March 4, 2016
Volume 40, number 9
Ramstein Airmen help kick off Real Thaw 16 Story and photos by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs BEJ A, Portugal — Approximately 60 Airmen from Ramstein, along with partners from six allied nations, kicked off exercise Real Thaw 16 with an opening ceremony Feb. 21 in Bej a, Portugal. Real Thaw 16 is a Portuguese-hosted NATO exercise that provides tactical training to participating nations. Its aim is to merge and employ different aerial platforms toward one maj or obj ective, covering a vast range of activities to include defensive and offensive counterair operations, highvalue air assets protection and slow-mover protection. “ eal Thaw 6 first eb te in 2009. Since then, we have been improving scenarios and aiming to prepare forces for operations throughout the world,” said Brig. Gen. Barros Ferreira, Portuguese See REAL THAW, Page 2
U.S. Airmen, along with their international counterparts, salute during the opening ceremony of exercise Real Thaw 16 Feb. 21 in Beja, Portugal. Real Thaw 16 is a Portuguese-hosted NATO exercise that provides tactical training to multiple participating nations. Its aim is to merge and employ different aerial platforms towards one major objective, covering a vast range of activities to include defensive and offensive counterair operations, high-value air assets protection and slow-mover protection. Approximately 3,500 service members throughout Europe and the U.S. are participating in the event.
Tip of the Week Do not leave valuables or military gear visible in your car. Remember to ALWAYS lock your doors!
Currently, the parking lot only has one exit. Ahern said that as pedestrians and vehicles crisscross with the as station atrons the flow be omes congested, causing a safety issue. The two-phase construction proj e t aims to fi this roblem an improve safety. rin the first hase the 86th CES will make the current exit of
Behind the medal: How four Airmen saved 90 lives, Page 6
the shoppette a right-turn-only exit. This will direct vehicles toward the roundabout near the U .S. Air Forces in Europe’s headq uarters. “The intention is to keep outbo n traffi flowin Ahern sai “The traffi ir le will allow them to turn around if they want to go left. See TRAFFIC, Page 3
A construction proj ect to modify the parking lot of the Ramstein Express, better known as the shoppette, began this week. As part of the 86th Airlift Wing’s effort to improve installation excel-
lence, the 786th Civil Engineer Sq uadron is heading up the proj ect to im ro e the traffi flow an safe ty in this area. “The sho ette has a traffi flow problem, and part of it is caused by the as station an sho ette traffi both having to use the same exit,” said J ohn Ahern, 786th CES deputy commander.
Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Ramstein shoppette undergoes traffic flow changes
Homefront Heroes honors children, spouses, Page 10
Germans say goodbye to winter with parades, plays, fires, Page 15
Page 2
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Strength in diversity, empowered by proud heritage
by Brig. Gen. Roy Agustin U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Throughout my Air Force career, I’ve cooked for, performed at and spoken at Asian a ifi herita e festi ities from Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, to Langley Air Force Base, V irginia. With more than 8 million Asian a ifi Ameri ans from nearl o ntries an ethni ro s it can be a challenge to include every group, each with distinct languages, cultures, traditions and beliefs. There is a common thread that weaves through the rich and diverse tapestry of the American experience. That thread is the shared optimism and dream of a better life in a country where all things are possible. This ream is not ni e to Asian a ifi Americans, but it is inherent to all who have come to America. To a more than 62 a ti e t service members in the U .S. armed forces report
themsel es as Asian or a ifi slan er The leadership opportunities available to today’s service members, as well as more than Asian a ifi Ameri an eterans would not have been possible without those who bravely served our nation before us. We an tra e ba to the ar of 8 2 an fin “Manilamen,” a term used to refer to Filipino natives, who fought alongside Gen. Andrew J ackson during the Battle of New Orleans. I owe a debt of gratitude to not only Asian a ifi Ameri an eterans b t also to Americans of all ethnicities who promote equa lity and inclusion. Mentorship and building leaders are not exclusive to a certain race or ethnicity. Mentorship is an inclusive gift that we are all empowered to capitaliz e on and provide. Throughout my career, my commanders and supervisors mentored me and gave me an opportunity to lead. Power is the ability to make something or someone do something that they may not normally do. In our great country, everyone is empowered to take control of their own
destiny and, through perseverance and intestinal fortitude, prevail over adversity. So I challenge you to be empowered, to act to do something that you normally may not do, and to do something extraordinary and realiz e your dreams. Dream big like the reverend Martin Luther King J r., who envisioned a world not based on the color of skin but on the content of one’s character. Dare to dream like veterans who have paved the way. But while I dare you to dream, the greater challenge is to accept your empowerment and act on the dream. Whether your ethni ba ro n is Asian a ifi slan er African, European, Hispanic or NativeAmerican, you are part of this country’s rich tapestry, and you can have a positive impact on our nation’s future. Diversity has made our nation and our military stronger. As Americans, we have all been empowered by this country’s legacy of freedom and opportunity. So dare to dream big; dare to act and promote diversity and inclusion.
REAL THAW, from Page 1
access to the continent in support of U .S. training and mission obj ectives.” Along with improving relations between nations, the exercise also builds interoperability between military forces, which helps the different for es wor more fl i l in f t re j oint operations. “During the exercise we will be conducting j oint day and night operations to test the synchroniz ation of multinational linking assets, which will help enhance tactics development and validation,” Prieto said. “By utiliz ing the increased cooperation stemming from this exercise, participation will strengthen our j oint operation capabilities to ensure a secure and safe Europe.” This is the first time in ears Ramstein participated in the exercise, which ends today.
Brig. Gen. Barros Ferreira, Portuguese air force director of air operations, welcomes participating service members to exercise Real Thaw 16 during an opening ceremony Feb. 21 in Beja, Portugal. Real Thaw 16 is a Portuguese-hosted NATO exercise that provides tactical training to multiple participating nations. Nations participating this year include the U.S., Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain.
air force director of air operations. “At the end of the two-week exercise, we will have shared our knowledge and experiences, which are essential ingredients to improve our training standards and teamwork building.” Nations participating this year include the U .S., Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain. “Every day we work side by side with our European allies and partners, training to meet the future security challenges,” said Maj . Octavio Prieto, 86th Airlift Wing component detachment commander. “Our positive relationship with our NATO allies and the ability to conduct these types of training events enables the U .S. to maintain a critical mobility hub and
The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,
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March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 3
Ramstein defends cyberspace ‘runway’ by 1st Lt. Krystina Watkins 86th Communications Squadron The Command Cyber Readiness Inspection scheduled for March 14 through 25 is an inspection of the security posture of Ramstein’s network led by the Defense Information Systems Agency. This assessment takes an in-depth look at the policies, procedures and technical capabilities in la e on amstein ens rin lassifie an sensitive information created, transmitted and stored is protected from unauthoriz ed disclosure. Repercussions for failing a CCRI can include disconnection from the Department of Defense Information Network and the isolation of all government computers on an installation. In the cyberspace domain, the U .S. Air Force is always operating in a forward-facing environment of trusted relationships where a single weak link can endanger the entire Department of Defense. Readiness is essential to ensure cyberattacks are held at bay. Due to the literal light speed of intrusion attempts, it is essential to be ready now. The 86th Airlift Wing mission is to generate and employ air mobility and operate key Air Force power proj ection platforms. But did you know, it also operates as a power proj ection platform in bers a e n amstein o ll fin a “thir
runway” where operations are supported daily via both terrestrial and satellite links. While the 86th Communications Sq uadron takes a leading role in authoriz ing administrators, operating and maintaining base infrastructure, and serving the vast maj ority of customers in the KMC, the 86th AW is not the only unit inspected under the CCRI. The KMC is home to 13 different full-time communication units, including the enterprise hub for the maj ority of the U .S. Air Forces in Europe’s information technology services as well as numerous organiz ations with information technology personnel dedicated to operating and maintaining discrete mission-enabling systems. In addition, there are four internal domains that reside within the greater Ramstein network that receive a full concurrent CCRI on their own and get tied to the overall Ramstein score. All this adds up to an inspection of a cyber footprint larger than all U .K. air force bases combined. o Airmen now the are the first line of efense when it comes to the security of Ramstein’s network? Contrary to conventional belief, attacks on the U .S. do not have to take the form of large coordinated government funded efforts. Be on alert for insider threats. Don’t be afraid to report suspicious
activity to your security manager. Below are some tips on how users can do their part to keep Ramstein secure. Log out and restart Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router computers at the end of the day, but do not power them down. Only plug authoriz ed U SB storage devices into government computers. U SB drives are a vector for malicious logic and can expose the Air Force Network to intrusion. Do not leave Common Access Cards unattended. V iolators may be held accountable for illicit activity originating from computers accessed using their CACs. Get to know the unit information assurance offi er The re res onsible for o enin tro ble tickets and acting as a focal point for all cybersecurity matters. The 86th CS is working hard to do its part to ens re the base networ is onfi re ro erl an compliant with DOD policies, but every Airman plays a role in keeping Ramstein’s network secure. Now armed with these tips and an understanding of the role the 86th AW plays in cyber preparedness, Team Ramstein’s challenge is to do its part in protecting security.
TRAFFIC, from Page 1
The traffi that st wants to exit can do so and not back up into the congestion of pedestrians, cars and everything else in the parking lot.” Additionally, they will put a barricade dividing the center of the road to prevent vehicles from turning left. “ ts a rett sim le straightforward change,” Ahern sai “ e ll t the right-turn-only sign with a no-left-turn sign beneath it. The people that are used to turning left are the ones who will be most affected by a change in their patterns.” Phase one of the proj ect began this week. Phase two will take care of the remainder of the improvement proj ect. It will include an additional exit to separate gas-and-go traffi from the e estrian an sho in traffi as well as widen the road in front of the shoppette. “ hen eo le fill with gas, they will be able to j ust exit the parking lot without having to compete with the traffi in the sho ette ar ing lot,” Ahern said. Phase two doesn’t have a tentative start date as the
The parking lot of the Ramstein Express, better known as the shoppette, began this week. The first phase of the two-phase project will turn the current exit of the parking lot into a right-turn-only exit and place a barricade in the center of the road running alongside the parking lot. The second phase will extend the barricade as well as create an additional exit, which will allow gas-and-go patrons to exit the area without going into the shoppette parking lot.
contracts for widening the road and making the second exit have yet to be awarded. “As an one who has fille up with gas on Ramstein during a busy time knows, this has been an ongoing roblem Ahern sai “As we’ve been working our lines of effort under the 86th AW strategic plan to improve our installation excellence, it became apparent that this was something
we could do to make the installation work better by making it safer at the shoppette and gas station.” According to Ahern, this proj ect is one of several inten e to im ro e traffi flow a ross amstein “ r oal for 2 6 is to improve vehicle and pedestrian flow a ross amstein to increase safety today and prepare for future increases in volume,” Ahern said.
BIO-CLEANING VAT-forms PET ODOR REMOVAL accepted Kaiserstr. 54 a (across from City Hall) • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel.: 06371-61 22 11 Spittelstr. 3 (near Stiftsplatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern • Tel.: 0631-37 35 60 10
Page 4
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016 lar en an la tern 4: 45 p .m .: ho
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Editor’ s note: The purpose of the week ly bl otter is to deliver a chronological listing of criminal activity in the K M C . The information contained in the bl otter is not indicative of crime trends or the targeting of service membe rs or their dependents. The location and nature of the entries is dependent upon where the crime was reported and not necessarily where the crime took place.
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Take Note
KMC Transition Summit
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Retiree social luncheon
The ne t retiree so ial l n heon will be from a m to m ar h at the foo o rt art room All are wel ome to atten to the 86th Airlift in
etiree A ti ities ffi e at 6 86aw rao a af mil
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Landstuhl tax offices relocated
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Family Advocacy relocated
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Kaiserslautern County offices
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Dental volunteer program
The amstein ental lini will start the Ameri an e ross ental Assistant ol nteer ro ram A ril 2 The o rse will be hel from 6 4 a m to 4 m on a s thro h ri a for se en months This ro ram is o en to e en ent ar hol ers with a hi h s hool i loma or e i alent A li ants m st atten the mass briefin at
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Ramstein Tax Center
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Deutsches Haus
The e ts hes a s resta rant on amstein r n b erman arme for es offers l n h from a m to m an inner from to m or more information abo t the men reser ations an s e ial e ents isit www e ts hesha sramstein e
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March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 5
GERMANY-WIDE! up to 100 Mbps1 on & off-base
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Page 6
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Behind the medal: How four Airmen saved 90 lives Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Lane Plummer 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The sun was j ust beginning to glow across the dark skies of Mali in late May, 2014. As the western African nation came to life, Airmen from the 37th Airlift Sq uadron were double checking secured cargo and pressuriz ed oxygen tanks, preparing for takeoff in a Ramstein C-130J Super Hercules. Master Sgt. Boris Brink, 37th AS operations superintendent, was a loadmaster for the fi e ho r fli ht to ali He slowly made his way up and down the plane, ensuring 80 passengers were strapped in and ready to go and 10 aircrew members were prepared for ta eoff ith the final tra eler i in a th mbs to rin he ontin e mo ing around the plane alongside his wingman, Tech. Sgt. J ustin Pike, a former 37th AS loadmaster. Brink checked off his list of procedures. The oxygen was hooked up, the cargo was securely locked into the rail system, and the emergency eq uipment was ready to be used. e finall se re his seat belt as the roar of the engines floo e the ar o hol e felt his body push back into the chair as the plane lifted off the ro n an flew into the dimly lit skies. It would only be moments later that Brink was alerted of a malfunction in the aircraft.
Master Sgt. Boris Brink, 37th Airlift Squadron operations superintendent, received the Air Medal for demonstrating exemplary airmanship Feb. 19 on Ramstein. During a flight to Mali in 2014, Brink and his crew saved 80 passengers’ lives, a $70 million aircraft and 5,000 pounds of equipment during a ramp-open landing, the first ever recorded of a C-130J Super Hercules.
“At the time, I was performing my ( post-takeoff) checklist,” Brink said. “I noticed the ramp locks were retracting.” Both Brink and Pike attended to the issue and worked to fin a sol tion o more than fi e min tes later the a isor a tion an warnin system went off. “There was an air leakage,” Brink said. “So I told Pike to turn the ramp pump on. Around the time we did that, we heard what sounded j ust like an explosion coming from the direction of the ramp.” Following the loud blast of noise, the ramp collapsed open and dust swarmed around the cargo-hold area. The sound of
the en ines floo e the lane In seconds, the loadmasters’ wor en ironment be ame a er an ero s la e b t Brink wasn’t going to lose his mind because of the chaos. “We didn’t expect it, but because of the training we went through, I think we were both calm enough to notify the pilot that the ramp was completely open,” Brink said. “We went straight into our emergency procedures.” The two busy loadmasters continued to monitor the passengers as they ran through their list of tasks for emergency protocols. They accomplished this while communicating with the other two members of the crew in the
cockpit, Capt. Derrick Hoxie and Capt. Kenneth J ubb, pilot and co-pilot. “We all worked really well together,” J ubb said. “When the ramp opened up, we were all thin in has this e er ha ene before en with that in the back of our mind, I’d say the crew remained calm throughout the whole situation.” or fi e ho rs the lane was e t stable es ite ha ing the ramp open and exposing the cargo hold to the elements. During this time, the pilots were deciding how to land without maj or damage. “We planned the landing early,” J ubb said. “We took input from Ramstein Air Base
and a Lockheed Martin specialist.” As rays of light made their way into the cockpit, Hoxie and his crew knew it was near time to land. It was going to be the first o en ram lan in e er erforme in a U pon their slow approach to Mali, there weren’t any second guesses from the crew. Despite a lack of guidance a ailable the were oin with their initial strategy. “It became a matter of j ust executing the plan,” J ubb said. “ e were all rett onfi ent abo t e er thin From the back of the plane, Brink watched the ramp as it came closer to the ground. an in flatter than s al the lane flew own the r nwa until it slowed to taxi speeds, i e alon an finall stoo still on the parking spot. Brink unbuckled himself and inspected the gear, the 80 commuters and the ramp; there were no inj uries or damage In total, Hoxie, J ubb, Brink an i e sa e a million aircraft, 5,000 pounds in e i ment an 8 li es The were awarded the Air Medal Feb. 19 for their meritorious a tions in fli ht “To me, I feel like I j ust did my j ob like I’m supposed to,” rin e laine “ owe er it’s nice to be recogniz ed for something like that so people understand what we do.” For Brink and his crew members, it’s back to work. or the o ens of li es sa e the heroics that the Airmen performed that dark morning in ali are ne er oin to be forgotten.
TSC supply sergeant aims high, achieves milestone by Ronnie Schelby 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs A supply sergeant with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s support operations section aime hi h an flew towar n harte s ies be omin the first ol ier to atten the Air or e s islin on ommissione ffi er Academy in 40 years. taff t ar e ha wi latoon ser eant for T hea arters an s l within the support operations section, attended the six-week school, located on Kapaun, from J anuary through mid-February, graduating with class 16-02 Feb. 12.
The opportunity came about because of the working partnership between senior enlisted leaders within both ser i es omman t a Rodney Rhoades, TSC senior enlisted leader, and Chief Master Sgt. Phillip L. Easton, 86th Airlift Wing command chief master sergeant, collaborated on the proj ect. U nder an exchange pilot program, sele t Air or e s will also be in ite to atten the Army Senior Leader Course. Chadwick, who attended the Army SLC in Fort Lee, V irginia, in 2012, noted there were many similarities as well as differences between the two courses. “Both courses focused on different areas of leadership, all of which are important,” Chadwick said.
“I think they complement each other q uite well.” Chadwick q uickly noticed a difference in class makeup and siz e. “In the Army SLC, there were 35 participants,” Chadwick said. “All attendees share the same ( military occupational specialty) but at different ra es At A the lass ha 4 arti i ants an ha a ariet of Air or e s e ialt o e ersonnel attending.” Location, Chadwick continued, also matters. “ islin A is the onl lea ershi a a em in Europe,” Chadwick said. “Therefore, in my lass a ma orit of the atten ees were from ario s See MILESTONE, Page 8
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 7
If you’ve lived in the KMC area for a while, you may already know about The Used Car Guys. They have been selling pre-owned vehicles in Ramstein, Kaiserslautern and Spangdahlem since 2012 and have a great reputation for superior customer service and top quality products. Most of their inventory are late model vehicles, with either factory warranty remaining, or a minimum of 1 year extended coverage warranty included.
What you may not yet know is they have now opened The Used Car Guys Service Center in Ramstein village! The Service Center is open to the public for all vehicles (it doesn’t have to have been purchased through their dealership) and although they specialize in U.S spec vehicles, they can of course work on E.U. spec cars too. The Service Center manager is Mr Frank Alamos, a military spouse. Frank has over 9 years experience running Blanca F. workshops in the February 24 USA before coming I had my car serviced here and I had a great experience. The to Germany. Frank staff was great and made sure that all my needs were met. says: “We came I totally recommend them. up with the idea
of opening The Service Center out of a need for a workshop that was a little more like the ones back home. Somewhere where you could get good service, where you can book an appointment to get your work done, pay with credit card and feel like your business is appreciated! Just like at our dealerships, we are very big on the whole customer experience; all of our mechanics and staff speak English, we are open through the Military lunch break and open later than most places, so it helps our customers when they are dropping off or picking up their cars. We also provide a nice waiting area in our showroom where you can have a cup of coffee while you wait for your car to be ready.”
The Service Center offers a full range of services! From brakes to tires, oil changes to exhausts and everything in between, they are happy to assist with all your automotive needs. The Used Car Guys Service Center is located in Ramstein village at Landstuhler Str 77a, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach. It’s just across the road from The Used Car Guys Ramstein showroom. Tel: 06371 92 000 30 or email servicecenter@usedcarguys.net
Check out Page 33 for the great MARCH SPECIAL! www.UsedCarGuys.net info@UsedCarGuys.net
Landstuhler Str 77a, 66877 Ramstein 06371 92 000 30, www.usedcarguys.net servicecenter@usedcarguys.net
Page 8 MILESTONE, from Page 6
European countries.” Other differences stood out to Chadwick. “The Army concentrates its leadershi trainin s e ifi all on o r MOS,” Chadwick said. “We also learned many other warrior tasks, such as how to conduct physical training for your company, and how to lead your troops.” The Air Force NCOA, on the other hand, focused on learning and understanding the personalities and temperaments of service personnel. “I learned how to pay attention to other people’s emotions,” Chadwick said. “I had the chance to look at experiences from another’s viewpoint.” Chadwick praised the approach, adding that he will incorporate his training into his leadership style. “By learning about other Soldiers’ temperaments and how they learn, I can adj ust my leadership style in order to bring their best actions out,” Chadwick said. “By doing that, I hope to create a better team, which will benefit the Arm He also learned about his own priorities and leadership style. “I am structure-oriented, and I care
Kaiserslautern American deeply about family,” Chadwick said. Chadwick noted that the Airmen he attended the school with were very interested in hearing a Soldier’s perspective on military life. He talked about the importance of pride in service. “As m first ser eant st t an Sattelberg, says, ‘ Pride is contagious. It trickles down,’” Chadwick said. “I, as a Soldier, always think about these words. I believe everyone needs to take pride in themselves. How can we, as leaders, teach other Airmen or Soldiers to have pride and integrity in their j obs, and in life, if we don’t feel it in ourselves?” Chadwick said he appreciates the opportunity to attend both the Army and Air Force advanced leadership classes. “ t was efinitel one of the best courses I have attended,” Chadwick said. “I’ve also learned that Soldiers and Airmen are more alike than I thought prior to attending the NCOA. We deal with the same issues every day, from taking care of our Soldiers and Airmen to working with our bosses and accomplishing our missions. We j ust wear different uniforms and answer to different leaders. I have more respect for the Air Force after taking this course.”
March 4, 2016
Photo courtesy of Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Staff Sgt. Harvey Chadwick, supply sergeant with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command support operations section, participates in a fundraising event on Kapaun alongside other Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy students. Chadwick became the first Army NCO to graduate the Air Force NCOA in four decades when he completed the course Feb. 12.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore
Ramstein helps KMC save ... automatically Members of the KMC talk to a Service Credit Union representative during the Military Saves Week kickoff Feb. 19 on Ramstein. During the event, KMC members were able to learn about and sign up for saving plans through several financial institutions. The theme for the 2016 Military Saves Week was “make saving automatic.”
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 9
Photos by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
Allied service members wait for the opening ceremony to begin for exercise Real Thaw Feb. 21 in Beja, Portugal. Real Thaw 16 is a Portuguese-hosted NATO exercise that provides tactical training to multiple participating nations. Its aim is to merge and employ different aerial platforms towards one major objective, covering a vast range of activities to include defensive and offensive counterair operations, high-value air assets protection and slow-mover protection. Nations participating this year include the U.S., Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain.
US supports Portuguese paratroopers
Portuguese paratroopers jump out of a Ramstein C-130J Super Hercules assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron as part of exercise Real Thaw 16 Feb. 22 in Beja, Portugal. The 37th AS Airmen supported approximately 70 paratroopers during the event.
Approximately 70 Portuguese paratroopers board a C-130J Super Hercules assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron as part of exercise Real Thaw 16 Feb. 22 in Beja, Portugal.
A Portuguese jumpmaster smiles with excitement before taking off in a C-130J Super Hercules assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron as part of exercise Real Thaw 16 Feb. 22 in Beja, Portugal.
U.S. Army jumpmasters inspect a Portuguese paratrooper before loading onto a C-130J Super Hercules assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron during exercise Real Thaw 16 Feb. 22 in Beja, Portugal.
Page 10
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Homefront Heroes honors children, spouses
Staff Sgt. Ivor Mueller, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron equipment support assistant, places a medal around the neck of his daughter, Kitana, during a Homefront Heroes ceremony Feb. 19 on Ramstein. The ceremony honors children and spouses for the sacrifices they make while their family member is deployed.
Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Deployments can be stressful for military members. Being away from family, not knowing when they’ll be home an fi htin in ombat ones are j ust a few stressors. While away, spouses and family members take care of the daily tasks and chores to ensure military members don’t have to worry about home life. On Feb. 19, the 86th Logistics Readiness Group hosted a Homefront Heroes ceremony, which honored the accomplishments, dedication an sa rifi es ma e b s o ses an family members while Airmen were deployed. During the ceremony, children and spouses were given an award and ertifi ate as a to en of a re iation
and devotion to their military family member. li abeth An erson 86th ehi le Readiness Sq uadron key spouse, said it’s important to not only show military members how important their service is to our country but the families’ as well. “Speaking as someone whose spouse has deployed and having a child, my husband has been gone half of our son’s life,” Anderson said. “I think it’s important those kids get the recognition because they often go unnoticed. They really are the silent heroes. When kids are old enough to understand what’s happening, they often see their arent re o ni e for their service, so it’s a big deal when they themselves receive an award. Their faces j ust light up.” Though some bases may have adapted the idea of Homefront eroes the first eremon hel
Airmen and family members listen as Col. Lawrence Hicks, 86th Logistics Readiness Group commander, speaks during a Homefront Heroes ceremony Feb. 19 on Ramstein. Hicks spoke about his appreciation to the deployed members and their families for their strength and commitment.
Awards for family members of deployment returnees lay on a table display at a Homefront Heroes ceremony Feb. 19 on Ramstein. The event recognized the sacrifices made by families while deployed members were away.
at Ramstein was a variation on a Homefront Heroes ceremony held at Yokota Air Base, J apan. “ first an onl intera tion with ( Homefront Heroes) was in 2011 at Yokota Air Base, ( J apan) ,” said Lt. ol hristo her all 86th commander. “After I returned from my deployment to Afghanistan, the base had a Homefront Heroes ceremony and offered all of us who had returned from deployment to put a medal on our kids and ( show our appreciation) . “My unit here had a big group of returning ‘ deployers,’ and it reminded me of the ceremony,” Hall continued. “I brought the idea up and was told no one at Ramstein does this. Initially, we were going to pull it together, but I talked to ( Col. Lawrence Hicks, 86th Logistics Readiness Group commander) and reali e other nits n er the 86th
LRG) had a lot of ( returnees) as well. So we planned it and made it a group event.” ein the first e ent of its in at Ramstein, Master Sgt. J erry Pierson, 86th first ser eant ho es more units on Ramstein follow in their footsteps to give recognition where it is due. “I foresee the event continuing, at least within the 86th LRG,” Pierson said. “Both of our commanders seemed to really enj oy how it turned out. I’m hoping other units pick it up. t wo l be ama in to see it be ome a base-wide event.” Though deployments can put a strain on all parties involved, the 86th LRG is showing their appreciation through the Homefront Heroes event. Events like this allow children and s o ses to be re o ni e for the har work and perseverance they contributed to enable mission success.
Staff Sgt. Kennesha Key, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron fleet management and analysis NCO, sings both the U.S. and German national anthems during a Homefront Heroes ceremony Feb. 19 on Ramstein. The event is the first of its kind on Ramstein and focuses on honoring the dedication and hard work of families during deployments.
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 11
Ramstein highlights Women’s History Month
Photo by Staff Sgt. Leslie Keopka
Senior Airman Jessica Gutierrez, 21st Operational Weather Squadron weather journeyman, studies a weather forecast for Europe Feb. 22 on Kapaun. Gutierrez’s primary job is to analyze weather features, produce forecasts and brief weather updates in support of missions across Europe and Africa. The 21st OWS’s mission is to provide timely, accurate and relevant weather information to be used by the Air Force, Army, Marines and allies.
by 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs To help highlight Women’s History Month, 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs recently met with several inspirational women around the KMC to ask them a few q uestions about what the month means to them. Senior Airman J essica Gutierrez , 21st Operational Weather Sq uadron weather j ourneyman, shared her thoughts. Q: Who has been the most infl ential woman in o r life and why? A: Dr. Ivonn Ellis-Wiggan, Royal Air Force Mildenhall sexual assault response coordinator, has had an incredible infl en e on me he en o raged me to speak more candidly about my experience as a military sexual assault survivor. She campaigned for me to sit down with Maj . Gen. Camille M. Nichols, Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention an es onse offi e ire tor to represent the Air Force in Washington to discuss sexual assault impact on the military. Q: What is your greatest personal accomplishment thus far? A: So far, my greatest accomplishment has been raising awareness and offering a voice to survivors. From what I have been told, I have ha an infl en e on eo le
As terrible as the experience was, I am glad that I can give back. Q: What do you like best about serving in the Air Force? A: My favorite thing about the Air Force is that it has given me the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. I am a huge fan of travel and having the opportunity and means to do so has been fantastic. Q: What professional goal do you hope to accomplish, and how are you working toward that goal? A ho e to finish m bachelor’s degree in public health by the time my enlistment ends. I would like to work with the public health aspect of inner-city school systems. Q: What is something uniq ue that most people don’t know about you? A: I don’t know how to swim, even though I grew up in a state surrounded by la es Also am terrifie of Ferris wheels. Q: If you could give one piece of advice to women interested in j oining the Air Force, what would it be? A: It is an incredible opportunity, and it absolutely is what you make it. You will learn so much about yourself, and it could teach you in ways you didn’t think would be possible.
Oma’s Goulash Soup Ingredients (for 4 people) • 1 lb. beef for stew, cut into ¾ inch cubes • 2 tablespoon oil • 2 onions, coarsely diced (about 1 inch pieces) • 1 garlic clove, crushed • 1½ cups tomato juice • 4 cups beef broth • 1 teaspoon salt • ¼ teaspoon fennel • 1 tablespoon sweet Hungarian paprika • 2-3 potatoes, cut into 1 inch cubes • 3 peppers, preferably different colors, cut into 1 inch pieces • Salt, pepper, hot Hungarian paprika (optional) Heat oil in a large pot. Brown half the meat, remove meat it and brown remain-
ing meat. Return all meat to the pot, adding onions and garlic. Cook on high heat for several minutes, stirring often. Add tomato juice, beef broth, salt and paprika. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for about an hour. Add potatoes and peppers. Cook for another 15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Season with additional salt, pepper and hot Hungarian paprika, if desired. This soup is great served with some fresh crusty bread and a green salad. It can also be served Bavarian style, by adding mini bread dumplings to the soup. The question often comes up — is Goulash Hungarian or German? The answer is it’s both. The Hungarian recipes usually have potatoes in them and are more soup like. Many Germans often serve it with the potatoes on the side or even just bread or buns to dip into the amazing gravy-like broth.
See you next week!
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y o j En
! l ea m r u yo Photo by juefraphoto / Shutterstock.com
Page 12
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
21st TSC hosts French army cadets by the 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs Allie offi ers b ilt ra ort as well as intero erabilit as the 2 st Theater stainment Command hosted three cadets from the ren h ombine Arms Academy J an. 18 to eb 2 as art of an on oin ann al ro ram that airs ren h Arm a ets with ma or s bor inate nits within the or ani ation Cadets Guillaume Charlet, li ier aleron an illa me etit ser e on ise b t al able to rs with the th Trans ortation attalion the 42 st e i al attalion an the th n ineer attalion res e ti el The a ets sha owe lea ers in ea h of the nits arti i atin in a ariet of trainin e ents an e elo mental efforts rin their three wee stint with the T harlet s time with the th Trans n was s ent rimaril with ersonnel
Photo by 1st Lt. Julie McCabe
French army cadet 2nd Lt. Guillaume Charlet zeros and qualifies on the M4 rifle during the 66th Transportation Company range week Jan. 28.
from the 66th Trans ortation om an ro i in him an i eal o ort nit to learn abo t ehi le an e i ment is at h ro e res re entati e maintenan e on ombat ehi les re ombat ins e tions, and the U .S. Army stan-
ar fi e ara ra h o erations order. harlet also s ent time on o in with the nit an e en isite the ran e firin the 24 ma hine n an the 4 arbine aleron s ent most of his
time with the 8th e i al om an of the 42 st e i al attalion on tin ail h si al trainin with its ol iers is time with the nit was fo se on familiari ation with Arm me i al lo isti s ro-
cedures and systems. Galeron also ha the o ort nit to arti i ate in a om an le el fiel trainin e er ise etit s isit with the th n n fo se on the a to a ties of three latoon lea ers a ross the battalion e obser e how the lea ers intera t with their ol iers e elo lans an e e te trainin e also en o e rare o ort nities to wor ire tl with hea en ineer e i ment an m tr s as well as arti i ate in a on rete form wor ro e t The ro ram is inten e not onl to hel b il a sense of artnershi amon ol iers an allies b t also e elo er real an ra ti al nowle e for these a ets who ma soon fin themsel es o eratin alon si e for es on AT missions. “Trans ortation an s stainment as a whole are rather new to me harlet sai See CADETS, Page 14
Ask an attorney: cancelling German contracts by Holger Blug Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center Q : M y G e rm an ce l l p h one cont rac t i s d u e t o e xp i re t h i s su m m e r wh e n I am d u e f or a p e rm an e nt ch a ng e of st a t i on. W h a t , i f a ny t h i ng , d o I ne e d t o d o t o can ce l i t , an d wh e n sh ou l d I d o i t ? A: If you’re like most Americans stationed in Kaiserslautern, one of the first thin s o robabl i when o arri e here was si n a ell hone ontra t Altho h some ell hone ser i e ro i ers i e o the o ort nit to si n a month to month ontra t most stomers hoose to o with a 24 month ontra t be a se the monthl fees are lower an there is s all a oo han e of a irin one of the newest an fan iest ell hones at a more fa orable ri e owe er when stomers si n their contract, most do not realiz e that in erman a 24 month ontra t lasts for at least 24 months sometimes e en lon er irst of all it is im ortant to re o ni e that erman ell hone ontra ts ha e no militar la se whi h allows you to cancel your contract early in the e ent of a e lo ment or relo a-
tion owe er o still mi ht want to i e it a tr as some ro i ers ma be in eno h to let o o t of the ontra t altho h the still mi ht re ire o to a a enalt or lan line hones an internet ser i e the sit ation is a little better The erman Tele omm ni ations A t allows o to an el s h a ontra t with three months noti e if the ser i e ro i er is not able to ro i e the ser i e at o r new a ress stomers often om lain that it is nreasonable an er nfair to be for e to a for a ser i e that the an no lon er se b t the nee to understand that the only reason the hone om anies offere them s h a low ri e ontra t in the first la e is be a se the om an was rel in on re ei in a ments for at least 24 months rom their iew oint the are still willin to ro i e the 24 months of ser i e a ree on in the ontra t it is the stomer who is ba in o t earl an sho l s ffer a or in l The most im ortant fa t to now abo t these fi e term ontra ts is that altho h the are referre to as 24 month ontra ts the o not a tomati all en after 24 months Twent fo r months is onsi ere the
minimum duration of the contract. These ontra ts a tomati all e ten for another 2 months if o for et to an el them in time The an elation noti e erio is s all three months whi h means the stomer m st i e notice of his intent to cancel the contra t at least three months before it is e to e ire therwise it will a tomati all be renewe for another 2 months The tri art is that o won t fin the a tomati renewal la se on the front a e of o r ontra t b t onl in the fine rint of the b siness terms en e man stomers are not aware of that a tomati renewal la se b t as these la ses are considered valid under German law o nee to wat h o t an ma e s re o on t for et to an el o r ontra t in time if o want the ontract to end. h a an elation nee s to be in writin an the stomer has the b r en of ro in that the ontra t was an ele This means it is not s ffi ient to wal into the sho an tell them that o on t want or nee the contract anymore. You need to ma e s re o et a re ei t or written onfirmation statin that the ontra t is canceled as of a certain date. It is a isable to sen a an elation letter
b re istere mail so o an ro e that the om an re ei e the letter on a arti lar ate Altho h the a tomati renewal la ses are a well nown roblem when it omes to hones an internet the are not the onl t es of contracts that contain these clauses. Another o lar one is the ahn ar Train tra el in ro e is er ommon be a se the rail networ is so oo owe er when o o to the train station to b a ti et the will robabl tell o that the ti et is m h hea er if o si n for a ahn ar Altho h this is s all tr e the ne le t to tell o that the ahn ar is a sort of membershi whi h has to be an ele b o within a ertain erio of time otherwise it renews for another 2 months You should make sure to cancel your ahn ar if o o not lan to ta e more tri s b train A tomati renewal la ses also a l to A A m membershi s an man other ontra t al relationshi s Editor’ s note: This article is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. You should always consult an attorney for specific legal questions.
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 13
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Page 14
Kaiserslautern American
CADETS, from Page 12
“The insi ht with 66th Trans ortation om an will be tr l al able es e iall with the rrent mission s r e in nite tates Arm ro e A or in to 2n t a h ar sa the latoon lea er in th n n who ser e as etit s rimar s onsor the ro ram benefite s onsorin nits as well as a ets “ e tal abo t intero erabilit all the time an o rea abo t it all o er the la e ar sa sai “ a in wor e with an a t al ren h a et ts a real fa e to that i ea ow when thin of the wor intero erabilit on t st thin of somethin from a ower oint brief thin of illa me etit
Photo by 2nd Lt. Nicholas Molinelli
French cadet Oliver Galeron of the French Combined Arms Academy inspects his target Feb. 4 after a day at the small arms range on Baumholder.
March 4, 2016
21st TSC hosts UMO symposium Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Betty Boomer 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs nit mo ement offi ers are ritial assets for om anies an battalions e lo in in s ort of AT an other o erations an the 2 st Theater stainment omman hel e enable s h nits b hostin a s m osi m for newl a ointe s as art of the on oin omman e lo ment is i line roram eb 24 to 2 The first a of the s m osi m onsiste of lassroom trainin o erin to i s s h as ar o tra in s stems installation sta in areas an trans ortation o ments The se on a o ere transortation e lo ment an re elo ment latforms an the re resentati es were intro e to im ortant oints of onta t at the e lo ment ro essin enter on hine r nan e arra s “ ith the trainin ha e a better n erstan in of the res onsibilities ne essar as a an the im ortan e of ha in the ro er ertifi ations sai a t ionne illian e t 4 2 2th ombat ort os ital “The trainin was s ffiient an lea ers sho l ta e a anta e of all the hel the are willin to i e The intent of this s m osi m was to intro e new s to the t es of hallen es the will fa e re-
Daniel R. Riedel, Chief BMT Kaiserslautern (center), showed unit movement officers techniques for using the rail system to ship out equipment for deployment during the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s UMO symposium Feb. 24 to 25.
arin their nit s e i ment for trans ort a or in to a illiam rin e 4 2 st T who oor inate the e ent “ e wante to i e them a realisti i ea of their ties an res onsibilities as a rin e sai “ ho e the reali e the are the ti of the s ear when it omes to ar o mo ement be a se all the e e tion erfe tion m st be one at the nit le el ewl a ointe s will ha e a b s omin ear with se eral lar e e er ises an the s m osi m offere not onl a han e to et man of their estions answere on the s ot b t also allowe them to ma e onne tions with s b e t mat-
ter e erts who will be able to ontin e to offer assistan e a or in to arr oren a traffi mana er on amstein oren em hasi e to the atten ees that if an a itional hel was nee e s o l all him an his fellow traffi mana ers for e ert a i e or some of the new s this was e a tl what the were loo in for “ e been a for fi e months b t e ne er one the ob before sai taff t osh a te ens th Trans ortation om an “ or me ersonall ettin to meet the oints of onta t was im ortant to me ow an t a fa e to the name to start b il in those relationshi s
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March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 15
Germans say goodbye to winter with parades, plays, fires by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs March is the month to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. In the Pfalz area, several towns and villages observe various traditions to do that. One tradition is to “burn winter,” and another one is to have summer-day parades and perform summer-day plays. The most popular and biggest summer-day parade and play always takes place the third Sunday before Easter in Forst along the German Wine Street. Forst residents perform a la alle “ anselfin erh t est The first erforman e takes place at 2 p.m. Sunday near the northern exit of the village, and the last performance is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in front of Felix-ChristophTraberger-Halle. Historical documentation of the play dates back to 1721. The dramatic play originated in Southern Germany and Switz erland. It has a deep mean-
Courtesy photo
Each year on the third Sunday before Easter, a colorful summer-day parade goes through the wine village of Forst to say goodbye to winter.
ing, but it is spiced with humor and originality. The story is based on the old Teutonic idea of a fi ht between s mmer an winter. The play consists of four scenes and six characters with the village streets as the stage. The first s ene shows the fi ht between winter and summer. Both performers are placed in little cone-shaped houses made
of slats and sticks. The winter house is covered with straw and has a straw cross on top; the summer house is covered with ivy and decorate with a bl e an white fla on its top. Both houses have a little hole to look through. The two competitors are armed with sabers made of wood and walk down the street with the house over their head. They
talk about their good q ualities before the finall start fi hting. Summer wins. n the se on s ene an officer cadet, who looks like a mercenary from former times, i iall resol es the fi ht between winter and summer. In the third scene, the main character of the play, anselfin erh t a ears is dress is shabby and his face is smeared with oil and soot. He represents a tramp who lost all his belongings but still is in the mood for playing tricks on others and teasing young, goodlooking girls. While singing, he swings between the summer and winter houses, which are abo t fi e meters awa from each other. Finally, he looks for a girl from the audience to press a black brand, a kiss, onto her face. The fourth and final scene demonstrates how anselfin erh t is e ha ste and how the barber tries to cure him with a bloodletting on his toe t he faints an the officer cadet tickles him with his
swor anselfin erh t wa es up again and eats fresh pretz els to recover. All performers keep walking through the streets and re-perform the play twice before the burning of winter on the Festplatz . Traditionally, the fest starts in the morning after the worship service. Children receive special broetchen, a type of bread. This tradition dates back to 1600 when the emperor’s court reader, Felix Christoph Traberger, made a donation. n a ertifi ate from e t 8 1600, Traberger mentions the good neighborly intents of the mayor and the whole community, which made him donate 40 guilders, the former German currency, with a two-guilder interest. The court reader decided that each year on mid-Lent Sunday, broetchen for two guilders must be bought and given to local children. To thank the donor, a prayer must be said for him. See GOODBYE, Page 16
Page 16 GOODBYE, from Page 15
Forst is a little village with about 700 residents located between Bad Duerkheim and Deidesheim. It has many vineyards and is well-known for its wine. Typical framework houses and sandstone buildings covered with ivy and vines dominate the village’s look. The main street, paved with stones, is part of the German Wine Street. To “burn winter” means to put up piles of wood and straw, light them and wait for them to burn down. The tradition goes ba to a an times when fires KAISERSLAUTERN
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Kaiserslautern American were lit to banish ghosts and demons so spring was able to come. In Neuleiningen, near Wattenheim A6, the burning of winter starts with a parade winding through the village at 2 p.m. Sunday. Children sing spring songs, a band performs, and visitors can enj oy big pretels on a sti e orate with colored ribbons. Speyer will also say goobye to winter with a colorful parade going through Maximilianstrasse at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. In Domgarten, a snowman s mboli in winter will be burnt. Another goodbye winter celebration takes place at 1 p.m. March 13 in Gruenstadt. A parade with the local wine duchess goes through the center of town to the fire station where a snowman finall is b rne tores are open from 1 to 6 p.m. The town also offers a March market March 11 to 14 with rides, activity stands, food booths and vendors.
Spring 2016 Religious Celebrations for Purim, Passover, Lent & Easter PROTESTANT Wednesdays during Lent Ash Wednesday, 10 Feb 1130 - Lunchtime Ashes, Ramstein South Chapel 1700 - Ashes Service with Holy Communion, Ramstein South Chapel Lenten Mid-Week Services 17 & 24 Feb & 2, 9, & 16 Mar 1800 - Midweek Lenten Soup Supper, Ramstein South Chapel 1900 - Lenten Service, Ramstein South Chapel Holy Week Palm Sunday, 20 Mar 0900 - Liturgical Service with communion, Ramstein South Chapel 1100 - Contemporary Service, Ramstein North Chapel 1100 - Traditional Service, Ramstein South Chapel 1100 - Gospel Service, Vogelweh Chapel Maundy Thursday, 24 Mar 1900 – Maundy Thursday Service with communion, Vogelweh Chapel Good Friday, 25 Mar 1730 - Good Friday Service, Ramstein South Chapel Easter Sunday, 27 Mar 0900 - Liturgical Service with communion, Ramstein South Chapel 1100 - Contemporary Service, Ramstein North Chapel 1100 - Traditional Service with communion, Ramstein South Chapel 1100 - Gospel Service, Vogelweh Chapel JEWISH COMMUNITY Purim, 24 Mar 1800 - Purim Celebration, Ramstein South Chapel Passover, 29 Apr 2000 - Passover Seder, Ramstein South Chapel All are welcome to attend the Passover event. Please RSVP to imapated8@gmail.com CATHOLIC Ash Wednesday ** Day of Fast and Abstinence, 10 Feb 0700, 1130, 1730 - Mass & Distribution of Ashes, Ramstein North Chapel Lenten Confessions, 7 Mar 1630 - 1830, Ramstein North Chapel *No 1600 - 1645 Confessions on 26 Mar Fridays of Lent 12, 19, 26 Feb & 4, 11, 18 Mar **Days of Abstinence 1730 - Stations of the Cross followed by a Lenten Soup Supper Ramstein North Chapel HOLY WEEK & SACRED TRIDUUM Palm Sunday, 19 Mar 1700 - Vigil Mass, Vogelweh Chapel 20 Mar 0900, 1700 - Masses, Ramstein North Chapel Holy Thursday, 24 Mar 1730 - Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Ramstein North Chapel followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding with 2145- Night Prayer, Ramstein North Chapel
Good Friday ** Day of Fast and Abstinence 25 Mar 1200 - Stations of the Cross, Ramstein North Chapel 1730 - Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, Ramstein North Chapel Holy Saturday, 26 Mar 0930 - Office of Readings & Morning Prayer, Ramstein North Chapel 1100 - 1200 - Confessions, Ramstein North Chapel 2030 - Easter Vigil, Ramstein North Chapel *No 1700 Mass at Vogelweh Easter Sunday, 27 Mar 0900, 1700 - Masses, Ramstein North Chapel
ORTHODOX COMMUNITY AT KAPAUN CHAPEL Lent 13 Mar 1800 - Forgiveness Vespers 16 Mar 1800 - 1st Presanctified Liturgy 18 Mar 1800 - 1st Salutations 23 Mar 1800 - 2nd Presanctified Liturgy 25 Mar 0900 - Liturgy for the Annunciation 30 Mar 1800 - 3rd Presanctified Liturgy 1 Apr 1800 - 3rd Salutations 6 Apr 1800 - 4th Presanctified Liturgy 8 Apr 1800 - 4th Salutations 13 Apr 1800 - 5th Presanctified Liturgy 15 Apr 1800 - Akathist Hymn to the Virgin Mary 20 Apr 1800 - 6th Presanctified Liturgy Holy Week 23 Apr 0900 - Lazarus Saturday Liturgy 24 Apr 0900 - Palm Sunday Liturgy 24 Apr 1800 - 1st Bridegroom Matins 25 Apr 1800 - 2nd Bridegroom Matins 26 Apr 1800 - 3rd Bridegroom Matins 27 Apr 1800 - Unction 28 Apr 0900 - Holy Thursday Liturgy 28 Apr 1800 - 12 Gospel Readings 29 Apr 0900 - Royal Hours 29 Apr 1500 - Unnailing Vespers 1800 - Lamentations 29 Apr 30 Apr 0900 - Holy Saturday Liturgy 30 Apr 2330 - Pascha 1 May 1300 - Agape Vespers (Offsite) For more information please contact: Fr. Matthew Streett at 0162-425-1998 (gov’t mobile) or matthew.streett.1@us.af.mil EPISCOPAL (ANGLICAN) AT KAPAUN CHAPEL 10 Feb 1800 - Ash Wednesday Service Sundays of Lent 14 Feb – 13 Mar Worship 1030am followed by class on Anglican Spirituality 20 Mar 1030 - Palm Sunday Service 25 Mar 1800 - Good Friday Service 27 Mar 1030 - Easter Sunday Service 5 Jun Bishop’s Visit and Confirmation For questions about services and times call Ramstein North Chapel: 480-6148 (06371-47-6148)
March 4, 2016
Mountain run leads to Nanstein Castle
Courtesy photo
Hundreds of runners start their mountain run up to Nanstein Castle. The run is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. March 12 near Sickingensporthalle on Kaiserstrasse 128 in Landstuhl.
by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The running club LLG Landstuhl will sponsor its 19th German-American Nanstein Mountain Run at 3 p.m. March 12. The run begins near Sickingensporthalle, the gym next to the public swimming pool, on Kaiserstrasse 128 and goes across forest trails to Nanstein Castle. The trail is 7.1 kilometers long with a height differ-
ence of 350 meters. “We are hoping to again lure about 300 runners, j ust like in 2015,” said Alexander Barsteiner, LLG public affairs chief. “Last year, the female winner elanie oll finishe with a new course record of 28:33 minutes. The male winner, J onas Lehman, won with a time of 25:11 minutes.” The first three winners of each age group will receive ertifi ates an ri es The awarding ceremony will be at 5 p.m. The entrance fee is € 6
for adults and € 3 for students. The locker room for men is in Sickingensporthalle and the one for women is in IGSSchulsporthalle on KonradAdenauer Strasse. “If desired, we can arrange the transportation of clothes an s orts ba to the finishing point,” Barsteiner said. “The return path is about 1,200 meters and posted with signs.” For more information, visit www.llg-landstuhl.de or call Barsteiner at 0173-348-0684.
Shammah Worship Center Presents
Samuel & Patricia Boswell
Host Pastors
Guest Speakers
Bishop Bartholomew Orji Bishop J. Alan Neal Pastors Elijah and Phyllis Lawson Pastor Dorothy Wilson All sessions held at: Shammah Worship Center Bruchwiesen Strasse 16 66849 Landstuhl Tel: 011 49 6374 801 0719
Thursday: 1900-2100
Single But Not Alone –When God Ordains a Relationship (Open to All)
Friday: 1900-2100
Where are the Fathers? (Open to All)
Saturday: 0930-1100
Session 1: Husband & Wife – The Relationship; (!For husbands and wives only!)
Saturday: 1100-1400
Sessions 2 & 3: Removing Obstacles & Going Forward & Speaking life to our children (Open to All) **Child care is not available. **
EPHESIANS 4:11: Preparing God’s People, Fulfilling God’s Call Shammah—taken from the Hebrew means: “The Lord is here.”
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Easter market offers arts, French food, wines by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Don’t say God is silent when your Bible is closed! Landstuhl Christian Bookstore
Kaiserstr. 66 * 06371-62988 Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 9-2 (new)
Lutheran Church Sunday School Following Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.
Teaching the village, reaching the world!
We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach
Courtesy photo
Visitors find a variety of Easter eggs made of different techniques at the Easter market Sunday in Niederkirchen.
Admission fee is €1. Children under 14 are admitted free. “Like each year, we are trying to present a wide and manifold offer of Easter items, which makes it worth a visit to our Easter market in Niderkirchen,” Feind said. Niederkirchen is located north of Otterberg, past Schallodenbach.
Dog owners must follow regulations After various incidents with dogs, the Ramsteiniesenba h ffi e of bli Order wants to remind dog owners of the danger prevention ordinance that regulates the walking of dogs inside and outside of towns. Dog owners must be physically able to walk dogs and must know how to walk them safely. Furthermore, they must keep their dogs on a leash while walking them on public streets and facilities as well as in housing areas. In all other areas, dogs must be automatically put on a leash when other people approach. Additionally, anyone walking dogs must remove the dog’s feces in public areas and on sidewalks. Dogs must be secured on private properties so they
Kaiserslautern Evangelical
8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion
The Association for the Advancement of German-French Partnership will sponsor its 22nd annual Easter market from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Niederkirchen’s Westpfalz halle. “ e et ins ire b the first si ns of s rin and have volunteers decorate our community hall with olorf l flowers an aster e orations to lure a lot of visitors from all over,” said the association’s executive committee member J uergen Feind. Numerous exhibitors will display Easter decorations of different tastes and prices. Artists will present wooden items, Easter flower arran ements felt arts erami s ewelry, glass products, tatting and turning works, la ob e ts for the ho se an the ar en st ffe animals an ob e ts ma e of steel Basket and broom makers will show off their skills. “Like each year, we’ll offer French culinary specialties and selected wines from Germany and France,” said J uergen Kupfer, chef in charge of the event. “We also serve homemade cakes and coffee.” hil ren an arti i ate in a hil ren s raffle
Courtesy of RamsteinMiesenbach Office of Public Order
Page 17
cannot escape and cause danger to motorists, pedestrians and themselves. V iolations of the danger
prevention ordinance are considered administrative offenses and can be punished with fines to
Army Parish Catholic Lenten Service Schedule Kaiserslautern:
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10 11:45 a.m. Mass KCAC, Daenner Kaserne Noon Mass Rheinlander Chapel noon Mass LRMC Chapel, Landstuhl 6 p.m. Mass Rheinlander Chapel 6 p.m. Mass LRMC Chapel Stations of the Cross 7:30 p.m. Mass KCAC, Daenner Kaserne 5:30 p.m. Fridays Rheinlander Chapel Stations of the Cross Holy Thursday, March 24 6 p.m. Fridays LRMC Chapel 6 p.m. Mass Rheinlander Chapel Holy Thursday, March 24 Good Friday, March 25 6 p.m. Mass LRMC Chapel, Landstuhl 6 p.m. Mass Rheinlander Chapel Good Friday, March 25 Holy Saturday, 26 March 6 p.m. Mass LRMC Chapel, Landstuhl 7 p.m. Mass Rheinlander Chapel Holy Saturday, March 26 Easter Sunday, 27 March 7:30 p.m. Mass LRMC Chapel, 9 a.m. Mass Rheinlander Chapel Landstuhl GmbH, Auftrag46863, KdNr.10812, StichwortArmy Parish AdvantiPro EasterService Sunday,Schedule, 27 March FarbenTechnikSetzerer VertreterVerlag BesonderLenten 9 a.m. Mass LRMCfarblich Chapel, Landstuhl heitText auf SERVER, anders gestalten, da Army, Größe OK??? Größe 12:30 p.m. MassAusgaben10 Daenner Chapel (SPxMM)2x85 Woche5/2016
Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services
POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 06313406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743. PWOC - Protestant Women of the Chapel Thu 9:00-11:30 a.m., Kapaun Chapel Mon 6:30-8 p.m., Vogelweh Chapel Tue 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Ramstein North Chapel Conference Room Tue 5:30-7:30 p.m., Ramstein South Chapel
Catholic Services
Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Confession: 11:30 a.m. Sundays (Jun-Aug) Sunday Mass: 12:00 p.m. (Jun-Aug) Confession: 12:00 p.m. Sundays (Sep-May) Sunday Mass: 12:30 (Sep-May) Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Confession: 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays
Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.
Jewish Religious Services Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. 1st & 3rd Friday
Islamic Services
Ramstein South Chapel Mosque Area Bldg. 2403 (DSN 480-5753) Friday Jummah prayers 1:00 p.m. Daily Prayers: Monday - Saturday 07:30 a.m. Fajr Monday - Thursday 1:30 p.m. Dhuhr Monday - Friday 3:00 p.m. Asr Religious Education/Fellowship : 1st and 3rd Sunday from 12:00 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.
Orthodox Christian
Kapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631536-6859) Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment
Chapel Youth Program
Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel/Club Beyond, (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) Weekly activities available for all teens in grades 6-12! For more information about upcoming Clubs and trips or volunteering please email kaiserslautern@clubbeyond.org Protestant Youth of the Chapel Ramstein North Chapel “Vision” Middle School Ministry Tuesdays 3:15-5:00pm “Salvage” High School Ministry Tuesdays 7:00-8:45pm Info: www.ramsteinpyoc.blogspot.com Contact: ramsteinpyoc@googlemail.com AWANA awanaramstein@gmail.com Sundays, 1400-1600, Youth Center
Episcopal (Anglican) (St. Albans)
10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel
Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel
7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex
Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel
Page 18
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights
by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby locations. Dates are subj ect to change.
Performing arts:
Pfalz theater K aiserslautern: “ la bir a la b a i arrower in erman 8 m to a T es a Th rs a an ar h and 26. “ er hat An st or ir inia olfe “ ho s afrai of ir inia olfe a la b war Albee in erman m at r a “ air a a m si al b re eri oewe in erman m n a an m Th rs a ar h 2 an 26 “ omeo n lia a ballet b ames therlan with m si b er e ro of ew m ar h 6 an “ r no h r ie elt retten a ro e re e 8 m ar h an 8 “ er arbier on e illa an o era b ioa hino ossini in talian m ar h e on hil ren s hamber on ert “ ith the time ma hine ba to the th ent r with wor s b a h an aen el am ar h or etails all 6 6 2 or isit www fal theater e
Courtesy photo
Musicals in Concert The Stadthalle Landstuhl presents “Musicals in Concert — That’s Entertainment” with hits from “Dirty Dancing,” “Lion King,” “Jersey Boys,” “West Side Story” and “Fame,” at 7:30 p.m. March 12. Tickets cost €23 to €32. For tickets and details, visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de or call 06371-92340.
K ammgarn K aiserslautern: erman sin er maraa resents hi ho an ra 8 m at r a Ti ets ost in er an son writer o hie n er resents bl es fol ro a an o 8 m on a Ti ets ost 2 nternational a esti al — art an abare ro feat res Trilo rt a er ssionist from n ia 8 m T es a Ti ets ost 44 o si in Town feat res the ban s A amm o an tate of the Art resentin ro an o 8 m ar h Ti ets ost an osef iefers an a io oria erform ro an o 8 m ar h 2 Ti ets ost or a itional information isit www amm arn e Fruchthalle, K aiserslautern: The fal theater r hestra resents “ ion sian athos with wor s b ran h bert i tor llmann an sta ahler 8 m to a Ti ets osts ran e from to 2 The erman a io hilharmoni s aarbr e en aisersla tern resent “ affo ils an an in on s with wor s b ssian om osers an ran is o len m Th rs a n h is bein ser e at noon Ti ets with l n h ost 2 witho t l n h 2 a ta e meets h thm n l es with Albert o h an Tom oll 8 m ar h Ti ets ost 4 or more information all the ai sersla tern To rist nformation offi e at 6 6 2 JU Z (Y outh C enter), Steinstrasse 47, K aiserslautern: ea etal i ht with the ban s or i o ar ori on an reamstate ealit 8 m ar h Ti ets ost or etails isit www l e Ramstein-Miesenbach, H aus des Buergers: inner m r er m ster “ ei erlob n or m r er rin en a ement art in erman m ar h A ottish m r er stor is being performed during a four-course dinner; the audience gets involved.
Photo by Petra Lessoing
Pfennig Bazaar The German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern holds its annual flea market called Pfennig Bazaar 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the event hall of Kaiserslautern’s Gartenschau. Customers will find a variety of merchandise at reasonable prices. Net profits will go to German and American charities. For details, visit www.gaiwc.com.
Ti ets ost 6 or more information isit www.hausdesbuergers.de or call 6 2 22 Landstuhl Stadthalle: oein oein a ome in alatinate iale t m at r a ar h 24 an A ril 2 an 8 Ti ets ost to 4 “ si als in on ert — That s ntertainment with hits from o lar m si als m ar h 2 Ti ets ost 2 to 2 or a itional etails isit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de or call 6 2 4 Abbey C hurch, Otterberg: The o al ensemble a ella o ntina resents “ n the a to the ross motets rin assionti e m n a Ti ets ost Saarbruecke n, Saarlaendisches Staatstheater, Schillerpl atz 1: “ latee a ballet o era in ren h m at r a “ a ama tterfl an o era b ia omo ini m ar h an 6 m ar h 2 an 2 “ on io anni an o era b olf an Ama e s o art in tal ian m ar h or more information isit www theater saarbr e en e or all 68 2 486 N ationaltheater Mannheim, am Goethepl atz : “ a i e an o era in ren h 6 m n a “Al ha — me a a ballet b e in a m n a or a itional information isit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankf urt: “ is ra e a lit er ri e winnin la b A a A htar to a to a erforman es are m T es a s to at r a s an
m n a s or more information isit www.english-theatre.org.
K aiserslautern, near tifts ir he aster mar et with en ors foo booths Th rs a to ar h 24 N iederki rchen, est fal halle ster mar et a m to m n a rea arti le on a e Ramstein-Miesenbach, wi rhar trasse ir s an el eisheit in tent 4 m to a ti ets are for hil ren n er an m at r a an m n a famil a ti ets ost Obermoschel on 42 west of Alsen o ellba alle ar t lat mo el train is la a m to 6 m at r a n a ar h 2 an or more information isit www.mbf-obermoschel.de. Rodenbach, er erha s er art with ohannes el 8 m at r a Pirmasens-Gersbach, Mehrwe halle on in er artenstrasse aster mar et at r a an n a
Flea markets:
K aiserslautern, fal enter a ross from aenner aserne a m to 4 m at r a s K aiserslautern, rit alter so er sta i m irls flea mar et a m to m at r a Mehlingen, Abtstrasse 2 a a m to 4 m at r a s Bad Duerkh eim, aline salt wor s tle tstrasse 48 8 a m to m to a an a m to 4 m at r a W orms, aiser assa e ara e orn asse 8 to m n a H omburg, Am or m near atha s 8 a m to m at r a
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
Page 19
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Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Mark Your Calendar
March 2016
Photo by VOJTa Herout/Shutterstock.com
» Asian and antique furniture auction sponsored by the Ramstein Elementary School Parent Teacher Association will take place Saturday in the RES gym, Bldg. 996. A silent auction of approximately 100 different items will kick off this unique event at 10 a.m. Bidding will begin on the other items at 11 a.m. and run until everything is sold. This event is open to all ID cardholders. For safety reasons, this is an adult only event. Items for auction include Asian furniture, lamps, hand-tied rugs, screens and other decorative porcelain pieces from Asia and Tibet. All payment must be made in U.S. dollars, checks, money orders or credit cards. The proceeds will go to the RES-PTA to support school activities and enrichment programs benefitting all RES students. » A bazaar with children’s clothes, toys, baby equipment and shoes will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 12 at Villa Winzig kindergarten, which is located on Dansenberger Strasse 32 in 67661 Kaiserslautern-Dansenberg. Villa Winzig is known for its English teaching project. There will be beverages, coffee, homemade cakes and snacks. Net profits will go to the kindergarten. » Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club is hosting “Make it, Bake it, Fake it,” a social event, at 9:30 a.m. March 16 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Members’ homemade donated items will be auctioned to the highest bidder for this exciting annual fundraiser. Come join us, bring an item to auction, and good luck on bidding. Reservations are required by Thursday. For more details and to reserve a spot, visit www.ramsteinosc.org. » A Mother’s Day mini bazaar will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 25 through 28 at Heaton Hall in Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The bazaar will feature a variety of exquisite European gift ideas. Get your Mother’s Day shopping done in one spot. All prices will be in U.S. dollars. Cash, check and debit will be accepted. Open to ID cardholders only. For more information, call 493-4106 or 0631-3406-4106.
KMC Onstage
KMC Onstage is located in Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. For more information, contact Nate Records at 483-6252 or 0631-411-6252 or via email at nathan.d.records.naf@mail.mil. To reserve tickets, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com, visit KMC Onstage from 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays, or call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626. » Open Auditions for “Avenue Q”: 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. A small mixed-gender and -race cast is needed, ages 17 and older. Have a short song prepared and sheet music for an accompanist. Wear clothing that allows you to move freely. No advance sign-up required. Show dates will be: May 20 and 21 and June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12. » KMC Onstage Presents “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged”): 7:30 p.m. March 11 and 12, 7:30 p.m. at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center on Daenner Kaserne, Bldg. 3109. Advance reservations are recommended.
Armstrong’s Club Events
Armstrong’s Club is located in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Family Housing. Call 0631-354-9986 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over. » St. Patrick’s Day party: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m March 19. The evening will feature a live DJ, great music and food, and drinks available for purchase.
» Easter Brunch: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 27. A delicious hot buffet will feature a carving station with assorted meats, an omelet and waffle station, a delectable dessert buffet, and an optional Mimosa and Bloody Mary bar. The Easter Bunny will also be present for photos. Cost: $19.95 for adults; $9.95 for children 5 to 16 years old; and free for children 4 and under. Limited seating available; reservations are recommended. Tickets may be purchased at any Java Cafe in the KMC, at Armstrong’s Club from 5 to 10 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, or online via WebTrac. For more information, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. » Small Tab Tuesdays: 5 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday play a game of pool or pick your favorite jam on the jukebox while enjoying specials. » Trivia Wednesdays: 6 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday. » Throwback Thursdays: 7 p.m. every other Thursday, listen to hits from the ’80s, ’90s and today. » Karaoke Fridays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every Friday show off your singing skills and socialize in a fun environment. » Latin Fusion Saturdays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every other Saturday.
Kazabra Club Events
Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Call 489-7261 or 0631-636-7261 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over. » Poker tournament: March 13. Doors open at 1 p.m. and the tournament begins at 3 p.m. There is a minimum $1,000 guaranteed payout. Buy-in: $80 in advance or $95 at the door. Rebuy-in: $50. Free finger food will be provided to participants. Space is limited; register in advance. » Country Karaoke: 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. every other Friday. Sing your favorite country hit and take a spin on the mechanical bull Tornado. » Texas Hold ’em: 8 p.m. to midnight every Friday. Buy-in is $25. Register and buy-in by 7 p.m. » Country Night: 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Saturdays. Dance lessons take place from 7 to 9 p.m. There is a $5 cover charge. » Sunday Sports: 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays. Enjoy 50 cent wings and $1 hot dogs and take part in fun sports trivia.
» USA Jobs Workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon today and March 18 on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2917. Want to learn more about finding a government job? Get the one-up on competition with hands-on instruction and assistance from an Employment Readiness expert. RSVP required. For more information and to enroll in the next available class, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.
Support Groups
» A 13-week grief share program is being sponsored by the LRMC Chaplain’s Office. If you’ve lost someone close to you or know someone who has, this program is for you. Grief Share is a support group where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. The spring series begins at 6:30 p.m. March 15. For more information and to register, call 590-5713 or 06371-9464-5713. » Basic Training for New Parents will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. March 14 at Landstuhl Learning Center, Bldg. 3718. Get all the tools you need to be the best parent you can be. Enjoy special guest speakers and receive all of the latest information on
infant safety, feeding a newborn, soothing methods, infant CPR, bonding and attachment and more. For more information and to enroll, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.
» The Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club is holding a welcome coffee at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the E Club, downstairs. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been with ROSC for a few months, years or are brand new, come join for coffee and conversation. For more information, visit the ROSC website at www.ramsteinosc.org. » The Rheinland-Pfalz Quilt Guild monthly meeting will be held at 6 p.m. March 18 at the Ramstein Middle School. This month’s program features a trunk show by Gaby Tobin from Patchwork Himmel in Gruenstadt. She will share her tips and techniques for machine quilting.
Classes and Training
» Military Saves free financial workshops will be held today and Monday at Heaton Hall in LRMC in celebration of Military Saves Week. Workshops are as follows: • 10:30 a.m. today — Saving and Investing • 11:30 a.m. today — Take Control of Your Finances • 12:30 p.m. today — Home Sweet Home Buying • 11 a.m. Monday — Stretching Your Money in a Tight Economy • Noon Monday — Understanding Your Thrift Savings Plan Personal Financial Counselors will also be available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday for individual financial counseling sessions. PFCs are certified as Accredited Financial Counselors or Certified Financial Planners. Session availability may be limited on the day of the event. Contact Army Community Service to schedule an individual financial session, 493-4203; 0631-3406-4203. Session availability may be limited on the day of the event. » A family cupcake decorating class will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Ramstein Arts and Crafts Center, Bldg. 552, for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Cost is $35 per family and includes a cupcake tip kit. Students will need to bring 12 cupcakes, not iced, and Wilton icing. Open to all ages.
Baumholder Events
» Baumholder Library’s annual Easter Family Film Fest will take place from 2:30 to 5 p.m. March 17. This “eggstravaganza” will kick off at 2:30 p.m. with an Easter themed craft followed by an Easter movie at 3:30 p.m. Open to children ages 4 and older and their parents. No registration is required. For more information, contact Baumholder Library, Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8332, at 485-8851 or 06783-6-8851. » The annual Easter egg hunt hosted by Child, Youth and School Services will be held at 11 a.m. March 26 at Iron Soldier Park on Smith Barracks. Children, ages 2 to 13 years old, and their parents are invited to this fun age-specific egg hunt. The Easter bunny will be present for photos so bring a camera. No registration required for this free event. For more information, contact Parent Central Services on Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, at 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003. » Conversational German courses are offered in two levels: beginner and intermediate. Participants will gain a better understanding of the written and verbal German language. All course materials are provided to students free of charge. Classes run in eight-week semesters. Advanced registration is required. For details, call 485-8188 or 06783-6-8188.
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Airman & Family Readiness Center
For more information or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. MONDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC TUESDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Reintegration briefing: 9 to 10:30 a.m., IDRC » Intro to German: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC » EFMP: Networking Group: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., A&FRC » Predeployment briefing: 1 to 3 p.m., IDRC WEDNESDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Base INTRO: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E Club THURSDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Resume Writing Workshop: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC MARCH 11 » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Understanding TSP: 9 to 10 a.m., A&FRC » First Duty Station Officers: 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC
For more information and to register for KMC Youth Instructional Classes, visit www.86fss.com, select “Family” and click “Instructional Classes” or call 06371-47-6444, Ramstein Youth Programs, or 0631-536-6504, Vogelweh Youth Programs.
Health Promotion
For more information, call Health Promotion at 06371-47-4292 or 480-4292 or stop by Bldg. 2117. TUESDAY » Healthy Eating: 1 to 2:30 p.m. THURSDAY » Closed — Medical Group training day MARCH 11 » BOD POD: 8 to 10 a.m.
Family Advocacy
To register for classes or for more information, call Fam-
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ily Advocacy at 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370. NOTE: Family Advocacy recently moved from Bldg. 2121 to Bldg. 2123, next to Ramstein Clinic. » EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION: Every first Tuesday of each month, 8:30 to 11 a.m., Learning Resource Center, Bldg. 3718, at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Learn about birth registration, passports and much more. No sign-up needed. For more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 06371-46-2098 or 479-2098. » DADS 101: 8 to 10 a.m. the first Monday of every month at Health Promotion on Ramstein, Bldg. 2117. The class is designed to teach fathers to become more effective parents. It allows dads to ask questions about labor and delivery, teaches them how to calm a crying baby, teaches role adjustment and other infant care issues. To register or for more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098. » KIDS FIRST: 10 a.m. to noon March 24 on Ramstein, Bldg. 2123. This class teaches how to co-parent children through divorce and separation. » THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 31 on Ramstein, Bldg. 2123. Couples learn how to show love so their partner gets the message. » DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIM ADVOCACY SERVICES: Family Advocacy provides a new service which offers immediate support and service for men or women affected by abuse. The Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy program is available 24/7. Victims of domestic violence can call 479-2370 during duty hours or 0173-628-4624 after duty hours for a variety of support and advocacy services. Trained personnel stand ready to help. DAVA can provide assistance by helping to develop a safety plan, assessing imminent risk of harm, connecting with helpful services and arranging follow-up care.
Contact your school ASACS counselor for details. » ADOLESCENT SUPPORT AND COUNSELING SERVICE is a comprehensive program providing prevention education and counseling services to 11- to 19-yearold ID cardholders in the military community. ASACS’s mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS
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while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers Life Skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. ASACS participate in supportive activities related to military life transitions as well as providing individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offices are located in DOD schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confidential. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however, flexible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families.
Military Family Life Consultants
For details, call 0152-24211233; 0152-02663352; 0176-69333243; or 0151-56748179. » MILITARY FAMILY LIFE CONSULTANTS ARE LICENSED CLINICAL PROVIDERS who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community. The MFLC program provides short-term, non-medical counseling support for a range of issues including: relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presentations focused on issues common to the military family include: reunion and reintegration, stress and coping, grief and loss, and deployment and reintegration.
Medical Group
» SELF INITIATED CARE KIT, twice a month. Call 479-2273 (CARE) to sign up for a class. » ATTENTION: TRICARE ONLINE IS AVAILABLE for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, view the home care website, check lab results, contact the nurse advice line, get medication refills and more. To register or for more information, visit www.tricareonline.com.
For Emergency Victim Care during duty hours and after duty hours, call 480-7272 or 06371-47-7272. For administration questions on the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program, call 480-5597 or 06371-47-5597.
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Education Notes
Dr. Seuss celebration
A Dr. Seuss celebration will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Landstuhl Youth Center, Bldg. 93812. Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, Army Europe Libraries, and Child, Youth and School Services j oin together to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss, who is considered to be one of America’s greatest authors. The event will feature guest readers, games, hands-on activities, story time, a puppet show, a meet and greet with several Seussian characters and more. Members of the community are invited to bring the entire family. Registration is not requi red for this free event. For more information, contact Rheinland-Pfalz Library at Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-7322/ 8943 or 06371-86-7322/ 8943.
Teen Tech Week
V isit Rheinland-Pfalz Library Monday through March 12 for Teen Tech Week. To celebrate the theme, “Create it at Your Library,” the activities will focus on robotics. Stop by during the week to check out the wonderful materials on display. Open to teens ages 13 to 18 years old. No registration limit or deadline. For more information, contact Rheinland-Pfalz Library in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.
Spring theater classes
Do you have a child interested in getting involved with theater? KMC Onstage offers home-school theater classes for youth ages 5 to 18 years old. Home-school theater classes include: Pantomime, Pratfalls and Play, open to ages 5 to 8 years old; and Shakespeare and Kids, open to ages 8 to 18 years old. Each class will run from April 18 to J une 6, with a registration deadline of March 18. For more information or to register, contact KMC Onstage on Kleber Kaserne, Bldg. 3232, at 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626; or email nathan.d.records.naf@ mail.mil.
New liaison officers
The Air or e hool iaison ffi e for the has two new s hool liaison offi ers The ser e as the communication link between the community, schools, parents and military for education related programs, concerns and initiatives for j uvenile dependents. They also help assist with permanent change of station transitions, issues impacting military child education, promoting collaboration and strategic partnerships within the community, administering the free and reduced lunch program, and providing parents with education related tools and resources. For more information, contact the SLO at 480-9374, 06371-47-9374 or by email at 86msg.slo@ us.af.mil.
Volunteers and donations needed
Landstuhl Elementary Middle School is looking for volunteers to help with the Parent Teacher Student Association Spring Carnival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 2 in Landstuhl, Bldg 3830. V olunteers are needed for various activities and hours on the day of the carnival, including face painters, balloon animal creators, game- and priz e-room helpers and more. A itionall onations for the silent a tion an raffle baskets, used-book sale and stuffed animal walk are needed. All donations can be dropped off at the main offi e of or more etails all 6 26 4 or email j ulie.wittenberg@ eu.dodea.edu.
Spring Carnival and Chili Cook-Off
Landstuhl Elementary Middle School hosts its Parent Teacher Student Association Spring Carnival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 2 in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3830. Come and enj oy food, games, a silent a tion an raffle bas ets ri es fa e aintin used-book sale and more. The annual Chili CookOff will also be held during the carnival. For more information or to reserve a place at the Chili Cook-Off table, call 06371-92-6504 or email j ulie.wittenberg@ eu.dodea.edu.
Driver’s education
Installation Management Command Europe is proud to announce the availability of a comprehensive driver’s education program for high school students in Europe. The program has been made possible through a collaborative effort and contract with the “Fahrlehrerverband,” the German National Federation of Driving Instructors. For more information and to register, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/ 4122 or 0631-3406-4516/ 4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Job openings at CYS Services
If you are interested in working with children and youth, apply online for Child, Youth and School Services positions at www.usaj obs.gov. Search for j ob title: Child and Youth Program Assistant ( entry, skill and target level) CY-01/ 02. Positions are available at Kleber, Landstuhl, Sembach and Miesau locations. Child and Youth Program assistants work directly with children and youth and must be trustworthy, able to maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times and have the desire to be a ositi e infl en e on hil ren an o th
Kindermusik is a musical program that nurtures young children’s development in the areas of language, social, emotional and physical skills. SKIESU nlimited offers Kindermusik classes in three age categories: Cuddle and Bounce, ages 0 to 18 months; Wiggle and Grow, ages 18 months to 3 years; and Laugh and Learn, ages 3 to 5 years. Open to all branches of service. For details and to register, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 0631-3406-4516/ 4122 or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Photos by Elsa Tovar
LEMS kindergarteners celebrate 100 days of school Elsa Tovar’s kindergarten class at Landstuhl Elementary Middle School celebrates the 100th day of school Feb. 26. The day was filled with many fun activities, including counting by ones, fives and 10s to 100 in order to earn watches and rings, writing numbers on crowns, tallying the number of licks it takes to get to the chocolate of a lollipop, and more. Left photo: Mrs. Tovar’s class shows off the crowns they made in celebration of the 100th day of school. Right photo: Students in Mrs. Tovar’s class dress as 100 year olds to celebrate the 100th day of school.
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St. Patrick’s Day 5K Run/Walk
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a fun 5K Run/ Walk at 10 a.m. March 12. Registration will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. on the day of the event at Landstuhl Fitness Center, l 2 The first eo le to re ister will receive a free t-shirt. Show your St. Patrick’s a s irit to om ete for the “ of the rish ri e for best ost me ost en to all ID cardholders. For more information, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.
Unit Level Volleyball Championships
Cheer on your favorite team at the U nit Level olle ball ham ionshi s A ril to 4 at Sembach Fitness Center, Bldg. 105. Games will be hel from 6 to m ail with the ham ionshi ame be innin at 6 m A ril 4 The to si teams from the 2 6 season will arti i ate Awar s will be resente to first se on an thir la e teams first an se on in i i al an the The first an se on la e teams will a an e to the nstallation ana ement omman ro e To rnament ree entr for s e tators
Children’s ZUMBA
The Arm omm nit er i e e tional Family Member Program invites you to attend a i frien l A e ent at a m A ril 6 at o elweh omm nit enter en to hil ren a es to ears ol an their arents arents ome in a ro riate wor o t attire to A with your children. No registration requi red. For more information onta t A at 4 4 4 or 6 4 64 4
Spring soccer camps
a e this s rin brea one to remember b si nin o r hil ren for the nlimite o er am hel A ril to The am is o en to o th a es to 8 ears ol with ar in times for ifferent a e ro s an s ill le els All classes will be held in Landstuhl and are taught by rofessional so er oa hes en to all bran hes of service. For more information, contact Family an orale elfare an e reation ne to sho in an st hl l 8 at 486 8 4 or 6 86 8 4 or arent entral er i es on las i arra s l 28 8 at 4 4 6 4 22 or 6 4 6 4 6 4 22
March 4, 2016
Powerlifting clinic and invitational
Are o intereste in be omin a ertifie owerliftin offi ial nstallation ana ement omman ro e is hostin a free offi ials lini from am to m a 4 to 6 at the emba h eli io s ort ffi e l 8 This lini is o en to ar hol ers a es 8 an ol er A owerliftin in itational will be hel from a m to m a at emba h itness enter l so the offi ials an ra ti e what they have learned. If you are interested in j oining the lini or wo l li e to arti i ate in the owerliftin in itational onta t arah alon at 44 4 6 4 44 4 or sarah a alon naf mail mil
Volleyball players wanted
m et i e The Arm arrison heinlan fal men s an women s omm nit olle ball teams are loo in for e erien e la ers to om ete in the 2 6 or es ro e olleyball season. Players must be 18 years or older an o t of hi h s hool f intereste lease onta t ilfor “ eft r at eft r s arm mil eft r mail om or 6 6666 2 or Ariana ero el a o at ariana s ero el a o la mil as ero el a o ahoo om or 4 4
LRMC Soldier proves to be one of top US runners by Ed Drohan Regional Health Command Europe Public Affairs A an st hl e ional e i al enter ol ier is now one of the to runners in the U nited States. t aroline e letin a beha ioral health technician at LRMC, too se on la e in the 2 6 Arme or es ross o ntr ham ionshi s eb 6 in en re on er sil er me al finish also hel e ro el the Arm women s team to an o erall first la e finish The om etition a ilometer cross-country race, was held in on n tion with the A Tra and Field National Cross-Country ham ionshi e letin s time of 39:03 was also good enough to earn her a th la e finish in the national ham ionshi ra e This was e letin s se on onse ti e ear om etin in the ra e in l in a first la e finish in the Arme or es ham ionshi ra e in 2015. “ was battlin with an in r for the last few months, but I was determined that I would be able to score oints for the team if not me al for m self e letin sai “ main goal was to go out there and do my
er best to hel m team win am glad the race went well, and I was er e ite for the All Arm team defending their title from last year. It was a great honor to be among the ol ier athletes in the to ten ositions in the nation.” e a se of her in r e letin sai she is working to get healthy before res min her trainin b t lans on r nnin in the Arm Ten iler t in ashin ton he s also re arin for a move to Fort Carson, Colorado. “ ort arson is well nown for its high elevation, which is good for training, and I will be able to train with other athletes an im ro e m times e letin sai “ m ho in to get better times and try to q ualif for hi h le el om etitions am efinitel oin to ta e a anta e of the reat trainin o ort nities o t there.” he a e re it to her lea ershi at for en o ra in an s orting her athletic goals. “ ha reat lea ershi at an tr l a re iate them for their n erstan in s ort an en o ragement for the two years I’ve been here e letin sai “ n e the saw ha otential the a e me time to train and worked with my schedule. ther lea ers with the same s irit
Photo by Thomas Higgins
Sgt. Caroline Jepleting, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center behavioral health technician, takes the women’s silver medal in the 2016 Armed Forces Cross Country Championship race. Jepleting finished with a time of 39:03 and also placed 10th in the USA Track and Field National Cross Country Championship race.
will hel their ol iers e lore their otential an o reat thin s wo l not have achieved this without the hel an s ort of m lea ers an command team.” ther ol ier athletes who feel the ha e talent sho l e lore that otential as m h as ossible e letin sai
“ wo l en o ra e e er ol ier or ser i e member with an otential gift or talent to get out there, train and a l for the ifferent s orts o ort nities available within the military,” e letin sai “ o et a han e to re resent o r bran h of ser i e an the Arme or es in the international le el of om etition
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March 4, 2016
TAKE A HIKE: KMC’s guide to upcoming volksmarching events by Donald Seltzer
Weekend of March 5-6
Oberbexbach (66450) — This aarlan e ent is in the area ro hl between amstein an aarbr e en rom a mhol er se A tobahn 62 towar an st hl an onne t with A tobahn 6 towar aarbr e en it at omb r to se se on ar roa s to rea h berbe ba h rom amstein an an st hl se A tobahn 6 to rea h the omb r e it then se se on ar roa s to the start S t ar t : ol sha s at ran enhol er tr 6 S at u rd ay: a m to 2 m 6 m an a m to m m T rai l s: n nown Awar d : one
Weekend of March 12-13
Aschbach bei Lebach (66822) — This e ent e north of aarbr e en is abo t 4 min tes from a mhol er an sli htl less than an ho r from the rom a mhol er se A tobahns 62 an towar onnwieler an aarbr e en then e it at Thole 4 Ta e 26 to As hba h an the start rom the se A tobahns 6 8 an towar aarbr e en an Trier it at Thole 4 an follow 26 to As hba h S t ar t : ehr we halle on oblen er trasse S at u rd ay an d S u nd ay: am to m an m T rai l : ill trails woo s an some fiel s Awar d : one Mertert, Luxembourg (L-6686) — This e ent is own the roa from Trier an st a ross the bor er ma in it a reasonabl eas ri e from the rom the se A tobahns 6 towar aarbr e en 62 an to Trier an 64 to the bor er ontin e onto A toro te A to the ertert e it 4 ollow si ns to ertert an the start S t ar t : entre lt rel S u nd ay: a m to 2 m 6 an m an a m to noon 6 m T rai l : n nown Awar d : one Sien (55758) — ot too far from a mhol er this e ent offers a ariet of trail istan es rom a mhol er se the minor roa bor erin the trainin area to onne t with 42 ea towar a re na h to i 2 towar ar berstein an ien rom the hea north abo t 4 m on 2 to ien an the start S t ar t : T rnhalle at irner trasse 6 S at u rd ay an d S u nd a y: a m to 2 m an m a m to noon 2 m an am m T rai l : ill mostl woo s Awar d : one
Weekend of March 19-20
Brouch (Mersch), Luxembourg (L-7416) — This e ent north northwest embo r it is ro hl a two ho r ri e from the rom the se A tobahns 6 towar aarbr e en 62 an to Trier an 6 2 an 64 to the embo r bor er ontin e on otorwa A 44 towar embo r it e it onto A 2 towar hterna h e it onto 26 an 2 to alfer an e onne t with north towar int en then i A towar ers h se it 4 to i 8 towar e an e ae l an follow that to the start at ro h S t ar t : all an er oll ta e ei t reres S at u rd ay: a m to 2 m 6 an 2 m an a m to noon 2 m T rai l : n nown Awar d : one Buding, France (F-57920) — This e ent is east of Thion ille an a little more than a min te ri e from the ol smar hers will fin the e ent easil rea he ia a tobahn rom the se A tobahns 6 an 62 to aarbr e en an aarlo is it aarlo is itte to onne t with 4 towar et n e a ross the bor er se 8 to e an e s r anner then se 2 to in an the start S t ar t : ole rimaire at r e e l lise S u nd ay: a m to m m T rai l : n nown Awar d : one Differten (66787) — This wal is west of aarbr e en rom the se A tobahns 6 an 62 ast aarbr e en an towar aarlo is it at a assen 4b an se minor roa s thro h a assen to the start at ifferten S t ar t : isttalhalle on ater orson trasse S at u rd ay: a m to 2 m 6 an m an a m to noon m S u nd ay: a m to m 6 an m an a m to noon m T rai l : n nown Awar d : one Grolsheim (55459) — This wal is st so th of in en an offers a ariet of trail len ths to in l e a 42 m marathon rom the se A tobahns 6 towar annheim 6 towar ain an 6 towar oblen it at a re na h an follow 4 to ensin en an to rolsheim an the start S t ar t : ahelan halle at As isheimer e 2 S at u rd ay an d S u nd ay: am to 2 m an m a m to noon 2 an m an a m 42 m T rai l s: horter trails are mostl flat lon er trails are hill fiel s lo al nei h-
Photo by Caminoel/Shutterstock.com
borhoo s an some woo s Awar d : ertifi ate an at h marathon Petite-Rosselle, France (F-57540) — This e ent is on the ren h borer so thwest of aarbr e en an north of t A ol ol smar hers will fin the e ent easil rea he ia a tobahn rom the se A tobahn 6 ast aarbr e en towar the bor er ontin in towar et as it be omes A 2 in ran e se the orba h e it 42 an follow an to the start at etite osselle a m to 2 m m T rai l : S t ar t : s a e a on or e S u nd ay: n nown Awar d : one Trier-Ehrang (54293) — an erers will wal in the area s rro n in erman s ol est it of Trier as a rewar for the time s ent rea hin this e ent rom a mhol er hea towar A tobahn an onne t with it at reisen then se A tobahns an 6 2 to Trier rom the se A tobahns 62 an 6 2 to Trier S t ar t : T rnhalle at berstrasse 8 in the Trier s b rb of hran S u nd ay: a m to m 6 an 2 m T rai l : ill woo s an fiel s Awar d : rom re io s e ents
Good Friday, March 25
Urexweiler (66646) — This holi a e ent in the aarlan will re ire a a off from wor in or er en o the wal se A tobahns 6 8 an to rea h the elborn e it minor roa thro h irmin en to rea h the start S t ar t : ehr we halle at m r ehl F ri d ay: a m to m an a m to noon 6 an 2 m T rai l : n nown b t e woo s an fiel s Awar d : one
area west of the here rom the 4 then se a m 6 an e t fairl hill
Easter Monday, March 28
Morbach-Bischofsdhron (54497) — This wal elebrates aster on a with an e ent lose to ar berstein rom the se A tobahns 6 towar aarbr e en an 62 towar Trier it at ir enfel 4 to se 4 to onne t with 26 ollow 26 north to orba h an the start at is hofs hron rom a mhol er se minor roa s to ir enfel an 26 ea north to the towns of orba h an is hofs hron to rea h the start S t ar t : emein eha s at r a 2 M ond ay: a m to 2 m m am to m m an a m to noon 2 m T rai l : ill woo s short trail has been stroller frien l in the ast Awar d : one Talange, France (F-57525) — This e ent is north of et an a lon ri e from the b t one whi h ta es o ast t A ol an its Ameri an ilitar emeter rom the se A tobahn 6 ast aarbr e en to the bor er ontin e on ren h A toro tes A 2 an A4 2 towar et onne t with A 2 north of et in the ire tion Thion ille an e it at Talan e 6 ollow si ns to the start S t ar t : alle a ri e a et on la e es fetes M ond ay: a m to 2 m an 2 m T rai l : n nown Awar d : one or more information an to see the f ll list of e ents thro ar h isit www aisersla ternameri an om
h the en of
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NOW SHOWING Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater for the most up-to-date schedule.
Deadpool (R) 1:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Eddie the Eagle (PG-13) 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. London Has Fallen (PG-13) 12 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 5 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10 p.m. How to Be Single (R) 11 a.m., 4:15 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m. SATURDAY Deadpool (R) 1:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Eddie the Eagle (PG-13) 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. How to Be single (R) 11 a.m., 4:15 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 11 a.m., 10 p.m. SUNDAY Deadpool (R) 11 a.m., 6:45 p.m. Eddie the Eagle (PG-13) 7 p.m. Risen (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m. London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 11 a.m., 7:15 p.m. MONDAY London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Deadpool (R) 11 a.m., 7:15 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 1:45 p.m. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (PG-13) 4:15 p.m., 7 p.m. TUESDAY London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Deadpool (R) 11 a.m., 7:15 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Zootopia (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:30 a.m., 1:45 p.m. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (PG-13) 4:15 p.m., 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Deadpool (R) 11 a.m., 7:15 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 1:45 p.m. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (PG-13) 4:15 p.m., 7 p.m. THURSDAY London Has Fallen (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Deadpool (R) 11 a.m., 7:15 p.m. Whisky Tango Foxtrot (R) 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Zootopia *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 1:45 p.m. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (PG-13) 4:15 p.m., 7 p.m. FRIDAY
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Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/
Graphic courtesy of Christos Georghiou/Shutterstock.com
Zootopia (PG)
London Has Fallen (PG-13)
From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde, a wily fox who makes her job even harder. Starring Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman. Courtesy of Movieweb.com
After the British Prime Minister passes away, his funeral becomes a target of a terrorist organization to destroy some of the world’s most powerful leaders, devastate the British capital, and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. The only hope of stopping it rests on the shoulders of the president of the United States, his formidable Secret Service head and an English MI-6 agent who rightly trusts no one. Starring Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman.
Courtesy of Movieweb.com
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Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
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ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com 16 March the KMC Top 3 is selling "Luther Burgers" on a preorder/prepay basis by unit reps. Spread word about the chance to partake in an awesome food experience and raise funds in support of KMC Top 3 community efforts. Agora Ramstein: The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum/Agora Ramstein is where leaders meet to discuss emerging national security issues. For more info, contact Lloyd Malone at lam_jr@earthlink.net or visit www.defenseentrepre neurs.org.
Beautiful Apt. 10min RAB, all newly renov., 95sqm, 2bdr, livrm, lrg.BIK, full bath, storage, lrg.terrace w/backyard, priv.par- Matzenbach, 10 min RAB, king+entrance, no pets, pref.long- 1530sqf, 4BR, 3bath, BIK, term singles/couples. ₏600+util, ₏750+₏280 fees 0157-82787841 call Chris 063837760 Nice apt. in Weilerbach, 67sqm. Beautiful Apt. in Matzenbach, Fully furnished, ready to move in! 10min to RAB, BIK, livrm, 4BR, Great for one or two per2baths, garden for bbq, 170sqm. sons.1BR, BIK, Liv, full bath, stoGood for families, fenced play- rage room, DSL-Internet ready, ground w/equip, no dogs pls, AFN, cable. Non-smoking. 42sqm underroof terrace. ₏450+util. Avail. now. Call: 06374₏1.080+util., 06383-99167 from 914694 5pm on. Avail. 15 Nov. - come to Ramstein city, 5 min to Air Base. the best landlord! Condo 120sqm/1350 SQF, 3BR, Kaiserslautern City: 2 bedroom liv/dinrm, balc, 1.5bathrm, basapartment., 1 ½ bath, built-in.kit., ment, sep laundry/room, private living-diningrm., 950,-- ₏ + util parking on property. Avail March www.agra-immobilien.de 06371- 10 ₏870+util. Single or couples 57656 desired. Tel: 0172/ 6642692.
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2003 BMW 318i 143,412km/ 89,112miles Excellent condition. New top-rated all-season tires. $6100. 0176-4041-4630
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Page 30
Kaiserslautern American
AUTOS All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com 2001 VW Passat Sport Combi, $5,995, US Spec, Manual, Navigation, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, HiFi System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2002 Toyota Rav 4 SUV with AWD, $8,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Cruise Control, Power Locks, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Power Windows, Perfect Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: in fo@europeanmotors.org, Web:http://www.europeanmo tors.org 2002 Toyota Rav4 SUV with AWD, $8,995, US Spec, Manual, Cruise Control, Power Locks, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Power Windows, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: in fo@europeanmotors.org, Web: http://www.europeanmotors.org 2003 Volkswagen Golf for sale $3,500, marcus.j.garrison@ gmail.com 2005 Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI German Specs $4800 Contact 0160 968 44778 2005 Mercedes ML 270 CDI 4x4, Turbo Diesel, 2.7L 5 Cyl, Turbo Diesel, Automatic/Tiptronic, 96,900 KMs/60,000 Miles, Obsidian Black Metallic Price: $16,990, 0631-354-9908 2006 Pontiac G6 GT, 3.5L, V6, Sedan, automatic, gas, 87,500miles, Bright White, Black Premium Leather interior, $8,495, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972
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2006 Honda Accord "EX" Sport Sedan, $9,995, US spec, Manual, Power Glas Sunroof, Cruise Control, Cloth Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org 2006 Peugeot 206 CC RC-Line Convertible, 1.6 Liter/108 HP, German Spec., 15" Winter & 17" Summer Tires + Rims, JBL Sound System, German Inspection until 04/ 2017, Great Condition, asking €4500, Call 0173-6345979 (Kaiserslautern) 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L, V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red, black leather interior, $26,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2007 Lexus SC430 Coupe/Convertible, $25,795, US Spec, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy, Power Hard Top, Perfect Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org 2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop, $12,695, US spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8, 300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, manual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $13,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 0176-93136972 2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP, 28,470 miles, Blue Metallic, Cream Leather interior, $25,495, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972
March 4, 2016
2008 Volvo XC90 V8 SUV with 3rd Row / 7 Seats, $17,795, US Spec, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org
2011 MINI Countryman "S" ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass Sunroof, Excellent Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// www.europeanmotors.org
2009 Dodge Challenger RT Classic- OVER 400HP!!, $23750, Rare B5 Blue, upgraded suspension, brakes, intake, exhaust, tires, tuned, roll control, 6 sp manual, winters on rims included. Too much to list. goring73@hotmail.com, 0162-250-21
2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Convertible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Coupe, $25,995, US Spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Glass Sunroof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org
2012 GMV Acadia, 3.6L V6 288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic, Gas, black metallic, grey leather, $24,995, contact mark@american motors.net, 0176-93136972
2010 Jeep Patriot "Sport" 4X4 SUV, $13,995, US spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Alloy Wheels, Luggage Rack, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org
mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Automatic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org
2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles, SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972
2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Sedan, 48,050 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, interior, $15,995, contact mark@ 01765.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 mi- americanmotors.net, les, manual, gas, Black Crystal, 93136972 Black premium Leather interior, 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6, $24,495, contact mark@american 210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas, motors.net, 0176-93136972 Black Metallic, $24,995, contact
2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP, SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $15,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6, 290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige Cloth interior, $23,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972
2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Turbo 200HP, Sport Hatch, automatic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI Lindenbergh-Allee 1 Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact 67681 Sembach mark@americanmotors.net, 01762012 Toyota Camry "XLE" V6 www.kiefers-imbiss.de 93136972 Sport Sedan, $20,995, US Spec, y phone and we 2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo Automatic, Leather, Navigation de r b r O ng it out to your car! Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition System, Power Seats, Alloy b ri model with many extras. Ride in Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: style for 1/4 the price of a new 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro Mon – Fri 6:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ML. excellent condition, contact: peanmotors.org, Web: http:// Closed on German holidays email: papyporsche@aol.com www.europeanmotors.org
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2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6 SUV with AWD, $24,695, US spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV, 32,059 miles, automatic, gas, Black Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $29,495, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L, 220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic, gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey Cloth interior, $15,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatchback, 23,642 miles, automatic, gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate Grey interior, $14,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Lexus ES 350 Base $8,800USD!!! The car is accident free, with a low mileage, well maintained and service regularly. Full Options!!! Tires are 100% great, the Car is in perfect shape. Interested buyer should contact me: autuorimaria56@gmail.com 2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6 240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, automatic, gas, storm blue, black premium cloth interior, $20,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6, 268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black leather interior, $25,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV, 14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $22,995, contact mark@ameri canmotors.net, 0176-93136972 2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, California Special Pack, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org I have a Fantastic Range of Tires in Stock at Great Prices, €, 0631/ 91572
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March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power stearing, power locks, air cond, leather interior, seat heating, power winAll ads & pics on www.finditguide.com dows, alloy rims w/ new summer tires, new battery and brakes. 2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8, €1800. 0152-06467728 405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun Metal Grey, Black Premium Lea- Camper For Sale, €39,000, ther interior, $32,495, contact ed_thornburg@yahoo.com, 2013 mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- Bürstner IXEO TIME 670G, Fiat 93136972 Ducato 2.3 MJET 35 148 PS die2014 MINI Countryman JCW sel, 6 speed automatic: 23,000 ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles, km. Camper is loaded with optiManufacturer Warranty, Automa- ons and under warranty. tic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Chrysler PT Cruiser, diesel, 2.2l, Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon standard, AC, no rust, no acciLights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense dent, 190000k, winter+summer tiWipers, Upgraded Sound System. res, leather seats w/heat, Call or text 017680420465 pet+smoke free, 5l on 100km, 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L, €2500, stefandsanya@gmail.com SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas, or 0151-45261009 Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $21,995, contact Daihatsu silver met, 4 door, 5 mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- speed, 1.0 LTR , year 2002 air cond, summer tire and winter ti93136972 res, CD player, ABS, air bags, $ Audi A4, 1998, 2.4L V6, Automa1199, and we deliver, if you have tic/Tiptronic, 119,600 KMs/74,300 any cars for dispose of, accident, Miles, Santorin Blue Mica MetalNon operational, we remove it for lic, $5,030, Euro Spec, 0631-354you, email for info ddundkk@hot 9908 mail.de BMW 316 I, compack, red, ABS, air bags, elec windows, 5 speed, For Sale 2009 Smart ForTwo air cond, call 0175-3213199 or Coupe Passion, $5000,33,500KM/ email, $1400, if you have any car 20,800 Miles, Dealer maint, all refor dispose of, accident, Non ope- cords, auto trans, CD/MP3/Bluerational, we remove it for you, tooth, ABS, alloy summer + new email for info ddundkk@hotmail.de winter tires, Euro spec, guaranteed to pass insp. gary.baratta@ BMW 316 I, 4 Door, 5 Speed' gmail.com blue met, power stering, elec windows, ft, sunroof, ABS, air bags, Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, autoand we deliver.PH 0175-3213199 matic, US mod, all season tires, call or email, $1190, if you have $1699, and we deliver anywhere, any cars for dispose of, accident, if you have any cars for dispose Non operational, we remove it for of, accident, non operational, we you, email for info ddundkk@hot will remove it for you my phone is mail.de 0175-3213199 call or e-mail, ddundkk@hotmail.de
Ford Focus 1999, 4 door, 5 Speed, all weather tires, ABS , power stering, German TUV till 2017, MY PH 0175-3213199, $1380, if you have any cars for dispose of, accident, Non operational, we remove it for you, email for info ddundkk@hotmail.de Ford Kuga, 2015, $28,500, German Specs. Titanium (Escape) 1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed manual. Polar Silver Metallic. Leather Heated seats. Keyless entry, push button start. 4 winter and summer tires, auto headlights, and much more. eapropin@out look.com
Page 31 Miles; 128,500, Color: Black/Engine:2.5 L turbo inline 6, Capacity:18 gal, RANGE (C/H) 306.0/ 432.0 mi./EPA (C/H) 17/24 mpg/ AWD, winter mode, 5 speed shiftable automatic, leather interior, Power Sun Roof, Traction Control, Stability Control more!!! hp2ronin@gmail.com
New new + German TUV GERMAN TUV+No US inspection Need +++ Mitsubishi Eslipes G L, Red, 2.0 LTR , 16 VAL, air cond, 2 door, 5 Speed, elec windows KMS 163,000, $1695, ddundkk@ hotmail.de
MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, inside black and part leather, new tires (all year tires) on aluminium rims, lots of extras, all services done, Accident-free, FR 09/2005, 76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS), Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti- replacement engine, Negotiable res with steel rims, 175/65 R14. €8,400. 0176-62056022 Excellent condition used one winter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162- Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green, 4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power 297-2951 stearing, German TÜV till Jan Honda Accord, 2-door, burgun- 2017, my phone is 0175-3213199, dy, leather, air cond, ABS, 2.2 $1700, ddundkk@hotmail.de LTR, 16 VAL, Automatic, new TÜV, power stearing, air bags, summer/winter tires on rims, we deliver anywher with cash, $1675, ddundkk@hotmail.de Fuel Efficient 2003 VW Polo, $2000, 0151-6629-4636, 5spd Manual, 3 door hatch, 183,000 km, Best Offer!!! Will Pass USAREUR!!!
Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door, automatic, ABS, power stering, 1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any car for dispose of, accident, non operational, we remove it for you.Email ddundkk@hotmail.de Intake manifold, never used, for a civic type R or a Acura Acura RSX type S PRC $120, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com or 017622987498
Motorhome - See Europe in style. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x 100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen master bed and separate shower and toilet. Beautiful with many luxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for pictures and more info 01622972951.
Nissan Almera TINOdi, 2002, German specs, pw.windows, 2nd owner, no accidents, TÜV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard, great travel car, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, €2400, full tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009 or stefandsanya@ gmail.com Thinking of buying a new Quality Pre-owned car, then look no further, we have over 150 cars in stock. Patriot Military Automobiles 09662-702 6280
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Special Military price BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017, Automatic transmission, 110 kW (150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004, 170,000 km, full leather grey, Accident-free, full serice history, full equipment, all comfort, Negotiable €8700, call 0176-62056022 Ford Ka - Model 2004, €1380, ste fandsanya@gmail.com, Ford 140.000km, silver, 5speed, very clean. Great car for the winter, new winter tires, front-wheel drive, phone calls 0152-06786080
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Page 32
Kaiserslautern American
March 4, 2016
Have fun with the locals Macklemore and Ryan Lewis live Tue, Mar 8 Luxembourg, Rockhal
Four time Grammy award winners Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are finally heading back to Luxemburg for the first time in almost three years. Rockhal is welcoming the thrift shopping duo on March 8 from 8 p.m. and you can be there to dance your shoes off your feet with them. Tickets cost €49, see www.rockhal.lu for more info.
Photos by Olga Visavi / Shutterstock.com
EVENTS Blue Man Group Sat, Mar 5 Berlin, Stage Bluemax Enjoy a great show on March 5 where you will see a theatrical show with music and various acts from the Blue Man Group. This group has been together for over 10 years. Get ready for a show of a lifetime. Ticket price is €75.89. The show starts at 6 p.m. For more info about the group go to www.stage.entertainment.de Meditative afternoon Sat, Mar 5 Kaiserslautern, Prot. Friedenskirche Join a spiritual group in their monthly meditation session in Kaiserslautern on March 5 from 2 p.m. to circa 6 p.m. The classic meditative sitting will be accompanied by singing, moving and listening, as well as breaks to get to know each other. Newbies to the group or meditation in general are always welcome and receive an individual introduction. To arrange this, please email ute. Wolfgang.wittrock@t-online.de and see www.kaiserslautern.de for more info. Sunday shopping Sun, Mar 6 Zweibrücken, Style Outlets The Style Outlets in Zweibrücken cordially invites you on March 6 to have a shop around as the stores are open from 1 to 6 p.m. See what bargains are on offer. Stop by the cafes to have a quick bite to eat to regain your strength and continue shopping. For more info go to www.zweibrucken.thestyleoutlets.de
Horse gala Sat, Mar 12 Zweibrücken, Landgestüt The stud farm in Zweibrücken invites all horse lovers to join the presentation of different horse breeds on March 12 at 7 p.m. Part of the exciting shows, among others, are Arabian horses and Icelandic ponies, some of which will be presented by acrobats and dancers. Ticket prices range from €19 - €39. For more info go to www.lg-zw.de
Sunday shopping Sun, Mar 13 Kaiserslautern, city center Shopping on Sunday has become a pastime favorite amongst the German community. If you are just as excited about shopping on a Sunday make your way over to the city center and see the bargains and K-Town in Bloom. Shops will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more info go to www.kaiserslautern.de
Intermoto Sat, Mar 12 – Sun, Mar 13 Saarbrücken, Messegelände The annual Intermoto at the Messegelände Saarbrücken on March 12 and 13 will provide a mix of action, show and a classic exhibition of motorcycles. More than 130 exhibitors will present their newest bikes, quads and scooters. A variety of accessories, clothing and literature can be purchased as well. The exhibition will open its doors at 10 a.m. on both days. For more info go to www.intermoto-saar.de
Fritz-Walter stadium tour Fri, Mar 18 Kaiserslautern, Fritz-Walter-Stadion Take a tour of the Fritz-Walter stadium on March 18 in Kaiserslautern. Go behind the scenes, walk in the footsteps of the players and imagine how the players feel as you walk through the tunnel towards the turf. Have a seat on the benches where the coach sits. You will feel like an insider on this tour. For more general info about the stadium and the tour go to www.fck.de
K-Town in Bloom Sat, Mar 12 – Sun, Mar 13 Kaiserslautern, city center Take part in the beautiful welcome spring party, “Kaiserslautern blüht auf” (Kaiserslautern in Bloom) in the city center in Kaiserslautern on March 12 and 13 from Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Stroll through the spring market with flowers, varies activities and music. For more info go to www.werbegemeinschaft-kl.de
Summer day parade Mon, Mar 14 – Fri, Mar 18 Mannheim, Luisenpark Mannheim’s Luisenpark is ready for summer - for the sun to find her confidence and shine brightly in our faces. Join the celebration to wave goodbye to the dark days of winter and discover this colorful parade on March 20 from 2:30 p.m., including the ceremonial burning of the park’s snowman. Admission to the park is €6, the event itself is free. Design your own creative costumes in the days leading up to the event from
More events on: www.MilitaryInGermany.com
March 14-18 at the Freizeithaus and make sure you are as colorful as the flowers blooming around you. See www.luisenpark.de for more info. CONCERTS Piano concert Sun, Mar 13 Kaiserslautern, Theodor-Zink Museum To celebrate the Japanese Garden’s opening for the season and remember the victims of Japan’s catastrophe in 2011, Sachiko Furuhata-Kersting will be playing beloved piano songs at the TheodorZink-Museum in Kaiserslautern on March 13 from 5 p.m. Admission costs €10, visit www.japanischergarten.de for more info. SPORTS Soccer Mon, Mar 14 Kaiserslautern, Fritz-Walter-Stadion The Red Devils are playing against VfL Bochum 1848 on March 13 in the FritzWalter stadium in Kaiserslautern. The game starts at 8:15 p.m. Come support the Red Devils. Grab your 1.FCK gear and join the fun. Going with family? Why not get tickets for the family block! For more information go to www.fck.de 35th German-French Street Run Sun, Mar 13 Saarbrücken, city center The German-French Street run (half marathon) will take place in Saarbrücken on March 13. The street run will start at 10 a.m. The route will be absolutely flat and along the Saar River. To register call 06853-502811 or go to www.runme.de
military IN GERMANY
March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com
All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil
Sale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90 R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Execellent cond rating! Fully-loaded: Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV, Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear Play Academy ChildCare. I am a sensor, leather int, black metallic licensed & certified child care proext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya vider. I live in Rodenbach, 10 min hoo.com Vogelweh & 10 min RAB. I have Seat Leon ST III 1.6 TDI years of experience & references. 105chFAP Style Business My home is warm & cozy. Warm Start&Stop. 6990km, Diesel, 5 home cooked Lunch is provided doors, put incirculation April for the children every day. Your 2015.Under warranty.All options child will have its very own indoor ABS, soundsystem, airbag, blue- playground & fenced in backyard tooth, sunroof.Stuttgart late Fe- for the summer as well as weekly bruary.17390E (25555E new) field trip outings. If you are in marc.pilkington@gmail.com need, I am here for you MondayFriday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5. 0176-83550843
Hair Dryer. 3Heat + 2Speed Settings. Cold Shut Button. Concentrator + Finger Diffusor Attachment. Lightweight. Super Quiet. Removable End Cap. 1875 Watt. All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com User Guide. Orig. Box. $20. CD Changer for 110 CD's. Remo- chefsteven2015@gmail.com HP PC XP with Mouse, Keyboard te Control. Dual Voltage. User Guiand Remote. Orig.Box. $150. de. Orig.Box. $225. chefsteven2015@gmail.com chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Canon BJC 7000 Color Bubble Set Printer. Incl. Cartridge and USB Cable. CD Booklet. $30. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD RDesign Year: 2016 Color: Bursting blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in fo@vipsales.eu or 06134-284943
LCD TV 24" HDMI/DVI/VGA/PC/ DVI/USB Remote Control User Guide Orig. Box $150. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
TRANSMISSION • Exchange Units • Complete Overhaul • Trans-repair • Trans-parts
Lindberghstr. 5 Heidelberg Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 67 Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 02 Fax: 0 62 21-76 61 64
0,.( 6$1'(5V &DYLW\ 6HDOLQJ Auf dem Immel 12 Tel. 06374 / 2538 67685 Weilerbach Fax: 06374 / 4889 lackiererei.lenhard@t-online.de
Roland’s Bike Shop 06371-70182 06371 70182
+ We repair Japanese, EuroCarl Zeiss Str. 7 66877 Ramstein pean, and American Bikes Email: RAagency@aol.com + We Pick Up and Deliver Bikes www.rolandscarrental.com + All credit cards accepted and VAT + Mechanic with more than 20 yrs experience
VW GTI 2013, $16999k, The perfect car! 66,000 mi, xtra winter alu rims/tires, roof rack, winter matts, new clutch, bluetooth, heated seats, satelite radio, keyless, power everything, iPod connect, plad interior, airbags. Very good cond brethelenius@google mail.com
High quality stereo system, Infinity High End speakers made from oak, threshold boosters Model s/ 300 STASIS linear state power amplifier overall feedback free, silver, K+H Telewatt High Fidelity stereo tuner FM 2002 black, Nakamichi Dragon Auto Reverse Cassette Deck black w/remote, Threshold Tuner Model FET One silver, Nakamichi CD-Player 1000mb Musik Bank/Acoustic Isolation System. Only speaks German. Call for price. 06321397299
.$5266(5,( /$&. . $5266(5,( /$&. %2'<:25. 3 3$,17
LG Freezer, good condition. For pickup only. Kaiserslautern city. €80. Call Jacky 0179-5352827
Food Steamer. 3 Tiers of Stackable Baskets. 60 min. Timer with Bell. Up to 8ltr. Capacity and 1.1ltr. Rice Container. 220V. Orig. Box. $35. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com
Honda Cassette Radio. CD Changer has issues, needs probably a Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage clean up. Radio and Cassette Settings. With Heating. Massageworks great. $35. ball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100 chefsteven2015@gmail.com Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box. $15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Set of Monster Green Borbet 9x16 with new tires, Bolt pattern 4x100, €550, 0631/91572
AFN Decoder. Dual Voltage. Remote Control. Incl. Cables. User Guide. Orig.Box. $250. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
The Used Car Guys
TIRES & RIMS FACTORY OUTLET WITH 400,000 TIRES AND RIMS IN STOCK ALLSEASON: 215/55R16 195/65R15 91H €39,50 205/45R17 215/60R16 99V €57,00 225/45R17 215/65R16 98H €62,50 205/50R17 195/55R16 87V €47,50 225/50R17 205/55R16 91H €49,00 225/40R18 4x4 235/65R17 104H Kumho KL16 €75,00 265/70R16 112H Atlas Sport SUV €78,00 255/45R18 99V Toyo Proxes €85,00 255/55R18 109W Atlas €65,00 235/55R19 101H Kumho KL33 €75,00 275/40R20 106W Atlas €69,00 275/45R20 110W Atlas €69,00 255/35R19 96Y XL Toyo Proxes €109,00
97V XL €59,00 88W XL €61,50 94V XL €58,50 93W XL €60,50 98W XL €62,00 92W XL €71,00 LIGHT-ALLOY WHEELS 15 in €66,00 16 in €74,00 17 in €88,00 18 in €105,00 TAX FREE – VALID TILL MAR. 26, 2016
Hans-Geiger-Str. 15, 67661 Kaiserslautern zentrale@asa-tec.com 06301 / 7997-277 Passenger car tires • Offroad tires • Light-alloy wheels • All-season tires (all brands & dimensions) • Free nitrogen tire inflation • Oil change and other small inspections
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PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering elec windows, and locks, key less entry, price €2000, if you want any cars for dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you, email for info ddundkk@ hotmail.DE
Page 33
with VAT form
Landstuhler Str 77a, 66877 Ramstein 06371 92 000 30, www.usedcarguys.net servicecenter@usedcarguys.net
*up to 5L of Oil, based on 5W30 long life oil & filter not to exceed €10
Page 34
Kaiserslautern American
ELECTRONICS All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com
Transformer. USA Voltage Converter. Great for small radios, shavers and other appliances up to 75 Watt. $20. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com
Yamaha AV Receiver/Amplifier. Premium Aluminium. Dolby Digital/ EX Decoder. Pro Logic II. 100 Watts x 10. AF/FM Tuner. 40 Station Random + Direct Tuning. Remote Control. User Guide. Dual Treadmill - Proform 635 CW, Voltage. Excellent Working. $395. $249, timboney_52@hotmail.com, chefsteven2015@gmail.com well maintained/functioning treadmill. Adjusts for speed & slope. Cross fit ski poles adjustable for tension. Emergency situation stop.
Whirlpool front loader washing machine for sale, â&#x201A;Ź150, ysamek@ googlemail.com, German 220V. IPAD Mini 1 WIFI 16GB, $185.00, Please call after 1700 hrs. 0163al@merwitz.com / 06371-60179, 8853574 White Mini IPAD. infrequently used. Latest IOS installed. Fixed price. Printer, Scanner Lexmark S605, $50, Like new condition. Ink cartridges low. jcambr@yahoo.com Router, Belkin N150, jcambr@yahoo.com
Sony Cassette Car Stereo. Protection Case. Cables and User Guide. $45. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com The perfect system to watch satellite programs in English or German Sony Bravia LCD flat screen color TV and Atemo AM 500 HD Satellite receiver selling as a com- White leatherette case for IPAD plete set. $195. for both, al@mer mini W/removable bluetooth keywitz.com board, $45.00, firm. al@mer TVs, Voltage Regulators, â&#x201A;Ź250, witz.com / 06371-60179
All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 158Various dresses for women, size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abtrasse, 67678 Mehlingen 2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, with manual and CD. $40, spvendor@ gmail.com
3 Drawer Wide Cart White. With 4 Rollers. Compl. Size: 25"H x 22"W x 15"D. Each Drawer: 7"H x 19.5"W x 13.5"D. Lots Of Storage Space. Very Sturdy. Made in USA. $25. chefsteven2015@ cbpohlman@aol.com AEG front loader washing machi- gmail.com AEG dryer, old but gold. For ne. Good condition. Kaiserslau4sale Redfield Scope, variable 6pickup only. Kaiserslautern city. tern city. For pickup only. Call 18, new, (org. cost $350.00) asJacky 0179-5352827 â&#x201A;Ź30. Call Jacky 0179-5352827 king EUR125 Call 06374-5162 Dallas Cowboy Hat. NEW. $15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
t t t t t t
March 4, 2016 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers, Strong and Durable, Black, â&#x201A;Ź10, bethmary100@gmail.com Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoiseblue. Lettering â&#x20AC;&#x153;aeroâ&#x20AC;? and zipper at the front. Size M. Barley worn. â&#x201A;Ź13. janina.wuttke@gmx.de Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink. On the front are pictures of peaces signs and the label name is shown. Size M. Barely worn. Good condition. For pics see www.class-world.com. â&#x201A;Ź9. jani na.wuttke@gmx.de Alessis 110V/220V digital performance/studio piano w/chair, music stand, stool, hard case 750$, call 06374-991073 pls leave a message Beautiful hand-made purple/pink felt flower brooch, perfect gift, can be pinned on jackets, scarves, bags and more! â&#x201A;Ź12, for pics see class-world.com jenniferwil king@hotmail.com Black knitted pullover. Size XS but fits also for size M. â&#x201A;Ź5. See www.class-world.com for pictures. Janina.Wuttke@gmx.de Blanket Horse. 72" x 52". Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machine Washable. Machine Dry At Low Heat. Great Condition. $25. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Body Fat Scale. Digital Display. Precision of 100g. Precision Body Fat 0.1%. Max 140 kg. Save Info for up to 10 User. User Guide. Orig.Box. $10. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Book: Sophie Kinsella "Confessions of a shopaholic" in good condition, $3, 0175-6298926, pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber
Accident Repairs Body Work +21'$ $&85$ Maintenance Warranty - Work www.honda-ecker.de Damage Estimates hauptstuhl@honda-ecker.de Tax Free Mon-FSJ t Sat 0900-1300 á .DLVHUVtU +DXSWVWXKO
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Candle Holder. Iron Base with Glass Cylinder. 9" High. $25. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Canister Vaccum Cleaner, Crevice Tool, Upholstery Tool, Floor Brush, Mattress Brush, Extra Filters, User Guide, great for car cleaning, â&#x201A;Ź50, chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Cannondale V500, aluminum frame, blue, Manitou front shocks (broken, and no longer have the original forks). Come and get it! aarontgrogg@gmail.com Canon Camera w/Case. Canon Camera Sure Shot 85 Zoom. User Guide. Orig.Box. Case Logic Camera Case 3 Pockets (2 Zipper Pockets. Belt Loop. Very Sturdy. $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Chopper. Stainless Steel Blades. Stainless Steel Body for Durability. Orig.Box. NEW. $20. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Cognac/Brandy Glass Set. Engraved Horse. With Box. $25. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Comforter Set. Buttons connect the 2 Comforter into 1. Great Quality. 75" x 54". Orig.Packed. $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Complete set ram golf clubs + bag and c-5 pullcart, $100 OBO. Also extra 4 drivers + 4 irons + 1 hybrid + lots of extras. ckvillanue va@arcor.de or call 06204-919085 Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, chefsteven2015@gmail.com Covered Bowl Korea. Porcelain. 24 Carat Gold Trim. 3.5" Diameter. Handpainted. $35. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower, $150, 2 years old Please contact goworko_99505@yahoo.com Crystal Heart Rosenthal, Germany. Heart Shaped Crystal. Clear Crystal. 3". Orig. Box. $20 chefsteven2015@gmail.com Custom-made children's kindergarten bag with name. Send me a messageif you are interested in a uniquebag for your child. Perfect present.All bags are made using wet-feltingtechnique with sheep wool, soapand water only! â&#x201A;Ź neg, dependingon design, jenniferwil king@hotmail.com
March 4, 2016
FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30. Find pictures at www.classworld.com. â&#x201A;Ź10. janina.wuttke@ gmx.de
Designer Hand bag. George Gina and Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160â&#x201A;Ź for the bag. Asking â&#x201A;Ź50, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com or 017622987498 Dog Feeder. Adjustable Bowl Height to your Dog's Needs. Perfect for Growing Puppies or Senior Dogs. 2 Stainless Steel Bowls (Dishwasher Safe) Each Bowl (1.6Qt.) 17.4"H x 15.7"L x 18.8"W. Very Sturdy. Orig. Box. $35. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Eco warrior shoulder bag, handmade felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, â&#x201A;Ź25, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, chefsteven2015@gmail Electric Kettle 1.7ltr. 1500 Watts On/Off Light Automatic Shut-off Dual Water Windows Cordless (Lifts off Base for cordless pouring) User Guide Orig.Box $25. chefsteven2015@gmail.com ESPRIT Curtains 19Euro each in very good condition, Pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne Cell 0175-6298926 Garmin 360 Navigation, $50, spvendor@gmail.com
Kaiserslautern American Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made felt bag with blue design, medium size, â&#x201A;Ź30, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com For Sale, $100, ysamek@google mail.com, German 220 whirlpool front loader washing machine. Good condition, used very little. Please call 0163-8853574 after 1700hrs. For Sale, â&#x201A;Ź150, ysamek@google mail.com, German 220, Whirlpool front loader washing machine. Please after 1700 hrs. 01638853574 For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States Commermorative Presidential Collection, spvendor@gmail.com
Page 35
German Pewter Cup Set. Engraved with Wildlife Theme. 3.25"High. 95% Pewter. NEW. $25. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a bow on the back. â&#x201A;Ź15. For pics see www.class-world.com. ConGerman Pewter Cup. Engraved tact janina.wuttke@gmx.de with Steffi Graf Design (3 Different Items for Sale, Crane tabletop Motifs). 3.5" High. 95% Pewter. leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, Calla$50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com way Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons, German Pewter Plate. Engraved PW, SW, good condition, $40.00. with all 16 German Regional Dis- Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@ trict Logos. 9"Diameter. $45. t-online.de or 0171-363 0906. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Griddler Cuisinart, Dual Tempera- Marilyn Monroe Glass Coasters ture Controls for Grill/Panini and Set of 4. $12. chefsteven2015@ Griddle, Reversible Nonstick Pla- gmail.com tes Switch from Grill to Griddle, Integrated Drip Tray for Easy Storage, User Guide, Orig.Box, NEW, $75, chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Kitchen Aid Hand Blender silver. 2 Speed. Quiet, Powerful Motor. Blend, Puree and Crush. Soft Grip Handle. Blending Arm Dishwasher Safe. 3 Cup Jar with Lid. User Guide. Orig.Box. NEW. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Lot's of things, All Free. A stand for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A Cuisiant toaster 110V. goworko_99505@yahoo.com
Hand-carved Indonesian table + 6 chairs + two matching cabinets $990 Indonesian and Thai dolls each $35 Antique French Louis XIV cabinet - $750Set of 6 Indonesian shadow dolls - $125, call 06374-991073
All work guaranteed!
Like New Poker Chips with carryFoxy lady, small felt shoulder bag ing case, $20.00, spvendor@ with fox design. Discover your gmail.com wild side! All bags are completely environmentally friendly made with wool, soap and water only!â&#x201A;Ź25, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com German Beer Stein Octoberfest. Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage). Limited Edition. Heavy Quality. 10"High. $125. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com German Beer Stein Wildlife. Fox Design. Decorative Pewter Lid (Fox). Heavy Quality. 10"High. $105. chefsteven2015@gmail.com German Beer Stein. Famous German Attraction Theme. Pewter Lid 9.5"HIGH. $95. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com German Beerstein. Kaiserslautern and famous German Cities Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5"High. Bottom is a little chipped (don't see it if Displayed Only). $45. chefsteven2015@gmail.com August-SĂźĂ&#x;dorf Str. 12 Gilde Clown. Gilde, Germany. 66877 Ramstein 3.5" High. Handpainted. $15. Phone 06371/614824 chefsteven2015@gmail.com www.michasautoservice.de
Michaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Autoservice Repairs - all makes & models Tune-ups, Brake service USAA accident repairs Free towing Ramstein Area
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67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof
Page 36
Kaiserslautern American
FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com
Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in white gold. Asking best offer $795. Will accept $ or €. Call: 06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00. My husband has various movies for sale 3 Euro each. Pick up in Hochspeyer or meet me on Kleber Kaserne. Phone: 01756298926 New with tags boy-clothes Size 5/ 6,4 € each Pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne, mela nie.prinz@yahoo.de
Marilyn Monroe Box 12" x 8". Nike Sports Bag Large. Black. 3 $20. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Compartments. 2ft. Long x 1ft. High x 1ft. Wide. $45. Milk Frother for 8 oz. frothed milk chefsteven2015@gmail.com and 12 oz. steamed milk. Dish- Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price washer Safe Removable Milk Pit- new was 49€, never used, was a cher with see-through lid. Fro- bday present, selling price €20, thing and Heating Disks. 3 Tempe- for pics please see classrature. User Guide + Orig. Box. world.com, s.vogl75@web.de $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For Mountainbike for men, matt pictures visit www.classblack, Continental wheeles. Has 1 world.com. €10. janina.wuttke@ flat wheel, but I will give you a gmx.de new inner tube to fix it. For pickup Rice Cooker w/Cable. 3 Cup (maonly in Kaiserslautern city. Call Nakes up to 6 Cups of cooked rice). bil at 0176 - 79 222 999 Removable Cooking Pot. Glass Lid. Keep Warm Function (Indicator Light). Cook Indicator Light. Spatula+Measuring Cup. User Guide. Orig.Box. $10. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Open every Friday + Saturday 8 am – 4 pm
Ramstein, R i Fl Flurstr. 4 Tel. 0163-1 90 57 17
Roza’s Fine Handmade Carpets Original Flemish Tapestries.
Rosina Wachtmeister Glass Cat Pair. Can be used with Metal Stake (incl.) or without. 32" High. Goebel, Germany. Orig.Box. $75. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Samsonite Sports Bag. Heavy Duty Quality. Great as Sports / Travel Bag. $45. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Sheep Pendulum Clock, Makes Sheep Sound and Sheep Appears every Hour (Noise can be muted). Orig. Box. NEW. $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com Steam Iron. 1700 Watts Power. Stainless Steel Soleplate. Variable Steam Control. Pro Vertical Steam. Spray Button. 3 Way Smart Auto Off. Extra Large Water Tank (8.4oz.). Self Clean. Made in Germany. Excellent Working. User Guide. Orig.Box. $60. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Striped hand-made felt shoulder bag, large, trend colors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Super Mario kart lunch cooler, $8,017622987498 Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible throw. Fitted sheet pillow case and lining. Never used. Paid over $100, asking $65,017622987498. Swarovski Crystal Mouse. Collectible Edition. Made in Austria. Orig.Box. Great Condition. $50 chefsteven2015@gmail.com Swiss Cow Bell. $15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
· Handmade Carpets · Authentic Kilims · Pashminas, large variety · Silver Turkish Mirrors · Evil Eye Jewelry · Carpet Mouse Pads & bags · Turkish Mosaic Lamps · Hand painted Turkish ceramics · Place Mats & Table Runners
Swarovski Pegasus - From the 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking $500.Ph. 06374/944828 Target practice, eco warrior shoulder bag, hand-made felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com The Swarovski Pierrot measures 8". This is the first edition of "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999. isabell_1_98@yahoo.com Toaster, 4 Slice Long Slot, 7 Adjustable Shade Settings, Bagel + Frozen Buttons, Toast + Cancel Buttons, Removable Crumb Tray, User Guide, Orig.Box, $25, chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Wall Decor Picture. Hand Crafted. Deer Hide. Made In Siberia. $85. chefsteven2015@gmail.com White mink coat, worn only once, best offer (Orig. Cost $8,000.00) 06374-5162 WMF Cookware 11pc. Covered Low Casserole 16cm+20cm. Covered High Casserole 16cm+20cm+24cm. Saucepan 16cm. Cold Handles of Stainless Steel. Dishwasher and Oven Safe. Orig.Box. $350. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com WMF Drinking Cup Stainless Steel. 350ml. Dishwasher Safe WMF Germany. $20. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Tray. Plush Cushion Base provides comfort and stability. 17.5" x 13.5". $20. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com V&B Cermaic X-MAS Ornament Set: German Male/Female Gingerbread Ornaments. 4" High, villeroy & Boch Germany. NEW. WMF Knife Set with Storage Orig.Box. $20. chefsteven2015@ Block (Wood). 9 Pieces. Blades gmail.com made from Forged Special Blade Various Boy-Clothes Sizes: 4 - 6 Steel. Made in Germany. Orig. $350 chefsteven2015@ in excellent condition. Pick up in Box. Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaser- gmail.com ne. Phone: 0175-6298926 Each WMF Napkin Holder. Stainless item is 3 Euro / Pajamas 5 EUro Steel. Orig.Box. $25 each. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Various KIDS Movies for sale 3 Euro each except for the Thomas the train ones (they are new in package) 5$ each. Pick up in Hochspeyer or meet me on Kleber Kaserne Phone: 01756298926
WMF Silverware 30 Pieces. Stainless Steel. Dishwasher Safe. WMF Germany. Orig. Box. $75. chefsteven2015@gmail.com
Wristwatch Zodiac Sign. Gemini Design. Black Leather Band. Orig. Box. NEW. $25. chefsteven2015@ Various music CDs for sale, all gmail.com from the 2000er years. Single CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina Aguilera etc. for €3, music samplers like Bravo Hits and The Dome €4. For a picture of the selection All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com see www.class-world.com. Con2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather tact janina.wuttke@gmx.de Various size new gym bags white. €230 for both chairs. Like $10.00 each, spvendor@ new condition. Please contact Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@ gmail.com gmail.com Viking Sword. Handle and Blade 3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00, Engraved on both Sides. Real Steel. With Black Wall Display parwk@superkabel.de Mount. Made in Spain. $275. Clock, $150.00, spvendor@ chefsteven2015@gmail.com gmail.com
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March 4, 2016
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March 4, 2016
Kaiserslautern American
FURNITURE All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com 8 Drawer Dresser. Lots of storage space. 45"H. x 29"W x 14"D. $75. Picture shows 2 Dressers. bethmary100@gmail.com
Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed. Headboard, Footboard and Rails. Cherry Wood. Very Sturdy. Assembly is easy, no tools required. Made in USA. EUR 270. bethmary100@gmail.com American Bedroom Set, €190, (or make offer), consisting of dresser with 3part mirror, and 2 night tables, solid oak with brass handles, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran cuml@yahoo.com Antique 100 yr.old German china cabinet, matching dining table with 4 chairs. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674, €950, eyates9761@aol.com Antique Bench, with cushion seat, storage space and wheels. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674, €600, eyates9761@aol.com
Antique Brittany French Bench for 300$, antique French Louis XIV Schrank 650$, antique German dark oak buffet $500 Call 06374-991073 pls leave message Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, €150, eyates9761@ aol.com Antique English Book Case, $75, 45 inches high, 11 inches deep, 29 inches wide. Curved Door with Glass Insets. Side Panels with Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Antique French Louis XIV Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073 pls leave amessage. Antique reproduction secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674, €120, eyates9761@aol.com Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid wood frame. Mattress like new condition. €75, jcambr@ya hoo.com Beige leather couch. Purchased at City Polster. Original price €1300. Real leather. Need space else Id keep it.Must pick up in Rodenbach. $500, 017622987198 or isabell_1_98@yahoo.com Blue rug with Janosch design for little boys room. Paid €50 from Mobil Martin. Asking $20. 017622987498 Brown Corduroy Upholstered Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140, Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@ gmail.com
CD/DVD Storage with 12 adjustable shelves. 45"H. x 26"W. x 10"DEEP. $45. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Cherrywood Coffee Table and End Table Set, $250.00, Akdippoli to@yahoo.com Coffee Table w/Magazine Shelf and Glass Center Piece. 4x2ft. 16"High. $245. bethmary100@ gmail.com Complete German Water Bed Luna- 12 Years Old, May need one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick up. Pleasecontact: goworko_99505@yahoo.com Couch Relax Chair, €199, great furniture use as a relax chair or bed diff moves, cover washable, like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and pet free home, cell 015145261009 stefandsanya@ gmail.com Couch Table. Glass Table with Magazine Shelf (Wood). 46"L. x 27"W. $50. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Desk (with 3 rollout shelves). 30"H. x 35.5"W. x 18"Deep. $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Dining room table and five wooden chairs. (4 shown) €100, jcambr@yahoo.com Dining Table Set. Dining table w/ 4 design chairs. Dining table 61.5" x 44". Without extension 44" in diameter. Includes 4 design chairs. Great Condition. $450. bethmary100@gmail.com Leather Wingback Chair, jcambr@yahoo.com
Page 37 Free Wooden Dining Set. A classic! Table(41x41")plus 2 leaves (12" wide each). 4 chairs. No major damage, just small nicks. May want to refinish top. If you can haul it, it's yours! Call 0631 41 23 71 34 Kaiserslautern, sharonnewton0413@aol.com Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank), $250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 sections are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is 1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Hanging Rails, Many Shelves. We will help take apart. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140 La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75, Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297 6140. Mantel Clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour, $70.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Metal Coat Rack with Brass Buttons Very Sturdy 69"H. x 16"W. $95. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Metal Headboard+Footboard, Queen Size, Brushed Nickel Finish, Metal Gauge Tubing, Solid Bar Wire, €300, bethmary100@ gmail.com Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo microscope with various parts and lenses included. Excellent condition. €400, jcambr@ya hoo.com Solid rustic oak dining room, €500, (or make offer) cabinet 3,80m long, table 2m long with 8 chairs. Hel-Sus80@gmx.de
One Each 2&3-Seat Couches, €500.00. Like new from smoke & pet-free home, anthracite-colored cloth front & back. New price 1450€ asking 500€. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 after 8PM. parwk@superkabel.de Recliner couch loveseat leather, $390, stefandsanya@gmail.com, real leather black, works great not often used, very comfy, back pillows come off easy to carry, cell 0152-06786080
Solid Oak table with 4 matching chairs for sale. Table can be extended with an extra leaf. To pick up in Rodenbach. Call 01711805105 White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/ Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, $150, eyates9761@aol.com
we take VAT forms
free delivery on purchases from €299
15 %
Oak table with extra leaf to extend table. Has unique carvings. Must pick up. Not able to deliver. Location Rodenbach $400, 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya hoo.com
we accept Master Card and Visa
off on two items
OBI Kaiserslautern off an item of your
off an item of your
Opelkreisel 16, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Page 38
Kaiserslautern American
FURNITURE All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com
FSBO Upscale finishes ie granite Freest house in Alsenborn 4BR countertops, LRMC 15 min, RAB liv/din rm bik panrty rm laundry rm 2,5 baths terrace yard, storage 20 min 01717592197 rm in shed and covered grill area free park spot 155 sqm liv space â&#x201A;Ź1100+util+â&#x201A;Ź30 for extra rm, House for sale by owner near 0174-7403626 / 06303-925656 RAFB, completely furnished, incluFSH 240sqm live-space in Spesded Fridge, washer, dryer, Sauna. Investors grade with zero interest bach, Langewanne 12a, built year on mortgage, asking EUR 225K, 2002,4BR, 2bathrm, 2storagerm, laundryrm, liv/dinrm, BIK, fireTel.06374-5162 place, terrace, garden, garage, studio, â&#x201A;Ź1850, 0160-5912616
HOUSES FOR RENT White luxus designer couch, 37in W X 82in L, asking $875.00 or All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com BO. Excellent condtion. More info, please after 1700 hrs. Cell 4BR-Duplex in Altenglan, â&#x201A;Ź900, House 190spm 3km to RAB, 01638853574 chris.huet@freenet.de speed DSL, 4BDR, big LIV.Buld in Kitchen, 2baths, Basem. New stoZither, â&#x201A;Ź950 (or make offer), fran rerm, big yard, Garage and cuml@yahoo.com, 06302-5554 Charming FS House in Macken- 3park.Rent 1250.-â&#x201A;Ź call Doris near Sembach bach! 7km RAB, 266sqm, 4BR, 06381 3510 o. 01752011139 e-m 3.5baths, 2 BIKs, Livrm w/din doriswendelgeil@t-online.de, Pets area, basement, dbl.garage, parti- ok ally fenced yard, 3patios, House for rent, 327sqm, 5BDR, 1balcony, oil-heating, 1fireplace, 2livrms, 2baths, BIK, 2-car garaAll ads & pics on www.finditguide.com NO pets, rent 2000â&#x201A;Ź+100â&#x201A;Ź for ga- ge, big yard, quiet location rage+util. Avail. Feb.1, NO â&#x201A;Ź1540+util, 67752 Rutsweiler/LauMackenbach: 2006 built luxury FINDER'S FEE! For more info ter, Am Sess 8, pls call 0176house, quiet living area. Open please contact G.I Bill Pay Ser- 70675001 floor plan floor heat on both levels vice & Real Estate at ramstein@gi House in Ramstein, 115sqm, large attractive kitchen, lingroom billpay.com or 06371-465407 or 4BR, 1livrm, BIK, 1bath w/tub + w/ open fire place, diningarea, 0160-1065196. All our current lis1bath w/shower, balcony, showerbathroom on bottom floor, tings can be viewed at www.gibill â&#x201A;Ź690+util, no pets, 0176upper floor big full bathroom, 3 pay.com/realestate. We also offer 52119159 bedroom 2 with walkin closets furconvenient Euro bill pay service nishedLarge insolated attic, set House Landstuhl - Auf der Pick, and consulting. up for americ washer/dryer in Utili3BR 2bath BIK grdn flr-heat, ty room Europ and americ TV 06333-955220 or 01733122559 connect Large 2 car garage with Kaiserslauten, FSH, 340sqm, work room and full attic. Beautifull Freestanding south facing house 7BDR, 4baths, 2gar, rent â&#x201A;Ź2530, Hirschhorn, 200m²/453m², well maintained ward with fruit in Dzepezauer@aol.com, Dieter trees large patio. â&#x201A;Ź 385.000,--RE/ 4bedrooms, 2livingrooms, baths, 01726823232 MAX Real estate center Kaisers- bik, pantry, laundry, balcony, doulautern Wolfgang.Wiedmann@re ble garage, rent â&#x201A;Ź1450 +, call Waldfischbach, 155sqm, duplex, 4rm, bik, liv/din, 2bath, garage, 06322 958122or 015775332365 max.de Tel 01706850060 yard, 1030â&#x201A;Ź+utl., 0162-9592106
Practice Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDS
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March 4, 2016 Kusel - Ehweiler: Freestanding 4 bedr., 2 bath, built-in-kit., living-dinimgrm., patio, yard, Garage 1460,-- â&#x201A;Ź + util www.agra-immobili en.de 06371-57656 Large house in Ramstein City, 5 bedr, 2 bathr, large living dining area, basement, garage, gasheated â&#x201A;Ź 1.600,-- neg.Area GlanMĂźnchweiler nice bungalow 3 bedr, 1,25 bathr, partyroom, Garage great yard â&#x201A;Ź 1050,-- Rodenbach Appartement 143 sqm, 4 bedroom, livingr, kitchen 1.5 bath, balcony garage and offstreet parking â&#x201A;Ź 860,--.RE/MAX Real estate center Kaiserslautern Wolf gang.Wiedmann@remax.de Tel 01706850060 Ramstein 10 min, new house, 200sqm, 5BDR, 3baths, pets welcome, rent â&#x201A;Ź1100, No Fee, Dzepe zauer@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 Ramstein area: Exclusive house for rent, great view to castle Lichtenburg and Vally, 4BR, 2bathrms, 2livrms (w/fireplace & woooden floors) 2 kitchens included, garage for 2 cars, garden, terrace. Now avail for rent. â&#x201A;Ź1300+â&#x201A;Ź180 other charges. 072744858 or 01718387516
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67655 Kaiserslautern Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 46
All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com Lookin for Sportster parts or a bike ( Ironhead too ) which needs some work, basket case or sittin longer time too. BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just make me your offer what you have and we will see. 2wheelmechanic@web.de
OFFICE SPACE All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com Office space, 120sqm, 3rms, parking, with huge show window, Lanstuhlerstrasse 55 in Ramstein, 800meters from RAB, â&#x201A;Ź750,015115069113
Philipp-Reis-Str. 9 Please call Yoko for an appointment 66849 Landstuhl
01 76 â&#x20AC;˘ 62 19 77 28
Semi - Detached House 200 sqm near Ramstein, â&#x201A;Ź1250, rent@geibti mo.de / 06383 - 5947, Small village freshly renovated 5 rooms 2 All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com Bathrooms + guest toilet + utility room. Big double garage optional. With energy pass Are you 38 y/o m, 6.74 tall who loves someone's voice, scarfs Siegelbach New renov House, and letters? Bananasplit isn't just 85sqm+40sqm basementrm, BIK, something sweet but reminds you 2BR, livrm, carpark, new of a wonderful time? Then you are 1.75bathrm, yard, garden house, the one! Looking forward to hear terrace, quiet area, â&#x201A;Ź580+util, from you, or you know him and 0176-96720310 you pass him my mail. mailbox@ secure.directbox.com
Weilerbach: Freestanding 4 bedr., 2 ½ bath, 2 built-in-kit., living-diningrm., basement, patio, yard, 2 garages, 1.650,--â&#x201A;Ź + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656
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PETS All ads & pics on www.finditguide.com There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house. Kinder Art. Creative and classical hands-on art instruction combined w/ exposure to various musical generes. 90 minute classes weekly. Contact Snhch@hot mail.com Massage experts licensed and trained in Thailand nearly 20 years. Home service available with your 2-hour therapy appointment. Ramstein & vicinity. Call Tanya/Dee @0152-5102-0461
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