Graduate Research Supervisor Support & Development Programme 2024

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Research Supervisor Support & Development Programme 2024

This hybrid programme is tailored for both new, inexperienced research supervisors and more experienced faculty who would like to refresh their knowledge on aspects of research supervisory practice. The successful collaboration between UCD, TCD and RCSI continues, with workshops open to partner institutions addressing key challenges and contemporary practices in research supervision that are not institute specific.

Friday, January 26th



The Fundamentals of Research Supervision

One of the favourite workshops for participants is delivered by Hugh Kearns, who has enormous experience in identifying the key issues for research students and supervisors alike. Hugh has brought this experience to a number of universities worldwide and his engaging, straightforward approach has guided many researchers from all disciplinary areas. The nuts and bolts of the programme will be touched on in this workshop, which traditionally opens it each year.

Friday, February 16th


William Fry Theatre (L143) Sutherland School of Law

Attracting the ‘Right’ Candidate

Without exception, all experienced supervisors highlight the importance of giving time and due consideration to the selection and recruitment of research candidates that are a good ‘fit’. This workshop examines how supervisors can determine the elusive ‘doctorateness’ traits, which although can’t guarantee success, can increase the chances of a positive outcome. Advice regarding immigration will be offered from UCD Global in relation to the recruitment of international students and the key things that supervisors should have in mind.

Friday, March 8th


William Fry Theatre (L143)Sutherland School of Law

Expectations, Navigating Roles & Responsibilities

The number one challenge highlighted by research students, is related to misunderstandings about expectations. This workshop guides supervisors in how to start those clarifying conversations, what tools can be used and how updating the understanding of all parties expectations is needed, as the doctorate progresses. Intercultural learning plays a key role in this and will be also explored in this workshop.

Hugh Kearns

*Dial-in details for online sessions will be provided to those registered closer to the date of the workshop.

Prof Paul McCabe

UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science

Dr Emer Cunningham

UCD Graduate Studies

Lara Morais

UCD Global

Assoc Prof Helen Gallagher

UCD School of Medicine

Assoc Prof Aideen Quilty

UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Assoc Prof Cliona O’Sullivan

UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science


Thursday, March 14th

Thursday, March 21st

13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00

Mental health and wellbeing for research students and supervisors (TCD)

This workshop delves into the crucial topic of mental health and wellbeing for both supervisors and postgraduate researchers (PGRs). The goals of the session are to consider your own limits, boundaries and beliefs regarding mental health, to know how to manage expectations and to identify signs that a PGR might need additional support and learn how to make effective referrals to appropriate resources, and to consider the impact of modelling good practices.

Developing Clinical-Scientist Relationships to Progress Clinical Research (RCSI)

The workshop will focus on supervision in the context of translational and clinical research. This includes approaches to supervision in teams that involve a mixture of scientists and healthcare professionals, whether that is doctoral supervisee or a co-supervisor. We highlight the challenges and rewards of successful supervision in this context.

Friday, April 5th


William Fry Theatre (L143) Sutherland School of Law

Supporting and Enhancing the Research Student’s Skills Base CORE

The vast majority of doctoral graduates don’t join academia, but their inherent and acquired skill sets, are highly relevant to many areas of employment. European and national directives (Salzburg Principles II, National Framework for Doctoral Education) and funding agencies (Marie Curie Skladowska, IRC etc.) require universities to support the development, articulation and capturing of these skills. This workshop helps supervisors identify key university supports and also navigate their role in the doctoral skills agenda.

Professor Catherine Greene

RCSI School of Postgraduate Studies

Dr Deirdre Fitzgerald Hughes

RCSI School of Postgraduate Studies

Diarmuid Stokes

UCD Library

Tara Hughes

UCD Career Network

Online Online
TCD Graduate Studies BOOK HERE

Friday, April 19th


Q005, Quinn School of Business

Friday, May 10th


William Fry Theatre (L143) Sutherland School of Law

Friday, May 24th


William Fry Theatre (L143) Sutherland School of Law (Hybrid)* Maternity Matters

Maternity Matters is a new workshop designed to shed light on the challenges managing research supervision while starting a family. The workshop will also cover research student maternity leave perspective as well as other types of extended leave to raise awareness of the struggles coming back to work place and the support available.

This workshop looks at the touchstone stages of the doctorate with respect to monitoring and assessment, guiding the supervisor on how to assess if your student and their research is on track, what procedures are key, common challenges faced by the examination committee (ACCE), engagement with the e-thesis system and the importance of considered and timely external examiner appointments.

Many supervisors have difficulty with hard or challenging conversations, as everyone does in life. In research, these conversations are often associated with situations where students are not progressing on the doctoral programme or indeed when they are not suited to doctoral studies. Sometimes there may be a clash of personalities or approaches or styles of supervision and learning. The most important role for supervisor or student, is to take action when a problem arises. Have the conversation and ensure that excessive time, effort, aspirations or finances are not wasted. This workshop will look at approaches to managing challenging conversations in research.

Assoc Professor Jennifer Keenahan

UCD School of Civil Engineering


Professor Jessica Bramham

UCD School of Psychology

Professor Rachel McLoughlin

TCD School of Biochemistry and Immunology

Dr Sarah Rock

TUD School of Architecture, Building and Environment

Dr Katherine Benson

RCSI School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Prof Barbara Dooley

UCD Dean of Graduate Studies and Deputy Registrar

UCD Assessment

Hugh Kearns iTHINKWELL, Flinders University, Adelaide

CORE Monitoring, Assessment, Examination,
CORE Navigating
Challenging Conversations

The Student Voice recording

In 2022, UCD hosted the IUA Webinar Series, a collaborative initiative with 7 other Irish universities providing webinars for the supervisor community nationally on key contemporary practices and challenges. One of these webinars, the Student Voice, reflected the thoughts, advice and challenges that doctoral students faced from four of the partners involved.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

• Approach student recruitment in a manner which maximizes the likelihood of best candidate selection

• Navigate institutional policies and procedures

• Identify their own role as supervisor and frame the doctoral supervision process

• Advise and assist students on structuring and managing their work

• Be capable of carrying out a training needs analysis

• Provide guidance to students on thesis and viva preparation

They give advice to new supervisors on what works in supervision and sometimes, what doesn’t work so well, from their perspectives. A rare opportunity to get frank feedback from our research students.

Key Learning Aims of the Programme

• Appreciate the challenges, problems and pitfalls of supervision and identify approaches to overcome these

• Handle conflict and understand mechanisms through which to seek resolution

• Gain an understanding of the international norms associated with being an external examiner of research theses

• Approach research supervision from a pedagogical perspective and examine reflective practice as a tool for practice development.

* It is recommended that UCD participants attend all workshops to meet these learning aims. For certification, participants must attend 5 (including one visiting expert workshop) out of the 7 core workshops..

Please contact Ioanna Galeadi ( or Elizabeth Crean ( at UCD Graduate Studies for further information.

View Student Voice Webinar

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