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F. Prenatal Care
Table 23. Time Since Last Dental Visit among Children Orange County California
Never been to the dentist
10% 15%
6 months ago, or less More than 6 months ago up to 1 year ago
Source: California Health Interview Survey, 2018 71% 14% 71% 11%
Early Entry into Prenatal Care and Low Birth Weight
According to the Orange County’s Health Status profile, between 2015 and 2017, 87% of pregnant women entered into early prenatal care during the first trimester. This is slightly lower than the county’s rate of 89% but higher compared to the states 83%.
87% Of pregnant women entered into early prenatal care in Orange County
Low birth weight infants may be more at risk for health conditions relative to infants of average weight. Some newborns may become sick in the first days of life, develop infections, or experience longer-term health problems (source: https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showRbLBWGrowthRetardationEnv.action). In Orange County, between 2015-2017, 6% of infants experienced low weight at birth. This is slightly lower than the state rate of 7%
As indicated on the California In-Hospital Breastfeeding Newborn Screening Test Form, breastfeeding rates at Hoag Hospital indicate that 96% of mothers use some form of breastfeeding which is higher than at the state level of 93% (Table 24).
Table 24. In-Hospital Breastfeeding Statewide, County and Hospital Occurrence, 2018 Any Breastfeeding Exclusive Breastfeeding Number % Number %
Hoag Hospital Orange County California
6,084 32,441 96% 94% 4.747 23,009
75% 67% 366,592 93% 274,331 70%
Teen Pregnancy
The birth rate among teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 in Orange County (10.8) is lower compared to the state’s rate of 15.7.
Table 25. Teen Birth Rate (Orange County vs. California) Orange County California
Births (per 1,000 females) to Mothers aged 15-19 10.8 15.7
Sources: California Health Interview Survey. 2018; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2018 5year estimates