Leading Together ...collaborative learning, cross-sector partnerships, clusters, schools supporting schools, new learning technologies...
Collaborative learning – ASTs making a difference together LCLL event series 2010 - 2011 Date:
Thursday 18 November 2010
1.30pm - 4.30pm (Registration from 1.00pm)
ASTs (across all phases), local authority colleagues with AST responsibility and LCLL members
Carol Taylor, CPD Project Leader, LCLL
Event outline: The national TDA report ‘Effective practices in CPD: lessons from schools (Earley & Porritt, 2010) identified nine CPD approaches that had supported the most successful projects – one of these being collaborative professional development. This workshop offers an opportunity to come together with other ASTs to explore what we can learn from the report, share practice and experiences and explore possible strategies to develop collaborative ways of working to better support the professional development of colleagues.
Cost: £70.00; £60.00 for LCLL members
Book your place
Venue: Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL Become a member:
Contact: T: 020 7612 6689 F: 020 7612 6618 E: londoncentre@ioe.ac.uk www.lcll.org.uk
For further events in the series: www.ioe.ac.uk/lcll/events