Natural Constipation Relief Remedies To Soften Stool Naturally
Natural Constipation Relief Remedies Constipation has been described as a condition in which the stool is hardened and excretion is difficult and less
frequent. There are several methods to cure constipation but the natural constipation relief remedies are the safest,
which do not cause any side effects.
Reasons Of Constipation Most people, at some point in their lives, have suffered from constipation. It can happen to anyone and could be due to the following reasons •
Decreased level of activity
Old age
Insufficient water intake
Low fiber diet
Reasons Of Constipation •
Certain medications
Excessive use of laxatives
Excessive consumption of dairy products
Irritable bowel syndrome
Hyperthyroidism and irregular eating habits
Prune Juice If untreated for too long, constipation can become chronic. It may lead to colon cancer
The following are simple remedies to soften stool naturally
Prune Juice- Two glasses of prune juice a day can help soften stool naturally.
Magnesium & Enema Magnesium- A mixture of magnesium citrate or milk of magnesia in a glass of water or juice is a natural constipation relief remedy. Enema- A mix of lemon juice, salt, warm water needs to be inserted into the rectum with the help of a syringe and
an enema apparatus. This is a very effective natural treatment to pass hard stool.
Fiber Rich Foods Fiber- Foods rich in fiber help to overcome constipation. They soften stool naturally. Examples of some fiber-rich foods are potatoes, broccoli, apples, beans, nuts, bananas, whole grains, oats, brown rice, and apricots.
Castor Oil & Lactulose Castor Oil- A teaspoon of castor oil in the morning, on an empty stomach, can work wonders to clear up the bowel. It is a natural constipation relief remedy. Lactulose- 15 ml of lactulose syrup twice a day
helps relieve constipation. It may be taken with water or juice.
Herbal Teas & Olive Oil Herbal Teas- Teas like Mint, Green, and Black are
herbal stool softeners.
Olive Oil- 2 tablespoons of olive oil on an empty stomach is best herbal treatment for hard stool.
Coconut Oil & Baking Soda Coconut Oil- Having a spoonful of coconut oil twice a day can work as herbal stool softener.
Baking Soda- A mix of baking soda and water helps in relieving constipation.
Triphala & Wheat Bran Triphala- Triphala- powder, mixed with water can be had before going to bed.
Wheat Bran- This is loaded with fiber which regularises bowel movements.
Regular Sleep And Meal One must also maintain regular sleep and meal timings, and exercise regularly. The urge to pass stools should not be held back. While traveling, a regular schedule should be followed.
There are some Yogasanas that help in improving bowel movements, such as,
Sukhasana, Pavanmuktasana, Vajrasana, and Uthhanpadasana.
Arozyme Capsules One of the many natural treatments to pass
hard stool is Arozyme capsule. It is a natural constipation relief remedy and is herbal stool
softener. It can help in regularising within just 34 months. Since its natural, it has no side
effects and can be taken in safely.
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