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Q &A
the Pineapple Running Club
How did your group begin?
We all work together and for several years, runners at our city office would head out for the occasional lunch run along the Brisbane River. At the onset of the pandemic, we had to adapt this running gig given the sudden change to working from home, so one week someone organised an early Saturday run. It was on this infamous day that big bag of Allen’s Pineapples suddenly exploded in someone’s shorts pockets. Lollies were seen falling on the ground and somehow, it was through the leg of the shorts. From there it only seemed fitting to name this motley crew the ‘Pineapples’. From a core of 5, we are now 16, known for our vibrant and wellcoordinated bespoke running attire.
We take enjoyment in entertaining, or shocking, others on the trails in the early morning light. Some stare, others laugh and some compliment. It’s all about having some fun and running with mates irrespective of fitness level. We never leave anyone behind.
Where does your group run mostly?
The spiritual home of the Pineapples is Mt Coo-tha, every Saturday morning.
What is your favourite local trail?
Our favourite loop is around Mt Coottha, which is our Saturday regular. At times we do the aptly named Kokoda Track, but this is perhaps not a ‘favourite’ per se. What local event do you rally around?
As a relatively young club, we haven’t rallied too much around events. Many of us ran in the 21km (named The Big Sipper) during the Guzzler Trail Running Festival in Qld. Three of our members just completed the Wild Earth Coastal High 50.
What single piece of advice would you give a newbie joining your group?
Have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously. Just look at our team outfits! Oh, and you have to wear the outfit.
If your trail group was an animal, what would it be and why?
A troop of monkeys – they eat pineapples. And there’s normally a lot of loud chatter and laughter – just like our club!
If you were heading out for a solo ultra run and some bastard stole your pack so you can only take two things, what would you have in each hand?
Ultras? Who does ultras? It would probably be a drink bottle (or beer) and a GoPro Max. I would take my phone so I can call for an Uber.
The world is ending. Nominate a trail anywhere on the planet that your group must run. It’s the last trail you’ll ever see. Where is it?
We aren’t that serious. We can’t think of any. Where ever it is, it either needs a good coffee stand, lollies, or a bar. A few of the guys are planning to tackle the UTA in 2022.
Your group can choose ANY three people on Earth, living or dead, to come join one of your runs. Who are they and why them?
Lucy Bartholomew to teach us how to run ultras and pack our Solomon bags (hypothetically, if someone was to do a 100km), Elvis Presley and Mayar Ajdari, our only international alumni club member currently living in Italy. How have you seen participation in your group change people and lives?
We all agree the formation of the club and the regular Saturday outings have raised our general fitness, while providing a great outlet to have a chin wag and catch up outside of work. It’s also seen several members start training for events or planning for future events.
There’s something good about running in a group of the likeminded as all running groups would attest. Good for mental health and just getting out there as a way to setup well for the day.
There’s a lot of banter via our WhatsApp channel that adds to the fun, support and cheering each and for those recovering from injury, or training for an event. It’s a good vibe.
trail CREW
NAME: The Pineapple Running Club BIRTHDAY: June 2019 REGION: Brisbane, Qld with occasional forays into other regions MEMBERS: 16 AVERAGE RUNNERS AT EACH HOOK UP: Between 2-12 AVERAGE HOOK UPS A YEAR: Approx. 42 SHOES OWNED IN TOTAL: 45 UNOFFICIAL CLUBHOUSE: Mt Coo-tha Lookout