Conor Moloney, Urban Initiatives - Design Skills Symposium 2012

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Conor Moloney Urban Initiatives

#designskillsscotland2012 Â Â

Architecture + Design Scotland Scottish Natural Heritage Sustainable Place-making Progamme

Conor Moloney & David Syme Urban Initiatives

Sustainable Place-making Integrating the spatial aspects of different public policy agendas e.g. housing, economic development, health, education, transport, etc.

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London Â

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London Â

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London


Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Comprehensive higher-density redevelopment

Scenario 1: Minimise funding gap

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Comprehensive higher/medium-density redevelopment

Park Investment


Scenario 2: Maximise development quality & value

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Park Investment


Scenario 3: Optimise level of physical change

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London Â

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London Â

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion Use scenarios to stimulate proposals Evaluate the conclusions Identify next steps

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London Â

How to identify an optimal level of change which balances consideration of costs, values and outcomes?


Taunton, Somerset Â

How to configure urban expansion to create walkable neighbourhoods and support the viability of public transport?

Bonnyrigg, Midlothian Â

How to balance the protection of the green belt and intensification around a new train station?

Reston, Scottish Borders Â

How to link incremental housing development to school-place planning?

Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire Â

How to optimise public investments in the town in order to leverage maximum private investment?

Ayr, South Ayrshire Â

How to envision the role of the university in the town’s regeneration and development?

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table

I’m an urbanist…

I’m an asset manager…

I’m a conservation officer…

I’m a planner…

I’m a landscape architect…

I’m a school planner…

I’m a local economic development officer…

I’m a transport planner…

I’m a public health officer…

I’m a housing officer…

I’m a community development worker…

I’m a cycling activist…

I’m a footballer…

I’m a health visitor…

I’m an urban designer…

I’m a resident…

Me too… I’m a resident…

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion

Walking distance to existing primary school Â

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion Use scenarios to stimulate proposals

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Comprehensive higher-density redevelopment

Scenario 1: Minimise funding gap

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Comprehensive higher/medium-density redevelopment

Park Investment


Scenario 2: Maximise development quality & value

Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London

Park Investment


Scenario 3: Optimise level of physical change

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion Use scenarios to stimulate proposals Evaluate the conclusions

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion Use scenarios to stimulate proposals Evaluate the conclusions Identify next steps

Sustainable Place-making Ask the right question Bring the right people to the table Provide a focus for discussion Use scenarios to stimulate proposals Evaluate the conclusions Identify next steps

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