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nov-dec 2016

Adopt a Family for the Holidays | 15


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The CBS4 Newspaper is the only news publication distributed within every Publix Supermarket. The CBS4 Newspaper is dedicated to providing professional, relevant and award-winning news. Our editorial focuses on local business and community news which includes health, sports, real estate, automotive and entertainment news. REAL. LOCAL. NEWS. DELIVERED! Editorial team NEWS DIRECTOR Liz Roldan ASSISTANT NEWS DIRECTOR Nick Bourne Managing Editor Alissa Merlo Executive producer Miguel Fernandez Jorge Gonzalez Alex Hernandez ANCHORS Vanessa Borge Rick Folbaum Walter Makaula Lauren Pastrana Eliott Rodriguez Marybel Rodriguez Rudabeh Shahbazi WEATHER NEWS Lissette Gonzalez Craig Setzer REPORTERS Carey Codd Peter D’Oench Silva Harapetian Tiani Jones Joan Murray Gary Nelson Oralia Ortega Donna Rapado Ted Scouten

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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


Contents Nov-Dec 2016

Cover HIV: Pioneering New Therapy Shows Promising Results Against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 10


Real Estate




AHA Urges Public To Take Stand Against Sugar 16

Planning for the Hidden Costs of Buying Your First Home 28

how do i fix my WOODEN FENCE 38

Energy-Efficient TVs Might Be Using More Energy Than You Think 66

What You Need To Know About ZeroPercent Car Loans 80


10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Tiny home 35

10 Outdoor Lighting Tips 52

Americans Got A Raise! 73

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


Mentoring Matters:

Volunteer Offers

Grief Support

Through Understanding By Rudabeh Shahbazi

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


osing a loved one can be overwhelming, but it can be even more so if you’re in high school dealing with imminent loss of your mother. “I don’t think I knew what the word hope meant until they told me there was no hope for my mom,” said Jackson Ribler. Ribler said at the time what he needed the most, to talk with someone about his mother who died last year of cancer, wasn’t easy to find. “I lost my mother in 2015. Me and my father, we had relatives, and we have great friends who support us through everything, but we were looking for perspective. For people to go to that understood grief and what it’s like to lose a family member, and it was nice to be around other people that understood what it was like,” said Ribler. When Ribler first lost his mother Rebecca, he wouldn’t talk to anyone about it. However, earlier this year he was able to get on stage and talk about it at a Relay for Life event. Ribler and his father credit his ability to talk about the fight against cancer to the mentoring and support he received at the Children’s Bereavement Center, where he goes once a week to find comfort in peers who know first hand the grief and loss he experiences every day. “The first thing we do is, we all sit down in a, it’s kind of like a circle setting, so our facilitators ask a question, open-ended to the group. Everyone goes around and introduces themselves,” said Ribler. “The question would be like, ‘If you had a five-minute phone call with the person you lost just now, what would you guys talk about.’ Or it might be something like, ‘Thanksgiving is coming up, tell us about the time you had with the person you lost during Thanksgiving’.” One of his biggest supporters lives with the same pain. Brett Dachs is a teen group mentor at the center. She lost her mother to cancer when she was 16-years-old. “It was a place for me to come where we all kind of knew how each other felt. You don’t necessarily get that with your friends, your everyday friends or even your extended family,” said Dachs. “I had lost my mom. So other people who had lost their mom, or their dad, or their close sibling,

so it was just a place where you could feel like you could relate to people without even really having to try or do anything, or even if you didn’t really talk about it that day, you knew you were all there for the same purpose, and it was just a comfort.” Dachs decided to give back and try to comfort others – like Ribler. “This is the most perfect thing for me to do and I love it. I come every other week as a facilitator and I get so much out of it, even 14 years after my mom’s death, I still get something out of it every time. Being on the other end and doing what I can to help others, is a newer experience,” said Dachs. “It really gives me a lot of hope, knowing that there is life after loss, that there is so much to look forward to, and I know that Brett has an amazing future ahead of her, and I know so do I, and it’s been very reassuring,” said Ribler. Dachs admits she doesn’t pretend to have all the answers but she does know how to listen and be there to offer support and let them know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. “You will be okay, you will come out the other side. You’re going to have bad days, but you’re going to have so many more good days than bad, and you’ve just got to keep going with it,” Dachs lets them know. “I’m sure whoever that person was that you lost, I’m sure they’re so proud of you and would just want you to do the best you can.” Ribler said over the last year, with Dachs help and hearing the stories of other who understand his heartache, he’s been able to get his life back on track, pull up his grades and make plans for college. “I know that I don’t have to be down right now, and I know that even if I am, it’s okay. I know that mom would want me to be happy, and I know that in the future I don’t have to be down,” he said. The Children’s Bereavement Center is a place where anyone, of any age, who has lost someone can go to find support or simply sit and listen. It’s free and facilitated by volunteers, like Dachs, who are always looking for more help.

“It was a place for me to come where we all kind of knew how each other felt. You don’t necessarily get that with your friends, your everyday friends or even your extended family.”

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



EasING Traffic Woes

Dade Center Makeover Meant To Ease Traffic Woes

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


Vanessa Borge •

he Miami-Dade County Traffic Center got a $1.3 million upgrade meant to help you drive around South Florida. Highways, roads, and streets are the arteries that pump Miami-Dade drivers where they need to go and the Department of Transportation keeps it all running smoothly from their center on NW 36th Street. After nearly 40 years, the county’s center got a makeover. “Some of that money went to this…a new LED video wall which helps engineers monitor and influence traffic flow,” said Director of Transportation Alice Bravo. They also built new workstations for the engineers. They can look up multiple locations on the cameras from their desktop. “Having all the signals connected here allows our traffic engineers to log in and make signal timing changes. Before having the center, a traffic engineer would have to go out to the field and make adjustments,” said Bravo. If you’re at a stoplight and there are backups because of rush hour, the engineers can extend the green light time so some of that congestion is instantly alleviated. “The cameras and the detectors give our engineers eyes and ears out in the field,” said Bravo. They are putting more eyes and ears out there. The department installed 84 cameras at the busiest intersections and they plan to install hundreds more. The Department of Transportation hopes to one day have a camera on every intersection in Miami-Dade County. They also installed the first automatic signal controller in Miami-Dade right in front of the traffic center. The smart signal can automatically change stop light times instead of always needing an engineer at the center to do it manually. “We’re doing everything possible to use technology to help maximize the efficiency of the road way system,” said Bravo. The best part about all the new technology is that it helps reduce congestion – meaning less time looking at break lights. It’s a welcomed change for south Florida drivers.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



Pioneering New Therapy Shows Promising Results Against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


By Lauren Pastrana•

British man with HIV could become the very first person to be cured by using a pioneering new therapy. The treatment of HIV has come a long way – but despite major medical advances, there is still no cure. That could be about to change very soon. For decades, the use of antiretroviral therapies has fallen short of ridding patients of HIV as the virus can hide out of the drug’s reach in immune system’s T-cells. Researchers in trials used a so-called “kick and kill technique,” using a vaccine to train the immune system to spot hidden HIV proteins. Then another drug is used to kick the

dormant T-cells awake, allowing the immune system to kill HIV-infected cells. The trial is only in its early stages, but already one man in his 40s has tested HIV-free. He’s just the first of 50 people to undergo the pioneering treatment. It is being led by universities in the United Kingdom, but could have a global impact. “Internationally, there are 37 million people with HIV – only around half of whom are on a treatment and really everybody should be on a treatment,” said Mark Samuels of the National Institute of Health Research. Scientists said it could be years until it is known for sure that the new treatment works. If the trial is successful, it could pave the way for effectively treating the 37 million people around the world living with the virus.

The trial is only in its early stages, but already one man in his 40s has tested HIV-free.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



Boat-Sharing Company Wants Locals To Avoid Bills, Headaches

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


outh Florida is the boating capital of the world. Yet ask anyone who has ever owned a boat and they’ll tell you it doesn’t come cheap and if you want to rent one, usually your options are extremely limited. A new solution is coming about – boat sharing. It’s all the benefits of renting or owning a boat without all the hassle. They say the happiest day of boat owners life is the day they buy a boat and the day they sell it. Boat owner Gary Jefferies may be the exception to the phrase. “I’m ecstatic. That’s a question for my wife. Is she happy? She loves it,” he said. A year ago, overwhelmed by storage fees, insurance cost, and maintenance, he was faced with selling his cabin cruiser. “It makes it really hard for a working guy to maintain a boat,” Jefferies admits. Then he found something called Boatsetter. “It’s paying for itself. I have a great boat. Don’t have to pay for anything,” said Jefferies. Who’s paying for it? Renters. People like you and me who want to go boating for a day but don’t want boat payments and boat headaches. Jaquelin Baumgarten is the CEO & Cofounder of Boatsetter. “You can think of Boatsetter as the Airbnb of the sea or Uber for boats,” Baumgarten said. She says she came up with the concept in 2012. The slick online site/app connects renters, boat owners, and captains. Boatsetter can be considered a place where you can find a nice boat and a qualified captain and book it at bargain prices. Baumgarten explains, “I think there is a natural desire to get out on of the water.


David Sutta •

And what we do is make boating more affordable and accessible.” The startup is not in Silicon Valley – rather it operates out of an Aventura marina. The walls are lined with projects and plans. Day and night web geeks, design gurus and dreamers pour over computers building what could be the future of boating. This May marks one year since they launched. A year in, CBS4’s David Sutta asked how it is going. Baumgarten smiled and said, “Phenomenal. We are seeing huge growth quarter over quarter and the demand is so high that we are in need of more boats, and we need more boat owners to list their boats on the site.” Online you can find everything from 20foot fishing boats to 100+ foot super yachts. They attribute much of their success to boats that are un-affordable to the average person. They point to a high-end boat docked in the marina. It would cost you $400,000 to buy it. They quickly point out you could rent it for an afternoon for $1200. “My math isn’t great but I think I’ll take the $1200,” Alex Warner joked. Warner, who operates two boat clubs including Gulfstream Boat Club, was one of the first to enroll his boats in the site. He said profits have increased 20% for him. “This is the next evolution of boating. I think it gives everybody the opportunity to get out on the water, regardless of your boating experience.” said Warner. When you rent on the site, owners have the choice of renting the boat or renting the boat with a U.S. Coast Guard licensed captain. It’s piece of mind for owners like Gary that his boat is in good hands. “It took all the worry away from me,” Jeffries said.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

But what happens should something go wrong on the water? “Is Boatsetter legal,” asked Sutta. “Absolutely. That’s one thing that we take a lot of pride in,” Baumgarten said. Boatsetter managed to create something called peer-to-peer insurance. According to them, should something go wrong, you are covered. Baumgarten explains, “Our insurance protects the boat, the boat owner, the captain and the renter during every Boatsetter excursion.” As the taxi industry took issue with ridesharing apps Uber and Lyft, the marine industry has been somewhat resistant to Boatsetter. Most of it has to do with money, such as marinas want a commission on rentals and boat clubs don’t like the competition. Still, as this startup navigates the waters, there appears to be a lot of promise. “We are gateway to the boating lifestyle and experience. You can take a beautiful boat like this – A 34-foot formula and split it with your friends. It’s $60 per day per person. Where can you have that kind of experience on a quality boat like this, other than Boatsetter,” Baumgarten said. This boat may just float. “Not often do you get to own a boat and have the expenses paid for. Boatsetter provided that for me,” Jeffries said. Legally, this is all new. Miami-Dade County is intrigued though. The county said they are considering allowing Boatsetter to use a county marina for a pilot program. Right now, it’s only in the discussion phase but could become a reality later this year. This summer Boatsetter launched in New England and Chicago. Next year, the plan is to hit the Mediterranean and Caribbean.


For the past 24 years, Neighbors 4 Neighbors has connected those in need with those who can help, and your support has been critical to our success. Because of you, last year’s Adopt a Family 4 the Holidays program helped 3,543 people. In 2015… The value of goods and services provided to our adopted families totaled: $400,000! 3,543 people including 1,800 kids were matched with caring adopters. With your support an additional 205 kids were served through gift cards, totaling $4,100. Neighbors 4 Neighbors along with Adopters like Baptist Health Primary Care and Publix, served 400 families through the Adopt a Family 4 the Holidays program. In addition to that, another 464 kids received toys through our Operation Elf Toy Drive. Join our partners Baptist Health Primary Care and Publix supermarkets and visit our site www. and see for yourself how rewarding our unique program is. You can Adopt A Family 4 The Holidays online, or make a donation and we’ll help a family for you. More families than ever are being submitted for help by our nonprofit partners, and their stories will touch your heart. As a registered adopter you can browse family profiles, and select based on location, nonprofit provider, or number of family members. Best

of all, you get to meet the family you are helping, and share the joy. Please check our Q & A section for more details. In a post survey, most adopters tell us it is the highlight of their holiday. Can’t do the “Adopt” thing? We need gift cards to serve large families, and those not able to have a one on one experience. Operation Elf provides a $25 Publix gift card for each family member, as well as a $25 gift card to a retailer for each child under 18. Although human kindness is our greatest asset, we depend on monetary donations to purchase gift cards and provide emergency assistance. Your financial contribution, in any amount, enable us to continue providing hope and a hand up to those in need this holiday season. Neighbors 4 Neighbors is a 501©3 nonprofit organization, and your contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. You may make a secure credit card donation by going to our website at www. You may also mail a check to: Neighbors 4 Neighbors, 8900 NW 18 Terrace, Doral, FL 33172.

Neighbors 4 Neighbors is generously supported by the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation and The Children’s Services Council of Broward County.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



h e a lt h

American Heart Association Urges Public To Take Stand Against


c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

he American Heart Association is urging the public to take a stand against sugar especially when it comes to kids in newly released guidelines. Navigating the aisles at the grocery store can be tricky, especially when looking for healthy options for children. “Even very health-conscious parents don’t realize how much added sugar is in children’s foods that seem to be very healthy based on their labeling,” said Pediatrician Dr. Stephen Sanches. Added sugars are added to processed and prepared foods to make them taste better. Studies show too much added sugar increases inflammation in the body’s arteries and other organs. It can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and eventually heart disease. That’s why the American Heart Association got involved. The organization released its first ever guidelines for how much added sugar children should consume. For kids ages two to eighteen, no more than six teaspoons per day should be consumed. That’s about 25 grams or 100 calories. Sugary beverages like sodas and

sports drinks should be limited to one per week. Kids younger than two should have no added sugar at all. “The beautiful thing about these guidelines is just how strict they are. It really re-emphasizes how easy it is to slip a few grams here and a few grams there of this added sugar,” said Sanches. Doctor Sanches at the Pediatric Clinic said too much sugar can hurt a child’s metabolism and change their palate. Sugar cravings are real, but they can be stopped. “If they can really start getting those kids onto a healthier diet, it starts snowballing in the right direction quickly, that they start craving more healthy foods as they eat more healthy foods,” said Sanches. By July 2018, nutrition labels will help you make better choices. Added sugar will have its own line so you can see exactly how much is in every product. Until then, Doctor Sanches said stick with natural sugars like those found in milk, and fruits and vegetables.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


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Lauren’s List:

The “Bad” Habits That May Be Good For You By Lauren Pastrana


his “Lauren’s List” proves sometimes it’s good to be bad. Scientists have long studied the pros and cons of human behavior, from hygiene habits to organizational styles. Well, it turns out they have found there are actually some bad habits that can have positive results, according to Business Insider.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


1. Biting your nails: Parents are constantly scolding their children to stop biting their nails, but some scientific research indicates it might actually be good for you. Researchers followed about a thousand kids into their teenage years and adulthood, and found that those who habitually bit their nails were less likely to have developed allergies. 2. Complaining: I’m not talking about endless whining, but experts say those who complain “mindfully”, meaning they have a specific result in mind, are happier than those who simply vent. And when you do complain, don’t be hostile, and be sure to tell whomever you’re complaining to that you appreciate anything they can do to remedy the situation. 3. Keeping a messy desk: Now, don’t start hoarding every Post-it and pen. This is not about having junk everywhere! However, some research suggests messiness encourages people to be more goal-oriented, thus inspiring them to seek order elsewhere. So if your desk is messy, chances are you’re too busy reaching other more important goals. Sounds good to me! 4. Running late: As a person who believes you’re only on time if you’re 5 minutes early, this one is tough for me. But a New York Times report says people who tend to be tardy are usually optimistic, if not a bit unrealistic, which affects their perception of time. In other words, they usually hope for and expect the best, so score one in the positivity column for all of those procrastinators out there!

I want to know what so-called “bad habits” you have that may actually be a blessing in disguise. Tell me on Facebook ( or Twitter (@LaurenPastrana). If you have an idea for my next “Lauren’s List”, send it to

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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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What is Hospice? HOSPICE IS A COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF MEDICAL CARE AND SUPPORT for people nearing the end of life. The Hospice philosophy is based on several ideas: • No one should die alone or in pain. • Life-limiting illnesses can cause emotional and spiritual distress as well as physical pain, all of which deserve quality professional attention and compassionate care. • A serious illness affects the entire family, not just the person who is ill. Those affected need and deserve ongoing support before and after a loved one’s death. Hospice provides pain management and appropriate palliative care, care that focuses on the patient’s comfort, when curative medical treatments no longer enhance quality of life. Hospice strives to meet the patient’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs and provides support for the entire family during the illness and for at least one year after a patient’s death. Most Hospice Care is provided at home, where people most want to be when they are ill. Hospice Care can also be provided in a nursing or residential facility and in certain circumstances, in a hospital or hospice management residence. Hospice also provides medications, medical equipment and supplies necessary to promote comfort at home or in other Hospice settings. Hospice does not mean giving up hope. The focus shifts toward helping the patient achieve the Dr. Ismael Roque-Velasco maximum quality of life by focusing on their President and Chief Executive Officer Hospice Care of South Florida physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Hospice Care vs. Standard Medical Care Some differences between Hospice Care and Medical Care are: • Hospice looks at all of the patient’s and their family’s needs. A coordinated team of hospice professionals, assisted by volunteers, work to meet the patient’s and family’s emotional and spiritual needs, as well as the patient’s physical needs. • An emphasis is put on controlling pain and symptoms through the most advanced techniques available as well as on emotional and spiritual support tailored to the needs of the patient and their family. • Hospice recognizes that a serious illness affects not only the person who is ill, but the entire family as well. The family and patient is the “unit of care” for hospice professionals. At times, other family members may actually need more attention than the patient.

“A Helping Hand When You Need It Most” Hospice Care allows end-of-life patients the opportunity to live pain-free with the following services:

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Who pays for Hospice Care? Hospice palliative care is covered 100% by most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, with no out-of-pocket costs to the patient or family. Costs covered related to the terminal illness, including the services of the Hospice team, medications, medical equipment and supplies. Contact Hospice Care of South Florida to learn more on how they can help you and your loved ones in your time of need. For more information on Hospice of South Florida, please call the 24-hour phone line at 305-591-1606 or visit

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

FDA Bans Chemicals Used in

Antibacterial Soaps


he U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is banning more than a dozen chemicals used in antibacterial soaps. The administration says manufacturers have failed to prove they’re safe for long-term daily use and that they are more effective than plain soap and water when it comes to preventing illness and the spread of infections. “Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water,” said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evalu-

ation and Research (CDER). “In fact, some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the longterm.” The ban primarily targets two once common ingredients – triclosan and triclocarban – which some research has found could cause bacterial resistance or hormonal effects. According to the FDA, some manufacturers have already taken out the ingredients from their products. The ban comes more than 40 years after Congress asked the agency to evaluate triclosan and other ingredients.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


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8300 SW 8 Street, Suite 105 , Miami, FL 33144 c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

PROTECTING KIDS’ TEETH CDC Asks States To Create Programs To Put Sealants On Kids’ Teeth


By Giovanna Maselli

he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) want states to create school programs that put sealants on children’s teeth saying it will prevent cavities and save money. Dental cavities are one of the most common chronic conditions among children and teens, according to the CDC report issued Wednesday. They can cause pain, infections, and problems with eating, speaking and learning. The report showed that while sealants are effective in preventing 80% of cavities in the back teeth – where 9 out of 10 cavities occur – the majority of children don’t have them. A group under the microscope are lowincome families, who the CDC says are at in-

creased risk of cavities. Low-income childrenmade up of 7 million kids – are 20 percent less likely to have sealants than those with families that have a higher income. Providing dental sealants through schoolbased programs to low-income children could save up to $300 million in dental treatment costs, the report states. The CDC says that’s where state officials play an important role – by increasing children’s access to school-based dental sealant programs. Some ideas they had were targeting schoolbased programs in areas of greatest need, implementing policies that deliver the schoolbased programs or connect schools with health departments and dental professionals.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


business spotlight


Fall allergies


all and spring are transitional seasons that can be romantic yet challenging for allergic patients. Although Florida is called the Sunshine State, people barely believe we assist to significant seasonal changes, but try and tell someone that suffers from rhinitis or sinus headaches and they’ll tell you otherwise. The top three allergies of fall season are ragweed, pollen and mold and they are all related to elevated values of humidity, change in temperature, weather conditions, flowering trees, grasses and weeds. These seasonal allergies cause symptoms such as watery and swollen eyes, runny nose, sneezing and itchy throat. In some cases of untreated allergies, they can lead to asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and trouble breathing. If you suspect or experience any of these symptoms, choose a board-certified allergist to get tested, diagnosed and treated. Ragweed Allergy Ragweed is common almost everywhere in the United States and its pollen can travel quite far, which means that whether you live, in the country or in the city, you

can still suffer from a ragweed allergy. The season starts at the end of the summer and lingers as late as November. Mold Allergy Mold grows in damp and humid environments, outdoor and indoor, its spores are airborne and move and spread easily. The weather plays major role in its development so it can be dormant and only appear when humidity and temperatures are high enough. Pollen Allergy Pollen is a natural male fertilizer and the by-product of flowering trees, weeds and grasses. It can be a major trigger of allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever. Pollen is easily dispersed by wind and becomes the culprit of allergies. SOME FURTHER TIPS • Weather: Pay attention to the weather. Warm, windy days tend to have more ragweed pollen in the air, so staying indoors can help you feel better. • Outdoor: Plan outside activities for afternoons, when the pollen and mold spore counts are often lower than

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

business spotlight

any other time of day. • Wash: After spending time outside; clean your hair and clothing to wash away any allergens. • Windows Keep your car and house windows closed to prevent allergens from coming in. • A/C Run your air conditioner to help clean the air. • Medications: Take allergy medicine preventively rather than waiting until symptoms start to kick in. • Yard work: Let someone else handle your yard work since mold can thrive in piles of leaves and can cause you to itch and sneeze. Stay indoors after your lawn is mowed, since this can stir up allergens in the air. If you must spend time in your yard, wear a mask when pollen and mold spores are out in full force. • Indoor plants: Remove indoor plants from your home (or at least keep them to a minimum), as the soil can be a breeding ground for mold. ALLERGY-FRIENDLY FALL ACTIVITIES With the arrival of a new season, we all look forward to family activities, hobbies and new alternatives to spend time outdoors. However, when living with allergies and asthma, some extra precautions, tricks and facts need to be taken into consideration for a healthy and happy living. COSTUMES & FACE PAINTING Trick or treat, costumes and face painting are exciting for children and adults, but a visit to the ER with a child who cannot breathe doesn’t have a price tag and needs to be avoided. It’s highly recommended to read fabric composition labels before buying new costumes. Direct contact with nickel, metals, synthetic fibers and latex may cause discomfort and reactions such as contact dermatitis. The simple act of coming in contact with any of these ‘offenders’ may provoke symptoms that range from itchy skin and culminate into difficulties breathing. Be aware of dust and dust mites if you keep costumes, masks and decorations stored from year to year: reverse them before putting them away and wash them thoroughly before use. Running from house to house trick-or-treating exposes children to sudden changes in temperature. Don’t forget to carry your inhaler, epinephrine injections and antihistamines at all times. When suffering from asthma avoid full masks. Although they can be scary and fun, they can also interfere with breathing and trigger asthma onsets. Face and body paints are a safer alternative to wearing a mask; however, some precautions must be taken. Read the directions thoroughly and never use body products on face, always check ingredients and make sure color

additives are FDA approved. When using a product never used before, prior to putting it on your face, apply a dab of it on your arm for a couple of days and make sure there is no allergic reaction. PUMPKINS Allergy to pumpkin is rare, but it exists and one can never be too cautious, especially when introducing it to young children. Before buying products or treats containing pumpkin, carefully read the labels. Choosing the perfect pumpkin in a pumpkin patch is a bonding and memorable activity, just remember that dust can be lurking. Jack’o lanterns can be carriers of mold if left decomposing for too long. HOME DECORATIONS Door wreaths and table arrangements create the perfect atmosphere. Take into consideration that if you keep them stored, they may have mold, insects or dust that can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Burning incenses and scented candles can complete the settings for a dinner or a family gathering, unless someone is allergic. In conclusion, being cautious and informed can create the ideal inclusive environment for a great celebration. If you suspect you have an allergy, don’t wait until severe symptoms arise and consult with a board-certified allergist who can test, diagnose and treat your condition. Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care has 17 convenient locations throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. To schedule an appointment call 1-877-4-ALLERGY or visit

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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Planning for the

Hidden Costs of Buying Your First Home

There’s only one way to be totally prepared for all the costs of buying a home. BY JONATHAN DEESING

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

C o n t e n t p r o v i d e d b y z i l l o w. c o m


ou’re excited because you just found the perfect home. The neighborhood is great, the house is charming, and the price is right. But if you’re a first-time home buyer, you might find out that the price is pretty far from perfect. If you’re shopping for your first home, additional — and often unexpected — home-buying costs should be top of mind. These costs catch many home buyers unaware, and can quickly leave you underwater on your new home. The best way to deal with this is by preparing yourself and making sure you have enough cash tucked away for a rainy day. Costs coming out of the woodwork For almost every person who buys a home, the spending doesn’t stop with the down payment. Homeowners insurance and closing costs, like appraisal and lender fees, are typically easy to plan for because they are lumped into the home-buying process, but most costs beyond those vary. The previous owners of your home are the biggest factor that goes into your move-in costs. If they take their refrigerator when they move out, you’ll have to buy one to replace it. The same goes for any large appliance. And while these may seem like a small purchase compared to buying a home, a few thousand-dollar appliances quickly add up — especially if you just spent most of your cash on a down payment. Similarly, unless you negotiate it as part of your home purchase agreement, you’ll also be on the hook for any immediate improvements the home needs. Unfortunately, these costs are the least hidden you may encounter. When purchasing a home, it’s strongly recommended that you hire a home inspector (this costs money, too!) to ensure the home isn’t going to collapse the next time it rains. Inspectors look for bad electrical wiring, weak foundations, wood rot, and countless other problems. Worse still, these problems are rarely covered by home insurance. If an inspector discovers a serious problem, you’ll then have to decide if you still want to purchase the home. Either way, you’ll be out the cost of hiring the inspector.

Creature comforts Another cost is your own comfort. It’s easy to not think fully about what you are expecting from your new home until after you move in. Are you used to having cable television? If so, is your new home wired for cable? It’s much harder to watch a technician crawling around punching holes in your walls when you own those walls. Because you’re likely moving from the world of renting to the world of homeownership, you’ll probably be faced with much higher utility bills. Further, you could find yourself paying for utilities once covered by a landlord, like water and garbage pickup. Plan ahead The only way to face the unexpected and unknowns of home buying is with research and planning. This starts with budgeting before house hunting, and should continue throughout your search. Look at homes in your budget that need improvements, then research how much those improvements could cost. Nothing is worse than buying a home thinking you can fix the yard for a few hundred dollars and then realizing it will cost thousands. There is really no upper limit to how prepared you can be. Say you find a nice home that’s priced lower than others in the area because of its age. You may save money on the list price, but with an older house you could be slapped with a much higher home insurance payment, effectively making the house more expensive in the long run. This is where preparation comes in. Research home insurance and property prices in the areas you’re house-hunting to make more educated decisions before you ever make that first offer. Clearly define how much you intend to put toward your down payment, then look at how much cash that leaves you with for improvements and even minor costs, like changing the locks. That way when you find a house at the high end of your range, you’ll know to walk away if it requires you to buy a new washer and dryer or upgrade the HVAC system. Establish a rough estimate for as many costs as you can think of, and be extremely critical of homes at the top of your budget, or you could easily end up being house poor. Know your budget and plan ahead. Buying a home is a lot less scary when you know what you’re getting into.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


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Recently Sold Miami-Dade County

14503 SW 77th St, Miami, FL 33183 SINGLE FAMILY | Built in: 1972 Sold: 9/20/2016 for



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he Kendall Lakes house you have been waiting for! Well-located family home on oversized corner lot with brand new roof (w/transferable warranty) and gorgeous private pool-patio & yard area which includes built-in grill, screen, bar, and brick trim around the pool. Excellent layout w/open living spaces, indoor laundry room, gas range, new washer & more!

1179 NE 98th St, Miami Shores, FL 33138 SINGLE FAMILY | Built in: 1948 Sold: 9/29/2016 for



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rice to sell!!! Motivated owner- a must see!! Exquisite remodeled 4 bed/3 bath pool home in excellent location in East Miami Shores. Great spaces w/lots of light. All hurricane impact windows & doors throughout. Bright & open. Recently updated kitchen w/skylight, stainless steal appliances & granite countertop. Marble upgraded bathrooms. Amazing private covered tropical garden overlooking the pool & jacuzzi. Great floor plan for families & entertainment.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

C o n t e n t p r o v i d e d b y z i l l o w. c o m


Recently Sold Miami-Dade County

16001 Collins Ave, #507, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 CONDO | Built in: 2008 Sold: 9/28/2016 for



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urn key, amazing SE views of the ocean and intercostal from this gorgeous 2,106 sf condo with 2 bedroom + closed den and 3 full baths. Private entrance, gorgeous white ceramic floors, custom window treatments, European style kitchen with luxurious stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and 11 foot ceilings. First class amenities and full service building including: fitness center, party room, business center, heated infinity edge pool, jacuzzi, spa, 24 hr valet and more.

350 Ocean Dr, #1002N, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 CONDO | Built in: 2014 Sold: 10/4/2016 for



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mpressive Residence in the most prestigious ocean front bldg in Key Biscayne. Breathtaking flowthru views of the Ocean, Bay & Miami skyline. Unit completely finished w/ the finest materials. Beautiful Italian doors, custom made closets & porcelain floors. Upgraded open kitchen. State of the art integrated sound system & lighting control automatized by Control4. Command your home; view property from any place in the world. Custom ceilings&lighting. Paneled&paper wall coverings. 3 parking+golf cart space.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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Are You Adequately Protected With Your Current Homeowners Policy? Are You Tired Of: • Costly Wind Coverage Deductibles? • Premium Increases? • Decreased Coverages? • Excluded Screen Enclosure Coverage? • Premium Assessment Surcharges? • Property Re-Inspections? • Additional Premium Charges? We May Be Able To Help You...

Call Us For A Complimentary Evaluation (305) 279-9002

S.G. & Associates Insurance Brokers 9999 Sunset Drive, Suite 102 • Miami, FL 33173

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C o n t e n t p r o v i d e d b y z i l l o w. c o m

estion u Q 0

s to Ask Befor e Choos ing a

y H o m n i e T


Check out these not-so-tiny considerations before taking the plunge. BY CATHERINE SHERMAN

Are you ready to go “small”? Tiny homes are popping up across the country as many look to save money, reduce their carbon footprint or see what it’s like to live with less. But buying or building a tiny home is easier said than done. There’s a lot to consider — from the actual construction to the lifestyle — and it’s not for everyone. See if you could live in less than 500 square feet by asking yourself these questions.

The Tiny Home Checklist 10 questions to ask before going small 1. $20,000 to spare? There is an upfront cost.

6. Where will you park it? A driveway might do the trick.

2. Can you build it? Smaller homes are challenging.

7. Do you like to share? It works best if you can split resources.

3. Can you wait? Construction often takes a year or two.

8. Number one or number two? Some have bathrooms. Some don’t.

4. Can you live in less space? Picture a 1-car garage. It’s smaller.

9. Do you love to entertain? Your home should suit your lifestyle.

5. Can you make do with less? Think: 1 pair of shoes.

10. What does home mean to you? Its not just 4 walls and a roof.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




how do i fix my

wooden fence?

Time, weather and general use may take a toll on your fence. Fences aren’t doing their job if they’re sagging, damaged, mildewed, dirty or broken. Here are some common fence problems and fixes.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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Is the Post Damaged? Reinforce posts bay adding braces to support the post base. Simply drive the brace into the ground and attach the brace to the undamaged section of the post. Buy fence braces. Is Your Fence Gate Sagging? Reinforce it with a no-sag kit to bring it back to square. Buy gate corner hardware.

Wood and Bamboo Fences Wood is especially prone to expanding and contracting over time. Weather (either dry or wet) can cause sagging, splitting or warping. It’s a good idea to apply stain or sealer soon after installation to protect your wood fence. Follow the specific instructions for your type of wood for how soon you can apply. If you have to replace boards or panels, remember that the new wood will be a different shade that the old. Painting or

Is Your Fence Dirty or Mildewed? Pressure wash to remove dirt and mildew. Let it dry and then apply stain. Shop pressure washers.

staining the entire fence is one remedy, or you could just let it

Are Animals Digging Underneath Your Fence? If your dog digs under your fence, you may need to address a behavioral issue at some time. In the meantime, you can create a physical barrier to prevent or discourage digging. • Lay a row of patio pavers or landscape timbers along the bottom inside of the fence perimeter.

Vinyl is a low-maintenance fence compared to other options,

• Bury chicken wire or hardware cloth in an L-shape at the base of the fence. This method can also keep unwanted animals out of your garden. Make sure the mesh size of the fence is large enough or small enough that your pet’s paws will not get caught in it.

Metal Fence

weather naturally. Vinyl Fence but any fence can get dirty. Regular cleaning will keep it attractive for years. Replace damaged or cracked components as you find them. Make sure the posts are still plumb and solidly in the ground.

Metal fences are durable and need little maintenance. Fix the occasional scratch by cleaning away rust and touching up the paint. Electric or Wire Fence

General Fence Maintenance To avoid having to fix your fence, do some regular maintenance. • Inspect your fence regularly. • Clean regularly with the recommended product and method.

Make sure your electric fence is grounded and that the insulators are not broken. Wire and woven wire fences need sufficient – but not excessive – tension to be effective. As with any fence, regular inspection is advised. Planning Your Fence

• Be careful with mowers and string trimmers around fences and posts.

To help ensure longer fence life, remember these pre-installa-

• Avoid letting mulch or soil pile up against the bottom of fence posts and panels.

1. Consider the amount of post-installation maintenance

• Keep hinges, latches and any moving parts well-lubricated with grease or oil.

2. Evaluate slopes on your property and choose the proper

Fence Posts Fence post issues (rotted, loose or leaning) all require the same basic fixes. Loose or leaning posts can be reinforced. A rotted post will most likely need to be dug out, replaced with a new post set in concrete. Here are some specific fence maintenance tips based on fence type. If your fence repairs are extensive, it may be time to replace it.

tion tips: required when you are choosing a fence. fence for your landscape. 3. Before digging, call 811 to be connected to local utility companies. They’ll mark any underground service lines. 4. Review and follow all local fencing laws and ordinances. 5. Measure correctly, dig the proper post hole and ensure posts are plumb and level.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




Local Fencing Company Serving South Florida for Over 45 Years Our company is a 3 generation family owned business. 45 years with pride of customer service and satisfaction guaranteed. We service all fence repairs and new fencing including: • Chain Link Fence • Wood Fence • Dura Fence • Aluminum Fence • Iron Fence • Concrete Fence • Customized Fence We do all residential and commercial as well as industrial areas. We also sell brick pavers and natural stone for driveways and pool and patio decks. Call today for a FREE Estimate (305) 592-4578. Lazaro Fence (DBA) Ultra Fence 7941 NW 64th Street, Miami, FL 33166

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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10 Tips to Follow Before

Leaving Home for the Holidays

Before traveling, safeguard your home and valuables. Take a few precautions before you leave town to ensure a happy return home.

Holiday Vacation Checklist 1. Create an up-to-date inventory of valuables, such as TVs, jewelry, computers and other large-ticket items. Include detailed descriptions, photographs, makes, models and serial numbers. Store valuables in a fireproof vault or safe. 2. Install automatic-light timers and set the timers to go on and off at logical times of the day. 3. Stop mail and newspaper deliveries or ask your neighbor to pick them up for you.

4. Turn down your thermostat to save on electricity or gas bills. 5. Arrange for a lawn or snow-removal service to tend to the yard or shovel snow. 6. Don’t leave holiday gifts out where they can be seen through windows. Break down large appliance boxes, and place them in dark trash bags or bins when you take them to the curb. Leaving them out in the open will advertise what’s inside your home. 7. Check your holiday lights for fraying or

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

damage. 8. Trim shrubbery and trees. Overgrown shrubs provide the perfect cover for would-be intruders. 9. As you leave, do a final walk-through of your home to ensure all windows and doors are locked, and unplug nonessential devices. 10. Activate motion detectors and alarm systems. Download your alarm company’s app onto your phone to monitor your home while you’re away.



c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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Paint is a cheap and easy way to dress up a room - fast. Use these 10 designer tips to help you make helpful and economical decisions about what color to use.


Before choosing a color, buy a tester of the color or colors. Paint a section of one wall and study it. Do you like it during the day? At night? With the lights on?


Buy a good brush. Skip the tape and frustration by using an angled brush with dense bristles to paint near the ceiling and floor.


If you are using multiple gallons, pour and mix them in a 5-gallon paint bucket to insure that they match exactly.


Many designers choose a color based on an object, such as the orange in a favorite bracelet, a favorite color in a plaid fabric or an object found in nature – such as the white in a seashell.


After you pick your ideal color, buy paint that’s one step lighter than your sample. Paint always looks darker once you get it on the wall. That lighter color will actually end up being the exact color you want.


In a small space, pick your paint color based on the primary furniture upholstery. It will make the space appear bigger.


Don’t forget the ceiling when picking your paint palette. You can paint the ceiling one shade lighter than the walls to get an interesting monochromatic feel. To make the room cozier, paint the ceiling a shade darker than the walls. Some designers choose a semi gloss paint for the ceiling to give it a glow.


Paint the inside of a bookshelf or display case an accent color to show off the objects within.


If you have several different surfaces in a room, such as molding, doors or windows, paint them the same color as the walls and they will blend in. If you want contrast, paint them white.


To see whether the paint you like has a particular color cast, look at similar color swatches against one another. It will show you which ones have gray, green, or pink casts.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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Remove and Prevent

Lawn Thatch Thatch can be an ongoing problem that keeps your lawn from living up to its potential. Thatch is an almost impenetrable mat of tangled, intertwined grass and other material on the ground surface. Removing thatch helps you get the best from your lawn. Prevent Lawn Thatch A layer of thatch on your lawn means that air, water and nutrients can’t break though. Fertilizer is wasted, since it only feeds the top layer and not the roots. Water runs off instead of getting to the root systems and weeds thrive. Warm-season grasses that spread by stolons are especially susceptible to thatch buildup. To prevent thatch, keep leaves raked and remove some of the grass clippings after mowing. Even though they don’t directly contribute to thatch, they eventually increase the layer of material on the lawn surface. If material accumulates faster than it decays, thatch builds up. Remove Lawn Thatch You can use hand- or machine-powered thatch removers to get rid of thatch. If you’ve never dethatched a lawn before, you can expect to rake up a lot of material. But it’s not something you’ll be doing every year. Dethatch cool-season grass in the fall and warm-season grass in the spring. Good to Know: If thatch is 1/2 - inch thick or more, you should dethatch the lawn. If thatch is less than 1/2 - inch thick, aerating is a good idea.

Step 1 Use a thatch rake for thick layers of thatch. Using this tool in a push-pull motion will rip out thatch and dig into the soil. Digging into the soil will prepare the lawn for reseeding or fertilizing. Good to Know: If the lawn is chemical-free, add this thatch to your composting. If chemicals have been used on the lawn, collect the thatch for disposal. Step 2 Use leaf rakes and a tarp to gather and remove the dead thatch and other material from your lawn. Now is the time to reseed or fertilize your lawn. Follow the product manufacturer’s instructions for use and safety. The lawn won’t look pretty at first. But removing the thatch will allow new seed to grow, and allow water and fertilizer to reach the existing root system to create a healthy lawn. Step 3 Water the lawn as needed to keep it moist and promote growth.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




The drip, drip, drip of a worn faucet can cost you money and try your patience. Fix it fast with the right replacement parts.

Tools Groove-joint Pliers Screwdrivers Needle-nose Pliers

Materials Replacement Parts for Your Faucet Nail or Scratch Awl

Know Before You Shop for Faucet Repair Materials • This is one of those projects where you need to stop halfway through to go to Lowe’s for the parts you’ll need. That’s because many parts look similar. The best way to avoid confusion is to compare actual parts from your disassembled faucet to what’s available. A Lowe’s assistant can help you pick out the correct replacements. • Water shutoff valves under your sink can feel like they’re locked in the open position after years of disuse. Use care (and not too much muscle) when closing them, especially if the job requires a pair of groove-joint pliers. • If your faucet has no manufacturer’s labeling on the outside, it may be an older off-brand model that can’t be repaired. Even

for older name-brand faucets, original manufacturers’ parts may not be available. Check the maker’s website for model number and part information. • The aerator is the piece that screws onto the end of the faucet spout. By mixing air with the water, the aerator reduces splashing and helps conserve water. But it also tends to corrode and get gunked up with minerals in hard water. If you can’t remove and clean it with a soak in white vinegar, toss an inexpensive replacement aerator into your shopping cart. • At a minimum, you’ll need new seats (cylinder-shaped washers) and springs to stop most leaks. If you notice worn spots, mineral build-up, or corrosion on the ball that rotates within the faucet, consider buying a replacement. Take the ball assembly with you to the store to compare the number and placement of holes to potential replacements. Remove the Old Ball and Washers Step 1: Shut off the water-supply valves beneath the sink. If your house doesn’t have individual shutoff valves, close the main water-supply valve for the whole house. Open the faucet

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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and turn it to both the hot and cold sides to relieve any water pressure. Step 2: If the handle isn’t held in place with a set screw, insert a nail or scratch awl in the notch along the round insert on top and pry the insert up until it’s free. Some common bath faucets used a lever in place of a faceted plastic ball. You can reach the set screw holding the lever on the faucet by prying out a small plastic insert in front beneath the lever. Then back out the set screw with a hex wrench to loosen the handle. Step 3: Loosen the screw holding the plastic handle in place and tug the handle free. Good to Know: As soon as you’ve loosened the handle screws, pull up on the rod that drops the drain stopper. This keeps screws, springs, washers and other small parts from disappearing down the drain. Step 4: Find the domelike collar around the handle. It may have flat edges on the outside along the top openings. This is a good place where an adjustable wrench or groove-joint pliers can get a grip and loosen it. By wrapping a thick cloth or rubber pad around the collar, you can gently grip the collar with your wrench without scratching the finish. Avoid squeezing too hard or you’ll bend the metal out of shape. Step 5: Removing the metal collar will reveal a plastic-andrubber insert (sometimes called a “cam”) and the ball assembly (a ball on a rod). Pull on the handle of the ball to pull both free of the faucet. Look carefully at the position of the holes on the ball as you pull it out of the faucet. This part (or a replacement) needs to go back in place in the same position. Step 6: Look where the ball rested. You’ll see three holes -- two for the incoming water and one leading to the faucet spout. Inside each water inlet, you’ll find the washers and springs that press against the ball. Use a small screwdriver to gently pry them free without scratching the inside of the faucet. Install the New Parts of Your Faucet Step 1: Start the reassembly by installing the replacement

seats and springs. To keep the seats and springs under control long enough to plant them inside the faucet, slide one of each onto the shaft of a small screwdriver and gently insert the screwdriver tip inside the water inlet hole. Then let the seat and spring slide into the hole and press it into place. Good to Know: Getting the seats to slip into the faucet holes can be tough. To help them slide in position, apply a tiny amount of petroleum jelly to the outside of the seat before inserting it into the faucet. Step 2: Insert the ball assembly so that the holes in the ball align with the three holes inside the faucet body. Check that it moves freely. Then place the plastic-and-rubber cam over the ball. You should see a tab on one side of the cam that fits a slot in the faucet body. Step 3: Reattach the metal cap and hand-tighten it. (Don’t worry if the plastic adjustment ring accidentally rotates in the process.) The ball should feel loose inside the faucet after you install the cap. If it doesn’t move, loosen the adjustment ring and check the tightness of the metal cap. Step 4: Gradually tighten the adjustment ring (if your faucet has one) until the ball feels snug in the faucet when you move the rod back and forth. You want the ball to press against the seats and springs without grinding against metal inside the faucet. Good to Know: If you didn’t buy a replacement part set with a wrench for turning the adjustment ring, make your own turning tool by spreading the tips of a needle-nose pliers and inserting them in the notches of the ring. Step 5: Attach the handle by reversing the method you used to remove it. Turn on the water supply under the sink and allow water to flow through the faucet. Check for leaks around the faucet and drips when you shut it off. If you notice any, remove the handle and tighten the adjustment ring a little more. Step 6: One more thing: While you were loosening up the shutoff valves, you may have knocked loose mineral deposits in the water line that are now clogging your aerator. Run both hot and cold water through the faucet. Then remove the aerator and rinse it free of debris before reinstalling it.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016





Account number:

For: Jun 02 2014 to Jul 01 2014 (29 days) Customer name: RAUL VERGARA Service address: 8301 SW 184TH LN

Statement date: Jul 02 2014 Next meter reading: Aug 01 2014

Amount of your last bill

Payments (-)

Additional activity (+ or -)

Balance before new charges (=)

New charges (+ )

Total amount you owe (=)

341.11 CR



341.11 CR


$332.44 CR

Meter reading - Meter ACD088N


Current reading Previous reading kWh used Energy usage kWh this month Service days kWh per day

12557 -11658 0 Last Year

This Year

2421 28 86

0 29 0

**The electric service amount includes the following charges: Customer charge $7.57 Fuel $4.18 (First 1000 kWh at $0.029470) (Over 1000 kWh at $0.039470)



(First 1000 kWh at $0.060770) (Over 1000 kWh at $0.071590)

New charges due by

Amount of your last bill Balance before new charges

341.11CR $341.11CR

New charges (Rate: RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE) Electric service amount Gross receipts tax Franchise charge Utility tax

7.57** 0.19 0.12 0.79

Total new charges


Total amount you owe


- Payments received after November 24, 2014 are considered late; a late payment charge, the greater of $5.00 or 1.5% of your past due balance will apply. Your account may also be billed a deposit adjustment. - 650 kWh were sent to the grid this period. 650 kWh were applied to reduce your bill. Your kWh reserve increased by 0. The kWh in your reserve is 0


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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



10 Outdoor Lighting Tips

Stretch your time outdoors on a deck or patio, or add after-dark drama to your home’s front entry with a mix of outdoor lights. Choose from garden lights and outdoor string lights in back or landscape lighting in front.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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Go with the Glow Place low-voltage or solar lights in a symmetrical pattern that guides visitors to a well-lit front porch. If you’re in doubt about the light spacing, test the light placement at night after your eyes have become accustomed to the dark—small lights can brighten a large area. Walkway lights also illuminate house numbers on the concrete made with a waterproof coating.

Help House Hunters Make your home easy for guests to find after dark by positioning house numbers where they are lit by porch lights.

Mini Mix You don’t need wide-open spaces to layer lighting. This compact front porch mixes string lights overhead, white Christmas lights on container trees and lanterns with candles—all made cozy by curtains wrapped around the porch perimeter.

Tree Lighting Uplighting for trees provides a colorful reflected light in the spring and summer with dramatic shapes of the bare branches in the late fall and winter.

Outdoor Chandeliers Outdoor string lights wrapped around a DIY metal globe—made from two hanging basket frames—become a pendant light above your patio set for outdoor dining as elegant as any dining room inside.

Old Flame Artificial lights are safe and practical, but the flicker of a torch adds a special glow to any outdoor setting. Scatter them as accents a safe distance from anything flammable.

Undercover Lighting Turn gazebos, canopies and awnings into shades for a single light source or string of lights.

String Lights on a Shoestring LED lights provide outdoor illumination for entertaining without overheating your electricity bill.

Light Lite Don’t have time or money for wired outdoor lights you’ll only use once in a while? Lanterns can be installed in minutes and fitted with battery-powered light sources when and where you need them.

Lights for a Deck Do-Over If an upcoming deck remodeling project will involve new stairs or railings, add lights to the posts and stairs for a warm glow and extra safety.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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Concrete Stain a Patio “Rug” This stained concrete patio elevates a ho-hum floor by making a “rug” with three different shades of Quikrete concrete stain. Learn how to stain a concrete patio to achieve this look or customize the design for your own concrete staining project.

Skill Level Beginner Estimated Time A few hours Estimated Cost $$$$$$ Materials • Quikrete 1-gallon semitransparent concrete stain tintable base • Stain colors: Gray Ash, Gunpowder, Graystone, Cheyenne Rock • Sea Sponge • 1 quart Mix N’ Measure Container • Painter’s tape, blue 2” • Sprayco, 32-oz. spray bottle

Instructions Step 1: Choose a pattern; scale it to fit your patio. Remove all loose particles, clean, and dry. Step 2: Draw your pattern using a carpenter’s pencil and ruler. It’s easiest to start in the middle and work out from there. Step 3: Tape each line with painter’s tape—be sure to keep the tape on the same side of the line across the patio. Step 4: Cut pieces of cardboard in the sizes determined from the pattern in Step 1. Trace each shape, referring to the pattern for guidance. Pour stain colors into small buckets or trays; tape off non-touching squares throughout the patio. Step 5: Mist the taped-off squares with water. Step 6: Dip a damp sponge into the stain and blot it against the concrete. Apply a second coat for deeper hues. Let dry, then apply sealant.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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This fun jar craft can be done in an afternoon and makes use of old toys. Let your kid create a snow or glitter storm around their favorite toys! Skill Level


Step 1: Collect some used plastic toys and materials to create your jar scenes. Try figurines from fast food meals, clipped sprigs of artificial plant material from wreaths or garland, or pieces of plastic jewelry or small toys. Decide which figures will go in each jar.


Estimated Time Few hours

Step 2: Spray-paint the jar lids and let dry.

Estimated Cost

Step 3: Glue the toys and other items inside the jar lids. Put the jars over the glued toys to make sure everything still fits.



Step 4: Fill jars with water. Add about 2 tablespoons of glycerin to the 16-ounce jars. Use less if you make your globe with a smaller jar. Then add paint crystals or glitter. If you want fake snow, shred some foam from leftover packaging or packing peanuts using a grater.

Epoxy glue Glycerin Small toys


• Wide mouth canning jars, or other jars with lids • Valspar gloss spray paint • Valspar 1-oz interior silver paint crystals, foam weather seal, or glitter

Step 5: Apply glue around the inside edge of the lids and carefully screw the lids with the figures to the jar filled with water. Let sit until glue is dry. Flip the jars over and watch the snow fall.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




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Prepare for a

Kitchen Remodel

Before starting your kitchen renovation, discuss your plans with a local building inspection department, obtain all the necessary permits, understand and follow relevant building codes and schedule the required inspections. Obviously, you should allow ample time for kitchen renovation. Otherwise, you’ll be tempted to move too fast, sacrificing safety and risking exhaustion. Before You Begin 1. Protect what you’re keeping, whether floors cabinets, appliances or fixtures. 2. Seal off the kitchen from the rest of the house to minimize dust and dirt in other areas. 3. Rent and schedule the delivery of a dumpster for non-salvageable items. 4. Make arrangements with Habitat for Humanity or another charity to haul off usable construction goods, cabinets, fixtures, hardware or appliances following the demolition. Your donation may qualify for a tax write off, so keep your documentation. 5. Pull a linoleum sample to test for asbestos. If it tests positive, make arrangements with an abatement team for floor removal. If it’s negative, you may safely remove the floor yourself. Good to Know: If you are working with the help of a family member or friend, you may want to trade demolition and clean up responsibilities to keep

your site clean and safe as you go. If you are working alone, clean up often to reduce hazards in the area. Prepare Your Kitchen in 10-Steps Work backwards from the way the kitchen was originally built to make removal easier. This is always the fastest way to strip out the kitchen while minimizing damage to fixtures, counters and cabinets intended for reuse or recycle. 1. Disconnect the gas, plumbing and electricity to your kitchen. 2. Disconnect the water and drain pipes from the dishwasher, sink and refrigerator. 3. Disconnect the gas from the oven and the electricity from any appliance that is hardwired directly into the wall. 4. Remove glass shades from light fixtures, outlet covers, heat registers and window coverings. 5. Pull out the appliances and remove faucets and sink attachments. Lift out the sink if it sits above

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

the countertop. 6. Pry trim from around cabinets, windows and floor, removing the sink’s backsplash, wall tile, countertop and particleboard. Remove the sink if it sits below the countertop. 7. Remove the upper and base kitchen cabinets using a pry bar or drill. 8. Pull the old drywall or lathe & plaster off the ceiling and walls using a crowbar or prybar. Exercise extreme caution around electrical wiring and ductwork. Remove nails and insulation. 9. If your floor tested negative for asbestos, remove the various layers of linoleum and glue or floor tile and grout using a pry bar and rubber mallet. 10. Clean up waste and clear as much dirt and dust as possible to prepare for your new kitchen installation. Good to Know: Be sure to keep your trash bucket, contractor trash bags, a shop vac, broom and dustpan handy to clean as you go.



If you change the settings...

Energy-Efficient TVs Might Be Using More Energy Than You Think

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


ook around any store trying to sell you the latest highdefinition TV and you’ll see an official-looking “Energy Guide” showing how little this model will cost you in electricity. That’s only if you keep your TV in its “Energy Saving” mode. “If the consumer chose to change the picture setting, for example to “calibrated,” now this energy-saving feature is off, and this TV maybe using 50-plus-percent more energy,” said Senior Scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council Noah Horowitz. The NRDC contends some manufacturers are not informing consumers that a simple setting change, like increasing the brightness level, can significantly increase the amount of energy their TVs are using. “What they did might not be illegal, but it’s clearly bad faith. We think what’s at play here, some manufacturers are trying to get a competitive advantage and have their TV’s look more efficient than their competitors,” said Horowitz. The NRDC says the department of energy’s “TV tests” are out of date because it uses a procedure that doesn’t reflect real-world, higher energy usage. While the extra energy costs per household might be small, the NRDC says they add up over time. “We all pay the price. Consumers are gonna pay an extra billion dollars in electricity costs over the life of their TVs. And the environment is suffering as well because we have five million more tons of global warming pollu-


“If the consumer chose to change the picture setting, for example to “calibrated,” now this energysaving feature is off, and this TV maybe using 50-plus-percent more energy” Noah Horowitz

tion,” said Horowitz. Industry advocates contend the study is misleading. “The fact is, that Americans don’t generally change the settings that the manufacturers put on TV sets. But some want to, and they should have that right….six cents a day, that’s what we’re talking about,” said Gary Shapiro, CEO of Consumer Technology Association Part of the study focused on three manufacturers in particular: LG Electronics, Samsung, and Vizio. LG Electronics told CBSNews it disputes the findings, saying it follows both the letter and the spirit of the Department of Energy’s testing procedures.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



Study: Teen Drivers Now Using Apps

Instead Of Texting Behind The Wheel

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


eens say they are texting less when they are behind the wheel, but that doesn’t mean young drivers have stopped using their phones. Their attention has now turned to apps.

Ask teens about texting behind the wheel and it’s clear, they are getting the message that’s it’s dangerous. But a new study conducted by Liberty Mutual Insurance and SADD found that teens don’t feel the same way about apps. The study found that nearly 70 percent of teens surveyed admitted to using apps while driving, and nearly 80 percent believe apps are not distracting. Dr. William Horrey is a researcher at Liberty Mutual and took 17-yearold Samantha Garcia for a spin on a test track to show her how distracting it can be. The most common app used by teens are music and navigation. The cameras clearly show how the navigation app repeatedly pulled her eyes away from the road. “Even a short glance away from the roadway can have a profound impact on your ability to respond,” Horrey said. “I feel like I shouldn’t be doing it because my eyes are off the road and I’m not really going straight,” Garcia said. And it’s not just inexperienced drivers. Adults are also easily distracted. Dr. Horrey took CBS News reporter Breana Pitts out on the test track and observed as she was programming a navigation app. “Often times you don’t look up long enough to really get an idea of what you’re doing,” Horrey said. Experts say parents should encourage teens to program their navigation apps before they start driving, and to pull over if they feel they need to use other apps.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




Virtual Shopping

Miami Company To Take Shopping To “Virtual” New Level

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


By Vanessa Borge •


incoln Road on South Beach. It’s considered by many to be one of the premiere shopping avenues in the world with dozens of stores to satisfy any shopaholic. But imagine if you could shop on Lincoln Road without physically being here. It’s possible. Miami-based Avenue Planet has developed a fully immersive 3-D world on an app and Lincoln Road is just one of 12 famous shopping plazas you can visit from the comfort of your home. Kabir Frutos spent four years developing the free app that lets you shop around the world. “You can buy Japanese things. You can buy European things. Clothes in Paris. You can buy these things here in Miami,” Frutos said. You’d have to hop on a plane to get your fashion fix in other cities. With Avenue Planet you can peruse stores on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, check out 5th Avenue in New York City, walk around London’s Oxford Street or Tokyo’s Ginza. Users simply plug their smartphones into a pair of virtual reality goggles you can buy at any electronics store and you are instantly transported. But it’s more than just shopping. Concerts, sports game, and experiences you otherwise wouldn’t be able to do, like floating in space. “We don’t have limits. We can create a thousand stores in one avenue,” Frutos said. Avenue Planet now gives any store an international audience. Frutos added that retailers don’t don’t actually have to have a storefront on these streets to be a part of the app, even stores with no brick and mortar shop can now have shoppers from anywhere in the world. The real world and the virtual world meld in this app. Just be careful, the bill is real in either world. You’ll be able to virtually shop on Lincoln Road and around the world by the end of the year. Avenue Planet launches the app in December.




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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

Americans Got A Raise! Americans finally got a raise! The Census Bureau said the average Americans’ income rose by 5.2 percent last year – the first major increase since 2007. Unfortunately, the data also shows there is still a major gender wage gap. Women still remain typically paid 80 cents for every dollar compared to men.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

Taste of the Town:

Wynwood Hotspot Serves Up ‘Food, Glorious Food


By Lisa Petrillo •

t’s “food glorious food” coming out of the kitchen at KYU- a Wynwood hotspot offering a creative and diverse menu designed by Chef Michael Lewis. “To keep it simple, we describe it as wood fire Asian cuisine. There’s a lot of love in this kitchen. I love Asian ingredients and there’s a barbecue element to it,” Chef Michael said. The space itself, with cement floors and a cool exposed warehouse design, including an open kitchen, it feels like a funky eatery you might encounter in Brooklyn or SoHo. “To me, Wynwood is kind of Williamsburg Brooklyn maybe 10 years ago. I’ve always been drawn to Wynwood for many years because I grew up in New York. That’s what we were going for,” said the chef. Chef Michael has traveled the world, fine-tuning his Japanese barbecue grilling practice. He wants his guests to savor every moment and flavor. “From the chef side of things, I want them to be thinking about flavor. It’s simple food. We are a neighborhood restaurant in Wynwood. We’re not fancy but there are some really cool flavor elements going on,” he said.

So let’s get to it! The hottest appetizer on the menu is the roasted cauliflower with goat cheese, shishito in an herb vinaigrette. “Wow, packed full of flavor,” said CBS4’s Lisa Petrillo, after tasting the dish. “There’s a kick and wow do I taste it , but it’s not overwhelming. There’s a crunch and the sauce is just smooth.” Next up was a roasted grouper with sake braised white beans. “The fish is so light and fresh and has a seer on the top and the sake beans bring it all together and makes you feel as though you’re in another country,” Petrillo said. The final dish was a KYU specialty – Mom’s Coconut Cake. “This is my mom’s recipe. I grew up with this cake. My stepfather loves coconut but doesn’t love super sweet, so she spent many years ‘Frankensteining’ this recipe together to get this really great coconut cake,” Chef Michael said. “Your mom is a genius,” Petrillo said after tasting the cake. “This cake is not too sweet. It’s layered perfectly with the right amount of cream with the batter, and then the crunch with coconut ice-cream on the side. It could be the best coconut cake I’ve ever had.” KYU is open seven days a week for lunch and dinner and brunch on Sundays.

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016


c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




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2017 Fiat 500X Fact Sheet


he 2017 Fiat 500X delivers the Italian design and engaging driving dynamics that are synonymous with the FIAT brand. The 500X offers an advanced all-wheel-drive system, functionality, and a full array of safety, comfort and convenience features. The small crossover features two engine options, an available nine-speed transmission, and an all-wheel drive system with a disconnecting rear axle for improved fuel efficiency. Loaded with up to 70 advanced safety and security features, the Fiat 500X is available in three trim models and 11 exterior colors to offer the personalization options that FIAT vehicles are known for.

Highlights • 2017 Fiat 500X combines together the authentic Italian design and engaging driving dynamics synonymous with the FIAT brand with an available advanced all-wheel-drive system, unmatched functionality, and a full array of safety, comfort and convenience features • 2017 Fiat 500X leverages the iconic Cinquecento’s DNA to deliver classic Italian style with additional space and utility, featuring comfortable seating for five, clever storage, and additional ground clearance with 16-, 17- or 18-inch wheels. The 500X’s dual-pane sunroof (now available on all trim levels) offers a power sliding panoramic roof, with side glass panels that match with the bodyside sheet metal for a wide, spacious effect • Fiat 500X Trekking features rugged styling, with Satin Silver accents and unique front and rear fascia designs for a more distinct, adventurous look • As the first FIAT vehicle available with all-wheel drive, the Fiat 500X delivers performance, fuel economy and capability through thoughtfully engineered systems and components • Standard on the 500X Pop, the 1.4-liter MultiAir Turbo fourcylinder engine is paired with a six-speed manual transmission and generates 160 horsepower and 184 lb.-ft. of torque for a spirited driving experience • The 2.4-liter Tigershark I-4 engine with MultiAir2 (standard on the Trekking and Lounge models; available on the Pop) is paired with the segment’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, producing 180 horsepower and 175 lb.-ft. of torque. The nine-speed transmission enables the vehicle to optimize engine output and enable aggressive

launches and smooth, efficient power delivery at highway speeds •The all-wheel-drive system utilizes a disconnecting rear axle to improve efficiency by reducing parasitic loss when all-wheel drive is not needed • Dynamic Selector system allows drivers to select the most suitable vehicle configuration for different driving conditions • Loaded with up to 70 advanced safety and security features, including Forward Collision Warning-Plus, LaneSense Lane Departure Warning-Plus, rain-sensitive windshield wipers, Blind-spot Monitoring and Rear Cross Path detection • The 2017 Fiat 500X offers advanced technology, including the available Uconnect 6.5 system, with a 6.5-inch touchscreen; navigation; HD Radio; Bluetooth handsfree calling, voice command and streaming audio; and SiriusXM Radio. The available BeatsAudio premium sound system includes eight speakers and a subwoofer for studio-quality sound. About FIAT Brand The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine. In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics. The all-new Fiat 124 Spider is available at FIAT studios now. For more information about the 2017 Fiat 500X contact South Miami Fiat, located at 17220 South Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33157 or call (305) 305-3428, or visit them at

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016




What You Need To Know About

Zero-Percent Car Loans

“No Interest” Sounds Great, but Bonus Cash Could Be Better


By Ronald Montoya

ero-percent loans are often advertised as one of the best deals you can get when you’re buying a new car. You’ll sometimes hear people call such financing “free money.” It’s not that exactly, but it’s as close as you’re likely to get. Zeropercent loans tend to grab attention, but they make up only about 9 percent of the dealer-financed car loans in 2015 to date, according to Edmunds data. for comparison sake. Provided you can qualify for a zero-percent car loan, it sounds like a no-brainer. But is it really a good deal? Are there any catches? And if you were planning on paying cash, is it even worth considering? How Can It Be Zero Percent? Zero-percent loans are typically offered by automakers’ financing companies. They forgo the money they would have made on loans with interest in favor of selling more of a particular vehicle. This financing incentive can spark sales of a slow-selling vehicle or help clear out inventory to make room for cars from the new model year. “The availability of zero-percent deals follow a pretty rigid pattern,” says Jeremy Acevedo, senior analyst for Zero-percent offers peak in the summer months to stimulate sales for the outgoing

model year and stay “relatively subdued” in the other months, he says. Carmakers advertise the no-interest loans in commercials, at dealerships or on their websites. We suggest taking a look at Edmunds’ Incentives and Rebates page. It highlights zero-percent financing offers and other promotions for the month. Sometimes a dealership will offer its own version of zero-percent financing. In this case, the dealership opts to pay the interest on your loan, either to sweeten a deal or as an incentive for you to make a large down payment. It typically occurs when a buyer already qualifies for a loan with a low annual percentage rate (APR) and the amount being financed is a figure the dealer deems reasonable. How To Qualify Zero-percent loans are typically reserved for buyers with excellent credit. The fine print on automaker websites often says things like “for qualified buyers” or “based on Tier One credit.” The language doesn’t really spell out what that means in terms of FICO scores. And the range itself can vary from one automaker to another, so we suggest calling the dealership to see what the requirements are. Just what is “Tier One” credit, for example? It’s a FICO of 690-719, ac-

c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016

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cording to one Washington state Toyota dealership that posted its credit tiers online. But that’s just one brand and one dealership’s numbers. According to credit services company Experian, 752 is the average credit score associated with loans that have an APR of less than 1 percent. As a general rule however, if your FICO score is above 700, you should be able to get a zero-percent loan. If your score is slightly lower, zero-percent offers are still worth looking into. There have been cases of people getting approved because of a solid history of making payments on time and loyalty to a car brand — despite having a lower credit score. Bonus Cash or Zero-Percent Loan? There are times when the automaker gives consumers a choice between bonus cash or a loan with a very low interest rate. The bonus cash would usually be the way to go, but when it comes to zero-percent loans, the cash would have to be sufficient to offset the finance charges the buyer is saving. For example, let’s say you were buying a $25,000 car with a $1,000 down payment and you’ve qualified for a loan with an interest rate of 3.5 percent. You then have a choice: a bonus cash incentive or a zeropercent loan with no additional discount. It would take an incentive of about $2,500 to beat the zero-percent loan offer. Any amount of bonus cash less than $2,500 makes the zero-percent loan the better option. Use this calculator to input your own scenarios and see what option works best for you. There’s also a third option to consider. Increasingly, consumers are taking the bonus cash and then refinancing the interest-bearing loan at a lower rate later, says Melinda Zabritski, senior director of automotive finance for Experian. What’s in It for a Cash Buyer? If you planned on buying a car for cash, there might still be some value in taking out a zero-percent loan. The biggest benefit is that it allows you to keep your money free for other purposes, such as an emergency fund or for investment. There is no penalty for paying off the loan early. Having financed a car appears as a positive mark on your credit report. Buying for cash doesn’t show up at all. In some cases, the dealerships may be getting an incentive from the automaker to promote a zero-percent loan, so taking the dealer’s financing may help you obtain a better price on the vehicle. The automaker typically pays the dealership a bonus on the back end of the deal, which in turn would allow it to be more flexible with the price. It isn’t a common occurrence, but something you should be aware of in case it comes up. Zero Percent Do’s Do make sure you really want the car. Just because a car has a zero-


percent loan offer doesn’t mean it is the right car for you. Make sure you test-drive it to be sure it fits your needs. Do get pre-approved for a car loan. It is still a good idea to secure financing with your bank or credit union before you go car shopping. This pre-approval can serve as a backup loan in case you don’t qualify for a zero-percent offer. It’s also useful to have a loan in hand so you can compare its interest rate to the dealership’s financing. You might decide your bank loan, and the dealership’s bonus cash offer makes the most sense for you. Zero Percent Don’ts Don’t skimp on the down payment. Some dealers may give you the option to put nothing down at signing. We recommend you put down as close as you can get to 20 percent. If you can’t manage that, consider getting GAP insurance to offset depreciation. Don’t take out a loan for more than 60 months. Some automakers offer a 72-month loan to help make the payments lower, but there are many drawbacks to taking out a longer loan. The car’s value will have greatly diminished by the time you finish paying for it. And there’s a good chance you’ll be tired of your 6-year-old car just about the time you make your last payment. A long loan may keep you from owning, free and clear, a car you still love to drive.

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c b s 4 n e w s pa p e r | Nov-Dec 2016



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2017 Dodge Charger Earns “Five-Star” Overall Safety Rating


he 2017 Dodge Charger has earned a five-star overall safety rating from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Both versions of the Charger, rear-wheel and allwheel drive, were evaluated for frontal and side impacts, and rollover resistance. The overall result was the same for each: five stars – the highest single rating in NHTSA’s vehicle-evaluation program. “This further validates the robustness of our safety engineering,” says Mike Dahl, Head of Vehicle Safety and Regulatory Compliance, FCA – North America. “But crashworthiness is only half the story. We are immensely proud of the investment we’ve made in the driver-assist technologies that help enable crash mitigation.” In its assessment of the 2017 Dodge Charger, which recorded a year-over-year sales increase of 35 percent in September, NHTSA notes the availability of Full-Speed Forward Collision Warning-Plus. The Charger’s crash-mitigation system benefits from advanced sensor-fusion technology. Sensor-fusion leverages the combined attributes of radar and cameras to help deliver greater precision when determining if a frontal impact may be imminent. If camera and radar agree that a frontal impact with another vehicle appears imminent, the system pre-fills the Charger’s brakes and transmits audible and visual warnings for the driver to react. If there is no driver response, the system triggers a brief brake application as a tactile alert. If the driver remains unresponsive and frontal collision risk remains, the Charger’s brakes are applied to slow the vehicle before impact. The system may bring the vehicle to full stop if an imminent frontal collision is detected at speeds below 25 mph. Sensor-fusion technology was once reserved for luxury-segment vehicles. Today, FCA US makes it available across six vehicle segments – from small SUV to minivan. Sensor-fusion is the Company’s technology of choice for crash

mitigation. “Our commitment to such advancements was made clear when we signed an industry-wide agreement to proliferate this capability across our lineup,” Dahl says. “It is part of our ongoing contribution to the democratization of driver-assist features.” The 2017 Dodge Charger offers more than 80 available safety and security features, including Lane Departure Warning with Lane Keep Assist, which uses camera technology to help keep the driver aware of her/his vehicle position on the road. If the Charger veers toward a lane marker in a manner consistent with driver inattention, the system provides alerts and delivers automated steering inputs that help accommodate course correction. A distinguishing element of Lane Departure Warning with Lane Keep Assist is that the level of steering input may be adjusted to suit an individual driver. The menu of choices is accessible through the Charger’s available 8.4-inch Uconnect center-stack touchscreen. The fourth generation of Uconnect’s celebrated touchscreen makes its debut on the 2017 Dodge Charger, Challenger and Chrysler 300. “The ability to fine tune such a feature helps improve driver comfort and confidence, both of which contribute to safe vehicle operation,” says Adam Chiappetta, Senior Manager – Active Safety and Driver-Assist Technologies at FCA US. Since its launch in 2005, the Charger has been included in NHTSA’s annual ratings list on 10 occasions. Each time, it earned five-star scores. For more information about the 2017 Dodge Charger contact Dadeland Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram, located at 16501 South Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33157 or call (305) 278-9994, or visit them at www.

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