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Winter Edition 2020 | Volume 1, Number 4
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Army Medicine Europe, Page 2
Bad Weather, Page 4
USPS, Page 9
Christmas Market, Page 10
ARMY MEDICINE EUROPE maintains robust COVID testing and reporting process
By Kirk Frady USAG Bavaria community Army Medicine Europe maintains a robust COVID testing and reporting process, ensuring the health and safety of the entire military community across the European theater. At the same time, Army health officials maintain open lines of communication with host nation public health officials responsible for tracking COVID cases. According to Army health officials, the COVID reporting process in Europe has matured over the past several months and has proven to be an effective tool in providing military leadership an overall picture of how the epidemic is impacting the DOD population in Europe. “There are multiple mechanisms and systems in place to ensure
senior leadership at MEDCOM and USAREUR are promptly notified about positive COVID cases,” said Col. Scott Mower, force health protection officer for Regional Health Command Europe. “These processes have grown better over time and we are continuously searching for ways to further improve them.” “The reporting of this critical information through operational channels allows senior Army leaders in Europe to make better decisions when it comes to force health protection of the overall military population.” Army health officials emphasize that maintaining close relations with host nation medical offices is critical. “The Departments of Public Health and the Public Health Emergency Officers at RHCE clinics are at the tip of the spear in
executing these vital reporting missions,” Mower added. “The PHEOs work closely with their German counterparts at the community level to ensure COVID cases are reported in a timely and accurate fashion. They also immediately alert installation leadership when new cases are discovered.” “COVID is, by regulation, a reportable medical event and must be inputted into an electronic disease reporting system just like
other serious communicable diseases of public health interest,” said Mower. “The bulk of the COVID reporting work is being done by MTF’s (military treatment facilities) and their Departments of Public Health. They are the true worker bees in executing this mission.” Reporting COVID cases to German health authorities is handled at the local level by each of the respective Army health clinics. “Army medical treatment facilities from each respective military community across the region submit routine COVID reports to their local German Public Health office (Gesundheitsamt),” said Dr. Robert Weien, public health emergency officer for U.S. Army Garrison Rhineland-Pfalz. “Here in Rhineland-Pfalz, we submit our reports to the local German Public Health Department on a daily basis.” When it comes to COVID reporting processes across the theater, there is no one-size-fits-all approach and each garrison does it differently, according to Col. (Dr.) Jon Allison, chief of preventive medicine for MEDDAC Bavaria. “The reporting process and
timelines vary from installation to installation depending on the local German Gesundheitsamt,” said Allison. “For example, the COVID-19 total positive numbers for Grafenwoehr are sent to the Neustadt (Weiden) Gesundheitsamt and the total numbers for Vilseck are sent to the Amberg-Sulzbach Gesundheitsamt. This is done on a weekly base with the assistance of the community health nurses.” Allison says that one of the benefits of Germany’s decentralized local health department (Gesundheitsamt) system is that it allows for the development of close/ personal relationships between the local clinic healthcare team, and their local German health care department. “Having a transparent and mutually supportive relationship removes potential barriers and fosters a healthy overall climate between military and local community public health officials,” said Allison. “We both value and rely on those relationships to help keep our military community safe and to ensure we are complying with host nation reporting requirements.”
Photo by Marcy Sanchez Army Medicine Europe maintains a robust COVID testing and reporting process, ensuring the health and safety of the entire military community across the European theater. At the same time, Army health officials maintain open lines of communication with host nation public health officials responsible for tracking COVID cases.
MASTHEAD The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the U.S. Army Garrison Public Affairs Office. The Bavarian News is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the Bavarian News are not
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Flu shots
more important than ever
By Kirk Frady USAG Bavaria community According to medical experts, getting your flu shot is extremely important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Military Treatment Facilities (MTF’s) will soon be offering flu vaccinations to young children and adults 65 and older, and installation-sponsored community influenza vaccination events are currently scheduled to begin in early November, depending on where you are located, as well as vaccine availability. Specific event dates, times and locations will be announced on AFN, your MTF’s web and social media sites and through local installation communication channels. Once the vaccine is available, flu shots will also be offered at MTFs during regularly scheduled appointments. "The first and most important step in protecting against the flu is to get vaccinated,” said Col. Scott Mower, Regional Health Command Europe Force Health Protection Officer. “The second is to take everyday preventive actions to stop the spread of germs, like frequent hand-washing, avoiding contact with sick people, practicing good social distancing, and staying home if you are sick. The third step is, if you do think you might have the flu, contact your Medical Treatment Facility’s (MTF) COVID-19 hotline.” Because the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu are quite similar, a health care provider may recommend testing and evaluation for one or both illnesses. Mower says that while receiving the flu vaccine will not protect you against COVID-19, it has been shown to reduce the risk of illness, hospitalization and death from influenza virus infections which cause the flu. “Getting a flu vaccination also helps prevent flu epidemics and decreases the burden on the health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mower added. "If you are not in an active duty military unit, the fastest way to get the vaccine is to go to a local community flu drive event where it is being offered. "Community flu events this year may be more time intensive and
logistically challenging than in years past in order to protect participants from COVID-19,” said Mower. “We are asking for everyone’s patience up front and will do our upmost to minimize any inconveniences. Your safety and the safety of our staff is paramount.” While flu vaccinations are an annual requirement for Soldiers, everyone is urged to get one. The Army medical community in Europe offers the vaccine to Family members, retirees and civilians as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu activity begins to increase in October, peaking between December and February and diminishing by May. Each year the effectiveness of the flu vaccine varies. And while it is still too early to predict how effective this season's flu vaccine will be in Europe, the vaccination is still recommended as it may make the illness milder and prevent hospitalization if the flu is contracted, according to Regional Health Command Europe officials. Mower said that according to a recent study, "Vaccination reduces the number of flu-related deaths, the number of hospital intensive care unit admissions and the duration of hospital stay for patients who do get hospitalized." "The study also found that unvaccinated adults with the flu who were admitted to the hospital were two to five times more likely to die than someone who had been vaccinated. The more people who get vaccinated against the flu, the lower the chance of it spreading to those who have a higher risk for severe symptoms," added Mower. While influenza and COVID share some common symptoms, there are distinct differences. “COVID-19 and flu share some similar symptoms,” said Mower. “For example, viral infections cause both COVID-19 and the flu. However, COVID-19 is due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and flu is from influenza A and B viruses. The biggest difference is that symptoms of flu tend to occur faster and can have greater variation. But COVID-19 is more likely to lead to severe illness or death. While both viruses can spread via person to person contact, the flu spreads faster and is more likely to affect children.” According to public health officials, it’s possible to have COVID-19 yet be asymptomatic and not show any signs
of being or feeling ill. Thus, the need to practice good hand hygiene and social distancing and use a face covering in public or when social distancing is not possible. “For both COVID-19 and the flu, it’s possible to spread the virus for up to two days before experiencing any symptoms,” Mower said. “And you may remain contagious for at least 10 days after signs or symptoms first appeared. When it comes to staying healthy and safe, one should always err on the side of caution.” Mower offered additional tips and advice to help protect yourself and others from flu and help stop the spread of germs. 1. Avoid close contact: Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. 2. Stay home when you are sick: If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others. 3. Cover your mouth and nose: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Flu and other serious respiratory illnesses, like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands. "Maybe you've heard of 'sneeze in your sleeve' to remind you to cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow, not your hand, when you sneeze or cough," Mower said. "That keeps the germs off of your hands." 4. Wash your hands: Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. 5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth: Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. 6. Practice other good health habits: Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Graphics by kotoffei & bestber /
DRIVING AND ROAD CONDITIONS: UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE USAG Bavaria Public Affairs Inclement weather brought on by the autumn and winter months can deliver a blow to Bavaria and the surrounding area, affecting your decision to travel. Garrison officials and street cleaning crews at U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria installations at Garmisch, Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels and Vilseck will do everything they can to keep services running. Snow and ice, however, may result in changes to road conditions, school closures, work delays or a temporary shutdown in some garrison services.
You have options. Be in the know. Here’s how: • Register in Alert! today. Ensure you and your family receive Army Alert messages before bad weather hits. Alert is the U.S. Army’s mass warning notification system. The system notifies users in several ways: as a pop-up on their workstation computer, an email to work and home addresses, a text message to their cell phone, and a voicemail to their work, home and cell phones. Add up to 10 phone numbers and email addresses. Visit php/Alert. • Stay connected to In the left hand column there is a “Road Conditions” button. Click it to find out about school closures, road conditions and weather conditions. • Log on to the USAG Bavaria Facebook at for information pertaining to weather updates, delays, closures and driving conditions in Grafenwoehr, Netzaberg and Vilseck. Connect to the Hohenhels Facebook page in Hohenfels and the Garmisch page in Garmsich. • Download the USAG Bavaria mobile app. Select your location and click Road Conditions & Closures. • If you are without Internet access, call the “Weather & Roads” hotline, at any time of PAGE 4
the day. For current driving conditions in Grafenwoehr, Netzaberg and Vilseck, call DSN 475-ROAD (7623), CIV 09641-83-7623. In Hohenfels, call DSN 466-4001, CIV 09472-834001. And in Garmisch, dial DSN 440-3300, CIV 08821-750-3300. • Tune into AFN Bavaria radio at 98.5 FM in Grafenwoehr, 107.7 FM in Vilseck, 89.9 FM in Amberg, 93.5 FM in Hohenfels or 90.3 FM in Garmisch. Or, listen online at AFN 360. Radio DJs provide updates on conditions in Bavaria. • If you are a Soldier and are still unsure, call your staff duty officer for further guidance.
When you get updates from garrison Facebook, AFN radio or the Weather & Roads hotline, you will encounter two terms: driving conditions and road conditions. The driving condition is an advisory to drivers of privately owned vehicles—in other words, an advisory to you as a Soldier, civilian or parent who is deciding about driving to work or school. Driving condition levels are set as follows: • Non-hazardous: Conditions allow for normal vehicle operation. • Hazardous: Drivers are likely to encounter snow, slush and patches of black ice. Caution is advised during vehicle operation. • Dangerous: Drivers are likely to encounter snow, drifting snow, black ice and limited visibility. Extreme caution is advised during vehicle operation. • Extremely dangerous: Drivers are likely to encounter snow, heavy drifting snow, extreme sheet ice, limited visibility and potential “white out” conditions. Only emergency travel should be conducted. Road conditions are set at green, amber, red and black. These levels only pertain to conditions for dispatching military tactical and non-tactical vehicles. All DOD sedans, station wagons, carryalls, vans, buses and public works vehicles are considered “non-tactical.” Contrary to popular belief, the driving and road conditions do not dictate whether you as a Soldier, civilian or student should come to work or school, though they are indicators that you should practice caution commensurate with the current condition. Road conditions are determined for both on- and off-post. Conditions are set based on the most deteriorated spots on-post and within the surrounding communities. Military police patrols may deem amber conditions on General Patton, for example, but red in Schmidmuehlen or Hohenburg. Therefore, road conditions are red. If you have concerns but no installation-wide delay or closure has been announced, contact your staff duty WINTER 2020
officer or supervisor. Commanders and supervisors are empowered to decide whether individuals can delay reporting. The garrison shuttle will not run during red or black road conditions. The dining facilities remain open. Child care facilities remain open to mission essential personnel.
UNDERSTANDING HOW BAVARIA RESPONDS TO BAD WEATHER The garrison commander and respective garrison managers determine work delays, early dismissals and school closures. This information will instantaneously be routed to and AFN and made available to the public. So stay connected, tune in, turn on and before leaving your house, use good judgment and err on the side of safety. When conditions warrant, the garrison command team may direct delayed reporting, early release or garrison closure for schools and garrison employees. This decision is based on a combination of driving and weather conditions. The garrison command team’s decisions apply to all personnel, mission partners, directorates, agencies and DoDEA-Europe schools. The announcement of delayed reporting or garrison closure will be made as early as 4 a.m. The garrison’s Installation Operations Center (IOC) — which is staffed 24/7 — updates the weather website and weather hotline, and notifies AFN broadcasters, who then broadcast updates as early at 4:30 a.m. An Alert! message is sent to registered users. The garrison command team make every effort based on available data to announce an early release two hours prior to the forecasted degradation of road conditions. This allows for DoDEA school officials to stage school buses and prepare students and parents. The IOC will also contact mission partners in addition to updating the website, phone recordings and AFN.
UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WEATHER OUTLOOK, ADVISORY, WATCH & WARNING The primary mission of the U.S. Air Force’s 7th Weather Squadron stationed in Grafenwoehr is to support air operations at USAG Bavaria. But they also provide weather updates to garrison’s IOC. Either the IOC or the Public Affairs Office (PAO) will release inclement weather information to the public. Here’s what you need to know: • Advisory: Issued when hazardous weather is occurring, imminent or likely. Advisories are for less serious conditions than warnings. • Watch: Issued when the risk of hazardous weather has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location and timing remain uncertain. • Warning: Issued when hazardous weather is occurring, imminent or likely. A warning means weather conditions pose a threat to life and property.
WORK AND SCHOOL DELAYS, EARLY DISMISSALS & CLOSURES When a delay is announced at any of the USAG Bavaria communities, the garrison’s Department of Public Works needs time to clear roads and parking lots. Primary roads are cleared first, followed by secondary and tertiary roads. Garrison employees have up until two hours to report to their normally scheduled reporting time, but no later than 9 a.m. School buses will pick up children from their bus stops two hours after their normal pickup time.
When inclement weather results in work delays or early closures, Child Development Centers and School-Age Centers are open to mission-essential personnel only. If an early closure is announced, non-mission essential personnel must pick up their children immediately. All other CYS facilities and programs will be closed in accordance with the garrison closure plan. During a work delay, expect garrison front-door services such as the fitness centers to open no earlier than 9 a.m. Appointments— such as those scheduled at the medical and dental clinics—may be postponed. Always call ahead prior. Use the phone book at www.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A COMMUNITY MEMBER You are responsible for your own safety. The decision to drive to work or send your children to school is up to you. Weather conditions can vary drastically across Bavaria, as well as change at a moment’s notice. You are required by German law to remove as much snow and ice from your vehicle as possible, particularly from windows, mirrors and headlights. Make sure you have maximum visibility — no peephole driving — and that your vehicle does not present a hazard to other drivers. If accumulation is heavy, also remove snow from the roof, trunk and hood so that large chunks do not fly off towards other drivers. Police can stop you and impose fines if your vehicle is determined unsafe to you or others. Off-post residents in leased housing and private rentals are responsible for snow and ice removal in their driveways and on public sidewalks bordering their home. Permitted deicing products, such as sand and
Tiefen-Eisfrei, are available at USAG Bavaria Self-Help and AAFES locations, as well as off-post hardware stores. For more on what Self-Help offers, visit our Self-Help page.
EXPAND VISIBILITY AND INFLUENCE WEATHER DECISIONS We want to provide an outlet allowing community members to report road and weather conditions in their area. That puts eyes on areas that may otherwise go unnoticed. Community feedback can become part of the decision-making process to call a delay, early dismissal or closure. We’re using the hashtag #BavariaWeatherEyes. When weather near your home poses a hazard, report it. From your Facebook
Groups or Profile page, report your location, date/ time, weather and road conditions and stamp it with #BavariaWeatherEyes. Ensure we can see your post by putting it on a public page or setting the post itself to be publicly viewable. Alternatively, on nights we predict potential bad weather, we’ll post to Facebook soliciting feedback. Report there. We’ll monitor trends, which can be used to influence the decision to call school and office delays. Details at bavariaweathereyes.
Photo by LeManna /
Photo by rangizzz /
By USAG Bavaria Public Affairs
Winter tires must be marked with the 3-peak mountain and snowflake by Sept. 30, 2024.
Warm weather is giving way to cold, which means you should prepare your vehicle now for winter. One important thing to know before you hit the road in winter is that Germany has different tire requirements than the United States. European winter tires have two kinds of markings: a snowflake for snow tires or M+S for tires designed to work in mud and snow, or “Matsch und Schnee” in German. All-season or all-weather tires may also have the and markings are acceptable for winter driving, but tires designed specifically for snow function better than all-weather tires. Because you reside in Germany, you may be asking: What kind of winter tires does the German law require? First, it is very important to look for certain signs placed on the tire. In November 2010, the
Bundestag, Germany’s parliament, passed a federal law that is much more specific about winter tires. This German federal law was amended in 2015 to require the use of winter tires when conditions are icy. As of January 2018, new fabricated winter tires must be marked with the AlpineSymbol (a 3-peak mountain with a snowflake in the center). If you own all-season tires or
winter tires marked with M+S and produced prior to 2018, they are still approved until Sept. 30, 2024. The law also apply to motorbikes, trucks and buses, regardless of whether the driver is the owner or is renting the vehicle. All of these vehicles must be equipped with winter tires if you drive in snow or icy conditions. The German law mandated by the Bundestag requiring winter tires during icy conditions does not specify specific dates, according to ADAC, the German auto club that provides roadside assistance and air rescue. Many German drivers, however, abide by the general rule of “von O bis O” (from O to O), which means snow tires should be put on in October and remain on until Ostern (Easter). According to the USAG Bavaria Safety office and ADAC, to drive in Germany — no matter the road conditions — ensure you have a tire tread
depth of at least 1.6 millimeters. The best is to have 4 millimeters, according to ADAC. A one-euro coin can be used for a quick “tread check.” When placed in the tire’s tread, you should not be able to see the golden edge of the coin. If you can, the tire needs to be replaced. Tires can be ordered, purchased and changed on-post at the Car Care Centers in Vilseck and Hohenfels. You can also purchase tires at the Tower Barracks Main Exchange and change them yourself at the Auto Skills Center. In some parts of Germany, particularly in the southern mountainous region, snow chains may be required if directed by road signs or police. USAG Bavaria Safety office and ADAC recommend carrying snow chains and checking your route prior to heading out. Know how to put snow chains on before you need them, and make sure you don’t exceed 50 kph when driving with them. If you’re unsure whether other countries have similar tire laws, check the European Road Safety website. And for more on winter driving, check out the Army Europe Drivers Handbook and Examination. Remember, if you don’t follow these requirements, you can receive a ticket of 80 euro or higher. If you have questions, contact USAG Bavaria Safety office at DSN 526-2303, CIV 09641-70526-2303.
Be smart and drive safe Bavaria!
By USAG Bavaria Public Affairs Staying informed of weather and road conditions is easy. But understanding what occurs between the fall of the first snowflake and the decisions that follow is more complex. Inclement weather that arrives during the fall and winter months sets into motion a series of events here of which the public is largely unaware, sparking curiosity, pushing debate and even fueling public outrage. The garrison officials who collect and analyze weather conditions are, of course, at the mercy of Mother Nature who, at a moment’s notice, can dump inches of snow over Bavaria or plaster streets with sheets of ice. Those same officials are also faced with lesser known challenges like impending deadlines and limited resources. Department of Defense schools, for example, need to know by 3:30 a.m. whether schools will be delayed or canceled, given that buses must prepare to make their scheduled routes. And those military police patrolling the streets — whose observations help determine road conditions, delays, early dismissals and closures — only have the time to safely drive a specific route, not the hundreds of miles of pavement
meandering through Bavaria’s dozens of villages where thousands of people live and commute. Bavaria, your safety remains our highest priority. We owe it to you to always provide the best guidance on weather and road conditions. And given that the weather here is so unpredictable, we’re proposing a new tactic to expand our visibility of conditions in our footprint. You can help. One community member suggested we provide an outlet allowing community members to report road and weather conditions in their area. Great idea! That puts eyes on areas that may otherwise go unnoticed. Community feedback can become part of the decision-making process to call a delay, early dismissal or closure. We’re using the hashtag #BavariaWeatherEyes. When weather near your home poses a hazard, report it. From your Facebook Groups or Profile page, report your location, date/time, weather and road conditions and stamp it with #BavariaWeatherEyes. Ensure we can see your post by putting it on a public page or setting the post itself to be publicly viewable. Alternatively, on nights we predict potential bad weather, we’ll post to Facebook soliciting feedback. Report there. We’ll monitor trends, which can be used to influence the decision to call school and office delays.
Preventing drunk and drugged driving By Carly-Jayne Waters USAG Bavaria Army Substance Abuse Program
the chances of a car crash exponentially. Laws in the United States determine that it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a BAC of .08 or higher. However here in Germany, the laws are slightly different. It is illegal to operate a vehicle in Germany with a BAC of .05 or higher. Moreover, years of research has determined that even the smallest amounts of alcohol reduces the functionality of our brain. An intoxicated person will become impaired processing information, making decisions and coordinating muscle movement. These are all skills needed to operate a vehicle safely. While
The holiday season can be a wonderful time of year. As COVID-19 safety regulations permit, community members gather to enjoy the change in scenery, cold weather, hot chocolate and warm fires. Under normal circumstances, the season is also typically greeted with an increased use of alcohol or other substances, which can lead to negative consequences such as arrests for Driving under the Influence (DUI) or impaired driving. December is designated as “Drunk Photo by nikamo / and Drugged Driving Prevention Month” — a national campaign designed to bring awareness to these problems, and to provide education and information regarding prevention. it is important to know the laws, it is equally important to know Alcohol Impaired Driving that any of use of alcohol may The amount of alcohol impair driving. consumed by a person can be detected using either a breatha- Drugged Driving lyzer device, or a blood test. Besides alcohol, many other Alcohol levels are measured substances can cause impaired by the weight of the alcohol driving. These substances in a certain volume of blood. include prescription drugs, This is called Blood Alcohol illegal drugs and even some Concentration (BAC). A BAC of over-the-counter medications. .08 grams of alcohol per deci- Like alcohol, use of marijuana liter (g/dL) of blood, increases and other drugs can impair
a person’s driving by slowing judgement, muscle coordination and reaction time. The use of cocaine and methamphetamines can cause people to drive recklessly and more aggressively. Some over-the-counter medication and prescribed medications can have side effects, such as extreme drowsiness or dizziness. It is always important to consult your doctor about the side effects of medications you are taking, and always follow the warning labels before driving. Be Responsible: Have a Plan Here are some tips to keep yourself and others safe, both this holiday season and yearround: 1. If you are drinking or using impairing drugs, do not drive for any reason. Instead rely on a different, sober form of transportation. 2. If someone you know has been drinking or using drugs, do not let that person get behind the wheel. Take their keys and help them find a sober ride home. 3. Always wear your seat belt, as it is the best defense against impaired drivers. 4. If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact local law enforcement. Doing so could save someone’s life.
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Graphic by Julian Temblador, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month. The campaign raises awareness about the consequences of driving while under the influence.
now accepting VOLUNTEER applications across USAG Bavaria By Sidney Sullivan USAG Bavaria Public Affairs The process to apply as a United States Postal Service (USPS) volunteer just got easier. Using a Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) account, USAG Bavaria community members can now submit their application with a simple click of a button. As the holiday season approaches amid COVID-19, USPS and Army Community Service (ACS) management collaborated to launch new postal operation assistant positions. These openings are designed
to reduce queues, as volunteers will be tasked with helping postal clerks distribute mail to Soldiers and family members at the package-pickup window. “Volunteers will receive valuable postal training and experience in mailroom operations with parcel mail delivery,” said Jaye Bakalars, postmaster of the USAG Bavaria USPS. “Mail delivery is considered one of the top three morale boosters to military members, DOD Civilians and all their family members. Volunteers are credited for adding to Army morale in the highest degree.” Community members are encouraged to apply for this position using a VMIS account,
because this free Army OneSource tool serves as a transcript of volunteer services – allowing volunteers to easily track hours and activity through official record. “VMIS is the official mechanism in which the garrison can track the volunteer positions available, as well as the hours each volunteer performs for an organization,” said Nichole Heller, Soldier & Family Readiness Manager of Army Community Service. “Because VMIS provides a detailed position description for each open position, it also allows the volunteer to have documentation of the skills acquired and duties performed. This can be beneficial for adding to a resume, as well as for the unit
to determine internal recognition to those individuals contributing to the force.” Once accepted into the program, volunteers can work with their assigned postal clerk to schedule duty hours. According to Bakalars, who previously contributed 1,100 volunteer hours to the Vilseck community postal service, volunteering helps you find friends through greater networks, reach out to the community, learn new skills and even change or advance your career. “There is a strong sense of self-pride knowing not only are you contributing to the success of the Army mission, but there is a personal satisfaction watching the smiles on customers’ faces when you hand them that item they have been waiting for,” he said. “Additionally, volunteers gain valuable postal experience that may lead to a paid position at some point in time throughout their journey.” To volunteer as a USPS postal operations assistant, community members should: Step 1 – Login to Army OneSource and register a VMIS account Under the Volunteer Opportunities tab. Applications must: • Set Community to “Grafenwoehr” or “Hohenfels” or “Garmisch” • Set Organization to “Post Office – Tower Barracks” or “Post Office – Rose Barracks” or “Post Office – Hohenfels” or “Post Office – Garmisch” • Click Search and Select “Postal Operations Assistant” Step 2 – Contact the local Postal Service Center you wish to volunteer at, and a postal team member will happily guide you from there.
Graphics by Yaran, Pru Studio, Sarunyu_foto /
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All you need to know about Christmas trees in Germany By Andreas Kreuzer USAG Bavaria Public Affairs
As the holiday season approaches, here are helpful tips and pieces of information about Christmas trees in Germany.
What is the history of the Christmas tree? The origin of the Christmas tree dates back to 4th century pagan customs. Evergreen plants were already a symbol of fertility and vitality in pagan cultures. To cast out evil spirits during the winter solstice, Germanic tribes placed fir branches in public places. The custom later switched from branches to standing trees. Initially, the Catholic Church was against the unreligious custom. But since it gained popularity everywhere by the mid-20th century, the church adopted the custom and allowed Christmas trees. What kind of trees are popular in Germany? Germany’s most popular type of tree used for Christmas is the “Nordmann Tanne,”’ or Nordmann’s silver fir. Other types of fir trees, including spruce trees, are becoming popular choices. However, Germans traditionally turn to pine trees. Where to buy a Christmas tree? In Germany, you can purchase Christmas trees from farmers, markets, supermarkets, hardware stores and special arable crop markets.
Wild grown trees, sold by farmers, are taxed 5.5 percent. Trees grown in an arable crop are taxed 10.7 percent.
How to decorate a Christmas tree in Europe? European and U.S. tree decoration is pretty similar; however, Germans typically use fewer ornamental decorations and the lights are neither colored, nor flashing. Artisan ornaments are typically sold at German Christmas markets. What is St. Knut’s Day? According to Christian tradition, the Christmas season usually lasts 12 days until Three Kings Day. But in Sweden, Finland and parts of Norway, the season lasts 20 days — past Christmas until St. Knut’s Day. In early 12th century, Danish royal Knut Lavard — who supported the church with his political power — was killed. He was then made a saint, and since the 17th century his saint’s day marks the end of the Christmas season. St. Knut’s Day comes with a dangerous tradition. In Finland, people throw their Christmas trees out of their windows. And some Finnish furniture stores introduced the tradition to the rest of Europe. If you bring your tree to participating facilities, prizes are awarded for how far it can be thrown.
How to recycle a Christmas tree in Germany? One of Germany’s main focuses is proper recycling. After the holiday season, you can bring a used tree to the recycling center. Additionally, some cities allow youth organizations to pick up trees for a small fee — these funds are raised for charity.
Can I use a tax form to buy a Christmas tree? You can claim the Valued-added tax (VAT) if declared. But when it comes to Christmas trees, Germany’s tax rules are complicated. • Businesses, operating under the small business regulations with sales less than 17.500,00 euros per year, lists tax at zero percent. • Plastic Christmas trees are taxed 19 percent. • Real trees, sold by businesses like hardware stores or supermarkets, are taxed at 7 percent.
A city full of rich history
Photo by Julian Temblador, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs The Plaque of appreciation from the Soldiers of the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment that was given to the people of Amberg, Germany in 1992. Photo by Julian Temblador, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs The inside of the Church of St. George in Amberg, Germany. Photo by Julian Temblador, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs The Eh-Haeusl (the wedding house) located in Amberg, Germany.
By Timothy Muhlenbeck USAG Bavaria Public Affairs Volunteer Located only 30 minutes from Vilseck is the beautiful city of Amberg. It is full of rich history and locations ripe for exploration. City tours are usually conducted by the Tourist-Information Center, but they are currently not available due to COVID-19. Instead, visit many of the city’s historical sites through means of a self-guided tour. Inside Amberg’s Rathaus located in the city center, the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment gifted the people of Amberg a large plaque in 1992 — a way of saying thank you for 40 years of hospitality. During the majority of the Cold War, the unit was stationed here in Germany to conduct border surveillance missions. In 1992, the unit departed back to the United States to be stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The regiment was relocated numerous times across the U.S., before being permanently stationed PAGE 12
here again in 2006. Amberg has many churches that date back to the medieval period. Located in the far western portion of the city is the Church of St. George, which was first mentioned in writings dating back the late-1000s. Construction for a new gothic style church, to replace the previous Romanesque structure, began in the mid-1300s and was completed at the beginning of the 1500s, except for the tower. The church was eventually redone during the Baroque era, and given to the Jesuits and then to the Order of Maltese Knights. The church was under their charge until their secularization in the early-1800s, but it was not until 1923 that it became a parish church again. The city also has an array of interesting buildings steeped in history and legend. Nearby the church is Hotel Eh-Haesul — the smallest hotel in the world. An early1700s legend states that young couples, who wanted to marry, had to own property within the city to gain consent from
the city magistrate. So when a groom discovered a small courtyard in a little lane in between two other properties, he purchased it, built walls, a roof and called it home. He was then able to marry his fiancée. While legend claims that Hotel Eh-Haeusl used to be a way to make marriage easier for couples, now it is used as a standard hotel for two people. On the eastern end of the city was the historic mint facility. Minting periodically ended with the transfer of power from the Palatinate to Bavaria, but it was revitalized in 1763. The mint later closed in 1794, and it was replaced by a weapons factory that began production in 1801. Today, visiting the old mint facility location leads to a beautiful courtyard. Amberg is a marvelous city, and more than worth spending the day exploring. It should remind all Americans how lucky we are to have the opportunity to be stationed in the heart of Europe.
Photo by Robert Ruidl /
Kallmünz: By Alexis Tucker USAG Bavaria community
Afterwards it was pillaged in the mid-1600s. Due to the condition of the castle, many areas have been blocked off due to safety hazards. But don’t let this stop you from getting amazing views. Not only is the castle rich in history, but so is the town. In 1713, the plague hit the nearby town of Regensburg, killing thousands of people. Unfortunately, it swiftly spread to the neighboring villages. The townspeople in Kallmünz were afraid and promised to build a chapel to honor St. Sebastian if they were spared from the plague. The plague passed by Kallmünz without touching the town, and in 1762 the St. Sebastian church was built. You can visit this church. Cross the bridge for the most amazing pictures of the church. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit this enchanting little town.
It’s not hard to fall in love with the town of Kallmünz, located just over an hour from Grafenwoehr. The town’s colorful buildings and reflections cast on the water while crossing the medieval stone bridge are humbling. You would think that the Naab, the river that flows through the town, and the old cobblestone streets would add the final touch to this charming town, but it is actually the swans swiming by and the castle perched on the sleepy hill. Park your vehicle and walk the streets. You will pass multiple statues along the way that will pique your interest. This is largely due to the fact that the town is very popular for their artists, as you can also see when walking past the shops. Scenic sketches and paintings are Sworn on display for sale in the Document windows. Translator If you have time to for English spare, check out the Translates from German into Laaber Castle ruins about English & vice versa: Legal & 15 minutes away. medical documents, different Perhaps, my favorite types of certificates, business thing about Kallmünz is & private correspondence, walking around the town etc. to view the variety of Email: angles of the castle. The castle is the icing on the Cell: 0176-267-94978 cake, especially since it’s free to visit. It will make for a romantic day and INVEST IN YOUR will be by far the most OWN FUTURE romantic town you will • Individual planning, Germany wide and Benelux etc. ever visit in Bavaria. • Use your LQA, OHA and other allowances The stroll through for your own home the dreamy town and the • Mortgages available to service members, views from the top of the DoD civilians, contractors Kallmünz Castle alone are • Also to EU/ UN / NATO employees, worthy. The earliest castle non-German tax-payers and expatriates walls of the Kallmünz ruins • More than 20 years of experience were built in the 900’s but the castle itself was constructed in the mid-1300s. It was destroyed by fire in 1504 and was rebuilt ing the Thirty Years War.
Daytrip to medieval castle and town
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Graphic by Julian Temblador, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs Source: NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 2018 Edition
Photo by Sidney Sullivan, USAG Bavaria Public Affairs USAG Bavaria fire inspector, Sebastian Baier, demonstrates proper use of a fire extinguisher in Camp Aachen, Oct. 7.
Photo by Pixel-Shot /
By Sidney Sullivan USAG Bavaria Public Affairs During National Fire Prevention Week, the USAG Bavaria Fire Department invites community members to participate in fire extinguisher trainings. This year, the campaign ran from Oct. 4 to Oct. 10. At these trainings, participants learn about fire safety and practice using a fire extinguisher under the guidance of an instructor. For the remainder of the week, these trainings are offered in both English and German. In case you were unable to attend a training, here are main takeaways everyone should know:
What to do if a fire breaks out • If it is safe to do so, call the on-post Fire Department immediately. The DSN for Tower and Rose Barracks, Hohenfels and Garmisch is 112. If using a cellphone on-post, call CIV 09641-83112 for Tower Barracks, CIV 09662-83-112 for Rose Barracks, 09742-83-112 for Hohenfels and CIV 08821750-112 for Garmisch. These numbers should also be used in the case of medical, natural or man-made disasters. • If you need to dial emergency services for an off-post incident, call 112 from your cellphone. • Do not assume a fire alarm is false, as this may create panic, confusion and misinformation – thus potentially putting lives at risk. • Exit the building using the Escape and Rescue Plan, and make contact with the building’s fire warden at the Assembly Point. • Do not re-enter the building, unless a fire department official gives the all-clear.
What are fire classifications • Fires are classified by the type of material and fuel used for combustion, which then determines the variety of extinguishing agent needed. According to NFPA 10-2018 and the USAG Bavaria Fire Department, there are five primary classes of fires. All certified fire extinguishers will include a label to identify suitable use. How to operate a fire extinguisher • Pull the pin • Aim the nozzle • Squeeze the lever • Swing nozzle from side to side Lastly, an empty dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is hazardous waste. When disposing this type of extinguisher, Baier advises people to contact their building manager or evacuation coordinator for assistance.
As community members decorate during this holiday season, they should also take time to brush up on their fire extinguishing skills. Christmas trees, wreaths and tinsel are highly flammable. If they catch fire, these festive items can become deadly in a matter of minutes, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Ensure the safety of your family and friends by being prepared.
USO Bavaria provides extra support to Soldiers while in ROM By Carly Harris, USO Bavaria Area Director Courtesy Photo USO procured board games, cornhole boards, TVs, DVDs and more to provide entertainment support to Soldiers in a Restriction of Movement status within the USAG Bavaria footprint.
Courtesy Photo Soldiers deliver bedding to service members in a Restriction of Movement status.
Since March, USO Bavaria has proudly supported the Soldiers responsible for manning our gates, community facilities, Camp Kasserine and the Soldiers in the Isolation Facility (ISOFAC). Within the USAG Bavaria community, 33,441 Soldiers have received “USO Goodness” during the past eight months. In the beginning, USO Bavaria set out to provide weekly deliveries of snacks and drinks to Soldiers who were on a restriction of movement (ROM) status, due to COVID-19. But the support molded into something on a much larger scale. USO Bavaria outfitted a large "Food Tent" at Camp Kasserine with free internet and TVs, cable and hundreds of DVDs. Cornhole boards and footlockers, filled with board games and playing cards, were also delivered to the Soldiers in isolation. One hundred sets of new bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows, and pillowcases) were also provided to the
ISOFAC residents. Starting in August, Hunt Brothers Pizza and Coca-Cola products were delivered every Saturday night. To date, more than 600 pizzas have been delivered to Soldiers in the ISOFAC and Camp Kasserine. The first 216 pizzas were donated by Hunt Brothers Pizza, thanks to the efforts of the Rose Barracks Express Store Manager, along with 40 12-packs of Coca-Cola products from an anonymous donor. Another anonymous donor from the community has generously purchased pizza totaling $820.80. Underway are plans for providing extra support to the ISOFAC for Thanksgiving and the month of December. One of the initiatives is a joint effort between the 2nd Cavalry Regiment and USO — to furnish and provide internet to a building that has been identified for recreational use by Soldiers authorized to use it. Editor's note: Julian Temblador with USAG Bavaria Public Affairs contributed to this article.
Photo by Evgeny Karandaev /
AAFES News Release The Army & Air Force Exchange Service in conjunction with the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), will be serving free meals to all students enrolled at DoDEA schools overseas that are operated by one of the USDA approved School Food Authorities (Army & Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Exchange or Marine Corps Community Services). “The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently granted a waiver to the DoD School Food Authorities to provide free school meals through June 30, 2021,” said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Kevin Osby, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s senior enlisted advisor. “This is great news for our military families, especially during these challenging times.” Families can elect to participate and receive free reimbursable (subsidized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture) meals at participating schools and grab-andgo locations beginning Nov. 2. Participants are required to have a DoDEA student ID number and student meal account through the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Exchange or Marine Corps Community Services. No action is required to receive free school meals for students with an estab-
lished school meal program account. Parents of those without an account are encouraged to create one in advance for their children at their local Exchange customer service. “I was thrilled and excited to hear about the free lunches for my daughters,” said Master Sgt. Brando O. Perez, Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 36’s senior enlisted leader for operation management division at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Okinawa. “This will not only help us financially, but will help so many families who are stationed in Okinawa during the COVID-19 pandemic.” School meals purchased prior to implementation of the waiver (August through Oct. 31), will be credited to the appropriate student meal program account. The credit does not apply to adult meals, second meals, a la carte items or “lunch plus” purchases. “This is great news for families who may be experiencing financial hardships during this pandemic,” said Air Force Tech Sgt. Robert Harris, a fleet manager with the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron at Ramstein AB. “I believe it’s something that will help give peace of mind.” For additional information, including FAQs, parents can visit the school meal program site at https://www. school-lunch-program/.
Since 1955, the Exchange has been the school feeding authority for the Army and Air Force. The school meal program is operated for military students overseas, serving more than 2.6 million meals a year. Nutritional standards for DoDEA student meals are set by the Exchange’s registered dietitian in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines. The Army & Air Force Exchange Service goes where Soldiers, Airmen and their families go to improve the quality of their lives through goods and services provided. Exchange earnings provide dividends to support military morale, welfare and recreation programs. The Exchange is part of the Department of Defense and is directed by a Board of Directors, responsible to the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force through the Chiefs of Staff. To find out more about the Exchange history and mission or to view recent press releases please visit about-exchange/publicaffairs/press-releases.htm or follow us on Twitter at ExchangePAO.
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2013 Smart ForTwo, Coupe, US, $5,999 (S3826). The Used Car Guys Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@used Find all of our cars on!
2013 Mercedes - Benz C300 4Matic, Sedan / Saloon, $18,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
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2014 BMW 320i xDrive, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $18,995 (S1742). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, Find all of our cars on!
2014 Ford Focus ST, Hatchback, US, Front, 6-Speed Manual (M), $16,299 (S4320). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, Find all of our cars on! 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, SUV, $20,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
Photo by Dimitris Leonidas /
2014 Lexus IS 250, Sedan / Saloon, $21,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patriot-au Find all of our cars on!
2014 Volkswagen Jetta SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 5-Speed Manual (M), $11,999 (S4338). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcar Find all of our cars on!
2015 Dodge Journey R/T AWD, SUV, $17,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patriot-au Find all of our cars on!
2015 Toyota Avalon Hybrid Limited, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $17,995 (W0452). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Find all of our cars on FindIt2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0i Premi-! um, SUV, Gas, Automatic, $16,995 (S1743). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaisers- 2016 Ford Expedition XLT 4x2, SUV, lautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslau2015 Lexus RC 350, Coupe, US, Rear, tern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, $25,999. Patriot Military Automobiles $33,995 (W0389). The Used Car Guys - Find all GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, of our cars on! 0151-1580-6354, contact@patriot-au Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 Find all of our cars on FindIt129 046,! Find all of our cars on!
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Photo by Dimitris Leonidas /
2016 VW Golf Sportswagon ALLSTAR automatic, Wagon, $16,899. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
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2017 Kia Sportage EX AWD, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $21,899 (S4265). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, Find all of our cars on!
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2017 Dodge Charger SXT AWD, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $26,599 (S4233). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Find all of our cars on!
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2017 Toyota Camry SE, Sedan / Saloon, $20,199. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Ger2017 Dodge Journey AWD GT, SUV, many, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri $22,199. Patriot Military Automobiles Find all of our cars on FinGmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone,! Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, Find all of 2017 Volkswagen Golf R AWD, Hatchour cars on! back, Gas, Automatic, $36,995 (US2017 Ford Edge SE, SUV, US, Front, 1981). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaisers6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), lautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslau$19,599 (S4116). The Used Car Guys - tern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ram- Find all stein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, of our cars on! 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcar Find all of our cars on!
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2017 Toyota Highlander XLE Third Row, SUV, US, Front, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $31,499 (S4342). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, Find all of our cars on!
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2017 Ford Focus Titanium, Sports Hatch, $17,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on! 2017 Hyundai Sonata Sport, Sedan / Saloon, $21,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, Find all of our cars on!
2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro Crew Cab 4WD, Pick-up, $43,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-15806354, Find all of our cars on! 2017 Volkswagen Jetta, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $14,495 (S1761). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, Find all of our cars on!
2017 Hyundai Tucson 1.6 Turbo AWD, SUV, $21,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri Find all of our cars on!
2017 Volvo XC90 T6 Momentum AWD, SUV, Gas, Automatic, $38,495 (US-1931). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, Find all of our cars on!
2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4WD, SUV, $33,799. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
2017 VW Passat Wagon TDI automatic navigation, Wagon, $19,299. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-15806354, Find all of our cars on!
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2018 Hyundai Sonata Sport, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $20,495 (US1980). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 3679 3979, Find all of our cars on!
2018 Audi S4 3.0T quattro Premium Plus, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $47,399 (S4324). The Used Car Guys Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, Find all of our cars on!
2018 BMW 3 Series 320i xDrive, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $28,999 (S4296). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Find all of our cars on!
2018 BMW 320i 320i xDrive 3-Series, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $30,875 (804222 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@mili Find all of our cars on!
2018 BMW X1 xDrive28i, SUV, $31,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, Find all of our cars on!
2018 Chevrolet Camaro 1LT RS PKG, Coupe, $29,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
2018 BUICK Encore Preferred, Front, Automatic, $21,818 (804207). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquotere Find all of our cars on!
2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, SUV, $46,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on!
2018 Ford Fiesta SE, Front, Automatic, $14,725 (804232 PO GFW). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquo Find all of our cars on! 2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, SUV, $46,999. Patriot Military Au2018 FORD Fiesta SE, Front, Automa- tomobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 tic, $15,375 (804198 PO). MAS Military Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-MiesenAutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiser- bach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germa- 5981520, ny, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquotere Find all of our cars on!
2019 Dodge Journey GT, SUV, $22,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, Find all of our cars on! 2019 Ford Escape SE 2.0T AWD, SUV, $24,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri Find all of our cars on! 2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 1.9 TDI (66 kW) diesel, $23,999 (S4024). The Used Car Guys Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, Find all of our cars on! Find all of our cars on! 2018 Ford Focus Hatch SE, Sports Hatch, $17,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 2018 Dodge Challenger RT V8 SCAT 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 Pack, Coupe, $47,599. Patriot Military 5981520, Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Find all of our cars on! Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-au Find all of our cars on FindIt- 2018 Ford Focus S, Sedan / Saloon,! $15,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, Find all of our cars on! 2018 Ford Escape Titanium, AWD/ 4WD, Automatic, $26,150 (804134 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Ein- 2018 Ford Focus Titanium, Hatchsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaisers- back, US, Front, 6-Speed Double lautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172- Clutch (A), $18,599 (S4268). The Used 2780129, cpoquoterequest@military Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Find all of our cars on FindIt- busch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877! Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@ Find all of our cars on! 2018 Ford Explorer XLT AWD THIRD ROW, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $31,499 (S4343). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, Find all of our cars on!
2018 Mazda 3i Touring Sedan, Sedan / Saloon, $19,299. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, Find all of our cars on! 2018 Mercedes-Benz E Class E300, Sedan / Saloon, $39,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, Find all of our cars on! 2018 Volkswagen Jetta 1.4T S, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $17,499 (S4336). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kai Find all of our cars on!
2018 Honda Accord EX-L, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, CVT (CVT), $27,499 (S4270). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Find all of our cars on FindIt2019 Chevrolet Cruze LS, Hatchback,! US, Front, $19,399 (S4145). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@ Find all of our cars on!
2019 FORD Escape SE, Front, Automatic, $24,733 (904106). MAS Military AutoSource - Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), Dr Hitzelberger Strasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-214-5729, jh83006@military Find all of our cars on! 2019 Ford Escape SE EcoBoost AWD, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, $23,999 (S4104). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, Find all of our cars on! 2019 Ford Escape SE FWD, SUV, $22,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, Find all of our cars on! 2019 Ford Fiesta ST Line, Coupe, $20,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, Find all of our cars on!
2019 Ford Escape SE, SUV, $22,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, con Find all of our 2019 Dodge Charger SXT All Wheel cars on! Drive, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / $37,299 (S4274). The Used Car Guys - Saloon, $21,499. Patriot Military AutoKaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse mobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kai10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, serstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Ger0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@used many, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, con Find all of our cars on Fin- Find all of our cars on!! 2019 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, Minivan, US, Front, $21,699 (S4039). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kai Find all of our cars on!
2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $20,999 (S4138). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, Find all of our cars on!
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