Fashion Industry Profiles Instructor: Bridget Lavery
Comparison Shopping Analysis
Questions… u
What do you think a Comparison Shopping Analysis is ?
Has anyone ever comparison shopped for a work or a school project?
Has anyone ever done their own comparison shopping for an item? ² ² ²
What was the type of product where you looking to purchase? Why did you need or desire it? What retailers did you visit? What were your items of comparison?
Purpose‌ The objective of a competitive shopping analysis is to gain an understanding of a brand/company’s competition from various viewpoints. This understanding will help you to determine how you can differentiate a brand/company and stand out in the eyes of the consumer. This is activity is done in by brands and retailers several times a year.
Field trip… TIMBERLAND SHOWROOM Meet with the Brand VP of Mens’ Boots, Head Designer, Product Manager and Sales Account Rep in the NY Showroom. They are going to take you through the product development process of a boot from concept to the sales floor to the consumer’s closet. They are also going to talk about the Timberland brand and their merchandising and marketing strategies.
Not your father’s Timberland Boot…
What boot best reflects your personality? 1
Group discussion…
u What
information do you think you should be looking for when you are comparison shopping?
u Where
should you go?
Shopping Comparison Form
With a partner… Online Research u
Pick an online retail store that carries Timberland and at least one other boot brand to compare.
Fill in the Comparison Shopping form
Any questions?
Homework Assignment Shop
2 additional brands, make notes on the form and bring to class next week. We will discuss and then work on an analysis presentation in class next week.