Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms, Natural Treatment
Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms Hemorrhoid or better known as piles, could take you through a lot of uneasiness and embarrassment, at the
same time. We shall discuss, in the following article, hemorrhoids causes, as well as, natural treatment for
Causes Of Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are inflammation in the veins of the rectum and anus area. Hemorrhoids causes
are • Obesity • Anal intercourse • Sitting in one position for long hours
Causes Of Hemorrhoids
• Low fiber diet
• Constipation • Pregnancy, or
• Straining while passing stool
Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Symptoms of hemorrhoids: It is characterized by • Itching in the anal area • Immense pain
• Bleeding during bowel movement • Discomfort
• Swellingaround the anus, or even the presence of a lump near it
Types Of Haemorrhoids Types of haemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are of three types
• Internal Hemorrhoids - Straining during bowel movement can cause an internal
Hemorrhoid surface to rupture and bleed.
Types Of Haemorrhoids • External Hemorrhoid - These occur around the anus, which are itchy and may also bleed. • Thrombosed hemorrhoids - Thrombus stands
for blood clot, which may lead to a swelling and a hard lump near the anus. It can be extremely
Treatment For Hemorrhoid Treatment for Hemorrhoid: Piles can be treated in the following ways
• Creams, ointments and suppositories help in shrinking the Hemorrhoids.
• A warm Sitz Bath- Sitting in warm water after passing stool, for about 15 mins, helps in
relieving Hemorrhoids.
Treatment For Hemorrhoid • Laxatives may be given; in case hemorrhoids are caused due to constipation.
• Sclerotherapy- A solution is injected into an internal hemmorhoid, which will seal the hemmorhoid off.
• Banding- A procedure in which a rubber band is secured around a hemmorhoid. This shuts of blood supply to the
inflamed veins, which shrivels and falls off within a week.
Treatment For Hemorrhoid • Coagulation or cauterisation- The hemmorhoid is sealed off with the help of a laser beam or an infrared light. • Surgery- This is mostly in case of thrombosed
Home Remedies For Hemorrhoid At home remedies- A person can try natural treatment for hemorrhoids at home. A fibre-rich
diet, like vegetables, fruits whole grain and nuts, provides good amount of roughage to the
digestive system, helping in smooth passage of bowel. A lot of water intake is required.
Home Remedies For Hemorrhoid Reduce intake of salt, which leads to water retention in the body, leading to hemorrhoids.
Avoid sitting in one place for hours. Applying witch hazel in the anal region helps in relieving
itchiness and pain. Apply petroleum jelly in the anus for easy passage of stool.
Home Remedies For Hemorrhoid There are options for herbal treatment for piles, as well. Sitz baths, psyllium husk, witch hazel, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, Aloe Vera and Epson salt and glycerine are herbal and natural treatment for bleeding piles.
Pilesgon Capsules There are also herbal pills to shrink hemorrhoids, available in the market. One of the
best is Pilesgon capsule. It completely eradicates all hemorrhoids causes in just a short
span of 3-4 months. Its composition includes nature’s best herbal treatment for piles.
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