“A Little can be much”
By Kelly Carmody
MEET two very lovely ladies who have spent many of their senior years giving their time back to the local community by volunteering for The Salvation Army.
June Zelley, who has volunteered for more than 20 years, said that she has always been a 'salvo' and she will continue to give her time for as long as she can.
"The Salvation Army is a part of my life. I enjoy helping people to smile. I was an officer, and I have been helping people with welfare issues since I
was 14," said June. She laughed and added "I am part of the furniture."
Ellen Hyland has been volunteering also for a large amount of time and said her 11 years with the Salvos has been enjoyable.
"People need to feel worthy and valued. Sometimes they just need a cuddle and a chat. I care about our community and people," said Ellen. These wonderful ladies can be found helping at The Salvation Army on a regular basis and both said, "that giving a little, can be so much, to someone else."
Sam BIRRELL MP Federal Member for 426 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630 03 5821 5371 sambirrell.com.au SamBirrellMP SamBirrellMP sam.birrell.mp@aph.gov.au Please contact my office if you require assistance with any Federal Government matters.
Authorised by Sam Birrell, The Nationals, 426 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630
themselves, their families and the community.
Changes in our border bubble
There have been some significant changes in our border with New South Wales. While Shepparton has not been returned back to the border bubble at this time, we hope it will be soon.
I’ve called on the Victorian government to immediately put in place the mechanisms required to enable more of the contact tracing and management of the pandemic response to be in our regional health services so that they can work with our PHN’s and other health providers to beat the virus and get our communities up and going again.
I’ve called on the Victorian government to immediately put in place the mechanisms required to enable more of the contact tracing and management of the pandemic response to be in our regional health services so that they can work with our PHN’s and other health providers to beat the virus and get our communities up and going again.
The $10.7 million GOTAFE Goulburn Murray Trades Skills Centre redevelopment will accommodate more apprentices and students who will go on to fill skilled roles in our district.
Cross-border residents who have not left the cross-border or been to an extreme risk zone any time in the last 14 days, can now enter Victoria without a permit for any reason.
Those Victorians stranded further north in New South Wales may have had their local government area downgraded to a red zone. If that is the case, they can apply for a red zone permit to re-enter Victoria.
The situation is constantly evolving, so look to this link for updates: www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/informationcross-border-communities
The Victorian Government allocated $6.4 million in Queensland Fruit Fly control in Goulburn Murray, Sunraysia and Yarra Valley. This ongoing funding to help protect the Goulburn Valley’s fresh fruit production from Queensland Fruit Fly is welcome.
In the recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics information we can see that Shepparton seniors make up 17.2 per cent of our population.
Government help for seniors
As we celebrate education and careers this week, I wish to congratulate those who have dedicated their lives to educating our next generation.
Power Saving Bonus
The region’s teachers are being recognised as a vital cog in improving our education system with the State Government’s announcement of a new teaching and leadership excellence academy in Shepparton.
The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership will help the professional development of teachers in the region,
Greater Shepparton Secondary College construction
We are lucky to have such a vibrant and active seniors population, many of whom are helping our community through volunteering.
A million dollars was granted for the redevelopment of Verney Road School. This school is overcrowded and a redevelopment is long overdue. This funding will get the ball rolling on the planning stage and hopefully funding for its redevelopment will be granted in next year’s budget.
COVID-19 Testing
separately to the south-west which includes Geelong for instance, a city so closely integrated with Melbourne. I’ve called on the Victorian government to immediately put in place the mechanisms required to enable more of the contact tracing and management of the pandemic response to be in our regional health services so that they can work with our PHN’s and other health providers to beat the virus and get our communities up and going again. COVID-19
The Department of Health is a great resource when it comes to advice for a range of issues related to seniors from healthy ageing and social programs to financial assistance and details about aged care and home help.
I am delighted to see the construction of Greater Shepparton Secondary College charging ahead in recent months. Grade 6 students are looking forward to transitioning to the new school next year and current secondary school students from other campuses have been very impressed with the new building following site visits.
COVID-19 Testing
Anyone unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, no matter how mild, should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and stay at home until you receive the result.
which in turn leads to higher educational outcomes for our district’s students.
For more information go to: https://www.health.vic.gov.au/ageing-and-aged-care
Anyone unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, no matter how mild, should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and stay at home until you receive the result.
The purpose of the Shepparton Education Plan is to transform education in SheppartonMooroopna and help young people get the best possible educational opportunities from birth to post-secondary school.
Our region will also benefit from the $200 million School Mental Health Fund, aimed to help our schools deliver programs, staff, and other support tailored to unique needs. This funding could fully fund the Neighbourhood Schools Project, if its application is successful. Along with six other regional sites, Shepparton will receive a Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to help the professional development of our teachers, which will lead to higher educational outcomes for the district’s students.
Anyone unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, no matter how mild, should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and stay at home until you receive the result.
You can now be tested at Goulburn Valley Health’s Acute Respiratory Clinic ( ARC ) at Graham Street, Shepparton, seven days per week between 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
The academy’s one-year intensive program will cover core curriculum areas including English, Mathematics, Science and the Arts. The academy will also host other programs to support emerging leaders and those who wish to step into principal roles.
The plan will address many of the issues which had developed including falling enrolments, below-average educational outcomes, low aspiration and attendance issues. Our students deserve these wonderful new facilities.
Once teachers go through training at the academy, they will become recognised as state-wide leaders in teaching excellence.
We are living in very challenging times. We continue to bear enormous social and economic costs and the need to work together at all levels has never been greater.
You can now be tested at Goulburn Valley Health’s Acute Respiratory Clinic ( ARC ) at Graham Street, Shepparton, seven days per week between 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
This is great news for our teachers, students and our entire community.
5831 6944
03 5831 6944
Sheed MP
@SuzannaSheed @SheedSuzanna
03 5831 6944 @SuzannaSheed @SheedSuzanna Suzanna
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1619 Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – Page 19
GIVING BACK... Salvation Army volunteers June Zelley and Ellen Hyland.
Photo: Kelly Carmody
People need to feel worthy and valued. I care about our community and people,”
Ellen Hyland, Volunteer
Funded from Parliamentary Budget. Authorised by: Suzanna Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630. Suzanna Sheed MP INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT Phone: (03) 5831
www.suzannasheed.com.au @SheedSuzanna @SuzannaSheed It’s an exciting time for education in Shepparton. www.suzannasheed.com.au 03
@SuzannaSheed @SheedSuzanna
by: Suzanna Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630 www.suzannasheed
You can now be tested at Goulburn Valley Health’s Acute Respiratory Clinic ( ARC ) at Graham Street, Shepparton, seven days per week between 10:00 am – 5:30 pm. INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT
closely integrated with Melbourne.
Suzanna Sheed MP
includes Geelong for instance, a city so closely integrated with Melbourne.
From 1 July 2022, the new $250 Power Saving Bonus is open to all Victorian Households. Eligible concession card holders who have previously claimed the Power Saving Bonus are also able to claim the new payment. This Power Saving Bonus is available for the next 12 months. To apply, go to: https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/ or contact Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre on 5825 1774 to make an appointment for the friendly staff to help you with your application.
Living Well
WE all make choices daily and living in aged care is no different. What to wear, what time to get up and go to bed, what to eat, and how to spend our time. Those choices drive the model of care at Shepparton Villages, where the residents set the agenda.
Living well, in the best way possible is at the heart of Shepparton Villages’ community spirit, supported by committed staff and volunteers.
“Our care for residents at any level is never compromised. We are very respectful of each individual and their right to choose. Our aim is to ensure all residents have the best day possible, whatever that may mean for them,” said CEO, Veronica Jamison.
Shepparton Villages is a communitybased, non-profit providing high quality residential care across four homes and independent living units, with a wide range of services and facilities.
Residents can participate in an array of activities including bus trips, special events, movies, bingo, luncheons, hairdressing salon, library resources, and happy hour every Thursday at 4.30pm.
Located at Tarcoola Village, Maculata Place is surrounded by expansive lawns, walking tracks, Maculata Gums lining the driveway, wildlife, and over 4,000 trees and plants installed recently. It is a serene, picture-perfect environment.
“Both the ground and first floor areas lead from the foyer to communal areas, and onto residents’ homes. Each home is distinguished by an individual letterbox and memory box at the
entry, with a doorbell to provide privacy and dignity. Residents can choose to be woken in the morning at a time that suits them, and we respect that,” said Ms Jamison.
“Residents enjoy large screen Smart TVs with access to movies, photos and messages from families, appointment reminders, activities and outings, and the menu for the day!”
Large king single beds with upholstered bedheads and matching soft furnishings, ample storage and a large private bathroom is home away from home for Maculata Place residents.
Dining areas are built around spacious kitchens for communal use. A full meal service is provided with options, including a buffet breakfast. However, residents can make a batch of scones, cook a meal with family and friends, or have a cup of tea with staff if they wish. There is also a private space with an adjoining balcony for family gatherings and special occasions, and coffee machines and snacks in various kitchen nooks available any time.
There are four internal courtyards, each with a specific theme and purpose, landscaped gardens, outdoor eating and activity areas, water features, a vegetable patch and furniture to relax and enjoy the ambience.
Shepparton Villages is more than an aged care facility. It is a community, a home, and a comfortable place to live well.
Experience Maculata Place firsthand for yourself and book a tour of the home. We think you will love it here.
JULY 2022 Page 20 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1619 Wednesday, July 13, 2022
LIVE WELL... Shepparton Villages residents Dot Hannaford and Peter Beyers, who lives in an independent living unit and has been a volunteer for more than 10 years. Photo: Supplied.
Our care for residents at any level is never compromised. We are very respectful of each individual and their right to choose.
We think you’ll love it here T: (03) 5832 0800 E: admissions@sheppvillages.com.au 9 Batman Ave, Shepparton www.sheppvillages.com.au Contact us! To find out more about our welcoming and caring community, or to arrange a tour Residential Care at We think you will love it here! Maculata Place
Burls, executive manager corporate
Gearing up for a great
TOOLAMBA Lions Club have been awarded two grants by Greater Shepparton City Council to assist the club to run events during the upcoming 2022 Victorian Seniors Festival (VSF).
Seniors Festival
Hampers will be delivered to local seniors by Lions members to provide friendly interaction aiming to reduce feelings of isolation that are affecting so many in recent times.
Now in its’ 40th year, VSF is a major statewide festival for Victorians over 60, focusing on providing fun times and opportunities to participate in events and activities for free or low cost throughout October each year.
The Lions Club of Toolamba were successful in two funding applications at Council’s June meeting, both valued at $500, to put towards festive afternoon tea hampers. The hampers will be delivered to local seniors by Lions members to provide friendly interaction aiming to reduce feelings of isolation that are affecting so many in recent times.
The second $500 grant will be used to plan an afternoon outing for seniors in Toolamba and surrounding towns. The social outing aims to connect participants with other local seniors and volunteers working on the day.
Mayor, Cr Shane Sali congratulated the Lions Club of Toolamba Inc. on their successful grant applications, encouraging other clubs and service groups to apply for
the funding next year.
“Seniors Festival Grants are an important component of Council’s Community Grant programs, aiming to encourage the
participation of local seniors in activities which will improve community connections and social engagement,” he said.
Providence Lifestyle Yarrawonga is well located, our pristine village is only a short stroll from the beautiful Lake Mulwala.
Lifestyle villages are a great choice for over 50s to downsize but not everyone wants to, or can afford to tie up the capital to buy into one.
Apartment blocks only offer short term leases and retirement villages are known for high entry and exit fees. Providence Lifestyle offers boutique living where you can rent rather than buy and live in a friendly safe gated community with great facilities to enjoy life.
JULY 2022 The Adviser. Australia No.1:1619 Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – Page 21
GREAT EVENT... Locals and Lions Club of Toolamba members at the popular seniors afternoon tea in 2019. From left are George Coad, Bill McDonald, Caroline James-Wilson, Jody Merritt, Heather Mulcahy, with Helen Morritt, Karen Price and John Morritt. Photo: Supplied.
1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES • Home and landscaping packages from $309 per week* • Long term leases from 10-19 years available • Secure gated community • Clubhouse facilities to enjoy • Brand new bespoke homes To find out more or download the home brochures go to yarrawonga.providencelifestyle.com.au *Terms and conditions apply. All images artist impressions only. Karen Van der Steeg Providence Yarrawonga Lifestyle Coordinator T 0475 755 981 E karenv@providencelifestyle.com.au LAWN BOWLS GYM BBQ AREA COMMUNITY HALL NO ENTRY OR EXIT FEES $1 PA CLUB MEMBERSHIP PETS WELCOME GATES CLOSE DUSK TIL DAWN 10-19 YEAR LEASES EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT BEAUTIFUL HOMES CENTRAL FACILITIES REGISTER NOW FOR OUR FREE RENTAL SEMINARS WOULD YOU LIKE TO RENT RATHER THAN BUY INTO A LIFESTYLE VILLAGE? By popular demand, we have added a new seminar on 27th August at 10.00am for a 10.30am start at the Sebel at Silverwoods. Only 60 tickets per seminar available and you must provide your driver’s licence. Morning tea and coffee provided. REGISTER NOW at yarrawonga.providencelifestyle.com.au view this online SCAN ME!
Independent living with peace of mind
Parcel text scams
ALL Australians, particularly older members of the community, are being urged to be aware of scam SMS messages with unusual looking links.
Scams are evolving as it targets Australians, and it may now look like a package delivery message from a service such as Australia Post, DHL or Amazon.
If you’ve received one of these messages, DO NOT open the link without confirming it is legitimate. Clicking on the link may install malware that uses your contact list to send similar text messages to other people without your knowledge, potentially infecting their device. It may also access your personal information and banking details.
It is important to remember that some SMS scams may slip into your legitimate message streams to gain your confidence. For example, a scam claiming to be from Australia Post may appear among legitimate past messages from the postal service about parcel delivery.
To confirm if a package delivery message is real, contact the sender using contact details you’ve identified yourself, such as through an official website, or via information received at the time of the original purchase, such as a tracking number.
If you receive one of these scam SMS messages:
• Delete the message and block the number if it is unknown
• Do not click on any links or call the number
If the malware installs, contact your bank and ensure your accounts are secure
You may also want to reach out to your telco or an IT professional for further assistance
If you have lost personal information to a scammer, you can contact IDCARE or call 1800 595 160
• You can make a report to ReportCyber if you have been a victim of this cybercrime
JULY 2022 Page 22 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1619 Wednesday, July 13, 2022
WELCOME HOME... Blocks in the picturesque and amenity rich Kensington Gardens village are selling fast. Pictured is village manager
Now you’re living 0417 648 286 Enjoy over 50s Living Security · Happiness · Independence 15 blocks available to build on right now Get in before the price rise in September
Troy Van Den Berghe. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
Supporting independent living into the future
THE Home Care Packages Program provides older people who want to stay at home with access to a range of ongoing personal services, support services and clinical care that help them with their day-to-day activities. The program is part of the Australian Government’s continuum of care for older people in Australia, providing services between the Commonwealth Home Support Program and residential aged care.
Commonwealth funded Home Care Packages are one of the ways that older Australians can access affordable care
services to get some help at home. They are designed for those with more complex care needs that go beyond what the Commonwealth Home Support Program can provide: Home Care Packages can be an option if you need a coordinated approach to the delivery of your help at home - perhaps because you need help with many everyday tasks, or the care you need is more complex or intensive.
Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative has been providing Home Care Packages in Northern Victoria and New South Wales along
Combining Elders facilities & Aged Care & Disability Services for our community
the Murray River for over 20 years. We have a strong focus on delivering culturally specific Home Care Package services to our Indigenous Community and in the last few years we have commenced broadening our services to include Community connected individuals.
For more information call 5822 2866 to Speak to the Home Care Package Manager Samara Mackay.
Rumbalara Positive Ageing & Disability Services
you culturally appropriate support services
“We support our elders stay living at home, giving you the freedom to engage with your support team directly and choose services that enable you to stay in your home, to continue to enjoy your independence.” Office locations: Shepparton and Swan Hill - Servicing surrounding areas
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1619 Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – Page 23
Aged Care & Disability Services P: 5822 2866 95 Ford Rd, Shepparton We’ve modified our delivery of service for the safety of our residents during COVID-19
From Left: Uncle Donald Bux with Rumbalara Elders Facility support worker Bronwyn Atkinson.
‘Where Community Matters’