The Importance of
Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Your Heart Your heart health is one of the most important aspects of your overall health. Maintaining a healthy weight is one way to keep your heart healthy. VNI JAIN, MD, family medicine doctor with Adventist Medical Group and medical director at CoreLife, a leader in weight management and nutritional counseling, said, “The main job of your heart is to pump blood throughout your body and the unhealthier you are, the harder your heart must work.” A healthy weight doesn’t mean you have to be thin, but that you
Exercise at least five times a week
Eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day
have the right body mass index (BMI) for your height and weight. Having a healthy BMI helps to decrease your risk for heart disease. Making small changes, such as taking more steps every day and avoiding sugary drinks, can have a positive impact on your heart health. Here are some other tips for maintaining a healthy weight:
Drink plenty of water
Watch your portion sizes