1 minute read
State School
What fabulous learning we have had over the past couple of weeks at Greenmount.
Greenmount State School students have been enthusiastically re-using plastic bottles to create amazing music.
Inspired by the Kaboom Percussion performance who travelled to the school last year, they have made the instruments from plastic bottles and car tyre valves and are playing them with knitting needles.
Students have been using the “bottleophones” to practice playing rhythms, to accompany well known songs and are just beginning to compose their own pieces of music.
Who would have thought that such pure melodic sound could come from something so simple?
Our Preppies have been busy with their InitialLit lessons, they are well under way to becoming super learners.
Our school has been abuzz with Science at lunch.
Last week our sandpit was transformed into an active volcano and the resulting explosion was well anticipated.
Our 2023 seniors were inducted with great excitement. We are so proud of them officially becoming school leaders and can’t wait to see what great role models they continue to be throughout the year.
A lot has been happening at Greenmount lately. The new school leaders have been inducted (above), plastic bottles have been re-purposed as instruments (left), preps have busy learning (below left) and sandpit volcanoes! (below).