Adriano de Miranda Guimar達es Graphic Designer Student
DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 2O13 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0
Brazilian, born in november 4 of 1993 Student of Graphic Design of the Federal University of Espírito Santo on Vitória, Brazil. Currently employed as trainee in graphic edition, working with image edition, digital drawing and vectoring. Have already concluded an 18 months professional course of Mechanic by the Technical School Senai on Serra, Brazil. Capable of work with Adobe softwares Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign; with Corel DRAW and PHOTO PAINT; and with MS office. Some intermediate knowledge of Adobe Flash, Premiere and Dreamweaver.
SigniďŹ cant Work in the past year
2O13 - 17th edition of the Brazilian Inventor’s Hall
A national exposition of science and technology, hosted on Vitória - Brazil during october 22 to 25 of 2O13
Full graphic media project
(billboard, newspaper advertisement, poster advertisement, folder, cd and dvd cover, shirt stamp, winner’s certificate)
Newspaper Advertisement
Folder (front and cover)
Advertisement Poster
CD cover
DVD cover
Shirt Stamp
CertiďŹ cate
2O14 - 18th edition of the Brazilian Inventor’s Hall
A national exposition of science and technology, to be hosted on Vitória - Brazil
The next year media project will be redesigned, but it is still in the concepting phase
Poster Sketch
Atuarte Theatre School Visual Identity
Freelance work for an art and acting school for children
Some of the approved concepts of their logo. The third one was chosen.
Technical Drawing Examples
Some of the work realized in my trainee period on CENDI
The following pages will show illustration of some product prototypes.
Technical Draw of a LED lamp
Iphone Cover
A serie of modiďŹ cation to a car design
Adriano de Miranda Guimar達es