Kaiserslautern American - April 2, 2021

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April 2, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Page 3

Family Fun: 10 tips for extending the egg hunt by Lisa Helenius Contributing writer Is it eggs-tra difficult for you to plan an eggs-traordinary Easter for your kids this year? The community egg hunts aren’t happening. Church activities are limited. How can you help your kids feel egg-static about their egg hunt? More importantly, how can you egg-stend the time to keep everyone occupied? Here are 10 great ways to use those plastic eggs to your advantage. (Notice I refrained from saying egg-vantage? You’re welcome!)


Stretch out a toy gift! Giving your kiddo a puzzle? Let them do a bonus egg hunt by searching for each piece one at a time. Simply place one puzzle piece inside each egg and let the hunting begin! The same can be done for Lego, Lego Duplo or Playmobil kits!


Matching colors (for the little bunnies in your house) When a child finds one egg, you can fill it with confetti of a different color. Then, your child will search for that new color. It makes a festive mess, but it keeps the fun going!


Taste test! Hide a single jelly bean in each plastic egg. Have your child hunt for the eggs, eat the jelly bean and guess the flavor. It helps to keep a visual chart handy for reference! Keep score to see who guesses the most correctly!


Scavenger Hunt Plant clues inside the eggs. Then it’s up to the children to find a clue inside one egg that will lead them to the next. You can get very sneaky for the older kids – think riddles, like “Play with me on a hot day or use me to give the grass a drink” (garden hose) or simple for the little kids “Rub-a-dub-dub!” (bathtub). You can find lots of printable scavenger hunt clues online.


Ninja Challenge Each egg contains a ninja task. Examples for indoors: “commando crawl” under the coffee table, or “jump from the ottoman to the couch.” Examples for outdoors: “walk on the curb without falling off,” “log roll on the grass from one side of the yard to the other,” or “do a cartwheel,” etc.


Body Builders Each egg contains a fun fitness challenge. Examples: balance on your right foot for 10 seconds, do 20 jumping jacks, crab walk to the bedroom, etc.


Charades Put a picture or a word inside each egg. Your child has to act out that thing. For example: a dog, a bird, brushing your teeth, throwing a ball, etc. If a member of the family guesses it, they get to pick the next egg.


Nature hunt After the main hunt is over, send the kids outside and have them create a hunt for the adults. They have to put a small piece of nature in each egg and the adults have to open each egg and guess what it is/ where it came from. Examples: sand, blades of grass, gravel, leaves, seeds, twigs, etc.


Hot and Cold Hide a single egg with a special surprise inside. Your child moves around the room and you give them cues if they are getting warmer, colder, hot, etc. until they find the prize egg!


Egg Relay Race Put your Easter basket on one side of the yard or room. Give your child a spoon and a pile of eggs. They have to balance the egg and go as fast as they can to deposit it in the basket, then run back to the pile. Younger children will need a larger spoon. Older kids can be challenged with a smaller spoon. Author’s profile: Lisa is a practicing occupational therapist with 25 years of pediatric experience. She currently is a partner at Growing Up Therapy. See https://growinguptherapy.com for more information.

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