Experimental Study to Determine the Optimum Value of Super Plasticizer for Self Compacting Concrete

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Review Article

Experimental Study to Determine the Optimum Value of Super Plasticizer for Self Compacting Concrete Pravesh Rai1, Gaurav Nadda2, Ranjit Singh Dhami3

Abstract Self-compacting concrete is suitable for placing in formwork with congested reinforcement without vibration. Self-compacting concrete development must ensure a good stability between the deformability and the stability also the compact-ability. In this study the trials performed on concrete mix by increasing or decreasing the value of the ingredients or varying the value of the admixture to perform the required tests. Then two sets for self-compacting concrete (i.e. addition of 1.14%, 1.16% by the total weight of the cement). The mix design has prepared according to IS 10262:2009. The mix proportion of M25 grade came out to be 1:1.59:2.76 with w/c ratio 0.45. The required tests were performed (V-funnel test, J-Ring test, L-box test) to evaluate the optimum dosage and also determined the compressive strength at optimum dosage. As a result, it has been successfully conducted that the optimum dosage for the self-compacting concrete is 1.14% by volume of the cement material. After undergo cost analysis the best result came out to be from selfcompacting concrete optimum mix derived from M25 mix. By changing the values of the material the cost of SCC is reduced from the NVC mix, the final cost cutting came out to be 14.29% as compared to the conventional cement concrete mix. Hence it is recommended that the use of selfcompacting concrete for the construction of the structure can be good option for the mega building structures.

Keywords: Cement, Cost, Fly ash, Mix design, Self-compacting concrete Introduction Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture known as self-compacting concrete (SCC) that is capable to consolidate under its own weight. SCC is highly fluid nature concrete to capable for highly congested reinforced structures. It helps to minimize the problems like hearing damaged on the work site, these kinds of problems occurred due to vibration of concrete. SCC also minimizes the problems of over/under vibration.

Material Used for Manufacturing SCC Following material were used in the manufacturing of concrete mix: Cement, Aggregate, Super plasticizer, Fly ash, Water


Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Rayat Bahra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Debretabor University, Ethiopia. 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, GNA University, Phagwara, Punjab. 2

Correspondence: Mr. Pravesh Rai, Civil Engineering, Rayat Bahra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, India. E-mail Id: parvesh.rai@gmail.com How to cite this article: Rai P, Nadda G, Dhami RS. Experimental Study to Determine the Optimum Value of Super Plasticizer for Self Compacting Concrete. J Adv Res Glass Leath Plast Tech 2017; 2(1&2): 1-4.

Š ADR Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Rai P et al.

J. Adv. Res. Glass Leath. Plast. Tech. 2017; 2(1&2)

Mix Design of Concrete Weight proportion for mix design of M25 Concrete mix was performed and trial mix can be listed as: Table 1.Mix Proportioning for Trial Mix

Cement 400 1

Sand 824 1.59

Coarse aggregate 1105 2.76

Water 186 0.45

been tested by more than one test method for the different workability parameters.

Laboratory Experiment and Results Self-Compacting Concrete is characterized by filling ability, passing ability and resistance to segregation. Many different methods have been developed to characterize the properties of SCC. No single method has been found until date, which characterizes all the relevant workability aspects, and hence, each mix has

The various test methods are given below: 1. Slump flow diameter ( J-Ring test) 2. V funnel test 3. L box test

Table 2.Standard Results

No. 1 2 3

Property Slump flow diameter V-funnel L-Box test (H2/H1)

By reducing contents of coarse aggregate from 45% to 37% and increasing fine aggregate contents from 40% to

Range 0-700mm 2 seconds ??

47.5%, required results in all the tests i.e., slump flow diameter, V funnel and L-Box were obtained.

Table 3.Mix Proportioning by Varying Constituent Materials

1 2 3 4 5 C1 C2 3

2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0

8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4

Workability and cube test were performed on all samples to ensure adequate quality control which

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 6 5 5 0 0 0

6 6

2 4 6

5 5 5 0 4 7 0 0

indicated following results:

Table 4.Workability and Compressive Strength Results

Sr. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 SCC 1 SSC 2 SSC 3

Slump flow(mm) 00 00 00 50 60

V-funnel (sec) 46 20 12 08 07

The optimum dosage came out to be in case of SSC 2 sample consisting 1.14% by Volume of total cement material for the super plasticizer (Polycarboxylic Ether

L-box blocking ratio (H2/H1) 0.30 0.8 0.79

7-days (Mpa) 23.63 23.88 21.68

28 days (Mpa) 32.30 32.49 30.19

ASTM C-494) in context of compressive strength respectively.


J. Adv. Res. Glass Leath. Plast. Tech. 2017; 2(1&2)

Cost analysis study was made to observe the economic viability of concrete mix, consolidated results can be

Rai P et al.

illustrated in following table:

Table 5.Cost Analysis Study

De of crete 5

e of concrete ple .C. .C.

T of struction in ee 67/00/-

T reduction .t. the P.C.C. 5 grade in % 0 .29

marks nomical

Table 2.Box Test

Table 1.J-Ring Test

Table 3.V-Funnel Test

Conclusions Based on the experimental study, the following general points came out after the research work: 1. The optimum dosage came out to be 30% by weight of concrete for the Fly ash (F class) in context of


compressive strength respectively. Fly ash lightly increases the earlier compressive strength of SCC in 7 days. The main purpose of adding Fly ash is to avoid the segregation of fresh SCC. 2. By adding the percentage of Fly ash 30% by the total volume of the cement material, the overall

Rai P et al.



5. 6.

cost of the concrete mix per 3 has get reduced, so it helps to make the mix economical. It has been verified, by using the slump flow test with J-ring apparatus the diameter of slump flow is achieved 650mm, it is satisfied that the range of slump flow diameter is 500mm to 700mm, then perform the V-funnel test, the standard time of flowing concrete form V-funnel is 6.12sec and we obtained time is 7sec and perform L-box tests on fresh SCC, then the ratio is obtained 0.8. The compressive strength attained at the age of 7 days of curing were found to be 23.88 N/ 2 respectively and the compressive strength attained at the age of 28 days of curing were found to be 32.49 N/ 2 respectively. The final cutting cost came out to be 14.29% per 3 in case of SCC. As no specific mix design procedures for SCC are available, the mix design can be done with the conventional absolute volume method, and suitable adjustments can be done as per the guidelines provided by different agencies.

J. Adv. Res. Glass Leath. Plast. Tech. 2017; 2(1&2)

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