Something for everyone at
■ COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 ■ Letters to the Editor | page 8 ■ Patterson steps into mayoral role | page 4 ■ New CEO for Community Fund | page 20
See page 37 for more information www.
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Major employer relocates Now connecting with the region from four great locations THEY’VE spent 14 years providing some of the best quality personal and business telecommunication services to the region and this week sees a milestone, with the relocation of the Telstra Store and Telstra Business Centre from their 100 High Street site. With the original Telstra Store opening
its doors in 2000 and the Telstra Business Centre moving to the High Street location in 2006, the stores will, as of this week, be offering their specialised services from two great new locations, Telstra Store at the Target Arcade in the Maude Street Mall and the Telstra Business Centre at 114-116 Continued on page 16 Wyndham Street.
TELSTRA RELOCATES… From left, Sales Operations Manager at Telstra Stores Shepparton, Echuca and Telstra Business Centre Shepparton, Anthony Spadaro, Telstra Stores Shepparton and Echuca Managing Director, Scott Kelly and Telstra Store Shepparton Service Manager, Glen Kelly. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
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$8M investments could create hundreds of jobs By David Lee MORE than $8M in announcements made on Monday this week by the Victorian Coalition Government could see the creation of hundreds of jobs through an upgrade of Unilever’s Tatura facility, the relocation of Scorpion Foods from Dandenong to Lemnos, an investment into the region’s dairy industry, funding allocated to the Shepparton Aerodrome relocation feasibility study and an election promise of $5M to go toward the Goulburn Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund. An $880,000 investment into a $14.2M upg rade of Unilever’s manufact u ring facility at Tatura was on the list of the day’s announcements, which will allow the facility to upgrade its electrical supply. Deputy Premier and Leader of The Nationals Peter Ryan said, “The investment into Unilever will upgrade the electricity supply at the facility from low voltage to high voltage, delivering power savings the equivalent of the annual electricity usage of 1,400 homes.” The Nationals Candidate for Shepparton, Greg Barr said, “Unilever are a cornerstone of the local economy, so to be able to invest to not only secure their future but deliver a number of important productivity gains is a welcome result.” Perhaps one of the biggest announcements was the investment of $500,000 toward the $2.2M relocation of Dandenong business, Scorpio Foods, to Lemnos, which would initially create 20 jobs, with plans to grow that number to 40 over three years. Mr Ryan said, “Scorpio Foods’ expansion plans and forecast future volume levels require a move to a large, better equipped premises that can accom modate this growth.” Mr Barr said, “Scorpio’s investment is a shot-in-the-arm for the Goulburn Valley and shows we are an attractive place for businesses looking to grow.” Among the announcements was also a boost for the dairying industry in the region, with both the Victorian and Australian governments jointly investing $1.45M to support Murray Dairy in improving homegrown pasture and irrigation efficiency, with the aim of reducing the cost of dairy farming and improving profitability. Mr Ryan also announced the Victorian Coalition Government would invest a further $342,000 through the Department of Environment and Primary Industries to suppor t the $2 .9M Murray Dair y Accelerating Change Project. Mr Ryan said, “Two ‘partner farms’ will be selected to demonstrate the benefits of continuing investment in feed practices,
MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BOOST… Several funding announcements made this week by the Victorian Coalition Government could see the creation of hundreds of jobs through $8M of investment. From left, The Nationals Candidate for Shepparton, Greg Barr, Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Dennis Patterson, Deputy Premier and Leader of The Nationals Peter Ryan, Chairperson of the Greater Shepparton Aerodrome Advisory Committee, Ken Muston and Greater Shepparton City Council CEO, Gavin Cator at the Shepparton Aerodrome announcement, which will see the beginning of the Shepparton Aerodrome Feasibility Study to determine the new location for the airport. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
farming systems and growth of pastures. “Research and technology will be applied directly to the two farms and would also be tested on 15 satellite farms, which will play an important role in the monitoring and analysis of the technologies.” Mr Barr said, “Knowledge from the work will be shared with 380 farmers within the Murray Darling region to enable the results to be discussed and analysed. “It is anticipated the project will lead to an increase in production of 2.5 percent per year across all participating farms. “The project aims to create 100 full-time jobs, increase home-grown pasture by 25 percent and reduce the cost base of dairy farming businesses – a great outcome.” After being on the drawing board for six years, the announcement of $125,000 in funding toward the $250,000 Shepparton Aerodrome Feasibility Study, will see potential sites found for the relocated and expanded airport within 12 months, with a connection with the High Speed Rail network in Shepparton East, hinted as a possible and beneficial solution. M r Rya n s a id , “ T h e S h e pp a r to n Aerodrome is currently used for training, charter flights, limited air freight and emergency services. “However it currently faces a number of constraints that limit its expansion at the current site, including its proximity to residential areas and the highway. “Previous studies investigated
business cases for the relocation but no site was identified so only provisional recommendations were made.” M r B a rr sa id t he st udy wou ld be conducted in four phases. “Relocating the aerodrome has the potential to strengthen our local economy and create jobs in aviation and related industries.” Greater Shepparton City Council CEO, Gavin Cator said, “We believe a new aerodrome will create numerous jobs here. “We should get results for the study by the end of the next calendar year.” A nd finally, a re- elected Victorian C oa l it ion G over n ment wou ld s e e a commitment of $5M to see the extension of the Goulburn Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund, which has already helped to create almost 200 jobs. Mr Ryan said both the fund and the plan have been a huge successes, so far investing more than $4M (locally). “The investments include support for multi-million expansions at Pactum Dairy in Shepparton, Ryan Meat Company in Nathalia, Tatura Abattoirs and Toolamba Fresh Produce.” Mr Barr said, “Our economy has faced numerous challenges over the past few years and it has been the Coalition Government which has stepped up to meet those challenges,” Mr Barr said.
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For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 45 words or less.
UPCOMING A COMMUNITY LUNCH will be held at South Shepparton Community Centre, 11 Service Street, Shepparton on Friday, November 21 from 12 noon to 1:30pm. Come along and enjoy a delicious two course meal. Bookings are essential by midday Thursday, November 20 phone 5821 6172. A CRAFT FAIR will be held at the RSL Hall, 40 Saxton Street in Numurkah on Saturday, November 29 from 10am to 2pm. For stall bookings, phone 5862 1924. FOR T I BET W IT H LOV E CONCERT SHEPPARTON will be held at 15 Inverness Avenue, Kialla on Sunday, November 30 at 2pm
and will raise funds for the Tibetan Children’s Village School. Tickets are $25 for adults, concession $15 and under 13 is free. Bookings, call 0428 942 095, email fortibetwithlove@ or visit CARS AND COFFEE is held every second Saturday at Riverside Plaza KFC Carpark from 8:30am to 10am. Cars and Coffee is for local auto enthusiasts around the Goulburn Valley who simply want to share their cars with each other in an environment where they can be comfortable enough to ask questions of other owner’s, learn and experience the joys of the diverse offering of cars.
Patterson steps into mayoral role PATTERSON’S IN… After serving two consecutive terms as Mayor of Greater Shepparton, Cr Jenny Houlihan was voted out of the role, with Cr Dennis Patterson (pictured right) taking over as Mayor and Cr Fern Summer (pictured left) elected as Deputy Mayor. Photo: David Lee.
By David Lee AFTER serving four terms as Mayor of Greater Shepparton since being elected to council in 2006, the past two being consecutive, Cr Jenny Houlihan’s role was contested at a special council meeting last week, with Cr Dennis Patterson being elected Mayor and Cr Fern Summer elected Deputy Mayor. While Jenny was seeking a third consecutive term, Dennis won the vote 4-3 followed by the election of Fern as Deputy Mayor, which means she will now step down as a running candidate for the state election. Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Dennis Patterson said, “I am looking forward to the challenge and the excitement of it all. “I am lucky to have the confidence of the council. “I want to harness all of the energies in the area. There are a lot of different groups that we sometimes don’t work with as well as we could and if I can harness that energy and we all move forward it will make for a stronger municipality than we have now. “I am really excited for the future and there are many things we can work on to develop this region for the future. “Jenny has done a terrific job for Shepparton. She is very passionate about the area and I am looking forward to working with Jenny. She has many years of experience that can benefit the councillors. We need
people like Jenny on this council to really show us how things can be done and to pass on the knowledge she possesses.” Greater Shepparton City Council Deputy Mayor, Cr Fern Summer said, “A role like Deputy Mayor deserves a 100 percent commitment so I want to prioritise my job as Deputy Mayor, which is why I decided to withdraw my candidacy for the state election. “The new leadership will be great for diversifying council. We have had a very strong female leader as the mayor for the past two years and she has done a fantastic job and will continue to be an asset for the entire municipality for years to come. She’s established herself and made connections, but now we have the opportunity to raise somebody else from the fold that can reach into different groups to move forward and together as a council we can be functional and strong.” Greater Shepparton City Council, Cr Jenny Houlihan said, “Now that I am no longer mayor I will be trying to get used to having a more relaxed lifestyle and it’s great knowing that I can now spend more time with my family, especially the grandchildren. “To both Dennis and Fern I would like to extend my congratulations and let them know that I am there to assist if they need me. “Helping save SPC and being part of this year’s successful Make Shepparton Greater campaign have been my highlights in my term as mayor.”
The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1225 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 – Page 7
Letters to the Editor
NOT HAVING A BARR OF IT Dear Editor, T h is we ek I h ave b e en st a r t le d by advertisements in local papers headlined ‘Greg Barr gets results.’ This was of course in reference to the state coalition’s recent election commitment of $75M for the redevelopment of GV Health. What amazes me is that Mr Barr is claiming this as a result of personal achievement. Perhaps he is getting slightly ahead of himself - last time I checked he is only a candidate for the election. This was instead achieved by the current members of the coalition. Furthermore it is only a political promise - not a concrete result as the ad suggests. Mr Barr please stop misleading the electorate. Yours sincerely, Jayden Doyle Shepparton MAYORAL ELECTION CLARIFICATION Dear Editor, In contrast to some recent headlines, I am not ‘fuming’ about no longer being mayor, nor do I think no other councillor is capable. I loved the job, but will be very happy to keep serving this community as a councillor and will treasure the additional family time. I congratulate Cr Patterson and wish him well in the mayoral role. However, that does not diminish my great concern about what I consider to be ‘serious deficiencies’ in governance and time commitment by some (definitely not all) councillors. When I outlined my case for mayor at the mayoral election I included this in my speech as an issue to be addressed. This was exactly the right forum to do this, despite criticism that I somehow spoiled the mayoral party atmosphere by doing so. The need to improve, in my opinion, takes precedence. After all, council is a $135M business and efficient decision making is critical.
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We welcome letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.
Information briefings are held every Tuesday for all councillors. The information presented and discussed is crucial to understanding complex issues. Councillors who spend little time at briefings and fail to regularly attend committee meetings, events or councillor training could be seen by ratepayers to be underperforming. A few hours work only each week equates to being paid over $100 per hour by ratepayers. Councillor productivity is a topic worthy of a community discussion. Yours sincerely, Cr Jenny Houlihan Shepparton PASSION TO PROSPER Dear Editor, With the election looming and the possibility of a change in government, we the constituents, need a passionate government who will take control and recognise the importance of recreational fishing and hunting not only to individuals, but to our economy. Deer hunting licences alone have just exceeded 30,000 in Victoria this year and by government measures, hunting has been deemed to be worth more than $500M to the Victorian economy. This is deer hunting alone. Recreational fishing is a far, far bigger entity and of even more value in terms of monetary contribution. There are hundreds of thousands of recreational fishermen and women who contribute billions to our economy in Victoria every year. In order for these industries to prosper we need a strong passionate government who will stand up for our industries and we need a minister who is passionate about hunting and fishing to take a lead role and manage the portfolio. We have seen this from the coalition in a lot of areas, but we need to be assured by Labor that they can match the passion. In spite of all of the good that’s been done,
we face a very real possibility that we will lose a huge amount of hunting area with Labor’s hesitation to commit to no ‘new’ national parks. We need a no ‘new’ national parks policy from our government, full stop. Yours sincerely, Steven Threlfall Country Alliance KNOW WHERE YOUR VOTE GOES Dear Editor, Steven Threlfall and Country Alliance seem to have a very large chip on their shoulder. Country Alliance are little more than the shooters party. Steven owns the local gun shop, so no surprise there. He says a lot about giving shooters access to Winton Wetlands, a multi-million dollar ecotourism destination being embraced by the local community after years of uncertainty. Now utilised by school groups, tourists and others, he wants to lock them out for months every year to allow a small minority of camouflage-clad duck hunters in to shoot native water birds. Not particularly visionary policy. Coupled with another local candidate’s major push to reinstate fireworks for November 5, it all starts to look a little loony. What he doesn’t say about Country Alliance though is what matters. What isn’t mentioned is that Country Alliance was actually created by an ex-Australian Labor Party apparatchik to harvest regional preferences away from the Nationals to the Australian Labor Party in upper house Victorian seats. It has now combined with Bob Katter. Essentially a vote for Country Alliance is either a vote for shooters and more guns, or a vote ultimately for the Australian Labor Party. Yours sincerely, Martin Rourke Shepparton
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Search and rescue to get $240,000 facility upgrade GRANTED FUNDING… From left, The Nationals Candidate for Shepparton, Greg Barr, Shepparton Search & Rescue (SS&R) President, Michael D’Elia, Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community, Kaye Thomson, Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell, SS&R Life Member, Stan Jezewski and SS&R Treasurer, Jamie Fawcett. Photo: Alicia Niglia
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By David Lee CONSTRUCTION of a $240,000 facility upgrade for the Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad will begin in the coming weeks, after the squad was granted funding through the Victorian Government’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP). Planned for completion in the first week of February, the upgrade was made possible through the government’s $100,000 contribution, the wavering of council fees and charges by Greater Shepparton City Council and the squad’s contribution of $140,000 and will include the construction of new storage and administration facilities at the Dudley Street site, with works contracted out to local builders. The upgrade will mean the squad will have better operational flexibility and will enable an improved management our overall operations, as well as management of large events where the facility will be utilised as a Divisional Command Point (DCP) by the squad and VicSES. Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad President, Michael D’Elia said the development is another significant step forward for the squad and the Shepparton community. “For the squad it means we’re improving our facility to provide a more efficient service to the community. “Previously we had our office administration off site so to have it all moved on site will mean better efficiencies there as well. “I am very pleased to announce that CPC Building has been awarded the contract for building the new storage shed, whilst Stan Jezewski Builders and Norvec Electrical have been engaged to finish the office area and electrical fit out. We also have T&R Services and GSR Services assisting with some minor works to complete the project.” Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell said, “The Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad are people from the community providing for the community and the government is happy to support them in providing that service. “The project will help the squad continue their vital work in keeping our community safe.” The Nationals Candidate for Shepparton, Greg Barr said, “This additional shedding will help speed up response times for the squad’s volunteers and as a former emergency services worker myself, I understand how important that is.”
The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1225 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 – Page 11
Local ‘grill-master’ set for Los Angles
TOP SPOT… South End McDonalds Crew Trainer, Jarryd De Angelis (pictured) shows off his 2014 ‘Super Crew’ trophy. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
By David Lee LOCAL, Jarryd De Angelis has become a McDonald’s ‘grill-master’ and won an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles, after taking out the top spot in the McDonald’s Super Crew Grand Finals recently. Going up against 13,000 other contestants and 144 finalists, Jarryd battled it out in a series of live trials to identify the best Grill Cooks, Host/ Hostesses, Drive Thru Crew And Managers. Throughout the judging process, 12 of Victoria and Tasmania’s best and brightest crew employees were collectively identified as the 2014 ‘Super Crew’. Jarryd said, “I’ve been working at McDonald’s Shepparton for the past 8 years and to be judged against the best and
awarded the winner is absolutely fantastic. “I’ve always wanted to be in a competition like this. I’m a massive LA Lakers fan and to be given the chance to see Kobe Bryant in person at the Staples Centre is more than a dream come true.” McDonald’s Market Director Victoria and Tasmania, Mahassen Haddad said, “The Super Crew program aims to encourage crew to further their training and collaborate with crew members across the region. The effort that all of our crew put in, with additional training and mentoring, was evident in the level of talent that we saw at the live trials. “McDonald’s is known for its world class training and the Super Crew program is a fun and productive way for us to both showcase and recognise the results.”
Campaign encourages community to ‘giveback’ #TEAMGIVEBACK CAMPAIGN… From Left, AlKasem Youth Organization Members, Ayoub Alameer, Ali Al Bayati, Ali Al Barak, Hassan Jalil, Taha Alameer, Fahed Saleh, Sarmed Yassin, Ibrahim Alameer, Muhannad Yassin, Monty Algazaly and Dare Salem. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
By David Lee A GROUP of 10 local youths from the AlKasem Youth Organization are getting behind the next big way to reach out a helping hand to society, after donating blood last Friday, and gave out 2,500 bottles of water at the Challenge Shepparton event at the weekend, all as part of the #TeamGiveBack campaign. Aimed at encouraging people across the world to give back by nominating others in much the same way as the Ice Bucket Challenge, #TeamGiveBack was inspired by the legacy and sacrifices of ‘Hussain’ and encourages others to make a donation to the Who Is Hussain? organisation and give back to the community in any way they can by donated to the homeless or in the case of the AlKasem Youth Organization members, to give blood.
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AlKasem Youth Organization Member, Ali Al Bayati said, “This campaign is extremely important and helps to raise awareness for the cause of standing for justice, peace, equality and standing against oppression. “There are two choices in life, the right choice or the easy choice. “This is all about giving back to society. “We chose blood donation because it is something that is neglected by people and they say one donation saves three lives, so with the 10 of us, that’s 30 lives, which is massive. This is only the beginning for us. “We encourage people across the community to get involved.” For more info about the campaign, visit www. or visit
The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1225 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 – Page 13
Get to know your candidates WITH the election looming, The Adviser would like to help you get to know two of your local candidates vying for the seat of Euroa in the State Election on November 29. See next week’s edition of The Adviser for the final candidate for the seat of Euroa. Name: Steph Ryan Age: 28 Political Party: The Nationals Length of time working in politics: 7 years Life and your family. I grew up on our family farm on the Goulburn River at Murchison and in 1992 moved to Girgarre for a few years. I studied journalism at RMIT and worked as a Journalist for Echuca’s Riverine Herald, before starting to work for The Nationals, which I did because I wanted to make changes after seeing the impact of drought on the community and my own family. What makes you a good candidate for the seat? I believe the electorate of Euroa needs someone focused solely on the interests of the region. My experience working in politics means I know how government works. More importantly, I know how to make government work for the community. Where did the passion for politics come from? My family has never been political, but I felt frustrated by a number of decisions made by the former Labor Government. What are the policies you will focus on? I want to focus on policies that bring jobs, new opportunities and prosperity to our region as well as focus on improving infrastructure and services like health, education, roads and public transport including more frequent and reliable train services on the north-east line. What will you bring to the table if elected? I know our region well and, if elected, I will be a strong local voice for our communities. My experience working as a journalist in the community and then in opposition and in government has given me the skills to advocate and fight for the best interests of our region.
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Name: Tony Schneider Age: 55 Political Party: Liberal Party Length of time working in politics: 14 years Life and your family. I was born to a family of six in Melbourne. I trained as a physiotherapist and have owned and operated several clinics. My current business employs 20 people in North East Victoria. I married Melanie in 1988 and moved to Benalla in 1991, where we have brought up three children, Danielle, 34, Scott, 24 and Sydney, 20. What makes you a good candidate for the seat? My continuous involvement in community groups as well as raising and educating my family here, running a business and employing people who depend on you for their livelihoods has given me a deep understanding of the issues that confront people living in rural and regional Victoria. Where did the passion for politics come from? Initially, from observation and asking “why can’t things be done better and how can we get funding for this project?” What are the policies you will focus on? Health care services that are appropriate to the needs of each community and transport services, particularly buses and the rail services in the North East corridor. Road infrastructure, so that businesses and tourism are supported. Education, particularly in the early years. I want to see Euroa realise its potential and we need to make sure that we get our fair share of funding and infrastructure to make that happen. What will you bring to the table if elected? Integrity, honesty, commitment to the job, placing total focus on the people of Euroa. I will listen to people and offer solutions to their concerns.
The Adviser would like to help you get to know your local candidate, Suzanna Sheed, vying for the seat of Shepparton in the State Election on November 29. See next week’s edition of The Adviser for the final two candidates for the seat of Shepparton. Name: Suzanna Sheed Age: 60 Political Party: Independent Length of time working in politics: I have not previously worked in politics. Life and family. I live in Shepparton with my husband, Peter Eastaugh. Between us we have six grown up children. I have always taken an active interest in political issues impacting our region and have been a practicing Family Lawyer for over 30 years. What makes you a good candidate for the seat of Shepparton? I understand the issues facing our community. My husband and I both work with families and are appalled by successive governments turning their backs on us when it comes to health, education opportunities and transport infrastructure. Where did the passion for politics come from? I have always considered myself an advocate for rural people in roles I have undertaken on boards and committees; particularly my involvement with boards in the city. I feel fearful for the future of rural Australia and passionate in ensuring we have opportunities and a viable future. What are the policies you will focus on? The fact that we have the highest youth unemployment rate in Victoria and third highest in Australia is a disgrace and must be addressed now. I believe that people are now tired of taking the crumbs from the table when it comes to investment in infrastructure and services for health, education and transport. What will you bring to the table if elected? If I am elected I will advocate strongly and loudly for the people in my electorate, demanding equity for this region. We can again develop a vibrant economy and return optimism and opportunity to the region.
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news continued from front page
Telstra moves from 100 High Street site
Now connecting with the region from four great locations
NEW STORE NOW OPEN… The Telstra Store is now open from its new location in the Target Arcade, Maude Street Mall, Shepparton. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
TELSTRA Stores Shepparton and Echuca Managing Director, Scott Kelly said, “Our business has continued to evolve and we wanted to give our customers easier access to our services. We saw a great opportunity to relocate both divisions of the business with the Telstra Store now in the Maude Street Mall and having a dedicated Business Centre that people could find easily, have access to a stand alone professional business environment, with great parking options.
DEDICATED BUSINESS CENTRE… The Telstra Business Centre is now operating from its new location at 114-116 Wyndham Street, Shepparton. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
“Now being in four prime locations in Shepparton and Echuca, we’re excited for the exposure that will come from the new locations. “We are also proud to employ 50 local people, which is a sign of our investment in growth and dedication to the people of the Goulburn Valley. “This move really shows Telstra’s commitment to the area and highlights that we have the largest team who provide face-
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to-face service to our valued customers.” To view all the options Telstra has available, visit Telstra Store Shepparton, Target Arcade, Maude Street Mall, Telstra Store Shepparton Marketplace, Benalla Road, Telstra Store Echuca, 169 Hare Street; or to have a local Telstra representative take you through all of its business telecommunication needs, visit the Telstra Business Centre at 114-116 Wyndham Street, Shepparton or phone 5820 7000.
The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1225 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 – Page 17
Drawing Wall art created by first local By David Lee LOCAL Artist, Linda Botham is the first local commissioned to display a piece on the Drawing Wall in the Eastbank Centre foyer, and her charcoal drawing certainly has a unique theme. Dubbed, “Birds with Words,” the drawing depicts five mummified bird skeletons surrounded by words that Linda has collected from movies, books and her own thoughts, which cleverly resemble flight patterns. Linda said, “It’s fabulous and an honour to be given the invitation to be the first local to apply my works to the Drawing Wall. “The idea for my piece actually came from an event that took place at a friends house in Melbourne and from that event they created a Wunderkammer, which is German for Curiosity Cabinet. They were cleaning out their chimney and found five, almost mummified bird bodies, so they made a mould out of one of the bricks from the fireplace and encased the birds in the mould and then placed that in the cabinet. I got my inspiration from the bird skeletons.”
A FIRST FOR DRAWING WALL… Local Artist, Linda Botham (pictured) is the first local to be asked to display an art piece on the Drawing Wall in the Eastbank Centre foyer. Photo: David Lee.
Push for demand of local supply THE demand for locally grown, Australian produced foods has never been higher and local organisations are banding together on the lead up to the election, in a bid to try and push the Victorian Government to have their departments and agencies prioritise the use of Victorian grown and made foods. GV Health, who have already jumped on t he lo c a l ly produced ba ndwagon by utilising SPC products in their patient menus, have joined the Committee for Greater Shepparton and local growers to push for SPC’s Full Value for Victorian Food Procurement Policy to be implemented,
which would help to increase strength in the local produce industry. Committee for Greater Shepparton Chair, David McKenzie said, “SPC has developed a practical document and we would welcome a response from both sides of government on this matter before the November Victorian election. “The Full Value for Victorian Food Procurement Policy was developed with the support of members of the Victorian food industry such as the Victorian Farmers Federation, Fruit Growers Victoria and several Goulburn Valley growers as well
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as the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union. “This is a critical, future-facing policy that will support jobs in Victoria, the investment and security of small and medium enterprises, farmers and supply chain industries.” GV Health Chair, Peter F Ryan said, “GV Health understands the importance of a strong local economy. The contribution of companies like SPC to the economic prosperity of regions such as the Goulburn Valley can’t be understated. “As a health care provider serving patients healthy meals, sourced from locally grown DEMAND GOVERNMENT USE LOCAL PRODUCE… From left (back), Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Dennis Patterson, GV Health CEO, Dale Fraser, Local Orchardist, Peter Hall, Committee for Greater Shepparton CEO, Matt Nelson. (Front), Greater Shepparton City Council Deputy Mayor, Cr Fern Summer and SPC General Manager Operations, Tony Tapp. Photo: David Lee.
and produced, fresh fruit and vegetables is a priority for us.” L ocal Orcha rd ist , Peter H all said , “Governments in the U K, China and South Africa already have policies to assist in providing scale for their domestic food producers. Why can’t we do the same to support our Aussie food producers?” The Committee will be writing to both the Premier and the Opposition Leader seeking a response to the policy document. SPC have also launched a partition on their Facebook page, ‘SPCAustralia,’ and are encouraging social media users to join the fight by using #DemandLocalSupply.
Sweet treats a hit SHEPPARTON’S own Domino’s Pizza restaurant is excited to add a sweet new range to their delicious menu with all new donut bites and lava cakes incorporating your own choice of candy into the freshly baked treats. The sweet treats are just one of a number of new additions to the Domino’s Pizza menu with Square Puff pizza options proving very popular along with family favourite, Cheaper Every Day options from only $4.95 now being extended up until Christmas. Shepparton Store Franchisee, Vinay Birudaraja said, “We have a fantastic range of family favourite menu options, which are not only delicious but also provide value for money. “And our Manager’s specials include delicious items and great savings every day of the week.” Domino’s Pizza restaurant in Shepparton has some fantastic meal choices with a huge range of delicious pizzas to choose from as well as their range of ‘sides’. Domino’s Pizza offer delivery within a 10km radius of their store, which e n c o mp a s s e s S h e pp a r t o n , K i a l l a , Shepparton East and Mooroopna. For more information, call in store at Domino’s Pizza, Shop 3, 50 Macintosh S t r e e t , S h e p p a r t o n , p h o n e 13 0 0 DOMINOS or visit
THAT WINNING FEELING… Pictured from left, Fairley’s SUPA IGA Store Manager, Craig Bramley with one of the winners of the ‘Win Your Shopping’ competition, local Shepparton woman, Bev Spencer. Photo: David Lee.
Win the value of your shopping back!
DELICIOUS FOOD, VALUE FOR MONEY… Pictured, Domino’s Pizza Shepparton Store Franchisee, Vinay Birudaraja. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
THE team at Fairley’s SU PA IGA in Shepparton recently celebrated the very first winner of their ‘Win Your Shopping’ competition with local Shepparton woman, Bev Spencer receiving the $150 value of her shopping back. Fairley’s SUPA IGA Store Manager, Craig Bramley said, “It’s great to be able to reward our shoppers in this way. Bev is a regular customer of ours, all of the staff know her and it was really pleasing to be able to reward her for her years of support.” It’s simple to enter, when you spend $50 or more on your regular grocery shop, simply scan your registered rewards tag, complete the docket entry form and place it in the entry box, you could win the value of your ‘shop’ back. Craig said, “All entries will also go into a major prize draw to win a Sony 42 inch Full
HD LED/LCD Smart 3D television plus a Sony Blu-Ray Home Theatre System. Some of the other lucky winners so far include Melinda Bohun winning with a $75 docket, Jayne Moule winning with a $194 docket, Nikki Medwell winning with a $210 docket, Marg Bell winning with a $232 docket, Belinda Schrader winning with a $125 docket, Cindy Davis winning with a $100 docket, Jill McFarlane winning with a $103 docket, M Byham winning with a $121 docket, Kim Shaw winning with a $170 docket and Donald Ashton winning with a $129 docket. Craig said, “There are still more chances to win, so make sure to come in store and be a part of the ‘Win Your Shopping’ competition.” Fairley’s SUPA IGA is located at the north end of Shepparton on Numurkah Road, call in or phone 5822 1555.
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Community Fund Goulburn Valley gets new CEO NEW BLOOD… From left, new CEO for Community Fund Goulburn Valley, Cheryl Hammer and Manager Corporate and Donation Services, Andrea McNab. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
THE Community Fund Goulburn Valley Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Shepparton business woman, Cheryl Hammer, as its new CEO, replacing Lisa McKenzie. As a well known member of the community through her media and marketing work with a range of businesses, Cheryl has a background in community engagement, journalism, marketing and event management. She is also heavily involved in the tourism industry volunteering her expertise to local and regional industry boards. The Community Fund Goulburn Valley Chairman, Garry Smith, said Cheryl’s appointment would ensure the positive and worthwhile work of the community fundraising organisation would continue. “The board is confident that Cheryl will make a great contribution to the continued success of The Community Fund Goulburn Valley. We look forward to working with her on future projects, events and community
collaborations, all with a focus to enhance our profile and fundraising efforts so we can continue to support important community causes.” Cheryl said, “I hope to bring a renewed focus on building the profile of the fund as well as continue the positive results in fundraising and community development, which benefits the most vulnerable amongst us . “All funds raised by the Community Fund Goulburn Valley stays in the Goulburn Valley and that is why I will be working very hard to make our organisation top of mind in this region. We have a responsibility to look after those who need it most, but people have to embrace our work to make it successful. “I am very excited about being able to lead a dedicated team at The Community Fund Goulburn Valley and help build a strong sense of ownership of this important work,” Cheryl said.
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More than 647 businesses are trading in Greater Shepparton CBD alone By Amy Dainton GREATER Shepparton City Council’s last audit found there were 82 empty retail and industrial shop fronts around town at the end of August, which is up from 78 empty spaces in May this year, but down significantly on the 98 empty in February last year. The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show more than two million actively trading businesses in Australia, a decrease of 61,614 since 2012. A nationwide decline in business success and confidence was indicated with the number of new businesses opening their doors down 2.3 percent and the number shutting up shop having risen 13.5 percent. In Shepparton, the reputedly ‘sluggish’ retail sector is vulnerable to the seeming fragility of our dominant industries of agriculture, including dairy and fruit-growing, food processing, manufacturing and transport. Issues that impact our micro-economy, like the weather, ICE and unemployment, along with national and international influences, like government funding, war or Christmas, all dictate consumer feeling and proprietor confidence in our marketplace. For all the Andrew Fairley Avenue debates, empty shop-fronts and council conundrums, is Shepparton really a bad place to be in business or is being in business just hard no matter where you are? After all, according to the Department of Employment’s latest figures, there are more than 75,000 people of working age (15 – 64) in the area, of them 70 percent are employed. Comparatively, the employment rate in Ballarat is .1 percent higher than here, with. Bendigo at 72.7 percent and Wangaratta at 71 percent. Shepparton Police Youth Resource Officer, Senior Constable Dean Lloyd said the ICE issue isn’t any worse here than in any other regional city. “It’s absolutely untrue that crime rates are rising because of the influx of refugees and people from different backgrounds settling in Shepparton,” Senior Constable Lloyd said. Maybe things aren’t as bad as we think? Get the full story, with thoughts from Greater Shepparton Business Centre, Shepparton Family Care and former Chamber of Commerce and Industry president and many more, at The Adviser on LinkedIn.
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Where will your journey begin?
NEW PRESIDENT… Local Businessman, Paul Lelliott (left) has taken over the role of Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, taking the reigns from Jamie Cox (right), who has been in the role for three years.. Photo: David Lee.
Chamber’s presidential reigns passed on AFTER three years serving as Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, Jamie Cox has handed the reigns over to local Businessman, Paul Lelliott. Supported by Leanne Hulm as Vice President, Felice Sgammotta as Treasurer and Geraldine Christou as Secretary, Paul says he will be working towards building the Chamber’s membership and is looking forward to continuing the great work accomplished by the Chamber under Jamie Cox’s leadership. “My priorities are working with Council and other relevant bodies on our joint goals, and embracing indigenous and multicultural business ow ners into the Chamber’s network. “The Shepparton economic outlook is positive, underpinned by an affordable residential market and a diverse dairy and
agribusiness sector, which in turn will drive industrial investment throughout the region. “There are exciting challenges ahead, and I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in Shepparton. “I think we can put the ‘great’ back into Greater Shepparton,” Paul said. Jamie Cox said he was honoured to have been president of the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “Wit h g row i ng com m it ments a nd projects for me to work on, the timing wa s r ig ht to not s e ek re - ele c t ion . “Paul is a very capable leader with strong values and opinions and I’m looking forward to working with him on the board to realise a number of projects the Chamber currently has underway. “I wish Paul all the best in the role moving forward,” Jamie said.
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EXCITING ROLE… Enjoy working with our region’s diverse business community in a fun and exciting role. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
WHEN I applied for a role as a part time writer six years ago with The Adviser, I had no idea of the magnitude of the journey I would begin. At the time I was a stay at home mum looking for a new and exciting challenge, I had always enjoyed writing and I loved meeting and being around people from all walks of life. I’ve now been the Editorial Manager for almost five years and the people that I’ve met, the stories that I’ve learned and the experiences that I have shared will stay with me for a lifetime. Next month, I will finish my role with The Adviser to study for the next chapter of my life and I want to impart my role to a dynamic, motivated, capable new person who is looking for the same challenges which I’ve enjoyed so much over the last six years. One of the most important aspects of my role has been working with our wonderful and diverse local business community. Every single business owner has a story to tell and a journey to share and working
with them to relay their stories in a print medium format is a big responsibility, which requires flexibility, accuracy, reliability and efficiency within the role. Working to a deadline each week presents a challenge, but it’s a challenge which also provides a great sense of achievement, it’s one that has been very rewarding over the years. Most importantly, being a part of The Adviser family and working with such a talented and dynamic team is reward in its self. If you’re looking for a challenge, if writing is your passion, if you love to be around people and to learn and develop every day, this sort of role doesn’t come along very often so make sure you apply today. To apply for this exciting opportunity, send your application letter and CV along with examples of your published work to the General Manager, PO Box 1664, Sheppa r ton, 3630 or email ad m i n@
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Christmas at the Parklake SHEPPARTON’S much loved Parklake restaurant has always been a favourite venue for Christmas time functions and celebrations and this Christmas will be a little bit extra special, because it will see the return of the Parklake Christmas Day dining. Parklake Managing Director, Matthew Georgiou said, “We are very excited this year to re-introduce a much loved family tradition here in Shepparton with the return of our Parklake Christmas Day dining. It’s a wonderful tradition enjoyed by many local families and we are thrilled to see it return. “Already we have had a really good response from people who are excited to return to the Parklake for their family Christmas Day celebrations. We will have a four course choice menu on Christmas Day and bookings are essential with places filling very fast, so we are encouraging people to get in as early as possible. “For pre-Christmas celebrations, our restaurant is open seven days a week and caters to all forms of small social Christmas gatherings right through to large scale festive corporate functions. “Our private function rooms are perfect for catering to large scale Christmas functions. “We have some great Christmas function packages available ranging from informal
CELEEBRATE WITH THE PARKLAKE… Pictured from left, Parklake Receptionist, Alaina Tuckett, Chef, Chris Hardisty and Functions Manager, Elicia Bothwell. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
cocktail packages where guests can feel free to mingle while enjoying drinks and appetisers, or there are more formal seated options available with a fantastic range of fresh, seasonal menus to choose from. “Here at the Parklake we have the versatility of outdoor and indoor dining options to suit the needs of our guests and we also offer lunch time and evening options for Christmas functions right up until
Christmas for that added flexibility. “On behalf of the entire Parklake team, we look forward to celebrating this festive season with all of our local Shepparton families.” For all of your specialised function needs this festive season or for Christmas Day bookings, contact the Parklake on 5821 5822 or drop in for a coffee at 481 Wyndham Street, Shepparton.
A genuine gift from the heart LOCAL JB Jewellers are your genuine local jewellers with a great range of beautiful jewellery gift ideas for the special person in your life this Christmas. JB Jewellers Proprietors and husband and wife team, Jacek and Bozena are qualified craftsmen who specialise in creating precious and unique jewellery to be treasured for a lifetime. Jacek and Bozena have shared a lifetime passion for jewellery, custom design and creation and have been celebrated in Shepparton for their customer service with multiple nominations through the annual Powercor 95 3SR FM Business Awards. Jacek said, “Providing unique and special jewellery items to meet the exact needs of our clients is the most important thing to us. “Genuine handcrafted jewellery offers the ultimate in gifts with the most precious of sentiments to your loved one, you are welcome to choose from our range or speak to us about creating a ‘one-off’, personalised piece to meet your needs. “We can even restore any precious item of jewellery as well as watches or clocks with the utmost precision and care. What could be better than surprising your loved one with a newly restored family heirloom or sentimental item.” For all of your precious gift ideas this Christmas, call in and see the dedicated team at JB Jewellers at 265 Maude St, Shepparton or phone 5831 1611.
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LIFETIME PASSION… Pictured, JB Jewellers Proprietors and husband and wife team, Jacek and Bozena. Photo: Supplied.
Santa Claus is coming to town!
FESTIVE CELEBRATIONS… The Shepparton Marketplace is inviting the community to come along, join in a day of fun and festivities and help welcome Santa and his helpers on Friday, November 21. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
THE team at the Shepparton Marketplace have had word from the North Pole that Santa and his Elves will be arriving at the centre in their horse and carriage on Friday, November 21 at 11am. Boys and girls from across the region are invited to come along, welcome Santa and join in the fun with a huge Christmas celebration to mark the special arrival. There will be plenty of free Christmas fun with A Bundle of Circus Acrobatic Shows at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm, horse and carriage rides between 11am and 2pm, the opportunity to meet the Elves from 11am to 1pm, an appearance by Comet the Reindeer between 11am and 2pm, Charlie The Cheeky Elf on Stilts between 11am and 2pm, Santa photos commencing at 1pm, free fairy floss, popcorn, lollipops, balloons, face painting and showbags! Shepparton Marketplace Centre Manager, Don Butler said, “Christmas is a very special time of the year here at the Shepparton Marketplace and Santa’s arrival marks the beginning of our festive celebrations. “The day will be great fun for the whole family and it will also be an opportunity for mums and dads to get an early start on the gift giving season with our gift wrappers providing wonderful gift wrap services for a gold coin donation which will go directly to the Leukaemia Foundation. “We hope that everyone comes along and helps us celebrate Santa’s arrival.” For further information about Santa’s Arrival, please check out The Shepparton Marketplace Facebook page Shepparton-Marketplace.
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Women in Business
Empower, inspire, succeed WOMEN from across the region are being invited to join together during an inspirational one-day event designed to provide networking opportunities within the local community of women, create connections of value, expand individual horizons, provide insight and encourage local women to step boldly into the unknown. The Empower, Inspire, Succeed event proudly hosted by WOW Women will bring “four women you need to know” together with women from the local business community to share experiences and knowledge and to define what really matters. Local financial expert and founder of WOW Women, Tracey Sofra said, “WOW Women is a support network for like minded business and professional women. Women with purpose, women with potential, women who are passionate about what they do and who believe in challenging the status quo. “Our purpose is to create connections with women who will challenge you, stretch your thinking and lead you to new opportunities. “Whatever business you’ve chosen or direction you’re heading in, your journey is easier when you know you’re not alone. “This one day event will be the official launch for WOW Women here in Shepparton with our aim to make it an annual event on the WOW Women calendar locally. “The group, on an ongoing basis will be membership based where members will have
the opportunity to attend monthly sessions including workshops, breakfasts, dinners and get togethers. It’s about providing a forum for like minded, driven women to collaborate and feed off of each others enthusiasm and ideas to make our community of talented business women stronger. “I joined a women’s group in Melbourne some time ago and I quickly discovered that it is something that we are so lacking here in Shepparton. We’ve got so much talent here. We’ve got incredible women in business who are so completely isolated. Even just the opportunity to get together, share our resources, share our knowledge, share our experiences, mentor each other is so valuable. “It’s always been a huge passion of mine to promote regional women, who can do so much and be so much. If we’ve got a support network here in Shepparton that women can become a part of, then that can help these women achieve the next level of success within their own roles or their own business. “It’s one thing to sit around to think ‘I’d love to do that’, while the idea only lives in your own mind, but to actually come out and share that with people and to see that it’s possible… it’s mind boggling the ripple effect that it can have. “We want this opportunity to be accessible to anyone who is passionate about what they do and who are driven to achieve their goals. “If you’re ready to play a bigger game, if you want to be inspired to achieve your goals, if you’re
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WOW WOMEN EVENT… Pictured, Local financial expert and founder of WOW Women, Tracey Sofra. Photos: Supplied.
looking for something more… If you’ve got that drive and you’ve got that passion, come along, this opportunity will blow you away.” The Empower, Inspire, Succeed event will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 9am to 2pm at Eastbank Shepparton. The day is all inclusive with
morning tea, two course lunch and beverages included in the ticketed price. Early bird tickets are available prior to February, 2015. Bookings are essential, contact Tracey Sofra on 0409 700 079 or email or follow WOW Women on facebook
Women in Business
BUSINESS WOMEN GATHER… The annual Women in Business Breakfast was hosted recently by the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of Tourism Month. Photos: Madeleine Caccianiga.
LONG TIME FRIENDS… Special guest speaker, Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne, Susan Riley with Member for Shepparton, Jeanette Powell.
A glimpse into a fascinating career LOCAL women from businesses across Greater Shepparton gathered recently during a special Women in Business Breakfast hosted by the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry to hear special guest speaker, Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne, Susan Riley speak about her experiences over her fascinating career. The event which was run as a part of the Tourism Month calender of events, was well received with one of the largest audiences attending in the event’s history.
Susan Riley was a regaling speaker offering personable accounts of her progression into her own business in the early days right through to her celebrated publishing and political career. Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Officer, Lucy Cerrone said, “We were very pleased with how well the breakfast was received. Susan was a wonderful and engaging speaker and was so interesting to listen to. “The Women in Business Breakfast is an important part of the annual Tourism Month calender. It offers an opportunity for
our wonderful female representatives from across the business community to come together and engage in a relaxed social forum and hopefully enjoy a little bit of inspiration from our special guest speakers.” “We especially thank our sponsors including Central Shepparton Apartments, Aussie Hotel, Southern Cross Austereo and The Adviser for their support in putting on this fantastic event and in making it possible for Susan Riley to attend.”
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An online world of opportunity WINE, TASTE, TALK… Pictured, Wine Expert, Virginia Jacobs from ‘wine, taste, talk’ is providing new opportunities to learn about and appreciate wine. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
LOCAL Entrepreneur and Wine Expert, Virginia Jacobs from ‘wine, taste, talk’ recently enlisted the help of the Greater Shepparton Business Centre’s Digital Enterprise Program to help develop new ways of reaching her audience. Virginia said, “I first heard about the Digital Enterprise Program during the small business festival on the Business Victoria website. While there were some digital technologies that I was across, there were some that I could improve in and there were others that I didn’t have a thorough understanding of at all. I thought it was a fantastic opportunity to learn about online presence from a business perspective. A: it was free, B: the time scheduling was so great with some classes in the morning, at lunch time and the evening and there were also webinars if you couldn’t make the classes. I went to one and then I went to another one and then I just started booking them ahead… it was fantastic. “My business involves conducting wine education sessions for social and corporate groups as well as one on one sessions and a large part of my business is aligned to an online presence, it’s so important.” Virginia has been in the wine industry for many years, she has a Masters degree in Wine and Viticulture. Her passion for winemaking and wine education is what spurred the idea to create a business which was solely about wine education and appreciation. Virginia said, “I like helping people understand about wine. The more you understand the more you enjoy it. There are so many things to consider… taste, variety and pairing the right wines with the right food. Giving people the confidence to choose and to be adventurous with their wine choices is wonderful. “Being online and being digital is extremely important. The number of people I’ve been able to come into contact with just through facebook and who have gone on to join in on wine courses has been wonderful. You have that reach that you don’t have with any other medium. “The Digital Enterprise Program has really helped me to understand the online links and how they align with one another and about recognising and using the digital space that your customers are using. “The online presence really allows me and my clients to access the world of wine from wherever we are, it’s wonderful.” For more information about the Greater Shepparton Business Centre services or the free Digital Enterprise Program, contact the Greater Shepparton Business Centre at 70 New Dookie Road in Shepparton, phone 5832 1100 or visit
NBN switches on in central Shepparton By David Lee MOST areas of central Shepparton are set to have access to the National Broadband Network (NBN) by the end of this month, making the region one of the first in the country to have widespread access. NBN Spokesperson, Corrie Withers said, “NBN connections in large areas of Shepparton will be switched on by the end of the month. “I n the event that ex isting copper connections owned by Telstra are not suitable, the NBN will be building new lines, both fibre-to-the-node and fibre-to-the-premises connections.
“Most of the N BN con nec tions in Shepparton are likely to use more reliable and more costly fibre-to-the-premises connections. “There is a need for a nationwide upgrade of Australia’s internet connectivity going forward. Australia is currently third-world status in terms of Wi-Fi.” NBN ACCESS… Pictured, some areas shaded in brown will have access to the National Broadband Network by the end of the month, joining large areas (shaded in purple) to the north, east and west of the region. Image: Supplied
Region enters fire danger period
FIRE DANGER… This week marks the start of the fire danger period across the region and residents are being urged to be cautious and obey the burn-off rules. Photo: David Lee.
WITH a hint of summer weather already bearing down on the region combined with low Spring rainfall, the CFA are warning residents to take care as the beginning of this week marked the early commencement of the fire danger period across the region. CFA District 22 Operations Manager, Stuart Broad said, “So far all the indicators are pointing to a challenging fire season ahead. “We have already seen a number of fires start and spread quickly. We ask everyone to remain vigilant when mowing or cutting dry grass. Keep equipment in good working order and having a water supply nearby is critical. “Just because the fire danger period is yet
to start doesn’t mean it’s safe to burn off. You should avoid burning off when high winds are forecast – not only on the day of your burn but for the days afterwards.” Mr Broad said this fire season CFA would be taking a zero tolerance approach to any fires resulting from negligent behaviour. “Expect any fire you start to be fully investigated by police. While CFA does everything it can, we look to the community to use common sense and take responsibility for preventing fires. “After the 17th of November, fires cannot be lit in the open air without a written permit from CFA or a Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.”
Breathing easy ONE in seven Australians 40 years or older has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Half of those who have progressed to a stage where they are experiencing symptoms will not even know that they have it. November 19 is World COPD Day and Lung Foundation Australia together with the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre are raising awareness of the prevalence and impact of COPD. COPD includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic asthma that isn’t fully reversible. Typical symptoms include breathlessness, persistent cough and phlegm production. The main risk factors in Australia are a current or past history of smoking and/or occupational exposure to dust, gas or fumes. Manager of Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre, Liz Meloury said, “Many people in this region are unaware that they may have a lung disease. “During the week of world COPD day we will have a static display at the centre with information for people who want to know more about COPD. “COPD is preventable and treatable. One of the most effective interventions to help reduce symptoms of COPD is pulmonary rehabilitation. This is a program of education and exercise that teaches people how to breathe easier with activity. “ F o l l ow i n g o n f r o m p u l m o n a r y rehabilitation there are exercise groups such as Lungs in Action held on Thursdays at Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre that assist people to maintain lung function and overall better health. Please phone the centre on 5825 1774 for more information. “We want people who are more breathless than others their age or who have a cough that won’t go away to get a lung health check.” Check in with your lungs or phone 1800 654 301 for more information.
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MORE THAN 100 YEARS… First National Real Estate Maurice McNamara & Co has listed one of Numurkah’s most well known and loved businesses, McPherson’s Mensland. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
Historic Numurkah business
McPherson’s Mensland to sell ONE of Numurkah’s most well known and loved businesses, McPherson’s Mensland is on the market in what will no doubt be a historic sale for the close knit community. First National Real Estate Maurice McNamara & Co Listing Agent, Kylie Jackson said, “McPherson’s Mensland has been a steadfast part of the Numurkah business community for more than 100 years. The business has been a part of the McPherson family since its inception and the sale of the business is monumental not only to the McPherson family but to the township. “McPherson’s Mensland began as a small gentlemen’s tailoring business in 1908. Over the years the business has grown and developed with the changing times and has very
much become an important landmark for the community. “Today, McPherson’s Mensland caters to all aspects of the community from their extensive range of surf, street and swim wear including backpacks, handbags, jewellery, skate shoes, thongs, caps and much more through to formal hire for all occasions, women’s fashion, menswear, school uniforms, work and corporate clothing as well as a full custom embroidery service with an extensive following of local businesses from across the region. “The business is ideally situated for a new owner to take up where the McPherson family have left off, with countless more opportunities to develop the business further in line with online and social media marketing.
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“An opportunity to own an established business of this calibre doesn’t come along every day and a motivated and enthusiastic buyer would benefit greatly from the strong community foundations which have been established by this prominent local business. “This is an exceptional opportunity not to be missed.” Both the business and the freehold are available for purchase either together or separately. For more information, contact Kylie Jackson at First National Real Estate Maurice McNamara & Co at 56 Melville Street, Numurkah or phone 5862 1077.
RECEIVING CORRECT DIAGNOSIS… From left, Sally’s Podiatry Services Podiatrist, Chris Annett, Lead Podiatrist, Sally Howes, Podiatrist, Jess Moodie (Murray) and Administration, Paulette Simpson. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
The core of good foot health THE practice of Podiatry is vital in reducing secondary care intervention, maintaining good foot health and preventing potential mobility difficulties in those members of the community at risk. While many foot conditions can be managed by individuals at home, it’s important to receive correct diagnosis and treatment information from qualified professionals. The friendly and professional team at Sally’s Podiatry Services specialise in all aspects of foot care and foot health. Sally’s Podiatry Services Lead Podiatrist, Sally Howes has many years experience and is joined in her practice by graduate Podiatrist, Chris Annett, returning Podiatrist Jess Moodie and Practice Manager, Paulette Simpson. Sally said, “We are excited to welcome Chris Annett to our team. Chris graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2014. He grew up in Wangaratta so he understands the importance of good health
services to regional communities. He is fresh and enthusiastic and eager to help people with all their podiatry needs. “We are also excited to welcome Jess Moodie back to our practice after becoming a new mum to baby Leo earlier this year. “We have a wonderful team who are passionate about patient care and the delivery of our quality services. “Foot care is often an under-regarded task, but is extremely important in preventing the onset of serious foot health issues, particularly in people at risk or with low mobility. “Here at Sally’s Podiatry Services we cover all aspects of Podiatry including diabetes assessments, toenail surgery, orthotics, paediatric, sports injuries, feet and lower leg pain and anomalies and are available for consultations for all of your foot health needs.” For more information or to see how Sally’s Podiatry Services can assist you, visit 116 Nixon Street, Shepparton or phone 5831 3169.
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Shepparton Club takes out training award By David Lee TRAINING staff members is right on top of the list for the Shepparton Club, who was recently awarded Best Club Training Initiative at the inaugural Community Clubs Victoria (CCV) awards. The award pays recognition to the club’s comprehensive training programs, which encourage staff to look at the industry as a career rather than just a job. T he club cu rrently prov ides f u lly subsidised training for several staff, which is not only a commitment to its staff, but also allows for professionally trained staff to ensure the future requirements of club members are catered for.
As well as the Best Club Training Initiative award, Club Finance Manager, Lynn Merkestyne featured in the top four for the Employee of the Year Award and General Manager, Don Field featured in the top four for the Club Manager of the Year Award. Don said, “This award is great recognition for the hard work the team puts in here at the club. “This award is huge for the club, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from GOTAFE, who provide the training for our staff. A well trained team that is supported by the club and management means a happy team, which only benefits our members and patrons.”
CLUB AWARDED… The Shepparton Club has just been awarded Best Club Training Initiative at the inaugural Community Clubs Victoria (CCV) awards. From left, Shepparton Club General Manager, Don Field and Club Finance Manager, Lynn Merkestyne. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
Phase Two of study a success MORE than 600 people have had their say on the possible new Shepparton Art Museum, with Phase Two coming to end and Phase Three kicking off. Since last month, approximately 300 people shared their views through face-toface interviews, workshops and briefings via the ‘Share Your Vision’ online platform, allowing interested stakeholders to post their ideas for the future SAM and giving them the chance to review other people’s ideas. An additional 300 people who had visited and stayed in regional Victoria and visited an art museum in the past 12 months also provided strong data on which experiences
SHARE YOUR VISION… Since last month, more than 600 people have shared their views on the future SAM. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
were most likely to attract visitors to Greater Shepparton. Phase Three of the Feasibility Study will provide another opportunity for additional consultation, exploring common themes that were brought up during Phase Two, and the study is expected to be completed by the end of this year with a final report to be presented to Greater Shepparton City Council.
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need some extra cash?
We can help you get some extra $$$ for life’s little luxuries
If you are an adult or child over 11 years of age and available on Wednesday and looking to earn some extra cash this could be ideal for you. If this sounds like you, please contact Sarah on 5832 8900 or call into the office located at 219–225 Wyndham Street, Shepparton
home living November 2014
The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1225 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 – Page 33
home living
Comfort from the elements CHOOSING THE RIGHT SYSTEM… HeatCoolOnline provide
professional and reliable cooling and heating services. Pictured, HeatCoolOnline Proprietor, Terry Olney. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
W I T H more than 15 yea rs indust r y ex perience , lo c a l fa m i ly ow ned a nd operated, HeatCoolOnline is making it even easier for local families to choose the right cooling or heating options for their needs. Through the HeatCoolOnline website you can research leading brands of heating, cooling and air conditioning equipment as well as receive advice on the best system for your particular needs. Once you’ve made your decision about the right system for your needs you’ll be contacted within 24 hours for a free inspec tion and consultation with no obligation. HeatCoolOnline Proprietor, Terry Olney said, “Choosing the right heating or cooling for your home is a major investment and you want to feel assured that you are making the right choice. After all, the right choice will not only provide your family with comfort from the elements for many years to come, but it will also add value to your home. “The process is simple, all you need do is browse our site, select a product that interests you and we will contact you within 24 hours for a free, no obligation site inspection by appointment. From there we
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can help you achieve the most effective and efficient system for your family’s needs at a very competitive price.” HeatCoolOnline pride themselves on providing a professional and reliable
service throughout the entire process from consultation to installation and including after sales support. For more information on any of the available systems, visit www.
Shepparton among most affordable and in-demand areas PROPERTY prices in markets like Sydney and Melbourne may be skyrocketing past buyers on a budget but in a recently compiled list of Australia’s top 50 most affordable and in demand areas compiled by Your Investment Property magazine, Shepparton has been named as affordable and an area worthy of investor attention. With the help of Real Estate Investar, Your Investment Property focused on 50 of the most affordable and most in demand areas around Australia. Affordable, yes. Large population, yes. Worth investigating further? Absolutely! Managing Editor, Nila Sweeney says the majority of these suburbs are located within
commuter markets and vibrant regional centres with a strong service offering. “Com muter ma rkets can have qu ite boisterous real estate markets because of demand from city workers, however far away the nearest city may be, keeps pushing prices up. In this type of area, residents can have quite high incomes, despite living where property prices are very cheap.” On the other hand, Ms Sweeney adds that regional centres tend to be cheaper because they are far removed from a capital city, but robust economic drivers ensure that the housing market isn’t dominated by negative market forces such as widespread unemployment.
home living
A winning combination THE local Poolside Shepparton team were recently honoured for their dedication to their customers and to their industry, winning the Business of the Year – Trade Service Award at the 2014 Powercor 95 3SR FM Business Awards. Poolside Shepparton Proprietor, Jarrod Thorp said, “It was such an honour for us to win the Business of the Year – Trade Service Award. It makes us proud to think that we are on the right track and a lot of people have taken notice of it and they’re happy for us, which means a lot. “In large part, we believe that the award recognises just how dedicated our team is to our pool cleaning and maintenance services and in meeting the needs of our customers. “Our Service Manager, Vince Bovalino is a very important part of the Poolside Shepparton family and he has been with our business for 22 years this month which is a remarkable achievement. Our clients know Vince, they know the quality of his workmanship and they appreciate his ‘service with a smile’ approach. “We are really proud of the fact that we’ve been a family business for more than 31 years here in Shepparton. My parents began the business and Carolyn and I are proud to continue their traditions and to continue to provide our clients with the same high level of service. “Providing good customer service and developing strong ties with our regular
WINNING SERVICE… Poolside Shepparton were recently announced the Business of the Year – Trade Service Award winner at the 2014 Powercor 95 3SR FM Business Awards. From left, Poolside Shepparton Service Manager, Vince Bovalino and Owner, Jarrod Thorp. Photo: Alicia Niglia. clients is how we’ve built our business and that’s how we intend to continue it.” Poolside Shepparton is open 7 days per week, Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 1pm.
For more information, call into Poolside Shepparton at 8 Benalla Road, Shepparton, call 1300 654 324 or 5831 8020 or visit
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home living
Be mortgage free sooner FOR most home owners, becoming a better budgeter and making the most of savings to help ease your mortgage is pretty high on your list of priorities. On top of other payments and debts being withdrawn from your account on a monthly basis, a mortgage is probably the last thing you think might be paid off faster, but making even a few small changes to your daily spending routine could amount to huge savings on your home loan. Successful budgeting is about making better financial choices and doesn’t have to mean cutting out all of life’s luxuries. If your life goal is to live mortgage-free sooner then the start of a new year is a great time to set financial resolutions. Take this time to review your budget, then look for ways to save money and make extra contributions to your home loan. CUT BACK ON THE LITTLE THINGS - If your daily caffeine hit costs you on average $4 per coffee and you are buying one each weekday, this equates to $80 per month. By cutting back on purchasing takeaway coffee to every second day for a whole year and contributing the extra $40 per month to your home loan, you could cut almost two years off the length of your loan term, and save over $27,430 in total interest payable over the life of the loan. BUNDLE HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES - There is no need to completely cut off your internet or pay-television to save money each month, when you could bundle them together, along with your home phone bill and mobile. Doing this can save you a small fortune. COMPARE, COMPARE, COMPARE - You may be paying more than is necessary on your home loan, insurances, utility bills, etc. Comparing your options via a mortgage broker can help you find the best deal suited to your needs and may see you save money.
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Building your dreams QUA L I F I E D, licensed and registered local Builder, Greg O’Hara from Genara Constructions has been working in the building industry for more than 20 years. Greg specialises in all aspects of building including renovations, pergolas, decks, kitchens, bathrooms, laundries… if you can dream it, Greg can build it. Greg said, “I work with a team of local trades, so if your job requires plastering, painting, electrical, plumbing etc. I’ll take care of all of that for you. “The most important thing to me is providing a quality service and liaising with BEST RESULTS…Pictured, qualified, licensed and my clients to achieve the best results in line registered local Builder, Greg O’Hara. Photo: Alicia Niglia. with what they want.” Genara Constructions travel anywhere in to speak to Greg about your needs contact the readership area. For more information or Genara Constructions on 0409 542 280.
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seriously ten
Auto club immortalised in print AUTO CLUB HISTORY… A book detailing the history of the Goulburn Valley Auto Club will be officially launched on November 22 at the Rushworth Speedway. From left, Authors, Dennis Myers and Ray Read. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
By David Lee THE story of the Goulburn Valley Auto Club has now been immortalised in print, with the official book launch planned for November 22 at the Rushworth Speedway. ‘Go Fast, Turn Left’ is filled to the brim with historical tales complemented by 350 images spanning the history of one of the oldest and most respected Victorian Speedway Clubs, from 1966 right through to May this year. Local speedway enthusiasts and the book’s Authors, Ray Read and Dennis Myers said,
“This book is designed as a pictorial and includes many historical photographs from a variety of photographers, back to the iconic black and white images of the ‘60s. Running parallel with the club’s history, the book also describes the activites of various controlling bodies, affiliations and rule changes which had a profound impact on the direction and progress of the club. Along the way there are many anecdotes relating to the club and its people including a list of past presidents, life members, hall of fame recipients and legends.
SCA Haisman Shield A Grade Round 6 - Day one, two-day games
IMMORTALISED IN PRINT… Pictured, the original Rushworth Speedway in 1972, which is one of the images displayed in the Go Fast, Turn Left book; a history of the Goulburn Valley Auto Club. Photo: Supplied.
“This would make the perfect Christmas present for the speedway fan who already has everything.” The book comes to a cost of $40 and is available now at Automotive Super Balance, Autobarn Shepparton, the Shepparton Motor Museum and the Rushworth Hotel. For full details or further information, contact Ray Read on 0419 566 663 or email
Club celebrates 85 years on wheels By David Lee IN its 85 years, the Shepparton Cycling Club has bred champions, initiated the construction of the velodrome and helped bring a range of cycling events to the region, and to celebrate their milestone, the club will be holding a special anniversary carnival this weekend. Beginning the club in 1929 with around 80 members, the club is now 120 members strong with numbers growing each year. With a history rich in community involvement, the club helped to bring about the construction of Shepparton’s Velodrome and the club rooms in 1978 and held their first track race in 1983. A member of the club since 1940 and now Life Member, Don Fields said, “The velodrome was one of the biggest feats that came about because of the cycling club.” Shepparton Cycling Club Member, Edward Dale Nogare said, “The club has always been popular. “We have produced four Olympians and dozens of Australian champions over the years. “We’ve also been part of or hosted a range of events including the Late Criterion Series, the Christmas Carnival Series, the Junior Tour out at Dookie, the Australian Junior Championships, Oceania Road Championships
Cricket Scoreboard Tatura (72) v Shepp United (4/97) Shepp United won the toss to bowl Katandra (7/296) v Kyabram (No score available) Katandra won the toss to bat CP St Brendan’s (193) v Northerners (1/27) CP St Brendan’s won the toss to bat Mooroopna (8/94) v Karramomus (132) Karramomus won the toss to bat Numurkah (No score available) v Old Students (250) Numurkah won the toss to bowl
Round 6 day two (to be played on Saturday, November 22) Tatura v Shepp United Katandra v Kyabram CP St Brendan’s v Northerners Mooroopna v Karramomus Numurkah v Old Students
Murray Valley Premier Division Round 5 - Day two, two-day games
Nathalia (5/266) d Katamatite (59 1st Innings-132 2nd Innings) Barooga (194 1st Innings-93 2nd Innings) d Strathmerton (149 1st Innings-2/54 2nd Innings) Finley (147 1st Innings-106 2nd Innings) d Waaia (129 1st Innings-9/63 2nd Innings) Deni Rhinos (5/269) d Cobram (113 1st Innings-6/117 2nd Innings) Katunga (9/313 1st Innings-2/106 2nd Innings) d Cobram-Yarroweyah UTD (148 1st Innings-9/178 2nd Innings)
Round 6 day one (to be played on Saturday, November 22) Deni Rhinos v Cobram-Yarroweyah UTD Nathalia v Cobram Strathmerton v Katamatite Waaia v Barooga Katunga v Finley
Goulburn-Murray A Grade
Round 6 WHEELY BIG MILESTONE… The Shepparton Cycling Club is celebrating its 85th anniversary this weekend. From left, Shepparton Cycling Club Member, Rob Hanning, Event Coordinator, Kelly Jamieson, Club Member, Don Brisbane, Junior Member, Jack Jamieson, Life Member, Don Fairless and Club Member, Edward Dale Nogare. Photo: Alicia Niglia.
and the Melbourne to Shepparton Road Race. “We’re looking for past, present and future members of the Shepparton Cycling Club to help us celebrate and to look at the club as it is today.” Running on Saturday, November 22 from 1pm, the anniversary carnival will begin with a social ride departing from the Shepparton Velodrome, with participants travelling at their own pace to Tallis Wines in Dookie and returning to Shepparton.
From 5pm the Carnival entertainment begins at Friars Café Shepparton with a themed menu, drinks and slushies provided. The evening’s entertainment includes local band ‘Cherry Bomb’ performing live in the closed off car park, a jumping castle and face painting for the kids along with a roller derby competition, which will see female and male winners awarded trophies. For further information, visit www.
Echuca South (7/195) d Echuca (164) Echuca won the toss to bowl Stanhope (5/170) d Rochester Tigers (168) Rochester Tigers won the toss bat Moama (133) d Cooma (63) Moama won the toss to bat BLU (6/1787) d Tongala (8/122) BLU won the toss to bat Rochester UTD (8/208) d Kyabram FB (183) Rochester UTD won the toss to bat
Round 7 day one (to be played on Saturday, November 22) Echuca v Moama Stanhope v Rochester UTD Tongala v Cooma Kyabram FB v BLU Echuca South v Rochester Tigers
Inaugural triathlon event a success THE inaugural Challenge Shepparton event held at the weekend was seen as a huge success and a coup for the region, with more than 500 people competing in the ‘pre-Challenge’ events and 1,300 taking part in the main triathlon event. Results Men 1. Josh Amberger (AUS) 3:45:16 2. Brad Kahlefeldt (AUS) 3:48:36 3. Ruedi Wild (SUI) 3:51:49 4. Nicholas Kastelein (AUS) 3:53:45 5. Leon Griffin (AUS) 3:58:46 Women 1. Annabel Luxford (AUS) 4:18:04 2. Radka Vodickova (CZE) 4:26:32 3. Michelle Wu (AUS) 4:32:35 4. Belinda Granger (AUS) 4:33:58 5. Julia Grant (NZL) 4:37:31
EVENT SUCCESS… The Challenge Shepparton event held at the weekend was a huge success. Pictured, Brisbane based competitor, Josh Amberger, who claimed the inaugural Challenge Shepparton title. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.
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