Workplace Wellbeing

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Wellbeing in the workplace Domini Bingham Tel +44 (0)20 7612 6907/

As a result of this session you will know:  How to improve your own individual wellbeing  What are the practices that improve the wellbeing of your team  How to plan for wellbeing  Understand what makes up a wellbeing plan


‘We are human beings not human doings’. (Anon)


Wellbeing what does it mean to you?  

     4

Definition – some ambiguity The meaning is not fixed – but it can be seen as primarily a social construct with multi-strands. A very general term for what makes a ‘good life’. For schools it can be seen organisationally as a tool for Sustainability Performance Self development Enabling learning in the workplace Counterbalance to target setting

Influences on our wellbeing levels Activities and outlook - 40% Background - genes and upbringing, - 50% Circumstances: income, where we live, climate, other external factors, 10%. *New Economics Foundation (2009)

Influences on our Wellbeing levels 5

Why is wellbeing so important ? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 6

Work related stress cost 13.7 billion pounds annually (Mental Capital and Well being Report ( Foresight,2008) , IOE 175 million working days lost in 2006 ( Black Report, 2008) Teachers are subject to the most stress in the workplace (TES, 2009) Teacher retention is a big issue Research shows if wellbeing programmes are in place performance improves Changing workforce demographics Rate of change has increased

Policy making and wellbeing Legislation and raft of guidelines : School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2004 Health and Safety Executive seven standards  Working for a Healthier Tomorrow -Review of the health of the working population –Black Report (2008) to government. School Governors – enshrined in regulations Teacher support network  (former)DCFS Healthy Schools programme for pupils and extension for staff possible 7

Work/Life Balance


Work Life Balance - a definition ‘Work-life balance – having a measure of control over when, where and how you work, leading to being able to enjoy an optimal quality of life. Worklife balance is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work is accepted and respected as the norm, to the mutual benefit of the individual, business and society’. The Work Foundation 9

Work/Life Balance School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions 2004 •

All teachers and head teachers are entitled to a satisfactory work/life balance, which helps the teachers combine their work with their personal interests outside work.

Schools that are committed to work/life balance develop, monitor and evaluate appropriate policies and practical responses. This includes having strategies in place that bring downward pressure on working hours.

Individual teachers cannot be required to cover for more than 38 hours in any academic year. (rarely cover)


Wellbeing – on an individual level Activity :The well being wheel – where are you?

What does yours look like? What would help your own individual wellbeing ? List some areas with a colleague. Prioritise 3 11

‘Our behaviour is heavily influenced by the context or culture in which we behave. Culture has a significant impact on individual perceptions of wellbeing’.(Mowbray,2009)


Studies on wellbeing show employees’ happiness and well-being are associated positively with performance, morale, commitment, and can reduce absenteeism and staff turn-over. The techniques to improve gratitude, a key ingredient in positive emotion, could enhance individual and organizational well-being.� Researcher and Professor, Dr. Robert A Emmons, Positive Organizational Scholarship: The Foundations of a New Discipline,


Supporting well-being as a leader Promoting practice that supports people’s well-being will help to create a more positive working environment. 14

Under stress and organisational responses

Dan's story part 1 Dan' story 2

Source : HSE


HSE 6 Management standards


Demands workload, work patterns and the work environment. Control how much say the person has in the way they do their work. Support encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the line management and colleagues and organisation, Relationships promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour. Role whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles. Change[how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in the organisation.

Your influence as a leader in wellbeing for others

Behaviours that inspire commitment , trust and engagement in others; producing wellbeing and performance


attentiveness intellectual flexibility encouragement reliability ability to resolve conflicts

A wellbeing progamme          18

Flexible policies Work life balance Assertiveness-role balance /avoiding role overload Developing resilience; taking responsibility for own emotions/actions/ (using emotional intelligence (EQ)) Healthy relationships – managing conflict Empowering you Culture of your environment ; commitment to a vision Coaching culture Celebrating success



resilience and tolerance

programmes and services Plan

culture 20


Elements that contribute to performance (after Mowbray 2009) Clarity of purpose Time scale Resources No hesitation No deviation No repetition

Appropriateness Efficacy Effect Efficiency



Measuring Impact – A simple approach

Plan at the beginning For whom do you want to make a difference? What is the difference you want to make? By when? Establish a baseline picture and evidence and data at the outset Establish the impact picture you want to achieve and evidence and data at the outset Then Evaluate the difference you have achieved (Guskey) 22

Finally - preventing and reducing stress - key strategies we could use Identify role model habits and behaviours to lead by example Develop a positive attitude and approach to work and life Benefit from exercise, healthy eating and improved energy levels Manage emotions and develop a personal stress coping toolkit Communicate more successfully in order to inspire others Improve the working environment for your team Set personal action plans and keep checking your results


‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.’ (Reinhold Niebuhr's serenity prayer)


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