On Our Selection News - 12th January 2022

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On Our Selection News On Our Selection News

Cambooya now home to performing arts

Kiyua Kids come from all backgrounds and cultures and enjoy classes every Saturday during school term.

From its humble beginnings with 20 kids in a small community hall in 2004, Kiyua has enriched the lives of hundreds of children and youth in the Toowoomba community for over 19 years, offering classes in martial arts, dance, drama, hip hop and art.

Already hosting classes at Humeridge Church in Toowoomba, 2022 saw its second venue open in Cambooya, providing country kids with the same opportunities.

Classes in dance and drama will be offered every Saturday during school term at the Cambooya Community Hall on Gore Street.

Kiyua founder Sheriden Rehn said the organisation is solely run by volunteers, with ages ranging from the youngest Kiyua Kid aged three to the oldest volunteer aged 86.

“Our amazing teachers give their time freely to mentor and guide the Kiyua Kids and lead them to become the best they can be,” Ms Rehn said.

“All the Kiyua teachers came through the program and forgo paid work of a Saturday to volunteer their time to pay forward what

they have been given.”

“Kiyua is not all about performing arts. We are a family with an inclusion attitude and a huge heart.”

“Helpful conversations and guidance are all a part of what Kiyua has become. It takes a village to raise a child is so true. It also takes a village to support parents and care givers.”

The fee is a gold coin donation.

There is no need to pre book - just turn up on the day.

For more information and to see the full timetable, visit the ‘Kiyua Performing Arts Inc.’ Facebook page.

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Covering Cambooya, Hodgson Vale, Westbrook, Wyreema Districts "DAD AND DAVE COUNTRY" Cambooya Hall is now the second venue to host classes by Kiyua, a not-for-profit organisation working with children and youth, building confidence and self-esteem through performing arts. Many Cambooya kids have already taken advantage of the classes offered by Kiyua.

Find out more about making music

A series of workshops to be presented by QMusic in Toowoomba next week will provide a wealth of information for those who are keen to advance in Australia’s music industry.

Four workshops will be held in the series, two of them on Tuesday and two on Thursday.

The first workshop is a “101 session” and takes a look at APRA AMCOS.

These two groups look after the various needs of those who are serious about their music making.

Participants will learn about copyright, how royalties are earned and distributed, registering works, songwriting splits using the Writer Portal and app, QMusic programs, workshops, skills development and professional opportunities.

The second workshop is ‘The Music Business: Getting Started.

You might know how to play a guitar or pour a beer, but that doesn’t mean you can start off a career in music or just put some musicians on your stage.

This panel will give you the basics about what you need to start a music business, from the basics to the “intangibles”. These experts will let you in on the things they’ve learned from years of experience in the music industry.

The third workshop is about GYROstream.

GYROstream is a passionate group of individuals who created the organisation to help simplify digital music distribution for independent musicians to help get their GYROstream are a passionate group of individuals who created GYROstream to help musicians get their music on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, TikTok, Instagram and the like.

Music streaming has completely revolutionised the way the world consumes music and in the fourth workshop the panel will cover a whole range of topics related to this relatively new world of releasing and consuming music, including how to engage with the different streaming platforms.

Find out more on the QMusic Connect website.

Webelieveevery human has the inherentrightto live a‘normal’and empoweredlife;to haveabilityand opportunitytomake one’s own choices.We aimtoempowerpeople with mental health or withdisability.We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability

MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of

supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months;

we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins


§ Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.

§ Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety.


MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins

§ Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment

§ Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride

§ Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.




Another crash at prolific junction

Emergency services were called to the scene of a crash at the junction of Old Wyreema Road and the Gore Highway at Drayton last week.

On Wednesday, 4 January, paramedics attended a singlevehicle crash at 6.08pm.

An occupant with back pain was transported in a stable condition to Toowoomba Hospital.

Two other occupants were assessed at the scene, with no serious injuries reported and they were not transported to hospital.

Late last year, Member for Condamine Pat Weir asked Minister for Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Mike Bailey if there will be any future funding allocated to improve the junction’s safety.

Mr Bailey responded that TMR has no plans to complete an upgrade however would continue to monitor its operation and safety.

Page 2 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, February 24, 2022 On Our Selection News On Our Selection News Distributed throughout Top Camp, Hodgson Vale, Preston, Ramsay, Vale View, Budgee, Ascot, Hirstglen, Mt Rascal, Eton Vale, Cambooya, East Greenmount, Greenmount, Nobby, Felton, Finnie, Wyreema and Westbrook areas. – Copyright in all advertising and Editorial material, except where otherwise held, resides at all times with the Clifton Courier, such copyright will not be released to any other party except by written permission. Production charges and reproduction fees will apply. – Responsibility for all unsigned electoral material in this publication is accepted by E.A. Rogers 60 Clark Street, Clifton – Errors and Omissions Policy: All care is taken in the production of advertisements. Errors, if drawn to our attention promptly, will be corrected in the next issue. Refunds may be given. The proprietor of the Clifton Courier cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate or omit advertisements for any reason. Phone: 4697 3603 Fax: 4697 3339 Email: editorial@cliftoncourier.com.au advertising@cliftoncourier.com.au Published every Thursday by OurNews Pty. Ltd. 60 Clark Street, Clifton, Queensland. 4361 Printed by Greenridge Group. 4 Freighter Avenue, Toowoomba. DEADLINES: Display Advertising 1pm Monday Classified Advertising 5pm Monday Thursday, January 12, 2023 We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability SUPPORT AND SERVICES MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when
EMAIL YOUR ENQUIRY TO info@michoicesupports.com.au
CALL US ON 0460 880 556 or 0432 020 302
Support you in your
home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.
Support you with making the
right choice for you and your safety.
feel at ease in your living environment § Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride § Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community. CALL US ON 0460 880 556 or 0432 020 302 EMAIL YOUR ENQUIRY TO info@michoicesupports.com.au
this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life. Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety. Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community. T 0460 880 556 or 0432 020 302 E info@michoicesupports.com.au Cnr Spring & Ramsay Streets MIDDLE RIDGE Toowoomba T 4636 2093 F 4636 3074 MON TO FRI.......8.30AM - 5.30PM SATURDAY.........8.30AM - 12PM • Sleep Apnea Testing & Supplies • Chronic Pain Management • Flu Vaccinations OPENING HOURS mary ’s family pharmacy
with an improved living arrangement to

Property offences at all-time high level

Local residents have unfortunately had to remain highly

into a home looking to steal belongings and motor vehicles has

Data that dates back to 2001 shows that in 2022 the Drayton Police Division, which includes Westbrook, Wyreema, Vale View, Hodgson Vale, Top Camp and Mount Rascal as well as the Toowoomba suburbs of Drayton, Darling Heights and Harristown, had the most amount of unlawful entry offences on record.

There were 234 unlawful offences recorded in 2022, comfortably surpassing the previous record of 161, set in 2021.

The lowest on record was 79, set in 2005, although since then the population of the area and the number of properties has increased substantially.

In 2022, December was the worst month, with 42 offences recorded, followed by November and July of 2022 which each had 31 offences recorded.

The figures in the Cambooya Police Division, although higher than recent years, were not record-breaking.

The Division includes Cambooya, Greenmount, East Greenmount and Ramsay and parts of surrounding areas.

In 2022, 26 unlawful entry offences were recorded, up from 14 in 2021 and 9 in 2020.

The record since data began is 28, set in 2002.

Returning to the Drayton Division, unlawful use of motor vehicle offences were also at an all-time high, with 77 recorded in 2022, beating the previous record of 64 set in 2021.

Similarly, in the Cambooya Division, the number of unlawful use of motor vehicles set a record, 13, far surpassing the previous record of 9 set in 2010 and 2021’s tally of 6.

More than $13 million worth of property has been stolen from Queensland homes in the past three years.

RACQ research shows three quarters of Queenslanders are concerned about being broken into while away on holidays, with two-thirds taking extra home security measures.

RACQ Group Executive Insurance, Trent Sayers said in addition to making sure all entry points to your home are secure, extra precautions can include having a house sitter or someone check on your property regularly, having your mail collected, leaving lights on timers, and having security cameras.

“It’s also worth rethinking what you share on social media,”

Mr Sayers said.

“Our research found almost half of Queenslanders post pictures of their holiday adventures online while they’re away.

“However, be mindful opportunistic thieves may use this information against you.”

The Darling Downs region had the second-least amount of home break-in claims in Queensland over the past three years for those with RACQ home insurance policies.

Have you seen our LPR vehicle around town?

The LPR vehicle is equipped with recognition cameras and integrated GPS technology to monitor parked vehicles using:

• GPS coordinates

• registration number

• the time that the vehicle was parked.

This information can be used to issue an infringement notice for unlawful parking to the

registered owner via post.

To support traffic flow around our city, the safety of our community and access to businesses. The LPR vehicle allows Parking Officers to monitor clearways, schools and loading and bus zones without compromising the safety of themselves or other road users.

For more infomation on Toowomba CBD parking, visit www.tr.qld.gov.au/parking

Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 3
Whether you’re just getting started, have limited mobility, are looking for a social sport or want something more challenging, our Change Project program has a free or low-cost activity for you. • Group fitness • Wellbeing activities • Kid’s fitness • Social sport • Gentle exercise for seniors • Running and walking • Cycling • Food and healthy eating • Getting outdoors To explore the activities on offer, visit www.tr.qld.gov.au/change Low-cost ways to stay healthy and active Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) vehicle 131 872 www.tr.qld.gov.au Toowoomba Regional Council_120123_10x18_OOS Phone - 0429 050 875 Email - juliemcoaching5@gmail.com Facebook - Julie Naumann Coaching Instagram - julienaumanncoaching • Life Coaching • Kinesiology Available for walk in’s and online FREE QUOTES PICK-UP & DELIVERY T&C APPLY 143b Anzac Ave Toowoomba (Opposite McDonalds on Glenvale Rd) Phone 0420 776 157 Washington Varela Master Upholsterer Illustration only TOOWOOMBA UPHOLSTERY & RESTORATION M-F 8-5pm
vigilant over the Christmas break as the chance of a thief breaking
been alarmingly high.
Page 4 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023

New subdivision proposed for Top Camp


A planning report submitted by Precinct Urban Planning on behalf of Watcon Building Group states the proposal seeks to subdivide two contiguous allotments totalling 15.6 hectares.

The smaller of the two existing allotments contains an existing residence and outbuildings.

The larger allotment has been largely cleared of vegetation and has been used for grazing purposes.

The vast majority of the lots, 23, are between 4000m2 and 5000m2 in size, while the remaining four are 5382m2, 8109m2, 10264m2 and 15375m2.

Access to the allotments will largely be via Crebra Crescent, except to the existing residence and two lots with access via a cul-de-sac termination at the western end of the Hayden Street East road reserve.

New roads will be constructed within the subdivision to provide access for most of the allotments.

The planning report states alternative access rather than via Crebra Crescent was investigated.

“In response to pre-lodgement advice provided by Toowoomba Regional Council, the applicant investigated options for a second access to the site including highway access via the unformed Hayden Street East intersection,” the report said.

“In their subsequent pre-lodgement advice, the State Assessment and Referral Agency included confirmation from the Department of Transport and Main Roads that this access arrangement would be unsuitable and highlighted their preference for access via the Crebra Crescent intersection.”

The report states the application is supported by a Traffic Impact Assessment that confirms the Crebra Crescent/New

England Highway intersection is of appropriate standard to accommodate traffic generated by the development.

The report also says the proposed lots will be connected to Council’s reticulated water supply as well as to electricity and telecommunication networks servicing the area, however will rely on individual on-site wastewater disposal systems designed to meet relevant standards.

Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 5 2M HIGH X 2M LONG X 0.6 WIDE 4 X ADJUSTABLE SHELVES RATED 200KG PER SHELF OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE BULK DISCOUNTS APPLY LONG SPAN STEEL SHELVING SPECIAL Call Michelle 0447 118 728 Web: mctopshelfproducts.com.au 386 South St. Toowoomba QLD 4350 POWDER COATED / LOCK-IN MEDIUM DUTY (Light & Heavy Duty Available) EXTENDABLE SYSTEMS / BOLT DOWN OR FREE STANDING $260.00 Inc. GST The all new H- ™ has arrived! NEW YEAR NEW HARLEY ®
Building Group Pty Ltd has submitted an application to Toowoomba Regional Council seeking to create 27 rural residential allotments at Top Camp near Crebra Crescent. An aerial view of the subject site shows access via Crebra Crescent to the south. The New England Highway can be seen to the east. The land proposed to be subdivided, looking east.

The Great Aussie Composting Roadshow

A free Composting Roadshow for intensive animal industries will be making its way to Pittsworth in March.

The Composting Roadshow will be a unique opportunity for farmers to learn and share knowledge and experience about many facets of composting including feedstocks, composting principles, costs and benefits, regulatory requirements, mortality composting and the benefits of applying compost to land.

It will provide intensive

animal industries such as egg and broiler farms, cattle feedlots, piggeries and dairy farms with tailored and in-depth information regarding solid manure management, focusing on composting as a management tool.

Where relevant, the composting of food and fibre processing residues in regional areas and the co-composting of urban and agricultural residues will also be discussed.

After stopping in three towns in both Victoria and New South Wales, the roadshow will visit Pittsworth on Wednesday, 15 March before travelling on to Dalby and Beaudesert.

The session will run from 10am to 4pm.

A venue is yet to be confirmed.

It is hosted by the University of Queensland Centre for Recycling of Organic Waste and Nutrients. Presenters include:

•Professor Robert Rynk, State University of New York

•Matthew Cotton, Composting Consultant, California

•Janine Price, Scolexia Animal & Avian Health Consultancy

•Dr Kevin Wilkinson, Frontier Ag & Environment

•Johannes Biala, University of Queensland Centre for Recycling of Organic Waste and Nutrients

For more information and to secure a ticket, visit events. humanitix.com/gacr-230315

Cadetship available with Whyalla Beef

Angus Australia and NH Foods Australia are offering a new cadetship opportunity for Angus Youth members, with applications now open.

Following the successful launch of the Angus Foundation Industry Cadetship Program in 2022, the inaugural NH Foods Australia Cadetship will provide the recipient with an authentic and valuable experience of the industry and the company’s core activities: breeding, feedlotting, production, marketing, and sales.

During the cadetship, the successful candidate will experience the day-to-day operations of Whyalla Beef, Australia’s most modern and technologically advanced feedlot.

Supplementing the feedlot experience will be time spent at two of the company’s processing plants: Oakey, which is one

of the largest in Australia, and Wingham, which is located on the mid north coast of New South Wales.

Time in the company’s Sydney head office is also a feature, including exposure to the marketing and sales activities of the branded beef programs.

The recipient will have exposure to key players in the industry to join their network and with potential to be a longterm NH Foods Australia employee.

The cadetship will take place over a four-week period, with NH Foods Australia to work together with the recipient to create an individualised development program that suits their interests.

Following their placement with NH Foods Australia, the successful applicant will conclude their cadetship by completing the Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Course.

Applications for the Angus Australia – NH Foods Australia Cadetship close on 30 January 2023.


•Applicants must be a member of Angus Australia.

•Applicants must be aged over 18.

•Applicants must be available to complete four weeks of placement.

•Applicants must be available to attend the Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Course from Sunday, 14 May to Friday, 19 May 2023.

To apply, visit surveymonkey.com/r/QNY6BF5

Page 6 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023


Several fires in stacks of hay bales caused a loss for farmers in the Nobby and Felton districts during the holiday break.

At the Cambooya Australia Day Awards ceremony, Wyreema’s own Sara-Jane Howell was awarded Citizen of the Year. Wyreema Hall and Felton Hall also received awards.

It was announced that a 5.6 kilometre stretch of Greenmount Etonvale Road would receive $2.6 million in works.

A former employee of Cambooya Shire Council for over 30 years, Anthony Peter McDonald, was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to engineering and to the community.


The Cambooya- Wyreema Statistical Area had 194 cases of COVID-19 recorded in January.

A truck carrying lettuce overturned on Toowoomba Karara Road, dispersing heads in all directions.

R. M. Williams’ ambition to turn the Hodgson Vale polo grounds into an equestrian hub has come to fruition with the opening of the RM Williams Equestrian Centre thanks to the work of his daughter-in-law Jo Williams.

Residents in the Nobby district considered what the future may hold for the local recreation ground, which had fallen into disrepair during the drought years.


Hay contractors on the Darling Downs answered a call from the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales to gather hay for stock impacted by the devastating floods in the region.

The sight, sound and smell of a Southern Downs Steam Railway locomotive visited Wyreema.

The design for the development of Carla Crescent Park in Westbrook was completed, with work by Council expected to commence in April.

A man was fortunate to be alive after being rescued from the top of his Toyota Camry when it became stuck in a fastflowing Emu Creek on the Greenmount Etonvale Road.

It was announced by Toowoomba Catholic Schools that Westbrook will be the home of a Catholic K-12 college.

Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 7 MP
WEIR Member for Condamine (07) 4570 4100 101 Campbell Street, Oakey QLD 4401 PO Box 65, Oakey QLD 4401 condamine@parliament qld gov.au patweir com.au /PatWeirMP CelebratingCommunities... CelebratingCommunities... LOOKING BACK AT 2022
2022 YEAR IN



The main speaker for the ANZAC service at Greenmount was Captain Candice Priebbenow, a born and bred Greenmount local who returned home to join in honouring those previously and currently serving in the armed forces.

The Wattles Warriors first graders overwhelmed arch rivals the Warwick Cowboys 30 to 22.

The Toowoomba Region was declared free of drought.

After being shut for a few years, the doors of the Wheatsheaf Hotel at East Greenmount may yet swing open again under the new ownership of Edwin and Madeline Cooke.


The number of stolen vehicles being set on fire in the Toowoomba Region caused concern for authorities.

The first Queensland two-day Open Cycling Carnival in more than 10 years saw cyclists racing up and down Umbiram Road from Wyreema out towards Southbrook.

The Toowoomba Region failed to score a jersey among areas competing for top honours in the 2022 Queensland Top Tourism Towns Awards.

The unbeaten run of the Wattles Warriors fist grade side came to an end at Gilbert Oval on Sunday when the Goondiwindi Boars defeated them 18 to 12 in a wet and grimy cracker of a contest.


It appeared that a proposed new service station on the New England Highway at Nobby is getting closer to becoming a reality following some development application activity.

The water supply for Cambooya, Greenmount and Nobby is set to be connected to Wivenhoe Dam in the next few years following an announcement by the Queensland Government that a long-awaited pipeline is going ahead.

The largest announcement from the 2022-23 Queensland Budget for the local area was the confirmation that Toowoomba will finally receive a new hospital at Cranley. The Queensland Government said it will be investing $1.3 billion into the project.

Page 8 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023 BRIDGESTONE SELECT Darling Heights Locally Owned & Operated 436 Stenner Street, Toowoomba O: M-F 8am-5pm & Sat 8am-12 Noon PH: 4592 8255 Tyres & Full Mechanical Repairs & Servicing For Monthly Deals See www.bridgestonetyres.com.au OWNERS Mack & Emma Orange 16B Prescott St Toowoomba | Ph: 4638 8288 Re-0pening 16 Jan: 10am - 2pm Mon to Fri | 10am - 1pm Sat [During Jan] with Tessa NEW YEAR NEW FABRICS NEW SHOWROOM NEW LOOK Charlie Tate Owner Sit & Sew Days: Mon Tues Wed | Fri Charlie’s Workshops: Thursdays


JulyState Emergency Services volunteers were on their hands and knees at Felton, helping police search for clues tied to the murder of Thor Morgan in Toowoomba back in March.

Hundreds of people saw more than 140 cars on display at Centenary Park in Westbrook for the annual Westbrook Wheels’ Show ‘n’ Shine. Thousands of dollars were raised for Bunker’s Hill State School.

The Tom Quilty Gold Cup is a tough challenge for any endurance rider, yet Wyreema’s Roy Barsby, at 71 years of age, not only completed the course but won the heavyweight division.


Wyreema may soon have a medical centre after a development application to build a facility on the corner of Newman Road and Balfour Street was submitted to Toowoomba Regional Council.

Cambooya’s iconic Bull & Barley Inn changed ownership, with Mick Dewar taking over from Bruce Dell, who has owned the hotel for the last 15 years.

A grant from the RACQ Foundation allowed the Felton Hall Association to purchase a ride on mower and the Hall’s lawn is now looking better than ever.

Cambooya teenagers Kyrna and Tomas Crump both won medals at the Australian Cross Country Championships.


Allora Pony Club’s Working Horse draft and Gymkhana saw Cambooya Pony Club win the March Past and secure the trophy for the club gaining Highest Points.

Ideal environmental conditions in previous weeks resulted in the widespread growth of the dreaded Fireweed throughout the district.

Darling Downs road fatalities were found to be statistically the worst in Queensland.

Wattles Warriors’ A Grade team finished an outstanding season with a good win against Gatton Hawks, prevailing 51 to 20 in the Grand Final.

The historic Harrow Homestead between Cambooya and Southbrook was sold for $18,803,300.


Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 9 Authorised by G. Hamilton, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 516 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350.
Federal Member for Groom 516 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 07 4632 4144 garth.hamilton.mp@aph.gov.au garthhamilton.com.au



The Bureau of Meteorology predicted more significant rain and storms for the Darling Downs.

Crowds poured into Cambooya State School to celebrate the school’s 140th anniversary.

Although water restrictions in Nobby were shifted to Low Level, restrictions for Cambooya and Vale View residents remained on High Level.

Toowoomba Regional Council sought immediate discussions prior to making a decision on the State Government’s proposed Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline project.


In less than 48 hours, Wyreema’s Bracknell Lodge was transformed into an arena, hosting ‘Ride for a Roof’, raising money for the newly formed Common Ground Foundation to purchase a house in Toowoomba in which families can stay while they have a loved one in hospital.

Figures from the Queensland Government from June 2022 showed a patient waited 12 hours and 53 minutes after being presented to Toowoomba Hospital, the longest time anywhere in the state.

The warmer weather over the previous two months saw a predictable increase in the number of people admitted to Emergency Departments with snake bites, according to Darling Downs Health.

Cambooya teenager, Jordan Fenton-Anderson returned to Australia after wearing the green and gold as a member of the girl’s futsal team that toured the United Kingdom.


The group largely responsible for the stopping of a mine being built at Felton, Friends of Felton, officially came to and end ten years after the threat of mining was removed from the Felton Valley by then Premier Campbell Newman.

Kaylene and Warren Folker of Wyreema were awarded the Trial Cooperator of the Year Award at the Pacific Seeds Agents and Industry Christmas Party.

Students of Ramsay State School well and truly embraced the Christmas spirit, collecting and wrapping presents to be delivered to children at Toowoomba Base Hospital.

Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 11 Classifieds - Trades and Services Cambooya Fencing - Rural and domestic fencing, stables, shelters and yards. Phone Chris Pederson on 0488 440 525. Clear & Coloured Sealers Spray on Resurfacing Epoxy Flake Flooring Small Concreting Jobs CONCRETE Restoration DARREN JONES PH 0418 150 497 QBBC 1063110 CONCRETING SERVICES SERVICES SUPPER, RAFFLES AND LUCKY DOOR PRIZE OPERATING UNDER COVID SAFE PLAN BOOKINGS PH SHIRLEY 4630 4384 ENTRY $12.50 GOWRIE LITTLE PLAIN HALL 111 Gowrie Little Plain Rd SAT 21ST JANUARY 8PM - 12AM Dance Lyn & IAN BAND EVENTS CHRIS HENRY Electrical For all industrial, commercial, domestic or rural inquiries Over 35 years trade experience 0419 799 354 chris.h.electrical@bigpond.com ABN 61 613 324 744. Lic. No. 81663 PTY. LTD. • STEEL FAB R ICATION • • MOB I LE WELDI NG • ✓Maintenance & repairs to agricultural & earthmoving equipment ✓General fabrication ✓On site welding ✓Ornate security doors ✓Custom built, heavy duty builders racks • C O M P A R E O U R R A T E S • Ph: Kevin 0407 659 451 4691 0107 FABRICATION Hay making, GPS zero-till seeding and cultivation services. Peter Wilson 0417 541 174 FARM CONTRACTING Local Ramsay Fencer • Residential • Property Entrances • Rural Steel & Timber • Chain Wire • Electric • Post & Rail • Cattle & Horse Yards • Round Yards and Arenas • Bobcat work • Infrastructure Design FENCING SERVICES RJM FENCING CONTRACTORS SPECIALISTS IN: • ALL RURAL & TIMBER FENCING • DESIGNER ENTRANCE • POST & RAIL BOBCAT & POST DRIVING RODNEY MANN 0427 037 213 Ph/Fax 4630 9900 rjmfencing@bigpond.com.au Toowoomba R V FENCING Rob 0428 521 412 Specialising In: • All types of rural fencing • Steel and timber • Cattle and horse yards/shelters • Post and rail • Property entrances • Electric fencing • BASED AT CAMBOOYA WANTED Reliable house cleaner 4 hours per week. Thursday 8am to Noon. Ramsay area. Phone Karen 0429 626 070. ELECTRICAL SERVICES Electrician - BHB Electrical. Brad Densley. Lic# 75685. All electrical installation, repairs and maintenance. Phone 0427 971 470. PI & DA Batham Over 40 Years Experience • Service • Repairs • Chainsaws • Pumps • Gen Sets • Motorbikes • Pressure Cleaners • Quads Phone 4697 1259 Small Engine Mechanic MECHANICAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL SERVICES Page 12 Having a striking BUSINESS CARD is important! Did you know that ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Call us for a quote today! T 4697 3603 can design and supply business cards? DRILLING SERVICES Competitive • • www.qldgroundwater.com.au Trades & Services Call Glen on or 0419 730 902 Cambooya, Wyreema, Nobby & Clifton RESTUMPING Page 12 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Shreks eptic ervices Family Owned Business • 24/7 Emergency Work • Pump Out Septic Tanks, • Grey Water Tanks • Holding Tanks Contact Lester & Dale 0488 962 946 EPA & Council Approved EMERGENCY 24 HOUR BREAKDOWN SERVICE • Alternators, and diagnostics Phone: Email: RUBBER SEPTIC SERVICES WATER DRILLING SERVICES SOUTHERN DOWNS DRILLING For all your Stock, Domestic and Irrigation Bore Needs Call Travis on 0400 752 257 KEYS STRICKS PUMP REPAIRS • Supply of New Pumps PUMP REPAIRS RJM FENCING CONTRACTORS SPECIALISTS IN: • ALL RURAL & TIMBER FENCING • DESIGNER ENTRANCE • POST & RAIL BOBCAT & POST DRIVING RODNEY MANN 0427 037 213 Ph/Fax 4630 9900 rjmfencing@bigpond.com.au Toowoomba FENCING SERVICES Local Ramsay Fencer • Residential • Property Entrances • Rural Steel & Timber • Chain Wire • Electric • Post & Rail • Cattle & Horse Yards • Round Yards and Arenas • Bobcat work • Infrastructure Design PI & DA Batham 35 Years Experience • Service • Repairs • Ride-ons • Chainsaws • Pumps • Gen Sets • Motorbikes • Pressure Cleaners • Quads Phone 4697 1259 Small Engine Mechanic MECHANICAL SERVICES RE STUMPING S Family • • Pump • Grey Water Contact 4637 0488 EPA STEELE 24 • Accident • Qld • All • Local • Machinery • Container • On Terry M: PUMP REPAIRS STRICKS PUMP REPAIRS • Supply of New Pumps • All Pump Repairs • Bore Testing Gary Strickland Ph: 0428 971 227 RESTUMPING STRICKS PUMP REPAIRS • Supply of New Pumps • All Pump Repairs • Bore Testing Gary Strickland Ph: 0428 971 227 PUMP REPAIRS STEELE RUDD 24 Hr Towing • Accident & Breakdown • Qld Tpt Dept Licenced • All Insurance Companies • Local & Interstate • Machinery Transport • Container Transport • On Site Container Storage Terry Mitchell M: 0458 963 222 TOWING SERVICES Shreks eptic ervices Family Owned Business • 24/7 Emergency Work • Pump Out Septic Tanks, • Grey Water Tanks • Holding Tanks Contact Lester & Dale 4637 0130 0488 962 946 EPA & Council Approved SEPTIC SERVICES ? Are you having a Advertise in On Our Selection News and make some extra money! T 4697 3603 SERVICES
Page 12 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023 Trades & Services ELECTRICIANS G.J. BELL ELECTRICAL Lic. No. 4508 0 4 18 728 3 4 1 ● Shed Wiring Specialist ● L.E.D. Lighting ● New Switchboards ● Extra Lights & Power Points FOR FREE QUOTES CALL GRAHAM ● Security Lighting ● Underground Wiring ● Single Phase Wiring ● Three Phase Wiring ● Ceiling Fans ● Smoke Alarms KEYS EARTHMOVING Bobcat & 7 Tonne Tipper 3.5 Tonne Excavator 4 in 1 Bucket Post Hole Digger Trench Digger Pallet Forks Slasher Driveways Clean ups All Earthworks House Foundations Experienced Owner Operator 0421 239 222 Jess Keys Excavator, Track Loader & Tipper Hire Shane 0404 690 013 slearthworks@outlook.com facebook.com/slearthworks.qld www.slearthworks.com SLEarthworks 0404 690 013 Driveways Concrete & Paving Prep Slab Footings Shed Pads Drainage Electrical, Plumbing Trenches Post & Pier Hole Drillings Site Cleaning & Waste Removal Pool Excavation Retaining Walls All Terrain SlashingCivil, Commercial & Residential Works. Supply Crusher Dust, Road Base, Clean Fill, Mulch, Sand, Soil & more. 0427 038 508 damian@maidah.com.au Lic# 1089343 Agricultural - EarthmovingAutomotive • Air Conditioning & Auto Electrical Servicing • Steel Manufacturing,Fabrication & Machining • Design & Manufacturing of Custom Made Products • Sheds, Carports, Garages • Concrete slabs • Posi track and 4t Excavator • Crane truck, Scissor Lift & Tilt Tray Hire • 24hr Breakdown Service MOBILE DIESEL REPAIRS & WELDING SERVICES FABRICATION SERVICES EARTHMOVING SERVICES DOZER HIRE Max Strasser 0423 281 897 Call Modern CAT D6 All Rural Earthworks STRASSER EARTHMOVING ELECTRICAL SERVICES EARTHMOVING SERVICES www.facebook.com/ OnOurSelectionNews 14 Wylie Street, Toowoomba www.centurylocksmiths.com.au Need a LOCKSMITH Security Licence: #3976078 Locks • Keys • Automotive • Safes 24 HOUR MOBILE SERVICE PH 4638 5120 ALL AREAS LOCKSMITH SERVICES ELECTRICAL SERVICES

























Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 13 Trades & Services Competitive Quotes Call Bob 0428 478 389 Email: thegarners10@bigpond.com • Timber Pest Inspections • Rodents Pest Treatments: Ants, Cockroaches, Spiders and Termites QBCC Lic: 726298 Pest management Lic: pmt-0-1877 0417 034 266 pjt60@westnet.com.au | 217 Strickland Road GREENMOUNT QBCC No: 42181 General maintenance Hot water system replacements Backflow valve testing Burst water pipes High pressure water jetter for blocked drains & septic repairs Drain camera & pipe locating equipment Water softeners & water filters 1.8 & 3 tonne mini excavators & bobcat LICENSED PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR LICENSED PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE PLUMBING AND GAS RAZOR PEST CONTROL PMT 1003984313 Locally Owned and Operated FOR ALL YOUR PEST CONTROL NEEDS  COCKIES  ANTS  SPIDERS  TERMITE INSPECTIONS AND BARRIERS  PRE-PURCHASE INSPECTIONS TREVOR GREEN - CALL US FOR A QUOTE 1300 536 168 or 0408 763 506 ABN 43 104 725 215 PEST CONTROL They can keep doing so because people like you shop locally! Keep up the good work! LOCAL BUSINESSES support local community events and organisations 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE COUNCIL APPROVED LOCALLY OWNED BUSINESS • Pump Outs • Grey water • Grease Traps • Portable Toilets • Wastewater Treatment Plants PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SEPTIC TANK CLEANING WASTE WATER SERVICES WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com BIRD FEED CHOOK FEED FINCH MIX $36 MIXED GRAIN (CRACKED) $17 CANARY MIX $40 WHOLE MIXED GRAIN $17 BUDGIE MIX $36 PEL MIX GRAIN $17 PARROT MIX $23 (PELLETS & MIXED GRAIN) PIGEON MIX $22 PEACHFACE MIX $36 ALL PRODUCT ARE SOLD IN 20 KGS BAG WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com BIRD FEED CHOOK FEED
MIX $36
PRODUCT ARE SOLD IN 20 KGS BAG WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com
WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com
WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com BIRD FEED CHOOK FEED
BAG WELLCAMP PRODUCE MOBILE 0400372777 Email: lcrmwust@bigpond.com BIRD FEED CHOOK FEED
PRODUCE Having a striking BUSINESS CARD is important! Did you know that ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Call us for a quote today! T 4697 3603 can design and supply business cards?
20 KGS BAG $19.00 $19.00 $19.00

Have a say on 10c container expansion

Glass wine and spirit bottles could be included in the Containers for Change program, with a survey currently open gathering Queenslanders’ thoughts on expanding what can be collected.

An online survey and discussion paper have been launched asking Queenslanders and industry to have their say on growing the recycling scheme which provides 10 cents for every container exchanged.

“More than 5.7 billion containers have been recycled and refunded since Containers for Change launched four years ago,” Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon said.

“That’s over $560 million in refunds and billions of

containers being turned into new products instead of ending up in landfill,” Ms Scanlon said.

In addition to glass wine and spirit bottles, Queenslanders will also be able to have their say on possibly including other items like larger flavoured milk, pure vegetable or fruit juice as well as water and wine in liquid paperboard packs (between 1 and 3L).

Currently, the containers for change program accepts most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and some liquid paperboard beverage containers.

Ms Scanlon said taking more containers eligible for refunds makes it easier for people to recycle, particularly in more regional and remote communities where they mightn’t have a recycling bin.

“From the perspective of Queensland’s fast-growing recycling industry, it also means beverage containers can be sorted and manufactured into new products quicker,” she said.

“This is a great opportunity to expand a program that has supported hundreds of jobs, thrown millions of dollars behind local groups and seen the number of bottles being recovered and recycled in Queensland grow threefold.”

Virginie Marley, acting CEO of Container Exchange, the not-for-profit that runs Containers for Change, is encouraging all Queenslanders to have their say about the scheme.

“The Containers for Change scheme has been embraced by Queenslanders since launch in 2018, providing refunds for over 24,000 different types of containers at our more than 350 container refund points across the state,” Ms Marley said.

“We look forward to the continued growth and expansion of the scheme, and encourage our customers, refund point operators, beverage manufacturers and community groups and charities to have their say online.”

In addition to private residents, the Containers for Change program is used by local community groups such as the Hodgsonvale Community Sports Club.

Nearby Containers for Change locations include:

• CFCNT - 378 South Street, Harristown

• Return-It - Lifeline - 187 Perth Street, South Toowoomba

• TOMRA Recycling Centre - 104 Neil Street, Toowoomba

• Pittsworth Metals - 37 Grevillea Street, Pittsworth

The survey is open now until 5pm, 20 February 2023.

To have your say, visit intheloop.des.qld.gov.au/proposal-toexpand-the-container-refund-scheme

Page 14 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023 DEAN LYONS BUILDING PTY LTD. As Trustee for the Jadenlee Discretionary Trust
480 334
9467 EMAIL:
New Homes & Renovations EDANYA PTY LTD Trading as DJL Building Group QBSA LIC NO: 150 29085 Insurance Work Office: 4696 3156 Mobile:
480 334 Email:
FREE COFFEE* FREE COFFEE* Great Coffee All Day Breakfast Lunch House made cakes and treats Carnivore, Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free options 11 Railway St Toowoomba OPEN 7 DAYS from 7am Ph: 4638 2242 www.cafedevelo.com.au *With every spend of $10 or more One-time use only. Valid until 31 January 2023. Keep and Present This Coupon Tracey Merritt BVSc; Laura Boucher BVSc; Bianca Timmins BVSc; & Mark Owens BVSc BASc Shop 1, 85 Main Street Westbrook Ph: 4630 6633 MONDAY - FRIDAY 8am - 5.30pm SATURDAY 9am - 1pm SUNDAY Closed SMALL ANIMAL PREVENTATIVE HEALTH, MEDICINE AND
We care about the pets you love
MOBILE: 0408
PHONE: 07 4630 9497
07 4630
deanlyonsbuilding@gmail.com PO Box 7380 Toowoomba MC 4352

Local Events Calendar

If you are holding an event in the area covered by On Our Selection News, forward details to editorial@cliftoncourier.com.au


26 January Australia Day - Cambooya, 8am to 10am Cambooya Recreation Grounds, TRC 131 872 11 Lucy Street

4 February Summer Tunes 2023, 1pm to 4pm Cambooya Memorial Park, Ramsay St TRC 131 872

13 February Cambooya Landcare general meeting 5.30pm 64 Eton Street, Cambooya cambooyalandcare@gmail.com

18-26 February Hike to Heal Scavenger Hike Mount Peel Bushland hiketoheal.org.au

1st Sunday Anglican Church service, Umbiram, 10.30am St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Umbiram

Every Sunday Nobby Uniting Church, Church Services Nobby Uniting Church 8.45am Davenport Street, Nobby

Every Sunday Westbrook Community Church, 9am 114 Main Street, Westbrook Heather 0412 617 967 or toowoombaweslyan.org.au

Every Sunday Wyreema Christians worship 9.30am Wyreema Community Hall, Kerron 0401 930 656 or 14 Umbiram Road, Wyreema Beryl 0478 808 162

Every Sunday Cambooya Uniting Church service, 10am Uniting Church, 19 Eton Street

Every Sunday Cambooya Anglican Church service, 10am All Saints Anglican Church, Eton Street

4th Tuesday Nobby Heritage & Development Association Nobby School of Arts Hall June Smith 4696 3108 meeting

Every Tuesday Cambooya Playgroup 9.15am to 11am Cambooya State School School office - 4612 2333 (during school term)

Hodgsonvale Community Sports Club

A very good crowd attended the Friday night function, which was an early New Year’s Eve evening with members, friends and visitors getting into the beach party theme, which was great to see.

The barbecue meal was great and a few enjoyed a game of tennis while some enjoyed a game of cards.

The members’ draw, worth $180, saw number 35 come out this week belonging to Paul and Gina Wainwright who were not there so didn’t get to pick up the prize.

The members draw goes up to $200 at the next function.

Remember you must be there and financial to pick up the prize.

The air conditioned sports club is open for private functions so please contact Mark, our booking officer.

The mobile contact is 0431 014 618 for further details, inspections and future bookings.

You can also check out our website to see what facilities are available or you can send an email to hcsc8315@gmail.com

Discounts apply for financial members who hire the facility.

The tennis courts are available for hire.

The keys are available down at the Hodgson Vale shop.

Hire costs are $4 an hour for financial members and $ an hour for non-financial members, lighting costs are $2 an hour at night.

Government Covid rules must be adhered to at all times

while the tennis courts are being used.

The toilets at the sports club are available for tennis hirers.

Memberships for 2022/23 financial year can now be paid and will cover the rest of this financial year if you are a new member.

The cost stays at $25 for the family and deposits can be made at the Westpac Bank or on line to our bank account, BSB 034 142, Account number 158 247 or post to PO Box 8315 Toowoomba South 4350.

Financial members get discounts on tennis court hire and hire costs of the hall and go into the weekly members’ draw.

If you are hiring the hall please be conscious of the near neighbors and keep the noise levels down.

Happy New year to all our members and visitors for 2023.

Thursday, January 12, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 15
TAKING NEW PATIENTS Caring For You And Your Family WESTBROOK FAMILY MEDICAL Shop 4/85 Main Street, Westbrook OPENING HOURS M-F 8.00am - 5.30pm SAT 8.30am - 12.30pm CAMBOOYA FAMILY MEDICAL 32 Eton Street, Cambooya OPENING HOURS M-F 8.00am - 5.00pm APPOINTMENTS: T 4529 7447 or www.westbrookfamilymedical.com.au & 4 King Street, Clif ton Ph: 4697 3276 Fax: 4697 3331 ool & EFI diag tion (RWC) • Mobile AIS • HVRAS approved • Vehicle Modi cations m equipment & machiner y including stationar y gensets & irrigation motors CLIFTON AUTO AG REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS TO ALL VEHICLES INCLUDING CARS, 4WD’S, TRUCKS, TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY. Proudly supporting Clifton & surrounding districts admin@cliftonautoag.com.au
Page 16 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, January 12, 2023 WESTBROOK THE TAKE AWAY ORDERS Welcome! SPECIALS AVAILABLE FROM 11-17 JANUARY 2023 $ 3 ea 50 BETTER THAN 1/2 PRICE! Arnott’s Shapes 130-190g $1 ea SAVE $2.10 75 Peters Drumstick 4-6 Packs $ 4 75 FRESH MEAT & PRODUCE BETTER THAN Calypso Mangoes $1 ea SAVE $3.09 90 BETTER THAN 1/2 PRICE! Truss Tomatoes $ 3 kg SAVE $5.09 90 BETTER THAN 1/2 PRICE! $ 5 ea SAVE $2.49 00 Washed Potatoes 2kg Premium Beef Mince 1.5kg Minimum Pork Medallions $13 kg SAVE $4.05 95 Champagne Ham $13 kg SAVE $6.05 95 $12 kg SAVE $5.00 99 Pepsi Max, Pepsi or Solo 1.25L BETTER THAN 1/2 PRICE! Smiths Chips or Doritos 90-170g $ 6 SAVE $3.50 00 2 FOR Coca Cola Cans 24 Pack $ 20 ea SAVE $20.10 70 84-88 MAIN STREET, WESTBROOK PH (07) 4630 6797 OPEN 7 DAYS 7AM-7PM Everyday $1 ea SAVE $1.60 35

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