Jamaica Dental Association Magazine

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Ja m a ica De ntal Associ at i o n

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n t i on M ag a zi n e




Finally, instant* sensitivity relief patients can take home. A breakthrough: Pro-ArginTM Technology

The results are revolutionary



Instant relief achieved with direct application of toothpaste massaged on sensitive tooth for one minute and continued relief with subsequent twice-daily brushing3

In Vitro SEM photograph of untreated dentin surface.

In Vitro SEM photograph of dentin surface after application.

The tubules that lead to sensitivity are open

The tubules are plugged for instant, lasting relief

• In-office desensitizing paste • At-home everyday toothpaste Pro-Argin™ Technology works through a natural process of dentin tubule occlusion that attracts arginine and calcium carbonate to the dentin surface to form a protective seal that provides instant relief.2 *Instant relief is achieved with direct application of toothpaste massaged on sensitive tooth for 1 minute. Scientific works cited: 1. Petrou I et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20(Spec Iss):23-31. 2. Cummins D et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20(Spec Iss):1-9. 3. Nathoo S et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20(Spec Iss):123-130.


60 %




Sensitivity relief

With Pro-Argin™ Technology, you can finally provide instant* and lasting relief from dentin hypersensitivity using the Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Treatment Program:

Air blast sensitivity score






When applied directly to the sensitive tooth with a fingertip and gently massaged for 1 minute, Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Toothpaste provides instant sensitivity relief compared to the positive and negative controls. The relief was maintained after 3 days of twice-daily brushing.


Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Toothpaste ®

Positive control: Toothpaste with 2% potassium ion

Negative control: Toothpaste with 1450 ppm fluoride only

Visit www.colgateprofessional.com to learn more about how instant relief from dentin hypersensitivity can impact your practice.

Table Of Contents Articles




Convention Committee 2011


Executive Committee 2011


Past Convention Chairpersons


Messages President - JDA Governor General Prime Minister Minister Of Health Opposition Leader

8 9 10 11 12

Participating Lecturers


Scientific Schedule


Social Programme


Reminders For Convention 2011




Overall Programme Evaluation


Jamaica Dental Association Attendance Forms


Prospective Speakers For The 48Th Annual Convention


Past Convention Photos


Thank You




the Jamaica Dental Association Welcomes you to our 47th annual convention


take great pleasure in welcoming you to the 47th Annual Convention of the Jamaica Dental Association, February 16th – 19th, 2011. It is an honour to be a part of this continuum in the quest for further knowledge and enhancement of skills in our profession. Each year the members of the Jamaica Dental Association look forward to inviting colleagues and friends to join us at our national convention. This year we return to the beautiful town of Ocho Rios and we hope that your stay at the Sunset Jamaica Grand Resort will be both rejuvenating and educational. We have a full agenda during this four day conference, so please take a few minutes to read through the information in this booklet. It includes our itinerary and other important information. As per usual, we have excellent presenters this year; all our lecturers this year, with the exception of one, are new to our convention. Topics of interest for all members of the dental team will be presented, including cosmetic dentistry, forensics, implantology,practice management and drug management of medically compromised patients. After honing your skills in the mornings and early afternoons, you are invited to explore all that Ocho Rios has to offer, perhaps climbing Dunn’s River Falls, playing a few rounds of golf, zip lining through “Mystic Mountain” or shopping for something unique in a craft market. Our social events will fill your evenings with exotic Caribbean entertainment. Of particular interest may be the relaxing dinner cruise on Jamaica Night and of course our Gala Dinner Dance. Our success has always been due to the support of our sponsors, contributing lecturers, exhibitors and participants. I take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked assiduously with the Association and the Convention Committee to make this conference a reality.

Captain Horace Freeman, DDS Chairman, 47th JDA Convention Committee 2011


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


Convention Committee 2011 Captain Horace Freeman — Chairman

Dr. Janice Palmer-Tomlinson

Dr. Sandra Hill-Cameron

Dr. Heather-Dawn Lawson-Myers

Dr. Lorriane Cawley-Gordon

Dr. Wade Morgan

Dr. Brain Morgan

Dr. Levonne Taylor

Dr. Susan Lawrence-Beckford

Dr. Robert Wallace

Dr. Natalie Wolfe

Dr. Kema White

Executive Committee 2011 Dr. Erica Gordon-Veitch — President

Dr. Tanya Perry

Dr. Susan Lawrence-Beckford — Vice President

Dr. Marcia Barnes

Dr. Nicole Lewis — Secretary

Dr. Rose Fearon

Dr. Brian Morgan — Treasurer

Dr. Ana Dias

Dr. Hiram Foster — President Elect Dr. Neil De Peralto

Past Convention Chairpersons 1965 - Victor ChenSee

1983 - Charles Astwood

2001 - Patrick Lewis

1966 - H.J.B Keane

1984 - Keith E.R. Young

2002 - Anna Law

1967 - Gladstone C. McDowell

1985 - Ian Jones

2003 - Levonne Taylor

1968 - Charles W. Meeks

1986 - Opal Goodridge

2004 - Dwight Angus

1969 - Donald Vincent

1987 - Hiram Foster

2005 - Marcia Barnes

1970 - Overton Hutchinson

1988 - Charmaine Barrett-Boyne

2006 - Heather-Dawn Lawson-Myers

1971 - Aubrey Jacobs

1989 - Overton Hutchinson

2007 - John Gordon

1972 - Warren Robinson

1990 - Susan Lawrence-Beckford

2008 - Sashi Nallapati

1973 - Maurice A. Nelson

1991 - Wade Morgan

2009 - Lorriane Cawley-Gordon

1974 - Keith E.R. Young

1992 - Keith Williams

2010 - Sandra Hill-Cameron

1975 - E.L. Stephenson

1993 - Louis Knight

2011 - Horace Freeman

1976 - J.H.B. Monteith

1994 - Dottie Dyer Morgan

1977 - John McDowell

1995 - Erica Veitch

1978 - Anthony Lewis

1996 - Christine Beecher

1979 - Huntley Munroe

1997 - Janice Palmer

1980 - H.J.B. Keane

1998 - Emerson Henry

1981 - Brain Morgan

1999 - Heather-Dawn Lawson-Myers

1982 - Gladstone C. McDowell

2000 - John Gordon


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne



02/ 10




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P reside nt’s message


elcome to the 47th Convention of the Jamaica Dental Association, a convention built on a tradition of providing quality continuing dental education set in the backdrop of a tropical island paradise. The dynamic field of dentistry requires us to be current with products, procedures and information. In today’s information age where answers (both good and bad) become available with the click of a mouse, it is our duty to be current in our field in an effort to provide our patients with the highest quality of dentistry. Our convention has always been structured to satisfy this need by bringing together the best of lecturers and exhibitors. For 2011 we return to the beautiful town of Ocho Rios. Amidst all the learning I encourage you to take the time to enjoy all the town has to offer. Climb to the top of Dunn’s River Falls, play with the dolphins at Dolphin Cove or find your adventurous self at Mystic Mountain. The town has much to offer. To Dr. Horace Freeman, Mrs. Mary Sorum and the hard working convention committee, special thanks for continuing our tradition of excellence and making yet another convention a reality.

G overno r G eneral’s m essag e greet delegates attending the 47th Annual Convention of the Jamaica Dental Association. In an increasingly knowledge-based society, it is always useful for persons in every field of endeavour to upgrade their skills and keep abreast of developments that can enhance their work. The Jamaica Dental Association has remained consistent in its efforts to advance dental health care locally, through public education, high standards and improvements in the professional practice.


The staging of the 47th Annual Dental Convention will expose dental professionals to the most recent developments in dental health care and techniques that will elevate the quality of care provided to clients. The event will also provide a forum for networking and knowledge sharing among professionals. I am confident that all your objectives for staging this Dental Convention will be realized, and wish the Association every success in all future endeavours.

Patrick L Allen Governor-General

To all our conventioneers, lecturers, exhibitors, volunteers, friends and well wishers I extend a warm “irie” Jamaican welcome, prepare to be educated and entertained. Dr. Tanya Perry President JDA


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


P rime Ministe r’s message

M i nist er o f H ealt h ’s m essag e


he forty-seventh staging of the Jamaica Dental Association’s annual convention is an indication of the consistent and far-reaching work of the Jamaica Dental Association. This Convention sets the stage for professionals and other persons associated with the practice of dentistry, to collaborate on policies, practices and advancements in the field. Today, the Jamaica Dental Association can claim success and pride in its many accomplishments; and must be commended on its strident advocacy on behalf of its members. This has facilitated a greater recognition of and improvements in the profession. The members must also receive high praises for consistently delivering service of distinctive quality to its clients and patients. The fiercely competitive world economy within which we operate, demands no less; and I am pleased that the Association and its members are cognizant of these strict imperatives that exist in global marketplace. I welcome the international professionals and other individuals to our shores, to what I anticipate will be an impactful and successful Convention 2011. Bruce Golding Honourable Prime Minister


ur dentists are an integral part of our health team who play a vital role in protecting the health of our people. I want to commend the Dental Association of Jamaica for the tremendous contribution they have made towards this endeavour through the annual staging of their dental convention that helps to facilitate the personal and professional development of our local dentists. In these challenging times, we have been grappling with the pervasive problem of scarce resources and the area of dental services is no exception. We know that you sometimes work in less than desirable conditions but make no mistake we are working ardently to correct this problem. I am happy to convey that the Ministry of Health is now in the process of procuring new equipment and we are spending some $8 million to acquire new dental chairs. For the new financial year we will be placing more focus on dental services. We have been partnering with the University of Technology with the training of all categories of dental auxiliaries and have supported the training of dental surgeons in Jamaica. I know that we all share the common vision of seeing a more robust public health system for the new year, and together we will make it happen. My very best wishes to all the members of your organization and for a successful staging of this your 47th annual convention. Hon. Rudyard Spencer, OD, MP Minister of Health


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


OP POSITION lea de r’s message I

congratulate the Jamaica Dental Association (JDA) on the occasion of your 47th Annual Convention.

The period of your organisation’s sterling service to Jamaica transcends the 47 years of the staging of your convention. In fact, for 83 years, the JDA has provided to its membership with distinguished leadership and the people of Jamaica with high quality professional service. Since 1928, the JDA has established itself as the national voice of the dental profession in Jamaica. Over those many years, the Jamaica Dental Association has remained committed to advancing the interest of the profession, upholding and improving the highest standards of dental practice and promoting oral health as an essential component of general health care. The sustainable improvement of our country’s system of health care and the attainment of first world standards in access, coverage and delivery of total health care, requires the continued commitment of service providers such as your members. It is no secret that the health sector is faced with severe challenges that can be traced to significant resource constraints and the implementation of policies that are proving to be unsustainable. In these circumstances, your annual convention provides an ideal forum for your membership to take stock of the profession and contribute meaningfully to the broader debate on the recalibration and revitalisation of the entire system of health care delivery in Jamaica. I wish you well in your deliberations and trust that the convention outcomes will do justice to the hard work that the executive and members of the JDA have invested in preparing for the event. Let me also use this opportunity to welcome your visiting guests to Jamaica. It is my sincere hope that the convention will be so successful as to surpass your expectations while enabling your overseas guests to enjoy some of the many leisure activities our island offers.

Part icipat i ng L ect u r e rs Dr. Charles Mandell ►► DDS, Temple University School of Dentistry; ►► Assistant Clinical Professor of Oral Surgery, University of Miami; School of Medicine, Dental Division; ►► Assistant Clinical Professor Restorative Dentistry, Nova Southeastern School of Dentistry; ►► Forensic Dental – Staff Position 1. Hollywood Police Department 2. North Miami Beach Police Department 3. Broward Medical Examiner

Topic: 1. “Forensic Dentistry.” Disclaimer: The Forensic Dentistry lecture will contain images of actual autopsies and disaster victims.

Dr. Mark Hyman ►► DDS, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry; ►► On surgical staff of Moses Cone Health System; ►► Teaches at the Pankey Institute in Key Biscayne, Florida; ►► Adjunct Associate Professor at the UNC School of Dentistry; ►► Honored by the North Carolina Dental Society as Young Dentist of the Year in 1995; ►► Mastership Award of the Academy of General Dentistry; ►► Elected President of the Guilford County Dental Society in 1991.


1. “Beauties and the beasts: the greatest hits and misses of cosmetic dentistry” 2. “A 360 slam dunk guide for successful teams practice enhancement”

Dr. Kanchan Ganda ►► Seth G.S. Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Bombay, India ►► Professor, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; ►► Faculty, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine; ►► Associate Staff, Department of Dentistry, New England Medical Center Hospital; ►► Division of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Community Service, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine; ►► Medical Consultant, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine;


1. “Updates on the Drug Management of the Medically Compromised Dental Patient” (Drug management of common systemic medical illnesses and their interactions with the anesthetics, analgesics and antibiotics will be discussed).

Portia Simpson Miller ON MP Leader of the Opposition 12

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


Participating Lecturers

( Continued )

Participating Lecturers

( Continued )

Dr. Sammy Noumbissi

MAJ. Paul Colthirst

►► Howard University College of Dentistry, Washington DC, 1994-1998: Doctor of Dental Surgery, June 1998 ►► Universite de Montreal, Canada, 1992-1994: Pre-Dentistry Academic Program, Diplome D’etudes Collegiales ►► Lycee General Leclerc /Lycee Fustel de Coulanges, Cameroon, 1986-1992: Baccalaureat Partie I et II, Academie de Nantes ►► Graduate Program in Implant Dentistry 1999-2002 ►► Certificate in Implant Dentistry, March 2002 ►► Masters of Science in Implant Dentistry, September 2005

►► Associate Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences from George Washington University ►► Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Georgia Southern University ►► Masters/residency Dental Public Health and Epidemiology from the University of Iowa ►► Doctor of Dental Surgery from Meharry Medical College. ►► School of Dentistry Graduate Research Award ►► The American Academy of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) Graduate Research Award ►► Awards include: Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal (3rd Award) Army Achievement Medal (3 awards), Valorous Unit Citation, Public Health Service Corp Unit Citation Medal, Public Health Corp Citation Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism.



1. “Diagnosis and treatment planning dental Implants” 2. “Identifying the simple Implant case” 3. “How to determine if an implant case is intermediate or advanced”

1. “Combat Dentistry” 2. “Child Abuse”

Dr. Jack Griffin ►► Graduated Dental School from Southern Illinois University. ►► Advanced General Dentistry Residency at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, with an emphasis in advanced dental care with implants, oral surgery, and special patient care. ►► Dr. Griffin began his dental practice in Eureka in 1988. ►► Fellowship Award from the Academy of General Dentistry in 2001 ►► Affiliated with: American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Society for Dental Esthetics, American Orthodontic Society, International Association of Orthodontics, American Association for Functional Orthodontics, American Association of Implant Dentistry, and the Academy of Computerized Dentistry.


1. “Veneers - Hands on Veneer workshop and lecture”

Dr. Peter Santarpia ►► Senior Technical Associate, Oral Care - Early Research, Colgate-Palmolive Company ►► Chief scientist to investigate, validate and launch new technologies for dental caries and dentin hypersensitivity ►► Adjunct Biology Professor at Middlesex County College in Edison, NJ ►► Published 35 publications in peer reviewed journals ►► Education: Doctorate in Oral Biology and Pathology (1992), Stony Brook University ►► Dissertation Project: Anti-candidal activity of saliva and the salivary histidine rich peptides in health and AIDS ►► Bachelor of Science in Biology (1986), Stony Brook University

Topic: 1. “Hypersensitivity Symposium”


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne




Wednesday - FEBruary 16th, 2011

friday FEBruary 18th, 2011

10:00am- 12:00 pm Dr. Jack Griffin Lecture - “Veneers” 2 CE Hours

1 :30pm- 3:00pm Maj. Colthirst Lecture - “COMBAT DENTISTRY” 3:15pm- 4:45pm Lecture - “Child abuse” 2 1/2 Lectures 3 CE hours

12:00pm- 1:30pm LUNCH BREAK

1:30pm- 4:00pm Dr. Jack Griffin Hands On “A” - “Veneers” 2 ½ CE Hours (Limited to 30 participants)

8:30am- 9:15am OPENING CEREMONY

12:30pm- 2:00pm LUNCH

9:15am- 9:30am BREAK

2:00pm- 4:00pm Dr. Sammy Noumbissa Lecture - “IMPLANT DENTISTRY” 2 CE Hours

2:00pm- 4:30pm Dr. Jack Griffin Hands-On Repeat “Veneers” 2 1/2 CE hours


8:30am- 11:30am DR. KANCHAN GANDA Lecture - “Drug Management of medical complications and conditions” 3 CE Hours

11:30am- 1:00pm LUNCH

1:00pm-4:00pm Dr. Charles Mandell Lecture - “FORENSIC DENTISTRY” 3 CE Hours {NB Images of actual autopsies will be shown}

saturday FEBruary 19th, 2011

11:30am- 1:30pm LUNCh

1:30pm- 4:30pm Dr. Peter Santarpia Lecture - “DENTIN HYPERSENSITIVITY” 3 CE Hours

saturday - FEBruary 19th, 2011 8:30am- 11:30am DR. KANCHAN GANDA Lecture - “Drug Management of medical complications and conditions” 3 CE Hours

1:30pm- 4:30pm Dr. Peter Santarpia Lecture - “DENTIN HYPERSENSITIVITY” 3 CE Hours


friday - FEBruary 18th, 2011 8:30am- 11:30am DR. KANCHAN GANDA Lecture - “Anesthetics, analgesics and antibiotics ” 3 CE Hours

11:30am- 1:30pm LUNCh

saturday FEBruary 19th, 2011

thursday - FEBruary 17th, 2011

9:30am- 12:30pm DR. MARK HYMAN Lecture -“Beauties and the Beasts.” 3 CE Hours

8:30am- 11:30am DR. KANCHAN GANDA Lecture - “Anesthetics, analgesics and antibiotics ” 3 CE Hours

8:30am- 11:30am Dr. Sammy Noumbissa Lecture - “IMPLANT DENTISTRY” 3 CE Hours

11:30am- 1:00pm LUNCH

8:30am- 11:30am Dr. Sammy Noumbissa Lecture - “IMPLANT DENTISTRY” 3 CE Hours

1:00pm-4:00pm Dr. Charles Mandell Lecture - “FORENSIC DENTISTRY” 3 CE Hours {NB Images of actual autopsies will be shown}

DENTAL ASSISTANTS’ PROGRAMME 1:00pm-4:00pm Dr. Charles Mandell Lecture - “FORENSIC DENTISTRY” 3 CE Hours {NB Images of actual autopsies will be shown}

11:30am- 1:00pm LUNCH

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

8:00am- 9:00am Registration

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

saturday FEBruary 19th, 2011 8:00am- 9:00am Registration

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

9:00am- 12:00am DR. HYMAN Lecture - “A 360 degree slam dunk Guide for successful teams practice enhancement”

12:30am- 2:00pm LUNCH 2:00pm- 3:00pm EXHIBITION HALL

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


Convention cGala

SOCIAL PROGRAMME friday FEB. 18th, 2011

thursday FEB. 17th, 2011 9:00am- 4:00pm SILENT AUCTION

9:00am- 5:00pm SILENT AUCTION

saturday FEB. 19th, 2011 6:00pm- 10:00pm “JAMAICA NITE” “Sea Breeze Cruise”

9:00am- 12:00pm SILENT AUCTION

7:00pm- 12:00 midnight Gala

Join your friends & colleagues for an elegant evening...enjoy a buffet dinner... and dance the night away while enjoying your favourite hits. This Celebration will be the perfect finale for your stay at Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort.

Reminders for convention 2011 On-Site Registration Schedule: ►►Wednesday February 16th, 9:30am-5:00pm ►►Thursday February 17th, 8:00am-4:00pm ►►Friday February 18th, 8:00am-4:00pm ►►Saturday February 19th, 8:00am-2:00pm Registration Fee Includes Admission to ►►Scientific Programme ►►Exhibition Hall Special Reminders for Convention Venue ►►The resort is an all-inclusive hotel ►►For security reasons, persons staying off property will be charged US$40 per day per person for a convention pass. Application to local Hygienist & Dental Auxiliaries on Thursday and Friday ONLY. (Included in registration fee on Saturday). This includes admission to the property, coffee break & lunch. ►►To ensure that all hotel security measures are adhered to, all attendees are encouraged to pre-register by January 29th, 2011.

Important Dates and Deadlines ►►Convention Registration - Early Registration discounts ends January 29th, 2011. ►►Payment must accompany the registration form and be postmarked by January 29th, 2011 to receive the pre-registration fee. Persons not registered by January 29th, 2011 will be charged the on-site fee. Sorry NO exceptions. ►►Hotel Registration Forms are available on our website: www.jamaicadentalassociation.com

Refund and Cancellation Policy CANCELLATION POLICY ►►Cancellation requests for registration fee and hands on courses MUST be made in writing and postmarked by January 29th, 2011 for a Partial Refund of 80%. ►►No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after January 29th, 2011. ►►Phone Cancellations will not be accepted Refund POLICY ►►No refunds or credits will be given on-site. ►►You will receive your refund within 30 days after the convention. ►►NO REFUNDS of Golf Classic/Gala Night regardless of circumstances.

For further enquires contact: Captain Horace Freeman, DDS Tel: 876 897 4635 (C) 876 968 0120 Email: imhfree@yahoo.com

If you have a difficulty downloading the registration/ hotel registration forms, please contact the conference coordinator, Mary Sorum, Tele/Fax: (876) 968-0120, E-mail: msorum@flowja.com.

Date: Saturday Feb. 19th, 2011 Time 7:00pm Dresscode: Lounge Suite

Sea Breeze Cruise

An Evening Under The Stars....

...with friends, family and colleagues at “Sea Breeze” beach party for a spectacular evening of Jamaican music, culture and cuisine, caressed by the warm tropical breezes of the Caribbean Sea. Dine under the stars, mingle with ur fellow dental professionals of simply sit back and soak up the Jamaican spirit in and atmosphere of celebration, entertainment and excitement. Date: Friday Feb. 18th, 2011 Time: 6:00pm Dress Code: Resort wear

JDA Charity Booth

Online Handouts

Support the JDA’s charity booth in the exhibition hall by participating in the 3rd renewal of the SILENT AUCTION.

In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and reduce printing/ photocopying costs, the JDA will not be printing handouts for the convention. Prior to the convention, the JDA will make handouts avaliable for which material is received from the lecturer. This will be accessible online using a password. Upon pre-registering (before February 5th 2011), the password will be sent to you. These handouts can be downloaded and printed. Please review the handout material before the convention to decide if you need to bring a printed copy with you.

All Proceeds go to the Jamaica National Children’s Home Dental Clinic. Dates: Thursday Feb. 17th, 2011 9:00am-5:00pm Friday

Feb. 18th, 2011 9:00am-5:00pm

Saturday Feb. 19th, 2011 9:00am-12:00pm To pre-register visit

www.jamaicadentalassociation.com 18

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


Jamaica Dental Association OVERALL PROGRAMME EVALUATION 2011 To help us improve the Overall Programme, please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation. These evaluations play a major role in planning next year’s meeting. MARK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM. Please place in the evaluation drop box at the Registration Desk. I am a:

( ) Dentist

Auxiliary ( )

I live in:

( ) Jamaica ( ) Canada

Hygienist ( )

( ) Caribbean ( ) Europe

Technician ( ) ( ) United States ( ) Other ______________

I have attended the JDA National Convention: ( ) This is my first time ( ) 2 or 3 times ( ) 4 or 5 times ( ) more than 5 times I attended this Convention primarily (mark all that applies): ( ) For the Exhibit Hall ( ) For the educational programmes ( ) To support the JDA ( ) To expand or maintain my professional network How important were the following factors in your decision to attend this Convention? Not Somewhat Very Not Somewhat Very Important Important Important Important Important Important Educational Content ( ) ( ) ( ) Dates held ( ) ( ) ( ) Speakers ( ) ( ) ( ) Location/City ( ) ( ) ( ) Exhibit Hall ( ) ( ) ( ) Travel/Cost ( ) ( ) ( ) Networking ( ) ( ) ( ) Recommendation ( ) ( ) ( ) How would you rate this year’s programme? SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMES: (Dentists) Please mark the following to describe your experience with the dentist’s scientific programme: ( ) The lectures provided new and timely information ( ) The lectures did not provide new and timely information Dr. Jack Griffin Maj. Paul Colthirst Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Sammy Noumbissa Dr. Kanchan Ganda Dr. Fotinos Panagakos Dr. Charles Mandell


( ( ( ( ( ( (

) Very poor ) Very poor ) Very poor ) Very poor ) Very poor ) Very poor ) Very poor

( ( ( ( ( ( (

) Poor ( ) Poor ( ) Poor ( ) Poor ( ) Poor ( ) Poor ( ) Poor (

) Fair ( ) Fair ( ) Fair ( ) Fair ( ) Fair ( ) Fair ( ) Fair (

th e Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

) Good ( ) Good ( ) Good ( ) Good ( ) Good ( ) Good ( ) Good (

) Very Good ) Very Good ) Very Good ) Very Good ) Very Good ) Very Good ) Very Good

47th Annual Convention Magazine

The following items ask for your preference(s) in certain components of the Convention. Please mark the statements that most closely reflect your opinion. If an area does not pertain to you, then please leave the item blank.

EXHIBITS: How would you rate the exhibit as an educational experience? ( ) Very poor

( ) Poor

( ) Fair

( ) Good

( ) Very Good

Food & beverage: ( ) Very poor ( ) Poor

( ) Fair

( ) Good

( ) Very Good

Rooms: ( ) Very poor

( ) Fair

( ) Good

( ) Very Good


( ) Poor



Name:……………………………………………………………Phone…..………………………………… E-Mail…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Jamaica Dental Association 2011 ANNUAL DENTAL CONVENTION

Jamaica Dental Association 2011 ANNUAL DENTAL CONVENTION

February 16-19, 2011 Provider Number: # 8112 JDA Annual Convention Auxiliaries Attendance Form

February 16-19, 2011 Provider Number: # 8112 JDA Annual Convention Auxiliaries Attendance Form

This form may be used to verify attendance at the 2011 JDA Annual Convention. For each course you attend, mark the verification code in the space provided.

This form may be used to verify attendance at the 2011 JDA Annual Convention. For each course you attend, mark the verification code in the space provided.

Issued to: ______________________________________

Issued to: ______________________________________




CE Hour

Verification Code



FRIDAY, February 18, 2011

FRIDAY, February 18, 2011


Anaesthetics, Analgesics & Antibiotics Dr. Kanchan Ganda 3 ________________ 1:30pm Dentin Hypersensitivity Dr. Peter Santarpia 3 ________________


SATURDAY, February 19, 2011

SATURDAY, February 19, 2011


CE Hour

Verification Code

Anaesthetics, Analgesics & Antibiotics Dr. Kanchan Ganda 3 ________________ 1:30pm Dentin Hypersensitivity Dr. Peter Santarpia 3 ________________


Drug management of medical complications and conditions

Dr. Kanchan Ganda




Drug management of medical complications and conditions

Dr. Kanchan Ganda




A 360째 slam dunk guide for Dr. Mark Hyman successful team practice enhancement




A 360째 slam dunk guide for Dr. Mark Hyman successful team practice enhancement











Dr. Charles Mandell

Dr. Charles Mandell

Signature of member____________________________

Signature of member____________________________

____________________ Cap. Horace Freeman Chairman, JDA Convention Committee & Scientific Programme 2011.

____________________ Cap. Horace Freeman Chairman, JDA Convention Committee & Scientific Programme 2011.

PARTICIPANTS: Detach and return a signed copy to the JDA. This record will not be automatically submitted to any state board, dental council, or any other agency. It is your responsibility to submit course contact hours earned to the appropriate agency.

PARTICIPANTS: Detach and return a signed copy to the JDA. This record will not be automatically submitted to any state board, dental council, or any other agency. It is your responsibility to submit course contact hours earned to the appropriate agency.


Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


Jamaica Dental Association 2011 ANNUAL DENTAL CONVENTION

Jamaica Dental Association 2011 ANNUAL DENTAL CONVENTION

February 16-19, 2011 Provider Number: # 8112 JDA Annual Convention Attendance Form

February 16-19, 2011 Provider Number: # 8112 JDA Annual Convention Attendance Form

This form may be used to verify attendance at the 2011 JDA Annual Convention. For each course you attend, mark the verification code in the space provided. The Jamaica Dental Association is an ADA CERP recognized provider, and as sponsor of the training is designated as an approved sponsor for formal continuing education by the AGD for Membership Maintenance Credit only *.

This form may be used to verify attendance at the 2011 JDA Annual Convention. For each course you attend, mark the verification code in the space provided. The Jamaica Dental Association is an ADA CERP recognized provider, and as sponsor of the training is designated as an approved sponsor for formal continuing education by the AGD for Membership Maintenance Credit only *.

Issued to: ______________________________________

Issued to: ______________________________________



AGD #:________________


CE Hour

Verification Code



AGD #:________________


CE Hour

Verification Code

WEDNESDAY, February 16, 2011

WEDNESDAY, February 16, 2011

10am Veneers (Lecture) Dr. Jack Griffin 2 _____________

10am Veneers (Lecture) Dr. Jack Griffin 2 _____________

1:30pm Combat Dentistry Maj. Paul Colthirst 1.5 ______________

1:30pm Combat Dentistry Maj. Paul Colthirst 1.5 ______________

1:30pm Veneers (Hands on) Dr. Jack Griffin 2.5 ______________

1:30pm Veneers (Hands on) Dr. Jack Griffin 2.5 ______________

3:30pm Child Abuse Maj. Paul Colthirst 1.5 ______________

3:30pm Child Abuse Maj. Paul Colthirst 1.5 ______________

THURSDAY, February 17, 2011

THURSDAY, February 17, 2011


Beauties and the Beasts

Dr. Mark Hyman




Beauties and the Beasts

Dr. Mark Hyman



2pm Implant Dentistry Dr. Sammy Noumbissa 2 _______________

2pm Implant Dentistry Dr. Sammy Noumbissa 2 _______________

1:30pm Veneers (Hands on) Dr. Jack Griffin 2.5 _______________

1:30pm Veneers (Hands on) Dr. Jack Griffin 2.5 _______________

FRIDAY, February 18, 2011

FRIDAY, February 18, 2011


Anaesthetics, Analgesics & Antibiotics Dr. Kanchan Ganda




Anaesthetics, Analgesics & Antibiotics Dr. Kanchan Ganda



1:30pm Dentin Hypersensitivity Dr. Peter Santarpia 3 ________________

1:30pm Dentin Hypersensitivity Dr. Peter Santarpia 3 ________________

SATURDAY, February 19, 2011

SATURDAY, February 19, 2011


Drug management of medical

Dr. Kanchan Ganda




Drug management of medical

complications and conditions

Dr. Kanchan Ganda



complications and conditions

8:30am Implant Dentistry Dr. Sammy Noumbissa 3 ________________

8:30am Implant Dentistry Dr. Sammy Noumbissa 3 ________________




Dr. Charles Mandell




Dr. Charles Mandell



Signature of member____________________________

Signature of member____________________________

____________________ Cap. Horace Freeman Chairman, JDA Convention Committee & Scientific Programme 2011.

____________________ Cap. Horace Freeman Chairman, JDA Convention Committee & Scientific Programme 2011.

PARTICIPANTS: Detach and return a signed copy to the JDA. This record will not be automatically submitted to any state board, dental council, or any other agency. It is your responsibility to submit course contact hours earned to the appropriate agency. *If you are a member of the Academy of General Dentistry, mail this copy of this document to: Academy of General Dentistry, 211 E. Chicago Avenue, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60611-2670. Be sure to retain a copy for your records.

PARTICIPANTS: Detach and return a signed copy to the JDA. This record will not be automatically submitted to any state board, dental council, or any other agency. It is your responsibility to submit course contact hours earned to the appropriate agency. *If you are a member of the Academy of General Dentistry, mail this copy of this document to: Academy of General Dentistry, 211 E. Chicago Avenue, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60611-2670. Be sure to retain a copy for your records.


Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne


“The only source of knowledge is experience� Albert Einstein

Proven Wealth Limited (formerly Guardian Asset Management Ja. Ltd.)

Head Office: 12 Trafalgar Road (5) Tel: 946.3800-2

Mandeville Branch: 5-7 Ward Avenue Tel: 625.0845-6

E-mail & Web: info@weareproven.com www.weareproven.com

Prospective Speakers for the 48th Annual Convention The 48th Jamaica Dental Association Convention will be held in Montego Bay , Jamaica from

February 15th-18th, 2012.

Prospective speakers for this convention include: Professor Edwina Kidd (B.D.S) Dr. Ross Nash (D.D.S.) Dr. Raghunath Puttaiah (D.D.S.) Bethany Valachi

Restorative Dentistry Restorative Dentistry/ Occlusion Infection Control Ergonomics in Dentistry

Paediatric Dentistry and Periodontics will also be covered at this convention.

For further information, please contact: Chairperson, 48th Annual Convention Dr. Kema White Western Dental Services Savanna-La-Mar/Montego Bay kewek_jm@yahoo.com (876) 9552020(o) (876) 5768849(c)


Conference Co-ordinator Karen Gallimore karen@jamagination.com (876) 476 4417 (876) 3565769(c) Website: www.jamaicadentalassociation.com (876) 9279875

Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne



Jamaica D en ta l Assoc i at i on

47 t h A n n ua l Con v e n ti o n Mag a z i ne

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i ne



Jamaica Dental Association

Would Like To thank All Benefactors (Dental Suppliers, Corporate Institutions, Financial Houses) For Contributing to the promotion and success of our 47th national dental convention

Ja ma i ca De nta l Asso ci ati o n

47th Annua l Co nv e nti o n Mag a z i n e


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