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E. Healthcare Access
Access to comprehensive quality health care services is important for promoting and maintaining health, preventing and managing disease, reducing unnecessary disability and premature death, and achieving health equity for all Americans. Health insurance coverage helps patients enter the health care system whereas a lack of adequate health insurance coverage makes it difficult for people to get the health care they need. When families with inadequate health insurance do get care they need, they can be burdened with large medical bills. According to Healthy People 2020, uninsured people are more likely to have a poor health status, are less likely to receive medical care, and are more likely to die prematurely.
Through California’s adoption of the ACA, the percentage of statewide population without health insurance has been greatly reduced to approximately 5%. Orange County generally mirrors enrollment levels observed throughout the state but is slightly more affluent and has 5% more employer-based coverage, 2% more self-pay (direct-purchase coverage), and 4% less Medicaid/Medi-Cal when compared to the rest of the state.
Annual health care spending per household in Orange County is approximately 10% higher than the state average at $7,474 per household compared to $6,705 at the state level. Health Insurance Premium spending is also 10% higher, with an average household health insurance premium of $4,450 or $370 per month.
0% 49% 44%
38% 34%
8% 6%
Employer-Based Health Ins Only Direct-Purchase Health Ins Only
Medicare Coverage Only
Medicaid Coverage Only TRICARE/VA 2+ Types of Health Insurance No Health Insurance Coverage
0% 0%
Source: Esri, 2019
0% 1% 4% 5% 5% 5%
Total Spending
$140 $120 $100
$80 $60 $40 $20 $0
2019 Health Care Spending
$89.44 Billion
$7.93 Billion
Health Care Spending Healthcare Spending Per Household
Source: Esri, 2019
$8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Spending per Household
The table below shows the Orange County pediatric population, by insurance coverage type, compared to the state of California for 2019. Overall, the Orange County pediatric population has higher rates of employer-based health insurance and lower rates of Medi-Cal coverage when compared to California. In Orange County, 48.75% of the pediatric population obtain coverage through employer-based insurance and 33.62% through Medi-Cal.
In Orange County, 4.67% of the pediatric population are uninsured which is slightly lower than the state average (4.74%). 14 More Hispanic children continue to have higher uninsured rates than other racial/ethnic groups. 15
Orange County Pediatric Population by Insurance Type, 2019 Orange County California
Insurance Type Pediatric Population Percentage Pediatric Population Percentage
One Type of Health Insurance 692,548 91.20% 8,691,191 90.18% − Employer-Based Health Ins Only 370,189 48.75% 4,248,385 44.08% − Direct-Purchase Health Ins Only 63,147 8.32% 588,224 6.10% − Medicare Coverage Only 1,847 0.24% 47,144 0.49% − Medi-Cal Coverage Only 255,261 33.62% 3,700,128 38.39% − TRICARE/Military Health Only 2,035 0.27% 105,534 1.10% − VA Health Care Only 69 0.01% 1,776 0.02% 2+ Types of Health Insurance 31,313 4.12% 489,325 5.08% No Health Insurance Coverage 35,483 4.67% 457,257 4.74%
Pediatric Population 759,344 100% 9,637,773 100%
Source : Es ri , 2019
14 Esri Demographics – 2019 Population Estimates based in US Census and American Communities Survey 2013-2017 15 Orange County Children’s Partnership (2019). The 24th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County [Report].