4 minute read
Online Centre
Studying in the Distance mode requires careful planning, focus and the need to take responsibility for your own studies. Although every module you register for will have a dedicated Online Tutor (OT), there is a clear expectation for distance students to manage their own learning – relying on your OT to guide you through the content rather than providing you with lectures in the traditional sense. Time management is also really important because, although distance studies do afford you a measure of flexibility, there are still assignment deadlines and exam dates in place that must be adhered to. Please read through the information on the following pages and, should you have any questions, please contact the VC Online Centre for assistance.
If you are a student studying in the Distance mode, the VCLearn platform becomes your “online classroom” – it is here that you will find:
• Access to your Online Tutor. • All your module content. • Your ICE activities. • Any additional Resources shared by your Online Tutor. • Announcements that will update you on important information pertaining to your module. • Access to your live Collab sessions and recordings. • A range of tools that your OT will use for engaging and facilitating the content of your module. • Your Grade Centre. • Feedback on the work you complete and submit.
If you are a student studying in the Distance mode you will need to participate in both an on-boarding process (On-boarding will take place online. The dates and times of these sessions will be communicated to students via the Online Centre) and an online orientation, using the live Collab platform and the content of the short learning programme entitled, ‘How to Become a Successful Online Student’ (OLLO020).
• Test your login credentials and access to VCLearn. • Check that your modules display as they should. • Undergo a ‘device-wellness’ check to ensure that your device meets the specifications required for the level of online engagement required for distance studies. • Develop your (VCLearn) platform navigation skills.
• Work through the course content of the online SLP. • Log in to a live Collab session to go through the most critical aspects of becoming a successful online student. If you are a student studying in the Distance mode, the Programme Success Tutor (PST) becomes key to your learning experience. The PST is there to support you across modules, and for the full duration of your distance studies. The PST is not a subject matter expert but is instead tasked with ‘student wellness’; this means that he/she will monitor your online engagement habits, follow up on your progress and support you in your online journey. The PST may post announcements or send you information via email – please check both regularly.
If you are a student studying in the Distance mode, you have access to the services of 2 dedicated online Information Specialists who will be able to assist you with your assignments, database training, research and academic writing. Contact details will be shared with you during orientation.
Please note that if you are not able to attend one of the IIE examination centres, an assessment venue fee per module, will be applicable. Please contact the VC Online Centre for more information.
Additional Information for Students Studying in a Distance Mode: Online Tutors and Programme Success Tutors
All modules are supported (mediated) by subject matter experts with additional support provided across each programme of study by a Programme Success Tutor (PST).
It is essential that students have a device for personal use that meets the below minimum requirements: • Operating System – Windows 8.1 or above/ MacOS 10.9 or above • Memory (RAM) - 4GB • Hard Disk Space - 20GB • Audio • Stereo output • Microphone input • Latest available drivers installed • Graphics - 1280 x 720 resolution minimum • Webcam
• Wireless Network Adapter (802.11 AC compatible • Internet Connectivity - 8 to 10Mbps • Internet Browser - Chrome (latest stable channel installed) • Java - Version 7 (see notes below)
Chrome (Stable Channel) – For information on Chrome’s release channels, refer to the Chrome Release Channels page. All other Chrome channels are unsupported. Chrome does not support Java 7 on the Mac platform. A 64-bit browser (Safari or Firefox, for example) is required to run Java 7 on Mac OS X. 32-bit browsers such as Chrome do not support Java 7 on the Mac platform.
• Google Chrome, Version 45.0.2454.85 has permanently stopped supporting NPAPI browser plugins. This includes the Java applets that the SAS uses as well as any NPAPI plugin. Please review KBA 40427 formore details. • Chrome OS - Chrome OS and Chromebooks are NOT supported for use with Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing. • Important Note for Mac OS 10.10, Mac OS 10.11, Mac OS 10.12 and Mac OS 10.13 users – Java 8 is NOT supported, you must use the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher to launch your sessions and recordings. Please review KBA 000037998 for more information on how to download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher. For further information regarding these distance offers, click here: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/ programmes/online