The Citizen - October 6, 2016

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MORE ONLINE: Visit and sign up for the daily email for more timely announcements FEATURE



Your Vote Counts; get your absentee ballot in to have your voice heard. — PAGE 3

Panzer Exchange Associate looks back on military career spanning three major wars. — PAGE 4

Halloween events are scheduled for Stuttgart installations; access rules change for visitors. — PAGE 12

COLOR RUN Color Run celebrates life and closes out Suicide Prevention Month by raising awareness. — PAGE 14

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sustaining & Supporting the Stuttgart U.S. Military Community

Garrison Website:


Pumpkin circus is coming to town

Photo by Kevin S. Abel

The World’s Largest Pumpkin Festival, Ludwigsburg Kürbisausstellung runs at the Blühende Barock garden area at the Ludwigsburg Castle. — Pages 16-17





Learn how to protect yourself, your family and friends by getting your annual flu vaccine. — Page 5

Community updates on garrison services, plus activities and classes to know about. — Pages 6&7

Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Service members teach lifesaving skills to Kenya Defense Forces. — Page 8

Soldiers earn Air Assault badge while in Europe at Camp Aachen, Germany. — Page 9


Page 2 This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Citizen are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Army. All editorial content in this publication is edited and approved for public release by the United States Army Garrison Stuttgart Public Affairs Office. Advertisements and private organizations noted in this publication are not part of Department of Defense.

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart

U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Commander Col. Glenn K. Dickenson Director of Public Affairs Kevin S. Abel Editor Kevin S. Abel Staff Writers Laura Cambiago-Spangler Holly DeCarlo-White Carola Meusel

USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office Building 2949, Panzer Kaserne

Army Post Office Mailing Address: Unit 30401, APO AE 09107 German Mailing Address: Panzer Kaserne, Geb. 2949, 3rd Floor, Panzerstrasse, 71032 Böblingen Telephone: +49 (0)7031-15-2485, DSN 431-2485 Fax: +49 (0)7031-15-3096, DSN 431-3096

The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the U.S. Army or the U.S. Department of Defense. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected.


October is Disability Employment Awareness Month By Kevin S. Abel USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month; the purpose of this designation is to raise awareness and educate everyone about disability employment issues and celebrate the many contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. This effort to educate the public about the issues related to disability and employment began in 1945, when Congress enacted Public Law 176, declaring the first week of October each year as National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. Some 25 years later, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The American Disability Act defines an individual with a disability as “a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; a person who has a history or record of such impairment; or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.” People with disabilities are a diverse

Handelsregister: Zweibrücken, HRB 1824 Z Gerichtsstand Kaiserslautern Ust-IdNr.: DE 229812354 John Thompson Managing Director Newspaper Layout/Designer Manuel Flaetgen Graphic Designer Display Advertising Contact Jaqueline Samad Telephone: +49 (0) 631-30 3355 37 Email: Classified Advertising Contact Isabell Smith Telephone: +49 (0) 631-30 3355 31 Email: Website: Mailing Address: AdvantiPro GmbH Europaallee 3 67657 Kaiserslautern

group, crossing lines of age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status. U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart supports the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs run by federal agencies; programs that receive federal financial assistance; in federal employment; and in the employment practices of federal contractors and requires federal employers to provide reasonable accommodations. When faced with recruitment/ selection employment actions, managers and supervisors are to hire the best-qualified candidate based on their knowledge, skills and abilities and not based on whether they have a disability or not. There are a large number of resources out there if a new employee has a disability or a current employee becomes disabled that can help. Two of these resources are; Job Accommodation Network (JAN) and Computer/ Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and

disability employment issues. It represents the most comprehensive job accommodation resource available and helps people with disabilities enhance their employability and educates employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace. CAP is the centrally funded reasonable accommodations program for employees with disabilities in the DoD. Congress granted it the authority to provide assistive technology, devices, and support services free of charge to Federal agencies that have a partnership agreement with them. These technologies, which can be used to maintain, increase, or improve an individual's job performance, are available to accommodate people with apparent or hidden disabilities such as Blind/low vision, cognitive, communication, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, or dexterity. To learn more about reasonable accommodations, contact the your Disability Program Manager or the USAG Stuttgart Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month activities Oct. 7: Bubble Soccer •

AdvantiPro GmbH Telephone: +49 (0) 631-30 3355 30 The Citizen is a biweekly offset press publication published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 7,000 copies.

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Parade Field in front the Garrison Command Building, Panzer Kaserne, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Join Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program along with ASAP in celebrating and encouraging healthy relationships in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Limited space available.

Register at DSN 431-3518 / CIV 07031-15-3518.

Oct. 14: Storytellers: Survivors of Domestic Violence • •

Patch Chapel, Building 2305, Patch Barracks, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Hear testimonies of domestic violence survivors and join the candlelight vigil honoring

lives lost as we reflect and raise awareness on the severity of this issue. Free childcare provided for those who register at Army Community Service in advance. Children must be 10 years or younger and registered with CYSS to receive care.

Register to attend at DSN 4313518 / CIV 07031-15-3518.

Oct. 18: Cupcakes 4 Change Contest • •

USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 3 p.m. In observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Family Advocacy Program and the USO are hosting a cupcake decorating contest. Drop off your creations between 10 - 11 a.m. Judging will take place from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Cupcakes must

be decorated by parents and children together to qualify for prizes. Prizes will be award to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Register at DSN 431-3518 / CIV 07031-15-3518.

Oct. 20: “Pup”Kin Love • •

Panzer Kaserne, 10 - 11 a.m. Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program and the Veterinary Clinic are partnering for a unique event to highlight Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Participants and their pups in costume will arrive at Panzer's dog run and have their picture taken. The community will vote on the best costume duo and prizes be awarded to the top three.

DSN 431-3518 07031-15-3518.




The Citizen, October 6, 2016

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Absentee Voter Tips for Military, Overseas Citizens Federal Voting Assistance Program News Release

With less than forty-five days until the general election on Nov. 8, absentee voters are beginning to receive their state ballots. During Absentee Voting Week, Sept. 26 through Oct. 3, the Federal Voting Assistance Program reminded the Stuttgart Military Community to submit their ballot as soon as possible and to follow up to ensure that that their ballot is received by their election office. Here are FVAP's top reminders for ensuring Americans vote successfully wherever they are:

States only count your backup ballot if your voted state ballot is not received by the deadline.

Fill out your ballot and election materials correctly Many states have

If you're wondering if your vote made it home, check the status of your ballot by selecting your state at the FVAP website and contacting your election office directly. Military and overseas voters who need to register or re-

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Know that your absentee ballot counts the same as ballots cast at the poll site

specific requirements for signing the envelope or an affidavit enclosed with your ballot. Be sure to follow the instructions sent with your ballot to ensure it gets counted.

quest a ballot can do so by filling out a Federal Post Card Application at the FVAP website, by hand or using the online assistant — and sending it to their election office.

Check your state deadlines, instructions, and options

Check that your voted ballot reaches its destination

For additional information on this election or any upcoming federal

Each state sets its own deadlines for registering to vote and its options for how absentee ballots are sent to voters. States can also differ in their requirements and deadlines regarding how to complete and submit absentee ballots. Some states require ballots to be postmarked by Election Day while others must receive ballots by Election Day. has your state's deadlines and requirements.


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All ballots submitted according to state laws are counted in every election. The media often will report the projected outcome of an election before all of the ballots are counted. In a close election, the media may report the preliminary results or say that the outcome cannot be announced until after the absentee ballots are counted. However, all ballots, including absentee ballots, are counted in the official totals for every election and every vote (absentee or inperson) counts the same.

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election visit the Stuttgart FVAP website at services-vap.html, or call the civ. 0703115-2865 or DSN 431-2865, hours of operation are Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Federal Voting Assistance Program

The Federal Voting Assistance Program is a Defense Department organization that works to ensure service members, their eligible family members, and overseas citizens are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to successfully do so — from anywhere in the world. FVAP assists voters through partnerships with the military services, Department of State, Department of Justice, and election officials from the 50 states, U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. State and local governments administer U.S. elections, including those for federal offices. FVAP supports state and local election officials by providing absentee voting information, materials, training and guidance. Voters can contact FVAP's call center at 1-800- 438-VOTE (8683), DSN 425-1584 or at Tollfree phone numbers from 67 countries are listed at the FVAP website. Find FVAP on Facebook at DoDFVAP and follow @FVAP on Twitter.

Postmark and send your ballot on time

Every election, states receive some absentee ballots past the deadline for acceptance — but this is easily preventable. Follow your state's specific deadlines and recommended mailing dates for returning your voted ballot. If you're a registered military or overseas voter and don't receive your requested state ballot early enough to submit it on time, you can go to the FVAP website and use the backup ballot called the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot. Voters who end up receiving a state ballot after submitting a FWAB should still complete and return it, as well.

Women with a U.S. Marine Corps female engagement team operating in Europe interacts with high school students at the National Library of Romania in Bucharest, Sept. 26, 2016. The Marines spent two weeks doing military-to-military and military-to-civilian engagements to enhance regional stability and security. — U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Kyle C. Talbot


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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Panzer Exchange Associate looks back on military career spanning three major wars By Army & Air Force Exchange Service Public Affairs

Most people who encounter Jack Goldman know him only as a cashier at the Panzer Exchange-little do they know the stories that ripple under the surface from amilitary career spanning three decades and as many major wars. Goldman, now 90, enlisted in the U.S. Army on Oct. 25, 1944. He had just turned 18 and was eager to contribute to the effort to defeat Hitler's Germany and an Imperial Japan. He wanted to enlist earlier but was unable to get his parents to sign papers allowing him to enlist at age 17. “When I was in high school, the big heroes were the guys who would come back to school in a uniform,” he said. “Every male student was chomping at the bit, anxious to get going.” First, Goldman was deployed to Austria, which was under Allied occupation following the fall of Nazi Germany. He was assigned to the border with Germany, where his platoon monitored the huge influx of POWs and displaced Germans pouring back into the country.

Jack Goldman, 90, has a military career spanning three decades and deployments during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. Today, Goldman continues his service to his country and the military community by working as a cashier at the Panzer Exchange. — Photo by AAFES

“As I recall, the devastation in Germany was unbelievable,” Goldman said. “You drove through Frankfurt, and it was just block after block of mounds of rubble. There were some cities that weren't touched, like Heidelberg, but

any major cities were pretty well leveled.” Goldman then left the Army in November 1946, taking a four-year break in the reserves before being called back to active duty in September 1950. He was deployed to Korea, where he manned the border between the newly fractured North and South Koreas as part of the 24th Infantry Division for 13 months. “It was somewhat the same [as WWII], but I think there was more of a sense of urgency because of the tension between North and South Korea,” he said. “During duty in Austria, Austria and Germany weren't at war. Here, there was more of a feeling that something could happen.” Opting to remain active duty after Korea, Goldman's next deployment came in 1967, when he was shipped out to Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division. In 1971, he deployed to Vietnam a second time at the U.S. Army headquarters in Saigon. “I never really was in combat [in Vietnam],” Goldman said. “It was more

of a readiness force than anything. In Saigon, we were in a major headquarters. It was almost like stateside duty, to be honest. You lived well and you had nice facilities.” Goldman's last duty station was at the VII Corps headquarters in Stuttgart, West Germany, where he took his retirement in November 1978 at the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4. Shortly after, he established the first ROTC program at Stuttgart American High School, where he remained as an ROTC instructor for the next 31 years. After retiring from the school, Goldman looked to work at the Exchange not only as a way to stay busy, but to continue serving the military community. “You see people coming through the register quite regularly, so every so often you run into someone who was in the ROTC program when you first started it at the high school, and they've already retired,” Goldman said. “Many times they're field grade officers, many times they're very successful in business, some are teachers. So it's a nice feeling when they

come in to touch base to see if I'm still working, to see how I'm doing.” One soul whose military career Goldman certainly influenced is that of his son, 53-year-old Glenn Goldman, who graduated from West Point in 1984 before serving 30 years in the Army, retiring as a Colonel and deploying to Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division during Operation Desert Storm. “Today, he has a very, very good job at West Point as a GS civilian,” Goldman said. “You can imagine how proud I am of him.” Sam Shinault, Panzer Exchange Main Store Manager, said Goldman's example sets a bar for newer Exchange associates to work toward. “There are people who say if you're five minutes early, you're late,” Shinault said. “Chief Goldman rides 45 minutes one way to work, and he's here at least 30 minutes prior to the start of his shift every day. Being prompt, doing the many functions of a cashier and taking care of the customer is what he teaches by his actions.”

The Citizen, October 6, 2016


Page 5

Influenza vaccine now required for DoDEA students Department of Defense Education Activity

Beginning this fall and continuing for every subsequent school year, the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has added the requirement for an annual seasonal influenza vaccine for students attending DoDEA Schools. The influenza vaccine has been added to the list of required immunizations for students attending DoDEA schools, following guidance and recommendations by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the Department of Defense Joint Military Medical Services regulation on immunizations. “The annual seasonal influenza vaccine is the best defense against influenza. Because the military community is a highly transient one, which increases the potential for exposure and the spread of infectious diseases, DoDEA added the influenza vaccine to the list of required vaccinations for school-age children,” said Dr. Linda Curtis, DoDEA Principal Deputy Director and Associate Director for Academics. “Reducing the spread of preventable infections in schools and the military community, improves students’ health, safety and attendance. A reduction in absenteeism greatly improves student academic achievement.” The Stuttgart Health Clinic is hosting school and community vaccination dates October through December at the Stuttgart Health Clinic located on Patch Barracks, open to all eligible Stuttgart military community members. People can also

Photo by Oldrich /

make an appointment outside of the scheduled hours by contacting DSN: 590-2900/civ. 06371-9464-2900. School-age open dates are on the following Saturday’s from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Oct. 22 and 29 and Nov. 5 and 19. Community dates are on the following Friday’s from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Oct. 28, Nov 4 and 18, Dec. 2. Students will not be dis-enrolled from schools if the vaccine is not available at the Military Treatment Facility (MTF) or the MTFs cannot administer the vaccine before

December 1, 2016. DoDEA will work with the MTFs to ensure students can receive the vaccine when it becomes available and the MTFs can provide the service. School nurses can also provide information about the immunizations. The complete list of required immunizations and at what age they should be administered is on the DoDEA website at, as well as on individual school websites. DoDEA plans, directs,

coordinates, and manages prekindergarten through 12th grade education programs for school-age children of Department of Defense personnel who would otherwise not have access to high-quality public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, Western Asia, the Middle East, Cuba, the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to Local Educational Agencies throughout the United States that serve children of military families.

spread between early fall and late spring months. Many people die every year from the Flu virus. The Flu virus is unpredictable and can result in hospitalization or even death. How is the flu spread? Flu is spread person to person through respiratory droplets when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks. You can also get the Flu by direct contact if you touch surfaces and objects or someone infected with flu virus germs. You can be contagious even before the symptoms appear and you can continue to be contagious about a week after you have symptoms. What are the symptoms of the

Flu? Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Someone infected with Flu may sneeze and cough often; have a fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, stuffy nose, experience fatigue, possible diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. What can you do to avoid, protect yourself the Flu virus? The best protection is to get your Flu shot and wash your hands often with soap and warm water. You should avoid close contact with sick people, stay home if you’re sick, and cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Who should get the Flu shot? Everyone who is age appropriate (6 months and up) and who does not

possess an allergy or medical condition which prevents them from getting the Flu vaccine should get a Flu shot. CDC recommends the Flu shot each year for highly susceptible individuals such as: Seniors over the age of 65, pregnant women, young children, healthcare workers, policemen, persons who work at prisons, persons with asthma, diabetes, or other chronic medical conditions.

Stay healthy this flu season: Influenza explained Stuttgart Health Clinic

Flu season is fast approaching, and it’s time to protect yourself, your family and your friends by getting your annual flu vaccine. One important change to note for this Flu season year is the Center for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendation not to give the nasal spray flu vaccine (FLU Mist) due to vaccine effectiveness. Studies indicating poor or relatively lower effectiveness. Only injectable FLU vaccine will be available this year. Flu, also known as the influenza virus is a contagious viral respiratory disease which tends to increase and

To learn more about the flu, visit these sites: • • • influenza

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Stuttgart theatre Center PreSentS “the MouSetraP”

Join the Stuttgart Theatre Center Kelley Barracks, Bldg. 3320 for the performance of a classic murder mystery from world-famous author Agatha Christie, and see the world’s longest running play. “The Mousetrap” features a group of strangers stranded in a boarding house during a snow storm, one of whom is a murderer. First performance is Oct. 14, 2016, 7:30 p.m. The minimum age to attend is five years old. Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $13.00 for students, they can be purchased with Euro, based on the Family and MWR exchange rate. Reservations are suggested and tickets are on sale now. For more information, contact the Stuttgart Theatre Center at civ. (0)711-729-3055 or DSN Tel: 421-3055.

Stuttgart health CliniC hourS

Beginning October 1 the Stuttgart Health Clinic hours have changed. They are now open Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., this includes the pharmacy on Patch Barracks. To make an appointment call DSN 590-2900/civ. 06371-94642900.

Kelley Car WaSh SCheduled to reoPen Mid-oCtober

The Kelley Car Wash has been closed due to an infrastructure issue that the Directorate of Public Works is servicing to repair. The self-service car wash with its four pressure wash bays is scheduled to reopen mid-October; the high-powered vacuums are still operational until then. The Patch Car Wash is also available for car cleaning needs, open daily from 10:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. except for U.S. Holidays. For more information, contact the Auto Skills Center at civ. 0703115-2555 or DSN: 431-2555.

navy-Marine CorPS relief SoCiety neW hourS

NMCRS new appointment hours for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are in Building 2915, 2nd Floor, Rm 204 on Panzer Kaserne. Volunteer positions are available for a Budget for Baby Program Lead, and Communications Lead. To make an appointment, or for volunteer information, contact DSN: 431-3768/civ. 07031-153768 or on-call: 0152-0134-7312.

garriSon-Wide antiterroriSM exerCiSe oCt. 22

There will be increased force protection at gates and on-post across all installations. Road and parking barriers will be in place in certain areas to reduce parking movement near the exercise. To maintain the integrity of the emergency scenario

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS training, blocking locations will not be announced prior to the event. Community members will notice a visible increase in Military Police, fire and emergency first responder activity, including casualty role-play. Many service members will be in full tactical uniforms with equipment deployed around the installations.

CyS SPortS Winter regiStration

support services available to them.

vehiCle regiStration, liCenSe feeS inCreaSe

On Oct. 1, the U.S. Army Europe Registry of Motor Vehicles increased the vehicle registration fee in Germany by $5 to $35 dollars. Driver license fees are also going up to $20.

24/7 SharP hotline loCal CYS Sports winter registration euroPe Phone nuMber

is open Oct. 11 – Nov. 10. Sports offered are basketball (ages 5 - 15) for $40, wrestling (ages 6 - 14) for $45, cheerleading (ages 5 - 15) for $40, developmental basketball (ages 3 - 4) for $20, and bowling (ages 9 - 18) for $65. Space is limited in some sports and locations. Participants must have a valid sport’s physical throughout the season. The season runs from Jan. 8 – Mar. 4. Register at Parent Central Services or via webtrac. For more information, call Civ. 0711-680-7480 or DSN 430-7480.

SKi/SnoWboard PaCKage rental KiCK-off oCt. 17

Outdoor Recreation (ODR), can help this winter season with your Ski/ Snowboard Package Rental. Go to ODR, get fitted and rent your gear through May 8. Only $199 for adult package and $149 for youth package while supplies last. Ski package include: Skis, boots, poles and helmet. Snowboard package include: board, bindings, boots and helmet. For more information, call civ. 07031-15-2774 or DSN 431-2774.

Kelley hotel to CloSe for renovation

The Kelley Hotel will be closing for renovation scheduled from November 2 through December 31, 2016. Upon our re-opening the Stuttgart community will enjoy a fully furbish facility with new carpeting, wallpaper, drapes and curtains, and modern and secure guest room doors with durable metal frames. Future projects include the addition of a fitness room and relocation of the continental breakfast area. For any lodging needs, please contact the Panzer Hotel front desk at civ. 0703115-3090 or DSN: 431-3490.

uSag Stuttgart hoStS retiree aPPreCiation day

U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart will hold its ninth annual Retiree Appreciation Day, Oct. 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Swabian Special Events Center on Patch Barracks. The event recognizes the service of retirees, and their family members, and also provides an opportunity for current and soon-to-be retired personnel to obtain information on medical, dental, financial and administrative

Those in Europe can access these same resources by calling a local telephone number. The Army Sexual Harassment / Assault Response & Prevention telephone number for Europe is accessible via DSN, landline, and mobile, 24 hours a day at: 537SAFE (7233) or civ. 0611-143-537-SAFE (7233). is a resource offered for victims of sexual assault to have access 24/7 to the following: Crisis intervention; Emotional support; Referrals to both military and civilian resources in the victim’s area; Information on military reporting options (restricted vs. unrestricted); Information for family and friends of victims; Long and shortterm safety concerns.

abSentee voting

Every U.S. citizens age 18 or older by Election Day, November 8, can vote while overseas by registering as an absentee voter. States are required to send registered absentee voters their ballots no later than 45 days prior to Election Day. Check state-specific deadlines and requirements, and use the step-by-step tool to register to be an absentee voter at The Installation Voting Assistance Office is available for assistance on Panzer Kaserne, Building 2913 Room 114, or by calling DSN: 431-2865/civ. 07031-152865, or email

CoSMiC boWling night

If you are looking for a great time in an exciting atmosphere, then join the Galaxy Bowling & Entertainment Center on Panzer Kaserne, Building 2998, for Cosmic Bowling every Saturday night. Cost is $2.75 per game with $2.00 shoe rental. For more information, contact the Galaxy Bowling & Entertainment Center at civ. (0)703115-2575 or DSN 431-2575.

franKie ballard ConCert

Join the Patch Community Club Patch Barracks, Oct. 17 for an evening of free music from one of country music’s rising stars, Frankie Ballard. Singer of the popular single, “Tell Me You Get Lonely.” Ballard has also opened shows for huge stars on the country music scene including Kenny Chesney. This

The Citizen, October 6, 2016 concert is open to DoD ID cardholders and their authorized guests, it is an all-ages show. The Backlot Bar is open to patrons age 18 and older after 8 p.m. This free concert is presented by Armed Forces Entertainment, a Stars & Stripes Tour. Doors open at 6 p.m. concert starts at 7 p.m. For more information, contact the Patch Community Club at civ. (0)711-729-4483 of DSN 431-4483.

StorytiMe at the library

Help your little ones get a head start on early reading skills by attending the RB Library’s weekly preschool story times. Story time helps children build confidence, learn socialization skills, and make friends, while caregivers get a chance to meet their peers. Story time is fun for everyone! Story time sessions held at RB Library: Wednesdays - all ages Storytime, 11 - 11:30 a.m., 3 - 3:30 p.m., Fridays - Preschool Storytime (and crafts!), 11 - 11:30 a.m. Storytime sessions held at Patch Library: Wednesday mornings - 10:30 11 a.m., 11 - 11:30 a.m.

Java “Coffee on WheelS” ConferenCe PaCKage

Delivery available for Panzer, Kelley and Robinson. Package includes three liter Airpod Bold Roast or Mild Roast Starbucks Coffee, 12 assorted pastries of your choice and 12 cups, condiments included. Price is $29.95 and you will receive one complimentary Loyalty Card ($4 value) off your next purchase at the Java Cafe. For more information, call Civ. 0711-680-8365 or DSN 430-8365.

Parent Central ServiCeS aPPointMentS

Child, Youth & School Services is improving its customer service to serve you more efficiently. Parent Central Services is now taking appointments for customers as a measure to eliminate wait times. Appointments will be available Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Walk-in customers will be seen Mon. – Fri., 1 – 5 p.m. The last customer needing new or re-registration will be seen at 4 p.m. daily. Appointments can be made by calling Civ. (0)711-680-7480 or DSN 430-7480.

SKieS unliMited inStruCtorS Wanted

Become a SKIES Unlimited instructor and share your area of expertise with the children and youth of the Stuttgart community. CYS Services is seeking qualified instructors to teach piano, voice, dance (pop/hip hop), art, swimming, martial arts, speech therapy, foreign languages, or other child/youth specialized programs. Must be 18 years of age or older. If you are interested call DSN 430-6281 / civ. 0711-680-6281 or email

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Certified fitness instruCtors needed


Stuttgart Fitness Centers are looking for certified fitness instructors and personal trainers to help keep our community in shape. If you meet these qualifications and would like to join our team in providing fun, creative, and challenging training to the Stuttgart community in our fully equipped Fitness Centers, call our Fitness Coordinator at DSN 421-5808 / CIV 0711-729-5808 or the Patch Fitness Center at DSN 430-7136 / CIV 0711680-7136. A German Tax ID no longer a requirement.

with Lionel Bart’s classic musical based on Charles Dickens' novel, Oliver Twist? If so, try out for the Holiday Family Musical at the Stuttgart Theater Center. A per-audition workshop will be Sunday, October 16 at 6 p.m. and the auditions will be October 17 – 19 with ages 6 to 15 starting at 6 p.m. and ages 16 and above will start approximately 7 p.m. Performances will be Dec. 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 Jan. 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 with a special Invited performance for the EFMP only on Saturday, 17 December @ 15:00. For more information, call the theater office (Tues.-Fri. 12:30-5:30 p.m.) at Civ. 0711 729-3055 or DSN 421-3055.

nightlife at rB Community CluB

after hours - Country & Western night

RB Community Club and Bar is open Thursday – Saturday, 6 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. and every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 6 – 11 p.m. Come out and have a great time! Watch sports channels, enjoy free Wi-Fi, billiards, darts, and free movies every Friday (double feature 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.). For more information, call DSN 420-6129 or CIV 0711-819-6129.

signuP for athoC

AtHOC has self-service sign-up available with Common Access Cards (CAC) online. Service members may also enter a dependent (one additional account). AtHoc alerts users with emergency notifications multiple ways through computers pop-ups, voice calls to landline and mobile phones, emails and text messages. Follow the step-by-step instructions on, search AtHoc. Contact the Emergency Management Protection Branch officer at DSN: 4312031/civ. 0703-115-2031, or contact your local commands Protection office.

family Child Care

Are you looking for a small, intimate caring environment for childcare? Look no further than Family Child Care (FCC). FCC providers offer lower adult/child ratios, flexible hours, opportunities for siblings to be in care together, and a small group setting in a warm, family environment. For more information, call DSN 430-4047 or CIV 0711-680-4047.

english as a seCond language

Dust off those cowboy boots and head over to the Backlot Bar for Country Night. Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month you can grab a drink or two with your friends, line dance, two-step or just hang out. Country Night is a great way to kick back and enjoy your weekend. Must be 18 years-old for authorized ID card holders & their guests located on Patch Barracks at the Backlot Bar, Bldg. 2345 starting at p.m. - 2 a.m.

salsa saturdays

Join the fiesta party and dance the night away with your favorite Latin dance beats at the the Backlot Bar. Shake it to popular hits ideal for Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Reggaeton, or request your favorite Latin dance genre and make it a night to remember. Salsa Saturdays are held every 4th Saturday of every month. Must be 18 years-old for authorized ID card holders & their guests located on Patch Barracks at the Backlot Bar, Bldg. 2345 starting at p.m. - 2 a.m.

neW on-Post housing resident handBook

Ensure that you know the rules if you live in On-Post housing. The housing office encourages occupants to report violations if witnessed, and “If You See Something, Say Something,” to your Area/Building Coordinator. See the Resident Handbook updated by the Housing Office - www.stuttgartcitizen. com/announcements-news/2016-resident-handbook/

aPPlianCes, in-home At the Army Community Service maintenanCe

(ACS), Panzer Kaserne, Bldg. 2915, every Monday and Thursday, 9 – 11 a.m. Take advantage of free English classes that are open to community members wanting to sharpen their English skills, classes include a textbook. No registration required, for more information, call DSN 431-3362 or CIV 07031-15-3362.

stuttgart theater Center auditions

Do you consider yourself at home

To make a maintenance request contact the Service Order Help Desk at DSN: 421-6200 or CIV. 0711-729-6200. Personnel must be home for the appointment. The Stuttgart Citizen website provides tips for European appliance maintenance and use.

afn suPerstar of the month

Would you like to recognize an exceptional member of your unit, organization,

or overall within the Stuttgart military community. To nominate a community member, email: AFNStuttgartonline@ Details to include: Name, unit or organization (if applicable) and why you think this person is a Superstar. Winners are announced on AFN Radio. For AFN Stuttgart, AFN 360 internet radio, visit:

mandatory finanCial Planning for reloCation, for e-4 and BeloW

Financial counselors provide junior enlisted military personnel (E-4 and below) the tools and knowledge to make educated financial decisions, and gain a basic understanding of the financial aspects of relocation to include basic Permanent Change of Station (PCS) allowances. Oct. 11, 18 and 25, 10 a.m. at the Army Community Service (ACS) - Panzer Kaserne, Bldg. 2915, Pre-registration required by calling CIV. 07031-15-3362 or DSN 431-3362.

uso triPs and events

Get the Kiosk for September/October and sign up for classes, events, trips and

Page 7 tours, stop by the USO Center and pick up a copy or contact the Stuttgart USO Center, Building 2915 Panzer Kaserne, at 0703115-3345 or

Panzer BaCk gate hours

The back gate afternoon hours have changed for outbound traffic (right turn only) Monday – Friday: 2:45 - 5 p.m. Inbound (Right Turn Only): Monday – Friday: 6:30-9:30a.m. (On regular school days) only busses will be allowed to turn left at back gate from the Schönaich direction.

vehiCle registration uPdates

The U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Vehicle Registration Office has added online appointments for community members clearing and shipping vehicles, in addition to registration renewal. Clearing and shipping includes “shipping plates” and the turn-in of plates for destruction. Stuttgart community members can now make online appointments via the registration renewal appointment link available on the homepage at *Note - Appointment pages are CAC access only.

Coming to PatCh theater Thursday, October 6 Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (PG-13) 1800

Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current

Friday, October 7 The Magnificent Seven (PG-13) 1800 The Girl on the Train (R) 2100

at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater online for the most up-to-date schedule: showtimes-Patch-Barracks.htm

Saturday, October 8 Storks (PG) 1500 Deepwater Horizon (PG-13) 1800 The Girl on the Train (R) 2100 Sunday, October 9 Storks (PG) 1600 The Girl on the Train (R) 1900 Thursday, October 13 The Girl on the Train (R) 1800 Friday, October 14 The Accountant (R) 1800 Kevin Hart: What Now? (R) 2100 Saturday, October 15 Kevin Hart: What Now? (R) 1500 The Accountant (R) 1800 The Magnificent Seven (PG-13) 2100 Sunday, October 16 Storks (PG) 1600 The Accountant (R) 1900 Mondays - Wednesdays Closed

© 2016 Universal Pictures Kevin Hart: What Now? — In Universal Pictures’ Kevin Hart: What Now?, comedic rock-star Kevin Hart follows up his 2013 hit stand-up concert movie Let Me Explain, which grossed $32 million domestically and became the third-highest live stand-up comedy movie of all time. Hart takes center stage in this groundbreaking, record-setting, sold-out performance of “What Now?”—filmed outdoors in front of 50,000 people at Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field—marking the first time a comedian has ever performed to an at-capacity football stadium.

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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Task Force Sparta teach Humanitarian Mine Assistance training to AMISOM Troops Story by Staff Sgt. Tiffany DeNault Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa

A team from Task Force Sparta, assigned to Combined Joint Task ForceHorn of Africa, is teaching lifesaving skills to Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) combat engineer soldiers and officers during Deliberate Kindle 2016, Sept. 5-30, at a training center in Kenya. Deliberate Kindle 2016 is a four-week course designed to prepare the KDF soldiers for future deployments in support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Approximately 53 KDF soldiers are given various Humanitarian Mine Action lessons focused around countering improvised explosive device (C-IED) tactics, including tactical combat medical skills, demolition training and train-the-trainer skill sets. The training provides basic skills the KDF can rely and further build upon while deployed with AMISOM by increasing their effectiveness, and thus allowing them to return home safely, said U.S. Navy Ensign Christina Hammervold, Deliberate Kindle 2016 mission commander. “It’s important to conduct C-IED training for all troop contributing countries (TCCs) because it is the most detrimental threat they are currently experiencing while supporting AMISOM,” Hammervold said. “Creating better trained AMISOM TCCs is vital to our success in obtaining the overall regional stability (CJTF-HOA) is seeking.” A KDF commanding officer also stressed the importance of the combined training for their future missions. “It’s very important to come together [for this training],” said KDF Maj. Anthony. “We learned some new tactics and ideas from [the Americans]. We also have different training techniques. Therefore, when we come together in partnership, we learn a lot from each other.” The course goes into detail on identifying different IEDs, how to effectively use mine detectors, what to do when an IED is found, and also how to treat someone who has been injured from an explosion. At the end of each course portion the soldiers will complete practical applications of the skills learned in each class. “It’s nice for the partnerships to be together because we are learning from [Task Force Sparta] and their experiences,” said KDF Warrant Officer Athumani, a squadron sergeant major. “That will help us fight the fight.” During the last week of the course, the soldiers will have the opportunity to train other KDF soldiers on what they have learned in the training environment for effective

U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Ryan Waller, assigned to Task Force Sparta and senior instructor for Deliberate Kindle 2016, teaches Kenya Defense Forces combat engineer soldiers and officers on the difference between electric and non-electric explosives during Deliberate Kindle 2016, Sept. 16, at a training center in Kenya. Deliberate Kindle is a four-week counter-improvised explosive device course designed to provide C-IED, medical, and train-the-trainer skills to approximately 53 KDF soldiers in preparation for future deployments with the African Union Mission in Somalia. — U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Tiffany DeNault

Kenya Defense Forces combat engineers practice setting up an electric demolition with mock training aids during Deliberate Kindle 2016, Sept. 16, at a training center in Kenya. U.S. Navy Task Force Sparta explosive ordnance disposal technicians and a dive independent duty corpsman, assigned to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, provided counter-improvised explosive device, tactical combat medical care, and train-thetrainer skills to approximately 53 KDF soldiers and officers in preparation of the KDF’s deployment with the African Union Mission in Somalia. — U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Tiffany DeNault

transmission of skills. “It’s paying it forward,” said U.S. Navy Hospitalman 1st Class Aaron Christensen, Deliberate Kindle lead medical trainer and a dive independent duty corpsman. “We are trying to make sure they have the skillset to pass it on to other soldiers. So it’s not just these 53 people who were able to

take the information, but for them to take it and [further] expand upon it. That way, we are growing the medical and IED awareness knowledge-base to continue the growth of their abilities to respond to emergencies.” Task Force Sparta utilizes small explosive ordnance disposal teams and maneuver units to conduct partner nation

training throughout HOA to build partner capacity, Hammervold said. “It’s awesome. I like the instructors because they are friendly and they have the knowledge and experience,” said KDF Lance Cpl. Mohamed. “They are not just giving us what is in the books, and we are very much confident that [this] is the kind of gift we will never forget.”

The Citizen, October 6, 2016


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Raider Soldiers earn Air Assault badge while in Europe Photo and story by Spc. Ryan Tatum 1st Armor Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

While the majority of the Soldiers from 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division were getting ready to return to Fort Stewart at the end of a 6-month rotation in Europe, five Raider Brigade Soldiers took the opportunity to challenge themselves while earning the Air Assault badge at Camp Aachen, Germany. The course was offered through a mobile training team from the U.S. Army National Guard’s Warrior Training Center out of Fort Benning, Georgia. Sgt. 1st Class Derrick Koth, the noncommissioned officerin-charge for the Air Assault cadre, said from the first day the course challenges Soldiers physically and mentally, starting with the prerequisites required to make the course, which include a two-mile run and an obstacle course. “On zero day, the individuals get a lot of physical training sessions in the morning,” said Koth. “Once the Soldiers complete the two-mile run in the allotted time, Soldiers will proceed to the Air Assault obstacle course. The Soldiers will have nine obstacles to complete, two major and two minor obstacles, which both must be completed in order for the Soldier to receive a go.” Soldiers do not officially start the Air Assault course until they have completed all of the prerequisites. Once completed, they start the three phases of the course. “We get them going from a bunch of individuals to working as a team in one cohesive unit,” said Koth. The first phase is the combat assault phase, where Soldiers receive instruction on the various aspects of combat air assault, to include aircraft orientation, aircraft safety, aero-medical evacuation, pathfinder operations, combat assault, and hand and arm signals. After testing out of the first phase, Soldiers continue to the second phase and learn about sling load operations.

The Soldiers must also complete a 12-mile road march within three hours before they are able to graduate and earn the coveted Air Assault badge. Spc. Ryan Skinner, a mortarman with Troop C, 5th Squadron, 7th Calvary Regiment, was thankful for the opportunity to take the course before going back to Fort Stewart. “Air Assault School with the Warrior Training Center was a great experience,” said Skinner. “The cadre came in strong with day zero, and throughout the course they taught us a lot.” Edwards said the course not only challenged him to become a better Soldier and leader, but it will also benefit Sgt. Nicholas Edwards, a quartermaster and chemical equipment repairer for 10th Engineer Battalion, gets his Air his unit. “The training was tough Assault badge during a graduation ceremony at Camp Aachen, Germany, September 23, 2016. Edwards was one of five Soldiers from 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, to earn the Air Assault badge before and I have learned a lot about myself in the process of trainreturning to Fort Stewart, Georgia, after a 6-month rotation in Europe. ing, both physically and men“Sling load is the hardest lock-in procedures, belay pro- anywhere from 34 to 64 feet tally,” said Edwards. “This phase of Air Assault school,” cedures, and rappelling. in height, depending on the training teaches us how to be said Koth. “On average, 1-inSoldiers repel from a tower tower. an asset to our unit.” 10 Soldiers fail that portion of the school.” Soldiers receive instruction on preparing, rigging, and inspecting various military sling loads during this phase. They must pass a written and a hands-on test, identifying three out of four deficiencies on the hands-on portion, to receive a go and continue to the third phase. Sgt. Nicholas Edwards, a quartermaster and chemical equipment repairer with the 10th Engineer Battalion, said the second phase was the hardest phase of the Air Assault course. “Paying attention to detail; touch what you see and see what you touch,” said Edwards. “The whole school is attention to detail, but this particular phase is the most difficult, because the smallest deficiencies could result in catastrophic effects on the aircraft.” Soldiers who passed the sling load phase moved onto the final phase, rappelling, arguably the most enjoyable part for those Soldiers without a fear of heights. In this phase, Soldiers receive instruction on tying a rappel seat, hook-up techniques,

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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Career roadshow intends to ‘shake up’ civilian workforce

Beryl Hancock (center), chief, Manpower Policy, Plans and Program and chief of the CP26 Proponency Office, speaks to students in the Manpower and Force Management course during a road show presentation in Fort Lee, Va., Jan. 5, 2016. — U.S. Army photo by Cory Hancock By Holly DeCarlo-White USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

The Career Program 26 — Manpower and Force Management Proponency Office Roadshow visited U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, Sept. 20 on Patch Barracks. CP26 is one of the Army’s centrally managed civilian career programs aligned under the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, and is based in the Pentagon. CP26 management analysts work in a variety of organizations such as resource management, plans and training, documentation, and management engineering at installations and major commands across the Army. The purpose of the roadshow is to inform CP26 careerists in USAG Stuttgart about the importance of manpower and force managers within the Army. As resource managers, CP26 careerists play an integral role in developing, designing and resourcing the Army’s Operating and Generating forces. Although the event was hosted by the CP26 office, the information presented during the day-long roadshow was applicable and open to all 31 types of civilian professions. Topics focused on civilian professional development, education, and advice on how to take charge of your career. Beryl Hancock, CP26 Proponency Office chief said that civilians sometimes don’t get all the information on what is

available to them within their offices. The roadshow enabled civilians to have in-person interaction, question and answer sessions, and one-on-one career counseling on the spot. Civilians can find which career program number they are a part of within their position description. “From administrative to functional skills, to stretching yourself - what I call Career Yoga, it is important to learn how to build your breadth and depth of experience. My point is to try and shake people up,” Hancock said. Whether you are a new or seasoned employee, careerists should think about what will take them to the next level. Hancock encourages all professionals to ask themselves, “What do I need to do in order to grow, personally and professionally?” Hancock recommends that new civilian employees take time to learn their Army Civilian, Training, Education & Development System (ACTEDS) plans. All 31 Army career programs have plans posted online with competitive professional development on programs offered. Employees can contact their functional proponent for more information, or if they aren’t sure who to contact, civilian professionals can email the CP26 office for guidance at: usarmy.pentagon. According to Hancock, there is a laundry list of resources and opportunities available to the civilian workforce including the Civilian Education System,

Beryl Hancock, Career Program 26 Proponency Office chief, speaks to a group of Army civilians about manpower and force management at Fort Eustis, Va., August 23, 2016. CP26 is a civilian career program that analyzes and resources the Army’s operating and generating forces in support of national military strategy. — U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Natasha Stannard

which is open to all civilians, the Army Career Tracker and Go Army Ed to view training, as well as Army programs to grow and develop leaders. “I am eligible to retire soon and I want to know that I am comfortable turning over ‘my Army’ to the person coming behind me,” Hancock said. Persons transitioning out of the military service into a civilian career, or planning to retire, should look at their personnel file folder well in advance and take advantage of retirement classes offered at least one year prior to retirement, Hancock advised. It is important to keep personnel files up to date throughout your career, she said.

Service members in Stuttgart can contact the Transition and Retirement Services Administrator for assistance in their civilian or retirement transition at DSN: 431-3673/civ: 07031-15-367. The Army Career Tracker website will have new references available online in October, including do’s and don’ts for resume writing. Stuttgart’s Army Community Service offers resume free writing classes to all military community members monthly. Contact ACS for more information at DSN: 431-3362/civ. 07031-15-3362. For more information about CP26, visit


The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Page 11

Show Some Love: CFC-O 2016 kicks off in October Story by Holly DeCarlo-White USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

The 2016 Combined Federal Campaign Overseas kicks off this month on Oct. 3 with an event at the Main Exchange on Panzer Kaserne from noon to 1 p.m. The CFC-O is an annual workplace giving campaign providing Department of Defense personnel serving overseas the opportunity to extend their service by supporting charitable causes of their choice. The theme of the 2016 CFC-O is “Show Some Love” whereby contributors are encouraged to show their love by supporting life-changing programs in military communities, at home and abroad. Contributors have the option to give to the overseas military community through the Family Support and Youth Program fund. Distinctive to the CFC-O, six percent of campaign gross, from undesignated contributions, is returned to the overseas installations Family Support and Youth Programs which is then used to invest in better quality of life programs for service members, their families, and federal employees. Furthermore, contributors can support programs back home through the “CFC All-Around Giving” program, which allows contributors to pledge to thousands of local charities across the U.S. The complete, searchable charity list is available on the website, In 2015, units across U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart raised $270,000 for charities, $117,628 toward Family Support and Youth Programs.

According to the CFC website, the following are

Unites States Army Garrison Stuttgart commander Glenn K. Dickenson and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Mariano Z. Alvarez hosted a kickoff event for this year’s Combined Federal Campaign, which allows Federal civilian, postal and military service members to have the opportunity to support eligible nonprofit health and human service organizations throughout the world during this year’s CFC. Check with your unit CFC representative to learn how you can donate. — Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

a few examples of how donations can make a difference: • • • •

$10 provides a month’s supply of clean drinking water. $25 provides a backpack and school supplies in South Sudan. $50 gives emergency medical supplies in the days following a natural disaster. $80 provides refugee children with a safe place to play.

Paperless options

The Defense Finance and Accounting Services myPay system offers contributors the opportunity to

electronically pledge via payroll allotment. In addition, the CFC-O eGiving system allows contributors to complete a one-time or monthly recurring paperless contribution via credit card, debit card or transfer from a checking or savings account.

CFC History

Fundraising for charitable organizations in the Federal workplace can be traced to the late-1940’s, but in 1961, President John F. Kennedy officially authorized the U.S. Civil Service Commission to regulate fundraising in the Federal service by signing Executive Order 10927.

The CFC is: 1. 2. 3.

A strong military tradition. An extension of service. A way to connect federal employees to charitable organizations.

The CFC-O is the second largest CFC in the world with the five commands across six continents, there are 209,755 potential contributors and more than 3,000 campaign representatives. In 2015, with just 17% participation, $6.8 million was raised. To donate or for more information, contact your unit representative or visit, click “Donate.”

Free English Tour of Three Leading Corporate Facilities and Downtown Böblingen Everybody knows that Böblingen has a thriving economy and a rich business landscape, but few have had a chance to peek into production facilities or company headquarters in and around town. Now, thanks to the Böblingen Tourist Board, some of these doors will open for one night – not only to local citizens, but to the U.S. military community, as well. The program of the first doorsopen night of Böblingen business on Wednesday Oct. 19 – called “Wirschaft Live Erleben!” – features three high-profile, global companies: pharmaceutical wholesale

cooperative Noweda in Böblingen, plant engineering Eisenmann in Holzgerlingen, and the MercedesBenz factory in Sindelfingen. Starting from 5:30 p.m. they will open their doors, show visitors around stateof-the-art production and storage facilities, and share interesting details on their corporate history. Additionally, to three tours for German speakers, the Böblingen Tourist Board is offering a dedicated tour in English for the U.S. military community. Registered participants will board a van outside the main gate of Panzer Kaserne and start on this

unique tour at 5 p.m. The first stop will be at NOWEDA eG to discover what state-of-the-art logistics processes allow for efficient daily supplies to 8,700 pharmacies, which are also the company’s cooperative members. The tour will continue with a brief guided bus tour of the historic area and downtown Böblingen, followed by a “pit stop” in the Mercedes-Benz factory Sindelfingen. The highlights here are a chance to see how the upper-scale vehicles with the threepoint star are born and discover the groundbreaking developments of the

Mercedes-Benz Technology Center. The third company to offer a glimpse behind the scenes is a leading plant manufacturer and service provider in high-tech fields ranging from surface treatment to material flow automation and environmental engineering. The van will then return to the Panzer main gate and is planned to be back by 10 p.m. Participation is “first come, first served” and cost free for a maximum of 25 people. To sign up, send your name, address and contact number to the city tourist board at stadtmarketing@


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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Halloween 2016 installation access procedures

There are a few rules to follow for visitors and guests to gain access to the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart installations for Halloween 2016 Trick-or-Treating. — Photo by Monkey Business Images /

Monday, October 31, 2016, Halloween trick-or-treating is scheduled on Stuttgart installations from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be a few rules to follow to gain access to the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart installation(s). There will be no normal visitor sign-in at the gates beginning two (2) hours prior to trickor-treating activities. Beginning at 3 p.m., no visitors or guests will be allowed to sign on to the installation. Sign-on privileges will resume at 10 p.m., two (2) hours after the completion of trick-or-treating.

To bring guests/visitors onto any of the Stuttgart installations the following procedures must be completed: 1. 2.

All visitors/guests must be placed on an access roster list. To add a visitor to the access list, submit an Access Roster Request (Download Form: AE Form 190-16F) to the Installation Access Control Office no later than close of business (4:30


4. 5.



p.m.), Oct. 21. Access roster requests may be dropped off in person to the IACS Office located in Building 2915 on Panzer Kaserne during business hours, or submitted via the sponsors official government email by the deadline to: ussarmy.stuttgart. Imcom-Europe.list.pmo IACS@ Sign-in limitations: Each individual can sign-in no more than four (4) visitors/guests. Children under 10 years of age are required to be listed on the Access Roster. Complete the request form with their names, then under the section labeled “PIN/ID card number Reisepass/Ausweis Nummer,” just annotate “child.” Children 10 years of age and over must have their identification card number entered the section labeled “PIN/ID card number Reisepass/Ausweis Nummer.” All visitors (either signed in or on the access roster) must be escorted / accompanied by the


sponsor at all times. If planning to visit more than one installation during the hours of 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., each installation requires a separate Access Roster Request be submitted.

More Trick-or-Treating Rules On-Post 1. 2. 3.



There is no trick-or-treating allowed in the stairwells. Door-to-door trick-or-treating is set to end at 8 p.m. Keep in mind that you're on a military installation in Germany, so use good judgement when picking your costume. (Inappropriate examples: “terrorist”, “suicide bomber”, or Nazi themed costumes etc.). Ensure your guests and yourself are identifiable when signing in, or arriving, at the respective main gates. Note that the regular garrison child supervision policy applies during Halloween.

Trick-or-treat tips to remember from the

Stuttgart Safety Office: • • • •

• • •

Masks can obstruct vision. Use facial make-up instead. Inspect all treats before anything is eaten. Walk on sidewalks, not in the street. Use flashlights, glow sticks, and wear reflective clothing to help see better, and be seen more clearly. Watch for children darting out from between parked cars. Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs. Watch for children in dark clothing.

Editors Note: Updated Oct. 4 to clarify community questions, Form 190-16F is the correct form USAG Stuttgart IACS office is accepting for installation access roster requests for visitors to the Halloween event. Community members should disregard the form's title stating use for contractors and Common Access Card registration. Additionally, IACS requests all sponsors submitting the form via email should use their official .mil or .gov email address.

The Citizen, October 6, 2016


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Halloween-themed activities 2016

Oct. 23: Burg Frankenstein Family Experience with USO

• Halloween is coming soon, and what better way to celebrate than a visit to a medieval castle that inspired the famous book by Mary Shelley. Don’t miss the annual Halloween festivities at Frankenstein Castle near Darmstadt. You may walk through the castle and see all kinds of horrific monsters, vampires, werewolves and ghosts up close in the daylight. Sundays are Family Day at the castle and the monsters even sign autographs if you buy the card pack and are bold enough to ask! As a VIP, you can relax and warm up in the lounge between forays into the castle. The VIP buffet includes, among other things, apple juice, salads, pasta dishes, chicken and pudding. Per the venue, it is not recommended for children ages 0-6 to enter the inner courtyard with the monsters. Tour price includes transportation, VIP entrance, and USO Escort. Special Cancellation Policy applies. No discounts available. • Departs: 11 a.m. Returns: 7:30 p.m. Cost: Ages 7 & up: $75 Child (0-6): $50. • DSN: 431-3505/civ. 0703-115-3505

Oct. 26: Halloween Booowling with the USO

• The Galaxy Bowling and Entertainment Center, Panzer Kaserne, 6-8 p.m. • FREE bowling, pizza, snacks, & fun - Wear your best costume to win prizes! • Sign up by calling at 07031 2019012 or email: • *A deposit of $/€20 per person or $/€60 per family will be required at sign up. Deposit returned upon arrival on the day of the event. • DSN: 431-3505/civ. 0703-115-3505

Oct. 27: Children’s Halloween Party

• Patch Library, Patch Barracks, 3 – 6 p.m. • Children of the community can get a head start on their Halloween celebration and enjoy candy, crafts, and more. Come dressed in your Halloween costume to be entered to win a prize. • DSN: 430-5232/civ. 0711-680-5232

Oct. 28: Halloween Family Fun

• Kelley Club, Kelley Barracks, 4:30 – 11 p.m. • Bring your family and friends to the Kelley Club for a harrowing fright family fun night. Enjoy some of your favorite games (musical chairs, pop the balloon, hit the piñata, and more) with a Halloween twist. Dig into the delicious finger buffet which included, chicken wings/nuggets, meatballs, sliced pizza, spring rolls and French fries, salad bar, assorted fruits and deserts and free nonalcoholic beverages will also be included. • Come dressed in your best Halloween costume and you are automatically entered into the costume contest. Three categories: adult (18 and older), teen (13 – 17) and child (12 and younger). Winners receive a gift basket from the Kelley Club and finish off the night with dancing as community members grab the mic and show us what they got with Karaoke. • DSN: 421-4660/civ. 0711-729-4660

Oct. 29: Monster Bash with BOSS

• Patch Community Club, Patch Barracks, 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. • Rock out to our dueling DJ’s, musically feeding off each other, providing our goons and goblins with a high energy packed performance. And don’t miss your chance to win big by entering

• •

into our spooky competitions. Winners of the Scream contest will receive a $50 Exchange gift card; best costume winners for male, female and couples will receive tickets to Europa Park’s Horror Night 10 year anniversary; if you dare to enter the fear factor bug eating challenge, you could win a PS4 with VR headset, plus accessories. Better Opportunities for Single Servicemembers, BOSS, will be hosting a dance off contest where winners will take home gift cards, backpacks, and BOSS swag. Thrilling Halloween cocktails such as Vampire Sweet Juice, Bloody Mary and more will be all the rave that night. For only $5, get your scare on and one freshly hacked grilled item served by our favorite Halloween special guest, “The Butcher”. Tickets are on sale at the Patch Community Club, Java Café, Panzer Fitness Center, Galaxy Bowling and Entertainment Center, Kelley Club and RB Club, while tickets last. (Tickets may be available at the door. Limited sales). Event is open to U.S. ID cardholders 18 and older and their authorized guest. DSN: 430-5433/civ. 0711-680-5433

Oct. 29: Glow Run

• Patch Fitness Center, Patch Barracks, 6 p.m. • Halloween isn’t just about candy and treats. This year partake in the 2016 Glow Run 5k and have some healthy fun. Registration is $10 at the Patch and Panzer Fitness Centers. Participants are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and glow gear. Glow sticks and glow necklaces will be given out for this first nighttime run. Race is pet and stroller friendly. • DSN: 430-5386/civ. 0711-680-5386

Oct. 29: Burg Frankenstein VIP Fright Night with USO

• If you love to be frightened, then don’t miss the annual Halloween festivities for adults at Frankenstein Castle. You’ll be able to walk through the castle and see all kinds of horrific monsters! Be sure to bring a friend, after all, you never know what comes out after dark.... Unlike Family Day, the monsters won’t be friendly on this night!! The VIP lounge offers a delicious buffet dinner with aperitif, salad and hors d’oeuvres, warm buffet and dessert buffet (additional beverages not included). Between rounds through the castle ruins, there are snack and drink stands or you can come and go into the VIP lounge. Feel free to wear a costume—Halloween’s not just for children anymore! By requirement of the castle, this tour is only for ages 14 and older. Tour price includes transportation, entrance, VIP lounge/meal and USO Escort. • *NOTE: MONSTERS ARE ALLOWED TO TOUCH, PULL, GRAB AND FRIGHTEN GUESTS!* • Special Cancellation Policy applies. No discounts available. • Departs: 4:30 p.m. Returns: 1:30 a.m. (Sun), Cost: All Seats (14+ only): $145. • DSN: 431-3505/civ. 0703-115-3505

Oct. 31: Halloween Trick-Or-Treating

• All installations, 5-8 p.m. • See Visitor Policy and On-Post Rules. • The USO Stuttgart will have a table setup at each installation giving out candy to all community trick-or-treaters Note: Candy donations from the community to support the event are welcomed and can be brought to the USO Center, Building 2915, third floor on Panzer Kaserne.

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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Color Run raises awareness of suicide prevention

As the race started, runners tried to make it through a barrage of powdered color tossed into the air forming clouds of different hues. — Photo by Jason Johnston By Kevin S. Abel USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Runners of all ages that passed a color station during the 5k Color Run at Husky Field Sept. 24, 2016, got a good splash of color. This event gave Service members and families the opportunity to participate in a color run and learn more about suicide prevention. — Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Runners get hit with a barrage of powdered color as volunteers toss clouds of different hues during this year’s 5k Color Run on Patch Barrack Sept. 24, 2016. — Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Over 200 Service members, families, retirees and community members joined the Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) 5k Color Run, and were pelted with orange, yellow, blue, pink and green powder, held on Patch Barracks Sept. 24. In partnership with the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) and the USO the family-friendly Color Run 5k brought awareness to suicide prevention and how we as a community can help to prevent the suicide of our loved ones and community members by being aware of the signs leading up to this tragedy. “Sharing of resources in times of constraint is our goal,” said Dr. Bala M. Fischer, Alcohol & Drug Control Officer. “If you look at it from the macro perspective each agency is vested with the goal of reaching out by offering and spreading their message, so we use this campaign to accomplish our mission. When we combine all our efforts and energy, we have had the experience of causing sustained impact. We are ONE TEAM!” “The Color Run is about Celebrating Life,” said Fischer. “We want everyone to come out and enjoy the beauty of life. Staying strong and being there

for others are the goals of this campaign.” The run was a close out event for the Suicide Prevention Month that is consistent with the DoD Suicide Prevention theme 'Be There'. “Celebrating live is about fostering overall wellness, it connects people,” said Fischer. “Families and individuals were collectively having fun.” The first 200 runners to register received a commemorative t-shirt, sunglasses and a color bomb to toss onto fellow runners at the start of the race. The focus is on having fun and learning about the signs of suicide, rather than racing as runners get splashed with brightly colored powder at different stages on the course. Throughout the race runners were meet by volunteers who cheered them on with words of encouragement and a doused in colored powder, made of corn starch and food coloring to ensure their white shirts didn’t remain that way. At the conclusion of the event, nearly all those who started were painted with bright colors and even brighter smiles. To see if you can find someone you know covered in color, visit our Flickr site and search the collection of photos at: http://

The Citizen, October 6, 2016


Page 15

Soldiers’ fest unites international forces By Laura Cambiago Spangler USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines from the Stuttgart military community met their German counterparts in uniform on Sept. 26 on the capital’s fest grounds, Cannstatter Wasen, for “Soldatenwasen,” or Soldiers’ Wasen Day. The event is a unique tradition to Stuttgart’s Cannstatter Volksfest dating back 41 years. Soldatenwasen was initiated in 1975 by beer tent owners Gerd and Hans Atz, who expressed their support for the local troops’ morale by offering two mugs of beer and a “Göckele,” or half chicken to every attending service member of Theodor Heuss Barracks in Stuttgart. Two years later, invitations were extended to the U.S. Forces, and in 1982, French and Canadian military units stationed in Baden-Württemberg also joined in the celebration. Since 2007, this festive “joint exercise” has been organized by the German Army State Command Baden-Württemberg, which in 2008 recognized the long-time host of the Stuttgart military, Alexander Laub, with a golden Cross of Honor for his long-standing support through Soldatenwasen, as well as charitable donations to the German Military Musical Corps’ for research on Multiple Sclerosis. The baton was then passed on to Peter Brandl, owner of the Fürstenberg tent, who has been carrying on the tradition since 2009. On Sept 26, German Army State Commander Col. Dieter Bohnert acknowledged Brandl’s hospitality with a framed award for “Special Operations,” while U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Commander Col. Glenn K. Dickenson presented him with the prized commander’s coin. Following tradition, the two commanders jointly welcomed the troops from the tent’s stage. For the first time, though, there was also an “exchange of languages” that raised enthusiasm from all sides. Bohnert easily switched back and forth from German to English, while Dickenson addressed host nation troops in their mother tongue. “This is symbolic of how we work together as one team,” Dickenson said. Typically, a large gathering of multinational forces means that a collaborative military training is taking place. This annual tradition, instead, focuses on fostering a spirit of camaraderie among as many as 4,000 international service members.

Service members of all branches of service serving in Stuttgart, Germany, march together to meet their international comrades for “Soldatenwasen,” or Soldiers’ Wasen Day at the Cannstatter Wasen fest grounds, Sept. 26, 2016. — Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

International service members try each other’s hats and exchange patches during the annual “Soldatenwasen,” or Soldiers’ Wasen Day, Sept. 26, 2016, at the Cannstatter Wasen fest grounds in Stuttgart. — Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Page 16


The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Pumpkin circus open in

USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs

The pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg is the largest of its kind worldwide. This year’s creations and exhibit transform the Ludwigsburg Palace gardens, or Blühendes Barock into a very peculiar circus ring, until Nov. 6, from 9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. More than 450,000 pumpkins of over 600 different varieties are artistically arranged in the shape of

clowns, knife throwers, wild animals and other circensian attractions for the 2016 theme: “The Pumpkin Circus is Coming to Town!” Pumpkin-based foods and drinks are another much appreciated part of this event, and the food creations are just as unusual as the artwork. This is the only place where visitors can savor not just pumpkin soup, stew, and pie, but also “maultaschen,” spaghetti, burgers, strudel, candy, and even sparkling

wine, all made of p From Sept. 15 U.S. pumpkin car and his team we in Ludwigsburg time. Villafane’s a sculptures aim a history of the Hub Another highl program of side eve competition amon giant carved pum canoes. This yea

The Citizen, October 6, 2016


Page 17


pumpkin. 5-18, the popular ver Ray Villafane ere special guests for the fourth amazing pumpkin t visualizing the bbard squash. light in the vast ents is the paddling ng athletes using mpkins in lieu of ar, the so-called

“pumpkin regatta” took place on the castle pond on Sept. 18. This year, the traditional German championship pumpkin weighoff was held Oct. 2, the European championship is scheduled Oct. 9. Visitors may have the chance to see a local masterpiece break the current record weights of 812.5 and 1,054 kg, respectively. Pumpkin carving sessions will be held on the last two Saturdays before Halloween: on Oct. 22 and

29 at 10 a.m. The pumpkin exhibition is not illuminated, so visiting after dark is not recommended. Dogs are generally allowed – read the specific park regulations on the Blühendes Barock website at For entry cost and more information, visit

Photos by Kevin S. Abel

Photos by aekikuis, moryachok /

Page 18 The Citizen, October 6, 2016

ids orner

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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

TODAY: Baked Feta

Ingredients (for 4 people) • 500 grams of feta cheese • 1 bell pepper (or if you can get them, take these little bell pepper mix boxes to add a little more color to your meal) • 8 to 10 small vine tomatoes • 4 green peperoni • 4 small shallots (I would suggest the purple ones for a nice color) • Basil, oregano, sea salt, black pepper corns, a bit of chili powder (if you like it a little spicy) • Olive oil • Aluminum foil Preparation

Photo by ChristophTT/

You can prepare this recipe on the grill or in the oven. Both will taste great.

Cut the feta cheese into four equal slices. Take four pieces of aluminum foil that are big enough to hold all the ingredients. Remove the stalk from the bell peppers. Cut the bell peppers in thin slices and cut the tomatoes in half. Peel the shallots and cut them in thin slices. Put some olive oil in your aluminum foil, then put the sliced feta cheese and some sliced tomatoes in it. Add the bell peppers, shallots/onions and one peperoni. Spice it up with some basil, oregano, sea salt, black pepper and chili. Put some more olive oil on top of it. Then wrap it, and put in the oven or on your grill. Let it bake for about 8 to 10 minutes. The time depends on how darkly baked you prefer it. When done, you will have a delicious Mediterranean side dish for any steak! To prevent it from cooling down too much, put the parcels on the plates and open them up right before you start eating. The smell will just be awesome when you finally open it, believe me.

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The Citizen, October 6, 2016

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1 PT CRUISER, 2.2 DIESEL, 2003, GREEN PLATE5 SPEED, 4 DOOR, TUV NEW, AIRCOND, 2 SET OF TIRES, SUMMER/ WINAll ads & pics on TER, ABS, POWER STERINGELEC WINDOWS, AND LOCKS, This Saturday, we will start our 7 KEY LESS ENTRY, PRICE 1 700 Day Deep Stretch Yoga Summer Euros, Intensive with Jenny Riley-Doyle 1994 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, and Candace Kirchgessner every25th Anniversary Model, 431 of day from 7-8:30 pm at Grace Stu1750, $8500 OBO, Mechanically dio from 20-26 August. Let's go and cosmetically the car is in exdeep into our stretches and deep cellent condition - phone: 07031into our soul. Yoga is the journey 819620, email: erik_fleischner@hot of yourself, through yourself to find yourself. To register, go to 1997 BMW 523i Sport Sedan, $6,495, Eur Spec, Automatic, Leather, Heated Seats, Just serviced, 12 months guarantee included in price! Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro All ads & pics on, Web: http:// Caution: Some Classified 1999 VW Passat Sport Combi, ads have become a target $4,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Navifor scams. Please be caugation, Cruise Control, Heated tious if potential buyers offer Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, you payment methods other HiFi System, Perfect Condition, than cash. Call :0176 22730967, Email:info@, Web:http:// $$ Second Chance Finance $$ -



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Page 21

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

AUTOS All ads & pics on 2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8, 300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, manual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $13,995, con2009 BMW 116i, black metallic, tact, automatic transmission, 90 kW 0176-93136972 (122 PS), 78tkm, German spec, new German TUeV till Sep/2018, gas, BY 07/2009, great condition, accident free, full service history, new all season tires, new break discs, new spark plugs and injectors, half leather grey interior, fully loaded, auto. AC, sunroof, seat heater, park distance control front and back, steering wheel, light/ 2007 Pontiac G6 GT Convertible rain sensor, navigation system, (Hard top), 3.9 liter, automatic, non-smoker, fog light, €13,500 top condition, one owner, leather, obo. Call 0176-79 222 999 or heated seats, top sound system... 0179- 535 28 27 New tires, brakes, and struts. On2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Couly 67k miles. Ramstein AB, pe, $25,995, US spec, Automatic, $11,500 - phone: 0171-5627919, Cruise Control, Power Glass Sunemail: roof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy 2010 C 300 MERCEDES BENZ Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: GOLD COLOR U.S. SPECS AU- 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro TOMATIC TRANSMISSION BEI-, Web: http:// GE LEATHER INTERIOR SUN ROOF AUTOMATIC WINDOWS 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, HEATED SEATS ALL WEATHER 5.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 miTIRES NO SMOKING ONE OW- les, manual, gas, Black Crystal, NER AND ONE DRIVER ACCI- Black premium Leather interior, DENT FREE 61,000 MILES $24,495, contact mark@american (98,000 KM) ALL INSPECTIONS, 0176-93136972 BY DEALER $16,500.00 06155- 2010 Smart FourTwo Passion, 6740 REDCYN@T-ONLINE.DE Smart Four Two Passion Smart 2010 Mercedes C300 Sport Se- Car, Ramstein Air Base (RMS) dan 4D, Hanhofen Germany, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Ger$13750.00, phone: 01708070172, many, $4300.00, email: reiththe email:

2010 MAZDA 3i Sport Sedan, $10,995-, US SPEC, Automatic Transmission, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro, Web: www.euro 2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Automatic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Turbo 200HP, Sport Hatch, automatic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact, 017693136972 2011 Mercedes GLK 220D CDI 4 Matic German Spec 91,000 KM, One owner, has Trailer Hitch, Navigation, hands free phone, heated front seats, automatic trunk opener, extra winter tires and wheels.Kaiserslautern Germany, $20,500 email: 2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition model with many extras. Ride in style for 1/4 the price of a new ML. excellent condition, contact: email: 2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP, 28,470 miles, Blue Metallic, Cream Leather interior, $25,495, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972

2011 MINI Countryman "S" ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass Sunroof, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@euro, Web:http:// 2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Convertible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 2012 GMV Acadia, 3.6L V6 288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic, Gas, black metallic, grey leather, $24,995, contact mark@american, 0176-93136972 2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Sedan, 48,050 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather interior, $15,995, contact mark@, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6, 210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas, Black Metallic, $24,995, contact, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP, SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $15,495, contact, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles, SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972

2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6, 290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige Cloth interior, $23,495, contact, 017693136972 2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6 SUV with AWD, $24,695, US spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@, Web: http:// 2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV, 32,059 miles, automatic, gas, Black Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $29,495, contact mark@, 017693136972 2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L, 220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@, 017693136972 2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic, gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey Cloth interior, $15,495, contact, 017693136972 2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatchback, 23,642 miles, automatic, gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate Grey interior, $14,995, contact, 017693136972 2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6 240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, automatic, gas, storm blue, black premium cloth interior, $20,995, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972

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Page 22

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

2014 MINI Countryman JCW ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles, Manufacturer Warranty, Automatic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, All ads & pics on Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense 2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6, Wipers, Upgraded Sound System. 268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black Call or text 017680420465 leather interior, $25,995, contact, 0176- 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L, 93136972 SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas,


2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV, 14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $22,995, contact mark@ameri, 0176-93136972

Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $21,995, contact, 017693136972 2015.5 Volvo XC60 T5, This beautiful XC60 T5 Premier Drive-E is very well equipped and awaiting your test drive at our Kaiserslautern showroom. Some of the features on this car are: Laminated panoramic roof, Leather seating surfaces, Heated front & rear seats, Rear park assist camera, Park assist front and rear, BLIS, 0631 351700, 0171 7554004, in

2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, California Special Pack, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@european 4 Continental Sport Contact 2, Web: http://www.euro summer tires on aluminum rims for sale by first owner. Size 235/ 55 R17 99W. Fits most SUVs Very 2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8, good condition, used only two 405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun seasons with little mileage. On liMetal Grey, Black Premium Lea- ne price for just one tire is $150. ther interior, $32,495, contact Selling complete package for only, 0176- $390 OBO. Please contact Tom at 01737746849 93136972



Audi 100 V6 Automatic in best condition and new Inspection, Audi automatic V6 inspection, $3000, phone: 015123019073, email: valentin_jentsch@ya Audi A4, 1998, 2.4L V6, Automatic/Tiptronic, 119,600 KMs/74,300 Miles, Santorin Blue Mica Metallic, $5,030, Euro Spec, 0631-3549908 Auto stuff. Alu wheels 4 ea 81/2 x 17 5/112 bolt 28mm offset Mercedes & similar. Also have floor mats seat covers tire racks. get set for winter tire change now., Berliner Str. 66849 Landstuhl Germany, €210.00 Euro, phone: Text 016098435541, email: Bike Rack: Yakima DoubleDown 2, with Dead Lock rack cable lock hitch-mount, near Patch Barracks 70563 Stuttgart Germany, $150 OBO, phone: 0152-5276-7136, email: BMW 316 I 4 door Automatic, Blue, Elec windows FT All Weather tires, very good and dependable family car $ 1499 OBO, 90, GERMANY, email: ddundkk@hot BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017, Automatic transmission, 110 kW (150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004, 170,000 km, full leather grey, Accident-free, full serice history, full equipment, all comfort, Negotiable €8700, call 0176-62056022 BMW 320i sport automatic Xenon angel eyes leather, BMW 320i automatic sport, 63741 Aschaffenburg Germany, $3500, email: BMW X5 35d Turbo Diesel with M Styling Package, BMW Car SUV Diesel, Boeblingen Germany, $29,500, phone: 491715324364, email:

BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power stearing, power locks, air cond, leather interior, seat heating, power windows, alloy rims w/ new summer tires, new battery and brakes. €1800. 0152-06467728 Car For Sale, 91522 Ansbach Germany, $22000, phone: 01622546978, email: luisbaez47@ Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009, Mileage 78000 mi, Options Air Conditioning, All Season Tires, Pwr mirrors, Power locks, Power seat, Power windows, Alloy wheels, Body Sedan Doors 5, Engine 2.2L 4cyl, Auto, Patriot Military Sales Tel: +49 (0) 631 357 8231 Daihatsu silver met, 4 door, 5 speed, 1.0 LTR , year 2002 air cond, summer tire and winter tires, CD player, ABS, air bags, $ 1100, and we deliver, if you have any cars for dispose of, accident, Non operational, we remove it for you, email for info ddundkk@hot For Sale 2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 U.S. Specs. Automatic Transmission All Weather Tires Accident Free 63,000 Miles (99,000 KM) All inspections by the Mecedes Dealer $16,500.00 061556740 FOR SALE 2010 MERCEDES BENZ, $$ 16500.00, phone: 06155-6740, email: REDCYN@TONLINE.DE FOR SALE:2001 VW GOLF GLS TDI BLACK COLOR GERMAN SPECS MANUAL 6 SPD TRANS BLACK/GRAY INTERIOR ELEC WINDOW SHEATED SEATS SUMMER/WINTER TIRES ACCIDENT FREE (212,000 KM) USAREUR INSPECTION TO 10/2017 MOSTLY DEALER MAINT$ 2,

Otto-Lilienthal-StraÃ&#x;e t Böblingen 5FM t XXX BVUPIBVT CPM[ EF

Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, automatic, US mod, all season tires, $1699, and we deliver anywhere, if you have any cars for dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you my phone is 0175-3213199 call or e-mail, Ford Ka - Model 2004, €1380, ste, Ford 140.000km, silver, 5speed, very clean. Great car for the winter, new winter tires, front-wheel drive, phone calls 0152-06786080 Ford Kuga, 2015, $28,500, German Specs. Titanium (Escape) 1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed manual. Polar Silver Metallic. Leather Heated seats. Keyless entry, push button start. 4 winter and summer tires, auto headlights, and much more. eapropin@out Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Tires with steel rims, 175/65 R14. Excellent condition used one winter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162297-2951 Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door, automatic, ABS, power stering, 1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any car for dispose of, accident, non operational, we remove it for you.Email I have a Fantastic Range of Tires in Stock at Great Prices, €, 0631/ 91572 MAZDA 323 F, MOD 1999, GREEN, 4 DOOR, 5 SPEED, ABS, 1.5 LTR, AIR COND, POWER STERING, ELEC WINDOWS FT, KMS 74,000MYPH IS --0175-3213199-, $1700, MAZDA 626 GRAY 4 DOOR 5 SPEED AIR COND KMS 194000 EUROS 2900. WITH 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON MOTOR TRANS AND DIFFERANT, 90, MAZDA 626 GRAY 4 DOOR 5 SPEED AIR COND KMS 194000, WITH 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON MOTOR TRANS AND DIFFERANT, €2000, email: MERC BENZ E-280 V-6 YEAR 21 / 11 / 2001 SILVER WAGAN / COMBI 2.8 LTR AUTOMATIAC AIR COND CC HEADED SEATS PRICE EUROS 2000. EVERY THING WORKS KEYLESS ENTRY ELEC WINDOW LOCKS MIRROWS ALI RIMS ALWEATHER TIRES ABS POWER STERING TILT STERING WHEEL AIR BAGS, 90, €2000, email: ddundkk@hot Set of Monster Green Borbet 9x16 with new tires, Bolt pattern 4x100, €550, 0631/91572

Our experience - Your advantage New Ne w an and d us used ed car sal ales es / Aut uto o re repa pair pa ir and ser ervi vice vi ces ce s Welcome to the world of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Hyundai in Böblingen.

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Simply drop in and find out what we can do for you. We are looking forward to your visit! VAT forms and credit cards accepted.

Autohaus Meiling GmbH Wolf-Hirth-StraÃ&#x;e 29 71034 Böblingen

Phone (07031) 22 40 57 Fax (07031) 22 40 44

Page 23

The Citizen, October 6, 2016 SEAT AROSA 1997 BLUE 3 1 ea small elec. Heater 10 Euro, 1 DOOR 5 SPEED KMS 170 000 ea water cooker 5 Euro, 1 ea elec. AIR COND 1.0 LTR SUMMER Hand mixer 10 Euro, 1 ea toaster AND WINTER TIRES PRICE $ 5 Euro, 1 Coffee Machine 10 EuAll ads & pics on 1400 WE DELEVER ANY WHERE ro, 1 coffee grinder 5 Euro, 2 ea Mercedces 2011 GLK 220D CDI AND ITS GARNTEED OVER US AEG 220v Vacuum cleaners ea 40 4 Matic German Spec 90000 KM, INSPECTION, 90, $1400, email: Euros, 1 fan stand 8 Euro, Mercedes GLK 2011 220D, Kai- serslautern Germany, $20,500 Thinking of buying a new Quality Alessis 110V/220V digital piano, email: robertharrington37@ Pre-owned car, then look no fur- chair, stand, cover, hard shell cather, we have over 150 cars in se, music books $800 MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, insi- stock. Patriot Military Automobi- 991073 leave message de black and part leather, new ti- les 09662-702 6280 Bosch Washer & Dryer, €200, res (all year tires) on aluminium Toyota Urban Cruiser, Used car email: rims, lots of extras, all services do- very good, Kaiserslautern GermaCanon BJC 7000 Color Bubble ne, Accident-free, FR 09/2005, ny, €6850, email: volker.goetz@ Set Printer. Incl. Cartridge and 016094539677 76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS), USB Cable. CD Booklet. replacement engine, Negotiable Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD €8,400. 0176-62056022 Design Year: 2016 Color: Bursting MITSUBISHI COSAMA, 1.6 LTR, blue metallic Upholstery: CharGREEN, 4 DOOR, 5 SPEED, ABS, coal Nubuck / Nappa leather with POWERSTERING, GERMAN TUV contour seats Transmission: 8TILL JAN2017, MY PH IS --0175- speed automatic w/ geartronic, in 3213199--, $1500, ddundkk@hot or 06134-284943 VW Golf 1999, Gotta Go, €2500, Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green, phone: 01514357273, email: rmara 4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, German TÜV till Jan VW GTI 2013, $16999k, The per- Digital Camera. bethmary100@ 2017, my phone is 0175-3213199, fect car! 66,000 mi, xtra winter alu $1500, rims/tires, roof rack, winter matts, Digital Timer. NEW. Motorhome - See Europe in style. new clutch, bluetooth, heated Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x 100 seats, satelite radio, keyless, inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen master power everything, iPod connect, Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage bed and separate shower and toi- plad interior, airbags. Very good Settings. With Heating. Massageball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100 let. Beautiful with many luxuries. cond brethelenius@google Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box. $15K OBO. Call Scott for pictures $15. and more info 01622972951 Grand high-class HI-FI SYSTEM New new + German TUV GERThreshold Tuner Model FET One MAN TUV+No US inspection silver, €1.500, email: hml.zieg Need +++ Mitsubishi Eslipes G L, Red, 2.0 LTR , 16 VAL, air cond, 2 All ads & pics on door, 5 Speed, elec windows $5 for two LeapFrog Didj Games: Grundig coffee maker (never KMS 163,000, $1695, ddundkk@ Indiana Jones + Spongebob; call used - was 200E) - 50E or text 0152-04445052 991073 leave message Nissan Almera TINO di, 2002, Germanspecs,, 2nd owner, no accidents, TUeV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard, great travelcar, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, €2400, full tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009 Opel Zafira 1.8 2008 - Price reduced!, opel zafira car van 7 seater, 91522 Ansbach Germany, €3500, email: Peugeot 206 CC Convertible, Peugeot convertible, 63743 Aschaffenburg Germany, $3500, email:valentin_jentsch@ya Family Furtwängler Porsche Cayenne Michelin Latitude Sport NO spec tires 4 each, Steile Gasse 8 Low mileage no damage; cost 71032 Böblingen new 250 euro each, RamsteinMiesenbach Germany, €350 Euro, Phone: +49 70 31 | 71 73 - 0 phone: 01726142850, email: Fax: +49 70 31 | 71 73 - 50 PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Mail: Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV Web: new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering • Walking-distance to school bus (5 min.) elec windows, and locks, key less • VAT Forms accepted entry, price €2000, if you want any cars for dispose of, accident, Open: Tue – Sun non operational, we will remove it 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. for you, email for info ddundkk@ Greek &German specialties & 5:30 p.m. – midnight Mondays closed hotmail.DE Sale by Owner: 2013 Volvo XC90 • Family-owned R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Exe- • Summer terrace cellent cond rating! Fully-loaded: • Private parties welcome Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV, Extensive wine list Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear • sensor, leather int, black metallic ext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya Sony Cassette Car Stereo.Protection Case.Cables and User Guide. Maierstrasse 3• 70567 Stuttgart • 0711 – 711 375•


Credit cards accepted


Grand high-class HI-FI SYSTEM: 2 Amplifier Threshold Model s/ 300 STASIS, Electronic Hi-Fi Amplifier Threshold, Model s/300 STASIS, linear state power amplifier overall feedback free, silver, €3.600, email: hml.ziegler.nw@ Grand-class HI-FI SYSTEM 2 Infinity High End loudspeakersfloorstanding, cabinets off oak wood, height 64 inch, width 26 inch, depth 14 inch, 7400 €and 2 amplifier, Threshold Model s/300 STASIS, linear state power amplifier overall feedback free, silver, 3600 €Cable connections of all devices are gold-plated!67434 Neustadt Germany, email: hml.ziegler.nw@ Grand-class HI-Fi System Nakamichi Dragon Auto Reverse Cassette Deck, inclusive Remote Control, black, 3800 €The best classy and innovative Cassette Deck which has been ever built.K+H Telewatt HIGH FIDELITY Stereo Tuner, FM 2002 (Radio), 1500 €67434 Neustadt Germany, Gym quality treadmill PROFORM 850T, $150.00, sells for $700.00 email: battersbyr@hot

Grand-class HI-FI SYSTEM, Treshold Tuner Model FET One silver, 1500 €Nakamichi CD-Player, 1000mb Music Bank, Acoustic Isolation System, 2.500€, inclusive Remote Control 1000mb, 500€, email: hml.ziegler.nw@

Hair Dryer. 3 Heat + 2 Speed Settings. Cold Shut Button. Concentrator + Finger Diffusor Attachment. Lightweight.Super Quiet.Removable End Cap. 1875 Watt. 110V. User Guide.Orig. Box. iPhone Case / Cover.Scratch-Resistant.Slim Clear Case/Cover. Silicone Crystal Clear. NEW. Please bring your iPhone to make sure it fits. Portable AC Unit, Air conditioner portable AC unit, $250, phone: +491711803501, email: mcmurryjo

Page 24

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

ELECTRONICS All ads & pics on

HP PC XP with Mouse, Keyboard and Remote. Orig. Box. Laptop / Notebook / Tablet Bag. Dell. Several Zippers and Compartments. Strong and Durable. Adjustable Shoulder Strap (detachable). 15"x12"x3". Black. Great Condition. bethmary100@ Panasonic BluRay DVD Player, 1080p resolution video, digital audio outputs, KTown Germany, $50, phone: 01623305535, email:

Router, Belkin N150, $10, Stamm Bodyfit Meteor 100 arm and leg pedal home trainer for sale. Put it under the table and work out while sitting. Top condition, asking $45. Contact Tom at 0173 7746849

Steam Iron Philips. Easy Glide.Scratch Resistant.Durable.Easy to Clean.Anti Calc.Drip Stop.2.5m Long Power Cord.Self Clean.Cable Holder.Vertical.220V.Orig. Box. Great Working. The perfect system to watch satellite programs in English or German Sony Bravia LCD flat screen color TV and Atemo AM 500 HD Satellite receiver selling as a complete set. $195. for both, al@mer

Deutsche Kantenne

Find our daily menu at Facebook: Deutsche Kantenne

Serving Greek & German Food Breakfast Menus, Breakfast Buffets & Brunch Lunch & Dinner Buffets Directly on Patch Barracks! Bldg. 2386 Mon-Fri 6:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Private Parties

Treadmill - Proform 635 CW, $249,, well maintained/functioning treadmill. Adjusts for speed & slope. Cross fit ski poles adjustable for tension. Emergency situation stop. TVs, Voltage Regulators, €250, White leatherette case for IPAD mini W/removable bluetooth keyboard, $45.00, firm. al@mer / 06371-60179 White Mini IPAD. Infrequently used. No scratches or blemishes. Latest IOS installed. $169.00. 06371-60179 Yamaha Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound System with subwoofer, 5 speakers, power converter, wires, remote, amazing sound, KTown Germany, $150, phone: 01623305535, email: bre

FOR SALE All ads & pics on Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 10 CD/DVD Slim Cases Clear. 10 DVD Stoarge Case with Outer Clear Sleeve.High Quality Plastic.Black.Fits Up to 3 Discs. 2 Coasters / Candle Holders. Glass. 2 DVD Storage Case with Outer Clear Sleeve. High Quality Plastic. Clear. Fits Up to 4 Discs.

2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, with manual and CD. $40, spvendor@ 2 Egg Ring Flower.Nonstick.Durable.4.5"Handle folds for easy stora 2 Egg Ring Heart.Nonstick.Durable.4.5"x3.5".Handle folds for easy storage.NEW.bethmary100@ 2 Food Storage Container.Round.Glass with Blue Lid.Made in Germany.19cm High, 11cm Diameter.Stacka 2 Key Chain with Shopping Cart Coin. Metal. Bose Sign. With Box. NEW. 220V restored jukebox from the 60s, jukebox collectable, Einsiedlerhof 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $999 obo, phone: 01743075784, email: 100prozentfun@ 3 DVD Storage Case with Outer Clear Sleeve.High Quality Plastic.Clear. Fits Up to 6 Discs. 3 ea old vintage army footlockers 45 Euro ea, 1 large suitcase 20 Euro, 1 small overnight suitcase 10 Euro, 1 vintage newspaper cart (mahogany w/ceramic tile) 20 Euro, 3 Beersteins w/pewter lid 15 Euros ea, 3 Beerstein w/o lid (munich design, kaiserslautern, spalten bier Munich) ea 10 Euros, 2 ea pewter cups 10 Euros ea, 2 ea small pewter cups 5 Euros ea, 1 sugar cup and plate pewter set 10 Euros, Old fashioned tea service trolley ceramic tile 30 Euros, email: 3 Handkerchiefs. 100% Cotton. Washable (60). Orig. Box. NEW.

Ristorante Monte Cassino •Homemade Homemade Italian Pizza, Pasta & Ice Cream D •Pizza express delivery (on-base too!) N FOO IA L A IT Y •Room for big parties (up to 90) TAST E OUTSID T H •Party service (up to 200) G I R Tel: 07031 – 41 33 37 Herdweg 168 | 71032 Böblingen


Mon - Fri 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. & 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. Sat 5:00 - 11:00 p.m., Sun 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.


Party and CateringService




Take away Lunch Special (Mo – Fri) Indian Restaurant

authentic indian cuisine


ECHTERDINGEN Esslinger Str. 11 · Phone 0711 - 99 76 38 16 LEONBERG Leonberger Str. 97 · Phone 07152 -90 32 32

Hours: 12.00 – 14.30 and 17.30 – 23.00


4 Candle Holder. Glass. 3" Diameter. 2.5" High. bethmary100@ 4 Food Storage Container. Round. Glass with Blue Lid. Made in Germany. 13cm High, 11cm Diameter. Stackable. 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers. Black. Strong and Dura 6 Clothes Hangers with Clips White.

6 Mini Cookie Cutters. Metal. Animals. Durable. For bite-sizes goodies. Orig. Box. NEW. AeroPilates® with Free-Form Cardio Rebounder, $150.00, email: Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoiseblue. Lettering “aero” and zipper at the front. Size M. Barley worn. €13. Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink. On the front are pictures of peaces signs and the label name is shown. Size M. Barely worn. Good condition. For pics see €9. jani Air Mattress Queen Size.Blue.Max Weight 500 lbs.Orig. Box.With New Back Bag. 3 Zipper Compartments. Great Condition. Barbie and Ken Collection.From the 80' Black knitted pullover. Size XS but fits also for size M. €5. See for pictures. Blanket / Throw Horse. 72"x52". Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machine Washable. Machine Dry At Low Heat. Great Condition. Blanket Horse. 72"x52". Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machine Washable. Machine Dry At Low Heat. Great Condition. $25. Bob the Builder fans or just afan work work shop. Perfect forX mas present or just like that.Make any boy's dream come true, $15,017622987498 Bowflex 5.1 Adjustable Workout Bench.6 Different Positions.50.Must Be Gone By The Brassed 4 fold firescreen stands. 21"High. Orig. Box. NEW. Candle Holder. Handpainted. Wood. Numbers exchangeable. Made in Germany. bethmary100@ Candle Holder. Iron Base with Glass Cylinder. 9€ High.

Page 25

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Carpet Brown with White dots. 6x4. 5ft. CD's Various Artist The Cranberries: To The Faithful Departed, Bury The Hatchet, Everybody else is doing it..., Wake Up And Smell The Coffee, Enya: A Day Without Rain, Bryan Adams: On A Day Like Today, Waking Up The Neighbours, Peter Frampton: Now, Dean Martin:Capital Collectors Series, East 17: Steam, Lighthouse Family: Whatever Gets You Through The Day, Genesis: Invisible Touch, Turn It On Again, Bridge Jones Soundtrack Each $4

For Sale, €150, ysamek@google, German 220, Whirlpool front loader washing machine. Please after 1700 hrs. 01638853574

For That Special Collector a BeCoat with no Labels and Tags. autiful The United States morative Presidential Collection, Cognac / Brandy Glass Set. En- graved Horse.With Box. NEW. German Book: Schlank im Schlaf. (Skinny while you sleep) Collection of leather bound, si191 pages. Very good condition. gned by the author, 1st edition From non smokers household. books, mint cond. Over 100 rent books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Franklin Batter Elbow Guard -saJoseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald das, baseball guard protective geMc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom ar softball little league arm, 67273 Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in- Weisenheim am Berg Germany, quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or $€ 15.00, phone: 01623305535, 0151-270-19822 email: brethelenius@google Comforter Set. Buttons connect the 2 Comforter into 1.Great Quality. 75"x54".Orig. Packed. NEW.

German Pewter Cup. Engraved with Steffi Graf Design (3 Different Motifs).3.5" High. 95% Pewter. NEW. German upright piano in good condition, recently tuned to sell for 490 $, phone 0152 339 283 10

Dallas Cowboy Hat.

Biddy Early’s Irish Pub Whiskey of the month 10 year Single malt



€6,00 (4cl)

EVERY TUESDAY BIDDY’S TEXAM HOLD EM POKER with the bottle EVERY WEDNESDAY BIDDY’S KARAOKE PARTY best party in town EVERY THURSDAY OPEN MIC NIGHT come on stage EVERY FRIDAY LIVE DJ pitcher dinkelacker 1,5l only €10,50 EVERY SUNDAY LIVE SPORTS pint guinness only €4,20



Biddy Early’s Irish Pub | Marienstraße 28 | 70178 Stuttgart | 0711-6159853 | MON-THUto 11.30 AM - 0.30 AM • FRI-SAT 11.30 - 2 AM • SUN 11.30 AM - 12 AM Welcome

ers emade be Best hom food! & tasty Party events...

The most popular and quaint house brewery, located in the heart of Stuttgart.

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SOPHIE’s BRAUHAUS Marienstrasse 28 70178 Suttgart Phone 0711-610 962



Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30. Find pictures at www.finditgui €10. janina.wuttke@ Fissler Skillet Non-Stick. 24cm Diameter.Fissler, Germany.Like

Gilde Clown. Gilde, Germa- Intake manifold, never used, for ny.3.5"High. Handpainted. NEW. a civic type R or a Acura Acura RSX type S PRC $120, or Hummel Figurine Set: Grandpa's Boy and Grandma's Girl. 017622987498


Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower, $150, 2 years old Please contact

Griddle Cuisinart, Dual Temperature Controls for Grill/Panini and Griddle, Reversible Nonstick Plates Switch from Grill to Griddle, Integrated Drip Tray for Easy Storage, User Guide, Orig. Box, NEW, €65

German Porcelain Plate. Manf. Kaiser, Germany. Wall Mount. Great Condition: No Chips, No Hummel Figurine Set: Apple Tree Cracks. Boy and Girl.4"High.Orig. Box.Perfect Condition.bethmary100@ German Porcelain Plate. Porce- lain Plate Hunter Series. Limited Edition. Manf. Kaiser, Germany. Ice Skates black. Size 10.5 (42). Wall Mount. 9.5" Diameter. NEW.

4"High.Orig. Box. Perfect Condition. Items for Sale, Crane tabletop leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, CallaGerman Book Abnehmen. way Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons, 192 pages. Very good condition. PW, SW, good condition, $40.00. From non-smokers household. Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@ or 0171-363 0906. German Book: Handbuch for men (house men).112 pages.Very Jacket Size: M Color: Beige Zipgood condition.From non smoper and Buttons 1 Inside Pocket kers household.bethmary100@ with Zipper 3 Outside Pockets Heart Shaped Tin 3pc. Nestable. with Zipper Hooded Rain Cape, NEW. German Pewter Cup Set. Engraved with Wildlife Theme. 3.25"High.95% Pewter. NEW. EVERY MONDAY BIDDY’S TRIVIA QUIZ bring your team

Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box,

Cross Country Skies Karhu Greenland. Boots Brackets. Salomon.L.L. Bean Cover Bag L.L. Bean Hiking/Cross Country Poles Mountain Trek P2.high strength. aircraft aluminum shaft. fully adjustable telescopic poles. with wristband. Boots New Salomon Greenland Back Country Boots. Thermal Insulation "Thinsulate". Size: EU46/GB11. Made in Czech Republic, bethmary100@

Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a bow on the back. €15. For pics see Contact


All ads & pics on Canon Camera with Case. Canon Camera Sure Shot 85 Zoom. User Guide.Orig. Box. Case Logic Camera Case 3 Pockets (2 Zipper Pockets). Belt Loop. Very Sturdy.

German Pewter Plate. Engraved with all 16 German Regional District Logos. 9" Diameter.



Disney Cars Kids Office Swivel Garmin 360 Navigation, $50, Chair Lightning McQueen *Back to School* Gently used only $20, call/text/iMessage 0152-0444505 German Beer Stein Octoberfest. Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage). Dog Feeder. Adjustable Bowl Limited Edition. Heavy Quality. Height to your Dog's Needs. Per- 10"High. fect for Growing Puppies or Senior Dogs. 2 Stainless Steel Bowls German Beer Stein Wildlife. Fox (Dishwasher Safe). Each Bowl Design. Decorative Pewter Lid (1.6Qt.). 17.4"H. x15.7"L.x (Fox). Heavy Quality. 10"High. 18.8"W. Very Sturdy. Orig. Box. NEW. NEW. German Beer Stein. Famous GerEco warrior shoulder bag, hand- man attraction theme. Pewter Lid. made felt, environmentally friendly 9.5"High. NEW. bethmary100@ bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot German Beerstein. tern and famous German Cities Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5" High. felt bag with blue design, medium Bottom is a little chipped (don't size, €30, jenniferwilking@hot see it if Displayed Only). Euro 30.

Pizza, Pasta, Beef and Fish Grappa, Wine and Olive Oil from Sicily Private Party Room for up to 50 Persons Catering, Cooking Courses by request Italian Specialty Shop on-site Wed-Mon: 12:00-2:00 p.m. & 6:00-10:00 p.m. Tuesday closed

SOPHIE’s BRAUHAUS in Bad Cannstatt • Felgergasse 7, 70372 Stuttgart

Marktstr. 9 | 71111 Waldenbuch 0 71 57–52 65 86 |

Page 26

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

FOR SALE All ads & pics on Jester Clown.


Kaiserslautern and famous German Cities Design.Pewter Lid.9.5"High.Bottom has little chip (Not to see if used for decoration ) Large Swiss Cow


KITCHEN AID MIXER BLUE-5 QUART STAINLESS STEEL BOWL WITH HANDLE-POURING SHIELD-FLAT BEATER-DOUGH HOOK-WIRE WHIP-220V-PERFECT CONDITION-200-MUST BE GONE BY THE 18, ab918855@ Like New Poker Chips with carrying case, $20.00, spvendor@ Marilyn Monroe Box 12"x8" Ornament Fish.Thun, Italy. NEW.

Lot's of things, All Free. A stand for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A Cuisiant toaster 110V.

Microfiber Floor Mop. All purpose floor dust mop can be used wet or dry. Great for hardwood, tiles and other floor surfaces.Steel handle with hanger hook. NEW.

Microwave Dish Set 9pc. Glass Dish 0.5,1.0 and 1.5ltr. Each with Marilyn Monroe Glass Coasters Glass and Plastic Lids. Orig. Box. Set of 4.NEW.bethmary100@ NEW. Mirror with Wood Frame. 27" Mattress Pad. Full Size.Tommy High x19" Wide. bethmary100@ Hilfiger.Great Condition.No Monitor Stand / Organizer with Metal Coaster with 4 Feet. Dura- Cableholder. Very Sturdy. 17" W. ble. 5"Diameter. bethmary100@ x11"D. x5.5" High. bethmary100@

Bible Church of Stuttgart Holding Forth the Word of Life Phil. 2:16

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Coffee 10:30 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Bob Matthews | cell: 0176-567-34427 | office: 0711-93388243 Schockenriedstrasse 42 | 70565 Vaihingen

COVENANT FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Christ Centered | English Speaking | Reformed | International

Follow us on

For current meeting times and locations please visit

A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (0176) 8418 5896

You are important at:

International Baptist Church of Stuttgart

Service Times: Sunday School.................10 Sunday Preaching...........11 Sunday Evening................6 Wednesday (Prayer & Bible study)....7

am am pm pm

Worship Services Sunday - 0930 & 1130 AWANA: Sunday 1630 Pastor’s Bible Study/Prayer Meeting: Wednesday 1900

Nursery provided each service

Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 30 70565 Vaihingen

Victory Baptist Church Stuttgart, Germany

Independent, Fundamental, KJV Serving the U.S. Military & English speaking community of Stuttgart, Germany since 1998

Other Opportunities: Small Group & Bible Studies Men’s, Women’s & Young Adult Ministries

Pastor F. Moser Pastor’s Phone: 0160-9278-8754 Church Phone: 0711-696-0785 „A Church Home abroad.“

Untere Waldplätze 38 • 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen (across the street from Patch) • 0711 - 687 - 4365


(Sundays) 8:30 a.m. – Panzer Liturgical, Bldg. 2940 10 a.m. – Robinson Barracks, Bldg. 115 and 116 10:30 a.m. – Panzer Contemporary, Bldg. 2940 11 a.m. – Patch Collective Protestant, Bldg. 2304 12:30 p.m. – Panzer Gospel Service, Bldg. 2940


(1st and 3rd Friday of each month) 7 p.m. – Panzer, Bldg. 2940* *Small side Chapel. Enter from the Galaxy Bowling and Entertainment Center side.

CATHOLIC WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Monday 11 a.m. – Patch, Adoration 11:45 a.m. – Patch Tuesday 11:45 a.m. – Patch Wednesday 11:45 a.m. – Kelley Thursday 11:45 a.m. – Panzer Saturday 4:15 p.m. – Panzer, Reconciliation 5 p.m. – Panzer Sunday 9 a.m. – Patch Noon – Robinson Barracks 5 p.m. – Patch

Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in white gold. Asking best offer $700.Will accept $ or €. Call: 06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00. NEW Mug with Plate. Fine Bone China. Made in England. Perfect Condition (No Chips, No Cracks). New never worn fitted caps, New York Mets. The price is $10 ea, caps sizes 7 3/8 and 7 3/4, will mail vial APO brethelenius@google Nike Sports Travel Bag Large. Black. 3 Compartments. 2ft.Long x1ft. High x1ft.Wide. Official New York Mets Jerseys and Equipment, Official MLB New York Mets Jerseys from MajesticTeam set of jerseys for sale! Enough to outfit your whole baseball or softball team! These are official jerseys from Majestic. They have been used for a couple seasons, but are still in good shape. The black home jerseys are in good shape. The Orange Spring Training Jerseys have some fading in the ventalated under arm area, but still are good to go. $300, brethelenius@google Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price new was 49€, never used, was a bday present, selling price €20, for pics please see, Original MEDELA Pump power supply, with German plug (Model9207016) Output 9V, Input 230V, only €10, call or text 015204445052 Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For pictures visit www.finditgui €10. janina.wuttke@ Pants Hanger Rack. Metal.Silver.Space Saver for Hanging Pants, Jeans......Very Sturdy. Pennant Line Happy Birthday. 4 m (157inch). NEW. bethmary100@ Picture Frame 50x70cm. Orig. Packed. NEW. bethmary100@ Picture Frame 60x80cm. Orig. Packed. NEW. bethmary100@ Picture Frames 23x29cm 9"x11.5".Each $10.bethmary100@ Puma Winter Jacket Size: M Color: Beige Brand: Puma Heavy Winter Jacket Zipper and Buttons 1 Inside Zipper Pocket 4 Outside Zipper Pockets bethmary100@ Purse. 3 Zipper Sections. Pen Sidepocket.. Adjustable Strap. NEW. Reebok Jacket Size: M Color: Beige Brand: Reebok 3Pockets Rock Climbing Shoes Size 10 1/ 2, *like new* $40 Model: Climb X Rockmaster. Call: 0152-04445052 Rosina Wachtmeister Glass Cat Pair.Can be used with Metal Stake (incl.) or without. 32"High. Goebel, Germany. Orig. Box. Samsonite Sports Bag. Heavy Duty Quality. Great as Sports Travel Bag.

Page 27

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

Have fun with the locals STUTTGART NIGHT Sat, Oct 15 Stuttgart, city center

Come to Stuttgart’s city center and enjoy some musical delights with exclusive live shows and cultural highlights at the Stuttgart Nacht (Stuttgart Night) on October 15 from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Discover Stuttgart’s special side by taking a city tour. There will be 70 different types of shows ranging from theater, dance, movies, exhibitions, tours, readings, and parties in only one night! Shuttle bus tickets are included in the price of the event. Tickets are €17. For more information go to

Photo by Simon Dannhauer /

EVENTS Glamour shopping week Now – Sat, Oct 8 Metzingen, Outletcity Looking for the latest season bargains? Look no further. The Outletcity in Metzingen offers a Glamour shopping week from September 30 to October 8. To find out more about this event go to Waiblingen shines Fri, Oct 7 Waiblingen, city center The center of Waiblingen will be lit up on October 7 with a variety of different colors. Various stores will be open until 11 p.m. Fire shows, candle lights and light installations will shine over historic half-timbered houses and present a light show of colors setting off a special atmosphere. Listen to live music and enjoy the culinary specialties and so much more. For more info go to Fall fest Fri, Oct 7 – Mon, Oct 10 Fellbach, city center The traditional fest in Fellbach will take place from October 7 to 10. This fall, country, wine fest is one of a kind. This year’s theme is “Next exit Fellbach, you have reached your destination” “Nächste Ausfahrt Fellbach. Sie haben Ihr Ziel erreicht.” Don’t miss the parade that will start at 2 p.m. Every hour see a different program. For more info go to

Salt day Sun, Oct 9 Schwäbisch Hall, city center The Salt day fest, Tag des Salzes, in Schwäbisch Hall will take place on October 9, 2016. In the middle ages, salt was considered the white gold. See on site how real salt is gained from Hall’s original brine in a boiling pan replica with a lot of smoke and fire. The whole day focusses on the ‘white gold.’ To find out more about this event go to Pumpkin night Sat, Oct 8 Waldenbuch, city center Visit the specially illuminated city center of Waldenbuch at the “Lange Kürbisnacht” (long pumpkin night) on October 8, starting at 5 p.m. with a children’s program. During the event a carving competition, a flea market and a lantern parade will take place. For more info see Festival de Cuba Tue, Oct 11 – Sun, Oct 16 Stuttgart, La Pachanga and Sport Visit the Festival de Cuba in the party location La Pachanga and the workshop location Sport in Stuttgart from October 11 to 16. Enjoy the last summer feelings at this special party with typical music and a huge variety of styling and dancing workshops. Learn how to dance the rumba and salsa and get familiar with Cuban culture. For more info and a detailed program see Bus Tour Fri, Oct 14 Stuttgart, city center

See the city of Stuttgart from a different view. Hop on / hop off principle is a great way to see the city. At nine important stops in the Stuttgart urban area – the TopStops – you can get on and off as you like. €15 per person for 24 hours, 2 children up to 14 years of age free of charge if accompanied by an adult. For more info go to www. Kite festival Sun, Oct 16 Tübingen, Österberg Enjoy a great family day at the Drachenfest (kite festival) at Tübingen’s Österberg on October 16. A special “kite hospital” to fix possible damages will be on-site as well as food, drinks and some additional activities provided by the Jugendrotkreuz (Youth Red Cross). No admission! For more info see Weekly market Tue, Oct 18 Ludwigsburg, Marktplatz Looking to buy fresh produce? On October 18, the Marktplatz will host the weekly market where you can purchase vegetables, fruit, plants, fish and sausages. The market starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. Be the early bird and select the best. For more info go to SPORTS Basketball Fri, Oct 7 Ludwigsburg, Arena Ludwigsburg Neckar Riesen literally translates to

Neckar Giants and that’s exactly what they are; tall, strong and ready to play against the EWE Baskets Oldenburg on October 17 from 7 p.m. Tickets start at €14. For further information and to reserve your seat at their home stadium, the Arena Ludwigsburg, for an action-packed basketball game, visit Handball Wed, Oct 19 Stuttgart, Porsche-Arena The Porsche Arena invites you to an exciting premier league handball game on October 19. TVB 1898 Stuttgart’s best male players are playing against Rhein Neckar Löwen from 8:15 p.m. Ticket price starts at €15.50. For more information go to CONCERTS 3 Doors Down Tue, Oct 25 Stuttgart, Porsche-Arena Check out 3 Doors Down in Stuttgart on October 25 in the Porsche-Arena. Ticket price starts at €47.65. Show starts at 8 p.m. For more info go to Rod Steward Fri, Nov 4 Stuttgart, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle Rod Stewart is bringing his hits back to Germany on November 4. See him live in Stuttgart. Ticket price starts at €83.10. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. For more info go to

All events listed on and in print are subject to change without notice. Please check directly with event organizer.

More events on:

Page 28

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

FOR SALE All ads & pics on Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot Shirt Formula 1 Ferrari/Fila/Vodafone/Shell.Size L.Orig.Made in Shoe Rack Steel. For Up To 14 Pair Shoes. 4Shelves. 12 Shoe Holders. 88cm H.x69cm W.x27cm Deep. Orig. Box. NEW. Short, black mink coat 225E; various winter/loden coats - different prices; leather boots size 11 never worn different prices06374-991073 leave message Skechers USA Men's Size 7 Casual Sneaker, open box never been worn!, Retail over $50, here only $25. Call 0152-04445052

Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20 Stargate Atlantis Complete Series, Season Storage Glass with Lid.14cm High, 7cm Diameter. Striped hand-made felt shoulder bag, large, trend colors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwilking@hot Sugar/Jam Bowl with Lid.Germany. Perfect Condition: No Chips, No Cracks. bethmary100@ Super Mario kart lunch cooler, $8,017622987498 Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible throw. Fitted sheet pillow case and lining. Never used. Paid over $100, asking $65,017622987498. Swarovski Crystal Mouse. Collectible Edition. Made in Austria. Orig. Box. NEW. bethmary100@ Teddy. Orig. Cherished Teddies.

Krug Antiques The most exciting and interesting Antique store in the area. • New inventory weekly! • 3 floors jam packed with treasures. • A favorite with Americans for years! Wettgasse 12 71101 Schönaich 07031-651549


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Unwanted and Unused Gift: V&B Ceramic X-MAS Ornament Set: German male/female Gingerbread Ornaments. 4"High. Villeroy & Boch Germany. NEW. Orig. Box. Tall Buddha Statue, buddha me decorations statue, Am Vogelgesang 67657 Kaiserslautern Ger- Unwanted and Unused: Baking many, $89 obo, phone: 0174- Dish 30cm. Enamel. Cut Resistant. Kaiser, Germany. NEW. 3075784 Target practice, eco warrior shoulder bag, hand-made felt, en- Unwanted Gift: Crystal Heart Rovironmentally friendly bag made senthal, Germany. Heart Shaped using only wool, water and soap, Crystal. Clear Crystal.3". Orig. NEW. bethmary100@ €25, Box. The Swarovski Pierrot measures 8". This is the first edition of "Mas- Unwanted Gift: Serving Plate. Steel. 16.5"x12". querade" series. Retired in 1999. Stainless

Violin Lessons. Professionally trained musician. Also able to come to your home., violin, lessons, classes, music, email: baseltheodo Wall Decor Picture. Hand Crafted. Deer Hide. Made in Siberia. Wall Picture 24"x6". Heavy Quality Frame. Great Condition. Window Panel 50"x84". Heavy Quality. Caramel Brown.Orig. Packed. NEW. bethmary100@ Wood Box with Slide Lid.11"x3.5". bethmary100@ X-mas Tin 3pc.10", 9" and 6.5". Total Gym XLS - Universal Home Unwanted Gift: Wristwatch Zo- Nestable. NEW. bethmary100@ Gym for Total Body Workout, diac Sign. Gemini Design. Black $150.00, email: battersbyr@hot Leather Band. Orig. Box. NEW.

Swarovski Pegasus - From the 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking $500.Ph. 06374/944828

TV Storage Case. 12 Handles. 4 Casters (never used). Foam Interior. Black. Heavy Duty Quality. Very Sturdy. Fits TV Size up to 42". Perfect Condition. Used it twice. 49"L.x31"H.x14.5" Deep. Great Condition. Selling for a Reasonable Price Offer. Ultra Though Storage. Rubbermaid. 31 Gallon/117.3 ltr. 32.5"x20"x16.8". Made in USA. Shatter Resistant to 0F. Shatter Resistant to -18C. bethmary100@

Various music CDs for sale, all from the 2000er years. Single CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina Aguilera etc. for €3, music samplers like Bravo Hits and The Dome €4. For a picture of the selection see Contact Various size new $10.00 each,

gym bags spvendor@

Viking Sword. Handle and Blade Engraved on both Sides. Real Steel. With Black Wall Display Mount. Made in UNITED AIRLINES Original Stain- less Steel Travel Mug! **NEW** Vintage Classic Video game from VERY RARE, with car plug to Mattel - Classic Baseball. A must keep drinks hot, Great for cars, have for the collection. Still works boats and caravans, Spill + drip great. $20 brethelenius@google proof lid design! Fits all standard cup holders! €10, call/text 0152Vintage handheld video game 04445052 from Coleco. Alien Attack is a Unwanted and Unused Gift: Bike classic and a must have for every Travel Bags with Rain Cover. game collection! in great scape. NEW. 33x30x15.5cm. Runs on 4C batteries. $20 brethele


All ads & pics on 2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather white. €230 for both chairs. Like new condition. Please contact Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@ 3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00, 4 Design Arm Chairs. 8 Drawer Dresser. Lots of Storage Space. 45"H. x29"W. x14"D. pic. shows 2 Dressers. Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed. Headboard, Footboard and Rails. Cherry Wood.Very Sturdy.Assembly is easy, no tools required.Made in USA.bethmary100@ American Bedroom Set, €190, (or make offer), consisting of dresser with 3part mirror, and 2 night tables, solid oak with brass handles, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran Antique 100 yr.old German china cabinet, matching dining table with 4 chairs. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, €950, Antique Brittany French Bench for 300$, antique French Louis XIV Schrank $650, antique German dark oak buffet (top used as bar) 500$.Call 06374-991073 pls leave a message. Antique English Book Case, $75, 45 inches high, 11 inches deep, 29 inches wide. Curved Door with Glass Insets. Side Panels with Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Antique French Louis XIV Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073 pls leave amessage.

Antique table with corner seat and secrtary cabinet, Antique table old secretary cabinet, Hoehstrasse 86 66887 Jettenbach Germany, €2.000- €, phone: 0049151-18213905, email: pe

Page 29

The Citizen, October 6, 2016 E-Center with Sideboard and Highboard, $750.00, email: joecioc or telephone 0175/ 8404606 or 0151/26961333

FURNITURE All ads & pics on Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid wood frame. Mattress like new condition. €75, jcambr@ya Black Queen Size Bed.Wood.75.Must Be Gone By The Brown Corduroy Upholstered Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140 Carved Oak Schrank, Spesbach 66882 Huetschenhausen Germany, $300.00, email: joeciocca@ya or telephone 0175/ 8404606 or 0151/26961333 CD/DVD Storage with 12 adjustable shelves. 45"H. x 26"W. x 10"DEEP. €25. chefsteven2015@ Cherry computer desk, Hardwood desk computer, 66879 Steinwenden Germany, $$150 / Bestt offer, phone: 015126732244, email: clcpalmer@ Children's room light oak w/desk and twin bed and mattress for 50 Euros. My email is zirkela2016@ Clock, $150.00, spvendor@ Coffee Table with Magazine Shelf and Glass Center Piece. 4x2ft. 16" High. Very Sturdy. Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@

Elegant entry way table with beveled glass top, entryway table columns glass, Triftstrasse 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany, $85, phone: 0174-3075784, email: Coffee Table, unusual teardrop shaped coffee table, near Ramstein AB, $20, phone: Elegant large glass+metal couch 01715627919, email: / sofa table, furniture couch table sofa table glass table, $65 obo, 0174-3075784, email: Complete German Water Bed phone: Luna- 12 Years Old, May need one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick up. Please contact: Couch Relax Chair, €199, great furniture use as a relax chair or bed diff moves, cover washable, like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and pet free home, cell 015145261009 stefandsanya@ Couch Set, Huetschenhausen Germany, $750.00, phone: 0175/ 8404606, email: joeciocca@ya Danish Bedroom Set, Solid wood, Otterbach Germany, $500.00, phone: 016097774713, email:

German Double bed with two twin-sized mattresses, bed is 15 yrs old but mattresses only 2 years. Used as guest bed. RamAB, $150.00, phone: Desk (with 3 Rollout Shelves). 30" stein email: H. x35.5" W. x18" Deep. 01715627919, Dining Table 44" Diameter. With Extension 61.5"x44". Great Condition.

We are your specialists for: - Cosmetic Dentistry - Prosthetics - Implantology - Prophylaxis/Bleaching - Periodontology Dr. Petra Bagusche | TRICARE OCONUS Preferred Dentist Poststraße 44 | 71032 Böblingen

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French antiques - Henry II double chair red upholstery fleur-de-lis 290E; Brittany bench + matching pair of wedding chairs 1900E; Brittany bench red upholstery 1500E; Louis XIV shrank 950E; French embroidered fireplace cover 150E 06374-991073-leave message

Glass Door Clothes Schrank, Spesbach 66882 Huetschenhausen Germany, $200.00, email: joe or telephone 0175/8404606 or 015126961333 Glass Door Storage Schrank, $100.00, email: joeciocca@ya or telephone 0175/ 8404606 or 0151/26961333 Green Chinese chest/coffee table w/drawers $250; French wrought iron picture stand 80E; 2 matching cherry brown teak sideboards -1500 E each; African table + chair 300E; African masks/ artwork; oak rocking chair with cushion - $200 06374-991073 leave message Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank), $250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 sections are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is 1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Hanging Rails, Many Shelves. We will help take apart. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140 La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75, Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297 6140. Mantel Clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour, $70.00, spvendor@ Metal Coat Rack with Brass Buttons. Very Sturdy. 69"H.x16"W.

Metal Headboard + Footboard. Queen Size. Brushed Nickel Finish. Metal Gauge Tubing. Solid Bar Wire. Very Metal Steck Regal. 5 shelves. durable 60kg per shelf. galvanized. (Without screws). Photo not good: Rectanglar. Orig. Box. New. Great for keeping your Garage / Basement organized. bethmary100@ Metal/Mirror Shoe Cabinet with 5 Drawers and Body Length Mirror. 69"H.x20"W. bethmary100@ Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo microscope with various parts and lenses included. Excellent condition. €400, jcambr@ya One Each 2&3-Seat Couches, €500.00. Like new from smoke & pet-free home, anthracite-colored cloth front & back. New price 1450€ asking 500€. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 after 8PM. Race Car Bed, Twin, solid wood, color blue, Length: 234 cm/92.13" Width: 102 cm/40.16" Height at highest point: 63 cm/24.80" fits mattress size 200 x 90 cm, buyer must be able to pick up. $80 obo Call/text 015204445052 Reading lamp and cane chair, both bronze, lamp $80 obo and 4 chairs $100 obo. Please call 01793298375 after 4 p.m.

Page 30

The Citizen, October 6, 2016

FURNITURE All ads & pics on Moving Sale, Quality Furniture at Bargain Prices, Stuttgart Germany, $negociable, email: steerslda@ single bedroom set in Mahogany finish (bed, dresser+mirror, night table), complete Queen-size bedroom set in oak (bed with headboard with multiple storage spaces, dresser+mirror, high chest of drawers), dining room set in dark wood with light surface (expandable rectangular table and six chairs), one Texas room set (sofa convertible to double bed, one reclining chair, one ottoman, one low dresser and one high dresser, one night table one small corner shelf and hangable double shelf), two double drawer wood file cabinets, two identical large area rugs, one German oak telephone seat with storage. All in excellent to good condition. Sets can be broken up. Prices low and negotiable.

Recliner couch loveseat leather, $390,, real leather black, works great not often used, very comfy, back pillows come off easy to carry, cell 0152-06786080

White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/ Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140.

White luxus designer couch, 37in W X 82in L, asking $875.00 or Selling Art-noveau style furniture, BO. Excellent condtion. More inapprox. 100 years old. 2 beds, fo, please after 1700 hrs. Cell bedside tables, dressing table, 3 01638853574 door wardrobe, with matching Zither, €950 (or make offer), fran chairs and hanging cupboards. 10, 06302-5554 pieces in good condition, restora- near Sembach tion needed on some parts. $1500 obo. Please call 01793298375 after 4 p.m.


Small Utility Schrank, $80.00, email: or All ads & pics on telephone 0175/8404606 or 0151/ Administrative Assistant Level 26961333 IV, Full-Time, at Gryphon EnvironSolid rustic oak dining room, mental LLC, Ramstein-Miesen€500, (or make offer) cabinet bach Germany, phone: 719-5783,80m long, table 2m long with 8 3330, email: chairs.

Environmental Professional, FullTime, at Gryphon Environmental, Environmental remediation POL Storage Tank Management, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, phone: 719-578-3330, email: hrmana TV Stand/End Table with Shelf. Wooden bookshelf. Contact Eric With 4 Wheels. Fast-paced Internal Medicine Priand Mia at 063759949674, $150, 20.5"W.x16"D.x23"High. Very vate Practice is looking for a Sturdy. gistered Nurse, Medical TechniciTV Stand with 4 Wheels. 3 Levels. 46.5"W.x15"D.x20"H. Great Condition. Selling for a Reasonable Price Offer.bethmary100@

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an, or equivalent. Applicant must be highlymotivated, independent, and willing to learn. German language skillsare a plus, but a willingness and desire to learn are required. Interested parties, please send your resume topraxis@elke or contact the office at 07152-335390 for more information. German Secretary/Translator (English), accounting experience. is looking for a job - part-time or full-time - in an English-speaking office in the Stuttgart area. Email:, cell: 0176-81509389

Information Assurance Specialist, Consultant, at Envistacom LLC. email: jpeterman@envista Interested and qualified candidates, please apply to: 1054/information-assurance-specialist/job Iron Bow is looking for a Network Associate to join the team. Based at Ramstein AFB, Germany email resumes to rob.ragsdale@ Iron Bow is looking for a Systems Analyst to join the team. Position is based at Ramstein AFB. Send resumes to rob.ragsdale@iron Iron Bow is looking for a VDI Engineer / Systems Admin to join the team based at Ramstein AFB. Send resumes to rob.ragsdale@ Iron Bow is looking for a VMware Engineer to join the team. The position is based at Ramstein AFB. Send resumes to rob.ragsdale@ IT Support Technician, Consultant, at Envistacom LLC, Stuttgart Germany. Email: jpeterman@envi Job OPPOTUNITY: New Parent Support Home Visitor Kaiserslautern, Baumholder, Hohenfels BSN RN or LCSW or LMFT Previous experience with at risk populations, including families and children. Please submit resumes to:khil or Level I Military Construction Civil Engineering Program Professional, Full-Time, at Gryphon Environmental LLC, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, phone: 719-5783330, email: To APPLY go to, it-support-technician/job


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JOB OPPORTUNITY: VNC Telecommunications Systems Manager at LRMC - LandstuhlEducation: Certification in CompTIA Network+ and any vendor related certifications (Tandberg / Cisco, Polycom, Infocomm)Experience: Eight (8) or more years experience in the technology surrounding video conferencing including conference room and desktop systems, MCU's, Gateway, Gatekeeper, and integrated A/V systems; strong working knowledge of standard video communications protocols such as IP, SIP and ISDN; knowledge of CODECs from Polycom and Cisco; a solid understanding of AV/VTC infrastructure and associated devices; experience with customer support for VTC events at all levels in the organization: experience providing enduser training on VTC technology; ability to support and maintain VTC CODECs and associated equipment; skilled in PC and Microsoft Office applications; previous military IT experience a plus.Duties: The position of Video Network Center (VNC) Telecommunication Systems Manager supports Telehealth implementation, operation, management, evaluation, modernization and continuous improvement throughout the Europe Regional Medical Command (ERMC).Please submit resumes to:khilliard@sterlingmed or Nurse, Part-Time, at Dr. Elke von Berg, Nurse Stuttgart, Stuttgart Germany, email: praxis@elkevon Real Property Management, FullTime, at Gryphon Environmental, phone: 719-578-3330, email: hrma TO APPLY for job, go to: https:// jobs/1011/domain-systems-engineer/job To APPLY go to, sr.-it-support-engineer/job TO APPLY, go to: https:// 2230124/domain-administrator Veterinary Technician, Full-Time, at Tierarztpraxis Delorme-Goldberg, vet technician, Daimlerstrasse 7 66849 Landstuhl Germany, phone: 06371 914 314, email: in

MOTORCYCLES All ads & pics on

Wolfgang W. Kunz Attorney-at-Law Proud to be serving the german-american communities in stuttgart Family Law: Childcare, Custody, Separation, Divorce, Real Estate Law: Renting, Buying, Landlord Disputes Accident Settlement • Personal Injuries • Criminal Law Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 71034 Böblingen-Germany

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2001 Red Suzuki SV650 Motorcycle (Euro Spec), Ramstein area. MUST SEE! Garaged, like new. 20,051km. $2500, phone: 01625622955, email: shanapitt Lookin for Sportster parts or a bike ( Ironhead too ) which needs some work, basket case or sittin longer time too. BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just make me your offer what you have and we will see.

Page 31

The Citizen, October 6, 2016 TLA Apartment, 2 bd, 2 bth, 120 sq meters, €2500, phone: 015170379826, email: BirgitBoh


MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) Wanted!!! Offers to: 0170-1910484

All ads & pics on Like to ride bicycles, I have creating a new group on Facebook. I love riding my bicycle and would like to have a group of people that also love riding. Anyone can create an event as we grow we will have a format of those who want to plan a ride. I am a single track rider, not real technical mountain biking but love the trails. If you are a hardcore mountain biker, road biker, someone who enjoys family fun rides and want to explore with others. Please join and lets get some events planned. This is a group for any nationality....Lets Ride. If interested please visit and join the group on Facebook at "Rhineland-Pfalz Area Cycling Group"

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES All ads & pics on Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house.

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Real Estate Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front.

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