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Description Of Indicator
This indicator reports on three measures of permanency following the placement of a child into foster care. “Permanency within 12 months” reports the percent of children placed in homes through reunification with the family, adoption or guardianship within 12 months of removal. “Reentry Following Reunification” tracks those children who reentered foster care within 12 months of reunification with the family or guardianship. “Exits to Permanency” is a measure of children who were in foster care for 24 months or longer, who were then transitioned to a permanent home, including reunified with the family, placed with a legal guardian or adopted.1
Why is this indicator important?
The placement of children in foster care occurs when a child cannot remain safely with his or her family.2 Child abuse and neglect is a problem that crosses socioeconomic and racial/ethnic boundaries with profound effect on the well-being of the children. The number of children growing to maturity in foster care has gained considerable national, state and local attention. Too often these children experience many placements, which can lead to the inability to reunify with their families or attach to a new permanent family. Permanent placement of children helps prevent placement instability, which can be related to attachment disorders, poor educational outcomes, mental health and behavioral problems and negative adult outcomes.
• In 2016/17, 36.5% of Orange County foster children were placed in permanent homes within 12 months of entering foster care, still higher than California at 34.4% but a decrease of 17% from the high of 44% of children placed in 2009/10. The national goal is greater than or equal to 40.5%.
• Of the nearly 40% of children who were placed in permanent homes within 12 months of entering foster care in 2016/17, reunification was the most common type of permanency (34.1%), followed by adoption (2.0%) and guardianship (0.4%).
• In 2015/16, the rate of reentry was 8.1%, a 47.3% increase since 2006/07. California was higher at 10.4%. The national goal is less than or equal to 8.3%.3
• In 2017/18, 34.3% of children who were in foster care for two years or more were placed in a permanent home, 37.8% higher than in 2008/09 (24.9%). California is slightly lower at 32.3%. The national goal is greater than or equal to 30.3%.
Percent of Children Entering Foster Care and Placed in a Permanent Home within 12 months, Orange County and California, 2007/08
• California
Percent of Children Entering Foster Care and Placed in a Permanent Home within 12 months, by Type of Permanency, 2007/08 to
Percent of Children Reentering Foster Care within 12 months of Reunification or Guardianship, Orange County and California, 2006/07 to 2015/16
• California
Percent of Children in Foster Care, 24+ Months, Placed in a Permanent Home, Orange County and California, 2008/09 to 2017/18
• Orange County
Note: Due to methodological differences, the reporting period for no reentry following reunification will always be one year behind what is reported for the other measures.
Source: CWS/CMS 2018 Quarter 4 Extract, UC Berkley, Center for Social Services Research
Note: Permanency is defined as achieved when the child is reunified with the family, placed with a legal guardian, or adopted.
Source: CWS/CMS 2018 Quarter 4 Extract, UC Berkley, Center for Social Services Research