Business Awards Winners Feature 2018

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lest we forget

INSIDE: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■




Rememberance Day | page 5 COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 Letters to the Editor | page 8 Classifieds | pages 19, 20+21 FREE 7 Day TV Guide | page 22



No 1:1430

Pental scores big Duracell deal By David Lee PENTAL products are already found in households across the world, but the local manufacturing company has just taken its dealings a step higher, securing a deal with US conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway to be the new distributor for big brand, Duracell. Initially for a period of three years, the deal includes supplying Duracell products to stores such as Coles, Bunnings Warehouse, Target, IGA, FoodWorks, Priceline and Costco and other retailers across Australia and New Zealand. Continued on page 11



Dale Wright Portrait Maker takes 2018 Hall of Fame award Standing ovation from 444 guests 2018 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES… This year’s White King-Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards Hall of Fame inductees, Dale Wright Portrait Maker owners, Dale and Lorraine Wright were honoured to have received the prestigious award. Photo: David Lee.

THE atmosphere was full of excitement and anticipation when 444 local business people and sponsors of the 2018 White King-Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards filled Eastbank on Friday to attend the business award’s special Gala Dinner night. Thirteen local businesses celebrated their wins with each discovering who was crowned winners of their category, and there was a standing ovation when Dale Wright Portrait Maker was announced as this year’s illustrious chamber business Hall of Fame recipient. Continued on page 13 Meet all the Chamber & Industry Award Winners on pages 13-18


2018 White King - Pental



OUR WINNERS AND SPONSORS… From left (back), Place Accommodation co-owners, Luis Casanova and Carrie Donaldson, Blizzards Fine Jewellers owners, Crag and Lyn Blizzard, SPIIRE business unit manager, Jeramy Blight, Greater Shepparton City Council business development coordinator, Tricia Martinek, Reid’s Pharmacy pharmacist, Leticia Keady, GV Health executive director workforce, Stacey Weeks, WDEA Works team leader, Kaitlin Smith, Poolside Shepparton owner, Carolyn Thorp, David Powles Kitchens apprentice, Emily McClure, WDEA Works site manager, Julianne Runnalls, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry executive officer, Lucy Cerrone, GOTAFE manager marketing and creative services, Larissa Falla, Lush Skin and Body Clinic owner, Cat Armstrong, Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Edwina Dooley, GV Vets veterinarian, Frances Jenner, WIN TV sales manager, Stephen Mullins, White King-Pental export and New Zealand sales manager, David Turkovic, Dale Write Portrait Maker owners, Dale and Lorraine Wright, Bill & Beats owner, Jenna Buzza, Pental products customer service manager, Beth Smith, LaTrobe University business school academic coordinator Shepparton campus, Maria Zito, Tourism Greater Shepparton president, Ross Graham and The Adviser managing director, Geoff Adams. (Front), Identity Menswear owner, Stephen Goulopolous, Poolside Shepparton owner, Jarrod Thorp, Graham Hill Eyecare owner, Mark DePaola, Greater Shepparton City Council team leader tourism events, Rohan Sali, GV Vets veterinarian, Brett Davis, Apex Rail Pty Ltd Co-owners, Hugh Ellis and Paul Reade, White KingPental manufacturing manager, Carmine Conte, Greater Shepparton City Council manager economic development, Anthony Nicolaci and Triple M general sales manager, Andrew Metcalf. Photo: David Lee.

Businesses celebrated by 444 guests as award winners announced continued from front page SHEPPARTON Chamber of Commerce and Industry executive officer, Lucy Cerrone said, “We were so pleased with the number of nominations we saw come in this year. It really goes to show that we have some great businesses across the region, and that the community knows how much they deserve to be recognised. “The Gala Dinner evening was fantastic once again this year. It was wonderful to see all of the networking and excitement in the room. “ It was great once again to have the support of White King–Pental, as well as all our other sponsors, 95.3 Triple M, WIN TV, The Adviser, WDEA Works, GOTAFE, Shepparton Show Me and the Greater Shepparton Business Centre, Greater Shepparton City Council, La Trobe University, Tourism Greater Shepparton, GV Health and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “The highlight of the event of course, as in other years, is the presentation of the Hall of Fame recipient and this year was no exception. Last year’s Hall of Fame winner, Michael Kearney from Purdeys Jewellers made the announcement of Dale Wright Portrait Maker as this year’s honoured Hall of Fame inductee. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dale, Lorraine and Stuart Wright and all of the team at Dale Wright Portrait Maker. “This year we also enjoyed seeing so many young people receive recognition for outstanding performance in business across the board. We would like to extend a big thank you to all of the judges on this year’s judging panel. There were

many categories this year, which were very close and it made the judge’s jobs even more difficult. It was very inspiring to hear all of the comments from judges. The people behind these businesses are our future leaders and it’s important to recognise them for all their efforts. “We would also like to extend our thanks to the Eastbank Centre and staff as well as Vijay Ambani ARJ Catering for their tremendous efforts and delicious food particularly catering to such a large crowd, they did a wonderful job. Also to Mark Brodie from Shepparton Access for the centrepieces filled with local produce, Andrew McNab from Integrity Fruit who donated the fruit, Renato’s Florist for floral arrangement and Matty and Jamie Hooper for the wonderful music. “On behalf of the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I’d like to extend our sincere congratulations to all of the winners on the night and what a wonderful celebration of the business community in Greater Shepparton.” Images: Clockwise from top left: A PACKED VENUE… The strong crowd of 444 business people and sponsors for the awards packed Eastbank for this year’s Gala Dinner. AMUSING EMCEE… John Deeks once again was emcee for the Gala Dinner and kept the crowd entertained with his amusing hosting style. A TOUCH OF FAME… CPAP Victoria manager, Jacqui Adem with media personality, Geoff “Coxy” Cox, who attended the Gala Dinner to congratulate the winners of each of the award categories. FANTASTIC ENTERTAINMENT… Entertainers, Matty and Jamie Hooper treated the crowd throughout the evening with a range of pieces. Photos: David Lee.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1430 Wednesday, November 7, 2018 – Page 13

2018 winners announced Identity Menswear

Stephen Goulopolous BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD - RETAIL From left, Identity Menswear owner, Stephen Goulopolous and Triple M general sales manager, Andrew Metcalf. Identity Menswear have a clear and realistic business plan and keep up to date with opportunities that exist within their industry. To them service is paramount and together with their great product knowledge they have a wonderful ability to satisfy their customer’s needs.

Graham Hill Eyecare

Graham Hill and Mark DePaola BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD - PROFESSIONAL From left, Graham Hill Eyecare owners, Mark DePaola and Graham Hill and Win TV sales manager, Stephen Mullins. For over 50 years, the inclusive service provided by this business enables all community members access to the very best in eyecare. The team of optometrists makes monthly visits to Rumbalara testing and treating of eye disease. A technician employed full time at the business ensures customers have efficient service here in Shepparton. Mark De Paola, began as an employee, was part owner for 12 years and is now the proud owner to Graham Hill Eyecare is one of 12 optometrists who meet at a national level, acting in an advisory capacity to businesses throughout Australia. The latest equipment, a wide range of eyewear, modern light-filled rooms, built by local tradesmen deliver a re-assuring, appointment. The aim of all staff is to have their clients leave with a smile, whatever the news, pleased they came. Even those reluctant middle-aged men who received sunglasses at the ‘Big Blokes Lunch’ and subsequently came in for an eye test.

Apex Rail Pty Ltd

Paul Reade and Hugh Ellis BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD - TRADE From left, Apex Rail Pty Ltd, Paul Reade and Hugh Ellis and The Adviser general manager, Will Adams. Apex Rail is a successful new company managed by two enthusiastic and entrepreneurial young men. They are based in Congupna and tender for rail infrastructure construction projects throughout regional Victoria. Their emphasis is based on providing workforce and equipment packages to complete entire projects without the need for outside contractors. They prefer to obtain their workforce locally and in doing so provide opportunities for local employees, including indigenous and long-term unemployed people, by sponsoring the acquisition of trade certification, followed by on the job training with a strong emphasis on occupational health and safety.

GV Vets

Frances Jenner and Brett Davis BEST NEW BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD From left, Greater Shepparton City Council business development coordinator, Tricia Martinek and GV Vets veterinarians, Frances Jenner and Brett Davis. GV Vets have not only received an overwhelming number of highly complementary nominations but they have demonstrated that they have a comprehensive business plan, are planning for future growth and have strengths that offer a distinct advantage over their competitors. The staff at GV Vets provide exceptional customer service and are highly involved in the local community.

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2018 winners announced Greater Shepparton City Council

Bill & Beats



Rohan Sali

From left, LaTrobe University business school academic coordinator Shepparton campus, Maria Zito and Greater Shepparton City Council team leader tourism events, Rohan Sali. Rohan Sali is an exceptional young professional. He is an outstanding business ambassador, an extraordinary citizen of our community and an exemplary role model. His personal achievements coupled with his contributions to our local community has bestowed him the Young Professional of the Year Award. He is committed to supporting the growth and development of Greater Shepparton and contributes a tireless amount of energy to ensure initiatives and projects are complete to a high standard. Rohan has just been appointed team leader tourism events for Greater Shepparton City and has just returned from a successful trip to China. He is a super active member of the Shepparton community and is involved in many initiatives within the region. LaTrobe University congratulates Rohan not only for winning this prestigious award but also for making a difference.


Jeramy Blight GV HEALTHY WORKPLACE OF THE YEAR AWARD From left, SPIIRE business unit manager, Jeramy Blight and GV Health executive director workforce, Stacey Weeks. The judging was very close this year, with there not being much between the top three nominees, however SPIIRE as the winners demonstrated a holistic philosophy to a healthy workplace and provides a wide range of health and wellbeing programs. SPIIRE also demonstrated a commitment to supporting the local community and provided a wide range of examples of this. SPIIRE were also very professional in their response to the nomination, whereby they developed a formal presentation of how they strive to be a healthy workplace.

Lush Skin and Body Clinic

Cat Armstrong


2018 White King - Pental


Jenna Buzza From left, Shepparton Show Me chairman, Simon Quattrocchi and Bill & Beats owner, Jenna Buzza. Their marketing strategy has been to target 25 and under for day time business and 35 to 55 for evening trading. They have successfully utilised the full range of media opportunities and could demonstrate over 5,500 followers on Facebook and 2,000 on Instagram. This is a thriving small business and the owners have put a great deal of thought and effort into their marketing and advertising campaigns.

David Powles Kitchens

Emily McClure

APPRENTICE / TRAINEE OF THE YEAR AWARD From left, David Powles Kitchens apprentice, Emily McClure and GOTAFE manager marketing and creative services, Larissa Falla. Emily wins this award because of her dedication to, and passion for, her chosen career, her desire to constantly learn and improve, and for the obvious high regard in which her colleagues hold her. Emily scored very highly in all categories of questions, demonstrating that she is a worthy winner in a field that included several other outstanding candidates.

Place Accommodation

Carrie Donaldson and Luis Casanova VISITOR EXPERIENCE OF THE YEAR AWARD From left, Tourism Greater Shepparton president, Ross Graham, Place Accommodation co-owners, Carrie Donaldson and Luis Casanova and Greater Shepparton City Council manager economic development, Anthony Nicolaci. Carrie’s professionalism and passion for Greater Shepparton is outstanding. She excels in visitor engagement and she constantly goes above and beyond to make guests feel welcome whilst showcasing Greater Shepparton and all it’s attractions. Sense of Place Accommodation is committed to supporting the local economy, placing a preference on local suppliers, followed by Australian.

From left, Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Edwina Dooley and Lush Skin and Body Clinic owner, Cat Armstrong. Cat has such remarkable drive and determination and will do anything to ensure the success of her business in a fiercely competitive industry. Cat has been able to identify what her competitors lacked and through an endless amount of research, she has been able to target a niche market and find a point of difference among competitors. She prides herself on customer service and combined with her strong focus to remain at the forefront of the industry, Cat truly deserves to be rewarded for her tremendous efforts.

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2018 winners announced Blizzards Jewellers

Craig Blizzard

CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD - RETAIL From left, Pental products customer service manager, Beth Smith and Blizzards Fine Jewellers owners, Craig and Lyn Blizzard. The commitment by this business to its customers was a standout. The diligence and efforts were foremost in its duty of care to the customer.

Reid’s Pharmacy

Leticia Keady CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD - PROFESSIONAL From left, WDEA Works team leader, Kaitlin Smith, Reid’s Pharmacy pharmacist, Leticia Keady and WDEA Works site manager, Julianne Runnalls. Customer testimonials all showed a real and genuine appreciation of their customer experience from the team. The attitude that was portrayed to the judges was of an excellent standard.

Poolside Shepparton

Jarrod and Carolyn Thorp CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD - TRADE From left, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry vice president, John Anderson and Poolside Shepparton owners, Jarrod and Carolyn Thorp. The knowledge of their industry was unsurpassed. The quality of service was second to none.

The Shepparton Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. gratefully acknowledges the support of this years sponsors

made in Shepparton

■ GO TAFE ■ Greater Shepparton Business Centre ■ Greater Shepparton City Council ■ GV Health ■ LaTrobe University ■ Shepparton Show Me ■ Tourism Greater Shepparton ■ Victorian Chamber of Commerce ■ WDEA Works

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The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1430 Wednesday, November 7, 2018 – Page 17

2018 White King - Pental


2018 Hall of Fame Honour

Dale Wright named the 2018 Hall of Fame recipient CHEERS erupted throughout Eastbank on Friday night when Dale Wright Portrait Maker was announced as the 2018 White KingPental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards Hall of Fame recipient. Dale and his family first came to Shepparton in 1962 after leaving the Wimmera district family farm. Dale began his career with Lloyd Telfer at ‘Varloine’ studios in Shepparton at 297 Wyndham Street on December 11, 1969. Dale started his own business with his wife, Lorraine after Lloyd Telfer retired and ‘Varloine’ studio and camera store closed in 1975. In 1976 Dale opened a camera store and photography studio at 49 High Street, Shepparton, then in 1986 the studio moved across the road to 58 High Street and diversified to professional photography only. In October 1989, Dale moved the studio to 73 Wyndham Street and named the home ‘Varloine Cottage’ after his original workplace and is still there today. Dale has one of the best studio facilities in country Victoria which are becoming rare. Dale and his wife, Lorraine raised their son,

Stuart and daughter, Deanne in Shepparton and both children attended St Brendan’s Primary School and Notre Dame College. His son, Stuart commenced working with the business in 1997 after completing year 12 at Notre Dame College and is still part of the company today. The business tries to support as many other local businesses as best possible including printers, sign writers, accountants, framers, cleaners, gardeners to name a few and work experience students, training and employment. Over the years, Dale has played many important parts within our local community. In 2013 Dale received Shepparton Citizen of the Year and Greater Shepparton Citizen of the Year award. One of Dales most passionate achievements was creating a men’s group called Talking Straight. The group helps men from all ages which has been running for 23 years and is still going strong, helping over 200 men. In total, Dale has been in photography for nearly 50 years and has run his Shepparton business for over 43 years and says he plans

HONOURED FOR RECOGNITION… Dale Wright and wife, Lorraine on stage at the 2018 White King-Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards Gala Dinner, where Dale Wright Portrait Maker was announced as this year’s Hall of Fame recipient. Last year’s Hall of Fame inductee, Michael Kearney from Purdeys Jewellers presented Dale and Lorraine with the award. Photo: David Lee.

on continuing until the banks take over! Dale said, “It is a great honour to be recognised in my community. “When I started the business, the brides and grooms were outside the studio to be photographed. Then came the colour. The

computer I bought was on a truck and it had a floppy disk. In the early ‘90s, digital was being heard of so I travelled around Australia to learn more about it. They were the changes that have happened over the years. In business you have to learn to adapt to survive.”

We would like to thank all the 2018 Business Awards sponsors and supporters

and congratulations to all our winners

made in Shepparton

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