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Summary of HIV and AIDS Prevalence and Incidence

Figure 1.1 displays the HIV Continuum of Care in Orange County. Of the HIV infected, 86.0% are estimated to have been diagnosed (5,760), while 938 are estimated to be infected with HIV disease but unaware of their diagnosis. Of the total estimated to be infected (6,698)4, 79.7% have been linked to care at some time after their diagnosis, 66.5% are currently retained in care, 61.4% are estimated to be receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), while 59.3% had a viral load test result less than 200 copies/ml the last time they were tested in 2014.




Percent 60%



0% 6,698100.0% Figure 1.1. HIV Continuum of Care, Orange County, 2014

5,76086.0% 5,34079.7% 4,45666.5% 4,11561.4% 3,97559.3%

HIV Infected HIV Diagnosed Ever Linked to HIV Care Retained in HIV Care Receiving ART Viral Suppression

HIV Infected HIV Diagnosed Ever Linked to HIV Care Retained in HIV Care Receiving ART Viral Suppression

The following section provides an overview of:

 HIV Incidence: Individuals with a diagnosis of HIV (non-AIDS) who resided in Orange County at time of

diagnosis. This does not include persons now diagnosed with AIDS.

 AIDS Incidence: Individuals with a diagnosis of AIDS and resided in Orange County at time of diagnosis.  HIV Disease Prevalence: Persons living with HIV disease (PLWHD) in Orange County, regardless of their

residency at time of diagnosis.

Figure 1.2 shows the number PLWHD as of December 31 of each year between 2005 and 20145. As of December 31, 2014, there were 5,760 persons diagnosed and living with HIV disease in Orange County.

8,000 Figure 1.2 Persons Living With HIV Disease, 2005-2014

Number of PLWHD 6,000


2,000 3,426 3,680 3,959 4,233 4,486 4,715 4,990 5,223 5,514 5,760


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year

4 The total number of persons estimated to be living with HIV disease is based on the Centers for Disease Control calculation and is the number of persons known to be living with HIV disease (5,760) divided by 0.86. The difference between this calculation (6,698) and 5,760 is the additional number of persons living with HIV disease but are estimated to be unaware of their diagnosis (938). 5 The number of PLWHD living in 2014 is based on the actual number living at the end of the year. Prior to 2014, an estimate was used based on how many of the 5,760 PLWHD were living at the end of each of the previous years. The numbers shown for 2005-2013 may include people who were not living in Orange County at that time and may exclude people who were living in Orange County during 2005-2013 who were not living here at the end of 2014.

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