Research Plan
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun AcademyResearch Background
To get deeper understanding of the user’s acceptance and experience towards the whole transaction journey done on the Traveloka App (from registration until booking the hotel)
Traveloka just launched the newest version of its hotel booking (ver. 3.58.0) launched on 18 July 2022, but there’s was no evaluation conducted on user’s acceptance and experience towards Traveloka since its update.
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
Key Questions
In-Depth Interview
Are you aware of Traveloka?
Do you aware of the newest version of Traveloka App?
Post UT Interview
How’s your experience when using the App?
What is your perception of Traveloka?
What is your motivation to use Traveloka?
How’s your experience of booking hotels using Traveloka?
In a scale of 1 - 5, 1 being not satisfied and 5 being very satisfied, rate your satisfaction toward the App, why?
In a scale of 1 - 5, 1 being not satisfied and 5 being very satisfied, rate your satisfaction toward the App, why?
➔ for full questionnaire, visit
In your opinion, what can we improve further?
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
1Anda merasa anda membutuhkan liburan setelah menyelesaikan deadline di tempat kerja anda. Anda memutuskan untuk melakukan staycation dan melakukan booking hotel menggunakan aplikasi Traveloka. Lakukan registrasi di aplikasi Traveloka sehingga anda memiliki akun dan dapat mulai melakukan booking.
Anda berencana untuk mengambil cuti selama satu minggu dan berlibur ke Bali. Sebelum menentukan moda transportasi pulang-pergi dari Bali, anda memutuskan untuk mencari opsi hotel-hotel di sekitar Kuta yang sesuai dengan budget anda. Silahkan menggunakan aplikasi Traveloka untuk melakukan booking terhadap pilihan hotel yang paling murah.
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun AcademyIDI and UT Session
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun AcademyResearch Report
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy➔
User Awareness
All of the users are not aware of the newest version of the App, however, all of them are aware of Traveloka in general.
Several users perceive and use Traveloka as a ticket-booking app for flight and train instead for hotel-booking.
All of the user managed to reach to the payment confirmation page, even those that turns out have to re-browse the hotel options, are able to go back and reach the confirmation page.
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
User Acceptance
App-User Non-App User
➔ All of the App users can login seamlessly. The google account login feature helps them log in to their account in one click.
➔ All of the non-App users can register new account easily.
Some of the non-App users have security concern due to the convenience of the login/registration process, what if their phone is being used by someone else, and they can easily login to the owner’s Traveloka account
Registration Process Satisfaction Score
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun AcademyUser Acceptance
Biasanya registrasi akun apapun prosesnya agak panjang dan tadi pas regist agak kaget udah dan langsung masuk R1
Memudahkan, tapi secara safety kalo lagi dipinjem dan ngasal bakalan gampang banget buat masuk dan disalahgunakan R4
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
User Acceptance
All of the App users are able to book hotel from the App.
All of the App users have problem regarding information presentations, some of them feels that there is too much information in one page. Information overload.
Non-App User
All of the non-App users are able to book hotel from the App
Majority of the non-App users have problem regarding information presentations, resulting in confusion between two features.
➔ Some of the non-App user are disappointed with the hotel browsing result, since the option shown on the page turns out unavailable for booking
Booking Process
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
Sebenernya tadi cukup kecewa pas kamar yang ku pengen ternyata unavailable, lebih baik sekalian ga ditunjukin aja R5
UT Findings - Login Page
➔ Some user find the login page is too plain and not appealing
Security concern due to the login convenience
UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
Add illustrations and graphics to the login page
Add double steps login confirmation feature, after this login page or google sign in page
UT Findings - Hotel Browse Page
➔ Some users are disappointed with the search result, as their desired hotel and rooms turns out unavailable for booking, while still appears on their search page
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
➔ Optimize search results to tailor-fit the user requests and constraints
Findings - Room Option Page
➔ Some users feels information overload, due to the similar font size and color used
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
➔ Build information hierarchy, use different font size or layouts
➔ Differentiates between available and not-available hotel features with different colors
UT Findings - Confirmation Page
➔ Some users suggest that the check-in and check-out date needs to be highlighted more, since a lot of canceled booking are caused by misinformation of the staying date
Prepared by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy
➔ Highlights the confirmed date with different bubble, type size, or color used
illustrations/graphics to the login page
short description of the feature after the user clicks on the button
promo banner above the main feature icons so user don’t have to scroll to look for promos
between available and not-available hotel features with different colors
Highlights the confirmed date with different bubble, type size, or color used
by Advan Beryl for UXR Class Final Project - Jobhun Academy