8 minute read
Dear Students,
Welcome to the 2021 academic year.
To our returning students, we welcome you back and hope that you had a good break after a unique and challenging 2020. To the students who are joining The IIE’s Varsity College for the first time, on behalf of all of our teams, I hope that your experience with us will be both exciting and rewarding as you step into your tertiary journey.
We understand that with our policies and processes the first semester for new students can become rather daunting at times. In order to facilitate the smoothest transition, I recommend that, in addition to working through this Student Handbook, you assume little and ask as many questions as possible. Always ensure that you are in the best position to maximise your success both in the classroom and outside by involving yourself in various sport, social, career and community activities on your campus.
We appreciate that the working world is evolving at a rapid pace and we are committed to enabling you to attain a relevant qualification while engaging with our lecturing teams and fellow students. In order to best facilitate this, we continue to review our curriculum, teaching and learning strategy and assessment activities. Our teaching and learning methodology aims to maximise your critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills which are the top identified employability skills. The IIE’s Varsity College has 8 campuses nationally and also has an Online Centre for our IIE Distance qualifications. In order to enable our staffing teams to be accessible, we utilise our customer service platform, VC Assist, which can be found on the Student Hub. VC Assist will give you direct access to a dedicated customer relations team on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have regarding your journey with us.
As always, the support that we put in place requires respectful and timeous communication by our teams and our students. Starting with this Student Handbook, you will be easily connected into our academic, student support and administration support features.
Please ensure that you utilise the online support platforms, staff engagement opportunities and actively embrace being a student with us.
Wishing you a happy and successful year with The IIE’s Varsity College.
Louise Wiseman Managing Director
Important Dates and Deadlines
7 Registration for the 2020 academic year – new and returning students 18 Release of 2020 Semester 2 results 18 The IIE’s Varsity College closes for December break
4 The IIE’s Varsity College opens for the 2021 academic year 4 – 15 Safety Net Exam Semester 1 modules only 4 – 22 2020 Semester 2 Exam Sitting 2
1 – 12 Discontinuation exam cycle (Semester 2 modules only) 1 – 22 2020 Exam Sitting 3 5 Final Payment date for Early Settlement terms 6 Deposit due for 3,6,9 month options earlier of 6 February or registration 6 First instalment due for 10 month option earlier of 6 February or registration 8 Late Registration Fee applicable for Returning Students
MARCH 2021
1 – 3 Academic programmes commence (All 2nd and 3rd year IIE degrees and diplomas) 6 Final Payment date for outstanding Full Settlement terms 15 – 17 Academic programmes commence (All 1st year IIE degrees, diplomas and higher certificates) 19 Registration closes 31 First instalment for 3,6 & 9 months options due by 31 March 31 Last day for submission of outstanding registration documentation 31 Last day for submission of Universities South Africa documentation by international students
APRIL 2021
1 Bursary applications closing date 2 Academic Credit Application closing date Semester 1
JUNE 2021
28 Semester 1 Exam Sitting 1*
JULY 2021
19 Mid-year break begins
2 All Academic programmes commence Semester 2 13 Semester 1 Moderation complete and all Semester 1 results released 23 Academic Credit Application closing date Semester 2
22 Semester 2 Exam Sitting 1*
20 Semester 2 Moderation complete and all 2021 results release
*All asterisks – please check your Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) for your specific dates. The PAS will always override the dates presented above.
Monday 8 February 2021
IIE Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting
Monday 1 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Communication IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology IIE Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management IIE Bachelor of Arts (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Commerce (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Laws (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Economics (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Accounting (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Application Development (Year 3) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Network Engineering (Year 3) IIE Dip in Sport Development & Management (Year 3) IIE Dip in IT Software Development (Year 3)
Tuesday 2 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Accounting (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Arts (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Arts Law (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Commerce (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Application Development (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Network Engineering (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Laws (Year 2) IIE Dip in IT Software Development (Year 2) IIE Dip in Commerce in Business Management (Year 2-3) IIE Dip in Sport Development & Management (Year 2)
Wednesday 3 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Education (Year 2-4) IIE Bachelor of Law (Year 4)
Monday 15 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Laws (Year 1) IIE Dip in IT Software Development (Year 1) IIE Dip in Sport Development & Management (Year 1) IIE Dip in Commerce in Business Management (Year 1) IIE Higher Cert in Event Management IIE Higher Cert in Early Childhood Care and Education IIE Higher Cert in IT Support Services
Tuesday 16 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Accounting (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Commerce (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Application Development (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Science in Network Engineering (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Education (Year 1)
Wednesday 17 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Arts (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Arts Law (Year 1) IIE Higher Cert in Business Principles & Practice IIE Higher Cert in Legal Studies IIE Higher Certificate in Communication Practices
Orientation 8-12 March 2021
Saturday 28 February 2021
IIE Higher Certificate in Office Administration Part-time (Year 2 PO Offer 1a) IIE Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping Part-time (Year 2 Offer 1a) IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies Year 2 (Phase-out)
Monday 1 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Commerce Distance (Year 3) (PO) IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Communication Part-time (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management Part-time (Year 1) IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Part-time (Year 1)
Tuesday 2 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Commerce Distance (Year 2) (PO & PI)
Wednesday 3 March 2021
IIE PGCE Part-time (Year 1) IIE PGCE Part-time (Year 2) IIE Postgraduate Diploma In Management Part-time (Year 1) IIE Postgraduate Diploma In Management Part-time (Year 2) IIE Higher Cert in Business Principles & Practice Distance (Year 2) (Phase out) IIE Higher Cert in Business Principles & Practice Distance 2nd Intake (Year 2) IIE Higher Certificate in Office Administration Part-time (Year 2 PO Offer 1b) IIE Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping Part-time (Year 2 Offer 1b) IIE Human Resource Practices Distance (Year 2) IIE Higher Certificate in Logistic and Supply Chain Management Distance (Year 2) IIE Higher Cert in Legal Studies Part-time (Year 2 (Phase out)
Saturday 13 March 2021
IIE Higher Certificate in IT Support Services Part-time (Year 1) IIE Higher Certificate in Office Administration New Part-time (Year 1 Offer 1a) IIE Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping New Part-time (Year 1 Offer 1a) IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies Year 1(New) IIE Fundamentals of the South African Legal Systems (SLP) Offer 1a IIE Bookkeeping SLP Offer 1a
Monday 15 March 2021
IIE Higher Certificate in IT Support Services Part-time (Year 1)
Tuesday 16 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management Part-time (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Communication Part-time (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Part-time (Year 2) IIE Bachelor of Commerce Distance (Year 1) (PI) IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship Distance (Year 1) IIE Marketing 1A SLP IIE Business Management 1A SLP
Wednesday 17 March 2021
IIE Bachelor of Arts Distance (Year 1) IIE Higher Certificate in Business Principles & Practice Distance (Year 1) (Phase-out) IIE Higher Certificate in Business Principles & Practice Distance (Year 1) (New) IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies New Part-time (Year 1) (New) Fundamentals of the South African Legal Systems (SLP) Offer 1b IIE Higher Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Distance (Year 1) IIE Logistics and Supply Chain Management SLP Offer 1 IIE Human Resource Practices New Distance (Year 1) IIE Human Resource Management SLP Offer 1 IIE Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping New Part-time (Year 1 Offer 1b) IIE Bookkeeping SLP Offer 1b IIE Higher Certificate in Office Administration New Part-time (Year 1 Offer 1b) IIE Business Communication SLP (Phase-out)
Monday 2 August 2021
IIE Human Resource Practices Second Intake Distance
IIE Higher Cert in Business Principles & Practice Second Intake Distance IIE Bachelor of Arts Second Intake Distance
IIE Human Resource Management SLP Offer 2 IIE Higher Certificate in Logistics ad Supply Chain Management Distance Second Intake IIE Introduction to Research SLP
IIE Marketing 1A SLP IIE Business Management 1A SLP IIE Marketing 1B SLP IIE Business Management 1B SLP IIE Principles of Employment Law 1b (SLP) IIE Legal Office Support 1b (SLP) IIE Project Management and Administration SLP) IIE Bachelor of Commerce Distance Second Intake (Year 1) (PI) IIE Bachelor of Commerce Entrepreneurship Second Intake Distance (Year 1) IIE Bookkeeping and Fundamentals of Accounting Offer 1b
Orientation 8-12 March 2021