Design Skills Symposium 2014 event flyer

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Design Skills Symposium 2014

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Design Skills Symposium 2014 About...

Learning Plan...

What is the design skills symposium?

What can I expect?

The Design Skills Symposium is a practical two

You can expect to work with like-minded people,

day collaborative learning event offering you

in cross-disciplinary groups through a varied

the opportunity to build the knowledge, capacity

and inspiring programme of presentations,

and networks to deliver better places by design.

masterclasses, site visits and practical design

Why this, why here?

exercises, based on a ‘live’ study site.

In addition to providing a range of world class

Is any preparation involved?

sporting facilities, preparations for the 2014

This year, in partnership with the Scottish

Commonwealth Games have driven the

Government, we are delighted to be able

delivery of many projects and programmes that

to offer participants the option of a free pre-

lever wider environmental, social and economic

symposium basic drawing skills workshop.


If you feel its a long time since you have drawn

Investments and initiatives have been designed

in your job, or its something you would like to

to deliver outcomes for ‘greening the city’,

do more often but don’t know how to start, then

for ‘active travel’ and for ‘health‘ and have

this workshop is for you. Some of you may feel

influenced transformational change in many

competent at drawing and, if so, this workshop

places and communities.

is not designed for you.

On the basis of the learning points emerging,

Limited places are available for the workshop

the 2014 Design Skills Symposium will explore

on 27th February at the Lighthouse, Glasgow.

transferable lessons for all of Scotland’s places.

Briefing information will follow to registered

Who is it for? The event is intended for people with an interest or involvement in the creation of places.

participants in advance of the event. Further info available on www.designskillsscotland.

What will I learn? Participants will gain knowledge and

Learning from the symposium will be captured

understanding of transferable lessons emerging

as a series of resources to support participants

from preparations for the games.

to apply learning following the event.

The value of adopting a design led approach

A follow up seminar will be hosted in winter

to investments will be explored. Creative

2014 to share experiences of applying the

approaches to reuse, refurbishment and re-

learning across Scotland.

connection will be introduced and practical

The symposium is the first event from

Attendance is encouraged from architecture,

Unable to make the workshop?

planning, urban design, transport, housing,

You may find it helpful to refer to the Urban

issues and development of outcome-focused

regeneration and economic development

Skills Portal, a practical online design skills


professionals. Discounted places are also

programme for built environment professionals

available for students, recent graduates or

with little or no previous experience of graphic

individuals representing community groups.


methods introduced to aid assessment of local

Expect to leave with new learning, practical tools and techniques to enable you to use design thinking to catalyse change in your place.

A+DS’s programme of activity exploring the sustainability legacy of the 2014 Commonwealth Games. The Lighthouse, Level 2, Glasgow will act as a Hub for the programme from April-September 2014. Sign up for regular updates on related events and exhibitions

Design Skills Symposium 2014 Key themes...

Event programme...

Choose one of the following expert facilitator-led themes to work through the programme...

Smart use of assets and

Healthy sustainable

Empowering communities



Many creative, collaborative

70% of venues for the

Sustainability has been

approaches have been

Glasgow games already

mainstreamed into the 2014

taken to building capacity

existed. Investments in new

Commonwealth Games at

in people to make changes.

infrastructure and regeneration

many scales: from designs

Programmes such as

have been designed to deliver

for a new neighbourhood

VELOCITY and Stalled

wider economic impacts for

at the athletes village, the

Spaces have shown how

surrounding communities.

development of green

people can be supported to

networks and active

take a leading role in shaping

travel opportunities, and

places including vacant or

programmes to improve

derelict land.

Learning aims: Learn about how a design led approach can help to make the most of assets that already exist in urban places as well as

health inequalities in existing neighbourhoods.

Learning aims: Learn about how processes of creatively

assist in levering greater and

Learning aims: Learn about

involving communities in

sustained economic benefits

how a design led approach

the making of places might

for communities from new

can assist in improving the

be transferred - providing


physical sustainability and

opportunities for health, sport,

positive community health

recreation and better quality of

outcomes for Scottish urban



Feedback from 2012... “an excellent 2 days thinking and networking backed by a solid contextual reference for learning”

“I enjoy the symposiums as an opportunity to learn from others both international and local - great learning opportunities and a platform to explore current themes and challenges”

Design Skills Symposium 2014 Lead facilitators...

Keynote Speakers... DAY1: Geoffrey London leads the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) in advising and advocating for high quality design in the built environment. He is also the Winthrop Professor of Architecture at The University of Western Australia (UWA), where his current research interests include urban intensification and green infrastructure. Geoffrey is a Professorial Fellow at The University of Melbourne. He has acted as a consultant on numerous architectural and urban design projects. Geoffrey will speak about Australia’s experiences of the placemaking legacy of the Commonwealth Games as well as introducing how design is being used to catalyse exciting changes in Melbourne and the state of Victoria.

Béla Kezy

Lawrence Barth

Dermot Foley

DAY 2: Gert Urhahn is an urban designer, lecturer and former Director

Béla Kezy is a founder

Lawrence Barth is Professor

Dermot Foley is a landscape

of Urhahn Urban Design. He founded the Amsterdam based office in

and senior consultant of

of Urbanism at the Graduate

architect, recently voted one

1991 and developed it into an innovative urban design practice with a

MEGAKOM development

School of the Architectural

of Europe’s Top 40 designers

broad international portfolio of projects. Previously, Gert was Senior

Consultants and ICG Ex Ante

Association, where he

under 40, and has taught

Urban Designer for the Municipality of Amsterdam, strongly engaged

Consulting Ltd. in Hungary.

has worked to position the

landscape architecture in

in the redevelopment of the Amsterdam waterfronts. He has published

He has 15 years’ experience

Housing and Urbanism

Ireland, the UK and France.

extensively on regeneration strategies, urban typologies and principles

of supporting numerous

Programme at the interface

Dermot is part of EU Funded

and has most recently publised a book on ‘The Spontaneous City’.

regions and towns in designing

of architecture and urban

research consortium

Gert will speak on revitalizing the relationship between citizens and their

development strategies

strategy. Lawrence developed

Transitioning towards urban

cities and how design can deliver new possibilities in existing places.

and implementing specific

and coordinates a research

resilience and Sustainability

development projects. His

cluster which integrates the

[TuRAS], which brings

specialities include sustainable

AA’s architectural work into

communities and businesses

urban development, modern

the multi-disciplinary efforts to

together with local authorities

public management and the

develop a dynamic urbanism

and researchers to collaborate

EU’s Cohesion Policy. Bela

for today’s knowledge

on developing practical new

is involved with URBACT,

economy. He participates in an

solutions for the creative reuse

a European exchange

international research network

of vacant, derelict or unused

and learning programme

on the growth of global mega-

land and buildings.

promoting sustainable urban


Dermot will facilitate the


Lawrence will facilitate on

Bela will facilitate on the theme

the smart use of assets and

of empowering communities.


DAY 2: Ali Grehan was appointed Dublin City Architect in 2008. Recently described as an ‘Architect, Revitaliser, Community Maker’, her career has included private practice and work in the public and semi state sector, the latter including the Railway Procurement Agency and Ballymun Regeneration. She is an elected member of the Council of the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland. She devised and co-ordinated Dublin’s bid for World Design Capital 2014, now continuing as PIVOT Dublin. Ali will speak on embedding design thinking at city level and about design as a tool for re-shaping the economy.

healthy sustaianable communities strand of the

The Day 2 keynote session is supported by VELOCITY, co-ordinators


for cultural content related to the Games. Ben Spencer, Producer at VELOCITY will introduce the session and facilitate a discussion.

Design Skills Symposium 2014

Booking details


Tickets can be purchased online at

The symposium will take place at

the Emirates Arena,

Prices (including VAT) :-

1000 London Road Glasgow G40

2 day event ticket (inc lunch both days):


2 day conference ticket (inc lunch both days): discounted price for students, recent graduates and community groups


Day 1 welcome dinner: Get to know fellow participants and contributors


3HG The Emirates Arena incorporates the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome and is a custom built venue for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Accommodation at Premier Inn, George Street, Glasgow. City Centre Hotel: booked on a Bed & Breakfast rate, single occupancy

Enquiries Please contact the organisers:

19th March


My Pinkie Promise Ltd

20th March


Combined ticket Includes 2 day conference, 2 nights accommmodation and Welcome Dinner


tel: 01382 221078

Drawing places workshop - 27th February

no fee

mob: 07952 733427

Developed and delivered by Architecture + Design Scotland in partnership with the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council, Clyde Gateway and Improvement Service and supported by others including Scottish Canals and VELOCITY.

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