On Our Selection News On Our Selection News Covering Cambooya, Hodgson Vale, Westbrook, Wyreema Districts "DAD AND DAVE COUNTRY" Vol. 27 THURSDAY, June 15, 2023 AFFORDABLE, KIND AND CONVENIENT PHONE 4529 7477 2/85 Main St Westbrook Includes Full Exam, 2 x Bitewing X-Rays, Scale Clean, Fluoride Treatment and Treatment Plan. Keep your child’s teeth sparkling Child Dental Benefits Scheme for eligible patients Make your teeth shine white and brighter! Now offering Invisalign Teeth Straightening info@westbrookdental.com.au www.westbrookdental.com.au 199 $ NEW PATIENT FULL EXAM AND CLEAN *terms and conditions apply WE CAP THE GAP AT $99 WITH HEALTH INSURANCE BOOK AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR FRIENDLY DENTIST NOW! 4% increase for ratepayers Urban residential ratepayers will have an annual increase in their rates of close to $130, or 4 per cent, after Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) adopted its 2023-24 Budget last week. More details on pages 2 & 3
Toowoomba Regional Council’s Finance and Business Strategy portfolio
leader Cr Kerry Shine (left), Mayor Paul Antonio, General Manager of
Strategy Ann-Marie Johnston Deputy Mayor and Finance and Business Strategy Committee chair Cr Geoff McDonald following the adoption of Council’s 2023-24 Budget.
Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said Council’s $651 million financial plan would maintain and upgrade existing services and facilities while planning for a brighter future for current and successive generations.
“The Budget, which is the largest adopted by Council, reflects the priorities outlined in the Operational Plan (for the 2023-24 financial year) and Council’s Corporate Plan (20192024, which is being updated),” Mayor Antonio said.
“Council remains committed to implementing a responsible and calculated financial approach in its Budget planning and delivery.
“We have a responsibility to plan for maintenance and upgrades to our existing infrastructure to guarantee the longterm viability of essential services to residents.
“Fortunately, Council’s solid financial footing has allowed us to develop a $201m capital program along with an operating Budget component of $450m.”
Mayor Antonio said a capital allocation of $109.08 million for asset renewal upholds Council’s legal and moral obligation to maintain its existing infrastructure and ability to manage its $5.6 billion asset base across 13,000km².
There is a 4 per cent increase to the general rate (net overall increase in rates and charges of 3.81 per cent for an urban residential property).
The majority of urban residential ratepayers will have an increase of $129.23 a year, or $2.49 a week, after discount, which includes all rates and charges, including water and wastewater charges.
In all four previous financial years, rates were increased by 2.5 per cent and 3 per cent in the four years beforehand.
This is the highest increase since 2014-15, when rates went up 4.06 per cent.
Finance & Business Strategy Committee chair Cr Geoff McDonald said the average charge for residents connected to the Bulk Water Supply will rise by 3 per cent and those not connected to this system will rise by 8 per cent.
“In this budget, Council will continue its pricing path for water infrastructure and consumption fees,” Cr McDonald said.
“This has come following an independent review that identified opportunities to tidy up some inconsistencies in water pricing across our water schemes.”
For the continued roll out of Smart Water Meters across the region, $8 million has been committed.
Preliminary works for the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline, including investigations into a Greenmount and Southern water treatment plant, have a commitment of $3 million.
The upgrade of the Greenmount Waste Management Facility continues, with $4.5m committed for 2023-24.
The design of the new facility will be a smaller version of the Greater Toowoomba Waste Management Facility on O’Mara Road, Wellcamp. Continued on page 3
Page 2 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, February 24, 2022 On Our Selection News On Our Selection News Distributed throughout Top Camp, Hodgson Vale, Preston, Ramsay, Vale View, Budgee, Ascot, Hirstglen, Mt Rascal, Eton Vale, Cambooya, East Greenmount, Greenmount, Nobby, Felton, Finnie, Wyreema and Westbrook areas. – Copyright in all advertising and Editorial material, except where otherwise held, resides at all times with the Clifton Courier, such copyright will not be released to any other party except by written permission. Production charges and reproduction fees will apply. – Responsibility for all unsigned electoral material in this publication is accepted by E.A. Rogers 60 Clark Street, Clifton – Errors and Omissions Policy: All care is taken in the production of advertisements. Errors, if drawn to our attention promptly, will be corrected in the next issue. Refunds may be given. The proprietor of the Clifton Courier cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate or omit advertisements for any reason. Phone: 4697 3603 Fax: 4697 3339 Email: editorial@cliftoncourier.com.au advertising@cliftoncourier.com.au Published every Thursday by OurNews Pty. Ltd. 60 Clark Street, Clifton, Queensland. 4361 Printed by Greenridge Group. 4 Freighter Avenue, Toowoomba. DEADLINES: Display Advertising 1pm Monday Classified Advertising 5pm Monday Thursday, June 15, 2023 PHONE 0427 458 373 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Free Initial Consultation www.books4success.net Bookkeeper & BAS Agent Services • BAS • End of Month Reconciliations • Payroll • Super • Data Entry • Invoicing • Reports & More NEW CLIENTS WELCOME WESTBROOK FAMILY MEDICAL Shop 4/85 Main Street, Westbrook CAMBOOYA FAMILY MEDICAL 32 Eton Street, Cambooya OPENING HOURS M-F 8.00am - 5.00pm APPOINTMENTS: T 4529 7447 or www.westbrookfamilymedical.com.au & Caring For You and Your Family Patients with current concession cards, children >16 and DVA card holders will continue to be bulkbilled WE CONTINUE TO WELCOME NEW PATIENTS OPENING HOURS M 8.00am - 8.00pm T-F 8.00am - 5.30pm SAT 8.30am - 12.30pm MOBILE: 0408 480 334 PHONE: 07 4630 9497 FAX: 07 4630 9467 EMAIL: deanlyonsbuilding@gmail.com PO Box 7380 Toowoomba MC 4352 New Homes & Renovations EDANYA PTY LTD Trading as DJL Building Group QBSA LIC NO: 150 29085 Insurance Work Office: 4696 3156 Mobile: 0408 480 334 Email: admin@djlbuildinggroup.com.au
for ratepayers
Continued from page 2
It will have similar waste management functions and opportunities to maximise diversion from landfill.
Construction is scheduled to be completed in June 2026.
TRC Environment & Community Committee portfolio leader Tim McMahon said this year community consultation and preliminary design works will begin for Lucy Street Park in Cambooya.
Federation Park at Vale View will be among eight parks to share $1.3 million in funding for the replacement of existing buildings.
Infrastructure Committee chair Cr Carol Taylor said $1.9 million has been allocated to Newman Road at Wyreema between Cashmore Street and Smith’s Creek for rehabilitation works, including a culvert upgrade, and Preston Boundary Road at Preston will receive rehabilitation works of $500,000.
“As part of our asset renewal, Council has committed $14.2 million to rehabilitating and resealing the sealed road network, gravel resheeting and renewing asphalt surfaces across the Toowoomba Region,” Cr Taylor said.
Barwick Street in Westbrook will get a new footpath, while design work also will be undertaken for future footpaths in Wyreema.
•roads, footpaths, bikeways and drainage - $170.65 million
•town water - $131.35 million
•business, strategy and operations - $69.99 million
•community services and facilities - $59.19 million
•parks and recreation - $52.27 million
•wastewater - $38.29 million
•waste services - $32.13 million
•planning and development - $15.87 million.
Going into the 2023-24 financial year, Council is forecasting an operating surplus of $1.1 million.
The Queensland Treasury Corporation has maintained Council’s credit rating as Sound with a Neutral Outlook.
For full details of the Budget, visit tr.qld.gov.au/budget
Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 3 In reproducing the Nutrien Harcourts logo, be conscious of size and legibility. A logo that is too small will have little or no impact. Scaling: EPS logo files may be scaled to any size necessary as long as the minimum size requirements are met. refers to the smallest allowable logo size. The logo may be as small as 25 SCALING: MAINTAIN A CONSISTENT ASPECT RATIO 25 MM MINIMUM SIZE T 0433 191 001 E helen.king@nh.com.au CALL HELEN [who lives and loves the area] BuyingThinkingoforSelling? www.nutrienharcourtsclifton.com.au Nutrien Harcourts Clifton 67 King Street CLIFTON Forcustomerservice & client care Notjustaslogan–APromise! A fully qualified real estate agent for over 20 years CALL HELEN [who Toowoomba Regional Council_150623_10x18_OOS 131 872 www.tr.qld.gov.au/budget SPENDING AGAINST OUR CORPORATE PLAN PEOPLE I PLACE SUSTAINABILITY I PROSPERITY PERFORMANCE $449.8 M $ Water, wastewater & waste infrastructure $92.9 M Parks & community facilities $23.8 M Roads, footpaths, bikeways & drainage $69 M TOP FOUR CAPITAL PROGRAMS Business, strategy & operations $15.7 M 2023/24 BUDGET 3.55%* whole Region. AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL RATES & CHARGES INCREASE 3.81%* Toowoomba City. *Average increase of rates and charges that apply to residential properties, based on the average unimproved residential land value. Tracey Merritt BVSc; Laura Boucher BVSc; &
Timmins BVSc Shop 1, 85 Main Street Westbrook Ph: 4630 6633 MONDAY - FRIDAY 8am - 5.30pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY Closed SMALL
We care about the pets you love
What’s the Voice referendum about?
It’s about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by setting up an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. A referendum is the only way to change the Australian Constitution.
What is the Voice?
The Voice would be a permanent body that gives independent advice to the Australian Parliament and Government on matters that affect First Nations people.
The Voice aims to help the Parliament and Government to make better decisions and deliver better outcomes for First Nations people.
How will the Voice be set up?
How it’s set up would be determined after the referendum with input from First Nations people, the broader public and the Government. The Parliament would then make a law to set up the Voice.
The intention is that its members will be chosen by and representative of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from across Australia.
Be ready for the conversation, get informed at Voice.gov.au
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra
Page 4 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023
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Crash at Felton South
The intersection of Toowoomba Karara Road and Clifton Pittsworth Road at Felton South saw yet another crash on Monday afternoon, which involved two vehicles.
Sergeant Bruce Willett of Clifton Police said the incident involved a Winnebago travelling east on Clifton Pittsworth Road and a Mazda BT-50 utility driving north on Toowoomba Karara Road.
Sergeant Willett said from the initial investigation it appears the Winnebago, driven by a 79-years-old Allora woman, failed to adequately stop which led to it colliding with the ute.
The Allora woman, suffering cuts and abrasions, was taken to hospital via ambulance.
The driver of the ute, a 19-years-old Lockyer Valley man, sustained an arm injury and his sole passenger, a 20-years-old Lockyer Valley man, had cuts and abrasions.
Power prices to surge
A report released by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) last week shows Ergon customers can expect significant price rises on their electricity bills.
The QCA report shows a typical family is facing, from 1 July, an increase of $429 or 28.7 per cent on its household electricity bill and a typical small business is facing another increase of $511 or 26.8 per cent on its electricity bill.
Contributing to the $429 increase for a typical family is a $395 increase in energy costs, a $63 rise in retail costs, a $37 rise in network costs and a $65 decrease in other costs.
The QCA report says the energy cost rise has been caused by higher gas and coal prices and uncertainties around the availability and reliability of coal-fired power plants and their impacts on the supply–demand balance in Queensland.
Despite the rise in general cost, the blow will be softened for those with solar panels.
From Saturday, 1 July, the solar feed-in tariff in regional Queensland will increase by 44.5 per cent to 13.441 cents per kilowatt an hour for power exported to the grid from eligible solar systems.
Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 5 18A Goggs St Toowoomba Phone 4688 9222 www.russellandsons.com.au John & Andrew Russell Better Cleaner Easier BATTERY POWERED GARDEN & POWER TOOLS Turns wood Into fireWOOD 60V PRO BRUSHLESS CHAINSAW (16”) DON’T PAY RETAIL PRICES CHECK OUT OUR MASSIVE RANGE ONLINE! 07 4529 0164 www.agwholesalers.com.au sales@agwholesalers.com.au buy at wholesale rates! • Portable Yards (cattle, horses, sheep, dogs) • Electric Fencing & Fencing Supplies • Spreaders • Rural Merchandise • Irrigators • Workshop Tools See our full range online Delivery or pick up available Pick up / viewing days Mon, Wed (9.30-3.30) and Fri (9.30-3.30) 12 McNally Rd Greenmount 4 King Street, Clif ton Ph: 4697 3276 Fax: 4697 3331 ool & EFI diag tion (RWC) • Mobile AIS • HVRAS approved • Vehicle Modi cations m equipment & machiner y including stationar y gensets & irrigation motors CLIFTON AUTO AG REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS TO ALL VEHICLES INCLUDING CARS, 4WD’S, TRUCKS, TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY. Proudly supporting Clifton & surrounding districts admin@cliftonautoag.com.au EMBROIDERY & SCREENPRINTING SPECIALIST CUSTOM TRUCKER CAPS SENIOR SCHOOL JERSEYS CORPORATE WEAR WORK WEAR HI VIS WEAR Toowoomba Embroidery Centre Servicing Toowoomba & Darling Downs M-F 8.45am-5pm 581 Ruthven St, Toowoomba www.toowoombaembroidery.com.au (07) 4639 3255
The two vehicles came to a stop on the roadside.
Winter crops to fall
The ABARES Australian Crop Report forecasts total Australian winter crop production to fall by 34 per cent to 44.9 million tonnes in 2023–24 following three consecutive record production years.
ABARES Executive Director Dr Jared Greenville said early autumn rainfall in some major cropping regions including in southern Queensland replenished soil moisture levels and provided favourable planting conditions.
However, autumn rainfall in many places was lower than average and soil moisture levels have remained low.
“Winter crop production is expected to decline to 3 per cent below the 10-year average to 2022–23 of 46.4 million tonnes and yield prospects are forecast to be below average due to the expectation of below average rainfall for winter and spring.”
Dr Greenville said positively, high crop prices, good seasons and record farm cash incomes over the last three years mean many growers will stay in a strong financial position despite the fall in production.
“This will incentivise farmers to plant a crop this season while also allowing some growers to fallow a higher proportion of paddocks in dry areas,” he said.
“For the major winter crops, area planted to wheat is forecast to fall by 2 per cent to 12.8 million hectares and area planted to barley is forecast to increase by 4 per cent to 4.3 million hectares, largely because of the crop’s ability to withstand drier conditions compared to wheat and canola
“Looking ahead, a significant downside risk to the 2023–24 winter cropping season is the potential for an El Niño event and positive Indian Ocean Dipole to both eventuate this year.
“The development of an El Niño event is likely to result in below average rainfall across eastern Australia during the Winter cropping season.
“We are also expected to see a positive Indian Ocean Dipole which may suppress winter and spring rainfall over much of Australia and potentially exacerbate the drying effect of an El Niño.”
Page 6 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023
Ramping times at Hospital pass 7 hours
Data from the Queensland Government shows a patient in January this year spent 7 hours and 31 minutes ramped in an ambulance at Toowoomba Hospital.
Toowoomba R.L. results
Round 9 of the Hutchinson Builders Toowoomba Rugby League competition was played last weekend.
On Saturday, the Goondiwindi Boars and the Southern Suburbs Tigers had a 20-all draw, Wattles Warriors defeated the Oakey Bears 46 to 10 and the Gatton Hawks defeated Warwick Cowboys 44 to 22.
On Sunday, Toowoomba Valleys Roosters defeated Dalby Diehards 28 to 26, Highfields Eagles defeated Brothers Leprechauns 34 to 18 and the Pittsworth Danes defeated Newtown Lions 56 to 12.
Valleys and Gatton sit atop the ladder with 8 wins, followed by Warwick and Wattles.
Minister for Health, Mental Health, and Ambulance Services Shannon Fentiman said the most recent quarterly performance data shows 72 per cent of patients in Queensland are seen in the recommended time frame.
“The rise in the urgency of cases, and the reduction in the availability and affordability of primary care, means that people who would have otherwise sought care in the community are now coming to our emergency departments,” Ms Fentiman said.
“Some of these patients will be less urgent and may need to wait for some time before receiving care from an emergency doctor.”
Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said the Opposition has put solutions on the table including better resources, improving triaging, real time data monitoring and giving power back to local doctors and nurses.
Every parent’s worst nightmare is losing their child. Linda Barton tragically lost her son Nick to suicide in 2016.
We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability
Hoping to make sure as few parents and families go through the same trauma her and her husband Jim had, they founded the charity Hike to Heal Australia.
Hike to Heal aims to destigmatise suicide, raise community awareness and promote connection.
health or
MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins
MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins
We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability
§ Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.
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Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.
§ Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride
MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins
§ Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.
Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety.
Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment
§ Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.
Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride
§ Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety.
§ Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment
Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride
Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.
Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.
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Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 7
Webelieveevery human has the inherentrightto live a‘normal’and empoweredlife;to haveabilityand opportunitytomake one’s own choices.We aimtoempowerpeople with mental
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Beginning in 2020, the annual Hike to Heal Scavenger Hunt is held at Mount Peel Bushalnd between Westbrook and Drayton to raise money for mental MONTH
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Linda Barton health
and for Momentum
From August 2022 to February 2023, the next longest wait times were 6 hours and 55 minutes, 6 hours and 20 minutes, 6 hours and 13 minutes and 5 hours and 45 minutes.
It is Winter which means athletics season is upon us.
That usually means cold and windy weather, but last week, Cambooya State School held its annual athletics carnival and we were gifted with a beautiful day.
Everyone had to make sure they had hats and lots of sunscreen rather than ski jackets and beanies.
A fantastic day was had by all with some great competition and results.
Congratulations to our winning house Cunningham and our age champions, Chad, Quinn, Mila, Max, Peyton, Alex, Alyssa, William and Siena.
Page 8 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023 Cnr Spring & Ramsay Streets MIDDLE RIDGE MON TO FRI.......8.30AM - 5.30PM SATURDAY.........8.30AM - 12PM • Sleep Apnea Testing & Supplies • Chronic Pain Management • Flu Vaccinations OPENING HOURS mary ’s family pharmacy Authorised by G. Hamilton, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 516 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350. Garth HAMILTON Federal Member for Groom 516 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 07 4632 4144 garth.hamilton.mp@aph.gov.au garthhamilton.com.au Locally Owned & Operated 436 Stenner Street, Toowoomba O: M-F 8am-5pm & Sat 8am-12 Noon Tyres & Full Mechanical Repairs & Servicing For Monthly Deals See www.bridgestonetyres.com.au OWNERS Mack & Emma Orange NEW BATHROOM SHOWROOM 138 CAMPBELL ST, TOOWOOMBA BESPOKE & BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS NOW HERE! • BATHROOMS • KITCHEN & LAUNDRY RENOVATION D É COR • FLOORING & TILES • INDEPENDENT LIVING • COMMERCIAL MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 to 5:00pm I SATURDAY 9.00 to 12.00pm 4633 0222 ceramicsandbrass.com.au
The 2023 athletics age champions (above) and a sprint to the finish line (below).
Cambooya State School
Last week we were lucky enough to have the Queensland Police Service out for a visit to Ramsay State School. Constables Stu and Jason spoke to both of the classes about
behaviour and consequences.
They talked about some of the highlights of their job and the equipment and training needed to be a police officer.
Our students were surprised to hear that taking notes and typing were big parts of the job and that a simple biro was one of the most used pieces of equipment.
Our P-2 students got to try on the police vest and thought it was very heavy.
They also got to go through the police car and hear the siren.
It was a fantastic visit and we thank Stu and Jason for coming out.
ABOVE: Our police friends Constable Stu and Jason talking to some of the Ramsay younger students.
RIGHT: Ramsay students, including Xavier and Tom, enjoyed our Footy Colours Day for State of Origin. Lots of fun and a change from our normal School uniform.
Page 10 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023 www.westridgefruit.com.au Ph: 4635 6905 Westridge Shopping Centre 300 West St Kearneys Springs Toowoomba Open 7 Days M-F 7am-6pm • Sat/Sun 1.00pm AWARD WINNING FRUITERER SHOP ON LINE or CLICK & COLLECT or DROP IN WE ALSO HOME DELIVER* *conditions apply see web site P 4632 1255 A 183A Perth Street,Toowoomba W www.creativeblindstoowoomba.com.au Your family owned window furnishings specialists covering Toowoomba and the Darling Downs VERTICAL AND ROLLER BLINDS MADE IN TOOWOOMBA READY TO INSTALL IN 10 WORKING DAYS* O: M-F 9.00am-5pm Sat 8.00am-Noon 161-165 Jellicoe St Toowoomba P: 4632 7069 ALL IN STORE Call in Today!
Classifieds - Trades and Services Cambooya Fencing - Rural and domestic fencing, stables, shelters and yards. Phone Chris Pederson on 0488 440 525. Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 11 Clear & Coloured Sealers Spray on Resurfacing Epoxy Flake Flooring Small Concreting Jobs CONCRETE Restoration DARREN JONES PH 0418 150 497 QBBC 1063110 CONCRETING SERVICES CHRIS HENRY Electrical For all industrial, commercial, domestic or rural inquiries Over 35 years trade experience 0419 799 354 chris.h.electrical@bigpond.com ABN 61 613 324 744. Lic. No. 81663 PTY. LTD. ELECTRICAL SERVICES • STEEL FAB R ICATION • • MOB I LE WELDI NG • ✓Maintenance & repairs to agricultural & earthmoving equipment ✓General fabrication ✓On site welding ✓Ornate security doors ✓Custom built heavy duty builders racks • C O M P A R E O U R R A T E S • Ph: Kevin 0407 659 451 4691 0107 FABRICATION FENCING Local Ramsay Fencer • Residential • Property Entrances • Rural Steel & Timber • Chain Wire • Electric • Post & Rail • Cattle & Horse Yards • Round Yards and Arenas • Bobcat work • Infrastructure Design Hay making, GPS zero-till seeding and cultivation services. Peter Wilson 0417 541 174 FARMING SERVICES SERVICES FAST & CLEAN PHONE 4697 3603 OR CALL IN TO 60 CLARK STREET CLIFTON RUBBER STAMP Order a Self-inking from The On Our Selection News Electrician - BHB Electrical. Brad Densley. Lic# 75685. All electrical installation, repairs and maintenance. Phone 0427 971 470. Having a striking BUSINESS CARD is important! Did you know that ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Call us for a quote today! T 4697 3603 can design and supply business cards? DRILLING SERVICES Competitive • • www.qldgroundwater.com.au Trades & Services Call Glen on or 0419 730 902 Cambooya, Wyreema, Nobby & Clifton RESTUMPING Page 12 ON OUR SELECTION Shreks eptic ervices Family Owned Business • 24/7 Emergency Work • Pump Out Septic Tanks, • Grey Water Tanks • Holding Tanks Contact Lester & Dale 0488 962 946 EMERGENCY 24 HOUR BREAKDOWN SERVICE • Alternators, and diagnostics Phone: Email: RUBBER STAMPS Order a Self-inking rubber stamp from On Our Selection News Phone 4697 3603 SEPTIC SERVICES DRILLING SERVICES SOUTHERN DOWNS DRILLING For all your Stock, Domestic and Irrigation Bore Needs Call Travis on 0400 752 257 KEYS Bobcat 3.5 Tonne 4 in 1 Bucket Post Hole Trench Pallet Forks Slasher STRICKS PUMP REPAIRS • Supply of New Pumps • All Pump Repairs • Bore Testing Gary Strickland Ph: 0428 971 227 PUMP REPAIRS • Residential • Property Entrances • Rural Steel & Timber • Chain Wire • Electric • Post & Rail PI & DA Batham 35 Years Experience • Service • Repairs • Ride-ons • Chainsaws • Pumps • Gen Sets • Motorbikes • Pressure Cleaners • Quads Phone 4697 1259 www.facebook.com/onourselectionnews RE STUMPING • • Grey Contact 4637 0488 STEELE 24 • Accident • Qld • All • Local • Machinery • Container • On Terry M: • Supply of New Pumps • All Pump Repairs • Bore Testing Gary Strickland Ph: 0428 971 227 RE-STUMPING PI & DA Batham Over 40 Years Experience • Service • Repairs • Chainsaws • Pumps • Gen Sets • Motorbikes • Pressure Cleaners • Quads Phone 4697 1259 Small Engine Mechanic MECHANICAL SERVICES R V FENCING Rob 0428 521 412 Specialising In: • All types of rural fencing • Steel and timber • Cattle and horse yards/shelters • Post and rail • Property entrances • Electric fencing • BASED AT CAMBOOYA RUBBER CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM SHEET STRIP MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS RUBBER SHEET STRIP MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS CHEMICALS BLANKETS PUMPS FILTERS TOYS CHEMICALS BLANKETS PUMPS TOYS POOLS POOLS 1 2 RUBBER CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM SHEET STRIP MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS CHEMICALS PUMPS FILTERS TOYS CHEMICALS BLANKETS PUMPS FILTERS TOYS POOLS POOLS 1 2 219 Anzac Ave Toowoomba W scottsfrp.com.au O 9-5 MF 9-1 Sat P 4642 1544 RUBBER CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM CUT MATTRESSES OVERLAYS UPHOLSTERY CRAFT FOAM SHEET STRIP MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS RUBBER SHEET STRIP MATTING EXTRUSIONS MOULDINGS CHEMICALS BLANKETS PUMPS FILTERS TOYS CHEMICALS BLANKETS PUMPS FILTERS TOYS POOLS POOLS 1 2 SERVICES STEELE RUDD 24 Hr Towing • Accident & Breakdown • Qld Tpt Dept Licenced • All Insurance Companies • Local & Interstate • Machinery Transport • Container Transport • On Site Container Storage Terry Mitchell M: 0458 963 222 TOWING STRICKS PUMP REPAIRS • Supply of New Pumps • All Pump Repairs • Bore Testing Gary Strickland Ph: 0428 971 227 PUMP REPAIRS FENCING SERVICES FENCING SERVICES EQUINE SERVICES BREAKING IN PRE-TRAINING RE-EDUCATION HORSE HANDLING TRIMMING SALE PREP BEN HOEY 0491 080 006
Trades & Services KEYS EARTHMOVING Bobcat & 7 Tonne Tipper 3.5 Tonne Excavator 4 in 1 Bucket Post Hole Digger Trench Digger Pallet Forks Slasher Driveways Clean ups All Earthworks House Foundations Experienced Owner Operator 0421 239 222 Jess Keys SL EARTHWORKS - PLANT HIRE Shane Lloyd 0404 690 013 slearthworks@outlook.com www.slearthworks.com SLEarthworks 0404 690 013 Driveways & Culverts Access trails Rock drains House Pads Shed Pads Silo Pads Hard stands Fence line clearing Dam desilting Dam enlargements & reconstruction Inland water filters Horse arenas Contour banks & erosion repairs Drainage and Trenches Post & Pier Hole Drillings Demolition Bulk Haulage Sandstone, Concrete block retaining walls. Supply Crusher Dust, Road Base, Clean Fill, Mulch, Sand, Soil and more. Fleet: 5t & 15t Excavator, Track loader, Tipper, Dog Trailer, Roller. 0427 038 508 damian@maidah.com.au Lic# 1089343 Agricultural - EarthmovingAutomotive • Air Conditioning & Auto Electrical Servicing • Steel Manufacturing,Fabrication & Machining • Design & Manufacturing of Custom Made Products • Sheds, Carports, Garages • Concrete slabs • Posi track and 4t Excavator • Crane truck, Scissor Lift & Tilt Tray Hire • 24hr Breakdown Service MOBILE DIESEL REPAIRS & WELDING SERVICES FABRICATION SERVICES Page 12 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023 HOME ELECTRICAL COMMERCIAL ELECTRICALSOLAR REPAIRS SOLAR UPGRADES NEED A PROMPT AND PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN? 0488 484 141 admin@expresselectrical.net.au DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • SOLAR INSTALLATION & REPAIRS LIC No. 68029 DOZER HIRE Max Strasser 0423 281 897 Call STRASSER EARTHMOVING Caterpillar D8T Earthworks, Raking, Quarrying etc. Laser and GPS available BUILDER SERVICES B U I L D E R Extensions Renovations 0428 214 334 libertyrobbo@bigpond.com Constructions Paul Robinson ABN 57837395377 QBCC Licence 15134652 Master Builders Member For ALL your CONCRETING Needs! TOM BUCKLES Phone 0422 753 969 Email tombuckles454@hotmail.com SERVICING ALL AREAS ABN 83 664 506 772 QBBC 15366189 CONCRETING SERVICES ELECTRICAL SERVICES EARTHMOVING SERVICES EARTHMOVING SERVICES
Trades & Services Competitive Quotes Call Bob 0428 478 389 Email: thegarners10@bigpond.com • Timber Pest Inspections • Rodents Pest Treatments: Ants, Cockroaches, Spiders and Termites QBCC Lic: 726298 Pest management Lic: pmt-0-1877 RAZOR PEST CONTROL PMT 1003984313 Locally Owned and Operated FOR ALL YOUR PEST CONTROL NEEDS COCKIES ANTS SPIDERS TERMITE INSPECTIONS AND BARRIERS PRE-PURCHASE INSPECTIONS TREVOR GREEN - CALL US FOR A QUOTE 1300 536 168 or 0408 763 506 ABN 43 104 725 215 0417 034 266 pjt60@westnet.com.au | 217 Strickland Road GREENMOUNT QBCC No: 42181 General maintenance Hot water system replacements Backflow valve testing Burst water pipes High pressure water jetter for blocked drains & septic repairs Drain camera & pipe locating equipment Water softeners & water filters 1.8 & 3 tonne mini excavators & bobcat LICENSED PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR LICENSED PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE PLUMBING AND GAS MECHANICAL SERVICES Trucks Trailers Horse Floats Mobile Plant Debney Mechanical PHONE JUSTIN 0428 748 392 MOBILE MECHANIC Servicing and Repairs Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 13 VET SERVICES PEST CONTROL FOR HIRE! B Double Prime Mover Flat Top Trailers Front End Loader and Forklift www.bioclayaust.com E: bioclay@bigpond.com 0400 872 887 Bentonite FOR SALE! FOR HIRE 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE COUNCIL APPROVED LOCALLY OWNED BUSINESS • Pump Outs • Grey water • Grease Traps • Portable Toilets • Wastewater Treatment Plants PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SEPTIC TANK CLEANING WASTE WATER SERVICES Having a striking BUSINESS CARD is important! Did you know that ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Call us for a quote today! T 4697 3603 can design and supply business cards?
Year 5 and Year 4/5 had a visit from Senior Sergeant Doyle on Wednesday afternoon.
Senior Sergeant Doyle spoke to students about their safety network and how to identify people in the community who can help them.
Students got their fingerprints taken and they spent some time working out what type of fingerprints they have.
Then, some students helped Senior Sergeant Doyle pull some fingerprints from some household items using the forensic dusting technique.
To end the session, students took part in some police dress ups and asked Senior Sergeant Doyle some police-related questions.
Thank you, Senior Sergeant Doyle for your time and expertise!
Sergeant Doyle talks to the year 5s (top), finger printing (above) and trying on police vest and cap (below).
Page 14 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023 PHONE 4633 1111 TOOWOOMBA CARPARK SALE www.edwardssaddleworld.com.au 152 Taylor Street Newtown 50% OFF EVERYTHING IN CARPARK 30% OFF ALL BOOTS & SHOES 20% OFF STOREWIDE ONLY THIS FRI, SAT, SUN 16TH ,17TH, 18TH JUNE FRIDAY 8-5.30PM • SATURDAY 8-3.30PM • SUNDAY 9-2PM Dont Miss This! Phone orders accepted OPEN MON-FRI 8.30-5.00 SAT 9-1.00 WIN WIN 37 Prescott St Toowoomba T 4638 7019 www.choicesflooring.com.au $700 RUG THIS WINTER PLACE AN ORDER BY 30 JUNE 23 AND YOU’RE IN THE DRAW* CARPET • VINYL • TIMBER • PLANK • LAMINATE • RUGS • BLINDS • SHUTTERS *Minimum order $2500 LUXURY Ph: 4639 4545 E: sales@brady.com.au Mail Orders Welcome SPECIALIST Medical Supplies BRADY INDUSTRIES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 Fitzgibbon St, Toowoomba QLD 4350 (Entrance off Robertson St near Tint-A-Car) SellingDirectToYou-We’llhavejust whatYourDoctor/HealthCarerOrdered! Open M - F 8:30am-5pm Closed Sat & Sun WYREEMA STATE SCHOOL
They can keep doing so because people like you shop locally! Keep up the good work! LOCAL BUSINESSES support local community events and organisations
Local Events Calendar
If you are holding an event in the area covered by On Our Selection News, forward details to editorial@cliftoncourier.com.au
Bunker’s Hill State School
Bunker’s Hill State School recently held its Athletics carnival over two days.
On Wednesday afternoon we held the field events and 800m for the students aged 9 to 12 years.
Then on Friday the whole school came out to participate in sprints, relays and ballgames.
The weather was perfect for both days and lots of fun was had by all the competitors.
We had a large number of parents, grandparents and supporters cheering on our students.
The sausage sizzle tempted us all day with it amazing
smells and fed our hungry competitors and their supporters.
During the carnival, seven records were broken, with one discus record finally being broken after 22 years.
Selected students will now compete at the Cambooya District Carnival to be held at Bunker’s Hill State School on Wednesday 21st June.
Age Champions on the day were: Angus, Lulu, Rigby, Ciara, Roman, Hannah, Jed and Amelia.
Rural Steel Supplies
Thursday, June 15, 2023 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Page 15
DATE EVENT LOCATION CONTACT 8 July Friends of Gormans Gap - Bush Regeneration/ Gormans Gap Road, Preston president@fogg.org.au Weed Management, 7:30am to 11:30am 11 July Wyreema Community Hall meeting, 7pm Wyreema Community Hall, wyreemacommunityhall@ 14 Umbiram Road yahoo.com 22 July Westbrook Wheels’ Show ‘n’ Shine, 9am to 12pm Centenary Park, Barwick Street, facebook.com/westbrookwheels Westbrook 25 July Emu Creek SS 150th Committee meeting, 7pm Wheatsheaf Store, East Greenmount 4697 1171 or 0466 459 132 AW7332530
DIPPED Ben Fox M 0418 107 788 • E: benfox@xstraders.com.au Cec Fox M 0418 721 100 • E: chfox@ruralsteelsupplies.com.au PRICE INCLUDE GST - STOCK BRISBANE
Supplies Cec & Ben have 76 years experience in supplying steel to the rural market FAX 07 3848 2099 7AM - 7PM - 7 DAYS | www.ruralsteelsupplies.com.au • 100
Rural Steel
X 100 X 5.6MM (HEAVY)
2.4M X 4.5M •
OF 50
Ben Fox M 0418 107 788 • E: benfox@xstraders.com.au Cec Fox M 0418 721 100 • E: chfox@ruralsteelsupplies.com.au PRICE INCLUDE GST - STOCK BRISBANE
the rural market FAX 07 3848 2099 7AM - 7PM - 7 DAYS | www.ruralsteelsupplies.com.au
100 X 100
• 2.4M X 4.5M
EA/SHEET AW7332530
Cec & Ben have 76 years experience in supplying steel to
Ben Fox M 0418 107 788 • E: benfox@xstraders.com.au Cec Fox M 0418 721 100 • E: chfox@ruralsteelsupplies.com.au PRICE INCLUDE GST - STOCK BRISBANE
Steel Supplies Cec & Ben have 76 years experience in supplying steel to the rural market FAX 07 3848 2099 7AM - 7PM - 7 DAYS | www.ruralsteelsupplies.com.au • 100 X 100 X 5.6MM (HEAVY) • 2.4M X 4.5M • BUNDLES OF 50 $66 EA/SHEET • LOOSE SHEETS $76 EA/SHEET PLAY, EAT & DRINK at RINK 46 FIND US AT 46 Gipps St, Drayton QLD 4350 PHONE (07) 4636 9069 Now open 7 days!
The Bunker’s Hill State School’s Athletics Carnival age champions should be very proud of their efforts.
Page 16 ON OUR SELECTION NEWS Thursday, June 15, 2023 WESTBROOK THE Take Away Orders Welcome! SPECIALS AVAILABLE 14-20 JUNE, 2023 84-88 Main Street, Westbrook | Phone (07) 4630 6797 | Open 7 Days 7am-7pm Doritos Corn Chips crop PICK OF THE treats TASTY Coca Cola 24 Pack Darrell Lea Share Bags 120-280g Campbell’s Country Ladle Soup 495-505g Fantastic Noodle Cup or Bowl 70-85g Pink Lady Apples New Season Brushed Potatoes 2kg Avocados Single Sell $1.99 Lamb Loin Chops dinner? WHAT’S FOR Economy Porterhouse Steak Lamb Leg Roasts Gold Lotto and Instant Scratchies COMING VERY SOON! Freshly Baked! Freshly Baked! Block Cakes 300g