21st - 27th AUG
National Skills Week, 2023 Skills NationalWeek 2023
NOW entering its 13th year, National Skills Week sets out to highlight the profile and status of vocational learning by dispelling outdated myths and showcasing the many attractive opportunities for all Australians.
Australia continues to experience an increase in demand for skilled labour, which requires increased workforce participation, increased skill attainment and the employment of attraction and retention strategies.
National Skills Week, August 21-27, 2023, aims to raise awareness of the diversity of training and career
opportunities available, pathways into training and education, and the importance of trades, skills and Vocational Education and Training (VET) to today’s society.
The theme for 2023 is ‘What are you looking for? which focuses on matching what people are looking for in a career and their life to skills training through Vocational Education. The theme also invites employers and industry to join in the conversation with what they are looking for their team and the role VET has in this pace.

An exhilarating career
THE security industry is like no other, with every day bringing something different and dynamic to negotiate, protect and navigate.
If you’re ready to switch to a hands-on vocation where you make a difference in people’s lives, local leaders in the security sector, Standby Security, offer a variety of roles that will lead you down an exciting career path with great remuneration.
Whether working as a patrol officer in the field or as a security officer, you’ll stay challenged, engaged, and fulfilled as you provide the highest quality security service in our community.
If clear and concise communication skills are your strong point, you are apt in problem-solving and decision-making, have exemplary customer service skills and possess a clear police record, joining the Standby Security family is a brilliant opportunity to foster both your personal and career growth.
There is a wide range of working hours available to the right applicants, with 24 hours, seven-days-a-week shift work.
If you are interested in joining the team at Standby Security with a security career, we encourage you to register your interest by email to jobs@standbysecurity.com.au.

Skills Week National 2023
Paving pathways and future success
WHAT defines a successful student? Well, as the Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC) Careers Team knows, success can look different for each individual student, which is why the Subject Selection and Course Counselling program is such an important feature on the annual school calendar.
Kicking off at the start of Term 3, our Year 10 students spend two days learning remotely, to allow for course counselling to take place. This provides students and their families an opportunity meet with a qualified GSSC Careers Practitioner for an individual and tailored appointment before making their final selection of subjects for next year.
“Bringing parents and guardians in on the course counselling is an important feature of this process as it ensures students and their families are all on the same page when it comes to their senior secondary years, and also allows parents to better understand and support their child through VCE/VCE-VM,”
GSSC Careers Manager Tarsh Boyko said.
“This is complimented by our Year 12 immersion days and family information nights held at the start of the year.
“We know that our parents and guardians are their children’s biggest influences and advocates when it comes to career and pathway choices, so we want to build those strong school/family partnerships and provide the best possible support for our young people.”
In addition to setting students up for success in their senior years, GSSC has expanded its subject selection program to cater for junior years’ students, where earlier this term the Careers Team presented subject selection booklets to Years 7 and 8s during neighbourhood assemblies.
“Capturing students during these earlier years helps to generate a buzz around student’s future aspirations and assists them to know what to expect regarding subject selection in future years and the value in this process and their participation in it,” Ms Boyko said.
GSSC Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien said there is a huge amount of work that goes into this program to assist

students to navigate their own pathways and career aspirations.
“I am so proud of our careers and pathways offerings, which are unique to our college and provide our students the best possible opportunities for achieving their goals and future
pathways offerings are so valuable being tailored and targeted and broad in the opportunities and partnerships made available to our students through industry, business, further education institutions and the broader community.”

Throughout the school year, students are provided a range of Careers and Pathway opportunities both within the curriculum and as extra program and activities.