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Read ‘em and weep! Cokie Hastotis

Cokie “Tweet Me” Hasiotis Founder of Twali

It’s good to have critics. People who keep you on your toes, call you out when you’re bluffing … and generally stop your head blowing up like a hot air balloon.

Our next buckaroo, Cokie “Tweet Me” Hasiotis joins the gang for exactly that reason. She says it like it is. From banks to bullsh**ers, Hasiotis is not afraid to go after the big guns and hit them hard right where it hurts… In the Tweets.


We’ll be the first to admit that there are some big egos in fintech. Frankly, it was inevitable. Think of your stereotypical tech people. The Musks, the Bezoses, the Zuckerburgs… You get the picture. Combine them with your classic Wall Street Tycoons and whaddya get…? EGOS! And questionable hairstyles.

There are BIG personalities in this world we call fintech, and everybody is just a tiny bit scared of them. They come from giant corporations. Corporations that LITERALLY control all the money and tech in the world. Naturally, most people are a bit nervous of upsetting those honking great firms.

So we LOVE it when someone bites back. It makes us feel alive. We need people like Hasiotis to take these guys down a peg or two. In the words of Voltaire (sort of), we may not agree with everything Hasiotis tweets, but we love that she has the balls to do it. Go Hasiotis!


As well as being a fierce tweeter, Hasiotis also has experience in niche areas of fintech. In the past two years, she’s co-launched a consultancy called Lasagne to help banks access the tools they need to fulfil their goals. Hasiotis is also starting a web3 marketplace for freelancers (like us! Yay!) called Twali. At the moment, it’s all very secretive. But we’re keeping a watchful eye on where it goes… Welcome to the clan, Cokie “Tweet Me” Hasiotis!

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