The London Centre for Leadership in Learning
Leading together
...collaborative learning, cross-sector partnerships, clusters, schools supporting schools, new learning technologies... We offer a wide range of development opportunities with a few highlighted below! Add these to your diary today and book at: W E T 020 7612 6689 Special rates and benefits for members of LCLL
2010 –2011 Calendar October
Wednesday 13th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Celebration of black history month Round the table conversations will celebrate the histories and cultures of black people, and rejoice in the collective and individual achievements which have helped shape the world today.We will close with opportunities to network with LCLL members and colleagues. FacilitatedbyRosemaryCampbell-Stephens,LCLL £ £40.00; £30.00 for LCLL members
Learning, performance and improvement Children do better in their exams when their teachers focus on learning, rather than on test results. Chris Watkins shares his latest report on performance versus learning. Facilitated by Chris Watkins, LCLL Hot £ £40.00; free for topic Free to LCLL members
Free to members
LCLL annual lecture Leading together Sir Michael Barber, expert partner at McKinsey Global Public Sector Practice, shares insights into the characteristics of successful education systems from around the world, based on a new report published in December 2010. £ £40.00; free for LCLL Members Hot topic Free to members
Creating an inclusive learning environment Belonging is learning! Explore what must happen in terms of diversity, power relations and social justice to make a truly inclusive learning environment.Facilitated by Dolapo Ogunbawo, LCLL £ £40.00; free for LCLL members
Hot topic Free to members
Fast tracking school leaders – what works and why Professor Peter Earley and Annette Beard draw upon their experience of accelerated leadershipdevelopment,includingTomorrow’s Heads and Future Leaders, and highlight what works and why. FacilitatedbyPeterEarleyandAnnetteBeard,LCLL £ £40.00; free for LCLL members
Tuesday 15th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Coaching for leadership survival Sharing evidence, insights and strategies for developing resilience, preventing burnout and managing organisational relationships in times of rapid change. Facilitated by Max Coates, LCLL £ £40.00; £30 for LCLL members
Tuesday 29th 1.30pm – 4.30pm
The emotionally intelligent leader: does EQ matter? ... probably twice as much as IQ! Explore how being emotionally intelligentsupportsyoureffectiveness as a leader. Facilitated by Carol Taylor, LCLL £ £70.00; £60.00 for LCLL members
Wednesday 6th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Evaluating impact This innovative and practical session helps you to plan for, and evaluate, thesuccessfulimpactoforganisational initiatives and developments. Facilitated by Vivienne Porritt, LCLL £ £70.00; £60.00 for LCLL Members
Wednesday 19th 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Monday 6th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Thursday 5th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Collaborative learning – ASTs making a difference together Explore the potential opportunities for, and benefits of, learning together in collaborative communities to improve pupil learning. Facilitated by Carol Taylor, LCLL £ £70.00; £60.00 for LCLL members
Tuesday 8th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Thursday 18th 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Seasons Greetings
Wednesday 20th 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Tuesday 17th 9.30am – 3.30pm
21st century learning: using web 2.0 tools Web 2.0 and social media are part of everydaylife,particularlyfortheyounger generation.Dothesetoolshavepotential forteachingandlearning?Seeforyourself inthisfunandpracticalhands-onsession. Facilitated by Tom Preskett, LCLL £ £150.00; £135 for LCLL members
Workplace well-being Individual wellbeing plays an important role in improving performance and achievement. Learn the skills and behaviours necessary to ensure retention and increase the motivation of your colleagues. Facilitated by Domini Bingham, LCLL £ £40.00; free for LCLL members
Wednesday 15th 5.30am – 7.30pm
Flexing your leadership style – working with different people in different contexts. How to get the best out of those we work with within organisations and across networks, partnerships and agencies. Facilitated by Mary Dawe, LCLL £ £40.00; £30.00 for LCLL members
LCLL membership Working with you at the critical edge of research and practice. Ourlearningcommunityoffersyouopportunitiestodevelopanduse knowledge about the relationship between leading and learning. To enjoy membership benefits:
Hot topic Free to members
Venue for all events: Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL