Book Adribel_Portfolio

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Portfolio NÂş 1 aĂąo: 2011

writer & illustrator

Adriana I. Juรกrez Puglisi (Adribel) web-Blog: Portfolio: contact: c/Margarita 37, (18100)Armilla, Granada Spain. Telephone-Fax: (+34) 958 578260 Cellular: (+34) 657 784374 E-mail:; Unpublished comic book: on.line comic book:

Contents unpublished Stories


The Pistachio-green Bottle


If I were the sun

unpublished comic book


Victor and the Magic Ladder

Finished Projects


This is me


My Daddy is a farmer


Toribio and “I”

Curriculum vitae



Triana doesn’t have many friends, but that summer she meets Paolo, an Italian boy, on the beach. In a few days they are firm friends. They could not imagine that a sudden, strange storm would separate them from each other and they had not thought of exchanging contact details. It was incredible that they were in the 21st century, an era of technology and fast communication, and yet they were unable to contact each other! Nevertheless, this was no barrier for Triana who is a determined girl and manages to get a message to Paolo. So how does she do it without using the telephone, the computer and not even the post? Sometimes, the universe, through small and seemingly insignificant coincidences, works to bring about our wishes. For children of 5+ 24-26 pages with colour illustrations. Format: 22cms x 30cms (adaptable to any format)

Right: page 1 of the story “The Pistachio - green bottle� Watercolor on cardboard 300 grs.

Unpublished story 1 “The Pistachio-green Bottle”

Pages 8 y 9 of the story: “ The Pistachio green bottle” Technique: mixed

Pages 10 and 11 of the story: The Pistachio greenbottle. Technique: watercolour, ink.


They say that the seas store up secret stories, which have nothing to do with stories in books. These tales are kept apart, to be told only to certain friends. This is one of those special stories. It all happened not long ago in a small town in the south of Spain. It stood beside the sea; our sea, the Mediterranean. It was summer and, like every summer, Triana and her parents were spending their holidays in a villa near the beach. Triana was shy and did not have many friends; but that summer, by the sea, she met Paolo. Paolo was from Italy and was on holiday as well. Triana and he became great friends. Paolo told Triana stories about the land where he came from, about his home and about the beach which separated his house from the sea; the same sea in which they were both now swimming and splashing. Triana told Paolo about her collection of bottles, bottles of all different colours, and Paolo told her about his frogs and insects. About a week after they had met something strange happened, something that was very rarely seen in that seaside town. The sky turned black and it started to rain and it rained continuously for five whole days. Five days in which it was impossible to go to the beach. Five days during which Triana and Paolo couldn’t see each other. Then on the sixth day the sun came out. At last, Triana could go to the beach, but… Paolo couldn’t; for Paolo had gone, gone home, home to Italy. Triana was sad. Paolo was sad. They both realised, too late, that neither knew the other’s address. Triana had never had a friend like Paolo. She wanted so much to communicate with him, but she did not know how. It seemed absurd to her: “At home we have a telephone, a fax, internet to send e-mails and a post box, as well as mobiles, and yet nothing is of any use, because I don’t know his address.” The last day of the holiday came. Triana slowly put on her swimming costume. Then 10

she suddenly had an idea. She ran and took a piece of paper and wrote a message. She made it into a roll and pushed it into one of her bottles. She chose the pistachio-green bottle because it was Paolo’s favourite colour. Triana’s idea was to send a message to her friend Paolo, a message in a bottle, via the sea, because Paolo lived beside the same sea that was looking out right now. She thought, “This is the sea that binds us together. The sea will carry my message to him.” She climbed the highest rocky outcrop on the beach. She shut her eyes, took a deep breath and threw the message in the bottle with all her might. Once it was done, she returned home with a feeling of complete peace. Triana did not notice the turbulence of the waters; she did not see the tossing waves that reluctantly carried the pistachio-coloured bottle back, returning it to that same beach. Just at that moment an ugly dog came by. The ugly dog belonged to an elegant lady. He smelled the bottle from top to bottom, from bottom to top and then, although he was not sure what he was going to do with it, he took it between his teeth. His elegant owner noticed the thing in his mouth. “Don’t pick up rubbish from the sand,” she scolded and, wrenching it from his mouth, she threw it in the rubbish bin and walked on. Behind the elegant lady with the ugly dog followed a tramp. He was rummaging in each rubbish bin in turn and so he found the bottle. “Juice!” he thought gleefully, for he was very thirsty. However, it wasn’t long until he discovered that the pistachio coloured bottle didn’t contain liquid but some unknown and undistinguishable object which he could not make out because the daylight was fading. He placed it in his pocket anyway, in case it might prove useful. That night the tramp settled down on a bench in the square. It was hot, and he took off his jacket and laid it beside him. He fell asleep

and slept so deeply that even the sound of the youths playfully stealing his jacket and running off with it, didn’t wake him. They were running so fast that the pistachio-green bottle slipped out of the jacket pocket. It fell onto some cardboard boxes, bounced gently and rolled down the road until it bumped into the foot of a young girl with beautiful green eyes, who was enjoying an ice cream with her friends. It was her farewell treat, because that night she was returning to Barcelona. She had just been lamenting that she had nothing special to take home as a souvenir when she felt a gentle prod on her foot and seeing the pistachio-green bottle, she bent down, picked it up and smilingly announced, “ Now I have something special to take home with me.” The pistachio-green bottled travelled inside a black leather bag, inside an aeroplane towards Barcelona. The green-eyed girl was so distracted thinking about her wonderful holiday that she didn’t notice that the bag she was picking up wasn’t hers, but another one which was very similar. The plane, after its stop at the airport of Barcelona, continued on towards Italy. On landing, a young Italian boy took the black leather bag. He was so absorbed, thinking about the girl with the beautiful green eyes that had got off at Barcelona, that he failed to notice that the black leather bag was not his, but a very similar one. He was very surprised when he got home, and upon opening the bag, found a pistachiogreen bottle there – he had not bought it! At that exact moment, the telephone rang and he went to answer it, leaving the bottle on the table. His younger sister entered just as he left. She was getting ready to go to the beach with her friends. She was looking for something to give to her ‘secret friend’ and the bottle was perfect. She wrote a note which said: “This is a magic bottle. Make three wishes and throw it into the sea” and she signed it YSF (your secret friend). Then she wrapped it up. And that is how the pistachio green bottle came into the hands of Juliano, the secret

friend of the younger sister of the young Italian, who had picked up the wrong bag. Juliano made his three wishes and threw the bottle into the sea. It fell just behind another Italian boy, who hearing the plop as it landed, turned and saw the pistachio green bottle floating in the sea. He picked it up, opened it and realised that inside there was a paper. He took it out, unrolled it and as he read he began to shout: “But this is a message for me! Triana has written it! And it has come all the way from Spain across the Mediterranean Sea!” Triana had written her contact details in the message and as soon as Paolo got home he sent her an e-mail, which said: “Triana! It`s me Paolo. I have received your message in a bottle which has come across the Mediterranean Sea… Do you know what? … It has got here quicker than an e-mail!” Although you might not believe it, only a day had gone by, from when Triana had thrown the pistachio-green bottle into the sea until the moment Paolo had found it. So now you know: nothing is impossible to achieve when it comes from the bottom of your heart. The End


When we fall in love we begin to act strangely. We do rather crazy and mad things. When we are in love we are full of life and enthusiasm, we feel generous and can imagine what we would do if we were another person or animal…or if we were the sun.

For children of 5+ 24-26 pages with colour illustrations Format: 22cms x 30cms (Adaptable to any other format)

Right: pages 3 y 4 of the story : “If I were the sun” Acrylic and watercolour on paper 300 grs 12

unpublished story 2 “If I were the sun”


Páges 5 y 6 of the story: “If I were the sun” Technique: Acrylic



IF I WERE THE SUN (Complete text) If I were the sun I would come out on the iciest day of the year. I would travel the roadsides, the woods and the mountains searching for any little flower that was about to die. As soon as I found one, I would draw close, carefully, slowly, as if on tiptoes. I would close my eyes and blow very gently and give it back its life. If I were the sun, I would search out any lonely puppy that is lost and shivering with cold. I would leap out into its path and without stopping to think I would tickle its tummy.

a sun that hops like a sparrow and splashes sunshine all around. I would ask for an appointment with the moon just so I could stay by you through the night. Besotted, I would ceaselessly warm you and fill you with light. I would search out your smile in every corner. I would steal your sighs and strive to caress your soul with a song. Then, in the last moment I would gather up your words and treasure them for ever in the depths of my heart. The End

If I were the sun, I would go down to all the parks and seat myself next to the old men with cold hands who sit there feeding the pigeons and sparrows. I would hug them closely until all their bones were warm and I had touched their hearts and had awakened their forgotten dreams and hopes and made them laugh. If I were the sun, I would gallop down the streets and darkest alley ways and fill them with light. I would climb up to the balconies and slip in through forgotten windows where sunshine has never entered. I would fight against those wilful shadows and nothing could stop me because I am a powerful sun, headstrong and persistent I would penetrate those buildings burdened with damp and darkness. If I were the sun, I would be a crazy sun who changes the temperatures of the seasons. I would blaze with all my strength in winter and shine softly in the summer and nobody would be scorched by the heat. Yes, if I were the sun I would be a crazy sun, driven mad trying to catch your attention. Do such suns exist? Perhaps I will be the first to be full of love; 16

Right: page 24 of the story: “If I were the sun� Acrylic and ink.


Victor is building a magical ladder. He will present it at the trade exhibition for inventions which is held every year in the wood. But, how does the ladder work? What can it be used for? Is it really magic? Maybe you think that to make magic you need to be a wizard and have a magic wand; but there is another type of magic, a magic that comes from the heart.

For children of ages 5+ 16 pages with colour illustrations Format: 15cms x 21cm.

Right: Cover of the children’s comic“Victor and the Magic Ladder” Watercolour, ink, and digital colour. 18

unpublished comic book “Victor and the Magic Ladder”


pages 4 and 5 of the comic : “Victor and the Magic Ladder� Watercolour, ink, digital colour



Páges 12 y 13 of the children´s comi: “Victor and the Magic Ladder”.



Victor and the Magic Ladder (Complete text)

ladder and you can use it to disappear, or reach the stars and visit the moon.”

Maybe you think that to make magic you need to be a wizard and have a magic wand, but there is another type of magic; a magic that comes from the heart.

Specs (The rabbit): “Well, anyway, I’ve come to tell you that the exhibition is tomorrow at six o’ clock PM. You must bring an invention.”

Ella: “What are you doing?”

Victor and Ella: ladder!”

Victor: “Making a magic ladder.” Ella: “What do you want a magic ladder for?” Victor: “Well…just imagine it, with a magic ladder you could do all sorts of things.” Ella: “Let’s see…with a magic ladder you …hummm…could disappear!” Victor: “Yes, you could disappear! I hadn’t thought of that.” Ella: “With a magic ladder…you could reach the stars. You could also…go to the moon and ask it where it goes during the day. You will lend it to me, won’t you?” Victor: “Of course, but I must finish it first.” Specs (The rabbit): “Hello, I see you are preparing your invention ready for the exhibition…although the ladder has already been invented!” Ella: “But he’s making a magic ladder.” Specs (the rabbit): “Well, I can just see a ladder, a normal, everyday ladder and not even very well made.” Ella: 24

“Well, you’re wrong. It’s a magic

“We will bring the magic

The next day: Master of Ceremonies: “And finally, Victor will present his magic ladder. With this ladder you can go to the moon and reach the stars you can even disappear. Can we have a big welcome for Victor!” Victor: “Here is the magic ladder.” Crowd: “How does it work?” Victor: Gulp.“Hum, I don’t know.” Ella: “I’ll tell you how it works. Do you want to go to the moon?” Crowd: “Yes, yes!” Ella: “Then follow me! Climb on the ladder, close your eyes. Hold on tight! Here we are! And now, would you like to touch a star?” Crowd: “Yes, yes!” Ella: “ Climb on the ladder! We’re off! We’ve arrived at our first star.” Crowd: “Oh, now we want to disappear.” Ella:

“Well that’s harder.”

Then suddenly…

Skunk: “ Help! Help! I’ve seen wolf prints very close by.”

Crowd: “He’s gone! It really is a magic ladder. It has saved us!”

Crowd: “ It’s all right. We’ve got the magic ladder.”

Victor: “You have made the magic possible! Thank you.”

Ella: “That’s true. Listen, grab a branch like this one. Don’t move anyone. Get behind the ladder and hide behind the branches.”


Specs (The rabbit): “It won’t do any good. We will all die.”

The End

A little while later.

All of us should have a magic ladder that can take us to the moon, introduce us to the stars and in difficult moments help us to disappear. Or maybe we should all have a friend who knows how to make magic ladders and can show us how to use them.

Wolf: “How strange .. I could swear that it smells of racoon, of pig and of rabbit… hummm..but I can’t see any. I must have been mistaken. I will have to visit the doctor about my nose.”

“But you made the ladder.”

Specs (The rabbit): “I think I have missed something!



Finished Projects “This is Me”: story published in October 2009 by “Mil y 1 Cuentos” (A Thousand and One Tales).


“This is me, before I was born, even before I was conceived…but I existed in the hearts of a man and a woman; my mother and my father.” This is how the story of the first two hundred and seventy days of the life of a newly born begins; because our life does not start the day we are born but many, many days before. For ages 4+ 26 pages illustrated in colour, acrylic paints, Indian-ink, digitally enhanced. Final format: 23 cm x 22cm 1.pages 15 y 16 . 2.pages 7 y 8. 3.pages 11 y 12 26


3. 27

“My Daddy is a farmer” “Kaleb publisher”

story published in May 2006 by

Written by : Lourdes Solé Molins, Illustrated by: Adriana Juárez

Puglisi. Format 23 cm x 23 cm, 16 color’s ilustrations . Coloured pencils, watercolour, mixed





1.Cover; 2.Page 1; 3.Flyleaf

“Toribio and I”

comic on-line published since May 2008



currículum vitae Adriana Isabel Juárez Puglisi (1961 Buenos Aires, Argentina) I am a freelance illustrator, writer and storyteller with 20 years experience. I was born in Argentina and since 1995 I have lived in Granada Spain. I studied architecture and town planning at the University of Buenos Aires and I consolidated my artistic career at the Garaycochea School of Art in Buenos Aires, specializing in humoristic cartoons, caricatures, and comic strips and studying with people of such standing as Eduardo Ferro, Carlos Garaycochea and Jorge de los Oswal. I later developed my career by studying graphic design and Web at the School of Development and Social sciences in Granada, and in various workshops in creative writing and poetry, also in Granada. During three years (1998-2001) I have worked as a freelance illustrator for the publishers Alambra Longman SA (Pearson Education) taking part in various text book projects, such as “Exercices Pratiques de Grammaire Française, tomos: 1, 2, 3 y 4” Since then I have continued to develop my work as a freelance illustrator and graphics designer, carrying out work for many important clients based in Granada, but with national and international reputations. Among my most prominent clients are: Frutas Fajardo SLU, Fulgencio Spa SA, Voy Volando (Retail Granada SL), Miguel García Sánchez e Hijos SA, Centro de Negocios Kairos SL, Construcciones El Aljibe SL, Recordati SA, Restaurante La Barraca (Cantarrijan SL), Restaurante La Caleta (Cantarrijan SL), Promociones Carosan SL, Jamones Joaquin de Trevelez SL, Aros Mobel SL, Coco Junior SL, Eurocastell SAT etc.

Two important projects during this time were; my collaboration with the writer Lourdes Solé Molins on the book “Mi papá es campesino”

( My Daddy is a farmer) published by Kaleb in 2006 and my work as a caricaturist during the National Gynaecology Congress 2007 at the Palacio de Congresos in Granada. My passion for stories and writing has led me to undertake various other personal projects parallel to my work as an illustrator and graphic designer, such as illustrating children’s stories. I have created “Torbio and I” an on-line comic with Toribio as its main character, as well as working for more than twenty years as a story-teller at private children’s parties, in various schools, and at Sunday schools. “I love telling stories. As ideas often come at unexpected moments I always keep paper and pencils in my pockets and at hand when at home or in the car. I sometimes jot down a few words or a sketch, but usually both. I think that life is more beautiful when we fill it with stories.” Adriana I. Juárez Puglisi web-Blog: Portfolio: Adress: c/Margarita 37, (18100)Armilla, Granada, Spain. Telephone-Fax: (+34) 958 578260 Cellular: (+34) 657 784374 E-mail:


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