Experience Magazine April 2023

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5 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HUB New Hub Offers Access to Behavioral Health Assessments and Appointments



The Montoya Family Grew by More Than Just Their Rainbow Baby Thanks to Their Experience at The Baby Place


The Leading Edge Robotic Surgery Option that Gave the Patient the Chance to Choose Her Best Road Back to Feeling Whole 12

Whole-Person Care — Body, Mind and Spirit | 2023, Volume 1

Creating a Whole Health Team:

The Value of Primary Care Physicians for Women’s Health

Women’s health care needs go far beyond reproductive and gynecological wellness. That’s why many of our patients make it a priority to have a primary care physician as part of their whole health team.

When Pam Hertner was looking for a new primary care physician, it was hard to beat the convenience of care she found with Nicki Frost, MD. More than just the convenient location, Pam was also impressed with the wide array of services offered at the AdventHealth Medical Group Multispecialty at Candler* location.

“We are about two minutes from her office,” Pam says, “And we kinda missed having a full-service doctor’s office. So when we found out Dr. Frost was taking new patients, we were interested in meeting her.”

Dr. Frost is a board-certified family medicine physician who cares for patients of all ages. She provides whole-person care through the use of lifestyle medicine to improve overall health outcomes. Dr. Frost enjoys getting to know her patients and being a resource for them to achieve their health care goals.

“I personally went into Primary Care because of the ability to build long term relationships with patients,” Dr. Frosts explains, “I think it’s really rewarding for both the doctor and the patient to get to know each other on a personal level and be able to grow together and work toward achieving health goals together.”

Pam was curious about Dr. Frost and how she would feel about the new office. After her first visit, Pam was positive she had found the right doctor. “I have never, ever had a physician who was more thorough, who was more caring, who was more interested in me as a person, not just a patient. And I walked away thinking, ‘this is the best thing that could’ve happened.’”

“I met Pam a couple months ago,” Dr. Frosts says, “She was just establishing care with me as a new patient. And I was immediately struck by how open she was and how excited she was to be starting this new relationship with a primary care doctor. I’ve really enjoyed talking to her, not necessarily about her health concerns, but about her overall goals for her life, and how we can optimize her health so she can meet those goals.”

As a woman, it has always been important for Pam to keep up with her health. Finding a doctor she felt confident would take care of all her health care needs was a relief. “Dr. Frost is a doctor that’s capable and willing to cover all the aspects of my health care,” she says, “As a woman, I would like to know that I don’t have to go to my gynecologist for maybe a simple problem, that Dr. Frost could handle that.”

“I think women tend to be really good at caring for others, whether it be their own families, co-workers, or clients at work,” Dr. Frosts shares, “I think having a primary care doctor is super important for women to have someone who cares for them and encourages them to care for themselves.”

Dr. Frost is excited about being able to care for and support women through their health and wellness journey. She is also enthusiastic about providing whole-person care to entire families. Getting to know multiple members of the same family is a huge component of providing whole-person care.

For Pam, the difference in care has been apparent from the beginning. “You feel that she wants to be that number one health care provider,” Pam explains, “and you feel confident that you’re in good hands. To have the confidence that she knows who you are, and she’s going to do everything she can to help you, that’s a good feeling.”

Dr. Frost is caring for patients at AdventHealth Medical Group Multispecialty at Candler. She is welcoming new patients. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit AdventHealthNC.com or call 828-365-7652.

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* A hospital department of AdventHealth Hendersonville

Stay Well Ahead with

Expanded Choices for Care

Our Primary and Specialty Care Provider Teams are Growing

As the world of health care grows increasingly complex, AdventHealth is committed to making it easy for you to receive


Tate Maddox, MD


Carla Renaldo, MD Internal Medicine

the care you need when and where you want it. You now have more choices for whole-person care – body, mind and spirit. Meet the newest board-certified physicians and providers offering primary and specialized care at AdventHealth Hendersonville.


Abigail Biberdorf, AuD


Martha Moore, PhD, LCMHC

Jaime Roy, MPAS, PA-C Family Medicine

Nicki Frost, MD Family Medicine

Angela Trogdon, MSN, MPH, FNP-C Family Medicine


Christine Moore, DO

Doug Thompson, MD Medical Director

Rachel Bloomer, LCSW


Jeremy Beckworth, MD


Natalie Rochester, MD, FACOG


Robert Cook, MD

To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit AdventHealthNC.com or call 855-774-LIFE (5433).

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Mental Health and Wellness Matters:

New Hub offers access to behavioral health assessments and appointments.

Mental health and wellness are a vital part of whole health for everyone. Like other health issues, mental disorders can affect women and men differently. Here in the US, women are twice as likely to experience mental health issues than men. Some of the more common disorders in women include depression and anxiety.

For all of us, the stigma attached to acknowledging and reaching out for help with a mental health issue can keep people from receiving proven, effective care to help. That is part of the reason AdventHealth Hendersonville has created a new Behavioral Health Hub, a resource for patients to receive behavioral health support.

People aged 18 or older, who are not experiencing thoughts of harm to themselves or others, can call the Behavioral Health Hub anytime and speak with a specially trained nurse. Based on the conversation, the nurse will schedule an appointment during times designated specifically for people reaching out through the Behavioral Health Hub. All behavioral health assessments are completed by one of AdventHealth’s licensed providers.

If the nurse determines the caller needs more immediate assistance, they will guide the patient or family member on the next steps to take, up to and including going to the nearest emergency department.


Monday – Thursday | 8:30 am to 5 pm 828-650-8130 | After Hours 828-681-2288

If you or an individual is experiencing thoughts of harm to themselves or others, please call 911 or got to an Emergency Department for immediate care.

Peer Support Team

Shanna Greenlee, MSN, RN is used to providing support to those around her.

As an Assistant Nurse Manager in the AdventHealth Hendersonville Behavioral Health Unit, she supports her team members and directors. Together they provide whole-person care in a consistent and compassionate environment.

But in late spring 2022, Shanna realized that her cup was empty. She was stressed, overwhelmed, and needed support herself. That’s when she reached out to the Peer Support Team at AdventHealth Hendersonville.

“I just had a realization one day that I’ve worried so much about everybody else, but I’m not ok,” Shanna says, “Of course I knew about peer support, and as a leader myself, I had seen it for my teammates. So I reached out to one member in particular who I’d worked closely with, and said ‘I’m not ok, and I’d like to talk.’ She set aside time to meet with me and she let me talk.”

The Peer Support Team is a group of volunteers from the AdventHealth team who respond to individual team members, or sometimes a whole unit, which may have experienced a traumatic event, stressful incident, or maybe just need someone to listen while they talk.

The Peer Support Team goes through training in peer support/critical incident stress management. According to Gretchen Nicholson, MBA, MT, CPHRM, CPHQ, the Director of the Office of Collaborative Improvement & Medical Staff Service for AdventHealth Hendersonville, the goal of the program is really a whole-person response to team members, to take care of them so they can continue to do their jobs safely and know they are supported.

“Health care workers experience stress and they experience trauma,” Nicholson explains, “This is our response to helping them let go of some of that… and have a healthy way to do it.”

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Scan the QR code to learn more about AdventHealth Behavioral Health care.

Created in 2019, the Peer Support Team at AdventHealth Hendersonville is a pioneer of its kind in the health care sector. The Peer Support team used the WNC Peer Support Network and Critical Incident Stress Management training to create its program. That is the same training police and fire departments use for their staff. The Peer Support Team modified and tailored the training to meet the unique needs of a health care setting. AdventHealth Hendersonville is the first hospital in the WNC region to offer peer support for team members.

“I think it’s something that needs to happen in every hospital, but I think we’re kind of like a new model of it that we developed ourselves,” says Patient Safety Specialist Micki Kidd, MSN, RN, “Now it’s just been ingrained into our culture that it’s available. The team members actually tell us what a great thing it is and how appreciative they are that we come to them. They’ve never had something like that before.”

For Shanna, just having someone there to listen and offer support made a huge difference. The Peer Support Team Member reminded her about self-care and offered suggestions and ideas of ways she could help manage her stress. Shanna was able to prioritize self-care by changing daily habits, like taking her lunch break outside or taking a break to go for a walk.

“Of course I work in behavioral health, so mental health is really important to me,” Shanna explains, “I know there

is a lot of stigma - even asking for help. I try to live outside of that stigma. To say it’s ok to ask for help, and to encourage others to ask for help.”

“Our goal is to take care of our team members.” Nicholson explains, “To respond to them and to acknowledge what happened. This [Peer Support] team is trained to listen, acknowledge, reframe, ask team members what they do to cope with things, and identify ways that they can understand how they are reacting to certain situations and how to work through it.”

The Peer Support Team has grown to about 20 volunteers that respond to around 3 to 5 events per week. “I think that our team members are so fortunate to have this,” Kidd says, “and I’m so fortunate that I can work for an organization that is able to provide this for the team members, because burnout is high, and resilience is hard when you’re burnt out. So any little thing that we can do to help people become more resilient and keep them safe and not feeling defeated, that’s a big win.”

Shanna was so impressed with her experience that she decided to join the Peer Support Team in November 2022. “It makes me feel like I am able to give back and be useful,” Shanna shares, “especially having experienced it, not only for my team, but for myself as an individual and how important it is, and to know the benefits that I received from it. I’ll hopefully be able to instill that in somebody else, or several other people.”

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“I just had a realization one day that I’ve worried so much about everybody else, but I’m not ok.”

How the Healers

AdventHealth OB/GYN, Natalie Rochester, MD, FACOG, explains how feeling whole personally empowers her to deliver whole-person care to every person, every time.

When Natalie Rochester, MD, FACOG, joined AdventHealth Hendersonville in November 2022, she was excited about the opportunity for a healthy work/life balance. The board-certified OB/GYN was ready to refocus her time and energy into what makes her feel whole, spending time with her family. The ability to be present with her family and experience wholeness, allows her to provide better whole-person care to those around her.

“The thing that I think really fills my love cup and helps me feel charged and ready to go, is being with my family,” Dr. Rochester explains, “We love to play outside, we love to garden, we just like to do things together. When I have time to be with my family, I feel like that makes me whole and helps me be able to bring my best self to work. I’m better able to provide what my individual patients need when they need it.”

Dr. Rochester is married and the mother of two young daughters. Through her personal experience, she’s able to empathize with her patients, and understands the challenges women face. She’s committed to providing exceptional, compassionate care for women in all stages of life.

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OB/GYN, Natalie Rochester, MD, FACOG providing whole-person care to her patient in Candler. Dr. Rochester finds moments to feel whole with her family.

“I feel like sometimes people have a lot of fear when it comes to obstetrics or gynecology,” Dr. Rochester says, “and I think having access to great, quality care, and to know that there’s a human side of medicine – that’s what motivates me.”

Dr. Rochester puts it simply. She is able to bring uncommon compassion to her role as a physician thanks to her ability to maintain her self-care through time with her family. This balance is something she shares with her patients in her effort to help them learn how to feel whole, too.

“I think in so many ways, women go through physical, emotional, and mental changes throughout our lives,” she shares. “Providing for those needs, and meeting the health care needs of women is important for the health of our generations to come. I think that women who feel healthy and cared for are going to be able to be better parents, partners, and workers. I think it’s important for today, and it’s important for the future.”

Dr. Rochester is caring for patients at AdventHealth Medical Group Multispecialty at Candler*. She is welcoming new patients. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit AdventHealthNC.com or call 828-365-7652.

The world’s not the same as it was. Work isn’t, either. It’s time for a shift. One that allows you to unlock your potential, use your skills and build a better future. So, we’re extending our resources to support you physically, mentally and spiritually. Opening doors so you can dream bigger. Growing your talents so you can take the next step. Supporting your goals with debt-free education. This is our new standard of care. For you.

Learn more at JoinAdventHealth.com.

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We see you.
The whole you.
We are making a shift to a new standard of care for our team.
* A hospital department of AdventHealth Hendersonville

The After the Storm

AdventHealth is part of our family now, our story.
“ ”

After experiencing a devastating miscarriage in early 2022, Daniela Montoya knew it was time to find a health care provider who practiced compassionate, whole-person care. That’s when she heard about Kenneth W. Jackson, MD, FACOG, and the team at AdventHealth Medical Group Obstetrics and Gynecology*.

“I went to the appointment with him,” Daniela remembers, “And we found out there that I was pregnant again.” Daniela was thrilled to hear this news and to be connecting with a new doctor and team as this pregnancy progressed. “Since the beginning, the whole team was amazing. They were super supportive, and I had a very good relationship with the doctor.”

Daniela was especially impressed with the way that Dr. Jackson made sure to include her husband, Julian, in the appointments. “He was included in all the conversations, and he [Dr. Jackson] was talking to both of us, not only to me. And that was really nice of him.”

A routine screening discovered Daniela’s baby had polydactyly, a genetic condition causing an extra finger on each hand.

Julian had been born with the same condition. Daniela and Julian worked with their AdventHealth care team to make plans for a procedure to remove the extra digits after the baby’s birth.

Later in Daniela’s pregnancy, Dr. Jackson and his team discovered the umbilical cord was connected to the corner of the placenta instead of the middle. This can decrease fluid and oxygen flow to the baby. To make sure the baby did not go into distress, Daniela would need to be induced a few weeks prior to her due date.

On November 25, Daniela went into The Baby Place at AdventHealth Hendersonville to continue close monitoring. Two days later, it was time to induce. “Of course I was super scared,” Daniela recalls, “but they were telling me step by step what was going to happen, and what they were doing. That helps you a lot because it gives you a lot of peace of mind. They make you get focused on what’s going to happen after all that pain. You just feel like they’re taking care of you in every single way.”

After making little progress during labor, Dr. Jackson’s colleague, Natalie Rochester, MD, FACOG explained to Daniela that they needed to perform an emergency cesarean section

because the baby wasn’t tolerating contractions. “It was a beautiful delivery,” Dr. Rochester says, “after the baby was delivered there was evidence of a small hematoma or blood clot in the umbilical cord which likely related to the baby’s intolerance of labor. Thankfully, baby and mom did well.”

Daniela’s baby, Gabriella, was born on November 28, 2022. AdventHealth Hendersonville Pediatric Hospitalist, Heather Krueger, MD performed the procedure to remove the extra fingers the following day.

“Gabriella was a precious newborn,” Dr. Krueger remembers, “Gabriella’s father was also born with an extra finger on each hand. He showed me the small scars from where each one was removed when he was a newborn.” Before the procedure, Dr. Krueger helped him take pictures of Gabriela’s hands so he could show her the special connection they shared.

The procedure went well, making the family even more thrilled with the care they received at The Baby Place. “I felt like I was treated as a human, not as a number, and that was great,” Daniela shares, “They were very professional and friendly. They treat you and your family in a way that you feel comfortable to be in that place. We’re glad they were a part of this experience with our family.”

“When looking at the whole person, it’s important to know that all parents who are awaiting the delivery of their child have anxiety,” Dr. Rochester says, “Labor can be scary for some people and our prior experiences and family experiences can play into this. Having been able to connect with this family, listen to concerns and address them helped provide for their needs at delivery.”

Daniela and Julian were in love with Gabriella the moment they laid eyes on her and have been enjoying getting to know their precious baby girl in the months since her birth. They are excited to continue to share their journey and family alongside The Baby Place at AdventHealth Hendersonville thanks to a very special connection.

“AdventHealth is part of our family now, our story,” Daniela says, “and we definitely will go back when we have our next child, because we had a great experience. We found nice, great people there, and we felt cared for.”

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Story time with Gabriella brings countless smiles. * A hospital department of AdventHealth Hendersonville

A New Addition at The Baby Place:

Enhancing our promise of exceptional care for moms and babies

Whether you’re a first-time mom or adding to your family, The Baby Place at AdventHealth offers a comprehensive, whole-person approach to maternity care. Our board-certified OB/GYNs, nursemidwives, expert pediatric providers and specially-trained nursing team work together to create a birth experience that eases your body, mind and spirit.

In January 2023, The Baby Place enhanced that collaborative care with the addition of the OB Hospitalist Group to its team of providers. Every patient coming to The Baby Place can count on an experienced OB hospitalist being on-site 24 hours a day to provide consistent, comprehensive, quality medical care to women who are pregnant or have just given birth.

The OB Hospitalist Group is the industry’s largest, dedicated OB/GYN hospitalist provider. The group’s board-certified clinicians are trained in best practices specific to OB hospitalist medicine.

The OB hospitalists are partners with your regular OB/GYN physician, so they will review your medical record and birth plan with your physician to accommodate your delivery wishes, depending on your medical circumstances.

If your obstetrician is unavailable or delayed in reaching the hospital, there is always an experienced OB/GYN physician available to offer medical expertise and provide exceptional care.

In addition to handling deliveries, OB hospitalists will assist with any issues and emergencies that may arise. This includes anything from elevated blood pressure to more serious issues that may require immediate surgery. With data showing that hospitals with OB hospitalist programs have fewer perinatal safety events and fewer cesarean deliveries, adding the OB hospitalist program to The Baby Place aligns with AdventHealth’s promise to keep patient safety at the center of all we do.

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Scan the code to discover all The Baby Place has to offer. For a tour or more information, please call 855-774-LIFE (5433). 10 | EXPERIENCE AdventHealthNC.com
OB Hospitalist, Anita Leis, MD caring for one of the newest patients she delivered at The Baby Place.

When a medical emergency hits, you want to be able to get the best care as quickly as possible. That is exactly what happened for a patient who recently experienced some serious abdominal pain that brought her to the Emergency Department at AdventHealth Hendersonville.

Kathy Erwin hadn’t been feeling well for most of the day. But after going to bed, she says the pain got worse. She told her husband she thought she needed to go to the hospital.

Her husband, former Henderson County Sheriff, George Erwin, Jr., told her he was taking her to AdventHealth because it was closer. He admits based on other emergency care needs they had at various health systems in the past year or two, he expected to find a line of people waiting to be seen. Kathy remembers she was surprised as they pulled up to see there wasn’t a long line.

When they arrived around 11 o’clock on a Saturday night, they went inside and checked in. Sheriff Erwin said within 20-minutes the nurse had taken Kathy back to check her vitals, draw blood and have X-rays taken. When Kathy came back out, the nurse told them it would probably be a couple of hours to get the results of the tests back.

“We sat there for a little while. I went over to get a snack and came back, and Kathy was gone.” Sheriff Erwin said they immediately took him back to Kathy where she was in an ER bed and receiving medication to relieve her pain.


They spent several minutes talking with the doctor and nurses. “You hear the stories of doctors pushing people through quickly, but this was not the case here,” shares Sheriff Erwin. “Everybody was so compassionate, and you could tell they were very patient-oriented. It wasn’t like they needed to hurry up and move onto the next patient.”

The ER doctor determined Kathy would need to be admitted. Not long after the conversation another nurse came in to tell them her room upstairs was ready. The sheriff sums up the timeline, “It was about 2:30 or 3 am. She was in her room, and I was back home. So the whole thing was probably 3 ½ to 4 hours total.”

Knowing Kathy was in capable and compassionate hands led Sheriff Erwin to post his gratitude for the AdventHealth team on social media. He wanted people to know when someone does a good job. “I wanted the people to know that I just had a good experience.”

Kathy spent the next few days in the hospital and is quick to share that the exceptional care continued beyond the ED, “It was wonderful. The nurses were all compassionate and caring. The CNA’s would check to see if I needed anything. Housekeeping was very polite. While I wasn’t happy being sick, it was a good experience. The level of care was excellent.”

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An ER experience that couldn’t go without gratitude from the patient’s family.
Sheriff George Erwin (retired) and wife, Kathy, give a shout-out to the AdventHealth ER Team.
We’d love to hear your experience. Please share on our social platforms.


Making it Easy to Remember Tools for Feeling Whole

A basic acronym outlines eight principles that are proven to help us live healthier and happier lives. It is called CREATION Life.

THE EIGHT PRINCIPLES ARE: Choice Rest Environment


Trust in God

Interpersonal Relationships Outlook Nutrition

This prescription for wellness is a faith-based plan that helps shape and impact our daily routines. It centers around the whole-person health philosophy for our physical, mental and spiritual wellness.


The “O” in the acronym stands for Outlook. Your outlook colors your perspective on life and influences how you view the world. It also affects the amount of hope and joy you experience. This is a pretty powerful aspect of our whole being.

Your attitude informs what you think of yourself, your job, your home, your friends – everything. In all areas of life, having a positive outlook is a great asset, while having a negative outlook creates difficulties.

Choosing a positive outlook and focusing on the good in life, even when things are bad, will make life more fulfilling.

If looking at the bright side doesn’t come naturally, there is good news. Studies show a positive outlook is something we can learn. It has to do with the way you habitually view and process life’s situations. In other words, by changing your thought habits you unleash the power of positivity.

Here are some tips for doing just that.

Practice gratitude. No matter the circumstance we can choose to highlight our blessings.

You can do this in several ways, like writing down five things for which you are grateful at the end of each day. Don’t overthink it, just put down five things you are grateful for like “Got to work on time,” “Didn’t spill coffee on my shirt,” or “Saw a billboard that made me smile.”

Did you notice none of those were major positives? There is great power in allowing your perspective to see positives in the smallest details of the day.

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Perspective is a powerful tool when it comes to your outlook regarding yourself. Instead of critiquing all you say, do, wear, think, try shifting your perspective to see all that makes you special. If that small voice inside is constantly casting doubt on your abilities, skills, worth –it is time to teach it a new script.

Take control of that voice. Make it replay the complement you received on your last project, the encouragement a friend gave as you took on a new challenge. Make sure you’re hearing your own voice reminding you that you have been created for amazing things, there is a great purpose designed specifically for you and you are worthy of kindness and love.

For more ways your outlook can help you feel whole, scan the QR code.

Sweet and Savory Combo

Dinner on the table in less than 30-minutes? This chicken dinner is sure to be a winner.

Get ready to be the winning chef when you combine fresh garlic and ginger to give a basic chicken dinner a healthy and flavorful boost. This sweet and savory combo has been part Thai and Indian cuisine for centuries. The ginger and garlic flavors add a level of spice and sweet/savory notes, and we are adding an Asian note to create what is sure to be a family favorite. Here’s an added benefit; both garlic and ginger are uncommon answers to warding off and alleviating the common cold.

Asian Garlic and Ginger Chicken

Recipe courtesy of Chef Edwin Cabrera

Prep Instructions

Yield: 4 (4 oz.) servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Recipe Ingredients

4 (4 oz.) chicken breasts

1 tablespoon sesame seeds, toasted

1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced

1/2 tablespoon fresh garlic, minced

1 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce

1 tablespoon scallions, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce


Follow the prep technique next to each ingredient. Preheat oven to 350˚F. Prepare pan with nonstick cooking spray.

Marinate chicken with all the ingredients except the sesame seeds for at least 2 hours prior to cooking. Place on a prepared sheet pan, sprinkle the sesame seeds and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165˚F.

Nutritional Data

Calories: 184.12

Fat: 5.71 g

Saturated Fat: 1.51 g

Cholesterol: 75.00 mg

Sodium: 112.94 mg

Carbohydrates: 2.96 g

Fiber: 0.36 g

Sugars: 1.70 g

Protein: 29.30 g

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What Would You Like to Do? ”

The question that gave a woman the confidence to opt for a robotic-assisted surgery to put her pain behind her for good.

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Judy Shank is passionate about serving her community through her job at the Four Seasons Hospice Home Store. But when Judy started to experience chronic pain it took a toll on her ability to work.

“It was on the right side, sort of midway, just above the waist and wrapped around to the back,” Judy remembers, “It was a very specific pain, and it didn’t move. It just wore me out quicker... It was always there.”

Judy sought help from David Onofrey, MD, FACS, at AdventHealth Medical Group Surgery Specialists at Hendersonville.

and quickly realized that they were dealing with a pretty large renal cyst on Judy’s right kidney. He recommended that Judy meet with AdventHealth Urologist, Nina Harkhani, MD.

Dr. Harkhani explained to Judy that kidney cysts were fairly common and sometimes would resolve on their own. So they agreed to wait another three months to see if the pain would subside. But when Judy went back to see Dr. Harkhani, the pain still hadn’t gone away.

“She then asked me a question. She looked at me and she said, ‘what would you like to do?’ And I was blown away!” Judy recalls. “I’ve never had a doctor ask me that. I felt like I was being seen and involved in my care. I told her that I would like for the pain to go away, and if she felt doing the surgery would accomplish that, I was very pleased to go ahead.”

Dr. Harkhani was confident surgery would help relieve Judy’s pain and get her back to enjoying her life, thanks to the recent addition of the da Vinci® Xi robot to the AdventHealth Hendersonville surgery services.

The da Vinci® Xi surgical system is a cutting-edge robotic system that helps surgeons perform minimally invasive surgeries. The system allows surgeons to operate a set of robotic arms and provides high-definition views of the surgical area. The small instrument size makes it possible for the surgeons to operate through smaller incision sites, meaning it allows for an easier and faster recovery.

One of the most unique things about the robotics surgery at AdventHealth Hendersonville is the ability for the patient to meet with a robotics care navigator before the surgery takes place. They work with the patient to prepare them for surgery.

“I’ve had maybe 10 surgeries in my life, and I have never had anything like that,” Judy shares. “I just thought that was miraculous. The fact that I would meet with someone that would want to talk with me and understand my body as much as they could in preparation for the surgery. I thought it was brilliant!”

Judy was able to go home the first day after surgery. She was extremely impressed with the use of the roboticassisted surgery. “I would have to say it was one of the easiest recoveries that I’ve ever had. “I think the da Vinci robot allowed her to do her work in the easiest and quickest fashion, so that it wasn’t as traumatic for the body.”

When Judy woke up post-op, she found an extra touch of loving care that Dr. Harkhani had left with her, a smiley face on her hand. “I call it my signature,” Dr. Harkhani explains, “I put a little smiley face on their hands just to let them know that everything went well and that we spoke. And so when they wake up, if they don’t remember the conversation, they can at least look to their hand for my signature.”

After four weeks of recovery, Judy was able to go back to work. And this time the pain was gone. However, the memory of the whole-person, compassionate care that she experienced at AdventHealth Hendersonville is something that

“Truly the best surgical care I’ve ever had in my life!” Judy explains, “I didn’t have any doubts in the medical care that would be provided, but I’m not accustomed to providers and caregivers trying to care for you completely, your whole body.” She adds, “I was completely thrilled with my care.”

To learn more or schedule an appointment visit AdventHealthNC.com or call 855-774-LIFE (5433).

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* A hospital department of AdventHealth Hendersonville


Do you have a question about Experience Magazine? Is there something you’d like to see in future issues? To share your thoughts, contact victoria.dunkle@adventhealth.com.

Women’s Health for Every Woman

Every new chapter in life brings its own set of joys, challenges, and changes. AdventHealth offers a lifetime of women’s health care services to grow with you. We’re here to support your whole health through comprehensive, proactive women’s health care services, that meet your changing needs at every age and every stage of life. From annual wellness visits to guided prenatal care to finding solutions for your most sensitive concerns, the dedicated team at AdventHealth delivers care that’s as individual as you are.

Scan the QR code to learn more about our comprehensive program.

Experience Magazine Editor: Victoria Dunkle

Writer: Emily Lynes

Photography: Hal Alexander

Design: Melissa Sweeterman

• Obstetrics & Gynecology

• Primary Care

• Urogynecology

• Breast Health

• Behavioral Health

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