Godard and Susan Brown Sheridan were awarded their honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. Mrs. Godard initiated the R.V. Dancey Scholarship at Adrian College in memory of her father. Ms. Brown Sheridan is an advocate and leader for patient safety. She is the daughter of Carolyn and Bob Brown ’50.



Students “Mob” Goodwill with Sales Over 100 Adrian College students took their mission to make a difference in the community to the Adrian Goodwill on Feb. 13 and 14. This “cash mob” was created though a strategic social media campaign alerting their friends and families and inciting purchases.

Christina Butler

CONCERT RECAP: Timeflies and Walk Off The Earth Perform

Walk Off The Earth, a five-piece musical phenomenon, added an unconventional genre to the event. Their performance was a unique display of musical interpretation that boasted an undeniable appeal to the audience.




7 PM

The annual spring concert in March consisted of an eclectic blend for attendees. Featuring American musical duo Timeflies, Rob Resnick and vocalist Cal Shapiro, the concert provided an indefinable experience with the sounds of pop, hip-hop and electronica.

Don’t Miss

2015 Spring Concert springconcert

Dan Buron, executive director of Adrian’s Goodwill Industries, reported that Goodwill had its “best four days of the location’s 53-year history,” a record drawn from 2013 comparisons, including the grand reopening in August. The after-effect of the events spilled over into the weekend, with four-day total sales up 52%. The number of transactions was up 29%, while the average sale per transaction increased 31%. The total impact to Goodwill was in the thousands of dollars.

Goodwill had its “best four days of the location’s 53-year history.” This year’s event was hosted by Adrian College Principles of Marketing and Business and Professional Communications classes.

Security Upgrades Complete The College made a $500,000 investment in its security infrastructure and systems in 2014. The partnership with Siemens, a leading security solutions company, added a new server and over 130 state-ofthe-art cameras, as well as the installation of electronic access controls in residence halls, academic buildings and athletic facilities.

“Our second priority is educating students,” Docking said. “Our first is their safety.”



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AC faculty, staff, students and friends donned their “Bulldog best”in honor of the annual College Colors Day held in August.

Making a Difference: Annual Disabilities Awareness Awards The annual Disabilities Awareness Awards were announced preceding convocation on Wednesday, March 12. These three awards recognize individuals who have made a compassionate and compelling difference on campus. Fran and Steve Piorkowski ‘80 developed the Steven Piorkowski Scholarship in memory of their son, Steven Piorkowski ‘98. Steven, who was involved in a swimming accident, became a quadriplegic. He overcame his disability and went on to complete his schooling, eventually becoming a coach. Steven learned to drive through his disability, but was tragically killed in an automobile accident on the way to a game he was coaching. Steven was integral in the momentum to make Adrian College a more accessible campus. This scholarship is awarded to a student who is dedicated, motivated and demonstrates a passion toward disability-related issues. This year’s recipient was Derek McCoy, a native of Madison Heights, Mich. The Student Disability Awareness Award is awarded to a student who shows dedication and leadership. This student may or may not have a disability, but strives to educate the campus community about disability-related issues. This year’s award was given to Chris Liberati, a junior from Livonia, Mich. He has been a member of the PRIDE group (Promoting the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities Everywhere) for three years, and mentors community members with disabilities. The Faculty Disability Awareness Award goes to a faculty member who goes above and beyond to make their classroom accessible for all students. This year’s award was given to Dr. Carissa Massey, associate professor of art history. Dr. Massey consistently strives to find unique ways to teach to all learners. For this distinction, these individuals received a plaque now on display in the newly renovated and renamed Jane McCloskey Academic Services Suite.

Admissions Update College Welcomes a Freshman Class of


The second largest class in the College’s history arrived on campus August 17 for Welcome Week. This is the eighth consecutive year the entering class has exceeded the 500-student mark, continued evidence of a recruitment momentum that began in 2006. The College received a record-breaking number of applications for this incoming class, and highlights the higher academic standard of its applicants. The incoming class is diverse in its demographics, boasting students from 18 states and four countries including Canada, Switzerland and Nigeria.

Magnuson Speaks at Fall Convocation In September, Mark Magnuson ‘75 addressed the Adrian College community during its fall convocation. The theme of his speech encompassed one of the Ribbons of Excellence: learning throughout a lifetime. The quintessential liberal arts and lifetime learner earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Adrian College, with good intentions to pursue dentistry. His career, however, took a different direction as he developed a special interest in art and design. Shortly after his graduation from AC, Magnuson obtained a degree in visual information design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh resulting in a career in the emerging field of computer graphic arts. In 1991, Magnuson launched Anode, Inc., an interactive marketing and communications studio in Nashville. He now serves as president, leading his talented staff for 23 years. Anode offers creative studio spaces for all phases of media: print and online marketing, interactive, web design and digital signage. Since its start-up as an interactive kiosk and video production agency, Anode has fully transformed into a dynamic organization that continues to be at the forefront of new digital technology. Recently, the College added touch-screen interactive digital signs that were a direct result of Anode’s FireSign platform. Magnuson is avid an supporter of the College and has family ties as well: a sister, Susan Magnuson Austin ’75 and uncle, Donald C. Smith ’66. In 2012, he was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award, honoring both his success and continued commitment to his alma mater.


m Sarah Buggia ‘14 In July, the United States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board made the announcement that Sarah Buggia ‘14 was among those students awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant. Buggia opted to travel to Spain for an English Teaching Assistantship. “The opportunity to be a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant will allow me to undergo life-changing personal growth while helping to open doors of economic opportunity, cultural empathy and feelings of responsibility,” Buggia said. Buggia is one of over 1,800 U.S. citizens who will travel abroad for the 2014-15

academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, as well as demonstrated leadership potential.

Selected as Fulbright Scholar

“The multitude of transferable skills gained through this experience will simultaneously contribute to my future goals. It will serve to strengthen my capability to provide an education and sustainable opportunities to those susceptible to human trafficking.” “I hope to help break the cycle of modern day slavery,” Buggia commented. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The primary source of funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the U.S.

Congress to the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participating governments and host institutions, corporations and foundations in foreign countries and in the United States also provide direct and indirect support.

Ryan ‘Hitman’ Betz

He says that he has always had the support of his parents who have grown to understand that music was more than a hobby — it was his passion. Through the support of his high school friends, work and college acquaintances, he continues to become a regional sensation.

Local sensation Ryan ‘Hitman’ Betz took the stage to open for the annual spring concert on March 22. The rap artist has over 40 original songs to his credit, which are available on his YouTube page under his username: therealhitman1. His performance preceded main acts, Timeflies and Walk Off The Earth. Known for his witty punch lines, Betz notes that he has been performing since the age of nine. “I always had it in me,” he says. He adds that he took it seriously as a senior at South Lyon High School. He began promoting his music through use of social media, much of which has been recorded in his basement. When asked how he pens his talents to paper, he smiles casually. “I hear the beat before I write. The beat sets the mood, the lyrics are the perception of it.”



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The rap artist has over 40 original songs

The junior at Adrian College isn’t all about music; he seems to be a star in and out of the classroom as well. He plays both hockey and football while maintaining a commitment to his education. When asked what the future holds, he says his main aspiration is to get his degree and connect to the events and opportunities that could position his future. “I am absolutely honored and blessed to have been given this opportunity,” Betz said prior to the event. But the young artist didn’t take the chance to shine on stage lightly. “I look forward to putting on a show. That’s my concern.” “I’m just going to do [my] thing.”

Student Spotlight Joel Mbala-Nkanga ‘14 When the International Design Award (IDA) winners were announced in July, Adrian College graduate Joel Mbala-Nkanga ‘14 was among those lauded. His entry for his HEEL Retail Shop earned the second place in the Interior Design Competition. This annual contest recognizes, honors and promotes design visionaries and uncovers emerging talents in architecture, interior design, graphic and fashion design. IDA honorary juries examined over 1,000 entries submitted by architects and interior designers from 52 countries throughout the world. Mbala-Nkanga’s project, HEEL, is a retail store located in the heart of New York. “My first real design assignment as a freshman [at Adrian] was a retail store,” he said. “I didn’t know much about design as a whole at the time, and that project didn’t turn out too well.”

Mbala-Nkanga earned second place in interior design competition

“That was the inspiration behind [HEEL], with the exception being that, with this one, I had a solid academic foundation and I knew what I was doing.” MbalaNkanga’s project combines “the fashion of tomorrow” with the integration of technology today. His idea was to create a sales setting that allowed customers to make transactions via their smartphones, or to have the option to interact with a salesperson. Interactive touch display screens and rounded TVs allow for consumers to browse available products, locations and costs of the shoes featured in this retail location. “Joel’s recognition is well-deserved,” said Dr. Agnes Caldwell, Adrian College vice president and dean of academic affairs. “He was the winner of our annual research day award for the best presentation, and he continues to excel.” “[Adrian College] offers a wonderful Interior Design major, and Joel helps to demonstrate this on a national stage.” To learn more about the HEEL project, please visit: directory/Joel

Emily Toupalik ‘14 Emily Toupalik ‘14 recently led a workshop on fair trade at the fourth annual national gathering of the President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge in Washington, D.C. The Campus Challenge is an initiative of the White House and the U.S. Department of Education. Supporting the fight against human trafficking

Toupalik, along with three other students, moderated the workshop. They discussed the programs and efforts at Adrian College supporting the fight against human trafficking. She was one of more than 500 college students, chaplains, faculty and administrators who participated.

Daily Telegram photo by Mike Dickie



TOP DOG Adrian College was recently lauded by The Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the “Top 20 Fastest-Growing Baccalaureate Colleges” in the country.





“It is an honor for Adrian College to be named as one of the ‘Top 20 Fastest-Growing Baccalaureate Colleges’ in the country.”

The list, publicized in the Almanac of Higher Education on Aug. 18, further supports the College’s recent momentum. The enrollment numbers were recorded over a 10-year period, beginning in 2002. Adrian is ranked 19 out of 20 private baccalaureate institutions, which have experienced rapid growth. Boasting a 76.6% increase in enrollment, the recognition is one of several national rankings the College has received in recent years. “It is an honor for Adrian College to be named as one of the ‘Top 20 Fastest-Growing Baccalaureate Colleges’ in the country,” said Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking, president of Adrian College. “Our outstanding faculty, new academic and athletic facilities, innovative programs and small class sizes, are attractive to students and families who want a quality education and experience that prepares them to succeed in our increasingly competitive economy.”

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Top 20 Fastest-Growing Colleges

Colleges of Distinction: 2014 - 2015 U.S. News & World Report



U.S. News & World Report: Regional Top College in the Midwest

U.S. News & World Report: Best School for Veterans U.S. News & World Report BEST SCHOOLS FOR


Military Friendly School: 2015

“The increase in student interest and enrollment growth over the past decade is directly correlated to the culture of innovation and attention to accountability that exists on our campus,” said Frank Hribar, vice president for enrollment and student affairs. “The anticipation of an even brighter decadeto-come is inspiring.”



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Adrian College Added to Kalamazoo Promise List The Kalamazoo Promise and the Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) announced their partnership on behalf of Kalamazoo Promise eligible students. Beginning in the fall of 2015, students may use their Kalamazoo Promise scholarship to attend any one of the MCA liberal arts colleges and universities in Michigan, including Adrian College. The Kalamazoo Promise and the MCA member institution will fully and jointly fund tuition and fees. The Kalamazoo Promise will fund at the level of the undergraduate average tuition and fees for the College of Literature, Science and Arts at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The College will cover the remaining balance of tuition and fees.

“This opportunity for Promise Scholars is a true measure of access and equity,” said Janice M. Brown, board member for The Kalamazoo Promise. “This partnership truly is a winning proposition for [both student and institution]. Promise Scholars will benefit from increased college choices throughout the state, while having these deserving students on their campus will enrich our MCA colleges and universities,” stated Bob Bartlett, CEO of the Michigan Colleges Alliance. “We are grateful to The Kalamazoo Promise for creating this opportunity.”

On Nov. 21, 2014, the Adrian College Athletic Training Program, Madison Township Fire Department and Darryl Conway from the University of Michigan partnered to simulate a medical emergency on the football field at the College. In an effort to mimic the real-world situation, the athletic training students were unaware that they would be called to care for three catastrophic events involving two football players and a fan in the stands. The undergraduate and graduate students worked alongside Madison Township paramedics to properly care for the “victims.”

The newly established Adrian College Fair Trade Committee earned a grant from the University/College division of the fair trade campaigns to support an internship for the 2014-15 academic year. The intern will research fair trade products, organize efforts to make them available on campus and conduct outreach and education.

“The athletic training education program at Adrian College prides itself on providing the most contemporary and advanced training possible,” said Dr. Tina Claiborne, director of the athletic training program. “Outside the classroom, athletic training students gain real world sports medicine experience every day. In addition to caring for patients on the sidelines of local schools and in outpatient rehabilitation clinics, our students now learn in ambulances and emergency rooms.”

The international fair trade movement works to establish standards for production so that consumers can make sure the commodities they use are manufactured or grown ethically.

“Athletic trainers are often associated with taping ankles, but the most important skill we could ever teach our students is how to save a life.”

College Awarded Grant for Fair Trade Internship

Several varieties of delicious Fair Trade chocolate are now available in the Arrington Bookstore. The bookstore is also selling Good Paper Sanctuary Spring greeting cards.

AC Partners for Emergency Simulation



A first-class renovation, the

16 THOUSAND square foot

science-centered halls feature three new biology and chemistry labs, in addition to renovated classrooms, lecture halls and conference rooms.





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Photos by Hollie Smith

The 17,000 square foot addition to the south side of the Merillat Sport & Fitness Center will be complete in spring of 2015. The expansion triples the existing training space, as well as offers additional equipment and better facilities for conditioning. The layout features an open floor plan with three primary weight/fitness areas, offices, a seating area and expanded hours of operation.


It was a bold move in addressing a national issue. Adrian would stand behind the education of its students to secure well-paying positions post graduation.

cover story

A FIRST-IN-THE-NATION PROMISE TO STUDENTS he story is no fairy tale. While it boasts all the makings of a legend, it is a fact-filled account of Adrian College’s determined effort to stand behind its graduates. The debt crisis for American college students is frightening, and continues to make headlines across the nation. The average amount of student loan debt continues to climb, approaching nearly $30,000 for America’s most recent graduates. These loans combine to a staggering current total of over $1.2 trillion in student debt with increasing default rates each year. It’s a familiar narrative, the impact this loan debt has on a college graduate can be devastating. The repayment of these loans can easily consume the largest expense in budgets that are supported by small initial earnings. A 2013 study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that the average starting salary for college graduates stood at $44,928, with many 16


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the fall of last year, Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan, made an announcement that received national attention,” Levin began his statement. “Adrian, one of the finest private liberal arts colleges in America, made a promise to prospective students: Beginning this fall, incoming students who graduate from Adrian carrying student loan debt and are unable to find a job that pays above a set income will be eligible for support from the college to pay part or all of that student’s loan payments.”

It was a bold move in addressing a national issue. Adrian would stand behind the education of its students to secure well-paying positions post-graduation. Senator Levin brought before his Washington, D.C., colleagues a program that was fully funded by the College — with no additional cost to students. The result is a more affordable, more accessible and more transparent approach to student debt. The premise was simple, graduates who earned less than $37,000 annually, would be eligible to have part, or all, of their student loans qualify for reimbursement. While similar programs have been in existence for over 20 years, the benefits have served primarily those enrolled at Ivy League institutions. Adrian College is the first institution of its size to offer this level of assistance to an entire incoming class. The loan repayment assistance begins post-graduation, and continues until the individual’s income rises to a level of financial sufficiency, or until their loans are paid in full. It is a practical response to a question of excessive debt. More than that, it’s a responsible approach to an affordable future. It provides the freedom for a student to pursue a rewarding career regardless of expected earning capacity. It boasts the potential to significantly reduce the student loan default rate, while immediately easing the financial pressures of new graduates.

“The first is that it represents a visionary choice on the part of President Jeffrey R. Docking and the rest of Adrian’s leadership. I am grateful to them for showing the kind of leadership that makes Adrian a proud example of my state’s outstanding higher education institutions.” “Adrian has long been recognized not just for the quality of its instruction, but for its efforts to make that education accessible and affordable, and this is just the latest example of the school’s forward thinking.” He noted that AdrianPlus provides a solid foundation for the students of Adrian College to begin to build their future. He acknowledged that the College has made a giant leap in addressing a very heated and critical issue. “It is time for us to start taking some steps in the right direction. We should explore other ways to ensure that a college education is indeed affordable to all.” He went on to note that numerous studies show that a college education makes an enormous difference in the pursuit of rewarding careers.


This directive, issued by then Michigan Senator Carl Levin in a floor statement in June 2014,1 offered Washington, D.C., a glimpse into the forward-thinking, private liberal arts college nestled in southeast Michigan. Adrian College had made a bold move in addressing the potential burden of their graduates’ debt load, one that was the first of its kind in the nation. It was a promise to its students that didn’t end at commencement.

Levin’s statement highlighted the reasons the announcement was so notable.

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graduates earning far less in their first year of professional employment. Yet, in an attempt to address an even bigger issue, Adrian College’s solution would begin to make headlines and pave the way as an innovative look at a notable predicament. “Follow Adrian College’s lead.”


“But if we can’t ensure that all Americans have access to higher education, we shut off access to the American dream. I hope that, inspired by the Adrian College example, we will act to halt and reverse those trends.” “Follow Adrian College’s lead.”

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For the small college in Michigan, and its future graduates, this is the opening chapter in a story that continues to unfold, with much more yet to be written. The movement has been initiated, the momentum is growing and the future is promising. The challenges facing college graduates are significant, however AdrianPlus continues to pen a way of thinking that places their futures in good hands and offers the potential for a true happily ever after.


Levin floor statement: Follow Adrian College’s lead, reduce student loan burden Originally published Wednesday, June 4, 2014

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Adrian’s pay-it-forward approach has national significance, making headlines and rocking the radio waves across the country. AdrianPlus deserved recognition and began to inspire a national conversation. It is a solution that has left other institutions watching — and taking notes.





common theme expressed by Adrian College alumni is the College’s caring faculty and quality of their teaching. Alumni often share memories of a specific professor who helped shape their undergraduate career and made an impact on their life. Recently, Adrian College announced a way to honor one of its long-standing biology professors, Dr. Bob Husband. Undeniably a favorite, Dr. Husband molded the futures of his students and touched the lives of many.



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Hollie Smith

a gentleman and a scholar

With the recent renovations and expansion of Peelle Hall, the very location where Dr. Husband dedicated much of his time during his tenure, it seemed fitting to name one of the biology labs in his honor. As awareness began to spread of this initiative, many stories and experiences with Dr. Husband were shared. The following narratives are just a few examples of the difference Dr. Husband made in-and out-of the classroom.

“Dr. Bob Husband’s influence on me and the training and education he gave me at Adrian College has totally directed and changed my life. He was my favorite teacher at Adrian. He taught the field ecology and entomology sciences courses from which I learned so much. In the courses his lectures were thorough, but it was during the field trips where the concepts and principles were reinforced and ingrained in my brain forever.

“As an undergraduate in a pre-med program, one of the most important things you can have is a mentor. Dr. Husband spent his time leading by example. His quiet confidence and strong character were the things that drew his students to him. My commitment to a career in medicine was reinforced by the experience I had with Dr. Husband in human anatomy lab. Here, Dr. Husband opened up our eyes to the wonder of the human body in a way that none of us had ever experienced. I did not realize at that point in life my time in the lab would set the stage for my professional career as a radiologist. Dr. Husband


was always there for encouragement, support and advice. When I think back to my time at Adrian College, I always remember the best times in my life and I hope that my kids will someday have the chance at a similar experience. Because of professors like Dr. Husband, I have worked hard to pay it forward as a tribute to that relationship of “student and mentor.” He was undoubtedly one of Adrian College’s finest professors. Dr. Husband, thank you for your commitment to your students and to the College.” Mark J. Hass ‘93, M.D.

To support the Dr. Husband Biology Lab project, contact Ryann Eff ‘10, Director of Development at 517.264.3189 or or by visiting

“When people ask me if I always wanted to be a dentist, I repeat this story. My first college professor said to me one of the first times we met, ‘Oh, I see you are working as a dental assistant, you must be predent’.” To this I answered, ‘No, I’m in med tech.’ After which, the professor’s reply was, as I remember, ‘I see you are working as a dental assistant, you must be pre-dent. You know, dentistry is really opening up for women.’ That professor was Dr. Husband. Shortly after this initial conversation, I was invited to a dinner at Ritchie to dine with alumni of Adrian College who were practicing dentists. I continued my classes in the medical technology program but one day was called to Dr. Husband’s office where he handed me a study guide for the Dental Admissions Test (DAT). (He really was pushing me toward dentistry.) Most of the pre-requisites were the same as medical technology, so I complied and took the DAT. Now, I have been enjoying the practice of dentistry for 25 years. Dentistry really did open up for women, and I continue to smile when I tell this story about Dr. Husband and Adrian College.”

After graduation, I had no idea what my future entailed. I was 1-A and passed my physical and was ready to be drafted. In the spring semester, I did not know if I was going to Vietnam or I would be a free person. That decision was taken out of my hands and depended on the lottery. My draft number came up as 357, so I was a free person to do something. Dr. Husband opened doors for my future by getting me into graduate school at Michigan State University, expanding on a special project he had me do my last semester at Adrian. With Bob as my model, my goal after leaving Adrian and getting a graduate degree was to continue in his steps by being a small college biology teacher. I never did that, but I have had a successful career at MSU due to the interdisciplinary and challenging courses and education I received at Adrian. Adrian College and Dr. Husband deserve all the credit for giving me the opportunity to succeed in my life. I am honored to know and have been taught by Dr. Husband. I congratulate him on this honor Adrian College has bestowed upon him by renovating and modernizing this laboratory in his name. I am sure Adrian College will continue to have very strong science programs and this renovation will certainly contribute to training of future outstanding scientists.” Larry Olsen ‘69, Ph.D.

Nancy Mylander Hartzell ‘84, D.D.S.


dThe Annual State of the College Address

An Amazing Story to Tell

Downs Hall Theatre Renovation The final renovation phase included the complete overhaul of the second floor theatre, in the College’s oldest building. This was made possible through the generosity of Melissa Sage Fadim and the Sage Foundation. For the fourth consecutive year, President Jeffrey R. Docking invited faculty, staff, students and community members to join him in delivering the annual State of the College address. On March 28, the campus community joined together to share the unique story that is Adrian College, while celebrating the accomplishments of the previous year. “In January, Paul Smith, author of the book ‘Lead With a Story,’ joined us on campus to teach us about the power of storytelling,” President Jeffrey R. Docking noted as he opened the address. “[The concepts] he shared can be applied to everyday situations like ours.” “Successful people ­— in all age groups and professions — use storytelling to inspire, to lead change, build courage, solve problems, set vision, persuade and motivate,” Docking continued. “We hope today inspires you, our students and community, to continue to add chapters to the wonderful narrative that is Adrian College. ” A short video, highlighting the progress of the ideas addressed in the spring of 2013 was shared to begin the story of things to come. “No one would have imagined in 1859, the beginning of a story that would be written, revised and refined for more than 150 years.”



Madison Street Campus Entrance A formal, welcoming entrance to the mall from Madison Street. The idea was born of alumni trustees Steve Wolfe ‘71, retired CFO of The Toro Company, and Richard Kibbey ’75, an attorney. The entrance features a brick gateway, landscaping and lighting. New Academic Programs The College announced the addition of four new majors: Finance, Event Facilities Management, Graphic Design and Healthcare Administration. Lincoln International Baccalaureate Preschool Playground Two legacy gifts were left by AC alumnus Sam Beal ‘40 to provide new playground equipment at the IB Preschool and the addition of outdoor learning space at Lincoln Elementary School. Security System Upgrade A new server was installed to service over 130 state-of-the-art cameras, and electronic access controls were installed in academic buildings, residence halls and athletic facilities. Botanical Garden The development and implementation of a mission statement, garden design and maintenance plan along with the goal to complete phase one this spring: the installation of beds along Williams Street. Subsequent phases to include the restoration of native plants between Jones and Peelle Halls. New Co-Curricular Programs The College expanded synchronized skating to include four competitive teams; men’s bowling was also added. Also announced: the addition of the collegiate bass fishing program and acrobatics and tumbling team. New Dean of Graduate Studies Dr. Paul Rupert, professor of chemistry, discussed the goals and opportunities created by his role to oversee four current graduate programs: Athletic Training, Accounting, Criminal Justice and Industrial Chemistry. Teacher Education is pending. Each program is considered a 4+1, offering two degrees in five years. The first three graduates of the Criminal Justice program graduated in December. Get Out The Vote Movement The momentum was created by then-student government president Melissa Roe ‘14 to encourage students to engage in their community and become involved as citizens. The goal: to allow the College and City to flourish together as these students embrace their shared community.

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Fitness & Weight Room Addition A new fitness and weight room addition will be added to the Merillat Sport and Fitness Center. Completion expected in spring 2015. Creativity Award The event also recognized the third annual Creativity Award winner. This year, local businessman Joe Wagley made a contribution to the winning submission. He joined President Docking and Dr. Jennifer Ellsworth in congratulating the recipients. JoLynne Hall, instructor of mathematics, along with Dana Musial, a freshman in the musical theatre program, were announced as collaborative winners of the third annual Creativity Award. Their joined ideas feature the construction of a “Hello Walk” leading up to the Caine Student Center. The idea was to encourage communication and add a “much needed” direct path to Caine. The winners were each awarded a $500 check for their ideas, which will be funded up to $10,000. President Docking concluded the speech with a story demonstrating compassion and outreach. Lindsey Porter, a junior biology major, shared her life-changing journey to Africa for a 17-day trip to provide healthcare and medical assistance to the residents of Tanzania. Throughout the trip, she was part of a group who made an impact on over 80 individuals in the region. “We, together, comprise the Adrian College story — and it is this passion and dedication that makes us a strong and viable college,” Docking said. “We are a place where not only knowledge but relationships and experiences develop and change us, better us and write for us who we are and who we will become.” “Within this big Adrian College story are thousands more and each student will write their own.”

A Year of Thanks New Year, New Traditions

Now Online

I have had some time to reflect on the fiscal year that concluded on June 30. It was truly an unbelievable year thanks to you ­— our alumni and friends reading this issue of Contact magazine.


The Office of Development underwent some dynamic changes this past year. We said goodbye and wished happy retirement to three office mainstays in Kaye Reinhart ’81, Carol Carson and Carolyn Jones ‘94. No doubt many of you know these great women and join me in wishing them the best. We are appreciative of the passion and hard work they brought to the office every day. We also welcomed Ryann Eff ‘10 (director of development), Darci Karapas (administrative assistant) and Cindy Beaubien (director of stewardship) to our team. We are excited at what each of these individuals can contribute and look forward to having them in our group for the years to come! Despite all of this change, the College had one of the most successful fundraising years in recent history. For that, I say THANK YOU! The loyalty and support our alumni and friends demonstrate each and every year continues to inspire me every day. It reminds me why I have the best job at Adrian College. As we continue to become a more sophisticated office, I wanted to share with you something new. Our annual President’s Report for fiscal year 2013-14 is now available online by visiting presidentsreport. I’d welcome your thoughts and feedback on this new approach. Again, thank you for the amazing fiscal year we just completed…and thank you in advance for making this new year even better. If you have not been back to campus in some time (and even if you have returned), please feel free to contact me and we can arrange for a tour. College Reports Record

Year for Fundraising

Adrian College reported a banner year for donations in fiscal year 2014. The College raised over $8 million — a record-setting total.

Highlighting the contributions of our donors.

Go Bulldogs!

Jim Mahony ‘00 | Vice President for Development

“Commitment to Adrian College continues to grow. The Office of Development has wrapped up its fiscal year with the highest reported support in the history of the College,” said Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking, president. “We are grateful to the individuals who have contributed to the reported $8 million raised.” “It was the highest one-year fundraising total since launching the Renaissance campaigns,” said Jim Mahony. “The support and legacy of our donors is tremendous. It is due to their continued support that the College has been able to build facilities, enhance academic programs and provide scholarship assistance to our students.”

The 2013-14 Presidents Report

Ribbon Cutting for the Jane McCloskey Academic Services Suite On Oct. 3, 2014, the ribbon was officially cut to the newly renovated McCloskey Academic Services Suite. Named in memory of Jane McCloskey, the long-standing director of

the office and confidant to many alumni, this renovation was made possible by a generous gift from Jane’s husband, Dennis McCloskey. Short remarks were made by President Docking; Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs Agnes Caldwell; Assistant Director/ Disabilities Specialist, Academic Services, Danielle Ward ‘96; Annetra Jones Bennett ‘00 and Dennis McCloskey. It was a beautiful ceremony recognizing one of Adrian College’s dearest colleagues.




episode which aired Tuesday, April 1, 2014.

Jass acknowledges that this journey was challenging, referencing the competition as “incredibly tough.” This return places her among an elite crowd — pushing her competitiveness to a more serious level. But, Jass notes, they still have fun.

Jass Returns to Jeopardy! Adrian College history professor Dr. Stephanie Jass, took to L.A. for another trip to the Jeopardy! stage this time for the “Battle of the Decades.” In celebration of their 30th season, the famed television show selected 15 candidates from each decade for a head-to-head meeting of the minds. The contestants vyed for a grand prize worth $1 million.

“You really get to know each other,” she remarked about her competition. “They are so smart, so fun. It’s like discovering a tribe of your own.” “I definitely have a whole bunch of new Facebook friends because of this [experience].”

The best and the brightest met in the most notorious quiz-show game of its kind. This is the third trip to the show for Jass, who has been recognized as one of the most personable candidates to grace the stage. Well-known for her banter with Alex Trebek, she assured their quips continued in this

AC Chaplain Appointed to Delegation of the National Council of Churches Adrian College Chaplain Chris Momany ‘84 represented The United Methodist Church at a major ecumenical gathering in Washington, D.C., May 18-20, 2014. The event, sponsored by the National Council of Churches, was the first “Christian Unity Gathering” of leaders from member communions and other partners. “This is a tremendous honor and opportunity to help shape the social justice witness of a huge movement.”



This was the NCC’s first national gathering since it reorganized last year, reduced the size of the Governing Board and created four “convening tables” responsible for key mission and programs.

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Momany served, along with representatives from several denominations, on the convening table devoted to joint action and advocacy on issues of justice and peace. “This is a tremendous honor and opportunity to help shape the social justice witness of a huge movement,” Momany said. “The organization has not only invited people from diverse denominations but also people from various backgrounds, with a wide assortment of gifts and expertise.” The NCC’s 37 member communions — from a wide spectrum of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, historic African American and Living Peace churches — include 45 million persons in more than 100,000 local congregations in communities across the nation.

Adrian College Professor Featured in Times Square

Garin Horner’s original work was on display in NYC on July 24.

familiar talent around the Adrian College campus was recently featured in New York. Garin Horner, associate professor and chair of the Department of Art and Design, was selected to submit several original pieces for display in Times Square. The gallery, by located in New York City, sent Horner an invitation to participate. His work was selected from submissions from all over the world to be featured on two of the largest billboards in Times Square.


“Students hear us say that being an artist is a way of life and a way of seeing the world; it’s an important part of who we are,” said Horner. “By seeing their professors exhibit artwork and be active members of the art world, students can view us as examples of the kind of artists that we encourage them to become.”



2013-14 Faculty Publication and Presentation Highlights:

2013-14 Academic Accomplishments and Highlights:

Dr. Michelle Beechler, assistant professor, Psychology, presented “Reinforcement of Learning and Student Engagement with a Website Creation Project” at the Lilly Conference in Traverse City, Mich. Penny Cobau-Smith, assistant professor, Teacher Education, presented “Track and Explore: Hands-on Science Joins Online Field Trip Experiences for Middle School Students” at the National Science Teachers Association Conference in Boston.

Department of Social Work earns seven-year accreditation through Council for Social Work Education.

Dr. Antonis Coumoundouros, associate professor, Philosophy and Religion presented the papers “Plato on Laughter and Humor,” at the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP) Conference at Fordham University, and “Gorgias 474c-475c: Socrates’ Refutation of Polus,” at the Pittsburgh Area Philosophy Colloquium at Washington and Jefferson College.

Department of Exercise Science/Athletic Training earns re-accreditation through CAATE.

Al Craven, assistant professor, Teacher Education, made two presentations, “The King and Queen of Puberty Speak” and “Move Your Feet 2, Lose Your Seat, Too!”at the National Sex Education Conference in East Rutherford, N.J.

Dr. Thomas Hodgman (professor, Dept. of Music) garnered choir invitation to New York’s Lincoln Center, performing with Eric Whitacre and Steven Schwartz in “Defying Gravity.”

Dr. Carman Curton, associate professor, English, presented at the “Love is Murder” Mystery Writers Conference in Chicago.

Professor Beth Major (assistant professor, Dept. of Music) revives Opera Uptown in downtown Adrian, featuring student performances at a local restaurant.

Dr. John Eipper, professor, Modern Languages and Cultures, presented “Representaciones de la ‘Mexicanidad’ en Condorito” at the 1 Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispanoamericana in Guanajuato, Mexico.

Dr. Deborah Field (professor, Dept. of History) and Rev. Dr. Chris Momany ‘84 led team of student presenters to Historians Against Slavery Conference, where they garnered national attention during a presentation on the Not for Sale campaign.

Dr. Constantin Dumitrascu, assistant professor, Mathematics, presented “How Students Develop an Understanding of the Use of Axioms in Geometry Proofs” at the Legacy of R.L. Moore Inquiry-based Learning Conference in Denver.

Dr. Deborah Field, associate professor, History, presented “Revolutions in Teaching/Teaching the Revolution” at the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Conference in Boston. Nathan Goetting, associate professor, Criminal Justice and Jurisprudence, presented “History of the National Lawyers Guild” at the National Lawyers Guild Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dr. Amy Hillard, assistant professor, Psychology, presented “Does a ‘Critical Mass’ of Women Increase Gender Equity in STEM?” at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention in Austin, Texas. Garin Horner, associate professor, Art and Design, presented “Industry and Education, Supplies and Resources” at the National Conference for the Society for Photographic Education in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Horner also won a Juror’s Choice Award for his photograph, “The Mark Light Makes on Shadows” at the 50th annual Michigan Education Association Juried Art Exhibition in East Lansing. Dr. Philip Howe, associate professor, Political Science, gave two presentations, “Consociationalism, the Austo-Hungarian Monarchy” and “The Institutionalization of Ethnicity” at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Chicago.



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Faculty Notes Dr. Jeffrey Lake, assistant professor, Biology, presented “Comparing invasive species” at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting in Sacramento, Calif. Dr. James Martin, associate professor, Biology, presented “Tracking Macroinvertebrate Trends in Water Quality with Respect to Flow Conditions and Other Variables” at the National Water Quality Monitoring Conference in Cincinnati. Dr. Carissa Massey, associate professor, Art History, presented “Stereotypes of Sexual Deviance in ‘Real’ Depictions of Appalachians” at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., and “Appalachian Aesthetic: Reassessing the Literature on Social Education and Arts Industry in Appalachia” at the Appalachian Studies Association Conference at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. Dr. Andrea Milner, assistant professor, Teacher Education, and Dr. Vanessa Morrison, associate professor, Teacher Education, presented “Investigating the Impact of Strategies Modeling and Reading Together Through Integrating Science (SMARTTIS)” at the School Science and Mathematics Association Convention in San Antonio. Dr. Christina Mirtes, professor, Teacher Education, presented “Finding a Common Ground: A Content Analysis of Discipline-Specific Competencies” at the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division of Early Childhood Annual Conference. Rev. Dr. Chris Momany ‘84, chaplain and instructor, Philosophy and Religion, was a speaker at The Bay View Association, one of the best known Chautauqua organizations in the country. The topic of his presentation was “Emancipating Personhood.” Dr. Marti Morales-Ensign, assistant professor, Biology, coauthored the paper “BDNF profoundly and specifically increases KCNQ4 expression in neurons derived from embryonic stem cells,” which has been accepted for publication in the journal Stem Cell Research. Beth Myers, professor, English, presented “The Debts We Owe: Undergraduate Programs Respond (Writing programs adapting to value-added education)” at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference in Seattle. Dr. Bethany Shepherd, assistant professor, English, presented “Medical Diagnosis and the Foreign Body in the Nineteenth-Century Serial Novel” at the Midwest Conference on British Studies at DePaul University in Chicago.

Emeriti Professors Dr. Paul deLespinasse, professor emeritus, Political Science, recently had a book published by Kindle Direct Publishing at, “The Metaconstitutional Manifesto: A Bourgeois Vision of the Classless Society.” The book is available at com/dp/BOOK9UF47K. Paul and his wife Doris, who retired from the Adrian College business dept., continue to enjoy retirement in Corvallis, Ore.

Fall 2014 New Faculty Professor Zachary Dunn, Art & Design Professor Amber Gray, Accountancy & Business Dr. Eric Hood, CORE Dr. Andrew Winckles, CORE

Spring 2014 Retirement Pi Benio, Professor of Art & Design, retired after 36 years of teaching, mentoring and instilling a love of art in AC students. She began her teaching career for Adrian in 1978.

Fall 2014 Faculty Teaching Awards and Recognition Ross E. Newsom Teaching Excellence Award Dr. Sarah Hanson, Geology

United Methodist Exemplary Teaching Award Dr. Vanessa Morrison, Teacher Education

Creative Activity, Research and Scholarship Dr. Suzanne Helfer, Psychology

Erica Zonder, assistant professor, Sports Management, presented “Title IX Misconceptions: What does it hold for our future?”, “100 years of intercollegiate athletic reform…has anything changed?” and “iTunes in the Classroom: the use of technology in the study of sport ethics” at the North American Society for Sports Management Conference in Pittsburgh.






Football. A game of sacrifice: mentally and physically. It’s the sweat, the blood and the four physically intense quarters of play. It’s the drive, putting it all on the line for a game of inches — for victory. It’s the pursuit of a championship, a celebration in triumph and agony in defeat. It’s a love of a game so all-consuming that it becomes a brotherhood. From its humble beginnings as a backyard game with the neighborhood kids to the transition to high school sensation, the desire to play the game remains.

Hollie Smith



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“Are you ready to play football at the next level,” the enticing statement lingers.“Let me tell you about Adrian College — ­­ in Michigan.”

This is where the story begins. Wallen Augustine (Lantana, Fla.), Juwan King (Hollywood, Fla.), Curtis Rhoden (Plantation, Fla.) and Nate Cunningham (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) were highly sought after by NCAA Division III teams in the North. These high school sensations were being enticed by a dream of championships and a foreign reality of snow over a thousand miles from their home turf. “I remember walking up to the college fair booth. There was just something different about Adrian College,” said Augustine. “I knew that I wanted to move away and start something fresh. My area is not the best to grow up in, so this move was something that I was excited about and not really scared to do.” “The weather and culture was a bit of a shock,” he quips. “But the team and our coaches did a great job of making me feel at home.” Augustine and Cunningham were in a different position than that of teammates King and Rhoden, who played together in high school at Archbishop McCarthy High School. Cunningham, however, came from a prominent high school program that has produced professional talent like Jacksonville Jaguar Denard Robinson, a former standout at the University of Michigan. Cunningham had fought for a spot on his high school team; he knew that it would take the same initiative to secure a spot for the Bulldogs. “I really didn’t know what to expect when I got here, other than I knew I needed a winter coat,” Cunningham says with a grin. “It was a big transition for the first two years.” “There have been times that I thought about going back home due to one thing or another,” he continues. “But ultimately, by the time I was a junior, I knew my purpose was to be here. I wanted to strive for goals both in the classroom and on the field.” Though King and Rhoden had an established bond coming in, they would have to prove themselves against a new group of players. They went from all-star status to just one of the guys — with a lot of talent to prove.

“I remember looking at Curtis during the first day of practice and saying ‘this is a lot different from high school,’”King recalls. “The game was quicker and you had to make decisions faster. Everyone back home asked me about the competition. I would say you had to be ready and prepared or else you would lose. Whether that was a drill in practice or during the game, the focus you need is really intense.” The transition from eager freshmen to senior standouts would be critical to the team’s continued success. Heading into their final season, these players played a key role in the Bulldog’s second MIAA Championship in three years. In 2012, the first outright MIAA Championship title since 1983, the win came at Albion College. The Britons had a chance to tie the game and send it into a second overtime with an extra-point kick, but decided to gamble and go for the win on a two-point conversion. Rhoden had a front row perspective on a play that would define the season. “I was having a tough year battling a hamstring injury but the training staff did a great job getting me ready each week,” he says. “Charles Fleck, our safety, and I were ready to run a play. When Albion’s running back got the ball we both just sprinted toward him. Fleck got there first and popped him near the goal line and I just jumped on the ball to make sure it didn’t cross that line. When I got up I saw both teams starting to rush the field. I looked over to Fleck and said ‘hey man, I think we just won it.’”

“It was huge. I had never won a championship before and it was an amazing feeling.” The Florida Four would be the beginning of an era.

rise they did. They’ve become two-time champions, and soon, they will become graduates.

“My future is bright because of Adrian College,” said Augustine, who will use his communication degree to establish himself in the world of entertainment. “I want to direct movies, work in public relations and, hopefully, own my own business someday. I really like the entrepreneur spirit here and I want to explore my options after I graduate.” Rhoden, too, has his post-graduate goals. The physical education major, with a minor in health, has considered a career with the Navy. “I am considering a career as a naval officer or becoming a physical education teacher who can coach and make a difference in the lives of kids in South Florida.” For King, his love of the game doesn’t end with Adrian College. “I would like to play professional football somewhere,” the marketing major said. “After that, I would like to open up my own business. I don’t know if Florida would be my home because I think of it as a vacation spot now.” “I know that I want to use my marketing background to help people and wherever that takes me, I will be happy.” “I am looking forward to moving back to Florida after graduation because I miss my family and friends,” said Cunningham, an art education major. “I want to become a teacher and get my certification in Florida. I would love to teach high school art classes and even coach a little bit. I just want to make a difference with young people and bring out their creativity.” Bright futures and legacies that began with a simple sentence: “How would you like to play football at the next level, how would you like to be a Bulldog?”

When Coach Deere and the AC football staff visited the state of Florida in the winter of 2010, it was the first time they traveled into the Sunshine State to seek talented studentathletes. In Florida, speed is integral to the program and the Bulldogs needed that kind of spark after a championship drought. The intent was to recruit key players to define a new approach to Bulldog football. These four are defensive players for the College and brought a hard-nosed mentality to their roles. They were prepared to physically rise to the challenge. And




Adrian College Intercollegiate Figure Skating Finishes 4th in the Nation The intercollegiate skating team earned 73 points for a fourth-place finish at the 2014 U.S. Intercollegiate Championships on April 13 at Arrington Ice Arena. The championships featured the top nine collegiate figure skating teams in the country. Adrian College entered the U.S. Championships as the back-toback Midwestern Conference Champions (five consecutive), after an undefeated regular season.


Barker and Branch Named Senior Athletes for 2013-14

Weide Wins Second MIAA Most Valuable Player Award

Senior Athletes of the Year are Samantha Barker of the women’s soccer team and Holden Branch of the baseball team. The student-athletes are selected by a vote amongst the athletic department coaches and staff. The two were recognized at the Athletic Hall of Fame banquet on October 3 and during pre-game at the Homecoming football game against Olivet.

Adrian College midfielder Erin Weide earned her second MVP Award. Weide also became the 13th MIAA women’s soccer player to be named First Team All-MIAA four consecutive years, and the first in Adrian College history. It’s the fourth straight year an Adrian College player has received women’s soccer Most Valuable Player honors.


Bulldog Football Captures MIAA Championship The showdown for the 2014 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association football championship proved to be one-sided. Adrian College defeated their border rival Trine University by a score of 40-7 on November 15. The win notches the 11th MIAA championship in school history.



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MIAA All-Conference Football Honorees Released The 2014 MIAA Champion Bulldogs have placed 14 student-athletes, including six First Team selections, on this year’s AllConference list: Emmanuel Stewart, Nathan Hartline and John Rock were all named First Team All-MIAA on offense. Juwan King, Charles Fleck and Ellis Ewing were all named First Team All-MIAA on defense. Dae’Von Robinson, Jordan Simon and Quest Gosnell were named Second Team AllMIAA on offense. Jack Carter, Damon Fuller, Wallen Augustin, Matt Sullivan and Curtis Rhoden were named Second Team AllMIAA on defense.

Back on the Mat: Wrestling Returns to Adrian Adrian College is adding more muscle to its athletic offerings in 2015-16 school year. For the first time since 1984, the College will offer wrestling — this time for both men and women. Adrian last offered wrestling for men from 1959-84 under head coach, Paul MacDonald. The MIAA sponsored the sport from 1969-84, during which Adrian College earned three MIAA Championships.

Pictured Above

1974 Adrian College Wresting

New Faces

Tsutae Johnson Named Head Coach for Acrobatics and Tumbling, Cheerleading and Dance Tsutae Johnson was named head coach for the acrobatics & tumbling, cheerleading and dance programs for the Bulldogs. Johnson, a native of West Covina, Calif., graduated from the University of Oregon with a bachelor’s degree in general science. She was a member of the acrobatics and tumbling team there, helping the team capture two NCATA national championships.

Chris Williams Hired as Wrestling Head Coach

Krug Takes the Helm of Men’s NCAA Hockey

Chris Williams was an assistant coach for Michigan State University’s program prior to joining Adrian. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State in 2002 in interdisciplinary studies, and a Certificate in Secondary Education from Eastern Michigan University. Williams was also head coach of the Michigan USA Wrestling Team from 2007-12. Prior to coaching, he was a collegiate wrestler at MSU, selected as a NCAA All-American and competing in the 2002 national championships, where he picked up a pair of wins. Williams is currently ranked 17th all-time at MSU with 102 wins on the mat.

Adam Krug ‘12, a former team captain of the men’s hockey program, joined the Bulldogs in 2007 after playing for two seasons at Wayne State University. At Adrian, he was named a Second Team All-American in the West Region and set the Midwest Collegiate Hockey Association singleseason record with 77 points. In addition, he led NCAA Division III in scoring and was named MCHA Player of the Year. Krug had a four-year professional hockey career in the United States and Europe. He played with the East Coast Hockey League’s Cincinnati Cyclones before a one-year stint with the Nijmegen Devils (Netherlands). He also spent time with the ECHL’s Toledo Walleye. Krug most recently served as assistant coach of the Indiana Ice of the USHL.

Scott Morrison Named Men’s Lacrosse Head Coach Scott Morrison will take the reins as head coach for the men’s lacrosse program. The Bulldogs have won five straight conference championships, going 35-0 during regular season play. Adrian has also made four straight trips to the NCAA Division III Tournament. Formerly of Wittenberg University, he joined the University of Michigan’s staff after his playing career at Northwood. While at U of M, he led the team to an undefeated season and the MCLA National Championship. Morrison also worked as head coach at the University of Arizona, and served as an assistant men’s lacrosse coach at MIAA member Trine University.

Elizabeth Szymanski Promoted to Head Coach of Women’s Lacrosse

Anna Ball Named Head Softball Coach at Adrian College

Elizabeth Szymanski ‘12 takes over as the head coach of the women’s lacrosse program after serving as an assistant coach with the program. She spent the previous year as assistant coach at Adams State University. Szymanski played lacrosse at Adrian College from 2008-12 as a defender. She received a bachelor’s degree in physical education with a minor in health and received her Michigan Teacher Certification in physical education K-12 and health 7-12.


Anna Ball takes over as head softball coach. Ball comes to AC from Southern Wesleyan University where she was head coach since 2011. Ball began her collegiate coaching career at her alma mater, Notre Dame College (Ohio), from 2009-11. As a Falcon athlete, she was a two-time All-American and a three-time American Mideast Conference Player of the Year. She holds nine different NDC offensive records and at the summation of her career, became the NAIA’s all-time leader in career batting average (.516), slugging percentage (.892) and ranks second in the NAIA with 87 doubles. The Mansfield, Ohio, native has a Bachelor of Arts degree in middle childhood education and is currently working on her master’s degree at Notre Dame College in educational technology.







of the Year Ryan Dorow’s Standout Season Some call it divine intervention. Others simply call it fate. That lasting impact a single decision, or friendship, can have on the future – and the pursuit of a winning tradition. Adrian College baseball Head Coach Craig Rainey ‘89 was a catcher for the Bulldogs in the late 1980s. It was there he met Jon Dorow ‘88. The two became inseparable friends, eventually roommates on road trips and in the dorms. Rainey was a standout who captured the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) batting title in 1988. Dorow, known for his prowess on the base paths with five steals, batted .302 during the 1988 season while playing second base. The two remained friends after graduation and even stood up in each other’s weddings. This passion for baseball was passed on to Jon’s son, Ryan, as he grew up in South Haven, Mich. He progressed through youth baseball and continued to hone his talents to that of a collegiate player.



Hollie Smith

“I saw Ryan play for the first time when he was 13 or 14 years old,” Rainey recalls. “My son Gunner was playing nearby at a summer tournament and I had a chance to visit with Jon about Ryan. Even at that age, I could see a lot of potential in his game.” Rainey was not the only one watching. Jon and Ryan would attend games together, with frequent trips to nearby Hope College — a division rival of the Bulldogs. The experience left a lasting impression on a young Dorow, and a desire to don the black and gold of Adrian College.

“I can remember going to games and watching Adrian College as a kid. I think that instilled a sense of pride at a young age for me. I wanted to grow up and play for the Bulldogs.” After his graduation from high school, this desire to attend Adrian remained. The Bulldogs had built a championship culture and Coach Rainey molded not only talented athletes, but also academically enriched young men. “I saw a lot of the traits of his father in Ryan,” Rainey remarked. “They are both hard workers who hustle and play the game the right way. It didn’t surprise me to see Ryan so successful in high school because he had a great role model in Jon. Jon was very outspoken when we played and I think the biggest difference is that Ryan is a quiet person who speaks loudly on the field.” “It was a little different recruiting the son of a friend, but I wanted to make sure that Ryan was going to earn his way onto the field, the same as any other addition to the team. I even probably stayed away from Jon more because I didn’t want the rumors going around that Ryan was being recruited just because of my relationship with his father.”

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In fall 2013, Dorow’s story would come full circle. His dream of becoming a Bulldog was reality. Now it was his turn to prove that he belonged.

The next day Dorow played his natural position of shortstop, collecting three RBIs and a double. He did not relinquish his spot on the field or in the lineup following the sensational start. The young talent hit safely in his first six games and a star was born.

“At first I was a little shy around everybody; I didn’t know what my role was going to be,” Dorow says. “I got used to being around the guys and Coach Rainey, and learned their personalities. Everything just fell into place.”

He continued to gain confidence at the plate and in the field, bringing his name to the forefront in the MIAA All-Conference conversation. The buzz was growing and Dorow entered the final series against Kalamazoo with talk of him being a candidate for MIAA Position Player of the Year. His case was solidified after the four-game series. Dorow went 7-for-16, including a monster game in the series finale with two home runs and a new season-high, five RBI. He slugged a grand slam in the seventh inning and scored four runs as Adrian claimed their sixth-straight MIAA regular season championship.

“It did help in my decision to come to Adrian College that my dad and Coach Rainey knew one another. Coach knows that I have the right values because of my [parents]. But, he needed to get to know me. I think the coach trusted me more during the season and he knew that I could get the job done.” In the third game of the 2014 basement season, Dorow would step into the spotlight. The Bulldogs played Heidelberg University in Port Charlotte, Fla., on March 5. Penciled into the starting lineup at second base was freshman Ryan Dorow. “I was pretty nervous during that first game but I knew that I could play at this level,” he said. “I just wanted to help my team win and batting ninth was something new to me. I knew I had to get on base for the top of the order.” The freshman held his own, going 1-for-3 and collected his first RBI when he was hit by a pitch with the bases loaded in the fifth inning. He was selected to start again in the next contest on March 8 at Transylvania. This time, he would move up in the batting order to second, and as a designated hitter. Dorow did not disappoint. He collected two hits in four at-bats and had a RBI single in the fourth inning. “I knew that I was going to have to work for a spot on the field and particularly at shortstop because that position is a captain of the infield,” remarked Dorow. “I figured if I kept my focus and did things the way the coaching staff wanted them done that I would get my chance to prove I am a good player.”

The Bulldogs hosted the MIAA Tournament in early May with an automatic bid into the NCAA Regionals on the line. The Bulldogs swept through the double-elimination format with a 3-0 record including a 17-1 win over Kalamazoo and a pair of nail-biters against Calvin (8-7 and 10-7) in the championship game. Dorow had five hits, a double, scored six runs and delivered two RBIs as the team headed to Whitewater, Wis. During the tournament, it was announced that Dorow would go down in the record books. He was named First Team All-MIAA and was selected as the first freshman in MIAA history to win the Position Player of the Year award. Yet the numbers only tell the beginning of his story. In total, Dorow hit .500 (10-for-20) in his first regional appearance with four runs scored and five RBI. He was named to the Midwest Regional All-Tournament Team and finished the season with arguably the best freshman season in school history. He batted .392 (67-for-171) including 21 doubles, a triple and five home runs. He also drove in 40 runs and posted a .459 on-base percentage. He ranks first in a season at Adrian College in doubles, third in assists (129), tied for third in hits, tied for fifth in total bases (105) and tied for 10th in RBI. The accolades kept coming post-season. Dorow was named the Mideast Region Rookie of the Year, and National Freshman of the Year by D3Baseball. com. He was also ranked Third Team All-American at shortstop by the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA). “This year was a lot of fun and while I earned individual awards, I would have traded them all for a chance at the World Series in Appleton,” Dorow says. “Our team was so close to making it. It will drive all of us in the off season and, hopefully, we are in a spot next year to achieve that goal. I know that there will be higher expectations but I believe that these goals are attainable — and that my biggest stat is helping this team win. Whether that is batting, fielding or base running, I just want to win.”



REGULAR SEASON PLAY Adrian followed their impressive regular season (21-7) in conference play to win the MIAA regular season and the top seed in the conference tournament.


6th CONSECUTIVE MIAA TOURNAMENT TITLE The Bulldogs earned their sixth consecutive MIAA tournament title on May 9.



The Bulldogs continued to dominate in conference play as they went 3-0 to earn their place in the Midwest Regional.



Adrian College Adds Certified Athletic Trainers to the Press Box Adrian College made a significant move to enhancing player-safety measures during athletic events. On Oct. 4, the Bulldogs had an additional set of eyes watching every play, not to spot the penalties, but rather to watch for potential injuries. During the Homecoming football game against Olivet, the College positioned a certified athletic trainer in the press box acting as an “eye in the sky,” as the National Football League labeled it three seasons ago. “While all levels of football are looking to do a better job at spotting medical concerns, this approach is really unprecedented in our league,” said Mike Duffy ‘82, athletic director for Adrian College. The ATC (athletic trainer, certified) is required to be certified by the national Board of Certification and licensed in the state of Michigan. The spotter maintains a full view of the field with the ability to identify players who may require further evaluation, and can communicate any concerns immediately through a headset to the athletic training personnel on the sidelines. Should a player require attention, they are pulled and evaluated to ensure they can continue to play. “In collaboration with Professor Vic Liberi, MS, AT, ATC, CSCS, STS and our continual awareness and concern for the safety of our athletes, it became apparent we needed to follow suit,” Jamie Fetter MS, AT, ATC, head athletic trainer said, regarding the implementation of the program. “It is reassuring to know that we have that additional set of eyes watching the plays. While initially the focus was on concussions, there is a significant benefit to being able to identify other potential injuries and keeping our players safe.”

Adrian College Athletic Director Mike Duffy took to the field in August in support of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

New York Times Article Features Bass Fishing Team When administrators at Adrian College in Michigan, an NCAA Division III program in other sports, decided to initiate a bass fishing team last winter, they went all out. They hired a full-time coach, Seth Borton, and enlisted topline sponsors like Ranger boats and Mercury motors to put together one of the nation’s finest fleets. They even designed merchandise, Borton said, and sold out more than 140 T-shirts within the first few weeks bearing the logo for Bulldog bass fishing. “There’s 100 percent an opportunity for us to bring in funds, for sure,” Borton said, adding, “The team essentially becomes a product that you’re able to sell.” Excerpt reprinted with permission. Schonbrun, Zach. “Collegiate Fishing’s Added Lure: Cash on the Line”. Oct. 17, 2014

State Line Observer

Toledo Blade

Detroit Free Press

New York Times


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Webster Brothers Share Memories of Syracuse Game Reprinted with permission. Donnelly, Doug. “Webster Brothers Share Memories of Syracuse Game”. The Daily Telegram. Nov. 15, 2014

Jamison and Justin Webster had a moment earlier in which they looked at each other on the basketball court and couldn’t help but grin. The two brothers, who grew up in Adrian and played high school basketball at Madison, were playing Monday [Nov. 10, 2014] at the Carrier Dome, one of the premier college basketball venues in the nation, as the Bulldogs faced off against No. 23-ranked Syracuse University in an exhibition game. And while the Orange predictably came away with an 84-35 victory, it left a lasting impression on the two brothers — and the entire Adrian College men’s basketball team. “It was definitely an eye-opener as to how good those guys are at the elite level,” said Jamison, a senior on the Bulldogs team. “The amount of people you play in front of and TV cameras and all of the different pre-game stuff that is going on is something way different than what I am used to playing in front of and seeing at my level.” Jamison was the first Bulldog player off the bench in Monday’s game. He played 22 minutes and nailed a 3-pointer. Justin, his sophomore brother, played 33 minutes, scoring seven points and pulling down six rebounds. The brothers played most of their minutes together. “We played pretty much the whole game together,” Jamison said. The two brothers played together at Madison during the 2009-10 season when Jamison was a

senior and Justin a freshman, playing for their father, Jeff Webster. They also were on the same team at Siena Heights University last season until deciding to transfer across town to Adrian College. They are eligible to play together right away. “It was the best decision for my brother and me,” Jamison said. “We both wanted to play together.” Adrian College tips off the regular season tonight against Misericordia at Widener University in Chester, Pa. It will definitely be different than playing at Syracuse. “It was my dream as a kid to just make it to that level to play in an environment like that against any DI elite program as Syracuse,” Jamison said. “I first heard about it way back in the summer. So, I had time to work on my game to get even better and improve in the areas I needed to coming into my senior year. Every time I would go to the gym, I would always have them in the back of my mind, picturing playing in the Carrier Dome.” Justin is the only player on the Adrian College roster listed at 6-foot-5 or taller. Syracuse started a front line that went 6-8, 6-9 and 6-10.

“Going to the Carrier Dome was a great experience, not only for me, but for the team. The experience made us closer as a team, and Syracuse was great to get us prepared for our season opener.” “Once we arrived at the Carrier Dome I was just shocked to see how big it actually was, because as a kid growing up, you always dream of playing in big games like this. For it to become a reality was just a true blessing.” The game was played in front of about 8,000 fans, including the Webster’s parents, Jeff and April. “It was an awesome experience for my boys, me and my wife,” Jeff Webster said. “It was pretty surreal having both my boys on the court at the same time against a DI power. It’s hard to describe. I was on cloud nine, for sure.”

Q&A: Kelsey Kusch, Senior Senior women’s hockey player Kelsey Kusch came to Adrian College to achieve success both on and off of the ice. To say the honors student and all-star athlete has done anything less would be an understatement. Kusch led Division III women’s hockey in scoring as a junior in 2013-14 with 47 points on 25 goals and 22 assists. She accomplished this while carrying a 3.9 grade point average as an exercise science major. She didn’t stop there. With dreams of enrolling at prestigious Duke University, Kusch has constantly sought after exclusive internships to help her get an edge. When Kusch is not working on her game at Arrington, she is doing volunteer work in the community and helping her younger brother, Mitchell, adjust to life as a student-athlete at Adrian.


What brought you to Adrian College? I transferred here from Concordia, Wis. after my freshman year. I felt that Adrian had the hockey atmosphere that I wanted with the rink on campus and the potential for on-ice success. I also saw potential here to achieve academic success.


What are your goals heading into your senior year? Academically, I need to maintain my 3.9 GPA in order to be accepted into Duke University for Physicians Assistant School. Athletically, I feel that we can win a national championship. We have all of the pieces that make a championship team.


What other on campus activities do you participate in? I like to be very active on campus and I enjoy being busy. I was a welcome week leader, I will be participating in Pink the Rink with my team, I am the Kin Club President, an anatomy tutor and I do lab research.


How do you stay disciplined in order to maintain this busy schedule? I believe that I can accomplish all of my goals without having to sacrifice anything I desire. I can stay disciplined socially because I am so close to my teammates whom I spend so much time with. I am focused on my goals and use that as motivation.



was listening, attending various Greek Life events and being honored as Outstanding Female Student in 1994. When I mention my alma mater, I often have to explain more about it. My husband likes to tease me about our small football stadium (he is a graduate of Florida State University). When I was at AC, we were still playing football at the Adrian High School field and did not have the beautiful stadium we have today.



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s a child of United Methodist church employees, I was always involved in church activities. Between my junior and senior year in high school, I worked at the UMC Annual Conference as a page at Adrian College. I really felt drawn to the campus and the summer staff there. In addition to the campus, one of the main draws for me was that it was 60 miles from home — I did not have a car and my parents could get me whenever I wanted to go home. I became involved with two major influences in my life: Residence Life and Alpha Phi. As an RA/RD, I loved helping new students navigate their way among the various social groups and ensuring that all stayed safe. As an Alpha Phi, I found sisters with common interests and loved the leadership roles that were available. My favorite memories include three years of residence in Lowry Hall (which was female only at that time), seeing my friends in various plays at Downs Hall, jamming out on early Sunday mornings at WVAC radio when no one



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My education at Adrian certainly prepared me for any role that I have had because it provided a well-rounded experience ­— I wasn’t only going to school but dealing with real-world maturity. I look at my colleagues that attended major schools like the University of Texas or Texas A&M and know that I would not have survived, nor thrived, somewhere like that. Graduating in the spring of 1994, I earned a BA in Religion and Psychology and immediately began working as a residential treatment therapist at The Manor Foundation in Jonesville, Mich. I was excited to use my degree so quickly. After making the decision to leave Michigan to go back to my family’s home in Alabama, I then was put on a path into a career in human resources. I’ve held roles including data entry clerk, benefits analyst, benefits administrator, HR information systems analyst, HRIS manager and am now a human resources business partner supervisor with over 900 clients and supervising a team of three. As an HRBP, I am the representative to clients in all HR-related questions from recruiting to retirement. I use my education almost every day in counseling our employees and managers in their roles. I reflect often on the theories that I learned and how we can get better perspective on behavioral issues. In my professional career, I have been on an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, traveled to Scotland, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Singapore, and now get to travel to the garden sites of West and South Texas. Celebrating 14 years now in the Houston area, Dave and I have a dog, cat and fish. We love going to Broadway Across America musicals in downtown Houston, attending beer and wine tastings, touring the Texas hill country in our 1969 Corvette and volunteering in the community. I still participate in my Alpha Phi alumnae group locally and have held various offices. I love keeping up with various faculty, staff and alumni via Facebook. I am amazed at the changes as Adrian evolves into the fabulous institution it is today. I am so proud to be a Bulldog! If you are connected to AC and will be visiting the Houston area soon — let me know! I’d love to catch up and share our fabulous sites and culture with you!


Young Alumni

athwon How

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“Originally I chose Adrian College because of an interest in International Business and Japanese/German,” Mathwon recalls. “About that time, the Berlin Wall came down, sparking my interest.” The theatre program appealed to the new freshman, but he would soon begin pursuing a management major that would carry well into his junior year. However, it became apparent to his mentor that the degree might not be the best fit. “Late fall in my junior year, I was visiting with Dr. Ken Ross in his office and he asked me what my major was. I replied, rather disinterested, ‘management’ to which he acknowledged that I didn’t sound too excited about it. I agreed, but said that at that point I just needed to finish and graduate,” Howard recalls. “He said sternly that ‘that is not the way it is supposed to happen.’ He asked me what I was passionate about, and after a bit of rambling, I shared my interest in leadership and public service.” The result was a quick trip to his advisor to change his major to an individually designed one: Leadership and Public Administration. “I did not even know it was an option. To me, that has always represented the essence of AC — a professor listening to cues of the student ultimately to a new (and fitting) direction.”

“The conversations about life with Todd Butler (director of resident life) and Bob Turek (vice president of student affairs) [made me realize] that I could work at a college. Attending AC really impacted my career choice.”


or Mathwon Howard ’94, it was the intent to study at a “small school rich in experience” that brought him to Adrian College. Yet it was the lessons in and out of the classroom that would drive his degree.

The former RD and Theta Chi has plenty of fond memories outside the classroom too, memories that would ultimately spark an interest in his career path in higher education.

Howard notes that a recent move to Atlanta meant a new role in higher education. He accepted the position of associate vice president for development programs at Emory University. He joined the team after holding a similar role at Duke University — a capacity in which he led a team of officers and helped roll out “Duke Forward,” a fundraising campaign that boasts a goal of $3.25 billion. In his new role, he oversees development leadership for the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory libraries and information technology, development communications, foundation and corporate relations and other central development programs. There is no shortage of intrigue in this new capacity. From a discussion about Emory’s Dr. Bruce Ribner being named among TIME’s ‘Person of the Year’ (“The Ebola Fighters”) to the latest addition to the collection at the Carlos Museum, the diversity in his day-to-day tasks keeps this alum busy. He credits his Adrian College experience as a driving force to his continued accomplishment. “My academic experience, coupled with an amazing student life, led me to pursuing (and succeeding) in my current occupation.” “The fondest memories I have are about the many individuals who took the time to pour into my career and life. I am a huge believer in mentorship because I would not be where I am today without the people who both encouraged and challenged me to always embrace and exhaust the possibilities.”









Mark V. Courtade ‘76

Christopher J. Timmis ‘95

Mary Cermak Betzoldt ‘68

For an exceptional career in the criminal justice system, lifelong contributions to youth and devotion to his family and Adrian College.

For significant career advancement providing K-12 school districts with strong leadership and expanding the learning environment for current and future students.

For ongoing and wide-ranging service to the College, its students and its alumni, that extends far beyond her teaching career and work in the Teacher Education Department.

“I am honored to receive this award. Attending Adrian College was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and provided me with experiences that shaped who I am as a person. My Adrian College degree hangs on the wall of my office at the top of all my other degrees because AC first provided me with the education to be successful in my career.

“It is truly an honor to be chosen for the 2014 Alumni Service Award. When I came to Adrian College in the fall of 1964, I had no idea that 50 years later I would still be so involved. It’s because of the students here that make it worth every minute. I can bake cookies for the student teachers and get thank you notes at the end of the semester, cook dinner for the girl’s hockey team and have them give me a hug on the way out the door. I try to find areas of need and volunteer my services.

Jenison, Mich. Assistant United States Attorney United States Department of Justice

“This is the wonderful thing about attending a small college like Adrian: only at such a place can you find the Distinguished Alumni Award presented to someone who has merely sought to live a full and honest life based on the lessons he learned in school. It was not especially difficult to love my wife (Ruth Miser Courtade ’76), to be dedicated to my family, to be active in my church, to participate with my children in school activities and especially in Boy Scouting. I love my job and the fact that it is in public service is a bonus. I don’t make millions of dollars, but what I can afford to share with others, I do.

Dexter, Mich. Superintendent Dexter Community Schools

I owe much of my success to lessons learned at the College. My family and I are forever grateful for the opportunities provided to us by Adrian College and the community of Adrian.”

I am quick to share that I graduated from Adrian College. Its professors, employees and alumni have served as my role models and mentors and I have tried to instill the lessons I learned in my own children and the youth I have been blessed to work with.”



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Adrian, Mich. Placement Coordinator, Teacher Ed. Dept. Adrian College

Sometimes it is the smallest gestures that can make the biggest difference in a student’s life. Anything I do for my students, I expect them to pay it forward someday. Service is about seeing something that needs to be done and being able to provide the skill, time and energy to see it through.”

2014 Alumni Awards







Micheal L. Selleck ‘73

Patrick Quinlan

Tina Claiborne

For his significant work to create and provide instruction, leadership training and support to those working in youth ministry and effective missions initiatives around the world.

For a sincere devotion to Adrian College, his profession, his colleagues and his students during many years of teaching, creating new opportunities, and connecting students with alumni.

“As I approach the tail end of my ministerial career, I often sit, and find I drift to reflecting, ‘Did my efforts make a difference, a positive difference? Should I have done more?’

“For over 30 years, I have had the honor of being a member of the Adrian College faculty. To be able to serve with my faculty colleagues in the development of so many wonderful students for that time has truly been a blessing. I was very surprised and humbled by this honor. Thanks to everyone involved.

Cumming, Ga. Clergy The United Methodist Church

This award provides a much brighter hope that my life of work was not simply an exercise in staying busy. This recognition is for me an indication that perhaps there is merit in what I have been able to do with the education I received while attending this institution; that I have taken what was offered and with the support of my biggest fan, Chris Selleck, and many others too great in number to name, made a positive difference for humanity and for this institution that started me on my path. For this honor, and for the much more relaxing reflections from any comfortable chair, I am more grateful than I can fully express.”

Adrian, Mich. Professor, Accountancy & Business Adrian College

My son, Chris Quinlan ’13, recently graduated from Adrian College and it is nice to now join him and all of my former and current students as an official member of the Bulldog family!”

We Invite Your Nominations

Adrian, Mich. Athletic Training Program Director/Chair, ESPE Dept./Associate Professor Adrian College For outstanding stewardship and development of the Athletic Training Program and department and her ongoing work to enhance and introduce unique opportunities for our students on and off campus. “Both personally and professionally,

I continually aspire to create lasting relationships and a legacy of love, respect, patience and pride. Connecting with all people on a human level creates meaningful and authentic experiences that last a lifetime. I am humbled to be recognized for my efforts during my short time at Adrian. I hope I am able to build on this foundation and continue to support the creation of a community that breathes life into the sails of aspirations and dreams.”

ALUMNI AWARDS See web pages for criteria and nomination forms or email



Daniel Walter ’03 Knoxville, Tenn. Basketball Carrie Meyer ‘98 Palm Coast, Fla. Soccer


INDIVIDUAL INDUCTEE A four-year varsity letter winner in soccer, recognized as MIAA Honorable Mention and selected as Second Team All-MIAA, Carrie ended her career by being named First Team AllMIAA as a goalkeeper. Voted team’s Most Valuable Player and GTE Academic All-American, Carrie holds the singleseason save record. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in counseling education and psychology from WMU.



Stephen Brooks ‘03 Columbia, S.C. Basketball

Four-year varsity letter winner in basketball, Dan was named Adrian College Co-Outstanding Male Senior Athlete, Second Team All-MIAA and First Team All-MIAA. Named the team’s Most Valuable Player, he became the league’s scoring champion. He sits second all-time in school history with 1,620 career points. Dan earned a master’s degree from Tiffin University in 2006.

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Michelle Marshall Desotell ’03 Macomb, Mich. Softball


Four-year varsity letter winner in basketball, three-time First Team All-MIAA selection, INDIVIDUAL Steve was named Adrian INDUCTEE College Co-Outstanding Male Senior Athlete and Four-year letter winner Most Valuable Player. in softball, Michelle was named Second Team All- He ranks third all-time MIAA and First Team All- at AC with 1,523 career points and first all-time MIAA. She was a threetime MVP and excelled in with three-pointers and the classroom. She ranks free throws. He was the second at Adrian College MIAA scoring champion. Steve holds a bachelor’s with 45 career stolen degree in chemistry bases and 288 career and a master’s degree infield assists. Michelle graduated cum from the University of Phoenix. laude with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

Chuck McCallum ‘61 Benton Harbor, Mich. Professional Officiating

BULLDOG ATHLETIC HONORARY AWARD Four-year varsity letter winner in football. Chuck also earned three letters in baseball and was named All-MIAA. After earning his bachelor’s degree from Adrian College, he went on to earn a master’s degree from Michigan State University. His greatest contribution came as a game official in football and basketball. He has been acknowledged as one of the finest officials in the state of Michigan.

2014 Athletic Hall of Fame Aaron Amthor, Adrien Antaya, Aaron Applebee, Brian Aulph, Mark Bajis, Doug Barrow, Robert Biernacki, Kevin Biga, Trent Bisonet, Martin Blank, Tony Bolger, Glen Bowman, James Boyd, Aaron Brummel, Jason Cady, Brandon Catlin, Nick Charalambopoulos, Christopher Cook, Joseph Davis, Scott Dersa, Adam Dobbs, Tom Dodge, Daniel Esch, Adam Evans, Joseph Fakult, Trent Fallis, Wayne Fallis, Sam Fields, Joseph Flowers, Justin Francis, James Gilmore, Brooks Guay, Matthew Gudorf, Jason Hallenbeck, Peter Hansbro, James Harrington, Michael Hartman, Chad Henline, Michael Hirvels, Jeffery Holbrook, Victor Hollis, Kris Hoag, Aaron Huck, Andrew Hughes, Daniel Hutchison, David Hutchison, Clint Irwin, Paul Isaacson, Brian James, Jared James, Eric Jarvi, John Jergovich, Donald Jones, Christopher Kelbert, Edward Kennedy, Richard Kirk, G. Aaron Klotz, Ronald Korhonen, Brian Kurowicki, Nathan Ladd, Ryan Lamberson, Jeremy Lewin, Edward Lyke, John Maddison, Brian Matesic, Matthew Matich, Jeffery McVay, W. Jason Mensing, Matthew Mika, Kurt Miley, Jason Mitchey, Steve Molnar, Timothy Moore, Felipe Morales, Aaron Moran, Daniel Moylan, Edward Murphy, David Myas, Christopher Nelse, Joseph Ottjepka, Andrew Peabody, Nathaniel Poulin, James Prota, David Reaume, Dustin Reckner, Jay Richardson, Peter Richardson, Ryan Ruttan, Adam Saggese, Matthew Schiermyer, Steve Schwartzenberger, Andrew Schwind, Jerry Shaffer, Timothy Simons, Paul Smerek, Lon Smith, Mark Sobb, Edward Somerville, Ryan Speiser, Kevin Stuebben, Daniel Swetz, Stephen VerBurg, Gary VonGerichte, Jeffery Wade, Kraig Walega, Bryan Warner, Jeffery Watson, Craig Weigel, Billy Welch, Jeremy Wright, Ryan Zerkel Head Coach: Jim Lyall Assistants: Michael Duffy ‘82, Henry Mensing, Mark Turnbull, Phil Lawrence ‘76, Bob Curley, Jim Deere ‘90, Pete Mazzoni ‘91, Jim Driskill ‘68

1997 Football Team MIAA Co-Champions


The 1997 football team came into the season with something to prove. With Head Coach Jim Lyall entering his eighth season, the Bulldogs were 8-1 overall and 4-1 in the MIAA. Jeremy Lewin, Chris Kelbert, Dan Hutchison and Dave Hutchison were all First Team All-MIAA members on offense. Tim Moore, Ed Kennedy, Chad Henline and Aaron Klotz were all First Team All-MIAA members on defense.

We Invite Your Nominations

ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME HOF/index See web pages for criteria and nomination forms or email


a 1940s

pictured: Donna Lindberg Berkompas ’66 and husband Woody, Carol Blair Bouse ’92, Terry Euper ’68, Frank Vernarsky ’87, Emily Toupalik ‘14; AC staff Marsha Fielder ’00, Jim Mahony ’00, Chaplain Chris Momany ’84; AC student Morgan Pendleton and guest John Schneider. In May, Marian Porter Gmeiner ’44, who graduated 70 years ago, was visited by new grad Kathryn “Kate” Wolstenholme ’14. Both women live close to one another on Cape Cod but were not previously acquainted. They had a very enjoyable visit during which Marian reminisced about her years on campus. She ran for president of student government against Ed Pellowe ‘44 (for whom Pellowe Hall is named) and won! She became the first female president of that organization, unheard of at the time. Marian was married in the chapel of Downs Hall. Now a widow at age 92, she is very active, walking two miles every day, golfing and using email regularly. Marian returned to campus in September to see the renovated Downs Hall and other changes to her alma mater. ▼


Charlie Fairbank ’60, long-time resident of Hendersonville, N.C., is the recipient of both the Henderson County Habitat for Humanity Volunteer of the Year award as well as a Distinguished Service award from the Hendersonville Shrine Club for 2013. Charlie retired in 1993 from Owens Corning as a market development manager and senior sales representative. Charlie has volunteered with Habitat for 18 years, spending eight of those years on the board of directors. He hopes to continue working with Habitat in Georgia, where he and his wife, Patsy, have purchased a home. Joe Balsanek ’68 was playing in his 12th year with the Minnesota Golf Association Senior Tour when he hit a hole-in-one (his sixth) on the seventh hole, a par three, at 124 yards with a 9 iron. “It never gets old!” In the company of his good friends and teammates, they celebrated with high-fives. Joe and his wife, Betsy Blackburn Balsanek ’69, live in Hastings, Minn. William Chase ’68 has published his first book, “In Chase of a Cause,” which chronicles 25 years (1984-2010) of international dental volunteering in the Philippine Islands and the Amazon River Basin in Brazil. William resides in southern California.


Pictured L-R: Mary Cermak Betzoldt ’68 with daughter Ann Betzoldt Smart ’02, Mindy Dygert MacDonald ’74, and Sarah Hise Berthold ’73 at the NCAA Women’s Hockey Team golf outing in Novi, Mich., on August 17. Proceeds from the event will be used to help send the Adrian College’s women’s team to Italy during the summer of 2015. ▼

George Evans ’57 has often been on campus for the United Methodist Detroit Annual Conference. In May, he joined a group of about 25 for lunch and conversation with AC staff and students. Pictured L-R: George, Joan Rosso Sarns ’52, Jane Gumerson Dickow ’69, Rhonda Good Powers ’73, Daphne Hicok Mitchell ’81, Duane Miller ’67, AC student Michaela Barnhart, Lee Schriber ’13, Mary Bolz Hagley ’07, Eric Stone ’89, Jacob Stone, Bob Goudie ’63, and David Goudie ’96. Others in attendance, but not ➢



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1970s Jim ’71 and Nancy Aiken Vail ’72 traveled throughout the U.S. this summer, stopping in Corvallis, Ore., to visit Paul and Doris deLespinasse. Paul is professor emeritus of political science and computer science, and Doris is professor emeritus of accounting. This photo was taken July 19, near the top of Marys Peak, the highest mountain in the coast region in Oregon. The Vails live in Toledo, Ohio. ▼

The five men in the picture below are all members of Phi Kappa Sigma and 1971 AC grads. Four of the wives also graduated from AC and have remained close friends for over 45 years. Now retired or semiretired, they all travel and decided to vacation together in San Antonio, Texas, in November 2013. This photo was from their tour of The Alamo. They’re looking forward to the next group vacation. Pictured L-R: front - Heidi Mealer, Jan Wilson Seitz ‘72, Ellen Kucik Law ‘71, Barb Lowell DeWitt ‘72, Nancy Aiken Vail ‘72; back - Doug Law ‘71, Randy Mealer ‘71, Jim Seitz ‘71, Pete DeWitt ‘71, Jim Vail ‘71. ▼

Class Notes Audrey Smith Ellenwood ’73 has co-authored a second book, “Expand,” released in April. The first book, “Shake-UP” was written for professionals in the mental health field. The second is a self-help book for everyone, focusing on changing roles in relationships. Audrey uses both books in her Youngstown State University classes. She has been director of school psychologists at YSU for the past four years. She previously served in the same role at Bowling Green State University for 23 years. Audrey began her career as a teacher and then a school psychologist at Highland School, receiving her Ph.D. in psychology and counseling from The University of Toledo. She was recently awarded the Clyde V. Bartlett Award, which recognizes an Ohio school psychologist for outstanding service or achievement in the profession. In addition, Audrey maintains a private practice, is editor of the Ohio Psychologist and is founder and director of Project Learning Around the World. In May, they took their 19th trip to South Africa. She and her husband, John Ellenwood ’71, have two grown children and live in Sylvania, Ohio. Jayne Ingall Steffel ’73 of Bryan, Ohio, served as resident hall counselor at the 2014 Buckeye Girls State in Alliance, Ohio, held in June. Jayne has served Buckeye Girls State as a delegate in high school, a government advisor and a city counselor during a 15-year span. Jayne currently works at the Williams County YMCA in Bryan, Ohio. Todd Rowley ’80 accepted the position of senior vice president at Cardinal Bank of McLean, Va., in Jan. He develops and manages a commercial loan portfolio with businesses located in the metro Washington, D.C., region. Todd and his wife, Susan, live in Fairfax, Va. He was formerly employed with Capital One Bank. [LinkedIn]


In December 2012, Lorie Wayne Chesnut ’81 graduated with her doctorate in public health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. With a 20-year career in maternal and child health, Lorie is currently employed as an assistant professor by the University of Kentucky College of Public Health. She teaches epidemiology and advises graduate students. She and her husband, Don, live in Lexington, Ky., with their two dogs and one cat. They visit Michigan frequently, enjoying their vacation time in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. In July, Kay Johnson ’72 was selected by the Daily Telegram newspaper’s sports staff as the Lenawee County Coach of the Year. Kay has coached softball for Morenci High School for 42 seasons, with the team recently winning the program’s first regional championship in 20 years.

Doug Brown ’82 wrote to share that since last year, he has been working one-on-one with mentally challenged adults, more specifically two men. Doug says it is more like a mission than a job and he is enjoying the work. He invites anyone in the area of Logansport, Ind., to look him up.


a 1980s

Academy and also plays a role on the academic relations committee. She resides in southeast Michigan with her husband, Paul White ’92, of 21 years. They have five children. Two recent events were shared by Richard Haft ’84: he was promoted to head of risk, information security and compliance at the North American operation of arvato, a $7 billion/yr firm based in Germany. He is responsible for these security areas in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Philippines and Brazil. He and his wife purchased their dream retirement home in San Carlos, Panama, and look forward to hosting AC friends there in the future. The Hafts currently reside in Virginia.

Tricia Clark ‘97 and Amanda Raine ’99 announce the birth of a son, James Clark Raine on April 17. He joins big brother Jacob, 2. They reside in Brighton, Mich. ▼

Christopher Momany ’84, Adrian College’s chaplain and director of church relations since 1996, was featured in Lenawee Pulse magazine’s winter issue. The interview focused on Chris’s passion for social justice issues and the intrinsic worth of all human beings.

Jennifer Meissner Long ’94 earned her doctor of physical therapy degree from Washington University in St. Louis on May 17, 2013. She received the Lorraine F. Lake Award. Jennifer continues to work as director of rehabilitation services for McKenzie Health System. She and husband Scott, have four children and live in Palms, Mich.




Kimberly S. Anderson Plzak ’88 left a 24-year banking career in January of 2013 to transition to community work in economic development. Kimberly is now director of the small business development center at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio. She recently received the Service Excellence and Innovation Award from the Small Business Administration. Pictured with Kimberly are Gil Goldberg, SBA Cleveland district director, and Dr. Roy A. Church, president of Lorain College. ▲

Michele Alston White ’90 graduated from Wayne State University on May 1, with a Ph.D. in counseling. Michele received her master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of Detroit Mercy. She is the owner and director of behavioral operations for White Behaviorial Consultants, P.C. Michele has traveled extensively as a presenter for PESI HealthCare, and has been a featured speaker at the Brain Injury Association of Michigan on several occasions. Michele is an adjunct professor at Wayne State University, serves as vice president of the school board for Washtenaw Christian

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Jenny Dobrovolec Zavadil ’96 was named partner at the Detroit office of Bowman and Brooke LLP, a national product liability defense firm. Jenny’s practice is concentrated on defending automobile manufacturers in product liability and consumer actions. Jenny and her husband, Matthew, live in Rochester Hills, Mich. Danelle Perkins Gittus ’97 and Paul Fenner ’98 graduated from the Leadership Oakland Cornerstone Program on June 17, as members of the Class of LOXXIV. Paul and Danelle were among 54 members of the Class of LOXXIV. Danelle is employed as director of communication services at Oakland Schools, and Paul is president of TAMMA Capital Investments. Both are current members of the Adrian College Alumni Association Board of Directors. ▼

Class Notes

“B.M.A.” — not quite a degree, nothing like my B.A. in History or my M.A. in English, it was something I never expected to have attached to my name. Yet, it became a reality when our family OB/GYN said, “At 41, you are beyond the maternal age.” Four children already and nine months later, I gave birth to child five, Jasmynn. Another beautiful daughter whom I was certain would become my six-foot volleyball player with mad setting, hitting and libero skills.

A Voice For Jasmynn But life had other plans for our Jazz. At three years old, she was diagnosed at the University of Michigan with classic nonverbal autism. “Don’t mortgage your home trying to find a fix. There is none,” the diagnosing psychiatrist said. Moving beyond those initial dark years we are dazzled by Jazz’s brightness. Years of working with her diligently, and the teaching degree I had earned while at AC, came in handy. But due to multiple struggles for her in the public school system, I hung up my teacher’s hat and taught Jasmynn half-day at home. She flourished and much of that was due to her phenomenal ability to utilize an iPad. Her innate rocket-speed, insane attention to minutiae, memorization talents, a mother’s perseverance and the gifts from app developers who designed ProloQuo2Go, Verbally and Aacorn communication tools, all attributed to her success. Long story short, because Jazz was so successful with the iPad, we created an organization which would allow her to “help others find their voices.” Jasmynn’s Voice, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, was created by our family two and a half years ago. We give away iPads, their protective OtterBox coverings, some apps and provide training as to best practices/app selections for children/ adults who reside in Jackson, Lenawee and Washtenaw counties. Our intent is to expand to all of Michigan one day. When our daughter was diagnosed, the CDC stated 1 in 250 children were on the Autism Spectrum. That figure today has grown to 1 in 68. We’ve given out over 30 iPads with many yet to be delivered. The device is a gift for those who have support in helping them

utilize the apps to meet basic needs. The ultimate hope is that through the iPad our loved ones’ voices will be heard, where without it, they have long been silent. We are so very proud of our Jasmynn. Had it not been for the off-road journey our lives took when we were given this lovely, sassy, honest-to-the-core, happygo-lucky child, we might never have known the struggles of those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Nor would we have discovered the pure innocence of one whose words come sporadically, who has gifted many with “a voice” though hers is difficult to decipher. Melissa Marvin Archer ’92 lives in Adrian with her family. To learn more, visit or jasmynnsvoice.


a 1990s

Jessie Ellis Pilly ’97 stated she is officially putting her English degree to work. She recently published an e-book, “Zombie Shorts,” available on It is a collection of short stories with a zombie theme. In the short story “Plumbfield,” the zombie apocalypse humorously arrives on the campus of a small liberal arts college in rural Michigan. Jessie lives in Davison, Mich. G. Aaron Klotz ’98 was promoted in February to vice president of sales at ProGrass Synthetic Turf. He and his wife, Alison Eggly Klotz ’99, live in Adrian with their two children, Logan and Alexis. Adrian College’s Docking Stadium and Nicolay Field are both ProGrass surfaces.

Fr. Jeff Allan ’01 was ordained as a Catholic minister with five other men for the Archdiocese of Detroit at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament on June 7. Chuck Spolsky ’02 attended his priestly ordination reception. Jeff graduated with a degree in business administration from Adrian College and went on to work in the pharmaceutical sales industry for almost three years prior to entering Sacred Heart Major Seminary in 2006. He was given a three-year assignment beginning July 1, to serve at Holy Trinity Parish in Port Huron, Mich. ▲ Larisa Salvia Walega ’02 was promoted to director of marketing in January 2014, for worldwide Ziebart Corp. Larisa joined Ziebart in 2009 and prior to her promotion, served as director of field marketing. Larisa is a former member of the Adrian College Alumni Board of Directors. She and her husband, Kraig Walega ’00, live in Rochester Hills, Mich., and have twin daughters.


Bethany Martinus Kirkman ’99 and her husband, Dewayne, announce the birth of their daughter, Chloe Elyse, on Aug. 20, 2013. She joins brother Connor, 3. The Kirkman family resides in Traverse City, Mich., where Bethany is able to work from their home. ▲

Holly Zorn Lindsay ’04 and her husband, Mark, are currently living in Eagle River, Alaska, where Mark is stationed with the U.S. Air Force. They have a son, William Edward, born Oct. 18, 2012. Holly is the executive director of the Alaska Fine Arts Academy. ▼

Michael Bell ’00, with the law firm of Howard & Howard in Royal Oak, Mich., was selected as one of the firm’s Super Lawyers and Michigan Rising Stars 2014 as a result of a survey by Law & Politics Media, Inc. Only five percent of the attorneys in Michigan were named to the Super Lawyers list and one half percent to Rising Stars. Michael’s focus is in banking. ▼

Deidre Redmond ’05 completed her Ph.D. at Indiana University in 2013. She is an assistant professor of sociology at Murray State University in the department of political science and sociology. Deidre teaches introduction to sociology, sociological social psychology, medical sociology, sociology of mental illness and social inequality.



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Class Notes Thomas Pavlovich ’09 and Erin Laske ’11 were married Dec. 14, 2013, in Herrick Chapel. Tom is a vocal music teacher at Clawson Schools, and Erin is a certified athletic trainer at Onsted Schools, through Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers. The couple resides in Tecumseh, Mich. ▼


Renee White ’08 and Freddie Jordan were married Oct. 13, 2013, after a six-year long distance relationship between Renee’s hometown of Plymouth, Mich., and London, England. The couple now resides in Plymouth not far from Ypsilanti Community Schools where Renee is a speech-language pathologist. Tanya Wildt Galunas ’08, Renee’s former college roommate, served as a bridesmaid. Also attending the wedding were Rachel Sienko ’08, Alyssa VanGelder ’08, and former student Michelle Wright. ▲

Candace Bertges ’10 is living in Baton Rouge, La., where she recently graduated from Louisiana State University with a master of social work degree.

Tanya Wildt ’08 and Michael Galunas were married July 4 in Riverview, Mich. Tanya is a web producer for the Detroit Free Press. Renee White ’08 served as a bridesmaid and guests included Rachel Sienko ’08. Tanya and Michael reside in Westland, Mich. ▲

Justin Cornell ’10 and Kellen Teel ’10 were married in April of 2013, and live in Eaton Rapids, Mich. They are the new parents of Kenley Jo Teel, born August 22. ▲ Rob Hodnicki ’10 accepted an offer to be the new head coach for Adrian College’s ACHA Division I hockey team for 2014-15.



Ryann Waterstradt Warner ’10 is working as a FINRA licensed customer service representative with Financial Services, in the Lansing, Mich., area. She has been an employee since Oct. of 2013. She and husband Andrew Warner ’12 reside in Mason. [LinkedIn]


Sydney Booth ’11 earned her juris doctorate in May from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. She is associate director of member engagement for the UDM Moot Court Board of Advocates. [LinkedIn] Crystal Cieslak ’11 received a master of science in education degree in 2013 from Dominican University. She is the founding kindergarten teacher at KIPP Indy Unite, located in Indianapolis, Ind. [LinkedIn] Amanda House ’10, president of the board of directors for the DMAD (Direct Marketing Association Detroit), with AC alumni who attended the DMADetroit Target Awards, an event recognizing the best of Detroit’s Direct Response marketing and advertising professionals. Amanda is employed at Ziebart International Corp. in Troy, Mich. Pictured L-R: Andy Denryter ’08, Amanda, Brian Bush ’12, Mitch Harris ’11, and Sarah Muylle ’10. ▲

Mike Curry ’11 accepted a position in August as an executive recruiter for Amotec, Inc., in Toledo. [LinkedIn] Fred Hauch ’11 joined the staff of Clinton Chiropractic Wellness Clinic in November 2014 after completing clinics at Palmer College of Chiropractic. [LinkedIn] Billy Keenist Jr. ’11 was hired over the summer as Adrian College’s quarterback’s football coach. Keri Ketring ’11 presented a paper at a major human trafficking conference in Toledo in September. Her session was titled, “The Truth About Sexual Assault: Discarding Common Misconceptions and Challenging Victim Blaming.” Megan Kipp ’11 is the new chapter advisor for the Alpha Phi International Fraternity at Kettering University. She began her duties in May. [LinkedIn]

Ashley Kalinski ’10 and Sean Curren ’11 were married in Wyandotte, Mich., on Nov.16, 2013. Ashley is finishing her doctorate in biology with a focus on molecular neuroscience at Drexel University in Philadelphia, while Sean is finishing his master’s in sports management at Drexel. They currently live in South Carolina. Their wedding attendants included alumni Leeann Rodgers Brooks ’09, Kathleen Adams ’11, Ethan Nowak ’11, Brian Bilius ’11, Jason Greer ’11, and Jeff Dobos ’11. ▲ Tom Largent ’10, previously the residence life coordinator, was appointed the new assistant dean of students at Adrian College in June. Tom received his master’s degree in higher education from Drexel University. Kelly Babbles Largent ’12 also started a new position as head athletic trainer for Madison High School. The couple resides in Adrian.



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Adam Krug ’11 replaced Ron Fogarty as Adrian College’s NCAA men’s head hockey coach. He and wife Lindsey McNicholas Krug ’09 and their son, Carter, are excited about the new opportunity and return to Adrian. Christina Kuss ’11 earned a juris doctorate this spring, from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. She is interested in both family and criminal law. [LinkedIn] Crystal Salazar ’11 received her master of social work degree this summer from Winthrop University in South Carolina, and was recently hired as a clinical case manager at Carolina’s Medical Center-Northeast, where she did her graduate practicum. Crystal will be working primarily in the NICU, PICU, mother/baby and pediatric units. Evan Sawaya ’11 began working for General Motors in April 2013 as senior social media customer relationship specialist in the greater Detroit area. [LinkedIn]

Class Notes Bridget Dill ’12 is now an instructional systems designer with the Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Mich. Bridget’s job description is to communicate with clients about the creation of e-learning modules, as well as assist with the creation of course content through consultations. [LinkedIn]

Shawn Skelly ‘11 and Max Gavin ‘14 are playing professional hockey in the East Coast Hockey League with the Wheeling Nailers (Wheeling, W. Va.) Skelly was an NCAA men’s hockey standout from 2007-11 and helped the Bulldogs reach the NCAA Division III National Championship in 2011. He holds the all-time scoring record with 102 goals, 128 assists. Gavin was a member of the ACHA Division I program 2010-14. He helped the Bulldogs to a top 10 national finish three times in his four years. Gavin also played 120 games at Adrian College with 84 points including 43 goals. ▲ Steve Ayre ’12 recently completed his second season as the head varsity lacrosse coach at his alma mater, Tecumseh High School (Mich.). Last year, his team set a state record for goals scored in a season, and this year’s team set a school record for victories. Andrew Burns ’12 accepted a position as a regional sales representative in June with Sun Rich Fresh Foods. Andrew works with the Midwest and Northeast business unit. [LinkedIn] Alicia Bushor ’12 is pursuing a master’s degree in trombone performance at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She hopes to teach music in the future, and is also a graduate assistant. [LinkedIn]


John Goodell ’12 is currently a pre-candidacy Ph.D. student in the department of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Maryland, and part of the Mignerey Research Group. His focus is on nuclear chemistry. John was a Seaborg Institute Summer Research Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M., where he worked on the MCNP simulation of a laser-driven neutron source. Outside of school, John volunteers his time as an assistant coach for the University of Maryland Men’s Division III ice hockey team. While a student at Adrian College, John was a member of the Men’s ACHA Division I ice hockey team. He is also a member of the ATO fraternity. [LinkedIn] Cindy Graves ’12 recently returned to Adrian College to join the Office of Admissions as an admissions counselor. Mackenzie Hackelberg ’12, of Fort Wayne, Ind., has been named young adult coordinator for SEND North America, a ministry initiative of Church Doctor Ministries. She recently served as director of music and student ministries at First Christian Church in Traverse City, Mich. George Ryan Holton ’12 is working towards his juris doctorate degree at the George Washington University Law School, while working as a law clerk for the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C. He expects to graduate in 2016. [LinkedIn] Muffy Lavens ’12 graduated from New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies in January 2014 with a master’s of science degree in public relations and corporate communication. Immediately following completion of her degree, Muffy moved to Sarasota, Fla., to work at Feld Entertainment, where she is a public relations coordinator working with Disney On Ice and Marvel Universe LIVE!

Bill Coy ’12 and Ashley Snyder ’12 were married September 28, 2013, on the Adrian College campus. Bill is working for United Paint and Chemical Corp. as an R & D chemist. Ashley is a supply chain analyst for Chrysler Group, LLC. The Coys reside in Troy, Mich. ▲


a 2010s

Darlene Logston ’12 was featured within a story in the West Michigan Conference’s January 2014 newsletter. A former AC Chaplain’s Office assistant and social work graduate, Darlene is involved in the United Methodist Church’s US-2 mission program, a two-year post-graduate commitment dedicated to social service/ justice. The goals of the program are to engage with local communities, connect the church in mission, and to grow in personal and social holiness. Darlene is working as the garden coordinator at the Primavera Foundation in Tucson, Ariz. She is a member of Sodus UMC in the West Michigan Conference. Nathan Marks ’12 and Amber Hoag ’13 have relocated to Tulsa, Okla., where Nathan is employed by the State of Oklahoma as a juvenile probation officer. Amber is an administrative assistant with the Palen Music Company. Emily Pilon ’12 began a new position with the ForeSee company of Ann Arbor in September as a CX analyst. [LinkedIn] Adrienne Haase Prielipp ’12 recently received her master of business administration degree from Defiance College. Danielle Prielipp ’12 accepted a position with Time Inc., in New York City as a brand platform analyst. Danielle received her master’s degree in publishing: digital and print media in May from New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. [LinkedIn] Joanna Slisinger ’12 recently accepted a sales manager position with the silicone construction sealants and adhesives team at Wacker Silicones, in Adrian. Joanna interned with Wacker as a laboratory technician before joining Wacker’s commercial rotation program for two years.



When Bryan Garbarino ’13 isn’t working at William Beaumont Hospitals in Grosse Pointe and Troy, he’s playing defensive back for the Detroit Cougars with the Rivals Professional Football League. The RPFL, in its inaugural season, is composed of four teams with the goal of getting their players ready for the Canadian Football League or the National Football League. Bryan played four years while at Adrian College. Nakeyia Henagan ’13 graduated in July from the University of Michigan’s Advanced Standing MSW Program. Tim Martuch ’13 began working as a lessons instructor with Musika LLC, in February Tim instructs private music students in the areas of tuba, bass, guitar, voice and piano. [LinkedIn] Taylor Oake ’13 has been employed since April 2013, at Data Realty in South Bend, Ind., in the area of business development. [LinkedIn] Elida Omerkic ’13 accepted a position with Amway Hotel Corp. in Grand Rapids, Mich., in April 2013, as a marketing coordinator. [LinkedIn] Jami Shafley ’13 is working as a PMO coordinator, marketing and advertising at Team Detroit, Dearborn, Mich. [LinkedIn] Chloe Stiriz ’13 is living in the Columbus, Ohio area where she is employed with Alliance Data Retail Services. She recently moved into a new position there as client sales coordinator. Kevin Sunde ’13 recently joined the AC Bulldogs as head coach for the ACHA Black Hockey Team. Megan Vandekerkhove ’13 was hired as the Greek life coordinator at Adrian College. She oversees all sorority and fraternity organizations, events and activities and also serves as a hall coordinator. Christina Butler ’14 joined the AC staff as a graphic designer the Office of Public Relations.

Kristy DeClercq ’13 was hired in Feb. by Pro Logistics, Inc., as an office manager at their Romulus, Mich., location. [LinkedIn]

LaQwana Dockery ’14 has been accepted into the University of Michigan Advanced Standing MSW Program.

Alicia Fowler ’13 graduated in July from the University of Michigan’s Advanced Standing MSW Program.

Grant Ehlert ’14 accepted a position in July with the Detroit Red Wings as a night sales account executive.

Gregory Brannan ’13 is in the management development program at Kroger in Southgate, Mich., where he began his duties in May. [LinkedIn]

Two recent graduates joined the Adrian College Office of Admissions: Emily Hlavka ’14 and Jarrett Patterson ’14 are serving as admissions counselors.

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Class Notes Emily Hoffman ’14 was accepted into the Advanced Standing MSW Programs at three universities but chose the University of Michigan to pursue her degree. AC grads Derek Jackson ’14 and Brittany Basch ’14 are pictured at Onsted High School in their new roles as teachers. Derek teaches Spanish, and Brittany teaches chemistry and biology. ▼

Cindy Graves ’12; third row - Anthony Rossi ’14, Meg Sharp, Emily Borup, Megan Gallatin ’14, Nicole Murzen ’14, Sarah Engle, Casey Fougerousse ’14, Jackie Young ’14, Lindsay Ball, Kelly Behen ’12, Samantha Bono ’12; fourth row - Rachel Wright, Emily McCauley, Mike Osterman ’14, Cody Spotts ’14, Casey Donovan ’14, Derek White ’14, Brad Smith ’13, Victor Liberi; fifth row - Peter Benjamin, Jim Nicknair, Tina Claiborne and Jake Ladd.


In March, Professor Garin Horner took a group of students to Baltimore to attend the National Conference for the Society for Photographic Education. It was a great opportunity for alumni who were attending to connect with students. Pictured L-R: front - Colleen Higgins ’13, Jillian Brown ’10, Hannah Warner; back - Prof. Garin Horner, Dr. Glenn Rand, Amy Merson ’12, Jack Goodell ’12, Prof. Crystal Tursich, Anna Kokmeyer ’14, Brittni Collins and Kaitlyn Church. ▼

Mitch Laflamme ’14 started working for Adrian College upon graduation as the director of student employment. Tarah Brunt Machtakova ’14 has been accepted to the Advanced Standing MSW Program at the University of Michigan. Madeline Thomas ’14 spent the summer at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp in Colorado working as the outreach coordinator, then in August returned home for a few short days before setting off on the next adventure… to Madagascar! Madeline was accepted to the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Young Adults in Global Mission Program (YAGM). She is currently serving as a volunteer in Madagascar until July of 2015. To learn more about life there, visit her blog at madelineblair.

Submit A Class Note

CONNIE WILLIAMS Administrative Assistant Alumni Office at Adrian College 110 S. Madison Street Adrian, Michigan 49221


The National Athletic Trainers’ Association National Meeting and Clinical Symposia in Indianapolis was attended in June by students, faculty and alumni. Pictured L-R: front - Zak Crothers ’13; second row Jamie Fetter, Erin Pavlovich ’11, Heather Schuyler, ➢

Photos and information may be used as space permits. Digital images must be of sufficient quality. Due to internal deadlines, there may be a delay of up to two issues from the time items are submitted.



Jean Wenger Scherr ‘36, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, and retired librarian, died on July 6, 2012.

Long-time Adrian College trustee, Ernest “Bud” L. Nicolay Jr. died July 23 at age 84. He had served on the College’s Board 43 years, since 1971. Loved by all and highly respected, Bud helped the College in many ways, playing a key role in capital campaigns and supporting students through scholarships and facilities on campus, including the Nicolay Heritage Room in Shipman Library and Nicolay Field, the oncampus home of Bulldog baseball. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1991. A 1952 graduate of Michigan State University, he served two years in the U.S. Army (1952-54) and started his career with New Era Potato Chips, working for his father. He later purchased Kar’s Nuts, retiring as president in 1995. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Betty, sons Nick and Jim, and daughter Kathy Ruoff and their families. Donations may be made to the Ernest L. Nicolay Scholarship at Adrian College.



William Hewes ’37, retired pediatrician and resident of Quincy, Mich., died July 17 at the age of 98. After graduating from Adrian College, he enrolled in New York University Medical College, interning in 1941 in pediatrics at Flower-Fifth Avenue Hospital, New York, N.Y. Bill joined the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1942 as a regimental surgeon responsible for 3,000 troops during WWII. Following the war, Bill returned to Adrian and spent 24 years in his pediatric practice, serving two terms as chief of staff at Bixby Hospital and 19 years as chief of pediatrics. He was instrumental in founding the Poison Control Center for Bixby Hospital. From 1970-73, Bill pursued a residency in general psychiatry at Ypsilanti Regional Psychiatric Hospital. The next 24 years were spent in psychiatric practice in both Florida and Michigan, concluding in 1997 when he retired at the age of 81. He served the College as a trustee from 1969-75, and was awarded the Adrian College Humanitarian Award in 2007. Bill was also a member of the ATO fraternity and had served on the Adrian College Alumni Association Board of Directors. Surviving are two daughters, including Jackie Hewes Keelean ’70, five grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Word has been received of the death of Harry Brennen ’50, a resident of Bay Saint Louis, Miss., on March 13, 2011. Robert Florian ’51, member of Theta Chi fraternity and professor emeritus in history for Salem International University (W.Va.) died April 8. Surviving are a son, two daughters, two grandchildren, one great-grandson and a brother. He was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara Walker Florian ’53. Bob received his M.Div. degree from Garrett Biblical Institute in 1956, master’s degree from West Virginia University in 1963, and his Ph.D. in religion from Wesley Junior College (Del.). He was a history professor at Salem for 42 years and honored by the West Virginia State Legislature in 1989 as an “Outstanding ➢

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Educator.” Bob was an ordained minister in the West Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. He also served part-time pastoral appointments at small churches in north central West Virginia for 23 years. He served as co-author of the 1984 publication, Meeting Times: A History of West Virginia United Methodism. Roelene Newman Kelley ’53 passed away in February 2013. She is survived by her husband R. Neil Kelley ’53 of Texas. Charles Jameson ’61, retired probate judge in Lenawee County (Adrian) for 12 years, retiring in 2005, died April 30. Prior to that, he was in private practice of law for 28 years. A 50-year member of the Michigan State Bar Association, he served in many capacities in the legal community including as president of both the Southeastern Michigan Probate Judges Association and the Lenawee County Bar Association, as well as serving as Master Judge for the state of Michigan since retirement. Among his many community activities, Chuck served as president of the boards of The Salvation Army and the Community Action Agency, and was chairman of the board for the Lenawee County Democratic Party. He was also a member of the SAE fraternity and a founder of the Lenawee County Visual Arts Association. Survivors include his wife of nearly 52 years, Anne Rebottaro Jameson ’61, two sons, two daughters, including Leigh Jameson-Heise ’89, eight grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, two brothers and his stepmother. Eric Sullivan ’61, member and long-time advisor of Theta Chi fraternity and former member of the Adrian College Alumni Association Board of Directors, died July 23. While a resident of Adrian, Eric had served as mayor of the city and held several positions on the city commission. He spent his career as principal of Sand Creek Elementary School. Eric had a master’s degree in education from Eastern Michigan University. Survivors include two brothers. Memorial contributions may be made to the Eric D. Sullivan Scholarship Fund at Adrian College.

In Memoriam Thomas Bidlack, Sr. ’69, a resident of Marysville, Ohio, and a member of the SAE fraternity, died February 11. He was a retired patrolman with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and a retired teacher from the Continental Local School District. Tom was a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a member of the Morgan Horse Association. Surviving are five children, three grandchildren, a greatgrandson and five siblings.

Rene Ledesma ‘62, former assistant general secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, pastor of many United Methodist congregations in the Los Angeles area, and retired LAUSD middle school teacher, died September 1. A tireless worker for social justice, Rev. Ledesma marched with Cesar Chavez in support of farmworkers, advocated for restorative justice as the executive director of Plaza Community Center in East L.A., and was a strong proponent for marriage equality. Rene is survived by his wife, the Rev. Kathy CooperLedesma, senior pastor of Hollywood United Methodist Church; five children and four grandchildren. ▲

Peter Larsen ’72, a resident of San Antonio, and PKS fraternity member, died April 12. Pete received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Adrian College, where he also served as president of the local chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. He served his country in Vietnam in the U.S. Air Force and had a career as an insurance agent with Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co. He is survived by his wife, Connie, a daughter, a son, three grandsons and a brother. Vaughn Deline ’74, a resident of Palo Alto, Calif., and top researcher for IBM, died May 3. Prior to moving to Palo Alto, Vaughn completed his post-graduate work at the top of his class at Illinois University where he received many honors. Surviving are three sons, a sister and a brother.

Alma Edwards, former trustee at Adrian College, died June 10. Alma was an elementary guidance counselor at Detroit Public Schools, and later assistant principal before her retirement. She was active in the United Methodist Church, traveling locally and globally on behalf of the United Methodist Women. Survivors include three daughters. George “Doc” Somers, professor emeritus of anthropology and sociology at Adrian College for 25 years, died July 4. He completed his undergraduate work at Taylor University and went on to earn a master’s degree and Ph.D. in anthropology from Michigan State University. George was ordained as a Methodist minister while serving with his family in India. He was actively involved with Civitan of Lenawee, serving as governor, and instrumental in building the Hope Community Center. George was the recipient of the Maple Leaf Award. Survivors include his wife, Joyce Somers ’74, of almost 65 years, three sons, including Stephen Somers ’78, ten grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and a sister. Florence Townsend, a retiree from Campus Services at Adrian College, died June 26. Surviving are a son, a daughter, six grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert.

Mike Sullivan ’63, a resident of Archbold, Ohio, and member of the SAE fraternity, died June 29. Mike was retired from Pettisville Schools. Survivors include his wife, Shirley Rupp Sullivan ’63, and a son. Kenneth Jenkinson ’66, former resident of Milford, Mich., and a member of the SAE fraternity, died Dec. 11. Ken was a teacher for the Huron Valley School System 19671997, primarily at Milford High School in the English department. He also taught driver’s education, was the student activities director, and coached 9th grade girls’ softball and basketball. Surviving are his wife, Marcia, two sons, three grandchildren, his mother and a sister.



Alumni and friends may make memorial contributions to Adrian College in honor/memory of those who have passed away. Gifts may be designated to a specific fund or to the Memorial Scholarship Fund. Gifts can be made by sending a check payable to Adrian College or online at For questions, please call 517.264.3168.




Your Ordinary Couple


“Bruce and I met my first day of freshman orientation. He was a senior and was taking pictures with a Polaroid camera for the College World and snapped one of me with my friend Helen Kishpaugh,” Linda says of her first encounter with her husband of fifty years. “We didn’t know it until Bruce approached us and handed me the photo. ‘Next time, don’t move,’ he said, and walked away. I was a little blurry in the photo.” “At lunch that same day, I found that my friend Richie Olsaver knew this girl because they were both from Adrian,” Bruce adds. “He became my front man for a formal introduction to Linda.” Linda says that following that introduction, Bruce just kept “showing up,” eventually asking her on a date. “I accepted and never dated anyone else. Though Bruce graduated that spring (1963) and went into the U.S. Navy to become a pilot, we would marry the next year.”



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“It was on a hot July day that I began my trek back to Michigan in my 1961 Chevy Impala convertible to meet my bride and take our vows in the presence of family and good friends, including some of my SAE brothers,” Bruce recalls. “We were the first couple to be married in the yet-unfinished Herrick Chapel on July 11, 1964; the College had to bring in an organ for the wedding as it was before the famous organ that resides there today was installed.” Linda notes the time following were the only years they would leave their Michigan roots. “After a wonderful celebration, we were on our way to Florida where Bruce completed his second year of training and then began his active service as an anti-submarine pilot for three years.” Following his service, Bruce and Linda returned to Adrian and bought the home where they live today. Linda finished her college degree and they spent their adult working lives in this very community where they also raised their two sons, Timothy and Peter. “We’ve also reconnected to Adrian College and take great pleasure in supporting and cheering on current student athletes,” Bruce adds. During the summer of 2014, Bruce and Linda wanted to commemorate their special day, with a ceremony reminiscent of their 50 years together. It made sense to celebrate where it all began.

“We’ve had a good life and are grateful for that first meeting on the Adrian College campus,” they add. With a handful of close friends, Bruce and Linda Emerson renewed their wedding vows on July 11, 2014 in Herrick Chapel, 50 years after the beginning of their lives together.




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Adrian College Alumni Notes

Submit your ideas for the C.A.P.

The Creative Alumni Program is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts to improve Adrian College in big or small ways. Visit Submissions will be accepted through June 2015.

2015 Upcoming Events



32nd Annual Alumni Friends Florida Reunion


Here are some examples to get you started: 1. Create an alumni panel to talk about their careers with students. 2. Dedicate a section in the stadium for alumni for home football games. 3. Bring back theatre alumni to perform and/or mentor current theatre students.” Now, it’s your turn! Don’t keep your creative ideas bottled up, let them flow.


Spring Concert

Easton Corbin • Dylan Scott Old Dominion

Visit for all the details.













Ribbons of Excellence Day

e A lu m ni Pro


To submit your videos for the 2013 CAP winner: Adrian Impact, visit impact


14 MAY 14

Columbus Area Alumni & Friends Gathering Thursday

18 JUNE 18

Toledo Mud Hens Gathering @ The Nest Thursday


TEAM Adrian College

In memory of former Alumni Board member Marilyn Munsell McNitt ’73, the Adrian College Alumni Association partnered with college students in the Pre-Health Professions Society to educate, encourage and add interested individuals to the Be The Match Marrow Donor Registry. The cheek swab event on September 13 raised $1,157.21 and added 25 new potential donors to the registry.

September 18-20

Homecoming Save the Date



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Please take a few minutes! BEFORE MAY 1

Alumni Connect Survey

From displaying your diploma or AC coffee mug to offering internships to current students, you help your alma mater on a daily basis. We want to hear about how you stay connected. Here’s one real example: In March, Jennifer Abernathy ’96 spoke to the Mu Zeta Chapter of Chi Omega about career and professional development. Jen told stories about her jobs after graduating from Adrian College and what she learned. She talked about her move from Michigan to Nashville, how that affected her career track and what it was like to do a year of service with AmeriCorps. Jen also stressed the importance of giving back to your community after graduation, no matter your skills or expertise. Jen lives in Nashville, where she is the executive director for a non-profit organization, Tennessee Respite Coalition.



Limited Edition ♥ AC Beads Custom glass bead with sterling silver core/ stamped caps to fit Pandora-style bracelets or place on a necklace. Created by local Adrian artist Susan Maytch-Hager. Makes a great gift for a special occasion, remembering your AC years or for a new graduate. $39.95 shipped, plus tax. Proceeds benefit the Alumni Association Scholarship fund.

order | 517.264.3185

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Dear Friends, It is hard to believe that we are in the midst of Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking’s 10th year as Adrian College’s president. After attending the President’s Dinner, I paused to reflect on “A Decade of Excellence” and all that has transpired during this time. I am truly grateful for all the alumni and friends of the College who give freely of their time, talent and funds to support students and projects. This generousity continues to create outstanding opportunities for our fellow Bulldogs. I recently had the honor of presenting six phenomenal individuals with alumni awards during the Homecoming festivities. These awardees are representative of the many dedicated alumni that serve their community and the mission of Adrian College. It is because of you that students have been able to gain valuable insight into their potential career paths, have the funds to travel abroad to explore new horizons and been able to perform in and enjoy world-renowned spaces like Buckingham Palace and Carnegie Hall. Whether it is supporting scholarships, developing an internship experience, adopting a student who is far from home or referring a high school student to the College, I appreciate all that you do to support our alma mater. AC students are learning from talented and caring faculty in modern facilities with advanced equipment and technology. This preparation supports the ability to reach top jobs in their career field. The renovations are breathtaking and continue to enhance the educational experience for students ­— our future alumni. How do you support students and engage with Adrian College? We’d like to know. Please take a few minutes to complete the Alumni Connect Survey noted on page 54. Tell us about the ways you do, or plan to, connect. We’ll let you know results in a future issue. On behalf of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, thank you for continuing to help us build true Bulldogs! Fondly,

2014-15 Alumni Board of Directors Brad Barrett ’04, Kimball Twp., Mich. Vice President

Cathy Charlesworth Mejia ’76*, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Brittany Brophy ’12*, Wyandotte, Mich.

Brett Peters ’95, Mansfield, Ohio

Daniel Collins Jr. ‘88*, Plymouth, Mich.

Nate Smith ’81, Tecumseh, Mich.

Jim Culbertson ’63, South Lyon, Mich.

Jeff Strayer ’06, Haskins, Ohio

Bruce Diven ’77, Monroe, Mich.

Tracy Warrick ’92, Macomb, Mich.

Ryann Eff ’10, Sylvania, Ohio

Amy Jo Young ’84*, Carmel, Ind.

Paul Fenner ’98*, Commerce Twp., Mich.

Andy Zerkel ’04, Ypsilanti, Mich.

Danelle Perkins Gittus ’97, Hartland, Mich.

Kody Turner Ziegler ’10, Brighton, Mich.

Terri Willets Hamad ’94, Monroe, Mich. Carrie Hartley ’04, Clayton, Mich. Secretary/Treasurer Hanna Hubbard ’12, Adrian, Mich. John Imonen ’64, Livonia, Mich. Jennifer Kay-Rivera ’03, Warren, Mich. President

Jennifer Kay-Rivera ’03 President | Alumni Association Board of Directors … I invite all alumni to support the mission of the College by promoting it to prospective students, submitting a nomination for the fall 2015 Alumni Awards, participating in the Creative Alumni Program (CAP), donating to the Alumni Association Scholarship and through the many initiatives developed through our alumni relations.

Patricia Anderson Leary ’76, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Stanley Legenc ’65, Tecumseh, Mich. Mindy Dygert MacDonald ’74, Adrian, Mich.

*New Members 2014-15

Alumni Trustees Ron Batory ’71, Sante Fe, N.M. Jeff DeBest ’86, International-Finland Richard Kibbey ’75, Madison, Ga. Michael Seelye ’74, Kalamazoo, Mich. Richard Sweebe ’71, Memphis, Tenn. Steve Wolfe ’71, Eden Prairie, Minn.

Chuck McCallum ’61, Benton Harbor, Mich.



Legacy of a Bulldog akeside counseling, fireside singing, healthy competition and friendship-building were the key components of the faculty/freshmen camp, which began in fall 1956. What better way to get acquainted, have some fun and get your classes lined up for the fall semester, than to bond with fellow Bulldogs. What began as a quiet bus ride transitioned to excitement upon arrival at Judson Collins Methodist Camp (Onsted, Mich.). With sleeping bags in hand, each student would step off the bus with anticipation of making new friends. The lake and an outdoor atmosphere was a unique experience for many of these freshman; the next chapter was unfolding. Typical events included freshman and faculty variety shows, singing around the campfire, canoeing, volleyball, dancing, a hot dog roast, faculty vs. freshmen softball game and discussing class schedules on the beach. Of course, a lesson on the singing of the alma mater by Dr. James Spencer was a favorite memory. The few busy days ended each evening around a bonfire, with songs and a prayer led by President John Dawson.


CAMP From campfire to Navy Pier, Welcome Week has been the beginning of a legacy for a Bulldog for decades.

With sleeping bags in hand, each student would step off the bus with anticipation of making new friends.



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Parting Paws temporary home of ASA during the building of Herrick Hall, the four of us forever bonded. This developing friendship expanded to include our families at home; we became “adopted daughters.” Meg’s mom had sage advice, which none of us have forgotten, though we may have missed the mark once in a while. We were to always behave with “dignity and decorum.”

Friends for Life

1964 2014 thru

Four women who met on the Adrian College campus revisited their alma mater together in June 2014. This is their story.

That’s us - Sue McKay Langsdale ‘68, Meg Hummel Prosch ‘68, Lucy Zimmerman ’68 and Marcia Richards Payne ‘67, aka the THUMPRZ.

We were the “freshmen girls” of fall 1964 who became “educated women” and have remained friends for 50 years. The THUMPRZ acronym, now LaTHUMPRZS, came many years later as we combined our initials and those of our husbands who understood and supported our long-standing and deep-rooted friendship. The 60s | During the early 60s, several private colleges were recruiting out-of-state to appeal to new students. We all learned of Adrian College through these visits to our high schools in the area of Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. We were enthralled with the thought of traveling, of adventure and of course, college! Although none of us knew anyone personally when we arrived in Adrian, every smiling face was a potential friend. Friendship | For Lucy and me (Sue), our friendship developed day one as we waited in line for registration. We made connections with Meg in our dorm and then with Marcia through Alpha Sigma Alpha. From the basement of Estes Hall, the

Memories | Of course, there were rules: from dress codes, curfews, dry campus, honor points to gender specific halls and behavior modification. We also had lots of fun, especially with the All College Sing for which we made our own costumes and sang our hearts out. There are many things we cannot forget: painting The Rock, Saturday steak night, sorority events, eating together the delights of Saga Foods and professors who genuinely cared and provided a way for us to succeed. We grew personally through our campus jobs in the library, at the pool and the switchboard. We became engaged through many other activities such as Usher Corps, Wesley Fellowship, Alpha Chi, theatre, music and more. What We Learned | Adrian College had an excellent reputation for academics (and still does); the liberal arts proved to be much more than our majors. Strong values of faith, integrity and compassion for others were common. We learned to become people from those who modeled it around us. We found our first calling here to our various careers: in helping fields such as education and social work. We were enriched and comforted by the music, and the aura of the campus in the midst of losing friends in Vietnam — all the while struggling with our own understanding of the war. Five Words | When asked to describe our experience at Adrian College in five words, these came quickly to mind: gratitude, friendship, security, growth and confidence. We have been through marriages, divorces, weddings, children, grandchildren and retirement. Our children have become friends, and our grandchildren call us “Aunt.” We intentionally find ways to reconnect in each other’s lives at least two or three times a year. We’ve gathered at each other’s homes, been in and at each other’s weddings, celebrated births and comforted each other at time of loss. We have taken family or “girl’s vacations” to Toledo, Silver Lake, Myrtle Beach and St. Maarten. We have grown up together — though separated by distance — and find great joy in our friendship.

The LaTHUMPRZS left campus that day after a tour of the campus with a few laughs and lots of reminiscing, a rousing visit with President Docking and a bookstore bag of purchases. Their matching ASA key chains and framed campus photos were a small remembrance of their reunion where their paths first crossed 50 years ago.

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Hollie Smith



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