HERALD UNION July 19, 2018
Garrison welcomes new commander Anna Morelock USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Two commanders moved to new positions within the Wiesbaden community during a change of command ceremony July 10 on Clay Kaserne’s Allen Field. Col. Noah C. Cloud, who returned to Wiesbaden after a 10-month school assignment in the states, took command of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden from Col. Todd J. Fish, who will move on to the position of deputy director for Installation Management Command, Europe, which is also housed at USAG Wiesbaden. Both colonels expressed gratitude for being a part of the Wiesbaden community, inside and outside of the gates. “Over the past 34 years, I have had the great fortune to do what I love in the Army, and I can say without hesitation that being the garrison commander of Wiesbaden has been the best assignment so far,”Fish said. Michael Formica, IMCOM-E director, recognized Anna Morelock/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Fish for his contributions including improving infraCol. Noah C. Cloud accepts the garrison colors from IMCOM-Europe Director structure, maintaining emergency services, ensuring Michael Formica July 10 during a change of command ceremony. Soldier and Family readiness and preparing for future
Changes underway at food court Lena Stange USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
At the food court on Clay Kaserne, several changes are in process. A new food option will be coming soon. Bun-D will offer fresh foods, said Annalisa Bonato, general manager for Wiesbaden’s Army and Air Force Exchange Service. It will replace Anthony’s Pizza. “I think a lot of people will probably be very happy with Bun-D being here,” said Michelle Watkins, services business technician at AAFES. “They have smoothies and superfoods.” Some people may also be waiting for the new Starbucks that is going to replace the bakery. It is delayed, said Bonato, but they are working on it. Two other closures will take place in the near future. The American eatery, Special T’s, which is co-located with Sahin’s Kebap, and Anthony’s Pizza will be closed as of July 27. Since the build-out of Bun-D will take
See also n View photos from the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade and 2nd Theater Signal Brigade changes of command on Page 3. demands. He went on to welcome the Cloud Family. “With his diverse background, it is easy to see why Noah was selected to command this garrison, the home of Strong Europe,” Formica said. “Our installations are where readiness begins. They’re force enhancers that support combatant commanders. They ensure warfighters remain mission capable and they are where children grow and Families become resilient.” Cloud, a West Point graduate and no stranger to Germany, served in Wiesbaden as the U.S. Army Europe deputy G8 from August 2014 to July 2017 and as an observer-controller at the Combined Arms Maneuver Training Center in Hohenfels, Germany. “Ever since we found out we were coming back we’ve been absolutely thrilled,” Cloud said. “I look forward to command. I look forward to working with the entire team to keep our community safe and support the readiness of our Soldiers.
OCONUS lunch prices to increase for new school year AAFES Public Affairs
Lena Stange/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
The bakery at the food court on Clay Kaserne has already closed; Special T’s and Anthony’s Pizza will close July 27. Starbucks and Bun-D will be new food options; Sahin’s Kebap and Subway will be available as usual. approximately four to five weeks, AAFES will provide a couple of food trucks until the food court offers the usual variety of restaurants. Sahin’s Kebap and Subway will continue to be available without restrictions.
Artist creates assemblage mural in honor of airlift. Page 5
To meet rising operational costs and comply with federal law, school lunch prices will increase by 25 cents at Department of Defense Education Activity schools outside the continental United States, excluding Guam, for the 2018-19 school year. The increase will apply to both elementary and secondary students, making the new lunch prices $3 and $3.25 respectively. Families qualifying for the Free and Reduced Meal Program will not see a cost increase. Per federal guidelines, the price of a reduced-price meal will remain 40 cents. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (Public Law 111-296)
requires DoDEA schools,as participants in the U.S. Department of Agriculture meal program, to raise paid student lunch prices to a level comparable to the rates used for USDA reimbursement. To meet this requirement, prices in OCONUS schools will be gradually increased over the coming years. Every year, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service’s school meal program provides 2.6 million lunches to warfighters’ children at 78 Department of Defense schools in Europe and the Pacific. For more information on the Exchange’s school meal program, visit www.
Check out photos from the German American Friendship Fest. Page 12
The Army announced its new fitness test. Page 18
NEWS & FEATURES Vol. XX, No. 11 U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Command Garrison Commander Col. Noah C. Cloud Garrison CSM Command Sgt. Maj. Chad L. Pinkston
Newspaper staff Public Affairs Officer Jacob Corbin, DSN 548-2001 Deputy Public Affairs Officer Anna Morelock, DSN 548-2002 Editor Emily Jennings, DSN 548-2004 Public Affairs Specialist Lena Stange, DSN 548-2003
HERALD UNION published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates: call Jaqueline Samad at (0631) 3033 5537, email; Editorial offices are in Bldg. 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: (0611) 143-548-2002; Email:; Home page:
Find our list of home-based businesses and learn how to become a garrison approved HBB at www. usag-wiesbadenapproved-homebased-businesses. Page 2
Herald Union
Army Europe updates child supervision reg By Ruth Ploeger Army Europe School Liaison Officer Recently the term “free range parenting” has been bandied about the internet. While many yearn for the days of kids running rampant through town with no worries for their safety, the world and our understanding of the cognitive abilities of children has changed. Military installations are typically very safe in comparison to civilian neighborhoods in some countries. Nonetheless, it is vital parents provide adequate supervision for children in line with their age and maturity levels whether on or off post. A newly released Army Europe Regulation (AER-608-181) assists parents in identifying what the command expectations are regarding supervision of their dependent children.You can find the new regulation at or linked on the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
policies page. This AER identifies inadequate supervision as “a type of child neglect characterized by the absence or inattention of the parent, guardian, foster parent, or other caregiver that results in injury to the child, in the child being unable to care for himself or herself, or in injury or serious threat of injury to another person because the child’s behavior was not properly monitored.” Army Community Services, under which the Family Advocacy Program falls, partnered with Child and Youth Services to clearly outline for Families stationed on Army installations in Europe the level of supervision required for children at various stages of development. The new AER contains a chart so parents can quickly answer questions such as “Am I allowed to leave my fifth grader home alone after school until I get there? Is
it okay to leave my high school student home alone while I go for a weekend trip?” Or, “Can my sixth grader babysit my toddler?” This new AER replaces the previous Army Europe CYS Policy with a few significant changes. The new AER classifies children by grade instead of by age. This aligns with how the Department of Defense Education Activity and Army Child and Youth Services classifies children. For homeschoolers and host nation schoolers there is an age-to-grade conversion chart for use. During summer months, children are considered to be the grade they just finished until school starts again. Per the new AER, students are never permitted to be home alone until they are in grade six. There are further stipulations to this ability by grade and length of time.
With regard to walking to and from school as well as DoDEA bus stops; the new AER has certain restrictions by grade. Bear in mind however, not all locations are identical in this regard. DoDEA schools may have further restrictions for your location. The school will inform parents of these. As with any child supervision regulation or policy, parents should always consider the abilities and maturity level of their child when making decisions for their Family. Parents are always free to delay milestones of independence identified in the AER as their children grow and mature. Anyone who observes an incident of child abuse or neglect is encouraged to report the incident to the local military police. For questions on this AER please contact the Wiesbaden FAP at (0611) 143-548-9201.
Students gain experience at summer jobs Emily Jennings USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Fifteen youth age 14 to 22 are getting work experience — the first job for many — through U.S. Army Europe’s Summer Hire Program. The program is a great way for the youth to get federal experience and experience in many dif different areas, said Eric Hawkins, Human Resources Specialist with the Wiesbaden Civilian Personnel Advisory Center. The students earn wages while they’re off school during the summer, he said. The clerical and labor positions around U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden pay $6 per hour and the students work at places such as the golf course, USAREUR, the post office and library. Enrique Florido, 14, who is working at the library in the program, said he got into it for the money. It’s the first job for the incoming Wiesbaden High School freshman. “My mom’s making me save half of it,” Enrique said. But the rest he plans to put toward a skateboard and a new pair of headphones.
July 19, 2018
Matthew Jeffers and Enrique Florido, make candy parachutes out of string and plastic shopping bags to be used for an activity during the Wiesbaden Library’s summer reading program.
Emily Jennings/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
He said he is learning skills that will help him in future jobs. “We’re learning how to organize things better,” Enrique said. “A big, key part of the library is keeping things organized … so we always have to be extremely precise when we do things.” JoAnn Ogreenc, supervisory librarian at the Wiesbaden Library, said her organization participates in the summer hire program first and foremost for the students, to give them work experience. But she said it benefits the library to have young people there to help plan activities geared toward younger
children. “We tap their creativity as far as what we can do during the summer reading program because they’re closer to the age of the ones who are going to be participating,” she said. The Wiesbaden Post Office has six summer hires who help to fill in while employees take leave during the summer, said Quintin Harvey, postmaster. “As postal clerks we are not allowed to take any vacation from November through February of every year, those being our peak months of mail operations,” he said. “So we anticipate the sum-
mer hires as backups so that our employees can take their welldeserved leave time. They also are here to help during the heavy PCS season to lighten the load.” Sean Marshall, 14, who is working at the post office, said, he has a whole new respect for postal workers after only a few days on the job. Jonah Tyler, 15, said, he applied for the summer hire program to make money and get work experience. “Walking in here, I didn’t know what to expect,”Jonah said of his first job at the post office. “But I was pleasantly surprised.”
NEWS & FEATURES 2nd TSB change of command
66th MI change of command
William B. King/2nd TSB Public Affairs
Maj. Gen. John Baker, commanding general of U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, passes the 2nd Theater Signal Brigade colors to incoming commander Col. Neil Khatod during an assumption of command ceremony June 26 in Wiesbaden.
Wiesbaden student wins in IMCOM writing contest By Susan A. Merkner IMCOM Public Affairs
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden student Savanna Cleveland was selected as a winner in the 2018 Month of the Military Child annual Young Lives, BIG Stories Contest. Reflecting on what it means to be a military child or youth, participants addressed this year’s theme, Brave Hearts, Resilient Souls. Winners were chosen, based on content, form, grammar, presentation of the main idea and creativity. Each participant provided an essay or artwork to tell their story on military Family life. Prizes were given for the winner of each age category and one overall winner. The contest, which is part of the annual Month of the Military Child observance, is sponsored by the U.S. Army Installation Management Command’s G9 Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation division’s Child and Youth Services. Savanna described the educational experiences she has gained through travel, as well as the emotions involved in moving.“Suppose I do not make new friends, suppose we cannot find a nice house, suppose I do
Winners by category:
Overall winner: Sydney Heuer, Army National Guard 3- to 5-year-olds: Courtney Jones, Army National Guard 5 years to first grade: Noah Bush, Fort Campbell Second to third grade: Margaret Gacutan, USAG Bavaria-Grafenwoehr Fourth to fifth grade: Savanna Cleveland, USAG Wiesbaden Sixth to eighth grade: Se Oh Bush, Fort Campbell Ninth to 12th grade: Kassie Angle, Fort Huachuca
not like my new teacher. My parents have taught me that these emotions are normal and they comfort me by saying we are in this together.” Se Oh Bush of Fort Campbell used the analogy of a morning jog to describe the life of a military child, writing: “You start your run. You meet somebody as you’re running and you chat with them. You guys make jokes, have fun, and then he leaves. So you’re alone until the next person comes. This next person has replaced the other person and soon you’re his friend. Then, unfortunately the path comes to a fork and he goes left and you go right. You ultimately go your own way. You finish your jog having met many people of all backgrounds, personalities, and places. That is
the way of a military kid.” Kassie Angle of Fort Huachuca wrote about the positives and negatives of military Family life. “It means learning to love a place just in time to leave it, and loving places so much you wish you could stay. And it means not really wanting to stay anywhere, at least not more than three years, and being just as glad when the movers bring your stuff as when they come to take it, and hoping that they don’t pack porcelain dolls and power tools in the same box and then label it ‘books.’ It means going places you could otherwise never go,seeing things you would otherwise never see. It means freedom, and it means knowing you had a part in it, that it’s the land of the free because of the brave and you know who the brave are.”
Paul Hughes/TSAE
Maj. Gen. Gary Johnston, commanding general for the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, passes the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade colors from outgoing commander Col. Devon Blake to the brigade’s new commander Col. Gregory Holden. Holden took command of the brigade July 10 during a ceremony at Clay Kaserne’s Allen Field.
Stay vigilant, stay safe USAG Bavaria Antiterrorism Office
GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — With summer in full swing, many Families will set off on their summer vacations. While vacationing any time of the year, remember to be vigilant. Increased travel, mass transit and large gatherings of personnel could present attractive targets of opportunity for those who wish to do harm. Watch or read the news, check out the State Department’s website for the countries you are traveling to, and contact your unit’s security manager or antiterrorism officer for information about your travel locations. With the current threat environment in Europe, it is highly advisable to have some
July 19, 2018
sort of communications plan and meet-up plan in advance, and to discuss this plan with your Family. If something happens and your Family gets separated, they all know where to meet up and you still may be able to communicate with one another. During a crisis, telecommunications systems in the af affected area can get overwhelmed, which may prevent or delay phone calls. Messaging delivery through apps and text messaging uses a different route than cell and landline calls and would not necessarily be affected to the same degree. It is advisable, in addition to the basic text messaging system that comes with your phone, to have the entire Family download
See ‘‘Stay safe’ on page 9
Herald Union
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News flash
June 25, 1948 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1949
Julia Hensel USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Upcoming holidays
Community members should be aware of the following federal and training holidays, which may affect garrison frontdoor services and host nation holidays, which will affect businesses and services off post, as well as some on post staffed by local nationals. Aug. 3 – Training holiday Aug. 6 – Training holiday Aug. 31 – Training holiday Sept. 3 – Federal holiday Oct. 5 – Training holiday Oct. 8 – Federal holiday Call before you go on U.S., training and German holidays: www.wiesbaden. Soldiers should confirm with their local chain of command whether they have a federal or training holiday off; they are not guaranteed.
ICE comments
Fill out an Interactive Customer Evaluation comment at — search Wiesbaden — or visit www.wiesbaden., scroll to the bottom and click the ICE logo to reach the Wiesbaden page.
Next CIE
Featuring a back-to-school theme, the next Community Information Exchange will take place at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 23 at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center on Hainerberg. Come join the discussion to learn what’s happening in the community. Slides from the last CIE are available at
Emergency numbers
For on-post emergencies call the Military Police at (0611) 705-114; for an ambulance or in case of fire on post call (0611) 705-117. For off-post emergencies call the German Polizei at 110 or for an ambulance or fire call 112.
Abandoned vehicles
Visit bums/72157663453378167 to see photos of abandoned vehicles. Owners can claim their vehicles by contacting the USAG Wiesbaden Traffic Investigations Office at (0611) 143-548-7050 and providing proof of ownership.
Vehicle Registration
Vehicle registration services are by appointment only. Same day appointments may be available. The new online appointment system requires a CAC to schedule. Most users will need to use their email certificate. If necessary, appointments can still be made by phone at (0611)143-548-7815. Appointments can be made at army/cmds/imcom_eurusag/wiesbaden/des/ SitePages/vehicleRegistration.aspx.
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Herald Union
This month 70 years ago
Julia Hensel/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Victoria Clibon, U.S. Army Europe Museum curator, arranges flour sacks in a display.The new exhibit, located in the Mission Command Center, includes information about the life and times of service members, other contributors, and the citizens of Berlin in relation to the 1948-1949 Berlin Airlift.
Airlift exhibit open in MCC Julia Hensel USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Visitors can take a step back in time and learn about the life and history of the Berlin Blockade while visiting the Berlin Airlift exhibition presented by the U.S. Army Europe Museum from June 20 to mid-October in the lobby of the Mission Command Center. In front of Naval aviation artist Robert G. Smith’s painting “The Berlin Airlift,” the new exhibition displays Soldiers’ uniforms, as well as goods transported to Berlin. Strung-up candy parachutes hover above. Victoria Clibon,USAREUR Museum curator, said she wanted to show all of the major items that were shipped to Berlin, including flour, coal, medicine, milk and other food products. Three days alone she spent sewing flour sacks for the exhibition single-handedly. The exhibition opening date coincided with the unveiling of the Berlin Airlift mural on Clay Kaserne to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Berlin Airlift. “Because the airlift started in 1948, we wanted to be aware of both — the beginning and the end of the airlift … and expose as many people as we could to the history of it,” Clibon said. The exhibition reminds visitors of the earliest stages of German-American
July 19, 2018
cooperation. “The Berlin Airlift is really important, as it’s the beginning of the GermanAmerican alliance,” Clibon said. “Before, we were definitely adversaries and the airlift showed the German people that we might have fought against you, but now we are rooting for you. We want to establish this alliance, and we want to grow as a global community. They saved the lives of the citizens of Berlin. It is definitely the root of the German-American alliance that we still see here today.” Clibon was honored by notable exhibition visits from three Germans who were children in East Berlin during the blockade and experienced the airlift first hand, as well as from Denise HalvorsenWilliams and Marilyn HalvorsenSorensen, daughters of “Candy Bomber” Col. Gail Halvorsen. The Berlin Airlift exhibition is located in the entrance hall to the MCC and is open during normal business hours to anyone authorized access to Clay Kaserne. The USAREUR Museum is in the basement of the MCC, displaying U.S. Army Europe’s history from World War I to current days. Visitor badges are available to ID card holders at the MCC’s front desk. The museum also has a special treat for visitors who want to experience a World War I trench by looking through virtual reality glasses, available at the front desk.
The Berlin Airlift began on June 25, 1948 and lasted through September 1949. In July 1948: • Mail from Germans in Berlin’s U.S. zones to destinations around the world was sent to Frankfurt on the return leg of the FrankfurtBerlin route. A backlog of 600,000 parcels, the railway post office in Frankfurt was expected to redistribute 50 tons of mail per day, according to officials of that time. • An Engineer Batallion, stationed at Rhine Main Air Base, loaded 22 trucks per eight-hour shift. “Corps men arrived from Panama, Hawaii, Florida and Texas, many of them with as little as six hours advance notice.” • The 24th Transportation Truck Battalion, assisted by two trucking companies and elements of a third, provided three, eight-hour shifts to maintain a 24-hour flow of coal and flour to Berlin. While contributing to Operation Vittles, the unit continued its regular mission. Involved were 288, 10-ton semitrailers and 150 tractors working 24-hours shifts. More than 500 displaced persons, known as DPs, were employed, emptying trailers in less than 20 minutes. C47s and C-54s carried 20,000 pounds of goods and 1,500 gallons of gasoline in addition to their crews. • Nearly 3,000 Lithuanian and Polish DPs were assigned to Operation Vittles at its peak. About 150 DPs worked daily when Vittles began. About a month later, 1,300 DPs were actively engaged in lift work. • Shipments of relief packages from individuals in the U.S. to Europe were expected to increase, due to reduced international shipping rates of 4 cents per pound. Packages had to be marked “USA Gift Parcel” and could contain clothing, non-perishable food items, medical and health supplies, and utensils.
New mural commemorates Berlin Airlift Lena Stange USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Near the entrance to Clay Kaserne used to be a white wall. Now it is a piece of art. Retired U.S. Army Master Sgt. Martin Cervantez created a mural to remind the Wiesbaden community of the Berlin Airlift, the biggest humanitarian airlift in history, which started 70 years ago in June 1948. Cervantez worked together with German graffiti artist Fabio Stenzel. The mural was his largest and most complicated project, and he needed a lot of help, Cervantez said, “It took a German and an American to make this thing happen.” In addition, about 10 volunteers helped the two artists accomplish their work by finding materials, organizing the site and assembling and placing objects. The mural is a mixture of assemblage and graffiti painting. Assemblage is like doing a puzzle without having the pieces: the pieces have to be
found, Cervantez said. Cervantez, the lead artist who started his military career as an illustrator enlisted in the Army Signal Corps in 1986, did the initial drawing, and attached objects to the wall to create a 3D effect. Stenzel did most of the painting. The art Cervantez designs is supposed to make people think. He would like them to look at the mural from different angles and to discover new details every time, he said, such as the children’s figurines in the cockpit of the truck. They are in place to pique children’s curiosity for art. His goal is to create artwork people “can look at for an infinite amount of time, and it will change,” he said, depending on whether the bright midday sun reflects on the metal parts or if clouds in the sky shield the mural from direct sunlight; if the observer stands right in front of the mural or farther away. The former Artist in Residence at the U.S. Army Center of Military History, included two main ideas in the mural. He
Lena Stange/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs depicted the ground logistics at the Wiesbaden airfield during the Berlin Airlift, represented by an American and a German inventorying the boxes. They are also a symbol for the collaboration between Germans and Americans during the airlift, Cervantez said. He used hoses for their uniforms to symbolize that it took “a lot of guts to do that, especially right after the war.” He also included the air mission in the mural. Observers see planes flying away to bring supplies to West Berlin. The materials Cervantez used were found at flea markets, on the street, or in recycling centers, he said. He also used the empty containers from the spray cans with which they painted the mural. His goal is to be sustainable and use up most parts of his working utensils. “It was absolutely beautiful all the way through,”Cervantez said, “I really loved working with Fabi. … He was the right person with the right amount of skill and talent to complement Above: Retired Master Sgt. Martin Cervantez explains his creative process. what I do.” Below: The mural on Clay Kaserne represents the Berlin Airlift.
Ceremony celebrates Berlin Airlift mural, monument Lena Stange USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Roswitha Barry, child of the Berlin Airlift times and a guest at the mural unveiling ceremony on Clay Kaserne June 22, remembered lacking even the most essential goods in Berlin. Back then,“we ate wallpaper and books,” she said, “and mud cakes, made from dirt and water in the garden.” The whole family had to sleep in one single bed, she said, and it was so cold during that winter; they cut up the furniture to heat the room. Barry’s mother was a musician, and she cut up her piano to warm the room. The time when the Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin was hard for the Berliners. However, the Allies did their best to ensure supplies and keep the freedom of West Berlin. “We gather to remember the sacrifices of the thousands of men and women who took part - and in some cases gave their lives - to support the
City of Berlin,” said Col. Todd J. Fish, then-U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander, during the ceremony dedicating two projects in commemoration of the greatest humanitarian airlift in history. Several special guests attended the ceremony, among them were Barry and other contemporary witnesses. Denise Halvorsen-Williams and Marilyn Halvorsen-Sorensen were present, as well. They are the daughters of retired U.S. Air Force Col. Gail Halvorsen, who was known as the “Candy Bomber” during the airlift.
“We have two projects here today that we would like to dedicate in memory of those involved in the airlift,” Fish said, referring to the mural that was to be unveiled during the ceremony and the Berlin Airlift Aircrews Memorial recently finished on the roundabout near Newman Village. “This project tightly parallels the German-American cooperation, and achievements of the airlift,” said retired Master Sgt. Martin Cervantez, the lead artist of the mural. “I had a vision, but I needed the talent and skills of a German artist,”recognizing German graffiti
artist Fabio Stenzel who did great parts of the painting. The Berlin Airlift Aircrews Memorial was an initiative of Fish. “Last year, while walking through Crestview Housing, I noticed this green-tinged, aged weather vane sitting on top of one of the barracks. I later learned this building housed the pilots and crews that flew during the airlift,” he said. “I couldn’t get the image out of my head, so I asked our Directorate of Public Works to use it as a centerpiece for a monument to the aircrews who gave their lives during the airlift.”
Lena Stange/USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
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Herald Union
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Herald Union
July 19, 2018
Community notes Blood drive
American Red Cross Wiesbaden will host an Armed Service Blood Program blood drive from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 31 at the fitness center. Walk-ins are welcome. For appointments, go to www. or contact the Red Cross at wiesbaden@redcross. org or call (0611)143-548-1760.
Spouse Orientation Program
The Spouse Orientation Program, scheduled to be held Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Army Community Service, is a spouse-specific briefing aimed at exposing spouses to the benefits, programs, opportunities and resources offered in and around U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden. Get information and answers Back-to-School Expo Parents and students are from subject matter experts. invited to a special Back-to- Contact ACS at (0611) 143School Expo at the Hainerberg 548-9201 to register. Main Exchange from 10 a.m. to APA writing workshop 2 p.m. Aug. 24. Get tips and advice on the A full array of community APA writing style, required for resources will be represented many college classes, during a including garrison agencies, one-hour workshop at noon private organizations, military Aug. 1 at the Wiesbaden Educasupport agencies, scouting tion Center, Bldg. 1023E, Room groups, the USO, Red Cross and 2, on Clay Kaserne. spouses club. All community members are The expo will feature static invited – no need to be a student. displays, information booths, RSVP at giveaways and more. Child Skydiving with and Youth Services will also be Outdoor Recreation promoting their fall and winter Enjoy a tandem jump with sports programs. The event will skydiving experts in Bitburg on include the garrison welcome Aug. 18 or Sept. 1. ceremony for the 2018-2019 Get your adrenalin pumping Department of Defense Eduwhile admiring the view from cational Activity faculty and high over the Rheinland-Pfalz student body. countryside. The cost is $299 NAF Excess Property – or $49 to just tag along, but Sale not jump. Wiesbaden Family and Outdoor Rec also offers a trip MWR hosts a NAF Excess to the Bad Düerkheim Wine Property Sale from 8 a.m. to 2 Fest on Sept. 8. Cost is $49. Call p.m. Aug. 18 in Bldg. 04002 on (0611) 143-548-9830. Mainz-Kastel Storage Station. Shop excess items including toys, computer tables, furniture, projectors, a cross trainer and more. Call (0611) 143-548-9130 for more information.
Resiliency Fest
Military retirement planning
Getting ready for retirement means making sure one’s finances are in order. Learn how to ensure you are in good financial shape during ACS’ free Military Retirement and Retirement Planning class from noon to 1 p.m. Aug. 1 at Texas Str. 57. Call (0611) 143-548-9201 to reserve a space.
Movie night
ACS’ Home Buying, Financing and VA Home Loans class will provide an overview of home buying from noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 8. Save a space in the class by calling ACS at (0611) 143-548-9201.
Play Morning
Play Morning is a play group for children ages 12 months to 3 years that meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Bldg. 7780 on Hainerberg. Call (0611) 143548-9201 for more information.
Latin Salsa Night
The Vault Club and Casino goes Latin on Aug. 25 starting at 8 p.m. with Hispanic finger foods and your favorite Reggaeton, Bachata, Merengue and R&B tunes, spun by DJ Johnny P. If you need a few tips to shine on the dance floor, a salsa instructor will be on site.
A busy American practice has an opening for an experienced general dentist to join our Wiesbaden office.
Host Jimi Carrow will share his favorite ‘70s and ‘80s live old school soul music at the Vault Club and Casino on Aug. 31 starting at 8 p.m. Ask for cocktail specials during the soulful evening.
ACS offers a Credit and Debt Management class on Aug. 29 at noon and a Consumer Rights and Obligations class on Aug. 30 at 1 p.m. To sign up for the free classes call (0611) 143548-9201.
Home buying class
Make new friends and enjoy a free movie at the Warrior Zone Tech Expo on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. No regisMore than 50 exhibitors will tration is required – first-come, be displaying a variety of tech- first-served. Call (0611) 143nologies during a Tech Expo at 548-9816 for more information. Right Arm Social the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. Start painting this Unwind after work with your The two-day expo will be from summer “right arm” and enjoy compli10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 26 and 9 The Wiesbaden Arts and mentary finger foods and drink a.m. to 1 p.m. July 27. Crafts Center offers art classes specials at the Vault Club and Canvas and Corkscrews on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Call Casino from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. Enjoying an evening of creat- (0611) 143-548-9838 for details. 17.Table games will be provided. ing art in a relaxed atmosphere at the Wiesbaden Entertainment U.S. & GERMAN ATTORNEYS Center during Canvas and US & German Divorces • Support Issues Corkscrews at 6 p.m. Aug. 3. Wills and Probate • Employment • EEO • MSPB The get-together is open to ID Personal Injury • Contractor Issues • Tax FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM cardholders ages 18 and above. CALL 069-299-2069-0 Reserve a space in advance at email: the Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts Center at (0611) 143-548-9838.
Take part in the Resiliency Fest from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 21 at the Clay fitness center. Enjoy resiliency building, wellness activities, Family fun, food and drinks, prizes and giveaways. For more information, call (0611) 143-548-1408.
Motown block party
Credit and consumer rights
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It’s never easy arriving in a new place. Finding one’s way around, knowing where to go for assistance, having to learn about a different culture or language – it can all seem overwhelming. Thanks to Army Community Service’s Spouse Sponsorship Program, there are people waiting to make the transition easier. “We want people to become independent during their stay here,” said Maurice Walter, ACS’ Spouse Sponsorship coordinator. “ACS should always be your first stop upon arriving in Wiesbaden,” Walter said, explaining that as an information and referral agency, if ACS can’t provide immediate assistance, the staff will quickly identify the right agency or organization that can help. Newcomers are also provided with a welcome packet full of useful information and brochures.
Your specialist for cuckoo-clocks, beer mugs Spouse sponsorship and all X-MAS items The sponsorship process
Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.!
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Programs include classes, tours, sponsorship
Karl Weisel USAG Wiesbaden Family and MWR
State of the art dental treatments with a team of specialists under 1 roof!
ACS offers newcomer support
Herald Union
July 19, 2018
starts as early as when the Soldier or civilian employee receives his or her travel orders, said Gigi Wilson, Relocation Readiness Program manager, explaining that units or organizations send a sponsorship information form inquiring if the individual wants a spouse sponsor. “More often than not Soldiers tend to overlook the value of having a sponsor for their spouses,” Wilson said, pointing out that ACS is making an effort to address and revive this Relocation Program service. “Our promise is not only to train you to become a spouse sponsor, but to establish a longterm relationship between you (the spouse sponsor) and ACS in general. Our Spouse Sponsorship coordinator and the rest of the relocation team will be there to provide you with the resources and knowledge you‘ll need to assist your assigned newcomer spouse,” she said. “We will work hard to match you with individuals with similar demographics such as age, mari-
Karl Weisel/FMWR
Members of the Wiesbaden Army Community Service staff answer newcomers’ questions during Host Nation Orientation at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. tal status, number of children, hobbies and so on. Our goal is to pair up individuals to make them feel comfortable. That way newcomers can have something like a new-found friend to guide them through the community.” Many newcomers eventually become volunteer sponsors themselves, Walter said, explaining that ACS provides training and tips for new sponsors. “The Wiesbaden community is in dire need of spouse sponsors,” Wilson said. “The PCS months are upon us, and we would like to fill our list of spouse sponsors to the brim so that each newly arrived spouse is welcomed properly – our way of showing them that there’s somebody on the other side waiting to say ‘I’ve been there, done that. Here’s what you should do’ – and to just be there for that spouse.” Spouse Sponsorship training is offered by request or walk-in, said Wilson. It can be given to individuals or to units or organizations. “We hold it at ACS every last Friday of the month from 10 to 11 a.m.”
Foreign-born spouses
Another way to become involved with the Spouse Sponsorship Program is through the Foreign Born Spouses Program. Relocation Readiness holds events and activities for foreignborn spouses every second Wednesday of the month from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Volunteer Program Office in Bldg. 7780, Texas Strasse 57, on Hainerberg. “This is a completely relaxed, informal group, and language is not an issue,” he said. “It’s a way for those who may feel far from home to meet individuals from their own culture and to be exposed to other cultures as well.” “The Foreign-Born Spouses Program was created to recognize the many different cultures located throughout our community. We want to create an environment where foreign born spouses can come and meet others like themselves to talk about things that matter to them,” Walter said. “We don’t turn anyone away,” Walter said, adding that people interested in joining the monthly meetings are asked to touch base with ACS to help the staff prepare to meet their needs.
Spouse orientation
One of ACS’ newest outreach programs is the Spouse Orientation Program. This is a monthly forum held every third Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at ACS providing a way for all spouses to connect with representatives from housing, Tricare, the health clinic, transportation, Vehicle Registration, the Education Center and various other community organizations. “It’s a great opportunity for newcomers and individuals who have already been here for a while to pick up information and ask questions of the subject matter experts,” Walter said. “There are so many great services available throughout the community that many people don’t know about.” ACS will provide free child care for spouses who want to attend but are unable to because they need child care. “We encourage spouses to call one week in advance so that we can reserve a slot for them,” Wilson said. For more information on any of these programs, Host Nation Orientations, Wiesbaden Walking Tours or other services available at ACS, stop by Bldg. 7790 on Hainerberg (across from the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center) or call (0611) 143-548-9201.
NEWS & FEATURES College bound
STAY SAFE Continued from page 3 one or two of the same messaging apps so that you may still be able to communicate should something happen. If you still can’t communicate via messaging because the system is so bogged down, having pre-designated meetup points will get your Family back together. Though there is no known targeting of Department of Defense personnel or assets, “no known threat” does not mean there is “no threat.” In response to the current threat environment, all personnel must remain aware,
alert, and attentive to their surroundings. Remember to review basic individual protection measures and maintain situational awareness. Some individual protection measures to observe include: • Keep a low profile; make an effort to blend into the local environment. • Be aware of your surroundings. • Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. • Avoid planned gatherings or demonstrations.
Stay away from high risk areas. • Carry a cell phone. • Know emergency numbers. Protecting our community and Families is a top priority, and education and awareness are the two most important elements to keep us safe. It may seem difficult, if not impossible, to prevent an attack, but knowing what to do should something occur will improve your chances of staying safe, keeping in touch and quickly reuniting with your Family.
See photos of recent events: Courtesy photo
Marie-Luise Glaser,Wiesbaden Commissary assistant store manager, presents Andrew Scahill with the Scholarship for Military Children from the Defense Commissary Agency.
July 19, 2018
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Blood-sucking ticks lurk in cities, countryside Dr. Elke Pischtschan Environmental Division, Directorate of Public Works
Erik Karits/
Compared to spiders, which are usually harmless in Germany, blood-sucking ticks have become far more relevant to health and can be pretty dangerous if their bites go unnoticed or symptoms are underestimated. Until recently, only parts of Germany were regarded as “tick hotspots,” but nowadays ticks occur all over Germany. Ticks can be found virtually everywhere, including gardens and even cities. The most relevant species to humans is the European wood tick, which can transmit two types of diseases: Lyme disease (borreliosis) and
meningoencephalitis. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that are spread by infected ticks. No vaccine is available, and it can only be treated with antibiotic therapy. Lyme disease produces a characteristic set of symptoms including an expanding skin rash (bull’s eye rash) appearing at the site of the tick bite within a week. For those who have been infected, it is imperative to start a course of antibiotics as soon as possible to prevent the onset of the disease in bursts, which can be extremely severe and lead to hardly curable long-term effects. The early summer meningoencephalitis, known as FSME in Germany, is caused by a virus and occurs after an incubation period
of one to two weeks, marked by symptoms similar to the signs of a flu, including fever, headache, fatigue, nausea and muscle pain. After a week, symptoms may escalate to include stiff neck, disorientation, seizures, even paralysis. Long-term effects may include memory and speech problems, mood disorders, epilepsy, and motor skill difficulties. FSME can also be transmitted through unpasteurized cow and goat milk. Confirmed cases in Germany must be reported to health authorities. A vaccine is available. There are several steps one can take to avoid tick problems. Since they prefer a moist environment like broadleaf and
mixed woodland, long-sleeved and light-colored shirts and pants should be worn and pant legs tucked into socks when hiking in wooded areas. Tall grasses and shrubs should be avoided in favor of hiking trails. A tick repellent can be applied in addition to sunscreen. After arriving back home, one should examine the body (and pets) for ticks. If discovered in time, a tick can be removed using tweezers – by grasping the tick’s head and pulling away from the skin. After washing the skin with soap, one should apply a disinfectant. It is important to watch for possible signs of an infection and even to show the tick to the doctor.
Army announces Austin as home for new command Department of the Army
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army announced July 13, after a months-long review of potential sites, its new Futures Command will be headquartered in Austin, Texas. Army Futures Command, which began operations on July 1, will lead the Army’s future force modernization enterprise. The command is expected to assess the future operational environment, emerging threats, and new technologies in order to develop and deliver concepts, requirements, future force designs, and modern materiel solutions to meet Soldiers’ wartime needs. The Army has worked hard increasing current readiness and strengthening its combat formations. Futures Command will provide that same focus to future readiness by fine tuning and implementing the service’s modernization strategy
to increase the Army’s lethality against near-peer competitors in tomorrow’s conflicts. “The establishment of the Army Futures Command is the best example of our commitment to the future readiness and lethality of the force,” said Secretary of the Army Hon. Mark T. Esper. “Army Futures Command will help fulfill the Army Vision by addressing the key shortcomings of the current acquisition system, providing unity of command, effort and purpose to the entire modernization enterprise.” Futures Command will lead the Army’s force modernization efforts; it is charged with providing Soldiers the weapons and equipment they need, when they need them. This new fourstar command will complement the Army’s other four-star headquarters — Forces Command, Training and Doctrine
Command and Army Materiel Command — and is scheduled to reach full operational capability in summer 2019. “This is a big year for the Army because we believe that we need to significantly reform the way the Army does research and development, testing and evaluation, procurement and everything else that contributes to the modernization process,” said Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army. Establishment of the command marks the most significant reorganization of the institutional Army since 1973, when it created U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. Unique in structure and design, it is being headquartered in Austin, Texas, to better partner with academia, industry, and innovators in the private sector, while providing a good
and affordable quality of life for Futures Command personnel. When it reaches full operating capacity in summer 2019, the headquarters will comprise about 500 personnel. Suborganizations, many of which currently reside within TRADOC and AMC, will transition to Army Futures Command in the coming months. The Army has no plan to physically move units or personnel from these commands at the present time. “This is not about moving lots of people from other commands,”said Ryan D. McCarthy, Under Secretary of the Army.
“Army Futures Command can be best characterized as a restructuring and de-layering to maintain the ‘best in breed’ in all military capabilities.” Army Futures Command also oversees the Army’s eight cross-functional teams, which are aligned against the Army’s six modernization priorities. Each CFT is expected to facilitate faster acquisition decision making by Army senior leaders in order to meet the needs of the future force, consistent with the Army Vision.
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July 19, 2018
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friendship and partnership U
.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden hosted the annual German-American Friendship Fest on Hainerberg June 29 to July 4, with a fireworks display the final day to celebrate Independence Day. Before the opening ceremony, then-Garrison Commander Col. Todd J. Fish presented the first ever Commander’s Cup to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade. To win the cup, tenant units earned points by participating in runs, unit-level sports, functional fitness competitions and other activities. The goal was to encourage esprit de corps and to create a little healthy unit competition. The 66th MI Bde. tied with the 485th Intelligence Squadron for the award.
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Photos by Karl Weisel and Travis Thurston/ Wiesbaden Family and MWR, and Emily Jennings and Lena Stange/ USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs
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Customs offers tips for PCS moves By Robert Szostek USACA-E PAO
People scheduled to move to the states this summer should start preparing now by separating things that are banned from import and finding new homes for them. It is also a good idea to apply early for import permits on restricted items, customs officials advise. “Prohibited items include meat and meat products such as sausage, pâté and salami, as well as plants, plant products and all destructive devices,” said Tim Sellman, director of the U.S. European Command’s Customs and Border Clearance Agency. Explosive caps, tear gas
projectiles, artillery simulators and fireworks are examples of destructive devices, he added. “If you’re planning on shipping firearms, ensure you have proof that you owned them in the states or have an import permit,” he said. Sellman also explained other important points to remember: Owners of vehicles not made to U.S. standards have to ship them through commercial importers registered with the Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency. However, vehicles more than 25 years old are exempt from this rule. Most mopeds and motorcycles must also meet U.S. safety and pollution standards, and
all vehicles must be free of dirt, insects and vegetation. Wine collections can only be shipped with advance approval from the transportation office. Endangered species items such as ivory and some furs may only be shipped if owners can prove they were previously owned in the U.S. or are antiques over 100 years old. State attorneys general must approve imports of gambling devices. These devices must be registered with the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. Need more details? Stop by the local military customs office or check out the military customs website at mil/opm/customs/uscustoms.htm.
Tune in to AFN Wiesbaden at 103.7 FM. Wiesbaden Radio News is played every hour during live hours at roughly the half hour mark. Morning DJ: 6 - 10 a.m. with Sgt. Travis King Afternoon DJ: 2 - 6 p.m. with Sgt. William Washburn The following regularly-scheduled shows are subject to change. MONDAY 8 - 9 a.m. Family and MWR with Karl Weisel TUESDAY 7 - 8 a.m. ACS financial planners (7 - 7:30 a.m. on the last Tuesday of the month) 7:30 - 8 a.m. Commissary Price Is Almost Right giveaway (last Tuesday of the month) 8 - 9 a.m. Army Wellness Center with Lisa Cox 9 - 10 a.m. Fitness center with Maria Diaz WEDNESDAY 7 - 8 a.m. USO with Volunteer Program Manager Misty 8 - 9 a.m. Career Management with Jaime Chapman THURSDAY 8 - 9 a.m. USO with Bob Gilpatrick (Discover Germany) FRIDAY 8 - 9 a.m. Ask the Commander (Aug. 2; other dates pending)
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Herald Union
July 19, 2018
Palmengarten Frankfurt — Botanical oasis in a metropolis by Sallee Miller contributing writer Palmengarten is a lovely botanical garden in the city of Frankfurt, a “tranquil oasis in the heart of the city.” In 2015 over 500,000 people visited the gardens. The entrance fee is less than 10 euro, for which you are given the opportunity to meander among plants and trees and flowers that you have never seen in your life! The signage is in German but you don’t have to read the signs to know you are in a special place. To keep it special and always amazing, occasionally exhibits will close temporarily but there are always new and more beautiful things to see. I met a lovely woman who walks in the garden every Sunday morning and she said that it looks different every single week. Different plants and flowers blooming, all in their own time. For the summer, in July and August, the dahlias will be blooming in their spectacular fashion. Also in the summer, the Blue Egyptian Water-Lilies will be on display. You will be rewarded in the spring with hundreds of flowers and specifically in March you can see the flowering crocus. As a bit of history, the garden’s architect and private financier was
Heinrich Siesmayer. The park was completed for public viewing in 1871. Buffalo Bill visited from America in 1890. In 1931 the City of Frankfurt took over the park and then after WWII the American occupation authorities took control of the garden, returning it to the city in the 1960s. It was then that the parts of the park that were destroyed in the war began to be renovated and reconstructed and this construction was complete in 1992. The 52 acres are continually being updated and renovated. There are play areas for the children and wide expanses of green lawn with sunbeds for relaxing or reading amongst the peaceful surroundings. There is a quaint little train that will carry you and your children through the garden. You can rent a small boat for floating and rowing to your heart’s content like you are in another time and place, and not in the middle of a bustling city right outside the gates. You are free to bring your own picnic basket but should you decide to forego carrying all these things into the park, there are snacks available as well as a restaurant with delicious cakes and cappuccino. A cursory review of their guest book revealed visitors from South
Africa, the United Kingdom, Israel, New York City, Iceland, Bahrain, Estonia and so many more countries. Many residents of Frankfurt make the Palmengarten a routine stop for relaxation at all times of the year. Check online for regular concerts and events happening at the Papageno Musiktheater am Palmengarten. There is a robust children’s program here on the weekends where the kids can enjoy such shows as Cinderella, Oliver Twist and many more. For the adults, the evening programs include Die Fledermaus and My Fair Lady. On the practical side of things, you will find very clean toilets and the different attractions are well marked throughout the garden for ease of finding the greenhouses and restaurants. Feel free, however, to wander aimlessly and get “lost” in the peacefulness you will find in this beautiful botanical garden. Frankfurt Palmengarten is located Siesmayerstrasse 61, 60323 Frankfurt am Main. Opening hours: Feb. until Oct., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nov. until Jan., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking for a fee is available at the underground garage at Siesmayerstr. 63. For more info, visit
View of the Palmengarten, a landmark botanical garden located next to the campus of the Goethe University Frankfurt. Photo by EQRoy /
Travel and Events for American Families More lifestyle stories on:
July 19, 2018
military militar IN GERMANY Herald Union
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DUIs in Germany: Don’t ruin a good time with a bad choice German law prohibits people younger than 21 to operate a vehicle with any alcohol in their system. People older than 21 cannot have more than 0.05 percent in their system under normal circumstances and 0.03 percent if involved in traffic of offenses or accidents.
Mary Ann Davis IMCOM
KA I S ER S LAU T ERN , Germany — Barbecues, village festivals and get-togethers where alcohol is served may be a huge part of summertime fun in Germany, but the consequences of driving under the influence afterward can be a sobering reality check. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs not only endangers others, but jeopardizes government civilian careers and disrupts lives, said Robert Leist, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Civilian Misconduct officer. “Government civilian employees and command-sponsored Family members are subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the host nation authorities and the administrative jurisdiction of U.S. forces under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement with established civilian misconduct
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George Rudy/
programs,”Leist explained.“Civilians receiving logistical support also fall under the civilian misconduct jurisdiction. Host nation authorities maintain criminal jurisdiction, so they will typically assign fines, fees, penalties and determine guilt or innocence. DUIs are normally processed through host nation criminal court.” According to host nation DUI laws, violating 0.05 percent
July 19, 2018
blood alcohol concentration or driving under the influence of drugs will result in the following consequences: First Offense: 500€ fine, two points and one-month driving suspension Second Offense: 1,000€ fine, two points and a three-month driving suspension Third Offense: 1,500€ fine, two points and a three-month suspension.
Tougher DUI penalties and fines are issued by host-nation authorities if drivers endanger road traffic or their BAC is greater than 0.109 percent. Although U.S. civilian drivers with DUIs have host-nation penalties and fines to contend with, they will still deal with Army reprimands as well, said Rick Anderson, USAG RP Civilian Misconduct officer. “For certain BACs, German authorities may suspend a license for 90 days, but Army in Europe Regulation 190-1 requires a revocation of one year for the offense,” he said. “Whether you are a government civilian employee, government contractor or Family member, if you are affiliated with the U.S. forces and receive logistical support, you must pay the host nation fines and also abide by AER 190-1 with the revocation of your license, regardless if host nation authorities only remove driving privileges for 90 days.” There is a difference between host nation license suspensions and required U.S. forces license suspensions and revocations, Anderson said. “According to AER 190-1, operation of a vehicle with 0.05 to 0.079 percent BAC will be a mandatory 90-day license suspension; 0.08 percent BAC or higher is a mandatory license revocation with petitioned reinstatement authorized after one year,” Anderson explained. “People who commit a second offense lose their license for five years; a third offense prohibits them from ever possessing a U.S. Forces Certificate of License again.” DUI includes drugs as well. “Recently, we’ve seen U.S. civilian DUIs involving
marijuana, which is concerning. As a reminder to all U.S. Forces affiliated civilians and Family members, possession of marijuana and driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal here in Germany,” Anderson said. With the tough penalties and fines from host nation authorities and civilian misconduct, why do people still drink and drive? “People think they can get away with drinking and driving,” said Sgt. Bailey Bourque, USAG RP Directorate of Emergency Services Traffic Management and Collision investigator. “Those who think they can get away with it will eventually get caught and suffer the consequences. We all make choices — we just need to ensure the choices we make are good ones.” Unfortunately, DUIs are common, but they are totally preventable. Garrisons have resources and support agencies that can assist in addressing the causes of DUIs, alcohol and drug abuse. These agencies work to mitigate future offenses or help individuals in avoiding an incident altogether through proactive counseling and awareness,” she said. “Some of the resources available include the Army Substance Abuse Program, Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care Program, Employee Assistance Program, Family Advocacy Program, Adolescent Support and Counseling Services and several other organizations to help people struggling with difficult issues.” The key to having fun this summer is making sure your plans are well thought out before going out, Bourque said. “People need to have and use their plans A, B and C,”she said. “Leaders make a plan, implement it and follow-through. If they do that, their subordinates will follow suit.” Leist agreed with Bourque and added, “impaired decisions are not always the best decisions, so when we see someone making a mistake, we need to have the intestinal fortitude to reach out and help them make the right choice.” So never end a good time, with a bad choice. Don’t drive impaired.
Missing something in your life?
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10 things to know about the new fitness test U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training FORT EUSTIS, Va. — On July 9, the U.S. Army announced a new physical fitness test — the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT. The test is designed to replace the Army Physical Fitness Test with a gender- and age-neutral assessment that will more closely align with the physical demands Soldiers will face in combat. Field tests for the ACFT will begin in October 2018, and by October 2020, all Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers will be required to take the test. U.S. Army photo The U.S.Army Center for IniOn July 9, the U.S. Army announced a new physical fitness test — the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT. tial Military Training answered some of the most common questions Soldiers, veterans and 120 Soldiers can be tested in two annual training) or may require civilians had about the ACFT. hours.The Army will provide the additional funding (increased 6.How much does the ACFT equipment. training days). However, the equipment cost? current ACFT does not take 1. Why does the Army need 3. How will the ACFT be a significantly larger amount Final costs will be worked a new physical fitness test? graded? Are there tiers based of time to test than the current out as part of the field testing on military occupational PT test. phase. However, cost was a factor To better measure Soldier specialty? in considering the equipment fitness. Since 1980, the Army 5. Who came up with this needed to complete a balanced has used the current three-event The grading remains to be test? fitness assessment. test. The APFT has provided an determined, but there will be The equipment is standard adequate assessment of two areas, a minimum baseline standard, This test is a result of over fitness equipment, available from muscular endurance and aerobic which aligns with the general 20 years of research and studies many retail and wholesale locaendurance. Although these two physical fitness required for a of fitness and health, and the tions. Since it is not “specialized,” components of fitness are impor- Soldier to perform high physiresearch in the last six years was there is an added advantage in tant for Soldiers, they are not the cal demand, common Soldier specifically focused on just this that the equipment can also be only important areas of fitness tasks. Grading by MOS or by new test. The Army researched used for everyday physical readirelative to combat readiness. unit type are questions that will the baseline physical readiness ness training. To perform well across the full best be answered after the field requirements of high physical spectrum of operations in a com- test has gathered more data. Any demand tasks Soldiers perform plex and unknown battlefield, policy decisions will be made 7. Why the two-mile run? in combat. Soldiers must possess significant after field testing results and The Army asked experts from physical capacity in all areas of scientific analysis are presented the Army,combat veterans,active The simplest and most ef effitness including strength, power, to senior leaders. and reserve Soldiers, NCOs and fective way to measure aerobic speed and agility.The APFT does officers, from all branches and endurance with large groups not measure these components backgrounds, for their knowl- of Soldiers is with a distance 4. What about Soldiers who of fitness. edge and expertise on what it run. Soldiers are trained and don’t live on a base, like The U.S. Army believes the takes to be a Soldier. In addition measured on aerobic endurance recruiters, National Guard ACFT will measure these areas military fitness leaders from the to safely and effectively conduct and Army Reserve? and be able to significantly enUnited Kingdom, Canada, Aus- occupationally-specific training hance combat readiness, while As part of the field test, the tralia, France, the Netherlands and tasks performance, including reducing injury and attrition by establishing a comprehensive Army specifically selected the and many other fitness experts moving long distances under USAR, ARNG, U.S. Army Re- from civilian universities and load. assessment of combat fitness. A Soldier needs to run for cruiting Command, U.S. Army centers met to discuss U.S. Army Cadet Command and other Soldier fitness. a minimum of 12 minutes to 2. How long does it take to unique, dispersed units. This will Input also came from the Air get an accurate assessment of administer the ACFT? allow the Army to determine Force, Marine Corps, Navy and aerobic fitness. A two-mile run the right locations and methods Coast Guard, the Department ensures most Soldiers will need With 15 lanes of equipment, for remote and dispersed units. of Physical Education at West 12 minutes or more. the ACFT can be administered Implementation of the ACFT Point; U.S. Army Research Instito a group of 60 Soldiers in about may require modifications in tute of Environmental Medicine one hour. The average testing unit training schedules to allow and U.S. Army Public Health 8. Why the three repetition time per Soldier is about 50 testing to be conducted during Center and the Army Physical maximum deadlift? minutes. A trained company of higher level training periods (i.e. Fitness School.
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July 19, 2018
Conventional wisdom in regards to strength lifts is that reduced load plus increased repetitions plus proper rest equals reduced injuries. A 3RM deadlift will produce significantly fewer injuries than a 1RM deadlift. Trap (hex) bars are significantly easier, and have a lower injury risk, for untrained Soldiers to learn and execute lifts. Trap bars put the Soldier in a more controlled biomechanical posture to promote adherence to precision during the lift.The trap bar lift exerts less spinal loading due to an upright torso than the regular deadlift. To date more than 500 untrained Soldiers have been tested with zero reported injuries. Improvements in grip, core and lower body strength will significantly improve combat performance while reducing load-carriage injuries. 9. Are there alternate ACFT events Soldiers can take? If not, why? The final policy for alternate events, or an alternate test, is still to be determined. The Army is studying alternate fitness tests for Soldiers on temporary and permanent profiles. These tests would help determine if Soldiers can heal and rehabilitate or if they need to be medically boarded for continued service. 10. Won’t Soldiers hurt themselves training for the test? The Army is committed to a certification and training program for all graders and specifically for master fitness trainers. MFTs are a force enabler who are trained in all the events and training requirements for the ACFT. Using the train-thetrainer method, teams from the Army Physical Fitness School will certify master instructors for the ACFT. It is not expected that trained Soldiers,properly supervised by their leadership and MFTs, will have any unusual risk of injury taking or training for the ACFT. The renewed emphasis on fitness and the additional resources being provided, along with solid training, minimizes any risk to Soldiers.
Missing something in your life?
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Community notes Positive Parenting
Strengthen your relationship with your child by learning how to make sense of his or her behavior during Army Community Service’s free Positive Parenting Class from 10 to 11 a.m. Aug. 15. Learn how to better recognize your child’s needs and to be present with him or her during the best and toughest times. Call (0611) 143-548-9201 to reserve a space in the class.
AFTB Class
Army Community Service will host Army Family Team Building: Military Knowledge on Aug. 22 and 23. The class is geared to spouses who want to learn about terms and acronyms, Family preparedness, customs and courtesies, and much more. Call (0611) 143-548-9201.
Auto Skills can help
The Wiesbaden Automotive Skills Center on Clay Kaserne North offers a wide variety of services including wheel alignment, tire pressure monitor repair, basic maintenance classes for spouses and more. Stop by to find out about these services or to work on your own vehicle. Call (0611) 143-548-6679 for more information.
Get to know the area
ACS invites newcomers to get an in-depth look at their home away from home in Germany during Host Nation Orientations on Tuesdays starting at 9 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Learn about German culture, language, public transportation and more. Stop by ACS in Bldg. 7790 on Hainerberg or call (0611) 143-548-9201 to sign up.
PT Specials for Units
The Wiesbaden Entertainment Center invites units on Friday mornings from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. for a workout on the lanes. Special rates are offered for shoe rental and bowling is free. Units should coordinate with the WEC at least a week in advance by calling (0611) 143-548-9406.
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Crochet and knitting
The Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts Center hosts a volunteer-led social function on Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m. featuring free crochet and knitting lessons as requested. Call (0611) 143-548-9838 for details.
Crayon Cafe
Children through age 3 are invited to the USO’s Crayon Cafe at 11 a.m. every third Tuesday at the USO Wiesbaden Cottage , Washington Str. 18, on Hainerberg.
WEC Rolling Special
During the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center’s Rolling Special enjoy three games and shoe rental for a flat rate of $5. The Rolling Special is available Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. and Thursdays from 1 to 5 p.m.
Two-Step Tuesday
Two-Steppers are invited to the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center Lounge every Tuesday for a country-themed evening starting at 6 p.m. Enjoy line dancing, country lemonade and your favorite country tunes.
Moms and Munchkins Bowling
Join other moms and their children for of recreation and fun on Tuesday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon. Crayons and paper will be provided for children while parents bowl a couple of games or enjoy coffee with other parents. Come in early and have breakfast — or stay later and get some lunch. Cost is $1 per game with a $1 shoe rental.
Breakfast and Bowling Thursdays
Order breakfast on Thursdays from 10 to 10:45 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center and bowl for free until noon. Shoe rental is $2.
Guitar and Bass Lessons
Enjoy individual electric and acoustic guitar lessons or electric bass guitar lessons
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for adults at the Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts Center. Beginners are welcome. The fundamentals, music reading, music theory and information about the music business are included in the course. Lessons are 30-minutes long and generally available from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Lesson times are subject to availability. Ask about available lesson slots at the front counter of the Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts Center or call (0611) 143-548-9838.
Free drinks with pizza order
The Wiesbaden Entertainment Center has a special deal on Mondays. Order any pizza when bowling and get two drinks for free.
Penny-A-Pin Wednesdays
Enjoy Wiesbaden Entertainment Center’s Penny-APin Bowling every Wednesday from 3 to 11 p.m. Pay only for the pins you knock down (for example: knock down 123 pins and only pay $1.23). Pay in cash and the cost will be rounded down.
BOSS Meetings
All newly arrived single service members are encouraged to attend a Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers Meeting to learn about what BOSS offers and to make new friends. Members of all service branches are welcome. Topics covered are quality of life, recreation opportunities and community service opportunities. Meetings take place at 3 p.m. on Aug. 8 and 22 at the Warrior Zone. Call (0611) 143-548-9816 for details.
Martial Arts Classes
Learn self-defense techniques and more during ongoing Golden Sage Martial Arts Classes at the Wiesbaden Sports, Fitness and Outdoor Recreation Center. Classes are Saturdays from noon to 2 p.m. and cost $8 per class. For more information visit or call the fitness center at (0611) 143-548-9830.
Taunus Theater listings THURSDAY JULY 19
The Equalizer 2 (R) 7 p.m.
Skyscraper (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Blind Spotting (R) 7 p.m.
The Equalizer 2 (R) 7 p.m.
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (PG) 1 p.m. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (PG) 3:30 p.m.
Hotel Transylvania: Summer Vacation (PG) 1 p.m. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) 3 p.m. SUNDAY JULY 22 Incredibles 2 (PG) 1 p.m. Hotel Transylvania: Summer Vacation (PG) 3:30 p.m. The Equalizer 2 (R) 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY JULY 25 Bleeding Steel (R) 7 p.m. THURSDAY JULY 26
Blind Spotting (R) 6 p.m. SUNDAY JULY 29 Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (PG) 3 p.m. Mission Impossible: Fallout 3D (PG-13) 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDSAY AUG. 1 Mission Impossible: Fallout (PG-13) 7 p.m. Sicario: Day of the Soldado (R) 7 p.m.
Regular showings are $6.50 for adults; $3.75 for children; 3D showings are $8.50 for adults; $5.75 for children.
Sports shorts X-Box Tourney
The Warrior Zone invites service members to compete in a Madden 18 X-Box Tournament from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 30. Entry is free. Call (0611) 143-9816 for details.
Get Golf Ready
Discover the game of golf through a series of beginnerfriendly lessons at the Rheinblick Golf Course. The next session, costing $99 for five lessons, starts Aug. 6. Youth ages 7 to 17 can
learn the game during the up to a week in advance by PGA Sports Academy, which calling (0611) 143-548-5485. is $50 for four sessions. Call Hunting course (0611) 143-548-5485 or 5486 Outdoor Recreation offers for details. a U.S. Forces German Hunting Course from Aug. 7 to Oct. 27. Friday Night Fun Unwind after the work week Successful course completion during Friday Night Scrambles gives participants the right to Aug. 3, 17 and 31 at the Rhe- purchase a German hunting inblick Golf Course. Shotgun license. Stop by the fitness start is at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 center or call (0611) 143-548for Rheinblick Golf Course 9801 for details.
high school age youth is scheduled for Aug. 3, 10, 17 and 24, weather permitting, at the fitness center. Contact the Teen Center at (0611) 143-548-9341 for more information.
needs. Call ACS at (0611) 143548-9201 for details.
Recreational Shooting
Recreational Shooting at the Wackernheim Range is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 18. Firearms are EFMP Bowling Every second Wednesday available for rent. Call (0611) of the month at 5:30 p.m. at 143-548-9801. the Wiesbaden Entertainment CYS Fall Sports Center, the Exceptional Family Parents can register their Member Program sponsors a children through Aug. 10 at members, $20 for non-member Youth rock climbing free bowling night for Soldiers, Parent Central Services, Bldg. U.S. ID cardholders and $35 for Free rock climbing for civilians and retirees with Fam- 1213 on Clay Kaserne, for CYS non-ID cardholders. Register CYS-registered middle and ily members who have special fall sports.
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NEWS & FEATURES Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic Hours: Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The third Thursday of each month the clinic will be closed for training in the morning and open from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Schedule appointments: Online at or call DSN 590-5762 or (06371) 9464-5762
Changes coming to portal secure messaging Change Healthcare Operations In March 2017, the majority of RelayHealth (McKesson Technology Solutions) and Change Healthcare came together to form an independent healthcare IT company. The new company is known as Change Healthcare. By September 30, military end users will see changes to TRICARE Online Patient Portal Secure Messaging. These changes are being made to transition to the new company and unified products, solutions and businesses under the Change Healthcare brand. This change does not impact the product name nor existing feature functionality – it remains the same service end users have been using. The changes users will experience include: • New Change Healthcare logo on the footer of the site • New look including: font, button design and color palette
• A new web address for TRICARE Online Patient Portal Secure Messaging: • New email addresses for customer support • New sender name and email address for all email notifications (“” will no longer be used as the sender email address)
Frequently Asked Questions for Military Health System Beneficiaries
Will there be a new website address for TRICARE Online Patient Portal Secure Messaging? Yes. By Sept. 30, you will access Secure Messaging through After Sept. 30, and will no longer be available, and users will see a “404 Error – Page Not Found” message on the screen.
Will I have to change my username and password? No. You can use your current username and password. Will I and my doctor’s office be able to exchange secure messages during this transition? Yes. All services will be available. Will I (patient) still be able to upload and download information to my patient health record? Yes. You can upload information just as you do today. How do I contact support should I have any questions? From now through Sept. 30: The Federal Support Team can be reached via email at or by phone to the U.S. at 1-866-309-4138. After Sept. 30: The Federal Support Team can be reached at or by phone to the U.S. at 1-866-309-4138.
AWC offers support for sufferers of chronic pain Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic
Check out the updated Guide to Host Nation Healthcare http://rhce.amedd.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, “chronic pain affects the anatomy of the brain and impairs certain nerve pathways, leading to a ‘negative feedback loop’ that results in more pain and accompanying emotional and reasoning problems.” Chronic pain can affect every aspect of our daily lives and can be detrimental to overall health and wellness. It often affects sleep, physical performance, our ability to focus throughout the day and can even affect the way we process our emotions. The Wiesbaden Army Wellness Center
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most benefit for that specific individual. Here is what William Choate has to say about his experience with biofeedback techniques at the Wiesbaden Army Wellness Center, “My time thus far with the wellness center has been amazing. The stress management appointments have been a huge help and have been extremely beneficial in relaxing. Honestly, I feel great both mentally and physically after my appointments. They are a huge help and have given me tools to help manage the stresses of life and work.” For more information, visit https://nccih.
Command extends expiration date for EpiPens RHCE PAO
Due to a US-wide shortage of epinephrine autoinjectors (EpiPen. EpiPen Jr. and generic versions), Regional Health Command Europe has authorized a six-month extension to the pharmacy label expiration date for children attending Child and Youth Services programs or Department of Defense Education Activity schools in Europe. “We have a special agreement with CYS and DODEA regarding this pharmacy label expiration extension to meet their requirements for children’s prescriptions,” said Matthew Nguyen, RHCE Formulary Manager. Nguyen emphasized that this extension does not apply if the manufacturer’s expiration date has passed. Children with epinephrine autoinjec-
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offers appointments for biofeedback, which can not only be helpful in reducing stress and improving sleep but has also been proven to be extremely beneficial to those experiencing chronic pain. Biofeedback is the process of learning how to control the body’s physiological reactions, such as heart rate, by changing one’s thoughts, emotions or behavior. During an appointment, clients are connected to a heart rate monitor that provides feedback regarding the individuals’ physiologic state. This information can then be used to assess a client’s progress and determine which of several different pain management techniques provide the
July 19, 2018
side a CYS or DODEA facility and stored in room temperature conditions, such as at home or at the office, patients may retain and use the medication until the manufacturer’s expiration date,” Nguyen said. Because there is a shortage, the pharmacy team recommends patients check the manufacturer’s expiration date and plan ahead. Patients should begin trying to get a replacement about three months before expiration to allow for possible delays. Army military treatment facilities must prescribe only FDA-approved medications and are not permitted to purchase European medications, Nguyen said. tors past the manufacturer expiration date If you have questions regarding your will need to revisit their provider for a new child’s EpiPen, please contact your Army prescription. Military Treatment Facility pharmacy or “For epinephrine autoinjectors kept out- your child’s primary care manager.
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